Day 32 - Use of Relative Pronoun in English - Free English speaking course in Hindi

Relative pro noun का use english में करना सीखकर relative pronoun वाले वाक्य english में बोलना सीखें

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

relative pronoun ka use English mein karna seekhkar English bolna seekhen

Relative pronoun दो वाक्यों को जोड़ने के लिए use होता है | ये Pronoun पहले वाक्य के noun और pronoun के बारे में और जानकारी देता है |
नीचे दिए गए वाक्य को देखिये |
वह लड़का जो यहाँ आया था वह मेरा भाई था |
The boy who came here was my brother.
Relative pronoun हम तब use करते हैं जब हम बताना चाहते हैं कि हम किसके बारे में बात कर रहे हैं | या हम जिसके बारे में बात कर रहे हैं उसके बारे में और जानकारी देनी हो तो |
हिंदी वाक्य में relative Pronoun  की हिंदी “जो”, होती है |
जब जो word subject के बारे में जानकारी देता है तो हम human के लिए Who use करते हैं |
nonliving things के लिए Which use होता है |
That, human और nonliving things दोनों के लिए use होता है | that का use हम “जो” के लिए कहीं भी कर सकते हैं पर जब noun के बारे में additional जानकारी दे रहे होते है और अगर हम यह additional जानकारी न भी दे तो सुनने वाला बताई जा रही वस्तु या noun को पहचान सकता हो तो ऐसे sentences में Who और Which Relative pronoun use करते हैं |
इस तरह के sentences कि प्रैक्टिस करने से आपको who , which, and that कहाँ use करना है इसका पता चल जायेगा |
वह औरत जो चाय बना रही है मोहन कि चाची है |  
The woman who is making tea is Mohan’s aunty.
ऊपर दिए sentence में “जो” human के लिए use हुआ है इसलिए हमने english sentence में जो कि english “Who” लगाईं है |
जो पेन तुमने मुझे दिया था वो खराब हो गया है |
The pen which you gave me has gone out of order.
इस वाक्य में जो का use पेन के लिए हुआ है इस लिए english sentence में जो कि english “Which” लगाई है |
इस वाक्य में हम Which कि जगह that भी use कर सकते हैं |
जो पेन तुमने मुझे दिया था वो खराब हो गया है |
The pen which you gave me has gone out of order.
वह जो मेरे साथ नहीं है वह मेरे खिलाफ है |
He that is not with me is against me.
यहाँ हमने that का use living things के लिए किया है |
Who, Which, और that के use से confuse मत होइयेगा | कहाँ that use होना है और कहाँ who, या which ये आपको इस तरह के sentence बोलने की प्रैक्टिस से पता चल जायेगा | यह english grammar rules आपको english sentence समझने के लिए बताये जाते हैं पर आप इंग्लिश बोलना तभी सीखेंगे जब आप इन sentences को बोलने कि प्रैक्टिस करेंगे और तभी आपको ग्रामर के rules भी तभी कैसे use करने हैं समझ में आयेंगे | इसलिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा english बोलने कि प्रैक्टिस करें |
इस कोर्स में अब हम आगे relative pro noun Who, Which, that और दूसरे pro noun को detail में पढेंगे |



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You can use the relative pronouns who whom, which and that. After 'all' we use that rather than who or which in modern English. The use of who or which is not ungrammatical but it sounds archaic to the modern ear.

तुम अपना वक़्त बर्बाद कर रहे हो |
You're wasting your time.
ये लोग मेरी तरफ क्यों आ रहे हैं ?
Why are they all coming towards me?
एक टैक्सी वाला तुम्हारी कार ठोक कर भाग गया था |
A cab driver had bumped into your car and drove away.
बेवकूफ समझा है क्या मुझे ?
Do You think I'm an idiot?

 rowsnbsp;;;//nbsp;;;While the rules above provide a solid introduction to relative pronouns in English, they 

तुम पढो मेरे बारे में क्या लिखा है |
You read what is written about me.
लोग मुझे प्यार से सब्बू बुलाते है |
People call me Sabbu affectionately.
मैं तुम्हारी कॉल का इंतिजार कर रही थी |
I was waiting for your call.
come on everybody एक एक करके रखो |
Come on everybody put one by one.

यह मुझे मेरे पापा ने दिया है |
My father gave it to me.
उसने मेरी बहन से शादी उसकी दौलत के लिए की थी |
He married my sister to lay his hands on her wealth.
किसके लिए काम करते हो ?
who do you work for?
यह मेरी ज़िंदगी का सवाल है |
This is the question of my life.

English Course;; What is INDEFINITE PRONOUNS and RELATIVE PRONOUNS. February ,  Motivate Me Uncategorized . What is INDEFINITE PRONOUNS and RELATIVE PRONOUNS. Spread the love. What is INDEFINITE PRONOUNS and RELATIVE PRONOUNS What is INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. Once there were four managers. Their names were: Somebody, 

कहाँ से मिले तुझे यह पैसे ?
From where did you get this money?
जो कुछ हुआ है इन चार दीवारों के बीच में हुआ है |
Whatever has happened... has happened within these 4 walls!
अब मैं तेरा क्या करूँ ?
Now what do l do of you?
तेरे कपड़े कौन देख रहा है ?
Who's going to pay attention to your clothes?

//nbsp;;;The relative pronoun who is only used to refer to people.Which is only used to refer to animals or objects.That can be used to refer to both people and objects. In some cases, that is preferred to which. Cases where only that is possible. That should be used after superlative adjectives and other determiners like all, same, any, none, nothing, only, everything little, 

डरो मत | मैं कुछ नहीं करूँगा |
Don't be scared. I won't do anything.
तुम उसके काम में क्या खुश्फुसा रहे हो ?
what are you whispering in her ears?
दम है तो हमारे सामने आओ |
Come before us if you have the guts.
वो जूस पीया करते थे लेकिन उन्होंने वो भी बंद कर दिया |
He used to drink juice but he’s stopped that too.

//nbsp;;;Relative pronouns are words like who, which, that, whom and where. They are used to connect two clauses. They also act as the subject or object of the verb in the relative clause. This grammar exercise tests your understanding of relative pronouns. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative pronoun.

जब गुनाह मेरा है तो सजा तुम दोनों क्यों भुगतो ?
When the sin is mine why should both of you suffer?
क्या तुम अपना थोडा सा भी दिमाग use नहीं कर सकते ?
Can't you use a bit of your brain?
दुबारा बोलो क्या क्या करना है |
Repeat what all things are to be done!
अब हर खिलाडी आगे आयेगा और अपना परिचय देगा |
Now each player will step forward and introduce herself.

Relative pronouns show a relationship between a noun and a clause. The clause provides describing information about the noun. You can also use relative pronouns to combine two sentences into one. Relative Pronouns; That: Which: Who: Whom: Whose: Note: Some relative pronouns may look like interrogative or demonstrative pronouns, but that doesn't mean all 

तुम पूरी की पूरी बोतल पी गए ?
You drank one whole bottle?
चल सुन लेते है | एक बार सुनने में हर्ज ही क्या है ?
let's hear. What's the harm in hearing it once?
कमल ने कॉल किया ?
Did Kamal call?
इस बार कुछ गलत नहीं होना चाहिय |
This time nothing should go wrong.

Relative pronouns rules pdf We use a relative pronoun in English to describe a name or give us more information about it. This description is called a relative proposal, and therefore begins with a relative pronoun. This description comes after the name. The woman who phoned me last night is my girlfriend. Noun: 'The woman'. Relative pronoun: 'Who'. Relative proposition: 

हम शाहीन बाग़ की तीसरी गली से आये हैं 
we've come from the third lane of Shaheen baag.
वह तुम्हें बहुत याद करती है |
She misses you both a lot.
मैं तो बस तुझे चिढ़ा रहा था |
l was only testing you.
मैंने कहा दूर रहो इससे |
I said, stay out of it.

अभी के लिए इसे जाने दे |
Let it go for now.
मेरा एक दोस्त भी उसी कॉलेज में था |
One of my friend was also in the same college.
तुम सबको बदहजमी हो जाएगी |
You will all get indigestion!
मैं अपने दोस्त की मदद करना चाहता हूँ |
I would like to help my friend.

English lessons and exercises gt; English test : Relative pronouns: Who/whose/whom/which/of which gt; Other English exercises on the same topic: Relative sentences [ Change them

तुम कमल के साथ लखनऊ गए थे, है ना ?
You had gone to Lucknow with Kamal, isn't it?
तुम तो उनसे भी गए गुजरे हो |
You are even worse than them.
क्या आप सब तैयार हैं ?
Are all of you ready?
बहुत हो गया | मजाक की भी हद होती है |
Enough is enough! There's a limit to these jokes.

A relative pronoun is a word that introduces a dependent or relative clause and connects it to an independent clause. A clause beginning with a relative pronoun is poised to answer questions such as Which one? How many? or What kind? Who, whom, what, which, and that are all relative pronouns.

प्लीज मेरा कुछ करो |
Please do something to me.
मेरे पास कैंसर का इलाज कराने के पैसे नहीं है |
l don't have money to get my cancer treated.
लेकिन कोई है जिसका मैं खासतोर पे शुक्रिया अदा करना चाहती हूँ |
But there is someone l want to specially thank.
एडमिशन का charge उसी के पास है |
He’s in charge of admissions.

 rowsnbsp;;;Relative pronouns - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English 

पहली बार तुमने कुछ सही किया है |
for the first time you've done something right.
तबसे मैं उसे ढूंड रहा था |
Since then i was searching for him.
कमल तेरे लिए कुछ कॉल आये थे |
Kamal, there were few calls for you.
मुझे माफ़ कर दो, तुम कौन हो, क्या हो  जाने बिना, मैंने तुम्हारा loan reject कर दिया |
I am sorry, who are you, what you are without knowing that, I rejected your loan application.

Relative Pronouns in English Grammar. Home; Grammar; Pronouns; Relative Pronouns; Relative Pronouns. We use these relative pronouns to combine two clauses together. A clause is a sentence with a subject and a verb you can say it's another word for a sentence. In the English language, we have three main relative pronouns that we are going to discuss them 

उसने माचिस बुझा दी |
He extinguished the matchstick.
समझ में आया जो मैं कह रहा हूँ ?
Do you get what i am saying?
मुझे पता है तुम मम्मी से बहुत नाराज हो |
l know you're very angry with mummy.
तेरे पापा एक पैसा नहीं कमाते |
Your father doesn't earn a penny.

In English Grammar, we make use of Relative Pronoun to form Relative Clause to provide additional information about something without starting an entirely new sentence. For Example: Mary is my friend. She is carrying an umbrella. Mary is my friend who is carrying an umbrella.

वहीं मत खड़ी रहो |
Don't just stand there!
सर सब कुछ हमारे प्लान के मुताबिक हो रहा है |
sir, everything is going as per our plan.
पापा ने पैसे नहीं भेजे हैं |
Papa hasn't sent money,
तुम्हे कुछ कहने का कोई फायदा नहीं |
It's no use telling you anything.

//nbsp;;;Use 'who' or 'that' for relative pronouns referring to people and are the subject of a defining relative clause. . Smith House, _____ was built in , is an important local monument.

बहुत बोल लिया तुमने ?
You have said enough.
तुम दुनिया कि पहली औरत होगी जो अपने पति की शादी attend कर रही है और खुश भी है |
You're the first wife in this world... who is attending her husband's wedding and is happy as well!
अपना चेहरा दुबारा कभी मत दिखाना |
Never show your face again.
जो कुछ भी हुआ मैं उसके लिए माफ़ी चाहता हूँ |
I am sorry for whatever happened.

Compare the following possible occurrences of such pronouns and adverbs: Usage of relative pronouns for relative clauses: a who a  is used exclusively for persons/people : aThe flight a who a  is used exclusively for persons/people : aThe flight attendant who helped me was very nice.a a which a 

लगता है तुम प्लेन से पहली बार सफ़र कर रहे हो |
Looks like you'r travelling in a plane for the first time.
तुम्हे देखाई नहीं देता कि मैं फ़ोन पे बात कर रहा हूँ |
Don't you see I'm speaking over the phone.
तुम्हारा लड़का उसके साथ गोवा से भाग गया है |
Your son has eloped with her from Goa.
यह भीष्म पितामह का अवतार है |
He is the reincarnation of Bheeshma Pitamah

Relative pronouns of place and time are used to introduce relative clauses, and to avoid repetition of place or time from the main clause in the relative clauses.They are used after nouns. The most commonly used relative pronouns are: where object is used for places, when for time, wherever when it doesnat matter where the place is, whenever when it doesnat matter 

come on बच्चे की तरह behave मत करो |
come on, don't behave like a kid.
यही तो मैं कह रहा था |
That's what i was saying.
तुम्हें पता है आज client meeting में आज क्या हुआ ?
Do you know what happened in client meeting today?
शायद वह फ़ोन silent पे रखके सो गई होगी |
She probably put the phone on silent and went off to sleep.

Relative clauses are typically introduced by relative pronouns, and that the relative pronoun can function as a possessive pronoun, an object, or a subject. When relative pronouns introduce restrictive relative clauses, no comma is used to separate the restrictive clause from the main clause.

तुमने उसे यहाँ बुला कर बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |
You guys have done a grave mistake by calling him here.
वह खरीदने कुछ जाती है और खरीद के कुछ लाती है |
She goes to buy something and buys something else.
दवाईयां expire हो गई थी |
The medicine had expired.
मुझे सबकुछ शुरू से ही पता था |
I knew everything right from the start.

A relative pronoun is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun. The clause modifies, or describes, the noun. The most common relative pronouns are who, whom, 

तुमने उसकी कॉल मुझसे छुपाई |
You hid her calls from me.
मैं उन्हें तकलीफ नहीं पहुँचाना चाहता था | तुम भी प्लीज उन्हें कुछ मत बताना |
l did not want to hurt them, you also please don't tell them anything.
जो कुछ मेरे दिल में आया मैंने कह दिया |
I said whatever came in my mind!
बस मेरे लिए इतना कर दो |
Just do this much for Me.

When relative pronouns introduce restrictive relative clauses, no comma is used to separate the restrictive clause from the main clause. In American English, the relative pronoun whom is used rarely. You may notice this in conversations, but it is best to use the term when writing to ensure that your work is grammatically correct. Relative Pronouns Examples. The following 

क्या में पूँछ सकता हूँ यहाँ क्या हो रहा है ?
May l ask what’s going on here?
कल रात मेरे दोस्त के जन्मदिन पार्टी है |
there's my friend's birthday party tomorrow night.
पैसे पेड़ पर नहीं उगते |
Money doesn't grow on trees!
क्या किया जा सकता है ?
What can be done?

Relative pronouns of place and time are used to introduce relative clauses, and to avoid repetition of place or time from the main clause in the relative clauses.They are used after nouns. The most commonly used relative pronouns are: where object is used for places, when for time, wherever when it doesnat matter where the place is, whenever when it doesnat matter when an action or event is going 

तुम मेरी तरफ ऐसे क्यों देख रहे हो ?
Why are you looking at me like this?
रीना ने अभी तक कॉल नहीं किया |
Reena hasn't called yet.
मैंने तुम्हे धोका नहीं दिया |
I haven't cheated on you. 
वह समझती क्या है अपने आपको ?
Who does she think she is?

English Course;; What is INDEFINITE PRONOUNS and RELATIVE PRONOUNS. February ,  Motivate Me Uncategorized . What is INDEFINITE PRONOUNS and RELATIVE PRONOUNS. Spread the love. What is INDEFINITE PRONOUNS and RELATIVE PRONOUNS What is INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. Once there were four 

तुम ज़िंदगी में क्या बनना चाहते हो ?
What do you want to be in life?
क्या हुआ, तुम इतने tensed क्यों लग रहे हो ?
What happened, why do you look so tensed?
गली गलोच मत करने लगना नहीं तो हमें आना पड़ेगा पुलिस स्टेशन छुडाने के लिए |
Don't start abusing, Otherwise, I will have to come down to the police station bail you out.
किसी की मुझे छूने की हिम्मत न होती |
no one would've dared to touch me.

Relative Pronouns in English Grammar. Home; Grammar; Pronouns; Relative Pronouns; Relative Pronouns. We use these relative pronouns to combine two clauses together. A clause is a sentence with a subject and a verb you can say it's another word for a sentence. In the English language, we have three main relative pronouns that we are going to discuss them here: who; which; that; 

तुमने पैसे कहाँ छुपाये हैं ?
Where have you hidden the money ?
उसकी गलती नहीं दिखाई देती क्या तुम्हे ?
Can't you see his fault?
तो क्या बात सिर्फ पैसों की है ?
So is it only about money?
अगर एक शब्द ओए कहा तो मैं भूल जाऊंगा कि तेरी उम्र क्या है |
If you say another word, I'll forget how old you are.

पीछे क्या देख रहे हो ?
Why are you looking behind?
तुमने मेरी पेंट फाड़ दी |
You tore my pant!
तुमने तब जो कुछ कहा था गुस्से में कहा था |
whatever you said then was said in anger.
कमल के लिए |
It's for the doctor.

Use of Relative Pronoun in English

मेरे बारे में सोंचने के अलावा, तुम कुछ और काम भी करते हो क्या ?
Besides thinking about me, do you do any other work?
फ़िक्र मत करो | बस छोटी सी खरोंच है |
Don't worry. It's just a small bruise.
ये आपके कान में क्या है ?
What's that in your ears?
क्या मैं कुछ कह सकता हूँ ?
Can I say something?

Use of Relative Pronoun in Sentence Who / whom a when we speak about people. Whose- to speak about people but instead of his, her or their. Which a when we speak about things. That a We can also use athata for awhoa / awhicha.

हम उसे ऐसे छोड़ कर कैसे जा सकते हैं ?
How can we leave her like this and go away?
मैं उसे 6 महीने से जानता हूँ |
I've known her for six months.
तो मेरा पीछा करते करते तुम मेरे घर तक पहुँच गए |
So following me you have reached my home!
मैंने उसे रास्ते में बहुत परेशान किया |
I harassed him a lot on the route.

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