Passive voice Present continuous tense example sentences in Hindi

Present continuous tense passive voice example sentences in Hindi

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

उसे सजा दी जा रही है |
He is being punished.

नियमों को तोडा जा रहा है |
Rules are being broken.

तुम्हारा इंतिजार किया जा रहा है |
You are being waited.






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Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense. If the active voice is in a present continuous tense and the helping verbs ais/am/are a is used, you should use ais being/ am being/ are beinga in the passive voice. For example, Sam is Playing football. Football is being played by Sam. Click here for more Exercises of Present Indefinite Tense Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense. If the 

मुझे तुम्हारी बात नहीं सुननी चाहिए थी |
I shouldn't have listened to you.
क्या कर रहा है तू ? क्या हो गया है तुझे ?
What are you doing? What happened to you?
land करते ही कॉल करना |
Call me as soon as you land!
इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हे काम पर रखना चाहता हूँ |
This is why I want to hire you.

क्या तुम अकेले आये हो या किसी के साथ ?
Have you come alone or with somebody?
मुझे शायद पीछे मुडकर देखना चाहिए |
I think I should turn around and see.
कुछ कहो, तुम कुछ बोलते क्यों नहीं |
Say something. Why don't you speak up.
तुम्हे वो खा जाता क्या ?
Would it have eaten you? 

Example Sentences. The laborer is pushing the cart. He is flattering the boss. She is kneading the flour. He is spending the holidays in Switzerland. I am taking the examination this month. John is writing an essay on education. Peter is running on the jogging track. He is reading his favorite book. The police are catching the thief. They are playing badminton right now. See also: 

मैंने तुम्हें कई बार सच बोलने की कोशिस की लेकिन कोई न कोई वजह से मैं तुम तक पहुँच नहीं सका |
I tried many times to tell you the truth, ...but for some or the other reason, i couldn't reach you.
मैं यहा इन लोगो की दोस्ती के लिए आया था |
I came here for the sake of their friendship.
देखो | अब तुम लोग मुझे बेवकूफ नहीं बना सकते |
Look! Now you people can't fool me!
कब तक तू अंकल की मार सहेगा |
How long will you endure uncle's beatings?

Something is being done by someone at the moment. Active : The postman is delivering the mail. Passive: The mail is being delivered by the postman. Active : Harry Potter is measuring the room. Passive: The room is being measured by Harry Potter. Active : The coach is congratulating the team at the moment.

जब कमल को पता चलेगा तो बहुत बुरा होगा |
When Dharam will know of this lie, it’ll be very bad.
मैंने कहा था | यह सही नहीं होगा | यह सब बर्बाद कर देगा |
I had told you! He won't be right! He will ruin it!
मैंने ऐसा कुछ कभी नहीं किया |
I never did anything like that.
सही सुना आपने |
You heard right.

Passives in Different Tenses: Simple Present Passive Simple Past Passive Will Future Passive Going to Future Passive Present Continuous Passive Past Continuous Passive Present Perfect Passive Past Perfect Passive Passives With Modals Stative Passive Verbs Subject Exercises: Passive Voice Exercises. Forming Present Progressive Passive. Affirmative Form: Object  am / is / are  being  

मुझे पता है वो बत्तमीज है |
l know he's ill-mannered.
मैं जवाब लिए बिना नहीं जाऊंगा |
l’m not leaving without an answer.
रीना ने अभी तक कॉल नहीं किया |
Reena hasn't called yet.
उसके बाप का राज है क्या ?
Is it his father's ruIe?

Passive Voice Active Voice: Form The anormala voice. The object receives the action. Passive Voice: Form The object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb The subject receives the action abya is used to show the agent of the action but is not always necessary. passive subject verb  participle object Fish are eaten by cats. Passive Voice: Use We often use the passive structure to 

उसे कभी पता नहीं चलना चाहिए कि तुम मेरी बेटी हो |
He should never know that you’re my daughter.
वो ठीक है, जो हो गया सो हो गया | 
That's fine, let bygones be bygones.
क्या तुम्हारी ज़िंदगी मैं पैसों के अलावा और कुछ जरुरी नहीं है ?
Isn't there anything important in your life other than the money?
मैं तुझे पीटूंगा अगर तुमने ख़ुदकुशी की बात की |
I will beat you! If you speak of committing suicide!

//nbsp;;;Passive voice of sentences in Simple Present Tense a Since no Passive Voice sentence can be formed without the use of verb 'be' or some or the other form of this verb, the students must learn the several forms of this verb. The present tense forms of the verb 'be' are given hereunder: a We make sentences in Simple Present Tense when the action shown by the verb in the sentence is of 

मेरे लड़के की शादी वहीँ होगी जहाँ मैं उससे कहूँगा |
My son will get married wherever I ask him to.
अब बताओ मुझे क्या problem है यहाँ ?
Now tell me what's the problem here?
किसी ने आपका बेवकूफ बनाया है |
Someone's made a fool of you.
तुमने मुझपे अब तक इंतिजार किया है तो एक दिन और क्यूँ नहीं |
you've believed me so far, then why not another day.

the passive voice equivalent is: It has been being put up his whole life. But it sounds awkward, clumsy, unnatural and confusing. The present perfect continuous tense is rarely used in the passive voice. Compare the following phrases. Active  He wrote two books about Moriarty. Passive  Two books about Moriarty were written by him.

मैं डर गया था |
l was afraid,
मेरा फ़ोन switch off था |
My phone was switched off.
मैं तुझे माफ़ करता रहा क्योंकि मैं तुझे बच्चा समझता था | 
l kept forgiνing you because l considered you a kid.
क्या फर्क पड़ता है ?
What difference does it make?

//nbsp;;;Here is how you make passive voice sentences in the different verb tenses. We do not cover every verb tense, but we cover all the ones you need to know. Present Tense and Past Tense. Nouns  be verb  past participle The noun is basically the object and subject of the sentence. This watch is made of gold. These shirts are manufactured in 

तुझको उससे क्या problem है ?
What's your problem with her?
वह तेरी कोई लगती है क्या ?
Does she mean anything to you?
तुमने मेरी जान बचा ली नहीं तो मैं मर गया होता |
You saved my life. I would've been dead otherwise.
लिख के दूँ क्या ?
Shall I give it to you in writing?

Active and Passive Voice, Definition and Example Sentences with Tenses Tense Active Passive Present simple Reporters write news reports News reports are written by reporters Present continuous Michael is baking a brownie A brownie is being baked by Michael. Past simple The company hired new workers last year. New workers were hired by the company last year. Past Continuous The salesman 

क्या तुम्हें पता है रोज सुबह 5 बजे जॉगिंग करता हूँ ?
do you know I jog every morning at 5?
वह कितना handsome है !
He is so handsome!
अगर तुमने use बस से नहीं भेजा होता तो आज वह यहाँ होता |
If you had not send him by bus... ...then today he would have been here!
मैं एक शरीफ आदमी को बदनाम नहीं होने दूंगा |
I won't let a decent man be defamed.

//nbsp;;;And, when we make passive sentences with a continuous verb tense, we call it the acontinuous passive.a In an earlier program we told you about the passive voice. You may remember that, in 

क्या करते रहे इतने साल ?
what were you doing all these years?
इतने दिन कहाँ थे ?
Where were you all these days?
कौन है ?
Who's that?
यह स्टार्ट नहीं हो रही |
It's not starting!

//nbsp;;;Active voice: Passive voice: Simple Present Tense: Subject  infinitive  object. E.g. The grocer sells fresh vegetables. S  to be  past participle  by object. E.g. Fresh vegetables are sold by the grocer. Present Continuous Tense : Subject  to be is, am, are being  present participle  object. E.g. My boss is giving many assignments. S  to be is, am, are  being  past participle  by object. 

कितनी बार कहा है तुम्हे ड्यूटी पर मत पिया कर |
how many times have I told you not to drink on duty?
किसी ने हमसे पहले माल लूट लिया |
Someone stole the goods before us.
वह कुछ नहीं करेगा |
He won't say anything.
मुझे कभी समझ में नहीं आया कि कैसे एक आदमी अपने सारी ज़िंदगी एक औरत के साथ बिता सकता है ?
I've never understood how can a man live...with one woman for his entire life?

//nbsp;;;Using Active and Passive Voice, Example Sentences with Tenses Tense Active Voice 

तुम किसका इंतिजार कर रहे हो ?
What are you waiting for?
मैंने कहा ना मैं कल आ रहा हूँ ?
Didn’t l say l’m coming tomorrow?
कोई जरुरत नहीं है 
There's no need
उसके बाद मैं बेहोश हो गया |
After that I lost conscience.

Passive voice Present continuous tense example sentences

तुम बहुत बदल गई हो |
you’ve changed a lot.
मैंने तुम्हारी कॉल का जवाब नहीं दिया क्योंकि मैं तुमसे बात नहीं करना चाहती थी |
I didn't answer your call as I didn't want to talk to you.
मुझे यकीन है बहुत मजा आएगा 
I am sure it will be fun.
लोग घूर रहे हैं | क्या कर रही हो तुम ?
People are staring. What are you up to?

PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE VOICE  EXAMPLES. We use present simple passive voice tense to talk about the actions of daily activities, habitual actions and universal truth. Same as active voice present simple tense, but the difference between being that we use the rd form of verb and object converts into a subject while subject converts into an object.

पैसे लेके भागने के सोंचना भी मत |
Don't even think about escaping with the money.
बांटने से खुशिया बढती है |
Happiness increases by sharing
तुम यहाँ क्यों आये मुझे मरवाने के लिए ?
Why have you both come here to get me killed?
उसके पास बड़ा घर है, बड़ी कार है, किसी को और क्या चाहिए ?
He has a big house. Big cars. What else does one need?

Before you go to towards Present Continuous Passive Voice First you must have the basic understanding of Present Continuous Present Continuous / Progressive Tense and Passive Voice ; If you know what Present Continuous is then you can continue learning it; If not then i suggest you to go Present Continuous / Progressive Tense First ; Now I 

अंदर एक और है |
There is another one inside!
कुछ याद आया ?
Remember anything?
अगर तुम्हें मिठाई नहीं मिली तो तुम कुछ और ले सकते थे |
If you couldn't find sweets you could've ordered something else.
मैं कमल को अकेला छोड़ के कहीं नहीं जाऊंगा |
I will not go anywhere leaving Kamal alone.

Passive in English, easy sentences in the Simple Present. Menu. Passive sentences in the Simple Present a Exercise . Task No. . Rewrite the given sentences in Passive voice. Show example. Example: Frank builds a house. Answer: A house is built. or A house is built by Frank. Do you need help? Passive in English. Mr Jones watches films.. The 

तुम्हारे माँ बाप को तुम्हारी कामयाबी पर गर्व है |
Your parents are very proud of your achievements.
कमल का रोज किसी न किसी से झगड़ा होता रहता है |
Kamal gets into a fight with someone or the other eνery day..
तुमने यहाँ आकर अच्छा किया |
You did good by coming here.
मेरा तो शराफत पर से भरोसा ही उठ गया है |
l don't trust decency any longer.

//nbsp;;;This page provides example sentences of the verb 'grow' in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. See how much your knowledge has grown with the quiz at the end.

हमें इस बारे में कुछ नहीं पता था |
we didn't know anything about it.
तुमसे मतलब |
None of your business.
मेरा पति दौ दिन पहले बाजार गया था | वह अभी तक नहीं आया |
my husband had gone to the market two days ago. He hasn't come back yet.
क्या तुम अकेले आये हो ?
Have you come alone?

//nbsp;;;And, when we make passive sentences with a continuous verb tense, we call it the acontinuous passive.a In an earlier program we told you about the passive voice. You may remember that, in 

क्यों नहीं पकड़ोगे ?
Why not?
वो भूरा बैग | वह यही रखा था |
That brown bag. lt was lying here.
लेकिन आपसे मिलने के बाद ऐसा लगता है कि वो बिलकुल आपके जैसी होंगी |
But after meeting you I feel that she must've been just like you.
तुम यहाँ कैसे ?
How come you are here?

//nbsp;;;Exercise Quiz Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense Make passive voice by using the sentences of present continuous tense.  Shekespear is writing a book. Choose correct passive voice A A book is being written by Shekespear. B A book is being writting by Shekespear. C A book is been written by Shekespear. Answer. A  The carpenter is making the tables. Choose correct 

Excuse me भाई, क्या आप जानते है कि यह जगह कहाँ पर है ?
Excuse me, Brother, do you know where this place is at?
पापा घर पर हैं ?
Is father at home?
मैं मरने से नहीं डरता |
I'm not afraid of dying
तुम लड़की की तरह क्यों रो रहे हो ?
Why are you crying like a girl?

English passive present continuous. Passive Voice with free online passive present continuous, passive rules and passive voice examples. Online exercises English grammar and courses. Free tutorial to English active and passive voice. So don't hesitate to learn the difference between active voice and passive voice in writing with the English 

मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए कुछ है |
I have something for you.
कुछ नहीं |
मैं तुमसे 10 मिनट में मिलता हूँ |
I'll see you in 10 minutes.
शर्म नहीं आती लडकियों को छेड़ते हुए ?
Aren't you ashamed of eve-teasing?

Active and Passive Voice, Definition and Example Sentences with Tenses Tense Active Passive Present simple Reporters write news reports News reports are written by reporters Present continuous Michael is baking a brownie A brownie is being baked by Michael. Past simple The company hired new workers last year. New workers were hired by the company last year. Past Continuous The salesman 

एक काम करो | कल मुझसे lunch पर मिलो |
do one thing. Meet me tomorrow for lunch.
मैं बैठू या लेटूं तुझे उससे क्या फर्क पड़ता है |
Whether l lie down or sit down what difference does it make to you.
तेरी परेशानी क्या है ?
What's the matter with you?
अगर मैं ना जाऊं तो ?
What if I don't go?

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice: A verb is said to be in Passive Voice when its form shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject. It is used if it is not necessary to mention the doer as it is clear according to the situation. These are the form to create passive voice of tenses. Present Indefinite Tense. Passive Form a am/is/are 

मैं नहीं आऊंगा |
I won't come!
नहीं मैं किसी की नहीं सुनूंगा |
No! l won't listen to anybody.
मैं जब भी कुछ अच्छा करने की कोशिस करता हूँ, हमेशा गलत हो जाता है |
Whenever I try to do something right it always goes wrong.
मुझे लगता है तुम्हें उससे एक बार मिलना चाहिए |
l think you should meet him once.

Now, we come specifically to the rules to be followed for converting an Active Voice sentence in Present and Past Continuous Tense. The Rules for using Auxiliary Verb are different for each tense in Passive Voice sentences. Rules for Converting Active Voice to Passive Voice in case of Present Continuous. ; Active Voice sentences in the present Continuous Tense follow 

कार क्यों रोक दी ?
Why have you stopped the car?
मुझे सिर्फ बोलने में problem है |
I only have a problem with speaking.
इधर आओ और मेरी बात सुनो |
Come here and listen to me!
सब कहते है कि मैं प्रियंका से ज्यादा अच्छी दिखती हूँ |
Everyone says I'm better looking than Priyanka.

Now, we come specifically to the rules to be followed for converting an Active Voice sentence in Present and Past Continuous Tense. The Rules for using Auxiliary Verb are different for each tense in Passive Voice sentences. Rules for Converting Active Voice to Passive Voice in case of Present Continuous. ; Active Voice sentences in the present Continuous Tense follow the structure: Subject  is/are/am 

तू चावल कब पकाएगा ?
When wiII you cook rice?
मैं भी उस तरह का आदमी नहीं हूँ |
I too am not that kind of a man
यह सब इसकी गलती है |
It's all his fault!
तुम्हारी नौकरी जा सकती है | क्या तुम यह जोखिम उठाने के लिए तैयार हो ?
You can Iose the job. Are you wiIIing to take this risk ?

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject  am/is/are  VObject: S convert object to subject  am/is/are  being  Vby  O convert subject to object  RemainingI am buying a car.

खिड़की पर कोई है |
there is someone at the window.
मैं उन्हें तकलीफ नहीं पहुँचाना चाहता था | तुम भी प्लीज उन्हें कुछ मत बताना |
l did not want to hurt them, you also please don't tell them anything.
मेरे पास खोने के लिए कुछ नहीं है |
I don't have anything to lose.
लोगों से पैसे निकलवाने का अच्छा तरीका है |
It's a good way to extract money from people.

As you read through the following example sentences, you'll start to become an active voice expert. Active Voice. Passive Voice. Harry ate six shrimp at dinner. At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry. Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah. The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes. Sue changed the flat tire. The flat tire was changed by Sue. We are going to watch a 

सुना है तेरा जैकपोट लगा है |
I heard you won the jackpot.
वह तो सबकी माँ निकली |
She's turned out to be the mother of all.
मुझे नहीं पता आज क्या होने वाला है |
I don't know what's going to happen today...
तुम कहाँ थे ?
Where were you?

//nbsp;;;Passive sentences in the present continuous tense have the following structure: Objectof the active sentence is/are/ambeing pastparticiple formof the verb by  subject of the active sentence. Examples are given below. Active: I am reading a story. Passive: A story is being read by me. Active: The engine is driving the train. Passive: The train is being driven by 

बात यह है कि मैं बदल गया हूँ |
It's just that... I've changed.
नहीं देख के चल सकता तो ?
I can’t wathc where I am going so ?
तुम इसे खरीद सकती हो | मैं दूसरा ले लुंगी |
You can buy this one. I'll select another one.
मुझे पता था ऐसा होगा |
I knew this would happen.

Passive voice: A song is sung by him. The be- form aisa is used before the verb since the sentence is in simple present tense. Now, let us take a simple sentence and write passive voice for all the tenses of that sentence. Eg. Harry eats an Apple. Now let us write the  tenses for this sentence and convert them into passive voice.

और किसने पूंछा तुमसे ?
Who else has asked you?
मैं नहीं जानता वह कहाँ से आया है |
I don't know where he comes from.
ऐसा लगेगा जैसे मैंने अपनी pant खुद गीली की है |
It will look as if I have wetted my pants.
मेरे मुंह में पान था |
there was betel leaf in the mouth.

Active And Passive Voice of Present Perfect Continuous. Note: keep in mind that it is not common in written English to change the active sentences from present perfect progressive, past perfect progressive, and future perfect progressive tenses into passive sentences in written English, but they could be rarely changed in spoken English.In order to help our visitors know their use in spoken 

क्या तूने उसे कॉल करने की कोशिस की ?
Did you try calling him?
हमें डर था कि कही तुम मुझपर विश्वास ना करो |
we were afraid you wouldn't believe us.
तुम्हारे लिए कॉल है |
there's a call for you.
जो कर सकते हो करो लेकिन तुम अपनी किस्मत नहीं बदल सकते |
Do what you can, but you can't change your destiny.

//nbsp;;;While trying to form a passive sentence in the present time, we have to add the verbs am is and are auxiliary. Letas take a look at the sentences below.  a He drinks a glass of milk every morning, so he feels very healthy throughout the day. Every morning, a glass of water is drunk by him, so he feels very healthy.

बहाने क्यों बना रहे हो ?
Why are you making excuses?
जरा पीछे मुडकर देख |
Just turn around and see.
नहीं मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए मैं डाइटिंग पर हूँ |
No, I don't want anything. I am dieting.
तुम्हारी कार मिल गई है |
your car has been found.

//nbsp;;;In the passive voice of Present continuous tense, we focus on the object the receiver of the action that is receiving the action in the present. The verb tense is formed using ais/am/are  being  V.a Active to passive voice in Present continuous tense. Examples: Active voice: Ashish is teaching English at this university. Passive voice 

वही तो मैं कर रहा हूँ |
That's what I am doing...
एक गलती हो गई | मैं आपको बताना भूल गया | पापा ने लखनऊ से कॉल किया था कि वह अगले हफ्ते आ रहे हैं |
I've made a mistake, I forgot to tell you. Father  called from Lucknow to say he's coming next week.
मैंने खुद से वादा किया था कि मैं तुमसे दूर रहूँगा |
I promised myself I'd stay away from you.
हद हो गई बेकारी की |
there's a limit to unemployment.

Passive voice: A song is sung by him. The be- form aisa is used before the verb since the sentence is in simple present tense. Now, let us take a simple sentence and write passive voice for all the tenses of that sentence. Eg. Harry eats an Apple. Now let us write the  tenses for this sentence and convert them into passive voice.

इसके लिए मैं तुझे 3000 रुपये और दूंगा |
I'll pay you three thousand more for this.
अब बताओ मुझे, तुम्हें क्या काम था ?
Now tell me, what work did you have?
कमल ने यह पार्सल आपके लिए भेजा है |
kamal has sent this parcel for you.
यह activate हो गई है | मिसाइल छूटने वाली है |
this has activated. the missile is about to leave.

In passive voice and present tense it transforms into: aThe house is cleaned by Arpana.a We notice that the main verb clean changes into acleaneda, which is the past participle of aclean.a The auxiliary verb ais,a indicates present tense. Thus, in passive voice, the verb form of the auxiliary verb indicates the tense of the sentence and the main verb takes its past participle form in all 

इस साल भी कोई बारिश नहीं होगी |
There'll be no rain this year too.
तुम मेरे साथ चलोगे या मैं अकेले जाऊं ?
You are coming with me or shall I go alone?
ऐसे ज़िंदगी भर नहीं चल सकता |
this can't continue all our lives.
क्या लाये हो तुम उसके लिए ?
What did you get for him?

//nbsp;;;Note Generally sentences of Future continuous tense, Present, Past and Future Perfect continuous tenses are not changed into Passive voice but for the sake of grammar or for examination purpose, these are attempted here under.

मैं तुमसे सुबह बात करूँगा |
l'll talk to you in the morning.
इसका दोस्त सच में अजीब है 
His friend is really strange!
तुम ऐसा कुछ नहीं करोगे |
You will not do anything like that.
जबसे कमल घर लौटा है उसने हमें कोई काम नहीं करने दिया |
Since the time Sameer has returned home. he doesn't allow us to do any work.

हिम्मत मत हारो |
dont loose your courage.
बाद मैं कॉल करता हूँ |
I'll call you later.
तुमने आज शक करने की सारी हदें तोड़ दी है |
You have crossed all the limits of suspicion,
कुछ नहीं होगा | चिंता मत करिए 
Nothing will happen. Don't worry Sir.

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice For All Tenses. Passive voice for all tenses in English. Note: V: Base Form of Verb; V: Past Simple; V: Past Participle; Present Simple Tense. Learn passive voice for present simple tense in English. Form: Active: S  V  O. Passive: S  is/am/are V. Example: Active: He receives a letter. Passive: A letter is received by him.

मेरी माँ का बुरा मत मानना |
Don't mind my mother.
मुझे ठंड जल्दी लग जाती है |
I catch cold easily. 
बस जा ही रहे थे हम |
We were just leaving.
आखिरी बार मेरी मदद कर दो |
help me one last time.

The present continuous active voice is used because it describes a permanent state. We use the present continuous and present simple to talk about permanent and temporary states. The employees of the company will be being looked at over the next four months. aWill be being looked ata is the future continuous in the passive voice. The focus is on the action of the employees abeing looked ata. The 

तो तुम क्लास में यह पढ़ते हो ?
so you read this in class?
तुम किसी के घर में ऐसे नहीं घुस सकते |
You can't barge in to someone's home like this...
आज तू सोंच भी नहीं सकता तेरे भाई के साथ क्या हुआ |
Today you cannot even imagine what happen with your brother.
कमल और मैं बचपन के दोस्त थे |
Kamal and l were childhood friends.

There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.

आपका नहाने के लिए गर्म पानी तैयार है |
your hot water for bathing is ready. 
तुम क्यों तकलीफ लेती हो ? मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
why will you take the trouble? I will take care of it.
क्या किया है इसने ?
What has he done?
लेकिन मेरी ख़ुशी ज्यादा दिन तक नहीं रही | क्या तुम्हें पता है क्यों ?
But my happiness didn't last for long. Do you know why?

Active and Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense; Present perfect continuous/progressive tense. Affirmatives. Active: S  have/has  been  V ing  object  ROTS; Rahimi has been teaching the advanced classes for more than six years. Passive: S  have/has  been  being  V  prep  object  ROTS

तुमको कोई problem तो नहीं होगी ?
Won't you have any problem?
उसका ख्याल रखने के लिए कोई तो होना चाहिए |
There should be someone to look after her.
क्या बकवास कर रहे हो तुम ?
What nonsense are you taking?
पहले घर आ जाओ |
Come home first.

The passive voice is not a tense in English. Each tense has its own passive voice which is created by using a form of the auxiliary verb to be  V past participle The passive voice in each tense: Tense: Auxiliary verb  sample V past participle Examples: Present simple: am, is, are  made: Wine is made from grapes. Many cars are made in Japan. Present 

मुझे चोरी के पैसे नहीं चाहिए |
I don't want stolen money!
Seniors से बात करने की तमीज नहीं है तुम्हें |
You don't have manners to talk to your seniors!
मैं तुम्हें कॉल कर रहा था |
I was calling you.
ऐसा कुछ नहीं है |
Nothing like that.

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense. If the active voice is in a present continuous tense and the helping verbs ais/am/area is used, you should use ais being/ am being/ are beinga in the passive voice. For example, Sam is Playing football. Football is being played by Sam. Click here for more Exercises of Present Indefinite Tense Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense

मरीज को फल के अलावा कुछ और देने की इजाजत नहीं है |
You're not allowed to give the patient anything besides fruits.
जो मैंने कहा उसे याद रखना |
Remember what I told you.
कुछ नहीं |
यह हम शादी की बाद कर सकते थे ?
We could have done this after the wedding?

Present continuous tense  Active voice sentence  Passive voice  post Active voice  Passive ; post 

यह सब तुम हमें अब बता रहे हो |
you are telling us all this now?
एक बार देखो तो सही |
take a look atleast.
वह माने या ना माने |
He might or might not accept.
यह सगाई नहीं हो सकती |
This engagement cannot take place.

Now, we come specifically to the rules to be followed for converting an Active Voice sentence in Present and Past Continuous Tense. The Rules for using Auxiliary Verb are different for each tense in Passive Voice sentences. Rules for Converting Active Voice to Passive Voice in case of Present Continuous. ; Active Voice sentences in the present Continuous Tense follow 

कहो क्या कहना चाहते हो ?
Say… what do you want to say?
इतनी जल्दी क्यों ?
Why so early?
मैं तुम्हें माफ़ कर चुका हूँ | इसलिए तुम मेरे सामने खड़े हो |
l've forgiνen you, that is why you are standing before me.
वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |
She was cheating on me.

//nbsp;;;Passive sentences in the present continuous tense have the following structure: Object of the active sentence  is/are/am  being  past participle form of the verb  by  subject of the active sentence. Examples are given below. Active: I am reading a story. Passive: A story is being read by me. Active: The engine is driving the train.

क्या तुम उसके सामने उससे मिलने जा रहे हो ?
Are you going to meet her in front of him?
मुझे यह बाथरूम में मिला | किसका है यह ?
I found it in bathroom. Whom does it belong?
पूंछो उससे जो तुम मुझसे पूँछ रहे थे |
Ask him what you were asking me.
फर्नीचर इन्ही का है या किराए पर लिया है ?
The furniture belongs to them or have they rented it?

Before you go to towards Present Continuous Passive Voice First you must have the basic understanding of Present Continuous Present Continuous / Progressive Tense and Passive Voice ; If you know what Present Continuous is then you can continue learning it; If not then i suggest you to go Present Continuous / Progressive Tense First ; Now I 

तो आप कमल को बचपन से जानते हैं ?
So, you know Kamal since she was a child, right?
सॉरी | मैं तुम्हें इनसे मिलवाना भूल गया |
Sorry! I forgot to introduce you to them!
मैं तुम्हें सुबह से यही तो दिखा रही हूँ |
I have been showing you this since then.
कसम से | मैंने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोंचा था कि रीना मुझसे इतना प्यार करेगी |
I swear. Not even in my dream had I thought that Reena will love me so much.

Present continuous tense  Active voice sentence  Passive voice  post Active voice  Passive ; post 

क्या मुझे चुप रहना चाहिए था ?
should I have stayed mute?
ये आप क्या कह रही हैं |
What's this you're saying?
दुबारा बोल | मेरे मुह पर बोल |
Say that again. Say it to my face.
ये आपके कान में क्या है ?
What's that in your ears?

The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form -ing of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are. One simple example of this tense is: He is swimming. ;He; is the subject, ;is; is the present tense of the verb to be and ;swimming; is the present participle verb form. Some other forms of this verb 

क्या तुम अंधे हो ?
Are you blind?
मुझे तुम दोनों पर हमेशा से शक था |
I always had my doubts about you two.
पापा नहीं शतरंज लेने के लिए कहा था |
Papa has asked for a chess set.
तुम्हें पता है वो हमें किस नाम से बुलाता है |
Do you know by what name he calls us?

तुमने दुल्हे की तरह कपडे क्यों पहने है ?
why are you dressed as a groom?
पापा ने पैसे नहीं भेजे हैं |
Papa hasn't sent money,
तब कोई कुछ नहीं कह रहा था ?
No one was saying anything then?
तुम अब जाओ नहीं तो तुम्हारी flight छूट जाएगी |
You must leave. Or you'll miss the flight!

//nbsp;;;Active voice: Passive voice: Simple Present Tense: Subject  infinitive  object. E.g. The grocer sells fresh vegetables. S  to be  past participle  by object. E.g. Fresh vegetables are sold by the grocer. Present Continuous Tense : Subject  to be is, am, are being  present participle  object. E.g. My boss is giving many assignments. S  to be is, 

ऐसा नहीं है कि मैं कुछ समझता नहीं |
it is not like that I don't understand anything.
यह आसान नहीं है तुम मेरी जगह होती तब पता चलता |
It's not easy. If you were in my place you'd know.
कोई तो रास्ता होगा |
There has to be a solution.
मेरी ज़िंदगी दुविधा में है |
My life's in a dilemma.

 rowsnbsp;;;Active and Passive Voice  Example Sentences with Tenses Tense Active Voice Passive 

अगर मैं अब गई तो वापस नहीं आउंगी |
If I go now, I will not come back.
क्योंकि कमल मुझसे छुटकारा पाना चाहता है |
Because Kamal wants to get rid of me.
चलो चलकर देखते हैं |
Let's go and check.
छोड़ ना, कुछ और बात करते हैं |
Let it be. Let’s talk about something else.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS PASSIVE VOICE TENSE. We use Present Continuous passive voice tense for that action which is going on at the same time of speaking. But, in passive, doer is not mentioned in subjective form. It's used as an object and for present continuous Active Voice tense. Example Helping Verb = Is / Am / Are. Formula Middle Of An Action. We use it for present running action.

मैं रास्ते में लखनऊ स्टेशन पर उतर जाऊँगा |
l'll get down at Lucknow station on the way.
तुमने मुझे पहले क्यूँ नहीं बताया ?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
मैंने नहीं किया |
I haven't done this!
तुम इसे ठीक करवा लो |
You get it repaired!

//nbsp;;;When the active verb is in the simple present tense, we make passive verb forms with is/am/are  past participle form of the verb. Note that the object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. The subject of the active verb becomes the object of the passive verb. However, in most cases, the object is not mentioned in the passive voice. Read the 

मैं एक अच्छा इंसान बनूँगा |
I'll become a nice person.
मैं क्या गलत कर रहा हूँ ?
What am l doing wrong?
मैं आखरी बार पूंछता हूँ | बताओ मुझे |
I am asking for the last time. Tell me.
फेसला तुम्हारा है |
The decision is yours.

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