क्या आप जानते है कि शताब्दी एक्सप्रेस कब आती है ?
Do you know the time when the shatabdi express arrives?

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क्या आप जानते है कि स्टेशन जाने का सबसे छोटा रास्ता कोनसा है ?
Do you know which the shortest way to station is?

राकेश कौन है और कहा रहता है ?
Who is Rakesh and where he lives.

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indirect interrogative sentence in english

मुझे जरुरी काम से लखनऊ से बाहर जाना है |
I have to go out of Lucknow for some urgent work.
मैंने कमल का प्यार कभी नहीं समझा |
I never understood Kamal's love.
अगर तेरे पास कोई और रास्त है तो बता दे 
Let me know if you have another option.
क्या तुझे कभी ऐसा लगा की तू मरने वाला है ?
Did you ever feel you were gonna die?

//nbsp;;;By Learn English - Wednesday,  September  No Comments Interrogative sentence There are some rules to change direct to Indirect speech of Interrogative sentence . Change in helping verb Is, are, am, was, who, has, have, had, will, can, could, do, does, did  Interrogative pronoun, adverb, adjective what, whom, where, why, how, which , what  Rules 

जो तुमसे पूंछा जाये उसी का जवाब दो |
Answer only what is asked from you.
मैं सोंचता हूँ हमें लंच करना चाहिए |
I think we should have lunch.
फेसला तुम्हारा है |
The decision is yours.
चलो कमल मुझे अच्छा नहीं लग रहा |
Let us go, Kamal. l'm not feeling well.

Look at the examples. Note the punctuation at the end of the sentence: if the main clause is declarative, it has a full stop at the end. If it is an interrogative, there is a question mark at the end. Declarative clause  indirect interrogative clause: Bitte sag mir, wo eine gute Sprachschule ist. Interrogative  indirect interrogative clause:

क्या तुम्हे बुरा लग रहा है कि मैं नहीं जा रहा हूँ ?
Are you feeling bad that I'm not going?
तुम जाओ और जाकर अपनी आँख check करवाओ |
You go and get your eyes checked.
तुम मुसलमान होके ऐसे अपराधिक काम कैसे कर सकते हो ?
How can you do such criminal deeds being a muslim?
क्या हुआ ?
What happened?

Look at the examples. Note the punctuation at the end of the sentence: if the main clause is declarative, it has a full stop at the end. If it is an interrogative, there is a question mark at the end. Declarative clause  indirect interrogative clause: Bitte sag mir, wo eine gute Sprachschule ist. Interrogative  indirect interrogative clause:

मैं क्यों रोकूँ उसे ?
Why should I stop him?
जब मैं पुलिस को बताऊंगा तब तुझे पता चलेगा |
You'll get to know when I inform the police.
कमल ना कभी गलत हुआ है और ना कभी होगा |
Kamal has never been wrong nor will he ever be.
मैं तुम्हारे लिए चैन लाया हूँ |
I've brought a chain for you.

 sentences of direct and indirect speech Direct speech is the ones that the person establishes himself / herself. Usually used in writing language such as novels, stories etc. Transferring the sentence that someone else says is called indirect speech. It is also called reported speech. Usually, it is used in spoken language. If the transmitted action is done in the 

पीलाओ उसे यह |
Make him drink it.
आओ मैं तुम्हें छोड़ दूँ |
Come, I'll drop you.
लेकिन मैं तुम्हें बहुत अच्छी तरह जानता हूँ |
But I know you very well!
मेरे बारे में सोंचने के अलावा, तुम कुछ और काम भी करते हो क्या ?
Besides thinking about me, do you do any other work?

This is an interrogative sentence, with the usual word order for direct questions: auxiliary verb  subject  main verb Indirect question: She asked me if I was hungry. This is a declarative sentence and it contains an indirect question with no question mark. This sentence has the usual word order for statements: subject  main verb

बस गुप्ता साहब का इंतिजार हैं |
We're just waiting for Mr. Gupta.
तुम जाओ मैं आ रही हूँ |
You go, I am coming.
तुम लोग मुझे अकेला छोड़ के आ गए |
you all left me alone and came.
तुम कमल से इतना डरती क्यों हो ?
Why are you so scared of Kamal?

डॉक्टर साहब घबराने वाली तो कोई बात नहीं है ना ?
There's nothing to worry about, is there Doctor?
सोंचो कुछ, सोंचो |
Think of something. think.
क्या बडबडा रहे हो तुम ?
What are you blabbering?
मैं भी उसी तरफ जा रहा हूँ |
I'm heading in that direction as well.

Direct and Indirect Interrogative formsPlease, tell me when I should stop I had stopped should I stop had I stopped I don't know  How many pages do you  Insistently, the police did ask the passers-by where had the red car gone the red car had gone had the red car go I  'How 

तुम सब क्यों excited हो रहे हो ?
why are all of you getting excited?
मैं जैसा हूँ खुश हूँ |
I'm happy the way I am.
मेरे दायें हाथ में खुजली हो रही है |
My right hand is itching.
मैं तुमसे शाम को मिलता हूँ |
I'll see you in the evening.

For instance, the English sentence ;Is Hannah sick?; has interrogative syntax which distinguishes it from its declarative counterpart ;Hannah is coming;. Interrogative clauses can occur embedded, as in ;Paul knows who is sick;, where the interrogative clause ;who is sick; serves as complement of the embedding verb ;know;. Languages vary in how they form 

यही तो मैं तुमसे कहना चाह रहा हूँ |
That's what I am trying to tell you.
क्यों नहीं ?
Why not ?
कमल नी रीना को उठा लिया है | वह जरूर उसे उसी पेट्रोल पंप पे ले गया होगा |
Kamal has abducted Reena. He must have taken her to that petrol pump.
मैं तुम्हें पाने के लिए बहुत सहा हूँ |
l haνe endured so much to possess you.

Examples of Direct-Indirect Speech-Interrogative sentences in English and Hindi. She says,

अगर मेरे पैसे नहीं मिले तो मैं जरुर मर जाऊंगा |
If I don't get my money I'll surely die.
मैं नहीं मानता |
l don't believe this!
क्या तुम ठीक हो ?
Are you all right?
अगर catch नहीं कर पाए तो ?
What if you don't catch it?

तुम्हे हमारी हालत का पता नहीं है क्या ?
Don't you know our situation?
शायद ना हो पर जब मैं उसके साथ होती हूँ तो खुश होती हु जिंदा महसूस करती हूँ |
Perhaps, but when I'm with him I feel happy, feel alive.
मुझे देखते ही उसे सब याद आ जायेगा |
He'll remember everything clearly when he catches sight of me!
मैं तुम्हे ही ढूंड रहा था |
I was looking for you.

Direct and indirect speech: Interrogative sentences Change in reported speech. While converting any interrogative sentence into passive voice all the following changes are Same changes. Some other changes. The verb of Reporting speech is converted in following manner.. He asked me what my name 

मैं खुद को भूल सकता लेकिन तुम्हे नहीं |
I can forget myself, but not you.
मैं वैसा आदमी नहीं हूँ जैसा तुम मुझे सोंचती हो |
l'm not the sort of guy you think l am.
दांत मत दिखाओ |
Don't show your teeth.
पहले एक दुसरे को जान लेते हैं |
Let's get to know each other.

//nbsp;;;The sentence in its Indirect form will be: He asked me if I would convey his message to her. Interrogative sentences are of two types. A. First starting with helping verbs like is, am, are, were, was, had, have, shall, will or would etc. For example : He said to her, ;Are you going home?; She said to me,;Will you help me?; In such sentences, the sentence is 

वो बेवकूफ तुम्हारे सामने ही खड़ा था | तुमने उसे पकड़ा क्यों नहीं ?
That fool was standing right before you. Why didn't you catch him'?
क्या आपने वो कहावत नहीं सुनी ?
Obviously! Haven't you heard that saying?
अगर आप को गर्मी लग रही है तो क्या मैं एयर कंडीशनर चला दूँ ?
If you're feeling hot, shall I switch on the Air Conditioner?
ये असली हैं या नकली ?
these are real or fake?

//nbsp;;;English Book, English Grammar and many other educational knowledge August ,  August ,  knowledgebeem Direct and Indirect Speech a Interrogative Sentence

हम यह पुलिस को दे देंगे | वो करेंगे जो कुछ करना है इसका |
we will give it to the police. They will do whatever has to be done about it.
हमें असुविधा के लिए खेद है |
We regret the inconvenience.
वह कल तक तो ठीक थी |
She was fine until yesterday.
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |
I was thinking about you.

Indirect Questions. The basic main rule of Narration is : First Person in reported speech changes according to Subject in reporting speech. Direct  Indirect Speech Sentences Dece

मैं जब भी कुछ अच्छा करने की कोशिस करता हूँ, हमेशा गलत हो जाता है |
Whenever I try to do something right it always goes wrong.
आज हमारा break up हो गया |
we broke up today.
क्या तुम्हे यह याद है या तुम उसे भी भूल गए ?
Do you remember her or have you forgotten her as well?
मैं उसकी तरफ से माफ़ी मांगता हूँ |
l apologize on his behalf.

Like all complete sentences in English, an interrogative sentence must contain a subject and a verb. However, here the word order is usually changed to put the verb before the subject.

अगर मैं ज्यादा खाऊंगा तो मैं मोटा हो जाऊंगा |
If I eat more, then I will become fat.
रीना को तुझसे प्यार हो गया है |
Reena has fallen in love with you.
अगर आप नहीं चाहते तो मैं नहीं जाउंगी |
I won't go if you don't want me to.
तूने मुझसे पंगा लेके बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |
You've made a mistake by messing with me!

Examples of Direct-Indirect Speech-Interrogative sentences in English and Hindi. She says, englishkitab. An easy Way to learn English Home; Basics of English; Essential Grammar; Learning Course; Day To Day English; Vocabulary; Miscellaneous; Test Knowledge; Audible Conversation ; Englishkitab gt;gt; Essential Grammar gt;gt; Direct-Indirect-Speech gt;gt; Direct 

मुझे तेरी बकवास नहीं सुननी चाहिए |
I don't want to listen to your nonsense!
ऐसा है क्या ?
Is that so? 
मैं इससे ज्यादा नहीं कर सकता |
There's nothing more I can do.
मानलो कि तुम और मैं कभी नहीं मिले |
Assume that you and l never met.

English: Direct or indirect interrogative clauses. Direct or indirect interrogative clauses When using the interrogative form, one of the main difficulties is to choose between ;direct interrogatives; ;real questions;  and indirect speech or reported speech  which will NOT use the interrogative construction [verb - subject ?].

समझो हो गया |
Consider it done.
मैंने जो किया वो तुम्हे करना चाहिए था |
I did what you should've done.
बैग पकड़ो अपना |
Hold on to your bag
मैं तुम्हे नास्ते के लिए बुलाने आयी थी |
l came to call you for breakfast.

//nbsp;;;Process/steps of changing Interrogative sentences reported speech into indirect speech: Remove the ation marks and the comma from the reported speech. Put the question word WH family word at the beginning of the reported speech. when the question canat be answered in Put the subject of 

वह मुझे अब धमकी दे रहा है |
He's threatening me now.
तुम मेरा एक घंटे से इंतिजार कर रही थी, है ना ?
You've been waiting for me for an hour, weren't you?
अपना idea अपने पास रखो |
Keep your ideas to yourself.
वे लोग तुम्हें घर पर क्या बुलाते हैं |
What do they call you at home?

Indirect Speech for question sentences - Rules Comma and inverted commas will be removed. The conjunction athata will not be used in Indirect Speech in question sentence. The conjunction athata is used in In indirect speech, the question sentence will be expressed in assertive positive form 

मैं तुम्हें कहीं देखा है |
I've seen you somewhere.
सबकी राय क्या है ?
what is everybody's opinion?
क्योंकि वो अपनी बेटी के स्कूल के fees नहीं दे पाये इसलिये उसकी मासूम बेटी को स्कूल से बाहर निकाल दिया |
Since they were unable to pay the fees... his innocent daughter was thrown out of school!
मैं तुझसे पूँछ रहा हूँ |
I'm asking you.

//nbsp;;;Interrogative sentences beginning with an auxiliary verb are changed into the indirect speech by using the connective if or whether. The reporting verb said or any other word used as the reporting verb changes to asked, queried, questioned, demanded of or enquired of in the indirect speech.

वे भाग गए हैं |
They have eloped.
मैं भी उस तरह की औरत नहीं हूँ |
I am also not that kind of a woman.
वह पूँछ रहा था कि 
he was asking that,
बात यहाँ तक पहुँच गई और हमें पता भी नहीं चला |
The matter has gone so far and we didn't even know about it.

तुम इधर उधर क्या देख रहे हो ?
Why are you looking around?
तुम अपना गुस्सा उसपर क्यों उतार रही हो ?
Why are you venting your anger on him?
इसे रूम का किराया समझ कर रख लो |
keep it considering it as the rent for the room.
मेरे मुंह में पान था |
there was betel leaf in the mouth.

Changing interrogative sentences into the passive. March ,  - Read the following sentences. Active voice: Did she recognize you? Passive voice: Were you recognized by her? Active voice: Can anybody cure it? Passive voice: Can it be cured by anybody? Active voice: Who wrote this book? Passive voice: By whom was this book written? Active voice: Have you finished work? Passive 

मेरी निगाहे तुझसे नहीं हटती |
I can't take my eyes off you.
और क्या करूँ मैं ?
What else should I do?
अगर अपनी बेटी की ज़िंदगी प्यारी है तो 1 लाख रूपए लेके पुराने मंदिर पे आ जाना |
lf your daughter's life is dear to you, come with 100,000 rupees to old temple at 10pm.
क्या समझे तुम ? बताओ मुझे |
What did you understand? Tell me.

Change the following assertive sentences into interrogative. . It was a great sight. . No one can tolerate this. . There is nothing particularly impressive about this picture. . No one worships the setting sun. . Gulliver could hear his watch ticking in his pocket. . It is useless to cry over spilt milk. . Switzerland is known for its scenic beauty. . The beauty of nature is beyond description. 

वैसे तुम्हारा आज रात का क्या प्लान है ?
By the way, what are your plans for tonight?
अन्दर ठंड नहीं है |
It's not chilly inside.
मुझे भी ऐसा ही लग रहा है |
Even I feel that way!
यह वही है जिससे में शादी करना चाहता हूँ |
She's the one I want to marry.

Rules for Interrogative Sentences in Future Simple Tense. The structure of the Interrogative sentences is similar to that of the positive sentences with the only exception that the former begin with the auxiliary verbs. The base form of the verb is used as in the positive and negative sentences. Carefully read the following sentences as examples-Shall I go to college? Will I receive the medal? 

कुछ नहीं होगा |
Nothing will happen.
लड़की का नाम क्या है ?
What's the name of the girl?
वह पेशाब कर रहा है |
He is peeing.
यह कमल का किरायदार है |
Ηe's Kamal's tenant.

अच्छा idea है, पहले कोशिश में करूँगा |
That's a good idea! I'll make the first attempt.
तुम कभी नहीं बदलोगे |
You will never change.
देखो इसने क्या किया |
Look what he did!
नहीं वो घर पर नहीं है |
No, he is not at home.

Active and Passive Voice Interrogative Sentences Practice Exercise . Active and Passive Voice Introduction. Active and Passive Voice tense wise rules. Active and Passive Voice with Modal Verbs. Active and Passive Voice of Imperative Sentences. Sentences which can not be converted into passive voice. Active and Passive Voice practise exercise.

मेरी मदद करने का नाटक मत करो |
stop pretending to help me.
उसने उसके साथ बत्तमीजी की |
He misbehaved with her.
मेरा पासपोर्ट एयरपोर्ट पे चोरी हो गया |
My passport  got stolen at the airport.
Sorry कमल, अगर मैं तुम्हें बताता तो तुम कभी नहीं मानते |
I am sorry, Kamal. You would've never agreed if l had told you.

तुम वापस कब आयी ?
When did you get back?
अगर कमल को पता चल गया तो वह क्या कहेगा ?
lf Kamal finds out, what will he say?
क्या इसिलिय तुम चोरी चोरी पढ़ रही थी ?
is that why you were studying stealthily?
चल सुन लेते है | एक बार सुनने में हर्ज ही क्या है ?
let's hear. What's the harm in hearing it once?

Try forming new Interrogative sentences in Present Perfect Continuous form with the help of the formula and taking guidance from the examples. Interesting to note that the interrogative sentences given above can easily be transformed into positive sentences by simply exchanging the places of has/have with the subject. E.g. consider the first two sentences-Has he been working here since last 

वे दिखने नहीं चाहिए | समझें |
They shouldn't be seen. Get it.
क्या उसे शर्म नहीं आयी ?
Didn't she feel ashamed?
कमल सुनने को तैयार नहीं है |
Kamal is not ready to listen.
सच कहूँ तो तुम्हें दवाई से ज्यादा दुआ की जरुरत है |
To be honest, more than medicines, what you need is Prayer.

 Tenses table for double in Interrogative Negative sentences, Interrogative Negative Tense Sentences with Examples for double, Interrogative Negative Sentences in Tense Form,  . Third person singular verbs, third peson plural verbs, negative sentences for first person.

इस सब के लिए कमल जिम्मेदार है |
Kamal is responsible for all this!
इस समय कौन आया होगा ?
Who would have come at this hour?
मज़ाक की भी हद होती है |
There's a limit to cracking jokes.
मैंने कहा तुम्हें मेरा पीछा मत करो |
I told you not to follow me!


अपने ससुर के घर आया है क्या ?
Have you come to your in-law's house?
हमें कैसे पता होगा ?
How would we know?
क्या हुआ ?
What happened?
लगता है पापा ऑफिस से आगये है |
I think Dad's back from the shop.

 Sentences of Present Continuous Tense October ,Examples of Past Perfect Tense October ,  Simple Present Tense Interrogative Negative Sentences March ,  Present Continuous Tense Negative Interrogative Sentences Examples March ,  Articles A, An, The January ,  Future Perfect Tense Examples Sentences November  

मैं उसे ढूंढ दूंढ कर थक गया |
I am tired of searching for him.
मुझे तो कुछ समझ में नहीं आ रहा |
I can't figure out anything.
कल रात तुम्हारे पापा 3 बजे तक नहीं सो सके |
Last night, your father couldn't sleep until 3 am.
तुम हमें यहाँ क्यों लाये हो ?
Why have you brought us here?

//nbsp;;;Updated February ,  An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question, as opposed to sentences that make a statement, deliver a command, or express an exclamation. Interrogative sentences are typically marked by inversion of the subject and predicate; that is, the first verb in a verb phrase appears before the subject.

प्लीज उसकी बात का बुरा मत मानो |
Please don't mind him.
हमारे दादा ने इसे बड़े शौक से बनाया था |
My grandfather built it with great zest.
ये इज्जत के लायक नहीं है |
He isn't worthy of any respect.
मेरी चाय को कुछ मत बोलना |
don't say anything to my tea.

रीना ने कई बार तुम्हारा number try किया था |
Reena tried your number many times.
तुमने ग्रेजुएशन degree कहा से ली ?
where did you get your graduation degree?
मैं भी यहीं हूँ |
I'm here as well
तुझे पता है क्यों ?
Do you know why?

In order to change an assertive sentence in the simple present tense into an interrogative sentence, we use do or does as the first word followed by the subject, verb and the object. Note that we use do with I, you and plural subjects. Does is used with singular subjects. Form: Do/does  subject  present tense form of the verb. Examples are given below: The cow eats grass. Assertive Does the cow eat grass? 

वो दिल के मरीज थे |
He was a heart patient.
कृपया आप वहाँ बैठ जाइये | मैं आपको बताता हूँ जब आपका रूम रेडी हो जायेगा |
Please sit there. I'll tell you when your room's ready.
पहली बार मुझे team स्प्रिट दिखाई दी है |
For the first time, l have seen team spirit.
तुम्हारी पुलिस की भारती कैसी चल रही है |
what's up with your police recruitment

//nbsp;;;Double Interrogative Sentence. Double Interrogative Sentences are the kinds of sentences which start with Wh- words. not with helping verbs. They are not answered with Yes or No. Like-He said, aWhy are you going to market?a We need to change said into asked. Since the sentence starts with the Wh- words, the Wh- word is used as a conjunction.

क्या तुम्हें मुझ पर भरोसा नहीं है |
Don't you trust me?
कमल यहाँ आने के लिए तैयार नहीं था |
Kamal was not ready to come here.
क्या होने वाला है ?
What's going to happen?
आज मेरा इंसानियत पे से विश्वास उठ गया |
I have lost faith in humanity today.

Day  - Double interrogative sentences ko English mein translate karna or English mein bolna seekhen; Day  - Indirect interrogative sentences ko English mein translate karna seekh kar apni English improve kare; Day  - Use of Pronoun - Improve your spoken English by using Pronouns

क्या हुआ ? तुम्हारा मूड खराब लग रहा है |
What's up? You seem to be in a bad mood.
क्या तुमने मुझे पहचाना ?
did you recognise me.
मैं उसे 6 महीने से जानता हूँ |
I've known her for six months.
और अगले ही दिन से उसने software company में काम करना शुरू कर दिया |
And from the next day itself, he started working in a software company.

INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES: Had  Subject  Been  Present Participle  Object  Time-reference. Examples: Had they been working on their project since ? Had she been waiting for her husband for one year? Had he been eating vegetable for seven months? Had he been using the same car since ? Had I been using my camera since th September, ? Had you been helping your parent 

मुझे बस एक मिनट देना, ठीक ? 
Just give me a minute, okay?
कहाँ है वह ? किसी ने कॉल किया ?
Where is he? Has someone called.
मैं कुछ कहूँ ?
May I say something?
ऐसे मत बैठो | कुछ तो बोलो 
Don't sit like this! Say something.

For example: She's an excellent violinist, isn't she? Tidy up the kitchen, won't you? There's no food in your bag, is there? You're a cute one, aren't you? You think you're so smart, don't you?

मैं तुम दोनों को भागने में मदद करुँगी |
l'll help the two of you elope!
तुम किसी बात की फ़िक्र मत करना |
Don't you worry about anything.
I am sorry, मुझे चिल्लाना नहीं चाहिए था |
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled.
वह बाहर तुम्हारा इंतिजार कर रहा है |
he's waiting outside for you.

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