Example sentences of to infinitive in Hindi

Daily use example sentences of to infinitive with Hindi translation 

Verb से पहले to लगाने पर infinitive बनता है |

जैसे to eat, to go, to drink.

नीचे infinitive के daily life में use होने वाले कुछ वाक्य दिए हैं | इस वाक्यों को पढ़कर आपको infinitive किस तरह के हिंदी वाक्यों के लिए use होता है इसका अंदाजा हो जायेगा |

क्या करूँ ?
What to do?

कहाँ जाऊं ?
Where to go?

वह रोने ही वाली है |
She is just to weep.

मैं आपको फ़ोन करने ही वाला था |
I was just to call you.

मैं तुमको बताने ही वाला था |
I was just to tell you.

तुम्हे बच्चे को सिखाना चाहिए कि कैसे बरताव करते हैं |
You should teach your child how to behave.

क्या तुमने उसे बताया कि कैसे करना है इसे ?
Did you tell him how to do it?

बताओ मुझे आगे क्या करना है |
Tell me what to do next.

मैं आपको कॉल करना भूल गया |
I forget to call you.

मैं चाहता हूँ तुम इसे करो |
I want you do it.

मैं उसे यह करने के लिए कहूँगा |
I will tell him to do it.

तुम्हे सिगरेट पीना किसने सीखाया ?
Who taught you to smoke?

वह जानता है क्या करना है |
He knows what to do.

वह कार चलाना जानता है |
He knows how to drive a car.

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Examples of split infinitive in a sentence, how to use it.  examples: Yankovic noted that he deliberately added a split infinitive in the lyrics to

क्या आपका नाम भी रीना है ?
Is your name Reena as well?
आप जो सजा दे मुझे मंजूर है |
Whatever punishment you give.. l accept it.
मैं वो नहीं हूँ जो तुम मुझे समझ रहे हो |
I'm not what you think I am.
मैंरे पास सिर्फ यह घर बचा है |
The only thing I have left is this house.

अच्छा अब हम चलते हैं |
OK, We'll take your leave now, 
लेकिन आज जो कुछ हुआ मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा |
But I surely liked what happened today.
जब तक हमें पैसे नहीं मिल जाते |
Until we get the money.
मैं अभी तुम्हारे घर पहुँचता हूँ |
I'll reach your home right now.

Infinitives; An infinitive is a form of verb that can function as a noun, an adjective, or an envelope, and is generally preceded by it. An infinitive usually appears in an infinitive sentence. It consists of an infinite sentence, infinitive and any object and modifier. In the example, the infinite expressions are underlined.

तुम दोनों एक दुसरे को जानते हो ?
The two of you know each other?
यह पार्किंग क्या तेरे बाप की है ?
Does your father own the parking?
अगर इसे कुछ हो जाता तो ?
What if something had happened to him?
पर यह मत समझना की तुम आजाद हो |
But don't think you are free.

You can form an infinitive verb by adding ;to; in front of any base verb. Infinitive verbs are not conjugated like other verbs; they stay in their infinitive forms in a sentence. Examples of common infinitive verbs include: to be I want to be an astronaut.

तुझे पता है क्यों ?
Do you know why?
वह इस तरफ आयी है |
She has come this way.
बचपना छोड़ो |
Stop being childish,
क्या यह रेडीमेड मिलता है है या तुम्हे इसे सिलवाना पड़ता है |
is it available readymade or you have to get it stitched?

//nbsp;;;Many English verbs are followed by object  infinitive, rather than by a that-clause. . Example: They invited me to go to the party. Verb Object Infinitive Compl . aExamples are: advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, command, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, instruct, intend, invite, leave, like, love, mean, need, obligate, order, permit, prefer, recommend, . a I donat want him to go. 

मैंने इसे कहीं देखा है |
I've seen her somewhere.
तुम्हें दिल्ली जाने की क्या जरुरत है ?
Why do you need to go to Delhi?
क्या इसने कुछ निगल लिया ?
Did he swallow something?
लगता है तुम अभी भी नाराज हो |
it seems that you're still angry

Verbs with to-infinitives. We use the to-infinitive after certain verbs verbs followed by to-infinitive, particularly verbs of thinking and feeling: choose decide expect forget: hate hope intend learn: like love mean plan: prefer remember want would like/love: They decided to start a business together. Remember to turn the lights off. and verbs of saying: agree: promise: refuse: threaten: We agreed to meet at the 

तुम कहाँ से आ रहे हो ?
where are you coming from?
यह क्या बेहूदा हरकत है |
What's this indecent behavior?
मैं आपसे माफ़ी मांगता हूँ |
I apologise to you.
मुझे उसके साथ वक़्त गुजारना अच्छा लगता था |
I simply loved spending time with him.

The infinitive can appear by itself, or it can be part of a larger infinitive phrase. Examples of infinitives: To run. To walk. To cook. To understand. To make. Examples of infinitives or infinitive phrases used as nouns:  I like to run. functions as a direct object  I wanted to cook dinner for my parents. functions as a direct object  To fly an airplane is a dream of mine. functions as a subject  I cannot believe 

मुझे उन्हें अन्दर आने ही नहीं देना चाहिए था |
I shouldn't have allowed them inside in the first place.
इस कमल का कुछ करना पड़ेगा |
We will have to do something about this Kamal.
तुम कैसे कह सकते हो कि यह कमल है |
How can you say that it's Kamal!
मुझे लगता है तुम्हे कोई और मिल गई है |
I've found someone else.

Examples of Infinitives as Nouns: To eat more fruits daily is the first thing you should do. To walk in the morning is a good habit. To watch a movie every day is rational and redeeming.

मैं बहुत सुन ली तेरी बकवास |
I've heard enough of your crap.
मुझे चिकन और मटन की smell पसंद नहीं है |
I detest smell of chicken and mutton.
यह सच नहीं है मैं सच में तुझे पसंद करता हूँ |
That's not true ! I really like you.
तुम यह सब क्यों करते हो ?
Why do you do all this!

Example sentences of to infinitive

बता मुझे, वो manager तुझसे माफ़ी क्यों मांग रहा था ? 
Tell me, why was that manager apologising to you?
मैं बस practice कर रहा था |
I was just practicing!
हमें काफी मुनाफ़ा कमायेंगे |
We will earn abundant profit!
तुम सलवार कमीज क्यों नहीं पहनती ?
Why don't you wear a salwar-kameez?

Examples of infinitives or infinitive phrases used as nouns:  I like to run. functions as a direct object  I wanted to cook dinner for my parents. functions as a direct object  To fly an airplane is a dream of mine. functions as a subject

कल रात मेरे दोस्त के जन्मदिन पार्टी है |
there's my friend's birthday party tomorrow night.
वे दिल्ली हर कीमत पर जायेंगे |
They will go to germany at all cost.
आप कुछ कह रहे थे |
You were saying something.
तुम अभी भी उससे ग़ुस्सा हो ?
You are stiII angry with him?

 What is an infinitive? An infinitive is a verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb in order to Examples of Infinitives. Example . I really need to eat something. In this sentence, the verb is Infinitives as Adjectives. An adjective is a word that modifies adds to or describes a noun. So Infinitives as Adverbs. Adverbs modify or describe adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs. They provide Infinitives Without aToa Almost always, infinitives begin with ato.a But infinitives lose the atoa when Can You Split Infinitives? Usually, no other word should come between atoa and the base verb that See full list on englishsentences

मैं तुम्हे आसानी से नहीं छोडूंगा |
I won't leave you so easily.
जो शरीफ ईमानदार और इज्जतदार family से है |
Who is decent, honest and belongs to a respectable family.
मुझे तो यह भी नही पता कि इसकी एक बहन है |
I don't even know that she has a sister.
तुमने मुझे बहुत दिनों बाद याद किया |
You remembered me after a long time?

मुझे भाषण देने के लिए बुलाया है |
I've been invited to give a speech.
किस तरह का स्कूल है यह ?
What kind of a school is this?
इसलिय मैंने अपने दोस्तों को उसका ख्याल रखने के लिए कहा था |
so I asked my friends to take care of her...
मुझे नहीं मिलना |
I don't want to meet.

As you can see, in sentences - TRY is followed by the INFINITIVE to stop, to open and to be. In these first three sentences, the verb in the infinitive was difficult or impossible to achieve.. In sentences -, TRY is followed by the GERUND using, getting up and snowboarding.

उन्हें फ़सान बिलकुल भी मुश्किल नहीं है |
It's not difficult to hook them up.
क्या मैं आपके लिए इतना छोटा सा काम नहीं कर सकता ?
Can't we do such a small thing for you?
हमारे पास खाने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं |
We don't have money to eat.
तो किस तरह की लड़की हो तुम ?
Then what kind of a girl are you?

//nbsp;;;Here the infinitive phrase ato joina is the subject of the sentence. This is an indication that the infinitive acts as a noun in this example. Infinitives as Adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes more information about a noun. An infinitive act as an adjective if it modifies or describes a noun in a sentence. Example:

वह कोई भी हो सकता है |
he can be anyone.
पहले यह फेसला लो कि तुम अपने फेसले खुद लोगी |
first take the decision that you will take your own decisions!
कोई बात नहीं, जब सहूलियत हो तब दे दियेगा |
That's okay, you can give me whenever it's convenient.
तुम हर चीज के लिए मुझे ही क्यों blame कर रहे हो ?
Why are you blaming me for everything?

So What is a Split Infinitive. A split infinitive is a grammatical construction in English in which an adverb or adverbial phrase is inserted between the to and the basic verb form. Such as in this example of infinitive, to eat. To form to eat into a split infinitive, you can add an adverb, for example, barely, so that you will have, to barely eat.You may also see direct object worksheet examples. Infinitive

प्लीज मैं आपसे भीख मांगता हूँ |
please. I beg of you.
पहचाना मुझे ?
Recognize me?
किसके लिए काम करते हो तुम ?
Who do you work for!
पैसों से ज्यादा जरुरी उसके लिए और क्या होगा ?
What will be more important for her than money?

Here the infinitive phrase ato joina is the subject of the sentence. This is an indication that the infinitive acts as a noun in this example. Infinitives as Adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes more information about a noun. An infinitive act as an adjective if it modifies or describes a noun in a sentence. Example:

बिना शादी के बच्चा |
A child out of wedlock?
Order करने से पहले price देख लो | समझे ?
Look at the price before placing the order. Got it?
मैं कहता हूँ चल बोरिया बिस्तर बांधकर निकल चलते हैं यहाँ से | नहीं तो पुलिस वाले पकड़ लेंगे हमें |
I am saying lets wrap everything and leave from here. Or else the police will catch us.
तुम्हें सब पता है लेकिन फिर भी तुम यह हमसे सुनना चाहते हो |
You know everything, but still you want to hear it from us.

Infinitives follow a ;to;  ;verb; construction. Read on to learn more about these phrases! Reference Menu. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples  Example Sentences. Here are four more examples of infinitive phrases being used as nouns: To travel all across Italy is Lucretiaas New Year resolution. subject To finish a new book is the only reason Kyle would stay up all night. subject A good habit to 

ज्यादा से ज्यादा तू बेवकूफ बनेगा |
At the most, you'll be the fool.
इसका दोस्त सच में अजीब है 
His friend is really strange!
यह तुम्हारे दस्तखत नहीं है क्या ?
Isn't it your signature?
उसने इसे कहाँ छोड़ा |
where has he left it!

Infinitive phrases are commonly used as they serve a lot of functionsaas a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Hopefully, the discussions above enlightened you on what is an infinitive phrase and how to correctly use them in the sentence. You may also see budget worksheet examples. Check out the examples for more explanations and examples of infinitive phrases.  Math Worksheets for 

बताओ मुझे डॉक्टर ने क्या कहा |
Tell me what the doctors said.
अलीगंज कितनी दूर है ?
How far is Aligunj?
मुझे एक जरुरी meeting attend करनी है. मुझे अभी याद आया |
We need to attend an urgent meeting, I just remembered.
मैं बस इतना कह रहा हूँ कि भविष्य में इस तरह के लोगो से थोडा दूरी बना के रखो |
I am just telling you, maintain distance from people like this in future.

Example sentences using ;Infinitive; Q: Please show me example sentences with noun S V to infinitive clause. A: Thank you kindly for your useful tips! View more answers Q: Please show me example sentences with Ving  To - infinitive. A: planning to travel trying to see wanting to learn jumping to escape fighting to win working to earn paying to play. View more answers Q: Please show 

मैं तुम्हारा मंदिर में इंतिजार कर रही थी |
I've been waiting for you at the temple.
तुम तो चल कर चले जाओगे लेकिन चिल्लाया मुझ पर जायेगा |
You’ll merely walk off but l’ll get yelled at.
नहीं, हम कमल के साथ खायेंगे |
No. We'll dine with Kamal.
तुम बिना वजह मेरा वक़्त बर्बाद कर रही हो |
you are unnecessarily wasting my time.

वो भूरा बैग | वह यही रखा था |
That brown bag. lt was lying here.
उसने मुझे पहचान लिया तो ?
What if he recognises me?
नाम क्या है उसका ?
What's his name?
तुम्हें खाना खाते वक़्त पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए |
you shouldn't have water while eating.

What Is An Infinitive phrase?ExamplesParts of Infinitive PhrasesTypes of Infinitive PhrasesHow to Avoid MistakesAn infinitive phrase is a group of words that uses an infinitive atoa  verb. An infinitive is a verbal a word that expresses action; so, an infinitive phrase has the same role of expressing action in a sentence.An infinitive phrase is just a part of a sentence, working like a noun, adjective, or adverb.See more on englishsentences

हमारी सारी उम्मीदें तुझी से हैं |
All our hopes are with you.
मैं चिंता क्यों करूँ जब तुम उसके साथ हो ?
Why should I worry when you are around?
कुछ दिनों से हम पति पत्नी की तरह रह रहे हैं |
For the past couple of days we have been living as husband and wife.
मैं घर कैसे जाऊंगा ?
How will I go home?

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