Day 42 - Passive voice in Perfect tense - learn in Hindi

Perfect tense ke passive voice ko english mein banana sikhe

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Passive voice वो वाक्य हैं जिनमे subject या तो नहीं होता या subject inactive होता है |

NOTE – याद रखे हम passive voice का इस्तेमाल तभी करते हैं जब

1. जब हमें subject का ज्ञान ना हो
2. और जब हमें object पे ज्यादा जोरे देना होता हैं |
3. Passive voice में हमेशा verb की third form का प्रयोग होता है |

Passive voice in Present perfect tense

जब हिंदी वाक्यों के अन्त में जा चुका है या गया है आता है तो has/have + been + verb की third form का प्रयोग किया जाता है |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है

Passive voice को English में translate करने का तरीका

Subject + has been/ have been + verb 3rd form  + (by + object) optional

Spoken English में हम अक्सर by + object वाले part को use नहीं करते इसलिए इसे optional रखा गया है

उसे जहर दिया जा चुका है |
He has been poisoned.

उसे मारा जा चुका है |
He has been killed.

मेरी कार चोरी हो गई है |
My car has been stolen!

Passive voice in past perfect tense

जब हिंदी वाक्यों के अन्त में जा चुका था या गया था आता है तो had + been + verb की third form का प्रयोग किया जाता है |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है
Passive voice को English में translate करने का तरीका

Subject + had been + verb 3rd form  + (by + object) optional

Spoken English में हम अक्सर by + object वाले part को use नहीं करते इसलिए इसे optional रखा गया है

उसे सजा दी जा चुकी थी |
He had been punished.

Passive voice in future perfect tense

जब हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में जा चुका होगा आता है तो will have + been + verb  की third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है

Passive voice को English में translate करने का तरीका

Subject + will have been + verb 3rd form  + (by + object) optional

Spoken English में हम अक्सर by + object वाले part को use नहीं करते इसलिए इसे optional रखा गया है

यह समस्या सुलझाई जा चुकी होगी |
This problem will have been solved.



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मैंने यह चेहरा पहली बार देखा है |
I've seen this face for the first time.
प्लीज शाम बर्बाद मत करो |
please don't ruin the evening.
तुम्हें याद भी है तुमने मुझसे आख़िरी बार बात कब की थी ?
Do you even remember when did you last speak to me?
लिख लो इसे भूलना मत |
Write it down, don't forget.

Active and Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense. Affirmatives. Active: S  have/has  V  object  ROTS He has written a poem. Passive: S  have/has  been  V  prep  object  ROTS A poem has been written by him. Interrogatives. Active: Have/Has  S  V  object  ROTS Has he written a poem? Passive: Have/Has  S  been  V  prep  object

जल्दी करो नहीं तो तुम्हें देर हो जाएगी |
hurry up or you'll be late.
तुम्हें शर्म नहीं आती ऐसे गिरे हुए काम करते हुए ?
Aren't you ashamed of doing such cheap things?
मुझे नहीं पता आज क्या होने वाला है |
I don't know what's going to happen today...
तुम अभी भी उससे ग़ुस्सा हो ?
You are stiII angry with him?

Active and Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense. Affirmatives. Active: S  have/has  V  object  ROTS He has written a poem. Passive: S  have/has  been  V  prep  object  ROTS A poem has been written by him. Interrogatives. Active: Have/Has  S  V  object  ROTS Has he written a poem? Passive: Have/Has  S  been  V  prep  object

तुमने मुझे पहले क्यूँ नहीं बताया ?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
यही कहीं होगा ?
Should be around.
तो तुम हो कमल ?
So you're Kamal?
कुछ गुंडे मेरे पीछे पड़े हैं |
Some goons are after me!

Changing a sentence into passive voice when the active verb is in the present perfect tense. Posted by Manjusha Filed in English Grammar. Active verb form: has/have  past participle form of the verb Passive verb form: has/have  been  past participle form of the verb When we change an active sentence into a passive sentence, the object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive 

तुम ऐसा सोंच भी कैसे सकते हो ?
how could you even think like that?
अच्छा हुआ तू आ गया |
It's good that you've come.
अगर वह तुम्हारे साथ नहीं है तो वह कहाँ है ?
If not with you, where is he?
मैं उसे सालों में नहीं सीखा पाया और तुमने उसे मिनटों में सीखा दिया 
I couldn't teach her in years and you taught her in minutes.

अगर कोई दिखे तो सीटी बजाना है | ठीक है ?
If you see somebody, just whistle! Fine?
मुझे नहीं पता |
I don't know.
तुम उसकी दोस्ती में अंधे हो गए हो |
You’re blinded by his friendship.
अपने किसी को मेरी मोटरसाइकिल का टायर चोरी करते देखा |
Did you see anyone steal my motorcycle tyre?

The passive voice of perfect past tense shows the action was done on object. In a passive voice of perfect past tense, to interchange the sentence of active voice into passive voice, the form of ahavea in past tense that is, ahada is used with abeena and past participle of a verb. We shall take some sentences of perfect past tense.

मैं गया था उसके पास | वो नहीं आयी थी मेरे पास |
I went to her. She didn't come to me.
बहुत हो गया | मजाक की भी हद होती है |
Enough is enough! There's a limit to these jokes.
मैं नहीं | कोई और होगा |
Not me! Must be somebody else!
मैंने कहा था | यह सही नहीं होगा | यह सब बर्बाद कर देगा |
I had told you! He won't be right! He will ruin it!

Passive sentences in the present perfect tense have the following structure: Object of the active sentence  has/have  been  past participle form of the verb  by  subject of the active sentence. Changing an assertive sentence into the passive. Active: I have written a story. Passive: A story has been written by me. Active: They have built a house.

मैं मर सकता था |
I could have died!
अभी भी कुछ नहीं बिगड़ा |
Nothings lost yet.
मैं आपका गुनाहगार हूँ |
I am your culprit. 
तुम्हारा एक्सीडेंट हो गया था इसलिए हम तुम्हें यहाँ ले आये |
You had an accident that is why we brought you here.

//nbsp;;;Passive voice exercise present perfect tense In the present perfect tense we make passive verb forms by putting has/have  been before the past participle form of the verb. Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive. .

क्या तुम्हे पता है कि इसके साथ जीना कैसा लगता है 
Do you know what it's like to live with that?
मुझे उसका नाम और number लेना चाहिए था |
I should've taken his name and number.
तुम उसे कैसे जानते हो |
how do you know her?
किसी मदद की जरुरत हो तो बताना |
If you need any help. let me know.

Passive: The window had been broken by the little girl. Active : Had Dorothy solved the problems? Passive: Had the problems been solved by Dorothy. Active : Those prisoners had robbed five banks. Passive: Five banks had been robbed by those prisoners. Quick Exercise Put the following sentences into passive voice. past perfect passive

कितनी बार कहा है तुम्हे चश्मा पहनने के लिए |
How many times have I told you to wear your glasses!
मरने से पहले भेज दूंगा |
l'll send you before l die.
उसकी लड़की की जिम्मेदारी मेरे ऊपर आ गई |
the responsibility of her daughter came on me.
कमल उठो, उठो 
Kamal ! Wake up. Wake up.  

Passive: For what was such a noise being made by you? Past perfect tense. Active voice: Subject  had  past participle form of the verb  object Passive voice: Object of the active sentence  had  been  past participle form of the verb  by  subject of the active sentence. Active: I had never experienced such difficulty.

क्या हो रहा है ? क्यों चिल्ला रहे हो ?
What's going on? Why are you  screaming?
हमारी सारी उम्मीदें तुझी से हैं |
All our hopes are with you.
कुछ गलत होता है अगर बाईं आँख फडकती है |
Something goes wrong only if the left eye twitches.
मैं तुम दोनों को रात से ढूढ़ रहा हूँ |
I've been looking for you two all night.

passive voice in perfect tense

कोई और सब्जी बना लो |
Cook some other vegetable.
अगर मेरे पापा ने यह देख लिया तो मुझे जान से मार देंगे |
If my dad sees this he'll kill me!
तुम्हे किसी और से शादी करनी चाहिए थी |
you should've married someone else!
क्या तुम्हे पता है कि रीना कहाँ है ?
Do you know where Reena is? 

Passive Voice for all Tenses - Rules There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.

आपकी साड़ी फंस गई है |
Your sari's stuck.
नहीं, हम कमल के साथ खायेंगे |
No. We'll dine with Kamal.
उसमें कोई बड़ी बात नहीं |
Nothing great with that.
मैंने उसे रास्ते में बहुत परेशान किया |
I harassed him a lot on the route.

Passive Voice for all Tenses - Rules There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.

मैंने सोंचा मुझे यह मौका नहीं गवाना चाहिए |
I thought, I shouldn't loose this opportunity.
तुम्हारे पिता तुमसे यह छुपाना चाहते थे |
Your dad wanted to hide it from you.
कल से जल्दी उठना, आज हम late हो गये हैं | 
From tomorrow wake up early. Today we are late.
मैं कुछ ज्यादा ही भावुक हो गया |
I got a little too sentimental.

Passive Voice for all Tenses - Rules There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.

कैसे हो ?
How are you?
तुम्हे मेरी बात पर शक है !
You doubt my words!
तुम खुशकिस्मत हो कि हमें पैकेट नहीं मिला |
You're fortunate that we didn't get the packet.
कमल यहाँ मेरी मदद लेने आया है |
Kamal is here seeking my help.

This means a sentence changes from x does something to y to y has something done to it by x. So dont hesitate to learn the difference betwe

तुम तो जानती ही हो कि भाभी की दिमागी हालत ठीक नहीं है |
You do know that sister-in-law isn't mentally sound.
अगर छोटा amount होता तो हम आपको तकलीफ ना देते |
If it were a small amount, we wouldn't bother you.
चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ झांकेगा भी नहीं |
After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.
प्लीज कुछ करो वरना मेरी ज़िंदगी भी बर्बाद हो जायगी |
Please do something or else my life will also be ruined...

Passive: For what was such a noise being made by you? Past perfect tense. Active voice: Subject  had  past participle form of the verb  object Passive voice: Object of the active sentence  had  been  past participle form of the verb  by  subject of the active sentence. Active: I had never experienced such difficulty.

किसी बात की चिंता मत करो |
Don't worry about anything.
यहाँ शरीफ लोग रहते हैं |
decent folks stay here.
हम शर्मिंदा है |
We are ashamed
डॉक्टर होने के बावजूद मैं उतना ही लाचार हूँ जितना की तुम हो |
In spite of being a doctor, I am as helpless as you are.

Passive sentences in the present perfect tense have the following structure: Object of the active sentence  has/have  been  past participle form of the verb  by  subject of the active sentence. Changing an assertive sentence into the passive. Active: I have written a story. Passive: A story has been written by me. Active: They have built a house.

क्या तुम्हें पता है रोज सुबह 5 बजे जॉगिंग करता हूँ ?
do you know I jog every morning at 5?
तू उसपर इतना क्यों अटका पड़ा है |
Why so hung up on her?
मुझे तुझे पढवाना है और शादी करवानी है |
l've got to get you educated and married.
मुझे नहीं, लेकिन रीना को परेशानी हो सकती है |
Not I, but Priya might have a problem. 

//nbsp;;;Passive voice exercise present perfect tense In the present perfect tense we make passive verb forms by putting has/have  been before the past participle form of the verb. Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive. .

उसके लिए ऐसी बात मत बोल |
Don't say such things for her.
मेरे लिये भी कुछ वक़्त निकालो |
Take out some time for me too!
मैं आपको कुछ नहीं होने दूंगा |
I won't let anything happen to you.
मुझे पिसाब करना है |
I want to urinate.

Passive: For what was such a noise being made by you? Past perfect tense. Active voice: Subject  had  past participle form of the verb  object Passive voice: Object of the active sentence  had  been  past participle form of the verb  by  subject of the active sentence. Active: I had never experienced such difficulty.

मैं उन्हें क्या बताता ?
What could l tell them?
आपको पता है कल क्या हुआ ?
You know what happened yesterday?
तेरी कसम |
l swear by you.
मुझे नहीं पता क्यों पर रीना खुद को उसकी मौत का जिम्मेदार मानती है |
I don't know why, but Reena blames herself for his death.

डरो मत |
Don't be scared.
वो तुमसे बात करना चाहता है |
He wants to talk to you.
मैं किसी से नहीं डरता हूँ |
I am not scared of anyone.
बेवकूफ, सही से number डायल नहीं कर सकता |
Idiot, can't diaI correctIy.

तुम्हे मुझपे चिल्लाना नहीं चाहिए था |
You shouldn't have yelled at me.
अब मेरी बात सुना | कोई लड़की तुम्हें कभी प्यार नहीं कर सकती |
Now, listen to me. No girl can eνer fall in loνe with you.
अभी तो बताया था 1 मिनट पहले |
I just told you a minute ago.
मैं मानता हूँ मैंने बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |
I admit I've made a grave mistake.

तुमने मेरे साथ ऐसा क्यों किया ?
Why did you do this with me?
मेरी ख़ुशी उसकी ख़ुशी में है |
my happiness is in her happiness.
मैंने कहा था ना ?
Didn't I say?
वह इसकी वजह से बदनाम भी हो गया |
He even got defamed because of it.

//nbsp;;;Passive voice exercise present perfect tense In the present perfect tense we make passive verb forms by putting has/have  been before the past participle form of the verb. Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive. .

मैं उसे कामयाब नहीं होने दूंगा |
I won't let him succeed
इतना बड़ा फेसला लेने से पहले तुमने मुझसे पूंछा क्यों नहीं ?
Why didn't you ask me before taking such a big decision?
बता नहीं सकता मुझपे क्या क्या गुजरी हैं |
Can't tell you what l've been through.
अब तुम कहाँ जा रही हो ?
Now where are you off to?

The passive voice of perfect past tense shows the action was done on object. In a passive voice of perfect past tense, to interchange the sentence of active voice into passive voice, the form of ahavea in past tense that is, ahada is used with abeena and past participle of a verb. We shall take some sentences of perfect past tense.

मुझे माफ़ कर दो | अब ऐसा कभी नहीं होगा |
I am so sorry. Now it will never happen.
अपनी बहन के कहाँ ले जा रहे हो ?
where are you taking your sister?
तुम्हें यहाँ से बहार निकालना मेरी जिम्मेदारी है |
Getting you out of here is my responsibility.
मैं चुटकी में तैयार हो जाउंगी |
I'll get ready in a jiffy.

Passive: The window had been broken by the little girl. Active : Had Dorothy solved the problems? Passive: Had the problems been solved by Dorothy. Active : Those prisoners had robbed five banks. Passive: Five banks had been robbed by those prisoners. Quick Exercise Put the following sentences into passive voice. past perfect passive

उसे मत बताना चाहे तुम्हें अपनी जान ही क्यों ना देनी पड़े |
Don't tell him! Even if you have to lay down your life.
तो अभी तक तू बोला क्यों नहीं ?
So why didn't you say as yet?
जब तक तुम रीना को kiss नहीं करोगे तुम्हारा चक्कर आगे नहीं पढ़ेगा |
Till the time you won't kiss Reena. your affair won't progress.
पानी नहीं है |
There's no water.

अगर मेरी नहीं है तो क्या तेरी है ?
If it's not mine. is it yours?
मैंने कभी किसी औरत कि तरफ देखा भी नहीं सिवाए उसके |
I've never even looked at another woman but her.'
तुम यहाँ क्यों आये मुझे मरवाने के लिए ?
Why have you both come here to get me killed?
बताओ मैं नहा के आऊँ या ऐसे ही आ जाऊं ?
Tell me, shall I take a bath or come just  as  I am?

This means a sentence changes from x does something to y to y has something done to it by x. So dont hesitate to learn the difference betwe

जैसे ही मैंने उसे देखा, मैंने सोंचा मैं तुम्हें inform कर दूँ | 
As soon as I saw her, I thought I will inform you all!
जब कमल इतना जोर दे रहा है तो कर दिए जैसा वह कह रहा है |
when Kamal's insisting so much then do as he says.
मुझे पहले पानी से बाहर आने दो |
let me come out of the water first.
ये यहाँ कैसे हो सकती है ?
How can he be here?

Changing a sentence into passive voice when the active verb is in the present perfect tense. Posted by Manjusha Filed in English Grammar. Active verb form: has/have  past participle form of the verb Passive verb form: has/have  been  past participle form of the verb When we change an active sentence into a passive sentence, the object of the active verb becomes the 

कब तक चलता रहेगा क्या ?
For how long what will go on?
क्या बताता मैं उसे ?
What would l have told him?
वह मदद के लिए मेरे पास आयी थी |
she came to me for help.
उसने मना कर दिया तो ?
What if she refuses?

Passive sentences in the present perfect tense have the following structure: Object of the active sentence  has/have  been  past participle form of the verb  by  subject of the active sentence. Changing an assertive sentence into the passive. Active: I have written a story. Passive: A story has been written by me. Active: They have built a house.

अगर तुम्हें कोई problem है तो में बाद में आ सकती हूँ |
If you've some probIem I can come Iater.
देखो, मैं पुलिस को कॉल नहीं करूँगा | लेकिन मेरी बेटी को कुछ मत करना |
See, I wiII not caII the poIice.. But don't do anything to my daughter.
इतनी रात को कौन हो सकता है |
Who could it be, so late at night.
तू जितना भोला दिखता है उतना है नहीं |
You aren't as innocent as you appear to be.

Changing a sentence into passive voice when the active verb is in the present perfect tense. Posted by Manjusha Filed in English Grammar. Active verb form: has/have  past participle form of the verb Passive verb form: has/have  been  past participle form of the verb When we change an active sentence into a passive sentence, the object of the active verb becomes the 

क्या वह सो गया ?
Did he sleep?
उसकी उम्र शादी के लायक है |
She's of marriageable age.
मैं तुम्हें पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा | तुम्हारी सारी ज़िंदगी जेल में कटेगी |
l will hand you people over to the cops. All your life will be spent in prison.
भाड़ में जाये रीना |
To hell with Reena.

The passive voice of perfect past tense shows the action was done on object. In a passive voice of perfect past tense, to interchange the sentence of active voice into passive voice, the form of ahavea in past tense that is, ahada is used with abeena and past participle of a verb. We shall take some sentences of perfect past tense.

जैसा कहा गया है वैसा करो |
just do as you were told.
अपना ख्याल रखना |
take care of yourself.
जिस तरह तुम कभी हारे नहीं उसी तरह कमल भी किसी से हारा नहीं |
Just like you never lost to anyone, no one has ever defeated Kamal.
वह ऐसे नहीं सुनेगा |
He won't listen like this.

Active and Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense. Affirmatives. Active: S  have/has  V  object  ROTS He has written a poem. Passive: S  have/has  been  V  prep  object  ROTS A poem has been written by him. Interrogatives. Active: Have/Has  S  V  object  ROTS Has he written a poem? Passive: Have/Has  S  been  V  prep  object

तुमने ज़िंदगी में पहले बार सही बात कही है |
You’ve said something right for the first time in life.
तो सुन |
Then listen.
रोक सको तो रोक लो |
Stop me if you can.
ठीक है मै देखता हूँ |
Alright let me have a look.

This means a sentence changes from x does something to y to y has something done to it by x. So dont hesitate to learn the difference betwe

वह मुझ पर पूरी तरह पागल है |
She's totally crazy about me.
थोडा सा और 
little more.
क्या यह भी उसी की गलती है ?
Is this also his fault?
तुमने मेरी होशियारी बहुत जल्दी पहचान ली |
You recognized my cIeverness so soon.

Passive: The window had been broken by the little girl. Active : Had Dorothy solved the problems? Passive: Had the problems been solved by Dorothy. Active : Those prisoners had robbed five banks. Passive: Five banks had been robbed by those prisoners. Quick Exercise Put the following sentences into passive voice. past perfect passive

क्या आप हमें अकेला छोड़ देंगे ?
Will you please leave us alone?
प्लीज मेरा एक काम कर दो |
Please do me a favour!
सुना है वे जल्द ही शादी करने वाले हैं |
it's heard that they are going to marry soon.
जब गुनाह मेरा है तो सजा तुम लोग क्यों भुगतो ?
When the sin is mine why should all of you suffer?

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