Could modal verb examples in Hindi

Daily use example of Could modal verb in Hindi

Daily use example of Could modal verb in Hindi

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Uses of Could as a Modal verb | Polite Request: 'Could' is spoken and used while making polite requests.,Ability: To show that something

बहुत काम करना बाकी है |
There's a lot of work to be done.
पर मेरे case मैं भगवान का कोई और ही प्लान था |
But in my case, God's plan was something different.
भगवान जाने उसके दिमाग में क्या है |
God knows what's on his mind.
तो यह सब क्या legal है ?
So all this is legal?

Modality Modal Verb Meaning and Examples Ability. Can/Could. Can and could imply ability.Could, however, is the past tense of can. E.g. aIf Andy can swim, he will accept the swimming invitation.; Gretchen could draw beautifully when she was a child but now she says she canat draw at all.; Possibility. May/Might. May and might are used to express possibility; both are used where the possibility exists 

जब आपकी शादी हुई तो यह arranged marriage थी या love marriage |
When you had got married, was it an arranged marriage or love marriage?
क्या फर्क पड़ता है |
It makes no difference.
प्लीज हमें माफ़ कर दो |  तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?
Please forgive us. - What are you doing?
अच्छा अम्मी अब मैं फ़ोन रखता हूँ | बाद में कॉल करूँगा |
Okay, Ammi. I have to hang up now. I'll call later.

Modal Auxiliaries Examples: Modal Auxiliaries or helping verbs help in expressing possible, probable, certain actions, duties or obligations. They also express actions which are permissible to do. Can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, need, must, ought, used to are some important modal auxiliaries. We should remember some important points about the 

मुझे यह घर भी खाली करना है |
I will have to vacate this house too.
मेरी शादी पक्की हो गई है |
My marriage has been fixed.
तुमने आखिरी बार अपनी आंख कब टेस्ट करवाई थी ?
When did you get your eyes checked last?
मैं जल्दी में हूँ | मुझे एक काम और करना है |
I am in a hurry. I have to take care of another job.

MODAL VERBS aa aCOULDa. aCOULDa is one of the most used modal verbs in English. aCOULDa is an auxiliary verb  modal auxiliary verb . It can be used to express; Ability. Possibility. Permission. Request. Suggestion.

मैंने कहा था ना ?
Didn't I say?
यह मेरे लिए भी हैरानी की बात है |
It was shocking for me as well.
आपने sunday कहा, है ना ?
you said Sunday, didn't you?
तेरी कसम |
l swear by you.

How to Use Could and Example Sentences in English Grammar Using acoulda as a modal verb in the past . We use to talk about possibility in the past. He could have been a doctor. . We use to talk about past ability. When I was young, I could swim. .We use to talk about possibility in the past but it didnat happen.

कमल भाई कहाँ है ?
Where is brother Prem?
क्या तुम पहले कभी अकेले शौपिंग करने गई हो |
Have you ever been out for shopping alone? 
सुबह से मेरी दाई आँख फड़क रही है |
My right eye is flickering since morning.
तुमने बाकी के पैसों का क्या किया ?
What did you do with the rest of the money?

We use modal verbs in yes no questions when asking about possibility or uncertainity. All modal verbs are followed by a main verb in its base form  V . In statements, the form is; Subject  Modal  Main Verb  . Examples: I can swim. We must go. You should do your homework. They must wait for us. He may be at home.

उसने बताया भी नहीं |
He didn't even inform!
यही ज़िन्दगी है मेरे दोस्त | कुछ खोना है कुछ पाना है |
That's life, pal You win some, lose some.
मैंने तेरी तस्वीर अखबार में देखी |
i saw your picture in news paper.
अब मेरी लड़की से कौन शादी करेगा |
Who will marry my daughter now?

English Modal Verbs Could, Example Sentences. Ability. I could play a guitar when I was a child; I could smell something burning. Request. Could you hand me the pencil? Could I go to the park? Suggestion. I could help you with Spanish. They could go to the movies if you are interested. Conditional of Can. I could visit many places if I had more money. Here are Modals 

फर्नीचर इन्ही का है या किराए पर लिया है ?
The furniture belongs to them or have they rented it?
डॉक्टरों ने क्या कहा ?
What have the doctors said?
तुमने मुझपर बहुत बड़ा अहसान किया है |
you did a very big favour on me.
मैं हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ रहूंगी |
I'll always be with you.

//nbsp;;;The principal modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on.Following is a list showing the most useful modals and their most common meanings.

तेरी माँ तेरे सामने रो रही है, तुझे शर्म नहीं आती ?
Your mom is crying in front of you, aren’t you ashamed?’
प्लीज मैं आपसे भीख मांगता हूँ |
please. I beg of you.
तुम्हे पता नहीं है कि तुमने कितना बड़ा अहसान किया है मुझपे |
You have no idea what a big favour you've done on me.
अपना idea अपने पास रखो |
Keep your ideas to yourself.

Modal adverbs are used to modify specific verbs that consist of a linking verb verb of being and sometimes another verb. Examples of modal verbs include can, could, may, might, must, shall 

कमल मुझे धमका रहा था |
Rajkumar was threatening me.
तुम्हार फ़ोन number क्या है ?
What's your phone number?
यह लाया मुझे यहाँ |
He brought me here!
पुलिस को इस बारे में कैसे पता चला ?
How did the police know about this?

//nbsp;;;The principal modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and.  Modal Verbs in English: Usage  Examples. March ,  Grammar  Comments. The principal modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, 

नहीं इसने मुझे यह लाने के लिए कहा था |
no he told me to bring it..
तू यहाँ सुकून की तलाश में आया था |
you came here in quest of peace.
अगर वो आता तो अच्छा होता |
Had he come it would've been better.
मैंने अपना मैथ का होमवर्क नहीं किया था |
l hadn't done my maths homework

Can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will and would are the modal verbs.. They always go together with the infinitive of the main verb, for example:

उससे आप बुरा नहीं मान जाते ?
Wouldn't that have offended you?
मंत्री से दुश्मनी हमें महंगी पड़ सकती है |
Enmity with ministers can cost us dearly!
मैंने उसे बहुत बर्दास्त कर लिया |
I've tolerated him a lot.
मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा कि मैं क्या कहूँ |
l can't figure out what to say.

EnglishClub: Learn English: Grammar: Verbs: Modals: can, could, be able to can, could, be able to. can and could are modal auxiliary able to is NOT an auxiliary verb it uses the verb be as a main verb. We include be able to here for convenience.. In this lesson we look at can, could and be able to, followed by a quiz to check your understanding.. can. Can is an 

तुमने पहली बार कुछ अक्लमंदी की बात की है |
You've said something sensible for the first time.
क्या हम एक बार कॉलेज घूम सकते हैं ?
can we walk around the college once?
तुम इतनी जल्दी कैसे भूल सकते हो ?
How can you forget so quickly?
अगर एक कदम और लिया तो मैं तुझे जान से मार दूंगा |
If you take another step, I will kill you.

 rowsnbsp;;;;Could; is a modal verb used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make 

मैं अब घर जा रही हूँ | late मत होना |
I'm going home now. Don't be late.
अगर तुम्हें मंजूर है तो ठीक है वरना तुम जा सकते हो |
lt's okay if you agree. Or you may leave..
आप कब आये ?
When did you arrive?
दवाई समझ कर खा लो |
Eat it as if it were medicine.

Modal Verbs: can/canat/could/couldnat/would/wouldnat Modal verbs are helping verbs that express obligation, permission, possibility, and ability.

किसी को शैतान बनने मैं ज्यादा time नहीं लगता |
It doesn't take long for one to turn into the devil.
चलो इस बात को यहीं ख़त्म करते हैं |
Lets end this matter right here.
और कहाँ होऊंगा ?
Where else will i be?
क्या आपने किसी का चेहरा देखा ?
Did you see anybody's face?

Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print the lesson on modal verbs. To print the lesson on modal verbs right click on a white space and choose print. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page. Lessons that are related to modal verbs. To view any of the lessons below 

कमल ने हमेशा हमारी मदद की है | अब हमारी बारी है |
Kamal has always helped us. Now it’s our turn.
मुझे उसके पास जाना होगा |
I will have to go to her!
मुझे सिर्फ बोलने में problem है |
I only have a problem with speaking.
तब मैं क्या करूँ |
Then what should i do?

For example: a Could you be any louder? I can barely hear myself think!a aOh my God, Dad, could you be any more embarrassing?a aDanny, weare going to be late! Could you walk any slower?a

क्या आपने वो कहावत नहीं सुनी ?
Obviously! Haven't you heard that saying?
बोलो कौन जीतेगा ?
Speak up, who is going to win?
एडमिशन का charge उसी के पास है |
He’s in charge of admissions.
वह यहाँ क्यों होगी ?
Why would she be here?

//nbsp;;;modal verb a n. a verb such as can, could, shall, should, ought to, will, or would that is usually used with another verb to express ideas such as possibility, necessity, and permission contender

यह तुम्हारे भले के लिए है |
It's for your own good.
अगर आप पुलिस को बुलाएँगे तो इससे हमारे होटल की बदनामी होगी |
if you call the police, it'll defame our hotel.
तुम पढो मेरे बारे में क्या लिखा है |
You read what is written about me.
तुम सुनोगे नहीं, है ना ?
You won't listen, will you?

Idioms could do with something informal used to say that you need or would like to have something I could do with a drink!

इसमें time लगेगा |
It will take time.
क्या तुमने मुझे पहचाना ?
did you recognise me.
रहने दो मैं मैनेज कर लूंगी |
let it be, I'll manage.
लेकिन तुम्हारी वजह से सबकुछ गड़बड़ हो गया |
But.. everything messed up because of you.

Modal verbs in the past a use  examples. Level: C. Article navigation: MAY HAVE AND MIGHT HAVE COULD HAVE MUST HAVE AND CAN'T HAVE SHOULD HAVE AND OUGHT TO HAVE. Although the majority of modal verbs have no past form, it is possible to use them to refer to the past. It requires the usage of the so-called perfect infinitive, which is the construction of 

बेवकूफों, तुम मुझे सुबह से परेशान कर रहे हो |
You stupid people, you are troubling me since morning.
उसमें कोई बड़ी बात नहीं |
Nothing great with that.
तुमने ऐसा काम क्यों किया ?
Why did you do such a thing?
अगर तुमने गाड़ी रोकी तो तुम कल से गाडी नहीं चला पाओगे |
If you stop the vehicle you'll not be able to drive it from tomorrow.

We use the modal verb a could a to express ability in the past. Examples: When Jane was a student, she could study for  hours a day. When Mark was young, he could play the guitar. to describe sensations in the past. We use a could a with verbs of the senses to describe sensations in the past. a

तुम मुसलमान होके ऐसे अपराधिक काम कैसे कर सकते हो ?
How can you do such criminal deeds being a muslim?
ट्रक को क्या हो गया ?
What happened to the truck?
मेरा अब मूड नहीं है |
I'm not in the mood anymore.
लेकिन तुम मरना क्यों चाहते हो ?
But why do you want to die?

English modal verbs aCoulda As I mentioned above could is sometimes used as the past tense of can. aFrom the  rd floor window of the high school I used to teach at you could see Mt. Fuji on a clear day.a aWhen I was  my family lived very close to my school. I could walk there in just  minutes.a Could can be used to talk about someone or something that had the ability to do 

यह सब इसकी गलती है |
It's all his fault!
हो गया किसी तरह |
just happened somehow.
अगर मैंने रस्सी पकड़ी तो रीना सोंचेगी की मैं नाटक कर रहा था |
If I hold on to the rope then Pooja will think I was just acting.
कमल सुनेगा तो क्या कहेगा ?
What will Kamal say if he hears?

Modal verb Modal verbs are also sometimes called modals. They are used before ordinary verbs and are used to express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity. Need and dare can be used like modal verbs Modal verbs with examples Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print the lesson on modal 

उसे बाहर निकालो |
Get him out. 
हमने जितना सोंचा था उतने नहीं मिले |
We didn't get as much as we expected...
तो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what can I do?
क्या ज़िन्दगी देती मैं तुझे ?
What life would l be able to offer you?

तुम ज़िंदगी में क्या बनना चाहते हो ?
What do you want to be in life?
वो लड़की सच में तुझसे प्यार करती है |
That girl really loves you.
वह कबसे swimming में intrest लेने लगा ?
Since when has he developed an interest in swimming?
अच्छे डॉक्टर से इसका इलाज करवाओ |
Get him treated by a good doctor.

Letas look at some examples of ways you cannot use modal verbs: You canat use them alone. He may. They can. Note: You can say sentences like the ones above but only if they come after a sentence that has already used a main verb. Then the verb is implied in the modal sentence. You canat only say a sentence like the ones above alone. aYou should start your homework.a 

सौ बार बोला है उसे कि मुझे साथ में ले जाना |
told him a hundred times that l wanted to come along.
मेरी चाय को कुछ मत बोलना |
don't say anything to my tea.
मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?
How should I know?
तुम गलत पते पर आ गए हो |
you've come to the wrong address.

Examples: Can I use your book, please?  ask for permission  If you want, you can go to the park.  give permission  Could is also used to ask or give permission for something. aCOULDa is used as a more formal and polite form of aCANa.  Polite Permission 

यह तुम्हारे सोने के लिए है |
lt’s not for you to sleep on.
तू अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहा है ?
Why are you ruining your life?
हमने सब जगह ढूंडा लेकिन कमल हमें कहीं नहीं मिला |
we searched every place. But we didn't find Kamal anywhere!
तुम्हें अपनेआप पे शर्म आनी चाहिए |
You should be ashamed of yourself...

We will briefly go through what does each of Modal Verb expresses with the help of Example Sentences.  Auxiliary Verbs - Can/Could aAuxiliary Verb Cana Modal Auxiliary verb acana is used to express ability, request and possibility, as we will see in the following examples. a To Express Ability/Inability; I can drive safely. Oliver can perform two tasks at a time. She can 

यह तो होना ही था |
This was bound to happen.
तुमने उसे गुंडों से बचाया |
you have saved her from the goons.
मुझे मक्खन लगाने की कोशिस मत कर |
Don't try to butter me.
अब हम क्या करें ?
What should we do now?

The commonly used modal auxiliaries, also known as modal verbs, are as follows: Can and Could aCana states ability: I can walk to the hotel. It also indicates permission: You can go to the party tonight. aCoulda is used for a request: Could I go to the party tonight? It is used as the past tense of can in indirect speech: You said you could help me. Could is used to indicate ability 

तुम्हारा लड़का उसके साथ गोवा से भाग गया है |
Your son has eloped with her from Goa.
तुम सब यहाँ खुद आये थे |
All of you came here on your own.
मुझे अहसास हो गया है कि मैंने तुम्हारे साथ unfair रहा हूँ |
l've realized that l'νe been unfair to you.
क्या किसी ने तुम्हारे ऊपर पानी फेंका ?
Did someone throw water on you?

WHAT ARE aMODAL VERBSa ? We use modal verbs to show if we believe something is certain, possible, or impossible. for example a My keys must be in my pocket. It might be rain tomorrow. That canat be Peteras coat. It is too small. We also use them to talk about ability and to take permission, to make requests, to suggest and offers, etc.

मेरे पास कैंसर का इलाज कराने के पैसे नहीं है |
l don't have money to get my cancer treated.
आपने क्या खा के पैदा किया था इसे ?
what did you eat when you delivered him?"
मुझे थोड़ी ठंड भी लग रही है |
I'm feeling a bit cold too!
तुम्हें खाना खाते वक़्त पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए |
you shouldn't have water while eating.

WHAT ARE aMODAL VERBSa ? We use modal verbs to show if we believe something is certain, possible, or impossible.. for example a My keys must be in my pocket.. It might be rain tomorrow.. That canat be Peteras coat. It is too small. We also use them to talk about ability and to take permission, to make requests, to suggest and offers, etc.. for example a I canat swim.. May I 

भगवान का शुक्र है, कमल ने समय रहते ब्रैक लगा दिए और उसे बचा लिया | 
Thank God, the colonel applied the brakes in time and saνed him.
इस बारे में सोंचना |
Think about it...
तुम मुझपे हंस रही थी है ना ?
You were laughing at me, weren't you?
मेरा कल रात से पेट खराब है |
I've indigestion since last night.

A modal verb is an auxiliary verb that expresses necessity or possibility. An auxiliary verb, also called a helping verb, ahelpsa other verbs show moods and tenses. Auxiliary verbs include forms of do, be, and have.. The most common modal verbs include must, shall, will, should, would, can, could, may, and might.. Modal verbs are different from other verbs in a few ways: You donat 

नहीं, एक और भी था |
No, there was someone else too.
लेकिन आपकी लड़की जिससे शादी करने जा रही है वह आपका दामाद बनने लायक नहीं है |
But your daughter is going to marry a boy who isn’t worthy of becoming your son-in-law.
वो मैंने फेंक दिया |
I threw it out. 
कहाँ जा रही हो तुम ? क्या हुआ तुम्हें ?
Where are you going? What happened to you?

. Examples of Modal Verbs Example . You should stop biting your fingernails. This example uses the modal verb ashould.a aShoulda is used to express advice about biting fingernails. The base verb astopa follows the modal verb ashould.a Example . You must take out the trash before dinner. The modal verb amusta is included in this sentence.

अगर रीना ने कॉल किया तो उससे कहना कि मोबाइल पर कॉल करे |
If Reena calls up, then ask her to call on the mobile.
क्या यह first admission की लाइन है ?
ls this the queue for first year's admission?
कौन है उसका भाई ? मैं उससे बात करुँगी |
Who is her brother? I'll talk to him!
तुम घर पहुँचो | मैं पैसे लेके वहीं आता हूँ |
you go to your home; I'll get the money and reach there.

तेरी माँ की कसम !
I swear on your mother!
तुम बैठो | मैं आचार ले के आती हूँ 
You sit. l will get the pickle.
तुम खुद कुछ क्यों नहीं कर सकते ?
Why can't you do anything by yourself?
सॉरी सर हमसे गलती हो गई |
Sorry, sir. We made a mistake.

Modal Verbs Examples Modals are small words which come before the verb. They carry different meanings in different situations, The modals covered in this lesson are can, could, must, may, might, should, will, would, and ought to. Can and Could. The modals can and could have different meanings when used in different situations. Example. Meaning. I can speak 

लेकिन में क्या करूं, मैं जब भी उसे देखती हूँ मेरा दिल पिघल जाता है |
But what can I do, whenever I see him, my heart melts.
लेकिन मैं उस तरह नहीं रह सकता | यह सच है |
But I cannot live like that. It's true
क्या होने वाला है ?
What's going to happen?
नहीं मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए मैं डाइटिंग पर हूँ |
No, I don't want anything. I am dieting.

//nbsp;;;What is a modal verb? The modal verbs of English are a small class of auxiliary verbs used to express possibility, obligation, advice, permission, ability,  Modal verbs list in the English language: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should, Ought to Modal Verbs: Rules  Examples. Learn how and when to use modal verbs in 

क्या बकवास कर रहा है तू ?
What nonsense are you talking?
अन्दर भेजो उसे
Send him in.
वह खिड़की खुली छोड़ कर चला गया |
He has kept the window open and gone!
तुम हमेशा मेरे भोलेपन का फायदा उठाते हो |
You always take advantage of my innocence!

वह अपनी दोनों बीवियों से झूठ बोल रहा है और तुम्हे मजा आ रहा है |
He's lying to both his wives and you're enjoying it!
कोई problem ?
Any problem?
वह मुझ पर पूरी तरह पागल है |
She's totally crazy about me.
मेरे बारे में कोई पूंछता ही नहीं है |
Nobody seems to be asking about me.

Modals of Ability. I could play a guitar when I was a child; I could smell something burning. Modals of Suggestion. I could help you with Spanish. They could go to the movies if you are interested. Modals of Possibility. A lof of crime could be prevented. You could have called first. Modals of Request. Could you hand me the pencil?

अगर वह पूछेगा तो हम क्या कहेंगे ?
What will we say if he asks?
मुझसे दुबारा बात मत करना |
Don't talk to me again.
मैंरे पास सिर्फ यह घर बचा है |
The only thing I have left is this house.
यह पागल आदमी यहाँ क्या कर रहा है ?
What is this mad man doing here?

 Examples of Modal Auxiliary Verb Modal auxiliaries always go with the main verb. They cannot stand alone. For example, I used to run  miles a day in my Modal auxiliaries donat undergo changes according to the person and number of the subject. Only the base form of the verb should be used 

कमल ने मना कर दिया तो ?
What if Kamal refuses?
जब तक तुम मुझे check नहीं करने दोगे मैं यहाँ से नहीं जाऊंगा |
Until you let me check the locker I won't move from here.
मैंने तुम्हे बताया था पर तुम भूल गए |
I told you, but you forgot.
मैंने बहुत सारी गलतियाँ की हैं | प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर देना |
l've made a lot of mistakes. Please forgiνe me.

In the present tense, the modal verb acoulda is used to: Ask for Permission. Could  subject  base verb this is a polite way to ask for permission Could I talk to her? Could I have their number? Could I have an appointment? Give a Suggestion. Subject  could  base verb . You could fly tomorrow. You could ask the manager. You could take the tour of the park 

पैसों से ज्यादा जरुरी उसके लिए और क्या होगा ?
What will be more important for her than money?
कितना चाहिए तुम्हे ?
How much do you want?
नहीं, मैं रीना से अब और झूठ नहीं बोल सकता |
No, I can't lie to Reena amymore.
इस बारे में हम बाद में सोचेंगे |
We'll think about it later.

Examples of Modal aCoulda are given below:  He could run very fast in his youth. Ability/ Capacity in the past  Could you wait for him? Polite request  If we had money, we could have bought a house. Possibility under certain conditions Uses of Modal aMusta The rule for use of Modal aMusta is that it is used to express obligation/ duty, necessity, compulsion, prohibition, 

तुम यहाँ लखनऊ में क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing here in Lucknow?
तो नीचे मत देखो |
Then don't look down.
क्या खाना शुरू करें ?
Shall we start the dinner?
अगर तुम नहीं निकलोगे तो पुलिस तुम्हें निकालेगी |
lf you don’t leave then the police will escort you out.

Modal verbs always appear to the left of the main verb. They also appear in front of any other helper verbs or adverbs that also appear in the sentence. The student should write her essay soon. The student may have written her essay two hours ago.

वह भाग सकती थी और कोई कुछ ना कर पाता |
She could've eloped and no one could've done a thing.
थोड़ी देर मुझे चलाने दो इसे |
let me ride it for a while..
इसलिय मैंने अपने दोस्तों को उसका ख्याल रखने के लिए कहा था |
so I asked my friends to take care of her...
मुझे पता है सर, कि मेरी कोई औकात नहीं है |
I know sir, that I don't have any status.

Modal Verbs with Examples. Modals, or modal verbs, are special verbs that act differently from normal verbs like study, work or play. Modals provide more information about how the main verb function. They have a several varieties of communicative functions. Examples of modal verbs: You must study hard to succussed. Can you help me with my homework? May I have a cup of 

देख के नहीं चल सकता क्या ?
Can't you see and walk? 
चलो fresh हो जाते है और शाम को दुबारा मिलते है |
Let's freshen up and meet again in the evening.
क्या हुआ, तुम इतने tensed क्यों लग रहे हो ?
What happened, why do you look so tensed?
पर अगर यह सच है तो मुझे कॉल करना |
But if it is true, then give me a call.

Grammar Point modal verbs modal verbs. The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will and would. Dare, need, have to and used to also share some of the features of modal verbs. Modal verbs have only one form. They have no -ing or -ed forms and do not add -s to the rd person singular form: He can speak three 

अब मुझे एक मौका दो |
now give me a chance!
वह कहीं गिर गया |
it fell somewhere
तुमने सीटी क्यों बजाई ?
Why did you whistle?
क्या तुम उसके लिए जा रहे हो या अपने लिए ?
Are you going for her sake or for your own?

The most common modal verbs are: can, could, may, might, shall, should, would, ought to, must, will, used to. Other modals and modal auxiliaries do have the third-person-s when conjugated. Examples are: need, have to. May a Might a is used to signify a possibility. Examples: I might go skateboarding. He/She might go skateboarding. We may join you 

क्या किया जा सकता है ?
What can be done?
तो और क्या कहता मैं ?
So, what eIse couId I have said?
अलविदा मेरे दोस्त |
Farewell my friend.
मुझे यह कहते हूँ शर्म आती है कि यह मेरा भाई है |
I feel ashamed to say that, he's my brother.

How to use the modal verb COULD Note: A modal verb is a word that gives special meaning to a verb. Examples of other modal verbs are MUST, MAY AND MIGHT. Meaning : COULD is the past of CAN. We use it to talk about what someone was able to do or was allowed to do. Examples: . When I was at school, I could swim much better than I can swim now. .

अगर तुम यहाँ रहना चाहते हो तो अपने काम से मतलब रखो |
lf you want to live here then mind your own business.
तेरी वजह से आत्महत्या करने का वक़्त आ गया है |
The time has come to commit suicide because of you.
तुम हर चीज के लिए मुझे ही क्यों blame कर रहे हो ?
Why are you blaming me for everything?
मुझे पिसाब करना है |
I want to urinate.

Examples: You could help me in that crisis. They could be dangerous. When I was young, I could run very fast. Could you help me move this sofa? Could you give me a lone? If you worked hard, you could pass the examination.

मैं यहाँ माफ़ी मांगने नहीं आया हूँ | क्योंकि जो मैंने किया है वह माफी के लायक नहीं है |
I'm not here to apologise. Because what I did isn't pardonable.
अगर किस्मत में हुआ तो फिर मिलेंगे |
We'll meet again if we're destined too.
तुम सच में इस इनाम के हक़दार हो |
You really deserve this award!
उसने मना कर दिया तो ?
What if she refuses?

//nbsp;;;Using acoulda as a modal verb in the past . We use to talk about possibility in the past. He could have been a doctor.

उसने हमें गले लगाया और गुडबाय कहा |
He embraced us and said goodbye.
तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं ?
You didn't tell me?
मुझे पता है तेरा stretching से क्या मतलब है |
I know what you mean by stretching.
हमारे साथ होशियारी मत करना |
Don't try to act smart with us.

Modal Verbs Click here for all the exercises about modal verbs Here's a list of the modal verbs in English: can could may might will would must shall should ought to Modals are different from normal verbs: : They don't use an 's' for the third person singular. : They make questions by inversion 'she can go' becomes 'can she go?'. : They are followed directly by the infinitive of 

दौ महीने का बाकी था |
It was two months due.
क्या तुम्हारी माँ को पता है कि तुम ये काम कर रहे हो ?
Does your mother know you're doing these things?
कमल समुंद्र में डूब रहा है |
Kamal is drowning in the sea.
क्या ढूंड रही हो ?
What are you looking for?

Could modal verb examples

मैं मेहंदी लगाने जा रही हूँ |
I'm off to get my hands painted with henna.
मैं तुमसे शाम को मिलता हूँ |
I'll see you in the evening.
उनमें और हममे बहुत अंतर है, समझे ? 
There's a lot of difference between them and us, understood?
मुझे माफ़ करना मैंने तुम्हें गलत समझा |
forgive me. i consider you wrong

Examples of Modal aCoulda are given below:  He could run very fast in his youth. Ability/ Capacity in the past  Could you wait for him? Polite request  If we had money, we could have bought a house. Possibility under certain conditions Uses of Modal aMusta The rule for use of Modal aMusta is that it is used to express obligation/ duty, necessity, compulsion, prohibition, 

तुम्हें ये कहाँ मिला ?
Where did you find it ?
प्लीज जितना जल्दी हो सके इसे कर दो |
Please do it as soon as possible.
तुम बहुत बोल रहे हो |
you're talking too much
उसको होश आ गया |
she has regained conscience.

We use the modal verb a could a to express ability in the past. Examples: When Jane was a student, she could study for  hours a day. When Mark was young, he could play the guitar. to describe sensations in the past. We use a could a with verbs of the senses to describe sensations in the past. a

क्या पता कब इसके जरुरत पड़ जाये |
Who know when will I need that.
किसी बात की चिंता मत करो |
Don't worry about anything.
यह मेरा वहम नहीं है मैंने सच मैं उसे देखा |
It's not an imagination. I actually saw him.
मैं चाहता हूँ कि तुम कुछ दिन मेरी बीवी बनने का नाटक करो |
I wanted you to play the charade of my wife for a few days.

Modal verbs examples and meaning. Modal verbs add more meaning to the main verb. I might go to the cinema later. adds possibility There is no need to conjugate the third person of a modal verb. He might go to the cinema later. not mights Most common modal verbs Will. We use will in the following situations: Promise. I will do the washing later. I will marry you. Instant 

अभी भी उसकी अक्ल ठिकाने पे नहीं आयी है |
He didn't come to his senses even after death.
मैंने सुना तुम किसी से बात कर रही थी |
I heard you talking to somebody.
यह कमल की कार है | लेकिन यह यहाँ क्यों है ?
it's Kamal's car. But why is it here? 
तुमने हमें यहाँ क्यों बुलाया ?
Why did you ask us to come here?

//nbsp;;;The modal verbs or modals for short of permission are can, could and may. These verbs are used to politely ask for permission, to make a request, and to offer help to someone. Modals of Permission. Unlike statements, when asking for permission or making a request, we use the reverse order, i.e. the modal verb goes before the subject:

तुम किसी बात की फ़िक्र मत करना |
Don't you worry about anything.
निकाल इसे |
Get it off me.
मैंने कहा था | यह सही नहीं होगा | यह सब बर्बाद कर देगा |
I had told you! He won't be right! He will ruin it!
तुझे पता है क्यों ?
Do you know why?

The modal verb CAN is used with the infinitive form of a verb. [Infinitive is the basic form of a verb a to go a without to. The infinitive form of the verb TO GO is go.] aI can go to Disney tomorrow!

इन्हें का है |
They own it.
मैं अपनी बोतल भूल गया था |
I've forgotten my bottle.
मैं तुझे ढूंड रहा था |
I was looking for you.
हम और बड़े खतरे में होंगे |
We'll be in more grave danger.

Modal Verbs List with Examples, PDF and Worksheets. Words that describe an action are called verbs. Verbs are of various kinds like action verb, helping auxiliary verb, regular verb, irregular verb, transitive verb, intransitive verb. Auxiliary verb is further divided into some types and Modal Verb is one of them. Modal verbs are used to help the main verbs to make it easy and 

अब बताओ मुझे, तुम्हें क्या काम था ?
Now tell me, what work did you have?
ठीक है, इसे अपना सबक मिल गया है |
Alright everyone, he’s learned his lesson.
देख, कमरा गर्म हो गया है | खिड़की खोलनी पड़ेगी |
Look, the room's got hot. Need to open the window.
मैं तुम्हे आसानी से नहीं छोडूंगा |
I won't leave you so easily.

In the above five example sentences, there are five types of Hindi verbal constructions which can be grouped into two categories of complex verbs in Hindi, namely, conjunct verbs and compound verbs.  and  are examples of conjunct verbs since in  we find a noun km aworka and a perfective form of the verb karn, adoa whereas in  the verbal predicate exhibits 

मैं तुम्हें माफ़ कर चुका हूँ | इसलिए तुम मेरे सामने खड़े हो |
l've forgiνen you, that is why you are standing before me.
यह पागल आदमी यहाँ क्या कर रहा है ?
What is this mad man doing here?
अन्याय नहीं सहा जायेगा |
Injustice won't be tolerated.
वह खूबसूरत अक्लमंद और good nature की होनी चाहिए |
She should be beautiful! Intelligent! With a good nature!

MODAL VERBS aa aCOULDa aCOULDa is one of the most used modal verbs in English. COULD is an auxiliary verb  modal auxiliary verb . It can be used to express; Ability Possibility Permission Request Suggestion General Structure of aCOULDa in a Sentence POSITIVE FORM  : Subject  COULD  Verb  first form of the verb  NEGATIVE FORM - : Subject  COULD  NOT  CANaT

क्या घडी है ! बहुत महंगी होगी |
What a watch! lt must be quite expensive.
अगर मैंने रस्सी पकड़ी तो रीना सोंचेगी की मैं नाटक कर रहा था |
If I hold on to the rope then Pooja will think I was just acting.
अन्दर ठंड नहीं है |
It's not chilly inside.
मैं उनके साथ जा रहा हूँ |
I am going with them!

English Modal Verbs Could, Example Sentences. Ability. I could play a guitar when I was a child I could smell something burning. Request. Could you hand me the pencil?; Could I go to the park?; Suggestion. I could help you with Spanish. They could go to the movies if you are interested. Conditional of Can. I could visit many places if I had more money. Here are Modals Table and Example 

अगर मेरी नहीं है तो क्या तेरी है ?
If it's not mine. is it yours?
तुम्हे छोटे कपड़ो में औरते अच्छी लगती है |
You like women in short dresses?
मैं शहर से बाहर जा रहा हूँ |
I am travelling out of the city.
कौन है ?
Who is it?

All Modal Helping Verbs in English Grammar I Examples and Use in Hindi.  Comments / Grammar Topics / By Spoken English Guru. Modals  aModals

भगवान के लिए अपना ज्ञान अपने पास रखो |
For God’s sake, keep your knowledge to yourself.
मुझे लगता है तुम्हें नींद आ रही है |
l think you are feeling sleepy.
मैं नहीं जानता कैसे लेकिन मैं पता लगा लूँगा |
l don’t know how, but l will find out,
चलो अब वापस चले |
Let's go back now.

//nbsp;;;  Auxiliary/Modal Verbs  : Is, was, were, am, are, will, would, shall, should, do, does, did, can, could, may, might, must, ought, has, have, had, need, dare, used, be, been, being. Auxiliary/Modal Verbs  Helping Verb

क्या time आ गया है |
What times have come!
क्या में पूँछ सकता हूँ यहाँ क्या हो रहा है ?
May l ask what’s going on here?
तुम सबको शर्म आनी चाहिए |
All of you should be ashamed.
वे कब वापस आयेंगे ?
When will they return?

मैं चुप हूँ इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि मैं कुछ नहीं बोल सकती |
Just because I am quiet it doesn't mean that I won't say anything.
मैंने उसे गाली नहीं दी |
I didn't abuse him
वह तुम्हे फंसा रहा है |
He is trying to trap you.
मैं उन्हें नहीं  छोडूंगा |
I won't spare them.

//nbsp;;;Use of Modals such as Will, Shall, Used to with Examples; Translation Set - Very Important Sentences; English Meaning of Important Indian Words  Sweets  Practice Set for Modals - Important Sentences for Board Exams;  thoughts on aTranslation Practice Set  for Modals - Hindi to Englisha Anuradha Singh. April ,  at : pm Very nice sir. Reply. 

कमल और विमल ने मुझे तुम्हारे बारे में सबकुछ बता दिया है |
Kamal and Vimal have told me everything about you.
मैं इसी पीटना चाहता हूँ |
I want to beat him up!
Order करने से पहले price देख लो | समझे ?
Look at the price before placing the order. Got it?
तुम जो चाहते हो कर सकते हो |
you can do whatever you want.

//nbsp;;;Modal Auxiliary Verbs: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to. Marginal Auxiliary Verbs : used to, need, dare.  a For Example : He is writing a letter.

इस बारे में किसी को बताने की हिम्मत मत करना |
Don't you dare tell anyone about this!
मैं बताना भूल गया कि ...
I forgot to say that…
समझने की कोशिश करो तुम अन्दर नहीं जा सकते |
Try to understand you can't go in!
मैं तुम पर बहुत ज्यादा विश्वास करती थी लेकिंग आज तुमने वो विश्वास खो दिया है |
I used to trust you so much. But today, you've lost that trust.

Ability: To show that something was possible/impossible in the past and for suggesting that the action can be done in the near future. Look at the examples: . In my childhood, I could continuously run for four hours. .

शाम को किया कर रहे हो |
What are you doing this evening?
अब पता चला घर में कौन चोरी करता था |
now i know who used to steal in the home.
मुझे देखते ही उसे सब याद आ जायेगा |
He'll remember everything clearly when he catches sight of me!
मैंने खुद तुम्हारे लिए चिकन बनाया है |
I've cooked Chicken personally for you.

Verb in Hindi . . . You must go to sleep till now. . . Raju must go to school daily. . Modal Must have in Hindi Must have 

वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |
She was cheating on me.
मैं क्या ढूंढ रहा था ?
What was I looking for?
वे रहे | और कमल भी उनके साथ है |
There they are, and even Kamal is along with them.
वह इसकी वजह से बदनाम भी हो गया |
He even got defamed because of it.

//nbsp;;;Use of Can and Could in Hindi with Examples/Exercises. Author Rating. . Previous article Modals in English Grammar With Examples in Hindi. Posted in Modals. Tagged in can and could exercises, can modal, can modals english, can modals examples, could modal verb, could modal verb exercises, could sentences, could usage, english grammar 

कहाँ भाग रहा है तु ?
Where are you running off to?
तुम्हें क्या लगता है क्या problem है उसकी ?
What do you think is his problem?
मैं भी शादी करने के लिए बेताब हूँ |
Even I'm impatient to get married.
कुछ कहो, तुम कुछ बोलते क्यों नहीं |
Say something. Why don't you speak up.

English speaking course in Hindi, Daily use English sentences with Hindi translation. Present past future indefinite perfect continuous tense example sentences with Hindi meaning. learn English grammar through Hindi, Learn spoken English Passive voice, conditional sentences, modal verbs with exercise sentences in Hindi, English bolna kaise sikhe, words meaning in 

मैं तुझ पे एक एहसान करता हूँ |
Let me do a favour on you.
तीसरी गली में दूसरा घर |
Second house in third street.
क्या उसने तुम्हारे साथ कुछ किया ?
Did he do anything with you?
जब तुमने अपने दोस्त से दोस्ती करने से पहले नहीं सोंचा तो अब मदद करने से पहले क्यों सोंच रहे हो ?
When you didn't think before befriending your friend then why are you thinking before helping him?

use-of-auxiliary-verb-with-examples-in-hindi. Share This! A Search. Use of Auxiliary Verb with Examples in Hindi. My todayas discussion is on the use of auxiliary verb with Examples in Hindi. I am explaining use of auxiliary verb and its variation. I am explaining the use of helping verb with examples and its types and each topic with formulas. If you want to learn the use of 

वह मुझ पर पूरी तरह पागल है |
She's totally crazy about me.
नहीं मैं जैसा हूँ अच्छा हूँ |
No, I'm good as I am.
प्लीज कुछ करिए हमारे लिए |
Please do something for us.
अगर छोटा amount होता तो हम आपको तकलीफ ना देते |
If it were a small amount, we wouldn't bother you.

Could modal verb examples in Hindi

अगर तुम्हारे भाई को यह पता चल गया तो |
What if your brother learns of this,
मैं तुम्हारी और कमल की जिम्मेदारी लेने के लिए तैयार हूँ |
I am ready to take your and Rohan's responsibility!
तुम मुझे क्या दिखा रही हो ?
What are you showing me?
मुझे इसके जैसा ही एक और दे दो |
Give me another one like this.

तुम्हारे चहरे को क्या हुआ ?
What happened to your face?
मैं भी उस तरह का आदमी नहीं हूँ |
I too am not that kind of a man
कमल नी रीना को उठा लिया है | वह जरूर उसे उसी पेट्रोल पंप पे ले गया होगा |
Kamal has abducted Reena. He must have taken her to that petrol pump.
क्यों ? तुम्हारी गर्लफ्रेंड नहीं है क्या ?
Why? Don’t you have a girlfriend?

 examples of modals! Modal Verbs Definition. Model verbs are a kind of helping verbs. They show the mood of a verb such as ability, possibility, obligation, permission, advice, or some other mood. Some Model verbs are: Can; Could; May; Might; Shall; Should; Will; Would; Must; Formula of Modal Verbs Subject  Modal Verb  Main verb. Examples: I can win the race. 

बैठिये प्लीज |
please be seated.
पूंछो उससे जो तुम मुझसे पूँछ रहे थे |
Ask him what you were asking me.
मैं उसे पिछले एक साल से उसे ढूंड रहा हूँ |
I've been looking for him for the past one year.
तू मुझे आंख क्यों मार रहा है ?
Why are you winking at me?

Modals | Modal Verbs | Special Features of Modals in Hindi and English. Modals - May, Might, Can, Could, Shall, Will,Would, Should, Ought to, Must, Need, Dare  Used to

यह निकल नहीं रहा |
It's not coming off.
तुम्हें क्या लगता है क्या कर रहे हो तुम ?
What do you think you're doing?
तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing here?
आप बस रुकिय और देखिये मैं आपके बैंक का क्या करता हूँ |
You just wait and see what I do to your bank.

//nbsp;;;Main Modals are a may, might, can, could, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to, dare, need  used to. Types of Modals In English Grammar. Can gt;gt; Used for ability , authority , power , permission  and request  Could gt;gt; It is past form of can. Used for past ability, power and polite request and permission ,  

पीछे रहो  |
Stay back!
मैं ऐसी ज़िंदगी नहीं जीना चाहता |
I don't want to live such a life.
अगर उस चुड़ैल ने तुमपर बुरी नजर डाली |
If that witch casts an evil eye on you..
तुम लोग मुझे चैन से मरने भी नहीं दे रहे |
You are not letting me to die peacefully too!

तो अभी तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?
So what are you doing right now?
वह नहीं मानेगा |
He will not agree.
तुम्हें कमल का चेहरा देखना चेहरा देखना चाहिए था |
You should’ve seen the Kamal’s face.
क्या बनाऊं उनके लिए ?
What should I cook for them?

English Modal Verbs Could, Example Sentences. Ability. I could play a guitar when I was a child I could smell something burning. Request. Could you hand me the pencil?; Could I go to the park?; Suggestion. I could help you with Spanish. They could go to the movies if you are interested. Conditional of Can. I could visit many places if I had more money. Here are 

कमल ने मेरे साथ कोई बदतमीजी नहीं की |
Kamal didn't misbehaνe with me.
इस ऑफिस में आज मेरा आखिरी दिन हैं |
Today is my last day in this office.
प्लीज बैठिये | मैं जाकर उन्हें बुलाता हूँ |
Please sit! I will go and call him.
मैं तुझे माफ़ करता रहा क्योंकि मैं तुझे बच्चा समझता था | 
l kept forgiνing you because l considered you a kid.

By: Ruchika Gupta. Modals Quiz | Modals MCQs Test With Answers | English Grammar Quiz. Here is a compilation of Free Modals MCQs for , ,  English Grammar.Students can practice free Modals MCQs as have been added by CBSE in the new exam pattern. At the end of Multiple Choice Questions on Modals, the answer key has also been provided for your reference. 

मैं भी उसी तरफ जा रहा हूँ |
I'm heading in that direction as well.
उन्हें बस तेरी फ़िक्र है |
He just care for you.
कुछ याद आया ?
Remember anything?
मैं कमल के बारे में गलत थी |
I was wrong about Kamal.

;Could; is a modal verb used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions and requests. ;Could; is also commonly used in conditional sentences as the conditional form of ;can Examples: Extreme rain could cause the river to flood the city. possibility; Nancy could ski like a pro by the age of . past ability; You could see a movie or go out to dinner. suggestion; 

ज्यादा से ज्याद क्या हो सकता है |
What's the worst that can happen?
इतनी शांति क्यों है ?
Why is it so quiet?
तुम बहुत naughty हो |
You're really naughty.
उठो क्या तुम्हे काम पर भी नहीं जाना ?
Wake up! Don't you have to go to work as well?

//nbsp;;;Definition in Hindi a  helping verbs  , , ,,  Modals  . Examples a can, may, might, could, would, should, shall, will, must, dare, need, used to ought to.

पहली बार तुमने कुछ सही किया है |
for the first time you've done something right.
मैंने क्या किया ?
What did I do?
मैं तुम लोगो की वजह से बर्बाद हो गया | मैं अपनी माँ को क्या कहूँगा ?
l am ruined because of you all. What will l tell my mother?
मैं इंतिजाम तो कर सकता हूँ पर मुझे कल सुबह तक का time चाहिए |
I can arrange for it, but I need time until tomorrow morning.

In the present tense, the modal verb acoulda is used to: Ask for Permission. Could  subject  base verb this is a polite way to ask for permission Could I talk to her? Could I have their number? Could I have an appointment? Give a Suggestion. Subject  could  base verb . You could fly tomorrow. You could ask the manager. You could take the tour of the park 

क्या हुआ, अब बोलती क्यों बंद हो गई ?
What happened, why are you tongue-tied now?
तू सिर्फ खानदान का नाम बदनाम करने के लिए पैदा हुआ है |
You're born only to defame the family.
मैं चाहूँ तो तेरा असली चेहरा दिखा सकता हूँ |
I can reveaI your reaI seIf.
डिनर किया ?
Had dinner?

//nbsp;;;Modals in Hindi Medium - ability,  possibility,  permission,  Obligation,  necessity,  courage  modals.

सीखो उनसे कुछ |
Learn something from them!
मैं तुम्हारी तरफ हूँ |
I'm on your side.
रास्ते में स्टेशन पर मत उतरना |
Don't get off at a station on the way."
क्या तुम्हे उस रात के बारे में कुछ याद है ?
Do you remember anything about that night?

//nbsp;;;Modals in English Grammar in Hindi . Definition in English a Those helping verbs which refer to the ability, power, capacity, possibility e.t.c. are called the Modals. Definition in Hindi a  helping verbs  , , ,,  ModalsExamples a can, may, might, could, would, 

कम से कम अब तो आपको इसे माफ़ कर देना चाहिए |
You must forgive him at least now.
फेसला तुम्हारा है |
The decision is yours.
मैं दौ महीने से मकान का किराया नहीं दे सका |
I couIdn't pay the rent of the house for 2 months.
पर तुम कहना क्या चाहते हो ?
But what do you want to say?

Use of Modal Verbs : Passive Voice in Hindi.  . VoiceModal Verbs  Can Could May Might Should  Would  I may be arrested.I can be beaten.Trees should be planted. They must be invited.  Shall , Will , Can , Could , May , Might , Should , Would , Must , Ought  Modal Auxiliaries  .  

मुझे विश्वास है जितना तुम अभी कमाते हो उससे ज्यादा कमाओगे |
I'm sure you'll earn much more than you do now.
अच्छा हुआ मटका टूट गया |
lt's good that the pot broke.
अगर तेरे पास और कोई रास्ता है तो बता ?
let me know if you have another option.
इसे बंद करो और अपना काम करो |
Switch it off and attend to your chores!

We use the modal verb a could a to express ability in the past. Examples: When Jane was a student, she could study for  hours a day. When Mark was young, he could play the guitar. to describe sensations in the past. We use a could a with verbs of the senses to describe sensations in the past. a

जी चाहता है तेरा गला दबा दूँ |
I feel like strangling you!
खाओ इसे और जल्दी तैयार हो जाओ |
Eat this and get ready quickly.
वह किसी अच्छी family के लग रही है |
she seems to be from a well to do family.
वहां जा के तुम पेशाब कर सकते हो |
There you can go to pee.

//nbsp;;;Modal Verbs: Rules  Examples. Learn how and when to use modal verbs in English with rules and example sentences. . To indicate that something is probable or possible, or not so. For example: It is sunny today; it must be warm outside. = It is sunny today; it is probably warm outside. His mobile is not reachable; he may/might/could be travelling by 

लेकिन उसका दुश्मन कौन हो सकता हैं ?
But who could be his enemy?
मुझे नहीं पता गाड़ी में पेट्रोल कैसे ख़त्म हो गया |
l don't know how the petrol got over in the car.
यह तेरा भाई लाया है तेरे लिए |
Your mother has bought this for you.
रुको, तुम कहीं नहीं जा रही हो | ऐसे तो बिलकुल नहीं |
Stop. You're not going anywhere. Certainly not like this.

The use of may, can, ought and could in these examples demonstrates the use of modal verbs or modals. may, can, ought  could  modal verb  modals.

मुझे सब पता है |
I know it all.
Seniors से बात करने की तमीज नहीं है तुम्हें |
You don't have manners to talk to your seniors!
मैं तुमसे सहमत हूँ |
I am angry with you.
मैं तुम्हे ऐसे कैसे छोड़ सकता हूँ ?
How can I leave you like this?

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