Day 63 infinitive structure 5 - बताओ उसे कि कैसे करना है

infinitive structure 5 English speaking course in hindi

बताओ उसे कि क्या करना है |
Tell him what to do.
Infinitive structure 5 - English speaking course in hindi

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DAY 64 INFINITIVE STRUCTURE 6 मैं चाहता हूँ तुम करो इसे

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In English grammar, an infinitive is the base form of a verb that can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. ;Infinitive; comes from the Latin word infinitus meaning endless. The infinitive is a type of verbal, or word derived from a verb that does not function as a verb, that is almost always preceded by the particle ;to;.


क्या वह तेरे साथ बेठी है |

Is she sitting with you?

गलत तरीके से कमायें पैसे ना उसे चाहिए ना मुझे |

Neither he nor I need money obtained by wrong means

अच्छा हुआ तू आ गया |

It's good that you've come.

तो तुम मुझसे दो मिनट भी बात नहीं कर सकते थे ?

So you couldn't talk with me even for two minutes?


An infinitive is a verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb in order to express an opinion, purpose of an object or action, or answer the questions who, what, or why. An infinitive usually begins with the word atoa and is followed by the base form of a verb the simple form of the verb that you would find in the dictionary.


मुझसे इससे ज्यादा की उम्मीद मत करना |

Don't expect anything more from me.

ले जाओ इसे |

Take him away.

लेकिन आपसे मिलने के बाद ऐसा लगता है कि वो बिलकुल आपके जैसी होंगी |

But after meeting you I feel that she must've been just like you.

उसे बीच में मत ला |

Don't drag her into this.


Definition: Infinitive is the base form of the verb. The infinitive form of a verb is the form which follows ;to;.


तुझे यह number कैसे मिला |

How did you get this number?

मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ जब वो कंपनी पैसे लेके भाग गई ?

what can I do when the company has eloped with the money?

क्या है इसमें ?

What's in it?

मैंने उसे बहुत बर्दास्त कर लिया |

I've tolerated him a lot.


The infinitive is the base form of a verb. In English, when we talk about the infinitive we are usually referring to the present infinitive, which is the most common. There are, however, four other forms of the infinititive: the perfect infinitive, the perfect continuous infinitive, the continuous infinitive,  the passive infinitive.


मैं तुम्हे कुछ नहीं दे सकता |

I can't give you anything.

आप टेंशन मत लो | हम आ गये हैं | हम आपकी मदद करेंगे |

you don't be tense! We have come! We will help you!

वह बहुत ज़िद्दी है | वह कभी नहीं सुनेगा |

He is very stubborn. He will never listen.

हमें काफी मुनाफ़ा कमायेंगे |

We will earn abundant profit!


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थोड़ी देर मुझे चलाने दो इसे |

let me ride it for a while..

बिना शादी के बच्चा |

A child out of wedlock?

हम घर चलें मुझे हनीमून की तैयारी करनी है |

Shall we go home I have to make arrangements for the honey moon!

Overacting मत कर | तू game बिगाड़ देगा |

Don't overact! You will ruin the game!


We use the to-infinitive after certain verbs verbs followed by to-infinitive, particularly verbs of thinking and feeling: choose decide expect forget: hate hope intend learn: like love mean plan: prefer remember want would like/love: They decided to start a business together. Remember to turn the lights off. and verbs of saying: agree: promise: refuse: threaten: We agreed to meet at


कितनी बार बोलूं ?

How many times do I say it?

नहीं मैं किसी की नहीं सुनूंगा |

No! l won't listen to anybody.

यह सब कुछ ही दिन में खत्म हो जायेगा |

All this will be over in a couple of days.

मैंने तुम पर विश्वास करना शुरू ही किया था, कमल | और मेरे जाते ही तुमने मुझे इतना बड़ा धोका दिया |

I had just begun trusting you, Kamal. And as soon as I left You cheated on me in such a big way!


//nbsp;;;In English grammar, an infinitive is the base form of a verb that can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. ;Infinitive; comes from the Latin word infinitus meaning endless. The infinitive is a type of verbal, or word derived from a verb that does not function as a verb, that is almost always preceded by the particle ;to;.


यह यहाँ उस दिन भी था |

He was here even on that day.

कल रात तुम्हारे पापा 3 बजे तक नहीं सो सके |

Last night, your father couldn't sleep until 3 am.

अगर में घर पर होता तो मैं उसकी हड्डियाँ तोड़ देता |

Had I been at home, I would've broken his bones.

मुझे लगता है तुम्हे कोई और मिल गई है |

I've found someone else.


Definition: Infinitive is the base form of the verb. The infinitive form of a verb is the form which follows ;to;.


क्या उन्हेंने कुछ गलत किया ?

have they done something wrong?

जीलो अपनी ज़िंदगी |

live your life.

सॉरी सर मैं बस पूँछ रहा था |

Sorry, sir. I was only asking.

तेरे साथ भी कुछ हुआ था क्या ?

Did something happen to you, as well?


Infinitive - The Absolute Advertising and Technology Agency. A raring, multi-talented, multi-faceted organisation offering an unlimited array of communication opportunities for your brand.


ये यहाँ नहीं चलेगा |

This won't work here.

तेरे साथ मैं भी फसुंगा |

l'll get screwed along with you.

अभी हम बहुत बड़ी मुसीबत में है |

Right now we're in grave trouble.

तुम्हें शर्म नहीं आती ऐसा कमीना तुम्हारा रिश्तेदार है |

Aren't you ashamed. your relative is such a rascal?


We use the to-infinitive after certain verbs verbs followed by to-infinitive, particularly verbs of thinking and feeling: choose decide expect forget: hate hope intend learn: like love mean plan: prefer remember want would like/love: They decided to start a business together. Remember to turn the lights off. and verbs of saying: agree: promise: refuse: threaten: We agreed to meet at


पूरा दिन कहाँ थे तुम ?

Where were you all day?

अगर आपको किसी का शुक्रिया ही अदा करना है तो उनका करिए जिन्होंने आपकी बीवी की जान बचाई है |

If you want to thank anyone then thank them who saved your wife's life.

कॉफ़ी का कितना हुआ ?

How much for the coffee?

यह तो बेशर्मी की हद है |

This is the height of shamelessness!


Infinitive abbreviated INF is a linguistics term for certain verb forms existing in many languages, most often used as non-finite verbs. As with many linguistic concepts, there is not a single definition applicable to all languages. The word is derived from Late Latin [modus] infinitivus, a derivative of infinitus meaning ;unlimited;.


सब आपकी कृपा है |

It's all your grace.

किसी मदद की जरुरत हो तो बताना |

If you need any help. let me know.

मुझे यह सुनकर दुःख हुआ |

I am sad to hear this.

रीना उसे माफ़ कर do नहीं तो कमल और विमल बेफालतू में मारे जायेंगे |

Reena, accept his apology or else Kamal and Vimal... are going to die unnecessarily.




हमें एक दुसरे के नाम भी नहीं पता |

we don't even know each others names.

तेरा फ़ोन क्यों बंद है ?

Why is your cell phone off?

भाभी भी आयी हैं क्या साथ में ?

Has sister-in-law come along as well?

भाई कमल तेरी बाइक लेके भाग गया है |

Kamal ran away with the petrol tank.


the basic form of a verb that usually follows ;to;: In the sentences ;I had to go; and ;I must go;, ;go; is an infinitive. ;Go; is the infinitive form.


लड़की का नाम क्या है ?

What's the name of the girl?

मैंने पूंछा नहीं |

I didn't ask.

क्या पता कब इसके जरुरत पड़ जाये |

Who know when will I need that.

तुम ऐसा कुछ नहीं करोगे |

You will not do anything like that.


//nbsp;;;In English grammar, an infinitive is the base form of a verb that can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. ;Infinitive; comes from the Latin word infinitus meaning endless. The infinitive is a type of verbal, or word derived from a verb that does not function as a verb, that is almost always preceded by the particle ;to;.


आपने हमारे बैंक से 10 लाख का loan लिया था ?

You had taken a loan of 10 lakh from our bank?

पहले यह चाँदी का हुआ करता था |

Earlier it used to be silver.

काश रीना मेरे साथ होती |

l wish Reena was with me.

ये मैथ में ही नहीं अपनी ज़िंदगी मैं भी fail हो गया है |

He has not only failed in maths but also in his life.


//nbsp;;;An infinitive is a verb form that acts as other parts of speech in a sentence. Jim always forgets to eat . INFINTIVE: FORM . USES: THE INFINITIVE . USES: THE INFINITIVE After some verbs, such as: Want Choose Wish Decide Hope Learn Agree Plan Appear Promise Seem Refuse I want to travel around the country next year .


जो लड़का अभी गया, वह कौन था ?

The boy that just left, who was he?

ऐसा है क्या ? इसलिए तुम दोनों यहाँ आ गए ?

Is that so? That's why you both came here?

बताओ हमें तुम वहाँ गए थे या नहीं |

Tell us had you gone there or not.

हम उसे बचाने के लिए अपनी जान की बाजी लगा देंगे |

We'll risk our lives to save him!


We use the to-infinitive after certain verbs verbs followed by to-infinitive, particularly verbs of thinking and feeling: choose decide expect forget: hate hope intend learn: like love mean plan: prefer remember want would like/love: They decided to start a business together. Remember to turn the lights off. and verbs of saying: agree: promise: refuse: threaten: We agreed to meet at the cinema. Promise to call


मेरे पास तुम्हारी बहुत complaint आयी है |

I got many complaints against you.

अदरक और इलाइची भी डालना |

Add also ginger and cardamom.

देखो कौन आया है |

look who's here.

एक बात अपने छोटे से भेजे में डाल लेना |

Get one thing inside your tiny little brains.


An infinitive is a verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb in order to express an opinion, purpose of an object or action, or answer the questions who, what, or why. An infinitive usually begins with the word atoa and is followed by the base form of a verb the simple form of the verb that you would find in the dictionary.


वो तुम्हारे टुकड़े टुकड़े कर देंगे |

They will cut you to pieces.

मेरा भी मन करता था |

Even l felt like doing it.

क्या हुआ ? तुम्हारा मूड खराब लग रहा है |

What's up? You seem to be in a bad mood.

मुझे एक वजह बताओ कि मैं तुम्हे अभी भी मरा हुआ क्यों ना समझूँ |

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't believe you are still dead.


the basic form of a verb that usually follows ;to;: In the sentences ;I had to go; and ;I must go;, ;go; is an infinitive. ;Go; is the infinitive form.


उसे अब तक आ जाना चाहिए था |

He shouId have come by now.

तुमने मुझे धोखा दिया |

You betrayed me!

मुझे जरुरी काम से लखनऊ से बाहर जाना है |

I have to go out of Lucknow for some urgent work.

वह अकेला था या उसके साथ कोई और भी था ?

Was he alone, or was there someone else with him?


Infinitive - The Absolute Advertising and Technology Agency. A raring, multi-talented, multi-faceted organisation offering an unlimited array of communication opportunities for your brand.


मैं उसे जलाकर राख कर दूंगा |

I'll burn him down to ashes.

इतना कुछ हो चूका है | मुझे नहीं लगता कि सब आयेंगे |

So much has happened. I don't think all wiIl come.

मुझे चोरी के पैसे नहीं चाहिए |

I don't want stolen money!

अगर छोटा amount होता तो हम आपको तकलीफ ना देते |

If it were a small amount, we wouldn't bother you.


a verb form found in many languages that functions as a noun or is used with auxiliary verbs, and that names the action or state without specifying the subject, as French venir ato come,a Latin esse ato be,a fuisse ato have been.a


पीछे हटो |

Move back

इस स्कूल ने हमारी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बना दी है |

This school has made our life hell.

मुझे इस घर के लिए नौकरानी चाहिए हीरोइन नहीं |

I need a maid for this house not a heroine!

क्या यह सब आपने बनाया है |

Did you make these?

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