Passive voice example sentences present indefinite tense

Example sentences of Passive voice of Present indefinite tense in Hindi

औरतो को परेशान किया जाता है |
Women are oppressed.

उसे रोज मारा जाता है |
He is beaten every day.

हर साल हजारों लोग रोड एक्सीडेंट में मारे जाते हैं |
Every year thousands of people are killed in road accidents.

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Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense . Active VoicePassive Voice  

वह भाग गया तो ?
What if he runs away?
क्या तुम्हें वेटर बनके शर्म नहीं आ रही ?
Aren't you ashamed to be a waiter?
दुखभरी कहानी मत बना |
Don't make pathetic stories!
मैं तुमसे बैंक से पैसे ट्रांसफर करके मिलता हूँ |
I'll see you after I transfer the money at the bank.

किस तरह का दोस्त है तू ?
What kind of a friend are you?
यह उसकी गलती नहीं थी |
lt wasn’t her fault.
नहीं | मैं नहीं जाउंगी |
No! I won't go!
मैंने भी सुबह एक सपना देखा |
Even I had a dream in the morning.

Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense . Active VoicePassive Voice  

अगर मेरी लड़की की खिलाफ कुछ भी बोला तो में तेरी जबान खींच लूँगा |
If you say anything against my daughter I'll rip your tongue out.
तुम वैसे ही निकले जैसा मैंने सोंचा था |
You are just what I had thought you were!
तब तूने अपना मुंह क्यों नहीं खोला ?
Why didn't you open your mouth then?
तुम्हें खाना खाते वक़्त पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए |
you shouldn't have water while eating.

Passive Voice. The cat kills the rat. The rat is killed by the cat. He eats an apple. An apple is eaten by him. Alina cleans the room. The room is cleaned by Alina. Somebody cleans this room everyday. This room is cleaned every day.

तुम्हें किस तरह की लड़की पसंद है ?
What kind of girl do you like?
अगर तुम यहाँ रहना चाहते हो तो अपने काम से मतलब रखो |
lf you want to live here then mind your own business.
तुम बैठो | मैं आचार ले के आती हूँ 
You sit. l will get the pickle.
क्या तुमने कुछ कहा ?
Did you say anything?

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; 

मम्मी पापा के गुजरने के बाद, मैंने उसका ख्याल बहन के तरह नहीं बेटी की तरह रखा है |
After mummy papa passed away I have taken care of her as a daughter and not a sister.
उसे दुबारा कॉल करो |
Call him again.
तो मेरे प्यार पर इतनी पाबंदिया क्यों ?
So, why all the restrictions in my loνe?
उनमें और हममे बहुत अंतर है, समझे ? 
There's a lot of difference between them and us, understood?

There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.

मुझे पता था तुम मेरे पास दोड़ते हुए आओगे |
I knew you would come running to me.
क्या कहता मैं उसे ?
What could l have told her?
कैसे भी करके हमें पैसों को इन्तिजाम करना होगा |
Somehow or the other. We have to arrange money.
पागल हो हया है तू |
You've gone mad.

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense. If the active voice is in present indefinite tense and as/es form of verbs/do/doesa is used, you should use ais/am/area in the passive voice. See the examples below. For instance, He writes a letter. s/es forms of verbs a present indefinite tense Make an effort to change the following into passive voice. First, take the subject he to the object place a letter.

कहाँ थे तुम रात भर ? बेचार कितना परेशान था |
Where were you all night? Poor fellow was so worried!
उसे कहीं छुपा दो |
Hide him somewhere.
एक मिनट रुकना | क्या हम पहले मिल चुके हैं |
Wait a minute! Have we met before?
तेरी जैसी औलाद होने से तो बेऔलाद होना बहतर है |
It's better to be without a son than have a son like you.

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; 

पता नहीं उसने उनपर क्या जादू कर रखा था |
I wonder what spell he had them under.
आप मुझे ताने क्यों मारती रहती हो ?
Why do you keep taunting me?
क्या तुम मुझसे दोस्ती करना चाहते हो ?
Do you want to make friendship with me?
सर इसने शुरू किया था |
He started it, sir.

क्या तुम बाहर खाया था ?
Did you eat out?
सुबह से मेरी दाई आँख फड़क रही है |
My right eye is flickering since morning.
क्या तुम्हरी मम्मी ने तुम्हें कुछ सिखाया नहीं ?
Didn't Mummy teach you anything?
मैं आधे घंटे से बाहर खड़ा भोंक रहा हूँ |
I'm barking for half-an-hour standing outside.

Change the sentences from Active Voice to Passive Voice Active Voice a She does not cook food. Passive Voice a The food is not cooked by her. Active Voice a Peter gave me flowers on my birthday.

जो मैं देख रही हूँ उसके बारे में क्या ख्याल है 
Ηow about what l see?
मुझे विश्वास नहीं होता तुम हमारे साथ चल रहे हो |
I can't believe you're coming with us.
सौ बार बोला है उसे कि मुझे साथ में ले जाना |
told him a hundred times that l wanted to come along.
मैं उसे डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता था |
l wanted him to be a doctor.

//nbsp;;;When the active verb is in the simple present tense, we make passive verb forms with is/am/are  past participle form of the verb. Note that the object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. The subject of the active verb becomes the object of the passive verb.  Change the following sentences in the active voice into the passive voice. . He 

यहाँ का रास्त तुझे किसने बताया ?
Who told you the way here ?
तो तुम मानते हो की जरुरत सबकुछ है और feelings कुछ नहीं हैं ?
So you believe needs are everything and feelings are nothing? 
वह ठरकी है |
She's a pervert!
मैं उसी दिन शादी करूँगा |
I'll marry on that very day.

//nbsp;;;Active and Passive Voice Related with Tense - Present Indefinite - Active Voice - Sub  V s/es  Obj . Passive Voice - Obj  is/am/are/ V by  Sub. Examples - She helps the poor. The poor are helped by her. Past Indefinite Tense - Active Voice - Sub  V  Obj . Passive Voice - Obj  was/were  V by  Sub. Examples - They played football 

तब से मैं यहाँ चोरी छुपे आता हूँ ताकि में इनकी किसी तरह मदद कर सकूँ |
Since then, I come here discreetly to help them in some way!
मुझे विश्वास है जितना तुम अभी कमाते हो उससे ज्यादा कमाओगे |
I'm sure you'll earn much more than you do now.
मैं तुम्हें सब समझाता हूँ | मेरे साथ आओ |
I’ll explain it to you. Come with me.
कितनी बार मैंने overtime भी किया है |
Do many times I did overtime too.

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; 

मेरे बारे में कोई पूंछता ही नहीं है |
Nobody seems to be asking about me.
रीना को तुझसे प्यार हो गया है |
Reena has fallen in love with you.
तुम क्या मुझे बताओगे ? मैंने सब कुछ अपनी आँखों से देखा है |
What will you tell me? I've seen everything with my own eyes.
वह नहीं मानेगा |
He will not agree.

Before you go to towards Present Indefinite Passive Voice First you must have the basic 

तुम मेरे साथ चलोगे या मैं अकेले जाऊं ?
You are coming with me or shall I go alone?
तुम क्या कर रहे हो ? रहम करो |
What are you doing? Have mercy.
तू लड़कियों की तरह क्यों दबा रहा है ? थोडा कसके दबा |
Why are you pressing Iike a girI? do it harder.
तुम इन पैसों का क्या करोगे ?
What will you do with this money?

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject  VObject: S convert object to subject  was / were  Vby  O convert subject to object  RemainingHe bought a car. A car was bought by him.

मुझे नहीं मिलना |
I don't want to meet.
तुम अपना पैसा मांगने में क्यों शर्मा रहे हो ?
Why are you ashamed of asking your own money?
मुझे उन्हें अन्दर आने ही नहीं देना चाहिए था |
I shouldn't have allowed them inside in the first place.
तू पूरी रात कहाँ था ?
Where were you all night?

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject  VObject: S convert object to subject  was / were  Vby  O convert subject to object  RemainingHe bought a car. A car was bought by him.

अच्छा होगा कि तुम इसपर अपनी काली जबान का इस्तेमाल ना करो |
Its better that you don't jinx it.
पर किया क्या है इसने ?
But what has he done?
ठीक है शांत हो जा |
Ok calm down now.  
सब्र रखो |
Have patience!

Change the sentences from Active Voice to Passive Voice Active Voice a She does not cook food. Passive Voice a The food is not cooked by her. Active Voice a Peter gave me flowers on my birthday.

मेरा दम घुट रहा है |
I'm getting suffocated.
पहले नास्ता करो |
Have your breakfast first!
असली मुजरिम मैं हूँ |
I am the real culprit.
मैं रास्ते में लखनऊ स्टेशन पर उतर जाऊँगा |
l'll get down at Lucknow station on the way.

There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.

मैं एक मिनट में कैसे जवाब दे दूँ ?
How can l give an answer in just a minute?
तुमने दहेज़ मुझसे लिया और अपने बेटे की शादी किसी और से कर रहे हो |
You take dowry from me and get your son married to someone else.
कमल उर्फ़ भोला |
Kamal alias Bhola.
मैंने ऐसा कुछ नहीं कहा |
I didn't say anything like that.

//nbsp;;;Active and Passive Voice Related with Tense - Present Indefinite - Active Voice - Sub  V s/es  Obj . Passive Voice - Obj  is/am/are/ V by  Sub. Examples - She helps the poor. The poor are helped by her. Past Indefinite Tense - Active Voice - Sub  V  Obj . Passive Voice - Obj  was/were  V by  Sub. Examples - They played football 

तुम जितना कहोगे मैं तुम्हें उतना पैसा दूंगा |
I'll give you money as much you want,
तुमने मेरी शादी उससे करवा दी जिससे मैं चाहती थी |
You got me married to the one I wanted.
उसके लिए तुमने पूरे परिवार की ज़िंदगी दाँव पर लगा दी |
For that, you risked the life of the whole village.
मैंने कोशिश की पर मैं जल्दी नहीं आ सकी |
I tried, but I couldn't come earlier.

Passive Voice. The cat kills the rat. The rat is killed by the cat. He eats an apple. An apple is eaten by him. Alina cleans the room. The room is cleaned by Alina. Somebody cleans this room everyday. This room is cleaned every day.

अच्छा अब हम चलते हैं |
OK, We'll take your leave now, 
प्लीज बहुत हो गया | चलो यहाँ से |
Please. That's enough. Let's leave from here.
मैं सिर्फ आपको अपने दिल की सच्चाई बता रहा था |
I was just trying to tell you the truth that's in my heart.
क्या तुम बाहर आ सकते हो प्लीज |
can you come out pIease.

तुम्हे कितना time लगेगा ?
How long will you take?
क्या तुमने अपनी पहली बीवी को छोड़ दिया ? या वो किसी के साथ भाग गई ?
did you leave your first wife? Or did she elope with someone else?
तू शादी के लिए नहीं रुकेगा क्या ?
Won't you stay for the wedding?
हम आयें आपके पास या आप आएंगे |
Shall I come over, or will you?

Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense . Active VoicePassive Voice  

देख, कमरा गर्म हो गया है | खिड़की खोलनी पड़ेगी |
Look, the room's got hot. Need to open the window.
क्या तुझे याद है जो हमने तुझसे कहा था ?
Do you remember what we told you?
तुम कब से चश्मा पहन रहे हो ?
Since when have you been wearing glasses?
अब जो होना था हो गया |
Now whatever had to happen has happened.

There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.

अपनी माँ को कहना तुम्हारे लिए खाना भेज दें |
Tell your mom to send food for you.
मैं तुम्हे छोड़ नहीं रहा हूँ |
I'm not abandoning you.
अगर पैसों से जान बचती तो अमीर कभी नहीं मरते |
if money could save lives then the rich would never die.
बस पता हैं |
I just know.

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense. If the active voice is in present indefinite tense and as/es form of verbs/do/doesa is used, you should use ais/am/area in the passive voice. See the examples below. For instance, He writes a letter. s/es forms of verbs a present indefinite tense Make an effort to change the following into passive voice. First, take the subject he to 

मैंने खुद से वादा किया था कि मैं तुमसे दूर रहूँगा |
I promised myself I'd stay away from you.
लेकिन एक बात याद रखना |
But remember one thing.
बाद में आना, मैं नहा रहा हूँ |
Come later, I'm bathing.
कुछ याद आया ?
Remember anything?

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense. If the active voice is in present indefinite tense and as/es form of verbs/do/doesa is used, you should use ais/am/area in the passive voice. See the examples below. For instance, He writes a letter. s/es forms of verbs a present indefinite tense Make an effort to change the following into passive voice. First, take the subject he to the object place a letter.

तुम क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?
Why are you asking?
मैं आपको सब समझा दूंगा पहले आप इस छुपा दो कहीं |
I'll explain everything. But first please hide this somewhere.
तुमने मेरा बेवकूफ बनाया |
You made a fool out of me,
तुम बिलकुल सही वक्त पे आये हो |
You've come at the right time.

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject  VObject: S convert object to subject  was / were  Vby  O convert subject to object  RemainingHe bought a car. A car was bought by him.

वो फन मॉल के सामने खड़ी है |
It's parked outside the fun mall. 
ये पैसे रखो |
keep this money.
तुम्हे पता है अगर कोई भी आहट होती है तो मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि कमल आया है |
You know if there is any noise then l feel as if Kamal has come.
हमने तो उसे अभी तक देखा भी नहीं |
We haven't even seen her yet.

//nbsp;;;Active and Passive Voice Related with Tense - Present Indefinite - Active Voice - Sub  V s/es  Obj . Passive Voice - Obj  is/am/are/ V by  Sub. Examples - She helps the poor. The poor are helped by her. Past Indefinite Tense - Active Voice - Sub  V  Obj . Passive Voice - Obj  was/were  V by  Sub. Examples - They played football 

मैं तुमसे बहस नहीं करना चाहता |
I don't want to argue with you.
क्या तुम हमें गुस्से से देख रही हो या तुम्हारा चेहरा ही ऐसा है ?
Are you looking at us angrily? Or your face is like this?
वह अब मुंबई पहुँच गया होगा |
He would have reached Mumbai by now.
क्या तुमने वो देखा ?
Did you see that,

Passive voice example sentences present indefinite tense

मेरे सर में दर्द था और तुम्हारे लिए घुमने जाना ज्यादा जरुरी था ?
I had headache and it was necessary for you to go on walk?
यह तेरा भाई लाया है तेरे लिए |
Your mother has bought this for you.
तुमने सब बैग में रख दिया ?
You put everything into the bag?
मैंने कहा तुम्हें मेरा पीछा मत करो |
I told you not to follow me!

Change the sentences from Active Voice to Passive Voice Active Voice a She does not cook food. Passive Voice a The food is not cooked by her. Active Voice a Peter gave me flowers on my birthday.

तुम चैन से सो नहीं पाओगे |
You won't be able to sleep in peace
अगर पापा को पता चल जाता तो मुझे जान से मार देते |
Dad would have killed me, if he found out!
मैं तुम्हारा मंदिर में इंतिजार कर रही थी |
I've been waiting for you at the temple.
वह कबसे swimming में intrest लेने लगा ?
Since when has he developed an interest in swimming?

Before you go to towards Present Indefinite Passive Voice First you must have the basic 

तुम्हें कहाँ जाना है ?
Where do you want to go?
मैं अकेला आया हूँ |
I have come alone.
कितनी देर मैं इस पोज़ में खड़ा रहूँ ?
How long will I stand in this pose?
वह बाद में पछतायेगा |
He'll regret this later.

//nbsp;;;When the active verb is in the simple present tense, we make passive verb forms with is/am/are  past participle form of the verb. Note that the object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. The subject of the active verb becomes the object of the passive verb.  Change the following sentences in the active voice into the passive voice. . He helps us. . Doctors treat 

अब क्यों डर रहे हो ?
Why are you scared now?
मुझे तुमसे यह उम्मीद नहीं थी |
l didn't expect this from you.
अगर मैंने रीना से शादी नहीं कि तो मेरा झूठ पकड़ा जायेगा |
If I don’t get married to Reena.. lie will be caught.
इतनी बुरी तरह मार खाने के बावजूद वह मेरे लिए वापस आया है |
He came back for me, despite being beaten so badly

Passive Voice. The cat kills the rat. The rat is killed by the cat. He eats an apple. An apple is eaten by him. Alina cleans the room. The room is cleaned by Alina. Somebody cleans this room everyday. This room is cleaned every day.

सब आगये क्या ?
has everyone come?
नहीं | मैंने उसे कभी नहीं देखा |
No. l have never seen him.
अगर वह अन्दर आया तो मैं बाहर चला जाऊंगा |
If he goes in, I'II go out.
क्या खाना शुरू करें ?
Shall we start the dinner?

Before you go to towards Present Indefinite Passive Voice First you must have the basic 

कमल कहाँ रहता है ?
Where does Kamal Iive?
बकवास मत मारो
Don't talk rubbish.
यह तेरा वहम है तुमने किसी और को देखा होगा |
It is your imagination, you must have seen someone else.
मैं तुम्हारे घर गया था तो आपके नौकर ने कहा कि तुम यहाँ हो | तो मैं यहाँ आ गया |
I had gone to your home, so your servant told me that you are here. So I came here.

//nbsp;;;When the active verb is in the simple present tense, we make passive verb forms with is/am/are  past participle form of the verb. Note that the object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. The subject of the active verb becomes the object of the passive verb.  Change the following sentences in the active voice into the passive voice. . He helps us. . Doctors treat 

वो ड्राईवर कहा है ? वो एक बजे आने वाला था न ?
Where's that driver? Wasn't he supposed to be here at one?
मैं बाथरूम में था |
I was in the bathroom
अगर वह जिंदा होता तो जरूर करता |
If he would have been alive, then he surely would have.
यह तुम्हारी ज़िंदगी का सवाल है |
lt's a question of your life!

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