Day 20 - Use of Reflexive Pronoun in English speaking | Reflexive Pronoun सीख कर English improve करें

Reflexive Pronoun 

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

जब Subject द्वारा किये गए कार्य का असर Subject पर ही पड़ता है तो यहाँ हम Reflexive Pronoun का ही प्रयोग करते हैं |
हिंदी वाक्य मैं reflexive pronoun की पहचान "अपने आप" या "खुद को" अपने शब्द से होती है 
कैदी ने अपने आप को फांसी लगा दी |
The Prisoner hanged himself.
उसने खुद को गोली मार दी |
He shot himself.

ऊपर दिए वाक्य मैं subject कोन है कैदी और subject के कार्य के असर किस पर पड़ा मतलब object वो भी है कैदी
दुसरे शब्दों में जब subject और object एक ही व्यक्ति को refer  करते हो तो वहाँ पे object के लिए Reflexive pronoun use करते हैं | ऐसे वाक्यों में subject और object से एक ही व्यक्ति के बाते में जानकारी मिलती है |
Reflexive pronoun को पहचानने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका मगर यही है कि Subject द्वारा किये गए कार्य का असर Subject पर ही पड़ता है |

Reflexive pronoun for singular subjects are given below
Reflexive Pronoun

Reflexive pronoun for Plural subject are given below


नीचे दिए उदाहरण को पढके आपको reflexive pronoun कहाँ use करना है इसका अंदाजा हो जायेगा |

हम अक्सर अपने आप को धोका देते हैं |
We often deceive ourselves.
कुछ लोग हमेशा अपने बारे में ही बात करते हैं
Some people always talk about themselves.
वह हमेशा अपने बारे में ही बात करता है |
He always talks about himself.
उसने अपने आप को मार दिया |
He killed himself.
उसने अपने आप को जहर दे दिया | या उसने जहर खा लिया |
He poisoned himself.
उसने फांसी लगा ली |
He hanged himself.
उनसे अपने आप को आग लगा दी |
He burnt himself.
उसने खुद को गोली मार दी |
He shot himself.
उसने अपने आप को बर्बाद कर दिया |
He spoiled himself.
चाकू से मत खेलो | अपने आप को नुकसान पहुंचा लोगे |
Don’t play with knife. You will hurt yourself.
तुम खुद को दोष मत दो
You don’t blame yourself.

Reflexive pronoun को सीखकर अपनी English improve करने के लिए आप ऊपर दिए sentences को बोलने की खूब practice करिये | सबसे पहले ऊपर दिए sentences को शीशे के सामने 10 बार बोलिए जब आपको इन sentences को बोलने में comfortable महसूस करें तब आप इन sentences को बिना english ट्रांसलेशन देखे बोलने कि कोशिश करें | जब आप इन sentences को बिना देखे बोलने लगेंगे तब आपको इस तरह के sentences को english में बोलने में ज्यादा दिक्कत नहीं होगी |

अब आप इसी तरह के और sentences को बोलने कि प्रैक्टिस करें | अब आपको जब भी इस तरह के sentences बोलने का मौका मिले तो इन्हें english में बोले और इस तरह के sentences कभी हिंदी में ना बोलें |



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Important Points to Remember about the use of Reflexive Pronouns - . Reflexive Pronouns are also used with Noun Subjects. e.g. Ram will do the work himself. Sophia has completed this task herself. . Some verbs like Enjoy, Avail etc take themselves Reflexive Pronouns - Suggested Articles for You; Career Guidance: Grammar Tips: Practice Sets: Exam/English Tips: Solved 

क्या लिखा है बताओ मुझे |
What is written tell me.
एक मिनट रुकना | क्या हम पहले मिल चुके हैं |
Wait a minute! Have we met before?
कमल इन्हें बाहर निकालो |
Kamal get them out.
नहीं वो मत करो |
No, don't do that.

Level: intermediate. We use reflexive pronouns as an indirect object when the indirect object is the same as the subject of the verb: Would you like to pour yourself a drink? Weave brought ourselves something to eat.. We use reflexive pronouns as the object of a preposition when the object is the same as the subject of the verb: They had to cook for themselves. He was feeling very sorry for himself.. but 

लड़की का नाम क्या है ?
What's the name of the girl?
बिना सोंचे मैंने कह दिया |
Without thinking l said,
किसी ने किडनैप तो नहीं कर लिया ?
Could someone haνe kidnapped him?
बदले में मुझे क्या मिला ? धोका |
What did I get in return? Betrayal!

We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object in a sentence are the same. Look at this example: He hurt himself. When the player fell over, he hurt himself quite badly. The player is the subject he and the object himself of the verb hurt. The reflexive pronoun refers to the subject and is necessary for the sentence to make sense. Whenever there is a reflexive pronoun in a sentence 

तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing here?
कुछ गलत होता है अगर बाईं आँख फडकती है |
Something goes wrong only if the left eye twitches.
मैंने कहा तुम्हें मेरा पीछा मत करो |
I told you not to follow me!
इसके माँ बाप इसे कैसे झेलते है ?
How do his parents tolerate him?

Reflexive pronouns are used when something is done to itself. Heather pinched herself. In this example, aherselfa is a reflexive pronoun referring to the subject, Heather. Heather is doing this action to herself. Intensive Pronouns vs. Reflexive Pronouns. What are Intensive Pronouns? Intensive pronouns look like reflexive pronouns. Intensive pronouns are the same terms as reflexive pronouns. However, 

मुझे भाषण देने के लिए बुलाया है |
I've been invited to give a speech.
कुछ दिन पहले |
A few days ago.
थोड़ी थोड़ी ठंड है ?
A little chilly.
प्लीज मैं आपसे भीख मांगता हूँ |
please. I beg of you.

Reflexive pronouns like yourself should only be used if the corresponding non-reflexive pronoun in this case, you has already been used in the sentence. Since there is no you in the sentence prior to yourself, it's ungrammatical. Some native English speakers use yourself as a formal pronoun, to make them sound more educated or at least what they think ;educated; sounds like, but that's because 

कहाँ मर गए थे तुम लोग |
Where the hell were you?!
मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा कि मैं क्या कहूँ |
l can't figure out what to say.
आपको अन्दर बुलाया गया है |
You have been called inside.
क्या तुम्हे अभी और पैसों की जरुरत है ?
Do you still need the money?

Pronouns: reflexive  myself, themselves, etc. - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

उसकी माँ दौ साल से हॉस्पिटल में थी और देखने भी नहीं आया |
Her mother was in the hospital for two years. And he didn't even come take a look.
तुम क्या देख रहे हो ? सामने देख |
What are you looking at? Look in front.
तुम्हारा एक्सीडेंट हो गया था इसलिए हम तुम्हें यहाँ ले आये |
You had an accident that is why we brought you here.
तुमने कमल को देखा है कहीं ?
You saw Kamal anywhere?

 rowsnbsp;;;When NOT to use reflexive pronouns. . There are a number of verbs in English with which we 

यह पागल आदमी यहाँ क्या कर रहा है ?
What is this mad man doing here?
कैसी लग रही हूँ मैं ?
How do I look?
अगर आप नहीं समझेंगे तो कौन समझेगा ?
If you don't understand, who will?
तुमने मेरी किताब क्यों छुई ?
Why did you touch my book?

//nbsp;;;Important Points to Remember about the use of Reflexive Pronouns - . Reflexive Pronouns are also used with Noun Subjects. e.g. Ram will do the work himself. Sophia has completed this task herself. . Some verbs like Enjoy, Avail etc take themselves Reflexive Pronouns - Suggested Articles for You; Career Guidance: Grammar Tips: Practice Sets: 

अपने चाय का आर्डर दिया था |
You had ordered for tea.
मैं गरीब आदमी हूँ, मैं बर्बाद हो जाऊंगा |
I'm a poor man, I'll be ruined.
हलके चला मुझे चोट लग जाएगी |
Drive slowly. I'll get hurt.
उसने हर कदम पर मेरा साथ दिया |
He supported me at every step.

तुम जैसे दिखते हो वैसे नहीं हो |
You are not as you seem to be.
मैंने तुम्हें सबसे कहा था | किसी दिन हम इसकी वजह से फंसेंगे |
l had told you all. Someday we will get stuck because of him.
क्या हुआ ? तुम इतनी जल्दी मुझे कमरे में क्यों लाये ?
What happened? Why did you bring me to the room so fast?
मैंने सबकुछ अपनी आँखों से देखा है | कब से चल रहा है यह सब ?
I have seen everything myself! Since when has all this been going on?

The poor, overworked reflexive pronoun and the intensive pronoun! is being misused and abused across the English language landscape these days, and I, for one, have had enough of it myself. Not sure what a reflexive pronoun is? Hereas the complete collection and yes, they're also intensive pronouns: First person: m

उसके पास बड़ा घर है, बड़ी कार है, किसी को और क्या चाहिए ?
He has a big house. Big cars. What else does one need?
मैं कामयाब होना चाहती थी पर इस कीमत पर नहीं |
I wanted to be successful...but not at this price.
वो तो शक्ल से ही दिखाई देते हैं |
Their faces say it all.
रास्ते में स्टेशन पर मत उतरना |
Don't get off at a station on the way."

Examples of Use of Reflexive pronouns. Use of Reflexive pronouns. Post by natttt. Posted on -- ::. A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun ending in -self or -selves that is used as an object to refer to a previously named noun or pronoun in a sentence. Subject pronouns-gt; Reflexive Pronouns I -gt; Myself You -gt; Yourself He -gt; Himself She -gt; Herself It -gt; Itself We -gt; Ourselves You pl -gt; 

मैंने जॉब के लिए apply किया था |
I had appIied for a job.
मैं उसे डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता था |
l wanted him to be a doctor.
रस्सी लाओ |
Get a rope...
सब कूड़ा है | सब बकवास है |
It's all crap! It's all rubbish!

We use reflexive pronoun after some verbs like *avail ourself, acquitted himself, absented themselves * etc and some time we have to avoid from reflexive pronoun after some verbs like break, burst, draw, and enlist etc so is there any rule to use and avoid reflexive pronoun after certain verbs? grammar reflexives. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Nov  ' at 

तुम्हें अपनी बेगुनाही साबित करनी होगी |
you will have to prove your innocence
जब उसे कोई problem नहीं है तो तुम्हें क्यों फर्क पड़ रहा है ?
When he has no problem, why do you care?
बदला जितना पुराना होता है उतना है खतरनाक होता है |
The longer you wait for vengeance the deadlier it gets.
मुझे किस लिए घूर रहा है ?
What are you staring at me for?

Reflexive pronouns are words ending in -self or -selves that are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same e.g., I believe in myself. They can act as either objects or indirect objects. The nine English reflexive pronouns are myself, yourself, himself, herself, oneself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.

जो हो गया सो हो गया |
let bygones be bygones.
क्या तुम्हें मेरी काबिलियत पर शक है ?
Do you have doubts on my ability?
यह उनके हाथ नहीं लगनी चाहिए |
They shouldn't get their hands on it.
वह सिर्फ एक बच्चा है |
He is just a child.

Identifying and Defining Reflexive PronounsMatching Reflexive and Personal PronounsWhen to Use Reflexive PronounsNot only in EnglishReflexive pronouns are used to specify that the subject is doing something by or to itself. Instead of acting upon another object, the subject is acting upon itself, either literally or figuratively. This is especially helpful when using the third-person plural. Consider the following two sentences: . They amused them. . They amused themselves. In the first example, you can't be sure if \;them\; is referring to some other things or back to the original \;they,\; the subject/noSee more on grammar.yourdictionary

मैंने तुम्हे धोका नहीं दिया |
I haven't cheated on you. 
तुम्हे पता नहीं है कि तुमने कितना बड़ा अहसान किया है मुझपे |
You have no idea what a big favour you've done on me.
मुझे नहीं मिलना |
I don't want to meet.
यह क्या बेहूदा हरकत है |
What's this indecent behavior?

In English grammar, a reflexive pronoun indicates that the person who is realizing the action of the verb is also the recipient of the action. While this might seem strange at first glance, the following examples of reflexive pronouns and the accompanying list of reflexive pronouns will help you gain thorough understanding.

मैं जैसा हूँ खुश हूँ |
I'm happy the way I am.
तुमने जरूर कुछ किया होगा |
You must have done something!
उस दिन मुझसे गलती हुई थी | प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर दिए |
l committed a mistake the other day. Please forgive me.
क्या तुम्हे अंदर से आवाज नहीं सुनाई देती ?
Don't you hear a voice from within?

//nbsp;;;The reflexive pronouns use gender and are sometimes collective pronouns. What that means is you have to look at your subject, then match the reflexive pronoun to the subjectas gender or group. That can get a little confusing, so Iave made a little guide for you. Guide to Matching Reflexive Pronouns. If the subject is I or My a use Myself; If the subject is singular 

तुमने पैकेट कहाँ छुपाया ?
Where did you hide the packet?
मेरा sign किया हुआ पेपर कहाँ है ?
Where's my signed paper?
उठाओ उसे |
Lift him up.
तो तुझे मुझे पहले बताना चाहिए था |
Then you should have told me before.

Reflexive pronouns are used when someone or something is both the subject and the object of the same verbathat is, both that which is performing the action of the verb and that which is receiving the action.When this happens, the reflexive pronoun is used as the object of the verb to show that is the same person or thing as the subject of the clause.

उसने तुमसे भी पैसे लिए ? उसने मुझसे भी पैसे लिए |
She took money from you too? She took money from me as well.
तुम्हें उसे कुछ सीखना चाहिए था |
You should've taught him something.
वह भाग गया तो ?
What if he runs away?
कोई बात नहीं | मुझे पता है आप तो सिर्फ अपना काम कर रहे हैं |
It's ok. I know you're only doing your duty.

A reflexive pronoun comes when the subject and object refer to the same person or thing. Example: I donat need your help while I can do it myself. I cut myself when I was shaving. She blames herself for that incident. Donat hurt yourself by playing carelessly. We have enjoyed ourselves. You boys should make it yourselves. Donat blame yourself for this. I love myself more than I love anyone else. He spoke to 

लेकिन आपकी लड़की जिससे शादी करने जा रही है वह आपका दामाद बनने लायक नहीं है |
But your daughter is going to marry a boy who isn’t worthy of becoming your son-in-law.
तुम लोग मुझे अकेला छोड़ के आ गए |
you all left me alone and came.
सबकी राय क्या है ?
what is everybody's opinion?
थोडा सा और 
little more.

The poor, overworked reflexive pronoun and the intensive pronoun! is being misused and abused across the English language landscape these days, and I, for one, have had enough of it myself. Not sure what a reflexive pronoun is? Hereas the complete collection and yes, they're also intensive pronouns: First person: m

तुम जानते नहीं कौन हूँ मैं | सारा लखनऊ मुझसे डरता है |
You don't know who I am. The whole of Lucknow is scared of me.
मैं क्या करूँ ? सारी जिम्मेदारी मेरे ऊपर हैं |
What do I do? The responsibility is entirely on me!
कुछ मंगवाऊं ?
Can I get you something?
तुम उसे क्यों मार रहे हो |
Why are you beating him!

//nbsp;;;Important Points to Remember about the use of Reflexive Pronouns - . Reflexive Pronouns are also used with Noun Subjects. e.g. Ram will do the work himself. Sophia has completed this task herself. . Some verbs like Enjoy, Avail etc take themselves Reflexive Pronouns - Suggested Articles for You; Career Guidance: Grammar Tips: Practice Sets: Exam/English Tips: Solved 

रेखा का अपहरण नहीं हुआ है |
Rekha hasn't been kidnapped.
परेशानी के लिए माफ़ करियेगा |
I'm sorry for the trouble.
कोई दिक्कत नहीं है |
No problem at all.
बिना सवाल पूंछे कुछ नहीं कर सकता क्या ?
Can't you do anything without asking questions?

We use reflexive pronouns with two different types of verbs in German grammar: Reflexive verbs use the reflexive pronouns with the meaning aoneselfa. We use the reflexive pronoun in the dative if there is also an accusative object. see also Reflexive Verbs Example: Ich dusche mich. Iam showering. Ich putze mir die Z;hne. Iam brushing my teeth. Reciprocal verbs use the 

दवाईयां expire हो गई थी |
The medicine had expired.
दिखाना कान की बाली |
show me the earrings.
वे भाग गए हैं |
They have eloped.
वारेंट के बिना आप तलाशी कैसे ले सकते हैं |
How can you search without a warrant?

//nbsp;;;A very common use of reflexive pronouns is to talk about actions where the subject and object are the same person. The old woman killed herself. Here the subject and object are the same person a the old woman. I am going to the shops to get myself some clothes. Emphatic use. We can use reflexive pronouns as subject or object emphasisers. When used emphatically a reflexive pronoun 

कोई पानी ले के आओ |
Someone get some water.
तुम हमेशा fail कैसे हो जाते हो |
how come you gets failed always.
वह कहाँ गया ?
Where did it go?
पूरी दुनिया में वही होटल बचा था क्या जाने के लिए ?
Darling, was that the only hotel in the entire city to go to?

The ABCs of English Reflexive Pronouns. Depending on who or what is the subject or performs the action in a given sentence, reflexive verbs can use different reflexive pronouns. As an example, the sentence ;Jasmin did it himself;, ;himself; is the reflexive pronoun.

उसके बाप का राज है क्या ?
Is it his father's ruIe?
मुझे पता था पुलिस हमें कुछ नहीं बताने वाली |
I knew the police wasn't going to tell us anything.
लेकिन उसका एक ही जवाब होता था |
But his answer was always the same.
तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?
What do you give him to eat?

Another note to add to the reflexive pronoun definition i s that you canat use a reflexive pronoun to emphasize what a subject does or did something habitually. For instance: First, she washed the dog herself, got dressed herself, and finished all of the chores by herself. To say this example is how t o define a reflexive pronoun is wrong. You do not need to add herself after every single thing the 

ज्यादा friendly होने की कोशिस मत करो |
Don't try to get too friendly.
मुझे शायद पीछे मुडकर देखना चाहिए |
I think I should turn around and see.
कमल मेरे बचपन का दोस्त है |
Kamal is my chiIdhood friend.
ये team हो या वो team मुझे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता |
This team or that team it doesn't make a difference.

उसे वही मिला जिसके वह लायक था |
He got what he deserved.
आपके एहसान मुझपे बढ़ते जा रहे हैं |
Your favours are piling up on me.
तो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what can I do?
जा जाकर मेरा सूट ले आ नहीं तो मैं तेरा सर फोड़ दूंगा |
Go and bring my suit. Or else I'll break your skull.

Reflexive pronouns is also known as words that indicate that the subjectas work is again affected by the work of the subject, pointing to any name or personal pronoun, and that the work is returning to himself. In the simplest sense, we use reflexive pronouns to describe the work we do ourselves. For example; When a child is swinging on a swing, it is said that he fell to the ground, or when our father asks me to 

मुझे पेशाब करना है |
I want to pee.
मैंने इसे कमल से बचाया है |
I saved it from Kamal.
लेकिन तुम गिरवी क्या रखोगे ?
But what will you mortgage?
कौन हो तुम | तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?
Who are you? What are you doing here?

//nbsp;;;We use reflexive pronouns as the object of a preposition when the object is the same as the subject of the verb: They had to cook for themselves. He was feeling very sorry for himself. The position of the reflexive pronoun is immediately after the preposition. Example: Sometimes I consult things with myself. She is ashamed of herself for her deeds. Common 

मैं कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि ऐसा होगा |
I had never thought such thing would happen.
सुनो | मुझे पता है तुम कमल का गुस्सा मुझपर उतार रही हो |
Listen. I know you're venting Kamal's anger on me.
सामान उठाने में उसकी मदद कर दो |
Help her with the luggage.
नहीं | मैंने उसे कभी नहीं देखा |
No. l have never seen him.

We use reflexive pronoun after some verbs like *avail ourself, acquitted himself, absented themselves * etc and some time we have to avoid from reflexive pronoun after some verbs like break, burst, draw, and enlist etc so is there any rule to use and avoid reflexive pronoun after certain verbs? grammar reflexives. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Nov  ' at :. anongoodnurse . .k  

तुम क्यों लड़ रहे हो ?
What are you fighting for?
यही कहीं होगा ?
Should be around.
हमारी सारी उम्मीदें तुझी से हैं |
All our hopes are with you.
अगर तुम्हे मार दिया गया तो मेरी बेटी का क्या होगा ?
what if you're kiIIed, what'II happen to my daughter?

Reflexive pronouns like yourself should only be used if the corresponding non-reflexive pronoun in this case, you has already been used in the sentence. Since there is no you in the sentence prior to yourself, it's ungrammatical. Some native English speakers use yourself as a formal pronoun, to make them sound more educated or at least what they think ;educated; 

तुम कौन हो ? मैं तुम्हें नहीं जानता |
Who are you? I don't know you!
बहुत इंतिजार करवाया तुमने |
You've kept me waiting a long time,
वह मुझ पर पूरी तरह पागल है |
She's totally crazy about me.
मेरे साथ चलो |
Come with me.

Level: intermediate. We use reflexive pronouns as an indirect object when the indirect object is the same as the subject of the verb: Would you like to pour yourself a drink? Weave brought ourselves something to eat.. We use reflexive pronouns as the object of a preposition when the object is the same as the subject of the verb: They had to cook for themselves. He was feeling 

मैं तुझसे पूँछ रहा हूँ |
I'm asking you.
यह शर्ट आपने कहाँ से खरीदी ?
Where did you buy that shirt from?
क्या आपने मुझे बताया था कि आप इस शहर में और इस होटल में आ रहे हैं |
Did you inform me that you were coming to this city and this hotel?
क्या तुम्हें अपनी माँ कि उम्र की औरत को छेड़ते हुए शर्म नहीं आती ?
Aren't you ashamed to tease a woman who is like your mother?

//nbsp;;;An alternate form is to use the reflexive pronoun ;yourself; to speak about people in general: One can hurt oneself on those nails over there, so be careful! You can enjoy yourself by simply taking the time to relax.

यह तेरा वहम है तुमने किसी और को देखा होगा |
It is your imagination, you must have seen someone else.
अकेले में ले जाने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
Where was the need to go off to be alone?
अगर कमल ने तुम्हें इस घर से बाहर निकाल दिया तो | तुम कहाँ जाओगे?
What if Shyam throws you out of this house? Where'II you go?
आपने कभी अपना इलाज नहीं करवाया ?
you never got yourself treated?

//nbsp;;;A very common use of reflexive pronouns is to talk about actions where the subject and object are the same person. The old woman killed herself. Here the subject and object are the same person a the old woman. I am going to the shops to get myself some clothes. Emphatic use. We can use reflexive pronouns as subject or object emphasisers. When used 

छोड़ ना, कुछ और बात करते हैं |
Let it be. Let’s talk about something else.
यही देखना बाकी रह गया था |
This was all that was left to see.
ऐसे नहीं बोलते |
Don't talk like that.
अगर कुछ गलत हो गया तो कौन जिम्मेदार होगा ?
If something goes wrong, who'll be responsible?

The poor, overworked reflexive pronoun and the intensive pronoun! is being misused and abused across the English language landscape these days, and I, for one, have had enough of it myself. Not sure what a reflexive pronoun is? Hereas the complete collection and yes, they're also intensive pronouns: First person: m

क्या तुमने खाना पका लिया ?
Have you cooked the dinner?
उसका बाप पुलिस ऑफिसर है, हमें जेल हो जायेगी |
Her father's a police officer, we'll be jailed.
मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?
How would i know?
मैं किसी से बात नहीं करुँगी |
I won't speak to anyone!

In general linguistics, a reflexive pronoun, sometimes simply called a reflexive, is an anaphoric pronoun that must be coreferential with another nominal within the same clause. In the English language specifically, a reflexive pronoun will end in aself or aselves, and refer to a previously named noun or pronoun. pls mark as the brainliest. New questions in English. What is the 

तुम इतना गुस्सा क्यों हो रहे हो ?
Why do you get so angry?
तो नीचे मत देखो |
Then don't look down.
यही वह दिन है जिसके लिए हर सैनिक जीता है |
This is the day every soldier lives for.
मैं मनहूस हूँ |
l'm jinxed!

Use of Reflexive Pronoun

मैं लखनऊ पहुंचकर आपके पैसे लोटा दूंगा |
I'll return your money once I get to Mumbai.
मुझे यकीन नहीं हो रहा है |
I can't believe it.
मुझे फन माल के बाहर से पिक कर लेना |
Pick me up from outside the fun mall.
यह सपने सच होने जैसा है |
This is like a dream come true.

We use a reflexive pronoun as a direct object when the object is the same as the subject of the verb: I fell over and hurt myself. Be careful with that knife. You might cut yourself. We can use a reflexive pronoun as direct object with most transitive verbs, but these are the most common: amuse. blame.

किस लिए |
For what?
किसी पर आँख बंद करके विश्वास करना सही नहीं है |
It's not good to trust someone so blindly!
कैसी हो मम्मी ?
How are you mom?
कौन हो तुम ? क्या कर रहे हो यहाँ ?
who are you? What are you doing here?

Illustrate use of pronouns learnt earlier. Use the personal pronouns myself, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves and itself. Information for Teachers. Pronouns re words that take the place of common and proper nouns, Pronouns are used in English to avoid repeating information that is already clear. In general it makes the sentence less confusing because the same information is 

उसने मेरी कार चुराई है |
He has stolen your car.
तुमने सही किया |
You did the right thing!
अचानक तेरे पर निकल आये |
SuddenIy you have wings.
वास्तव में इसकी ज़िंदगी बर्बाद होने के लिए तुम जिम्मेदार हो |
You are actually responsible to ruin his life.

The normal use of reflexive pronouns are to talk about actions where the subject and the object of the verb are the same person. I cut myself shaving. We dried ourselves after swimming. You will have to drive yourself to work today; . What verbs do we use reflexive pronouns with? We can use a reflexive pronoun as direct object with most transitive verbs, but these are the 

क्या तुम ठीक हो ?
Are you all right?
आखिरी दम तक 
Until our last breath.
हां, उसका फ़ोन switched off है |
Yes, his phone is switched off.
अगर तू वापस नहीं आया तो ?
What if you don't come back?

Non-reflexive use of reflexive pronouns is rather common in English. Most of the time, reflexive pronouns function as emphatic pronouns that highlight or emphasize the individuality or particularity of the noun. Grammatically, the position of reflexive pronouns in this usage is either right after the noun the pronouns are emphasizing or, if the 

वह रोटी हुई गई |
She went away crying.
उसने हमें यह किताबे लेने भेजा है |
She sent us to get these books.
वह हमें जरूर कहीं न कहीं मिलेगा |
We will surely find him somewhere.
तुमने उसे गुंडों से बचाया |
you have saved her from the goons.

REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. Possessive pronouns show ownership of a person, place, or thing. A noun must be used before a possessive pronoun. Possessive pronouns replace nouns. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE. singular plural; my yours his her its: our your their: POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. singular plural; mine yours his hers its: our your their aMya is a possessive 

खाना लग गया |
Is dinner served?
मैंने उसे समझाने की बहुत कोशिस की |
I tried to explain him a lot.
यहाँ आओ और खुद देख लो |
Come here and see for yourself.
बहुत सोंचने के बाद मैंने यह फेसला किया है कि... 
After much thought I have decided that

//nbsp;;;The function of the reflexive pronoun is to serve as the direct object of the verb or as the object of the preposition when the subject of the clause is the same person as the object of the verb or preposition. EXAMPLES: Reflexive pronoun as direct object of verb --She asked herself if she would be better off with him or without him. --My brother really hurt himself when 

पूंछना गुनाह है क्या ?
Is it a crime to ask?
लेकिन उन्हें कौन समझाएगा ?
But who will make them understand.
हम इसी लायक थे |
We deserved it.
काश ये एक मज़ाक होता |
I wish it were a joke.

Reflexive pronoun definition is - a pronoun referring to the subject of the sentence, clause, or verbal phrase in which it stands; specifically : a personal pronoun compounded with -self.

क्या तुझे याद है जो हमने तुझसे कहा था ?
Do you remember what we told you?
हमें इसके 1000 रुपये मिलेंगे |
We will get 1000 rupees for it.
इस कहानी का अकेला हीरो |
The sole hero of this story!
समझा मेरी बात ?
Do you get my point?

तुम्हें अपनेआप पे शर्म आनी चाहिए |
You should be ashamed of yourself...
सही वक़्त पे आये हो |
You've come at the right time.
मैंने यह पहले ही दिन कहा था |
I had said it on the first day.
क्या करते रहे इतने साल ?
what were you doing all these years?

Illustrate use of pronouns learnt earlier. Use the personal pronouns myself, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves and itself. Information for Teachers. Pronouns re words that take the place of common and proper nouns, Pronouns are used in English to avoid repeating information that is already clear. In general it makes the sentence 

मैं नहीं जानता कौन हैं ये | ये मेरे साथ नहीं हैं |
l don't know who they are, they are not with me.
मैंने ही जिद की थी |
I only insisted.
मुझे दौ दिन में प्रवेश शुल्क जमा करना है |
l have to pay the entry fees within two days.
क्या तुम अपनी औकात भूल गए हो |
Have you forgotten your status?

Common Use of Reflexive Pronoun. Harvey himself sent a letter to the manager. The prime minister himself called his cabinet. The cat itself closed her cottage gate. The girls themselves guided the team to success. Natalie saw herself as a princess. Examples of Reflexive Pronouns in Literature Example : Introduction to One Manas Meat by E.B. White aI do the Sunday 

शादी की सारी तैयारियां हो चुकी हैं |
Everything's all set for the wedding.
तुम इस वक्त यहाँ ?
you are here at this hour?
मैं आपका यह एहसान ज़िंदगी भर नहीं भूलूंगा |
I'll never forget this favor of yours for the rest of my life.
तुम इतना time क्यों ले रहे हो |
Why are you taking so much time...

Reflexive pronouns are used when something is done to itself. Heather pinched herself. In this example, aherselfa is a reflexive pronoun referring to the subject, Heather. Heather is doing this action to herself. Intensive Pronouns vs. Reflexive Pronouns. What are Intensive Pronouns? Intensive pronouns look like reflexive pronouns. Intensive pronouns are the same terms as 

क्या वह सो गया ?
Did he sleep?
तुम इसका क्या करने वाले हो ?
What are you going to do with this?
अगर मैं कुछ घंटो में तुम्हारे पैसे डबल कर दूँ ?
What if I double your money in a few hours?
हिम्मत मत हारो |
dont loose your courage.

Weekly Module  Reflexive pronouns Reflexive pronouns and verbs I. Make a list of twelve activities from your daily routine, from the time you get out of the bed Use reflexive pronouns: me, te, se, nos, se according to the subject pronoun. II. See the video of Reflexive verbs. How to use them in the Spanish language. Comment what you learned and what was difficult for 

तुम वादा तोड़ रही हो |
you’re breaking your promise.
तुम और तुम्हारी माँ दोनों से बात करना ही बेकार है |
You and your mother... It's useless talking to both...
मैं कायर की तरह भाग नहीं सकता था |
I couIdn't have run away like a coward.
शुरुवात में ऐसा ही होता है |
This is what happens in the beginning.

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