Day 43 learn Passive voice of can could have should have and has to in Hindi

Can could have should have wale sentences ki passive voice banana sikhen

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Use of can in passive voice

जब हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में जा सकता है आता है तो can + verb  की third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है

Passive voice को English में translate करने का तरीका
Subject + can be + verb 3rd form  + (by + object) optional

Spoken English में हम अक्सर by + object वाले part को use नहीं करते इसलिए इसे optional रखा गया है 

तुम्हे खिलाया जा सकता है |
You can be played.

Use of could have in passive voice

जब हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में जा सकता था आता है तो could have  + been + verb  की third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है

Passive voice को English में translate करने का तरीका
Subject + Could have been + verb 3rd form  + (by + object) optional

Spoken English में हम अक्सर by + object वाले part को use नहीं करते इसलिए इसे optional रखा गया है 

तुम्हे पीटा जा सकता था |
You could have been beaten.

दुर्घटना रोकी जा सकती थी |
Accident could have been stopped.

Use of should in passive voice

जब हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में जाना चाहिए  आता है तो should + verb  की third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है

Passive voice को English में translate करने का तरीका
Subject + should be + verb 3rd form  + (by + object) optional

Spoken English में हम अक्सर by + object वाले part को use नहीं करते इसलिए इसे optional रखा गया है 

पौधे उगाये जाने चाहिए |
Plant should be planted.

यह दरवाजे रात में बंद रहने चाहिए |
These doors should be shut at night.

Use of should have in passive voice

जब हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में जाना चाहिए था आता है तो should have + been + verb  की third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है

Passive voice को English में translate करने का तरीका
Subject + should have been + verb 3rd form  + (by + object) optional

Spoken English में हम अक्सर by + object वाले part को use नहीं करते इसलिए इसे optional रखा गया है 
उसे रोका जाना चाहिए था |
He should have been stopped

Near future में होने वाली घटना का passive voice

Passive voice को English में translate करने का तरीका
Subject + is/am/are/was/were + to be  + verb 3rd form  + (by + object) optional

Spoken English में हम अक्सर by + object वाले part को use नहीं करते इसलिए इसे optional रखा गया है 

उसका कत्ल होने वाला है |
He is to be murdered.

तुम मुझसे पीटने वाले हो |
You are to be beaten by me.



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Object  may, must, can, could, ought to, should  be  verb: Question Form: Must, may, can, should, might  object  be  verb past participle Something must / can / should be done by someone at sometime. Active : Our English teacher may give an exam today. Passive: An exam may be given by our English teacher today. Active : Thomas has written many books. Passive: Many books have been 

अचार मिलेगा ?
I'd like some pickle.
मैंने खुद सुना है सबकुछ फ़ोन पर |
I heard everything on the phone myself.
लेकिन तुम मेरी परेशानी समझ सकती हो | है ना ?
But you can understand my problem too, isn't it?
इस कमल का कुछ करना पड़ेगा |
We will have to do something about this Kamal.

हम घर चलें मुझे हनीमून की तैयारी करनी है |
Shall we go home I have to make arrangements for the honey moon!
कुछ confusion है |
There is some confusion.
हम लोगों के अलावा और कोई नहीं आया यहाँ |
No one else besides us came here.
आज से हमारी रस्ते अलग अलग है |
From today our paths are different.

e.g. MIGHT HAVE, MAY HAVE, SHOULD HAVE, OUGHT HAVE, MUST HAVE Auxiliary Verb used in Passive Voice: BEEN. Active Voices Passive Voices; SHOULD HAVE. SHOULD HAVE BEEN. I should have started a job. A job should have been started by me. I should not have started a job. A job should not have been started by me. Should I have started a job? Should a job have been started 

दूर हो जाओ मेरी नजरों के सामने से |
Get out of my sight!
भाई संत से कम नहीं है |
Brother is no lesser to a saint. 
भाई कमल तेरी बाइक लेके भाग गया है |
Kamal ran away with the petrol tank.
तो किसका पीछा करूँ ?
So whom should I chase?

B. Passive Voice of Modals Sentences. Note. Modals  Can, Could, Should, May, Must, Have to, Has to, Used to, Would like to etc.  Passive Voice ;Be; 

वह सुन्दर ही नहीं काबिल और समझदार भी है |
He is not only handsome, but able and sensible too.
तुमने यहाँ आकर अच्छा किया |
You did good by coming here.
बताया नहीं तुमने कि तुम आ रहे हो ?
Why didn't you say you're coming?
मुझे देर हो रही है | मुझे जाना होगा |
I'm getting late. I must go.

This is why the passive voice can be really difficult for many of youasimply because itas new. The passive voice is a sentence structure that we use to focus on the object of a sentence instead of the subject. In other words, the passive gives a different focus to an event. This might sound a bit complicated, but that doesnat mean that you canat learn it. In this guide, I will simplify this concept for 

तुमने पैकेट कहाँ छुपाया ?
Where did you hide the packet?
लगता है वे रास्ता भूल गये हैं |
Looks like they lost their way.
उस पर कभी विश्वास मत करना | वह भरोसे के लायक नहीं है |
Never trust him. He is not worthy enough to be trusted.
क्या तुम्हारी family से कोई यहाँ आ सकता है |
can anyone from your family come here?

Hey! You will have to do it. In general, using passive voice changes the subject into the object. Letas see how it works. Firstly, try to find the subject. In this sentence, the subject is ayoua. Then find the object. Consider it is aita. Now leta

नहीं तो मैं बदनाम हो जाता |
else I'd have been defamed.
यह आसान नहीं है तुम मेरी जगह होती तब पता चलता |
It's not easy. If you were in my place you'd know.
तुम जैसा आदमी कभी नहीं सुधर सकता |
A person like you can never change!
कमल ने मना कर दिया तो ?
What if Kamal refuses?

My guessing that it is ;-have to  passive voice-; combination here, where ;-have to-; is that ;kind-of-modal-verb-but-overly-not;, am I right here? Have isn't a modal. It can be a helping or auxillary verb as traditional grammar describes. Like do or be. I'm sure CEGL calls it something different. It's definitely not a modal because it's an option to use with modals. E.g. I could have gone and I could go are valid. 

तुम यहाँ रीना की मौत का बदला लेने आये हो, है ना ?
You're here to avenge Reena's death, right?
तुम्हारे पीछे क्या है ? क्या छुपा रहे हो ?
What’s this behind you? What are you hiding?
कमल भाई उसे इसी नाम से बुलाते थे |
Brother Kamal used to call him by that name.
यह रीना के कमरे में झाँक रहा था |
He was peeping in Reena's room!

//nbsp;;;If the active voice is in the present perfect tense and the helping verbs ahas/havea is used, you should use ahas been/ have beena in the passive voice. For example, I have taught him grammar. Grammar has been taught to him by me. Or He has been taught grammar by me. Note: If there are two objects in the sentence, any of them can be used while making passive voice. Try to understand with 

दवाई ले लो आराम मिलेगा 
Take a pill. You'll feel better.
क्या तुम किसी और का इंतिजार कर रही थी ?
Were you expecting someone else?
कमल हमारे कब्जे में है |
Kamal is in our custody.
वो क्यों ?
Why is that?

In an affirmative sentence in past tense, the passive voice with modals takes the form aobject  modal may, must, might, can, could, ought to, should  have been  past participle of main verb third form.a 'Driven', the past participle of 'drive' and 'have been' are used as per the form the passive voice takes with modal 'ought to.' Option  is in the present tense. The other options do not use the past participle 

मुझे दाल मैं कुछ काला लग रहा है |
I think something is fishy.
सुनो, खाओगे ?
Listen, want a bite?
मुझे बस एक मिनट देना, ठीक ? 
Just give me a minute, okay?
वो कैसे हुआ ?
How did that happen?

This is why the passive voice can be really difficult for many of youasimply because itas new. The passive voice is a sentence structure that we use to focus on the object of a sentence instead of the subject. In other words, the passive gives a different focus to an event. This might sound a bit complicated, but that doesnat mean that you canat learn it. In this guide, I will simplify this concept for 

यह सगाई नहीं हो सकती |
This engagement cannot take place.
लोग क्या कहेंगे ?
What will the people say?
हम सब तुम्हारे साथ पुलिस स्टेशन चलेंगे |
We'll all go with you to the police station.
मुझे माफ़ कीजियेगा, हमारा स्टोक खत्म हो गया है |
I'm sorry, we're out of stock.

Has or have with passive voice. Ask Question Asked  years,  month ago. Active  years,  month ago. Viewed  times . How could I use has/have with passive. For example, This has already proofed in . or . This has already been proofed in . Which one is correct? passive-voice  Share. Improve this question. Follow asked Jan  ' at :. Maryam Maryam. gold 

कौन हो तुम और तुम्हे मेरा number कैसे मिला ?
Who are you and how did you get my number?
तुम सिर्फ अपने बारे में सोंच रहे हो |
You are only thinking about yourself.
आपसे कोई मिलने आया है सर |
There's someone to see you, sir.
अबे कभी किसी पार्टी में गया है क्या ?
Have you ever been to a party?

In an affirmative sentence in past tense, the passive voice with modals takes the form aobject  modal may, must, might, can, could, ought to, should  have been  past participle of main verb third form.a 'Driven', the past participle of 'drive' and 'have been' are used as per the form the passive voice takes with modal 'ought to.' Option  is in the present tense. The other options do not use the past participle 

मुझे याद है जब हम आख़िरी बार मिले थे |
I remember the last time we met him. 
तीन दिन तक लाइट नहीं आएगी |
There will be no electricity for three days.
मैं तुम्हे नास्ते के लिए बुलाने आयी थी |
l came to call you for breakfast.
बस एक मौका |
Just one chance!

My guessing that it is ;-have to  passive voice-; combination here, where ;-have to-; is that ;kind-of-modal-verb-but-overly-not;, am I right here? Have isn't a modal. It can be a helping or auxillary verb as traditional grammar describes. Like do or be. I'm sure CEGL calls it something different. It's definitely not a modal because it's an option to use with modals. E.g. I could have gone and I could go are valid. 

खाओ इसे और जल्दी तैयार हो जाओ |
Eat this and get ready quickly.
लेकिन मैं किसी गुंडे से नहीं डरूंगा |
But I won't be scared of any goon.
तुम्हारे बीवी बच्चे नहीं है क्या ?
Don't you have a wife and kids?
अब सब ठीक हो जायेया |
Now, everything will be all right.

Has or have with passive voice. Ask Question Asked  years,  month ago. Active  years,  month ago. Viewed  times . How could I use has/have with passive. For example, This has already proofed in . or . This has already been proofed in . Which one is correct? passive-voice  Share. Improve this question. Follow asked Jan  ' at :. Maryam Maryam. gold 

तू अभी भी वापस नहीं गया ?
You've still not gone back?!
पहले यहाँ दरवाजा नहीं था |
EarIier there was no door.
हम अभी भी वहीँ अटके हैं जहाँ से शुरू किया था |
We're still stuck where we started.
मुझे देखते ही उसे सब याद आ जायेगा |
He'll remember everything clearly when he catches sight of me!

The crates will have been loaded by then. Modals: can/could: can, could  be  issued: A passport can only be issued at the embassy. He said the documents could be issued within the week. Modal: have to: have to, has to, had to  be  arranged: A babysitter has to be arranged for this evening. Joanas travel plans have to be arranged by 

अपना सामान अपने बैग में रखो |
Put your stuff in your bag.
मैंने कमल का इतना लंबा इंतिजार किया है | तो क्या मैं उसकी ख़ुशी के लिए 2 दिन और इंतिजार नहीं कर सकती ?
I waited so long for Kamal. So, can't I wait for 2 more days for his happiness?
मुझे दुःख है कि ऐसा हुआ |
I'm really sorry that it happened.
मैं कैसी लग रही हूँ ?
How am l looking?

My guessing that it is ;-have to  passive voice-; combination here, where ;-have to-; is that ;kind-of-modal-verb-but-overly-not;, am I right here? Have isn't a modal. It can be a helping or auxillary verb as traditional grammar describes. Like do or be. I'm sure CEGL calls it something different. It's definitely not a modal because it's an option to use with modals. E.g. I could have gone and I could go are valid. 

आज मेरी ज़िंदगी की नई शुरुवात है |
Today is the beginning of my new life.
खिड़की बंद करो | ठंड लग जाएगी तुम्हे |
Roll-up the window. You'll catch a cold.
क्या तुझे कभी ऐसा लगा की तू मरने वाला है ?
Did you ever feel you were gonna die?
लेकिन भाई कुछ तो करना पड़ेगा |
But Brother, something has to be done.

B. Passive Voice of Modals Sentences. Note. Modals  Can, Could, Should, May, Must, Have to, Has to, Used to, Would like to etc.  Passive Voice ;Be; 

तुम्हे कितना time लगेगा ?
How long will you take?
तुम ताली क्यों बजा रही हो |
What are you clapping for
जब से यह मेरे पति बन गए |
Since the time he became my husband!
भूल जाओ रीना को और मुझे कॉल मत करना |
Forget Reena! And don't call me!

Hey! You will have to do it. In general, using passive voice changes the subject into the object. Letas see how it works. Firstly, try to find the subject. In this sentence, the subject is ayoua. Then find the object. Consider it is aita. Now leta

मेरे पास इससे अच्छे काम हैं करने के लिए |
I've better things to do.
मुझे सबकुछ शुरू से ही पता था |
I knew everything right from the start.
वो तुमसे मिलने गई है |
She's gone to meet you.
तुम अपना गुस्सा उसपर क्यों उतार रही हो ?
Why are you venting your anger on him?

//nbsp;;;If the active voice is in the present perfect tense and the helping verbs ahas/havea is used, you should use ahas been/ have beena in the passive voice. For example, I have taught him grammar. Grammar has been taught to him by me. Or He has been taught grammar by me. Note: If there are two objects in the sentence, any of them can be used while making passive voice. Try to understand with 

तुम पीछे क्यों देख रहे हो ? आगे देखो |
why are you looking behind? Look ahead
वह नहीं मानेगा |
He will not agree.
मैंने नहीं मंगाई ?
I didn't call for it.
आखिर में दिखा दी ना अपनी औकात |
At last you have shown your status!

In an affirmative sentence in past tense, the passive voice with modals takes the form aobject  modal may, must, might, can, could, ought to, should  have been  past participle of main verb third form.a 'Driven', the past participle of 'drive' and 'have been' are used as per the form the passive voice takes with modal 'ought to.' Option  is in the present tense. The other options do not use the past participle 

बाहर बेठो और दुसरो को खेलने दो |
Sit out and let the others play.
अगर मैं उन्हें पैसे नहीं देता तो वो नहीं जाते |
If I hadn't given them money, then they wouldn't have gone.
मैं आपको शरीफ़ आदमी समझता था |
I had thought you were an upright man.
क्या इसने कुछ निगल लिया ?
Did he swallow something?

The crates will have been loaded by then. Modals: can/could: can, could  be  issued: A passport can only be issued at the embassy. He said the documents could be issued within the week. Modal: have to: have to, has to, had to  be  arranged: A babysitter has to be arranged for this evening. Joanas travel plans have to be arranged by 

उसके लिए तुमने पूरे परिवार की ज़िंदगी दाँव पर लगा दी |
For that, you risked the life of the whole village.
क्या तुम देख नहीं सकते कि तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
Can't you watch where you are going?
मेरा पोता कितने सालों बाद आया है |
My grandson has come after so many years.
मैं घर कैसे जाऊंगा ?
How will I go home?

e.g. MIGHT HAVE, MAY HAVE, SHOULD HAVE, OUGHT HAVE, MUST HAVE Auxiliary Verb used in Passive Voice: BEEN. Active Voices Passive Voices; SHOULD HAVE. SHOULD HAVE BEEN. I should have started a job. A job should have been started by me. I should not have started a job. A job should not have been started by me. Should I have started a job? Should a job have been started 

अच्छे डॉक्टर से इसका इलाज करवाओ |
Get him treated by a good doctor.
उसने हमें यह किताबे लेने भेजा है |
She sent us to get these books.
क्या में पूँछ सकता हूँ तुम यहाँ क्या साबित करना चाहते हो ?
May l ask what you wish to prove here?
किस कमीने ने छुआ मेरे भाई को |
Which scoundrel touched my brother!

The crates will have been loaded by then. Modals: can/could: can, could  be  issued: A passport can only be issued at the embassy. He said the documents could be issued within the week. Modal: have to: have to, has to, had to  be  arranged: A babysitter has to be arranged for this evening. Joanas travel plans have to be arranged by 

तुम दोनों एक दुसरे को जानते हो ?
The two of you know each other?
क्या कहा तुमने ?
What did you say?
क्या उसने कुछ कहा ?
Did he say something?
पापा ने तुम्हे बुलाया है |
Father, has called you.

Has or have with passive voice. Ask Question Asked  years,  month ago. Active  years,  month ago. Viewed  times . How could I use has/have with passive. For example, This has already proofed in . or . This has already been proofed in . Which one is correct? passive-voice  Share. Improve this question. Follow asked Jan  ' at :. Maryam Maryam. gold 

घर पर कोई नहीं है |
there's no one at home.
वह अन्दर गया होगा |
He must have gone inside
ये कौन सा तरीका है भीख मांगने का ?
ls this a way to ask for alms?
हम उन्हें अकेला नहीं छोड़ सकते |
We can't leave them alone.

Object  may, must, can, could, ought to, should  be  verb: Question Form: Must, may, can, should, might  object  be  verb past participle Something must / can / should be done by someone at sometime. Active : Our English teacher may give an exam today. Passive: An exam may be given by our English teacher today. Active : Thomas has written many books. Passive: Many books have been 

मैं तेरे घर गया था | वहाँ से पता चला कि तू यहाँ है |
I had been to your house. From there I came to know that you are here.
रोने दो इसे. इसी की करने है |
Let him cry. It is his doing.
सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
Everything will be alright.
तुम्हें पता है आज client meeting में आज क्या हुआ ?
Do you know what happened in client meeting today?

e.g. MIGHT HAVE, MAY HAVE, SHOULD HAVE, OUGHT HAVE, MUST HAVE Auxiliary Verb used in Passive Voice: BEEN. Active Voices Passive Voices; SHOULD HAVE. SHOULD HAVE BEEN. I should have started a job. A job should have been started by me. I should not have started a job. A job should not have been started by me. Should I have started a job? Should a job have been started 

वह नहाने गई है |
She has gone for her bath.
कमल को पता चल गया है कि मैं कौन हूँ |
Kamal has come to know who I am.
इससे अच्छा तो तुमने हमें जहर दे दिया होता |
You should have poisoned us instead.
क्या प्यार करना गलत है ?
ls falling in loνe wrong?

Hey! You will have to do it. In general, using passive voice changes the subject into the object. Letas see how it works. Firstly, try to find the subject. In this sentence, the subject is ayoua. Then find the object. Consider it is aita. Now leta

अकेले में ले जाने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
Where was the need to go off to be alone?
तुम यहाँ क्यों खड़ी हो ?
Why are you standing here?
इस बार तुम बहुत दूर निकल गए हो |
You've gone too far this time,
यह तो होना ही था |
This was bound to happen.

लेकिन मैं आज तुझे कहता हूँ |
But I'm saying this to you today.
उसके जैसा कोई नहीं है |
There is no one like him.
तो तुमने क्यों कहा ?
Why did you say so ?
आपने जो कुछ हमारे लिए किया है वो हम कभी नहीं भूलेंगे |
we will never forget all that you have done for us.

B. Passive Voice of Modals Sentences. Note. Modals  Can, Could, Should, May, Must, Have to, Has to, Used to, Would like to etc.  Passive Voice ;Be; 

इतना बड़ा फेसला लेने से पहले तुमने मुझसे पूंछा क्यों नहीं ?
Why didn't you ask me before taking such a big decision?
अगर मैं इसे एक थप्पड़ मरूँगा तो इसे सब याद आ जायेगा |
If I slap him once, he'll remember everything.
तुम मुझसे कहाँ भागते रहते रहे हो ?
Where do you keep running away from me?
अगर रीना ने कॉल किया तो उससे कहना कि मोबाइल पर कॉल करे |
If Reena calls up, then ask her to call on the mobile.

Object  may, must, can, could, ought to, should  be  verb: Question Form: Must, may, can, should, might  object  be  verb past participle Something must / can / should be done by someone at sometime. Active : Our English teacher may give an exam today. Passive: An exam may be given by our English teacher today. Active : Thomas has written many books. Passive: Many books have been 

क्या हम एक बार कॉलेज घूम सकते हैं ?
can we walk around the college once?
दौ महीने हो गए हैं | वह वापस नहीं लौटा |
It's been two months now. He hasn't returned.
वो तो एक महीने बाद है |
That's just a month away.
मैं कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि ऐसा होगा |
I had never thought such thing would happen.

This is why the passive voice can be really difficult for many of youasimply because itas new. The passive voice is a sentence structure that we use to focus on the object of a sentence instead of the subject. In other words, the passive gives a different focus to an event. This might sound a bit complicated, but that doesnat mean that you canat learn it. In this guide, I will simplify this concept for 

तुम्हे उसकी लाश भी नहीं मिलेगी |
You won't even find his corpse.
मैं pregnant नहीं होना चाहती |
I don't want to get pregnant.
वो मैं कैसे भूल सकता हूँ ?
How can l forget that?
देखो, क्या हो गया ?
Look, what has happened?

//nbsp;;;If the active voice is in the present perfect tense and the helping verbs ahas/havea is used, you should use ahas been/ have beena in the passive voice. For example, I have taught him grammar. Grammar has been taught to him by me. Or He has been taught grammar by me. Note: If there are two objects in the sentence, any of them can be used while making passive voice. Try to understand with 

किसी चीज की जरुरत हो तो मुझे कॉल करना |
Call me if you need anything.
वह तुम्हें बहुत याद करती है |
She misses you both a lot.
जो तुम्हारी माँ बाप ने कहा वो तुमने सुन लिया अब तुम मेरी सुनो |
You've heard what your parents have said. Now hear me.
यह आपकी दुआओं की वजह से है |
lt's because of your good wishes.

Passive voice of can could have should have and has to

बहरा हो गया है क्या ?
have you gone deaf ?
मुझे उल्टी आ रही है |
I feel like vomiting.
मैं भी फन मॉल आई थी |
I too had come to the fun mall.
क्या तुमने वो देखा ?
Did you see that,

क्या तुम चिल्लाना बंद करोगे ?
Will you stop shouting?
क्या फेसला किया आपने ?
What have you decided?
उसने बताया भी नहीं |
He didn't even inform!
घर में सब तुम्हारे बारे में पूँछ रहे थे |
Everyone at home was asking about you.

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