Days 13 - Past continuous tense - English Speaking course in Hindi

Days 13 - Past continuous tense - Learn Spoken English through Hindi

जब कम भूतकाल (past) मैं चल रहा होता है तब हम past continuous tense प्रयोग करते हैं |
Affirmative sentence -

मैं चोर का पीछा कर रहा था |
I was chasing the thief.

जब मैं पढ़ रहा था तब लाइट चली गई |
The electricity went out while I was reading.

जब मैंने उसे देखा तब वह टीवी देख रहा था |
When I saw him he was watching t.v.

जब उसका खून हुआ तब तुम क्या कर रहे थे |
What were you doing when he was murdered?

जब चोर घर मैं घुसा तब सब सो रहे थे |
Everyone was sleeping when thief entered in the house.



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Past Continuous Tense definition in English a That form of a verb which shows that an action was going on at some time in the past is said to be in the Past Continuous Tense. Past Continuous Tense definition in Hindi a Verb Past  ,  Past Continuous Tensea  

हम दिल्ली आ रही है तुम्हारी शादी करवाने के लिए |
we're coming to Delhi right away to get you married.
मुझे बाहर निकालो नहीं तो मैं मर जाऊंगा |
Take me out or l'll die.
उम्मीद मत हारो |
Don't lose hope.
मेरे पापा ने मुझे घर से निकाल दिया |
My father banished me from his home.

Past Continuous Tense in Hindi with Examples. Past Continuous Tense In Hindi'  ' ,' ' , '..

आपको मेरी फ़िक्र नहीं है |
You're not worried about me.
एक मिनट रुकना, क्या नाम है तुम्हारा ?
HoId a minute what's your name?
सर कब तक चलता रहेगा यह ?
Sir, for how long will this go on?
धोकेबाजो | किस तरह के दोस्त हो तुम सब |
Deceivers! What kind of friends are you all!

Past Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation,  :  Tense ' ' ,' ' , ' '

पहली बार तुमने कुछ सही किया है |
for the first time you've done something right.
हम उन्हें अकेला नहीं छोड़ सकते |
We can't leave them alone.
उसे अस्थमा का attack पड़ा है |
He had an asthma attack!
इनके जाल में मत फंसो |
Don't fall into their trap.

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense aSeptember ,  by Easy Hindi Me  Past Continuous Tense , ,

तुम्हें यह पहले सोंचना चाहिए था |
you should've thought about it earlier
तुझे तो खेत जोतना भी नहीं आता |
You don’t even know how to plough a field.
भाड़ में गई तेरी पसंद |
To hell with your choice.
किसी को पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |
no one should come to know.

Past continuous Tense Hindi to English Translation Example  a- Translation-Ram was eating food. a-Translation-Sita was sleeping. a- Translation-Students was going to schoool. a-

मैं सब तुम पे छोड़ता हूँ |
I leave it all up to you.
मैं मना कर दूँ तो ?
What if i refused? 
कमल ने कॉल किया ?
Did Kamal call?
लेकिन अब कुछ गलत नहीं हो सकता |
But nothing can go wrong now.

Past continuous tense in hindi

तुम्हें देख कर ऐसा लगा जैसे मेरे बचपन के दिन लोट आये है |
Seeing you I feel my childhood days have returned!
मैं उसे ढूंढ दूंढ कर थक गया |
I am tired of searching for him.
कुछ खा लो तुमने सुबह से कुछ नहीं खाया है |
Please have something. you haven't eaten anything since morning.
क्या तुम बाहर आ सकते हो प्लीज |
can you come out pIease.

//nbsp;;;Rules Of Past Continuous Tense In Hindi. Rule  a Subjectwas  were  auxiliary verbs  Ving. was/were going. was/were coming. was/were watching.

तो तू दिमाग में एक बात रख ले |
So bear one thing in mind!
कौन से सर ?
Which one, sir?
भागो जल्दी |
Run, quickly.
तुम भी शादीशुदा हो ?
You are married too?

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Hindi to English Recognition : . Past Continuous Tense  Hindi Sentences,  , .

तुझे तो अहसान मानना चाहिए मेरा |
In fact, you should be grateful to me.
क्या हुआ ?
What happened?
क्या तुम उसे अपने पास रख सकते हो ?
Can you keep him with you?
यह जरुर हम लोगो को मरवायेगा |
He will surely get us all killed.

Past Perfect Tense Definition In Hindi. ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,/  ,etc.., aPast Perfect Tensea a  , ,

क्या मतलब ?
What does that mean?
जा नहीं तो तेरी वजह से हम सब पीटेंगे |
Go. Or else all of us would get beaten up because of you.
ये लोग फंस गए थे, मैं इनकी मदद कर रहा था |
The guys are trapped, I'm helping them out.
खाना ठीक है ? ज्यादा गर्म तो नहीं है |
Is the food okay? Not too hot?

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense In Hindi' ' ,' ' , '.

कौन है ये ? और यह यहाँ क्या कर रही है ?
Who is she? What is she doing here?
मैं तुम्हें सब समझाता हूँ | मेरे साथ आओ |
I’ll explain it to you. Come with me.
वह बैंक गया होगा |
He must have gone to the bank.
तुम्हे सच में याद नहीं है कि पैसे कहाँ है या तुम नाटक कर रहे हो ?
You really don't remember where the money is? Or are you pretending?

Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi: Use of Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi: Use of Present Continuous Tense in Hindi: Use of Present Perfect Tense in Hindi: Use of Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi:  .: Use of Am Is and Are in Hindi. Use of Was and Were in Hindi. Use of This That These and Those in Hindi. Use of Shall be and Will be in 

क्या तुम्हारी family से कोई यहाँ आ सकता है |
can anyone from your family come here?
तूने ऐसा सोंचा भी कैसे ?
How could you even imagine!
वो तो एक महीने बाद है |
That's just a month away.
मैं उनके साथ जा रहा हूँ |
I am going with them!

past continuous tense examples hindi to english. a The student were working hard.a She was cooking the food. a The gardner was watring the plants.

मेरे पास कुछ पैसे है ये ले लो |
i've some money take this.
क्या तुमने मेरा नाम नहीं सुना है ?
Haven't you heard my name?
अपना हिस्सा उठाओ और चलते बनो |
Take your share and off with you!
लेकिन मैं उससे पहले ही उधार ले चूका हूँ |
But I’ve already taken loan from him.

मैं आपको कुछ नहीं होने दूंगा |
I won't let anything happen to you.
आज तक उसे CBI, FBI, किसी ने नहीं देखा |
Till date CBI, FBI, nobody has seen him! - Yes!
तू पूरी रात कहाँ था ?
Where were you all night?
मुझे मरवाएगा क्या ?
will you get me killed?

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Examples in Hindi to English Translation. Was Deepak not going to school today? Was everyone drinking tea? Was the teacher not teaching children today? Were the children playing well? Were people not going today? Was everyone wandering? Wasnat the washerman washing clothes? Werenat the monkeys dancing? Were people in the 

मैं लखनऊ पढाई करने आया हूँ |
I came to Lucknow to study.
पर अगर यह सच है तो मुझे कॉल करना |
But if it is true, then give me a call.
मैं कुछ नहीं सुनना चाहती |
I don't want to hear anything!
ऐसी बात मत कहो | रीना की शादी जरुर होगी |
Don't say such things - Reena's marriage wiII sureIy take pIace

Tense in Hindi Tense Grammar Rules in Hindi, Present Tense, Past Tense  Future Tense Chart in English Grammar Rules  .. Tense 

तू जरा घर आ, मैं तुझे ठीक करूँगा |
Just you come home, i'll fix you
तुम कमल को नहीं जानती ?
Don't you know Kamal?
मैंने तेरी जान बख्स दी |
I've spared your life.
तुम किस बारे में बात कर रहे हो और कौन हो तुम |
What are you talking about and who the hell are you?

//nbsp;;;Note: Past continuous tense helping Verb Was/WereI/He/She/It/Singular a Was. You/We/They/Plural a Were

मैं तुम्हें तुम्हारे पैसों के लिए प्यार नहीं करता |
I love you not for your money.
तुम्हें पता नहीं तुम सब कितनी बड़ी गलती कर रहे हो |
You don't know what a big mistake you all are making.
रो मत मैं वापस आ रहा हूँ |
don't cry. I am coming back.
मैं नहीं चाहता था कि आप मेरा इंतिजार करें |
I wouldn't want you to wait for me.

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi The use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense.  pastpast perfect continuous tense This tense is used to express an action that started 

वह तुम्हें बहुत याद करती है |
She misses you both a lot.
उसे पता नहीं चलेगा |
She won't come to know,
अगर तुम आत्महत्या नहीं करने वाले थे तो तुम यहाँ आये क्यों थे ?
If you weren't going to commit suicide then why did you come here?
मैं इस गोली को निगलूँगा कैसे ?
how will i gulp the pill down?

जीते रहो बेटे |
Long Iive my son.
लेकिन अभी खेल ख़त्म नहीं हुआ है, मेरे दोस्त  |
But the game is not finished yet my friend.
यह शरारत तुम्हारी थी या किसी और का हाथ था इसमें ?
Is this your prank or did someone eIse have a hand?
मुझे उससे क्या ?
What do I have to do with that?

//nbsp;;;September ,  by Easy Hindi Me.  Past Continuous Tense , , Read more Past Continuous Tense a  . Categories Tenses  Search for: Recent Posts. May All Rules and Examples in Hindi; Adverb Definition And Examples in Hindi; Modal Verb 

तुमने आखिरी बार अपनी आंख कब टेस्ट करवाई थी ?
When did you get your eyes checked last?
जहाँ तेरा मन हो |
Whereνer you wish.
क्या तुम अभी भी उससे प्यार करती हो ?
Do you still love him?
फिर भी माँ मेरा चेहरा नहीं देखना चाहती |
Still mother doesn't want to see my face!

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense ko Past Progressive Tense bhi kaha jata hai aur Hindi mai ise kehte hai Apoorn Bhootakaal. Past Continuous Tense wo Verb Tense hai jo describe karta hai ek continuing past action ko kisi specific time par. Past Progressive Tense koi ongoing kaam yani ke wo kaam jo abhi chal raha hai aur wo action jo past mai complete nahi hua hai kisi particular moment 

मैं समझाता हूँ उसे |
I will make him understand.
थोड़ी देर मुझे चलाने दो इसे |
let me ride it for a while..
मुझे गलत मत समझना |
Don't get me wrong. 
मुझसे दुबारा बात मत करना |
Don't talk to me again.

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Rules in Hindi with Examples and Sentences :  !

मैं तुझे 3 सालों से जानता हूँ |
I've known you for three years.
कमल अगर तुम आधे घंटे में नहीं आये तो मैं अपनी जान दे दूंगी |
Kamal if you will not come here in half an hour then i will kill myself!
तुम्हे चोट कैसे लगी ?
How did you get hurt?
वह तेरी मदद कभी नहीं लेगी |
She'll never take a favor from you.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past  continuous a  ,  ,etc..,aPast Perfect 

मैं नहीं जानता कौन हैं ये | ये मेरे साथ नहीं हैं |
l don't know who they are, they are not with me.
मुझे नहीं पता था कि तुम मुझसे इतना नाराज होगी |
I didn't know that you'll be so angry with me.
मेरी चिंता मत करो | मुझे कुछ नहीं हुआ |
Don't worry about me. Nothing has happened to me.
चलो चलकर देखते हैं |
Let's go and check.

Rule  : Past Continuous Tense in hindi. Past Continuous Tense,  past  -I was writing this book yesterday morning. She saw me as she was passing by yesterday. They were reading a notice. When she came to me, I was talking to my brother.

अगर catch नहीं कर पाए तो ?
What if you don't catch it?
ऐसे समय में पुरानी बाते भूल जानी चाहिए |
One must forget old matters at such times
तो तुम मुझे उन लोगों से compare कर रही हो ?
So, you are comparing me to those people?
तुम बैठो | मैं आचार ले के आती हूँ 
You sit. l will get the pickle.

Past Continuous Tense is used to express the action that was continuing in the past.,Past Continuous Tense :  ' ', ' ', ' ' 

कहाँ थे तुम रात भर ? बेचार कितना परेशान था |
Where were you all night? Poor fellow was so worried!
तुमने उसे घर से बाहर जाने क्यों दिया ?
Why did you let her get out of a house?
अगर तुम नहीं आते तो पता नहीं यह मेरे साथ क्या आज क्या करता ?
If you had not come then I don't know what he would have done to me today?
ये लो 100 रुपये |
take this 100 rupees.

Past Continuous Tense ko Past Progressive Tense bhi kaha jata hai aur Hindi mai ise kehte hai Apoorn Bhootakaal. Past Continuous Tense wo Verb Tense hai jo describe karta hai ek continuing past action ko kisi specific time par. Past Progressive Tense koi ongoing kaam yani ke wo kaam jo abhi chal raha hai aur wo action jo past mai complete nahi hua hai kisi particular 

हमें अब यह किसी और से उधार नहीं लेना पड़ेगा |
We won't have to borrow it from anyone now.
तुम्हे नहीं पता ये आदमी कैसे होते हैं |
You don't know how these men are...
मैं सोंचता था कि तुम मुझे अपना बड़ा भाई मानते हो |
I thought that you think of me as your elder brother.
पीछे मुडकर क्या देख रही हैं ?
What are you looking back for?

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense in Hindi. Past Continuous Tense in hindi : Past Continuous Tense  rules, structure, uses  examples tense  Past Imperfect Tense  past continuous tense  affirmative, negative, interrogative  negative interrogative sentence  chart 

तुम हर चीज के लिए मुझे ही क्यों blame कर रहे हो ?
Why are you blaming me for everything?
मुझे विश्वास है जितना तुम अभी कमाते हो उससे ज्यादा कमाओगे |
I'm sure you'll earn much more than you do now.
मैंने खुद से वादा किया था कि मैं तुमसे दूर रहूँगा |
I promised myself I'd stay away from you.
किसकी सुनूँ मैं ?
To whom should I listen?

Past Continuous Tense in Hindi Past Continuous Tense in Hindi .Past Continuous Tense

उसे तो बहुत पहले ही घर से बाहर निकाल देना चाहिए था |
We should've thrown him out of the house long back.
कुछ और दिन उस पर नजर रखना |
Keep an eye on her for few more days.
यह ड्रेस तुम पर प्यारी लग रही है |
This dress looks lovely on you.
क्या इस शहर में ऐसा कोई है जिससे तुमने उधार पैसे ना लिए हो ?
Is there anyone in this city you haven't borrowed money from?

मेरे साथ चलो |
Come with me.
अगर मेरे पैसे नहीं मिले तो मैं जरुर मर जाऊंगा |
If I don't get my money I'll surely die.
अगर रीना ने कॉल किया तो उससे कहना कि मोबाइल पर कॉल करे |
If Reena calls up, then ask her to call on the mobile.
तो यह क्या है ?
Then what's this?

Rules Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi Rule  ahad been .

शादी कैसी चल रही है ?
how's married life?
ज्यादा friendly होने की कोशिस मत करो |
Don't try to get too friendly.
मैं तुम्हें कॉल कर रहा था |
I was calling you.
शर्म नहीं आती तुम्हे ?
Don't you have any shame?

Past Perfect Tense in Hindi : Past Perfect Tense  rules, structure, uses  examples past perfect tense  affirmative, negative, interrogative  negative interrogative sentence  chart 

रुको, तुम कहीं नहीं जा रही हो | ऐसे तो बिलकुल नहीं |
Stop. You're not going anywhere. Certainly not like this.
तू यहाँ से जिंदा नहीं जायेगा |
You won't leave from here alive.
मैंने तुम्हे धोका नहीं दिया |
I haven't cheated on you. 
रेखा का अपहरण नहीं हुआ है |
Rekha hasn't been kidnapped.

तुम यहाँ उसे बचाने आये थे या मारने ?
Did you come here... to save him or kill him?
अगर कमल ने लखनऊ में कदम भी रखने की कोशिस की तो मैं उसे जिंदा जला दूंगा |
if Kamal tries to set foot in Dhartipur then I'll burn him alive.
मैं बोलता हूँ | तुम्हें भी कुछ ऐसा ही करना चाहिय |
I am telling you. Even you should do something like this.
कुछ भी हो सकता था |
Anything could've happened..

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past  continuous a  ,  ,etc..,aPast Perfect 

मैं बस चावल पकाऊंगा |
I'II cook onIy rice.
तुम क्यों तकलीफ लेती हो ? मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
why will you take the trouble? I will take care of it.
अपने पापा के पास जाओ |
Go to your daddy.
मेरे पास खोने के लिए कुछ नहीं है |
I don't have anything to lose.

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Example In Hindi Affirmative Sentences a  . I was drinking a water.  You were looking good.  She was doing her Negative Sentences a  . I was not eating a mango.  He was not running.  They were not buying a car. Interrogative 

तुमने कमल को थप्पड़ क्यों मारा ?
Why did you slap Kamal?
आज तुम्हें exam पेपर मिलने वाले थे ना ?
Weren't you going to get your exam papers today?
मैंने तुम्हारे बारे में बहुत कुछ सुना है |
l have heard a lot about you.
अगर तुमने use बस से नहीं भेजा होता तो आज वह यहाँ होता |
If you had not send him by bus... ...then today he would have been here!

कौन था वो लड़का ?
Who was that guy?
अब तुम बताओ मुझे,  ऐसा कौन सा काम है जो तुमने मुझे कहा हो और मैंने ना किया हो ?
Now you tell me,  what you told me to do and what I have not done?
पहला झूठ यह कि मैं झूठ नहीं बोलता |
The first lie is that I don't lie...
अंदर चल कर बात करते हैं |
Let's go inside and talk.

Past Continuous Tense In Hindi a Examples, Rules, Definition Past Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi., ,  etc..,  aPast Continuous Tensea a ,  ?,  ?, 

तुम्हारा monday को off रहेगा |
You'll have Mondays off.
तुमने मुझे मेरी बहन की शादी के वक़्त भी कुछ नहीं कहने दिया था |
You didn't let me speak during my sister's wedding.
देखो, मैं पुलिस को कॉल नहीं करूँगा | लेकिन मेरी बेटी को कुछ मत करना |
See, I wiII not caII the poIice.. But don't do anything to my daughter.
बेवकूफ समझा है क्या मुझे ?
Do You think I'm an idiot?

Past Continuous Tense in hindi with examples and full Explaination. January ,  January ,  by Shubham jindal. Tweet. Share. Share. Pin.  Shares. Past Continuous Tense in hindi: In this educational article, i will tell you the whole explaination of past continuous tense with the application methood on your daily english. Past continuous tense formula : S was/were  M.V  object. 

अपना सामान अपने बैग में रखो |
Put your stuff in your bag.
क्या हुआ |
What happened?
उसे लगा वह मैं था |
She thought it was me.
आप किसी भी जवान आदमी को शर्मिंदा कर दे |
You can put any young man to shame.

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Hindi to English Recognition : . Past Continuous Tense  Hindi Sentences,  , .

घर में आग लगी है |
The house is on fire!
यह मेरे लिए किया गया |
lt was done for me.
पर अगर यह सच है तो मुझे कॉल करना |
But if it is true, then give me a call.
क्या तुम सच सुनना चाहती हो ?
do you want to hear the truth?

उन्होंने अपनी बहन की शादी करवाने के लिए आपको धोका दिया है |
Thay have deceived you to get their sister married.
तू मार खायेगा |
You'll get beaten up.
वह बहुत मासूम और बहुत प्यारी है |
She's very innocent and lovable.
हम internet पर चैट किया करते थे |
We used to chat on the internet.

Home Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation. Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation . Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation,  :  Tense  

मैंने तुम्हें क्या समझा और तुम क्या निकले |
What l thought of you and what you turned out to be.
सॉरी सर उसके लिए आपकी बीवी का होना जरुरी है |
I am sorry, but your wife has to be present for that.
मैंने उन्हें बात करते हुए सुना |
I heard them talking.
तो उसमें गलत क्या है ?
So what's wrong with that?

Past Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation,  :  Tense ' ' ,' ' , ' '

तू यह अब बता रहा है जब हम मुसीबत में फंस गए है |
You are saying it now, after we've fallen in this mess.
उसने मना कर दिया तो ?
What if she refuses?
वह उसके कान में कुछ खुसफुसा रही थी | और उसके बात वह उसे लेके चली गई |
She was whispering something in her ears. And, after that she took her along.
आज तुम इतना जल्दी उठ गए |
Today you woke up so early.

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense in hindi : Past Perfect Continuous Tense  rules, structure, uses  examplesPast perfect continuous tense  affirmative, negative, interrogative  negative interrogative sentence  chart 

तुम्हे याद था ?
You remembered?
अगर पापा को पता चल जाता तो मुझे जान से मार देते |
Dad would have killed me, if he found out!
तू मेरी बात क्यों नहीं सुनता ?
Why don't you listen to me?
बस एक बार कह दो, कि तुमने मुझे माफ़ किया | प्लीज |
just tell me once, that you have forgiven me. Please.

past continuouse tense examples in hindi

क्या तुम photo लाये हो?
have you brought the photos?
और कहाँ होऊंगा ?
Where else will i be?
मैं बस बैठा था |
I was just sitting.
यह भीष्म पितामह का अवतार है |
He is the reincarnation of Bheeshma Pitamah

//nbsp;;; Past Continuous Tense , , Read more Past Continuous Tense a  . Categories Tenses  Search for: Recent Posts. May All Rules and Examples in Hindi; Adverb Definition And Examples in Hindi; Modal Verb Should All The Rules with Examples 

बाहर खतरा है |
It's dangerous out there.
मैं उसका हाथ कभी नहीं छोडूंगा |
I'll never let go of his hand.
अमीर लोग गरीबो के मुंह नहीं लगते |
Rich people don't lock horns with poor people.
क्या तुम ऊपर से मेरी दवाई ला दोगे?
Could you get my medicines from upstairs?

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense definition in English a That form of a verb which shows that an action was going on at some time in the past is said to be in the Past Continuous Tense. Past Continuous Tense definition in Hindi a Verb Past  ,  Past Continuous Tensea  

लगता है तेरे पापा आ गए |
Seems like your father has come,
उम्मीद करता हूँ कि यह मेरा वहम है |
I hope this is just my imagination.
बिना शादी के बच्चा |
A child out of wedlock?
तुम्हें पता नहीं है मुझ पर क्या बीती है |
You don’t know what l’ve been through!

Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi.  = , , .  . Past Perfect Continuous Tense I had been reading.I had not been reading.Had I been reading ? Why had I been reading ?  Past Perfect Continuous Tense  

मैं जेल जाने से नहीं डरता लेकिन मैं तुम्हें छोड़ रहा हूँ क्योंकि मैं अपने आप को एक अच्छी नौकरी करते देखना चाहता हूँ |
I'm not afraid of going to jaiI but I'm sparing him because I want to see myseIf working in a respectabIe job.
हम आपको notice देने आये थे |
we had come to give you a notice.
मैं जल्दी में हूँ | मुझे एक काम और करना है |
I am in a hurry. I have to take care of another job.
मैं उसे जो चाहूँ बुला सकता हूँ |
I can call her whatever I want.

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense example in hindi  english. a I was eating a mango.  a They were going to market.a She was weeping.a The boys were running.

तो अब क्या करूँ ?
So what should I do?
चीजे इधर उधर फेंकना बंद करो |
Stop throwing things around.
लगता है नोसिखिया है |
He seems to be a novice!
मैं कुछ दिन के लिए गया और आपने नया नौकर रख लिया |
l went for a few day and you kept a new servant.

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Hindi to English Translation Translation Translation past continuous tense translation translation translation Past continuous tense Hindi to English. Pages Wednesday,  June . Past Continuous Tense Hindi  EnglishRules Past Continuous Tense Hindi to English Recognization  :-  Awesome examples sir it's very 

एक बार देखो तो सही |
take a look atleast.
मैं बहुत दिनों से तुम्हें ढूंड रहा था |
l have been searching for you guys since a long time.
सुनकर गुस्सा मत होना |
Don't get angry on hearing it.
टूटे दिल का सिर्फ एक ही इलाज है |
There's just one cure for a broken heart.

Past Continuous Tense in hindi with examples and full Explaination. January ,  January ,  by Shubham jindal. Tweet. Share. Share. Pin.  Shares. Past Continuous Tense in hindi: In this educational article, i will tell you the whole explaination of past continuous tense with the application methood on your daily english. Past continuous tense formula : S was/were  M.V  object. 

अगर गलती से मैंने आपको कुछ गलत बोल दिया हो तो प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर देना |
if by mistake, l haνe uttered something wrong. please forgive me. 
तुम्हारी नौकरी जा सकती है | क्या तुम यह जोखिम उठाने के लिए तैयार हो ?
You can Iose the job. Are you wiIIing to take this risk ?
मैं अपने पोस्टर्स कहाँ चिपकाऊं |
where do l stick my posters?
बचपना छोड़ो |
Stop being childish,

//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense in Hindi with Examples . Affirmative Sentences. I was learning my book. They were calling my servant. We were learning our lesson. I was . Negative Sentences. I was not reading my book. They were not calling my servant. I was not sleeping soundly. Ram was . 

जब मैं रात में सोता हूँ तब तुम मेरे सपने में आती हो |
when I sleep in the night then you come in my dreams.
मुझे लगता है अब मुझे चलना चाहिए |
I think I should take your leave now.
तुम्हारे लिए अच्छी खबर है |
there's good news for you!
हम और बड़े खतरे में होंगे |
We'll be in more grave danger.

past continuous tense examples hindi to english. a The student were working hard.a She was cooking the food. a The gardner was watring the plants.a Seeta was singing a beautifull song. 

बेवकूफ, अगर हमें पता होता तो क्या मैं इतनी मार खाता ?
Stupid, If I would have known, would I have been thrashed up so much?
मुझे उसका नाम और number लेना चाहिए था |
I should've taken his name and number.
तुम मुझे सिर्फ 2 दिन का वक़्त दो |
You only give me 2 days time.
बहुत अच्छे | बस यही देखना बाकी रह गया था |
Well done! Only this was left to see now.

//nbsp;;;Recognition, Formation And Examples Of Past Continuous Tense In Hindi. Past Continuous Tense three types of sentences mai use kiye jaate hai. Aaiye dekhte hai wo kya hai. Past Continuous Affirmative Past Continuous Negative Past Continuous Interrogative; Aaiye aage badhte hai aur dekhte hai ye kya hai aur ye kaise form hote hai aur sentence mai kaise use kiye jate hai. . 

तुम्हें क्या लगता है मुझे पता नहीं कि तुमने cheeting की है ?
Do you think l don’t know that you’ve cheated?
बहन प्लीज सुनो |
Sister, pIease Iisten.
मैं किसी का इल्जाम अपने ऊपर नहीं ले रहा |
I am not taking anyone's blame...
मैं क्या कह रहा था ?
what was I saying?


how to learn english through hindi

