Day 59 - Infinitive Structure 1 - क्या करूँ? Learn interrogative sentence in Hindi

Learn Structure 1 of Infinitive through English speaking course in Hindi

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

हम हिंदी में इस तरह के वाक्य बहुत बोलते हैं जैसे क्या खाऊं, क्या करूँ, क्या पहनु, इस तरह के वाक्यों में हम ये दर्शाते हैं कि हम decision ले पा रहे कि क्या करना हैं | इस तरह के वाक्यों में हम infinitive का use करते हैं मतलब verb के आगे तो लगाते हैं | 
नीचे दिए sentences को ध्यान से पढ़िए कि हम इस structure को किस तरह के वाक्यों में use कर सकते हैं |
और जितना ज्यादा हो सके इस structure के sentences को अपनी daily life में बोलने कि प्रैक्टिस करें |
Learn Structure 1 of Infinitive through English speaking course in Hindi


DAY 60 INFINITIVE STRUCTURE 2 - वह जाने को है

अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से  बदल जाएगा |

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An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question, as opposed to sentences that make a statement, deliver a command, or express an exclamation. Interrogative sentences are typically marked by inversion of the subject and predicate; that is, the first verb in a verb phrase appears before the subject.

तुम मुझे क्या दिखा रही हो ?
What are you showing me?
बोलना बंद करो और खाना खाओ |
Stop talking and eat.
क्या तुम उसके सामने उससे मिलने जा रहे हो ?
Are you going to meet her in front of him?
मुझे नहीं पता वह कैसे दिखता है |
I don't know how he looks.

An interrogative sentence is simply a sentence that asks a questionathat is, we use it when we interrogate someone for information. Interrogative sentences always end with question marks.

अगर catch नहीं कर पाए तो ?
What if you don't catch it?
अभी देखना | सच्चाई अभी सामने आ जायेगी |
Just wait and see! The reality will be out any moment.
क्या मैं तुम्हें बेवकूफ दिखता हूँ ?
Do I look like a fool to you?
अगर वह थोड़ी देर के लिए भी उसे छोड़ता है तो वह परेशान हो जाती है |
She gets restless if he leaves her for a little while.

Interrogative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and in any tense. What is the function of an interrogative sentence? The basic function job of an interrogative sentence is to ask a direct question. It asks us something or requests information as opposed to a statement which tells us something or gives information. Interrogative sentences require an answer.

आप मुझे ताने क्यों मारती रहती हो ?
Why do you keep taunting me?
तुम्हारी शादी कब हुई कमल ?
When did you get married, Kamal?
यह सब कुछ ही दिन में खत्म हो जायेगा |
All this will be over in a couple of days. 
रास्ते में कोई problem तो नहीं हुई ?
Any problems on the way?

An interrogative sentence is one that asks a direct question and ends in a question mark. The term interrogative sentence is another term for question. There are three types of interrogative sentences: yes/no questions, question-word questions, and choice questions.

तुम तीन महीने के लिए गयी थी ना?
you left for three months, didn't you? 
वह तेरी कोई लगती है क्या ?
Does she mean anything to you?
कुछ नहीं होगा |
Nothing will happen
मुझे किसी की मदद की जरुरत नहीं |
I don't need anybody's help!

//nbsp;;;When you're done, compare your new interrogative sentences with the sample answers. Note that for some of these sentences, you'll need to use helper words did, do, can, etc. to form a question, and for several of the examples, there may be more than one correct answer.

आते रहना |
Do keep coming.
मैंने यह जॉब बहुत पहले छोड़ दी होती |
I would've quit this job long ago.
तो सुन |
Then listen.
थोडा आराम कर लो |
Get some rest.

जैसे ही मुझे छुट्टी मंजूर होगी मैं तुम्हारे पास उड़ कर आ जाऊंगा |
As soon as my Ieave is approved I wiII fIy and come to you.
हमारी लड़की हो उसका राजकुमार मिल गया |
Our daughter has found her prince.
आज के बाद ना तुम मुझे जानती हो और ना मैं तुम्हें |
After today, neither I know you, nor you know me.
flight जल्दी आ गई होगी |
The flight must have landed early.

Interrogative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and in any tense. What is the function of an interrogative sentence? The basic function job of an interrogative sentence is to ask a direct question. It asks us something or requests information as opposed to a statement which tells us something or gives information. Interrogative sentences require an answer.

हम इसी लायक थे |
We deserved it.
मैं तेरे पीछे सब संभाल लूँगा |
I'll take care of everything in your absence.
कार खराब हो गई है |
The car has broken down.
मैं कमल को अकेला छोड़ के कहीं नहीं जाऊंगा |
I will not go anywhere leaving Kamal alone.

Interrogative sentences are a very important part of the way we talk to one another. Theyare how we ask for input from other people and invite them to share what they think. Interrogative sentences are also the way we get information that we need. Example . Dude, whereas my car? In this example, weare asking for information about where the car is.

मैं तुम्हारी यह इच्छा भी पूरी कर दूंगा |
I'll fulfill that wish too.
तुम इतनी आसानी से नहीं मर सकते |
You can't die so easily!
ऐसा क्या ख़ास है उसमें ?
What's so special about him?
तो किससे पूंछू ?
Then who should i ask?

interrogative sentence

छोड़ना मत उन्हें |
Don't spare them.
मुझे कहाँ जाना है |
Where do I have to go?
मैं यह बोझ ज़िंदगी भर नहीं उठा सकता |
I can't carry this burden all my life!
तुम्हें शर्म आनी चाहिए इतना बड़ा फरेब करते हुए |
You should have been ashamed for doing such a big fraud!

An interrogative sentence is one that asks a direct question and ends in a question mark. The term interrogative sentence is another term for question. There are three types of interrogative sentences: yes/no questions, question-word questions, and choice questions.

खाना ठीक है ? ज्यादा गर्म तो नहीं है |
Is the food okay? Not too hot?
आगे देख होता है क्या 
see further what gonna happen
इतना बड़ा फेसला लेने से पहले तुमने मुझसे पूंछा क्यों नहीं ?
Why didn't you ask me before taking such a big decision?
मुझ पर रहम करो |
Have mercy on me!

An interrogative sentence asks a question, and it always ends with a question mark. It's basically just a fancy name for a question. One thing that people struggle with when it comes to questions is identifying the subject.The subjects of questions can be hard to find because they typically come after the verb or between parts of the verb phrase. In other sentence types, the subject comes before the verb.

वास्तव में इसकी ज़िंदगी बर्बाद होने के लिए तुम जिम्मेदार हो |
You are actually responsible to ruin his life.
क्या किया मैंने ?
What have I done?
मेरी बीवी की एक्टिंग करना बंद करो |
Stop acting like my wife.
वो मैं नहीं होने दूंगा |
I will not let that happen.

Define interrogative sentence: the definition of interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question rather than making a statement. In summary, an interrogative sentence: asks a question; has a question mark for end punctuation; often begins with the words who, what, when, where, why; Contents.  What is an Interrogative Sentence?  Sentences With Indirect 

क्या हम आगे बढे |
Shall we go ahead.
पैसे मिलते ही मैं आपका किराया दे दूंगा |
I'll pay the rent as soon as I get the money.
तुम उससे जानते हो ?
you know him? 
कहाँ छुपाऊ मैं इसे ?
Where do I hide it?

//nbsp;;;An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question, as opposed to sentences that make a statement, deliver a command, or express an exclamation. Interrogative sentences are typically marked by inversion of the subject and predicate; that is, the first verb in a verb phrase appears before the subject.

ठीक है मैं बुलाती हूँ उसे |
Αll right, l'll call him.
तुम कमल को नहीं जानती ?
Don't you know Kamal?
कहाँ थे तुम ?
Where were you?
अगर तुम उसे नहीं सुधार सके तो ?
what if you could not reform him?

//nbsp;;;When you're done, compare your new interrogative sentences with the sample answers. Note that for some of these sentences, you'll need to use helper words did, do, can, etc. to form a question, and for several of the examples, there may be more than one correct answer.

मैं उसी दिन शादी करूँगा |
I'll marry on that very day.
मेरा हाथ फिसल रहा है | मुझे यहाँ से बाहर निकालो |
My hands are slipping. Pull me out of here.
तुमने पैकेट कहाँ छुपाया ?
Where did you hide the packet?
उन तीन लोफरों को यहाँ मत आने देना |
don't let those three loafers enter here.

An interrogative sentence is simply a sentence that asks a questionathat is, we use it when we interrogate someone for information. Interrogative sentences always end with question marks.

ये लो | 
Here take this... 
बस कुछ दिनों की बात है |
It is a matter of a few days.
मैं तुम्हे बोल चूका हूँ मेरे लिए महंगी चीजे मत खरीदा करो |
I've told you not to buy me such expensive stuff.
तुम हमारे भोलेपन का फायदा उठा रहे हो है ना ?
You're taking advantage of our innocence. Aren't you?

Define interrogative sentence: the definition of interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question rather than making a statement. In summary, an interrogative sentence: asks a question; has a question mark for end punctuation; often begins with the words who, what, when, where, why; Contents.  What is an Interrogative Sentence?  Sentences With Indirect 

दिमाग खराब हो गया है क्या ?
Have you lost your mind?
यहाँ इतना सन्नाटा क्यों है ? क्या कर्फ्यू लगा है ?
Why is it so quiet in here? ls there a curfew?
तब मुझ तुम जैसे आलसी लोगो को नहीं झेलना पड़ेगा |
Then I won't have to tolerate lazy people like you.
मैंने कभी शराब नहीं पी या सिगरेट नहीं पी |
l never drank or smoked.

Interrogative sentences allow you to gather information and clear up confusion as well as engage in interesting conversations with others. It's also useful in writing as an organizational tool; for example, you can set up questions as headers and answer them to explain a concept in more detail in expository writing.

अपनी मौत कोई कब तक भाग सकता है ?
How long can one run from death?
थोड़ी तो शर्म करो |
Have some shame!
कुछ idea है क्या हो सकता था ?
Any idea what could've happened?
तुम मेरे साथ आ रही हो |
you're coming with me.

Interrogative sentences are a very important part of the way we talk to one another. Theyare how we ask for input from other people and invite them to share what they think. Interrogative sentences are also the way we get information that we need. Example . Dude, whereas my car? In this example, weare asking for information about where the car is.

मैं दौ महीने से मकान का किराया नहीं दे सका |
I couIdn't pay the rent of the house for 2 months.
वह रोटी हुई गई |
She went away crying.
वह बाहर किसी की शादी में गये हैं |
He's out attending someone's marriage.
अपनी आंखे बंद करो |
Close your eyes.

An interrogative sentence is one that asks a direct question and ends in a question mark. The term interrogative sentence is another term for question. There are three types of interrogative sentences: yes/no questions, question-word questions, and choice questions.

क्या बात है ? दादी आज बहुत खुश लग रही हैं |
What's the matter? Grandma seems to be very happy today.
मेरी जान बचाने के लिए शुक्रिया |
Thanks for saving my life!
लगता है हम किसी और के कमरे में आ गए |
seems like we have come in someone else's room.
कमल हमारे कब्जे में है |
Kamal is in our custody.

//nbsp;;;When you're done, compare your new interrogative sentences with the sample answers. Note that for some of these sentences, you'll need to use helper words did, do, can, etc. to form a question, and for several of the examples, there may be more than one correct answer.

मायूस मत हो |
Don't get desperate.
हम और बड़े खतरे में होंगे |
We'll be in more grave danger.
बाद में कोई problem नहीं होनी चाहिए |
There shouldn't be any problem later.
तुम क्या चाहती हो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what do you want me to do?

//nbsp;;;Types of Interrogative sentences. There are four types of interrogative sentences. . Wh-interrogatives. . Yes/No interrogatives. . Alternative interrogatives. . Tag questions. . Wh-interrogatives. Wh-interrogatives are questions that begin with question words. A question word or interrogative word is a function word whose function is to ask a question. 

बड़ी तमन्ना थी तुमसे मिलने की, अब मैंने तुम्हें गले से लगाया तो मैं खुश हूँ |
I had a great desire to meet you, now that I have embraced you, I am happy.
मैं तुम्हारा मंदिर में इंतिजार कर रही थी |
I've been waiting for you at the temple.
बाहर बेठो और दुसरो को खेलने दो |
Sit out and let the others play.
Actually मैं इधर से गुजर रहा था तो सोंचा आपसे मिलता चलूं |
Actually I was passing by. So I thought of meeting you.

An interrogative sentence is simply a sentence that asks a questionathat is, we use it when we interrogate someone for information. Interrogative sentences always end with question marks.

come on बच्चे की तरह behave मत करो |
come on, don't behave like a kid.
इतनी देर हो गयी | अभी तक ट्रक क्यों नहीं आया ?
It's so late. Why hasn't the truck arrived yet?
सुबह सुबह मेरा मूड मत खराब करो |
Don't spoil my mood in the morning.
तो वह तुम्हारी तरफ दौड़कर क्यों आ रहा है ?
Then why is he coming running towards you?

Interrogative sentences are a very important part of the way we talk to one another. Theyare how we ask for input from other people and invite them to share what they think. Interrogative sentences are also the way we get information that we need. Example . Dude, whereas my car? In this example, weare asking for information about where the car is.

यही बात मुझे तुम्हारी पसंद नहीं है |
This is what l don't like about you!
तुझे मुझ जैसा मर्द यहाँ नहीं मिलेगा |
You won't find a man like me here.
वो किसके साथ आई है ?
Whom has she come along with?
anyway, तुमने weekend पर क्या किया ?
Anyway, what did you do during the weekend?

Interrogative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and in any tense. What is the function of an interrogative sentence? The basic function job of an interrogative sentence is to ask a direct question. It asks us something or requests information as opposed to a statement which tells us something or gives information. Interrogative sentences require an answer.

तो मैं क्या करूं ?
So what should I do?
सब आगये क्या ?
has everyone come?
रहने दो, पुरानी बाते याद करना छोड़ो और आगे क्या करना है वो सोंचो |
Let it be, stop remembering the past and think what we have to do ahead.
मैं आपका दूर का रिश्तेदार हूँ |
l'm your distant relatiνe.

An interrogative sentence asks a question, and it always ends with a question mark. It's basically just a fancy name for a question. One thing that people struggle with when it comes to questions is identifying the subject.The subjects of questions can be hard to find because they typically come after the verb or between parts of the verb phrase. In other sentence types, 

ये हमें seriously नहीं ले रहे हैं |
They aren't taking us seriously.
मैं तुम्हें तुम्हारे पैसों के लिए प्यार नहीं करता |
I love you not for your money.
यह कैसे हो सकता है ?
How is that possible?
मुझे क्या पता ? मैं भी तेरे साथ यहीं खड़ा हूँ |
What do I know? I too have been standing here with you!

मैं सोंच रहा था आपको बताऊँ या ना बताऊँ |
I was wondering whether to tell you or not.
मैं कुछ गलत नहीं करूँगा |
i won't do anything wrong.
भाड़ में जाये रीना |
To hell with Reena.
तुम्हे नहीं पता ये आदमी कैसे होते हैं |
You don't know how these men are...

//nbsp;;;Types of Interrogative sentences. There are four types of interrogative sentences. . Wh-interrogatives. . Yes/No interrogatives. . Alternative interrogatives. . Tag questions. . Wh-interrogatives. Wh-interrogatives are questions that begin with question words. A question word or interrogative word is a function word whose function is to ask a question. 

तो अभी तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?
So what are you doing right now?
अब मैं तेरा क्या करूँ ?
Now what do l do of you?
लेकिन कोई जिए या मरे तुम्हे इससे क्या ?
But whether someone lives or dies it doesn't matter to you.
यह धुंवा कैसा ?
What is this smoke?

Interrogative sentences allow you to gather information and clear up confusion as well as engage in interesting conversations with others. It's also useful in writing as an organizational tool; for example, you can set up questions as headers and answer them to explain a concept in more detail in expository writing.

अब तो manager ने भी कह दिया |
Now even the manager said it! 
मैं क्यों बताती तुम्हें ?
Why should I inform you?
कोई कुछ कहता क्यों नहीं ?
Why doesn't anyone say anything?
तुम्हे पता नहीं कि मैं तुम्हारे साथ क्या कर सकता हूँ |
You have no idea what I can do to you.

Define interrogative sentence: the definition of interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question rather than making a statement. In summary, an interrogative sentence: asks a question; has a question mark for end punctuation; often begins with the words who, what, when, where, why; Contents.  What is an Interrogative Sentence?  Sentences With Indirect Questions;  Subjects in 

मैंने कहा दूर रहो इससे |
I said, stay out of it.
तुमने उनका भविष्य दाँव पर लगा दिया ?
You staked their future?
अपने कमेंट्स अपने पास रखना |
keep your  comments to yourself.
इस पर नजर रखो |
Keep an eye on him.

Interrogative sentences allow you to gather information and clear up confusion as well as engage in interesting conversations with others. It's also useful in writing as an organizational tool; for example, you can set up questions as headers and answer them to explain a concept in more detail in expository writing.

मुझे चिकन और मटन की smell पसंद नहीं है |
I detest smell of chicken and mutton.
फिर भी माँ मेरा चेहरा नहीं देखना चाहती |
Still mother doesn't want to see my face!
तुम गुस्सा क्यों हो रहे हो ?
Why are you getting angry?
फ़ोन उसे दो |
Give the phone to him.

//nbsp;;;An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question, as opposed to sentences that make a statement, deliver a command, or express an exclamation. Interrogative sentences are typically marked by inversion of the subject and predicate; that is, the first verb in a verb phrase appears before the subject.

इससे तुम्हारा क्या मतलब है ?
What do you mean by that?
यह तू अपने दिमाग में डाल ले | मेरी बहन को भूल जा |
Bear this in mind! Forget my sister!
तुम्हें जलन हो रही है |
You are jealous!
वह आपकी मर्जी से उससे शादी करना चाहती है |
She wants to marry him with your consent only.

//nbsp;;;Types of Interrogative sentences. There are four types of interrogative sentences. . Wh-interrogatives. . Yes/No interrogatives. . Alternative interrogatives. . Tag questions. . Wh-interrogatives. Wh-interrogatives are questions that begin with question words. A question word or interrogative word is a function word whose function is to ask a question. There are nine question 

मैं खाना लगा रहा हूँ |
Wash up, l'm serving dinner.
मुझ विश्वास रखो, मैं जो कुछ कर रहा हूँ हमारे भले के लिए कर रहा हूँ |
Believe me, whatever I am doing it is for our betterment.
भूल जाओ रीना को और मुझे कॉल मत करना |
Forget Reena! And don't call me!
उसे बुरी नीयत से मत देख | वो तेरी भाभी है |
Don't look at her with bad intentions. She is your bhabhi.

उसे मुझसे कुछ जरुरी बात करनी थी |
She had something important to tell me.
भगवान ने ऐसे अच्छे लोग बनाने बंद कर दिए हैं |
God has stopped creating such good men.
यह मेरा घर है | यह कौन है order देने वाला ?
lt's my house. Who is he to giνe orders?
वह अन्दर अकेला डींगे मार रहा होंगा |
He must be exaggerating alone!

An interrogative sentence asks a question, and it always ends with a question mark. It's basically just a fancy name for a question. One thing that people struggle with when it comes to questions is identifying the subject.The subjects of questions can be hard to find because they typically come after the verb or between parts of the verb phrase. In other sentence types, 

अब तुम दोनो लड़ना बंद करोगे क्या ?
Will you two stop quarrelling now?
क्या करूं मैं ? आंसू बहाऊं ?
What else should I do? Shed tears?
मेरा आज बहुत काम pending पड़ा है |
I have so much work pending today.
तुम पीछे क्यों देख रहे हो ? आगे देखो |
why are you looking behind? Look ahead

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