Structure 104 - वह सोते समय खर्राटे लेता है - Uses of Adverb in English grammar


Structure 20 बोलते समय हकलाता है 

Subject + verb s/es + while + gerund

वह सोते समय खर्राटे लेता है |

He snores while sleeping.

तुम बोलते समय हकलाते हो |

You stammer while speaking.

वह बोलते समय तुतलाती है |

She lips while speaking.

खाते समय बाते मत करो |

Don’t talk while eating.

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STRUCTURE 105 - वह पढ़ते समय टीवी देख रहा था

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//nbsp;;;Adverbs are parts of speech with multiple functions. Theyare used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, and whole clauses or sentences. They provide the readers with further information about the manner, place, time, frequency, certainty, and other details as indicated by the verb.


लेकिन उसका दुश्मन कौन हो सकता हैं ?

But who could be his enemy?

तुम्हारा घर तो छोड़ो वो तुम्हारी गली में भी कदम नहीं रखेगी |

Forget your home she won't step even in your lane.

बोलो अभी नहीं तो मैं फ़ोन काट दूंगा |

Speak now or I'll disconnect!

तुम्हे यह बाद में नहीं मिलेगी |

You will not get it later.


//nbsp;;;Adverbs are parts of speech with multiple functions. Theyare used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, and whole clauses or sentences. They provide the readers with further information about the manner, place, time, frequency, certainty, and other details as indicated by the verb.


उसने मेरी कार चुराई है |

He has stolen your car.

मेरे मुहं मत लगना |

Don't lock horns with me.

तुमने दरवाजा क्यों बंद किया ?

Why did you close the door?

उन्हें बस तेरी फ़िक्र है |

He just care for you.


differently. manner In a different way. Synonyms: otherwise, else, dissimilarly, other than, in another way, in contrary fashion, contrastively, divergently, contrastingly, diversely, contrarily, contradictorily, incompatibly, elseways, elsewise, on the contrary, incongruously, conflictingly, antithetically, in any other manner, any other way, in


मैं पासे लेने कहाँ आऊं ?

where should I come to collect the money?

कसम से | मैंने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोंचा था कि रीना मुझसे इतना प्यार करेगी |

I swear. Not even in my dream had I thought that Reena will love me so much.

इसने sign नहीं किया है |

He has not signed.

तुम क्या देख रहे हो ?

What are you all looking at?


differently. manner In a different way. Synonyms: otherwise, else, dissimilarly, other than, in another way, in contrary fashion, contrastively, divergently, contrastingly, diversely, contrarily, contradictorily, incompatibly, elseways, elsewise, on the contrary, incongruously, conflictingly, antithetically, in any other manner, any other way, in


जबसे कमल घर लौटा है उसने हमें कोई काम नहीं करने दिया |

Since the time Sameer has returned home. he doesn't allow us to do any work.

लोगो को चोरी करके क्या मिलता है ?

What do people get by stealing?

अपना घुस्सा जा के उसपर निकाल |

Vent out your anger on him.

क्या तू मुझे देख कर खुश नहीं है |

Aren't you happy to see me?


There are thousands of different adverb examples, but here is just a short list of some common ones. Happily happy  ly Beautifully beautiful  ly Easily easy  ly Clearly clear  ly Closely close  ly  it is very common for adverbs to end in aly.a How Adverbs are Used? In English, adverbs are used to modify language. They modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Here are some adverb


लेकिन यह चमत्कार हुआ कैसे ?

But how did this miracle happen?

तो क्या करूं मैं ?

What do i do then?

कोने में आ |

Come in the corner.

मेरे पास चुप चाप खड़े रहना |

Just stay by my side silently.


Certain adverbs let us know when or how often the action happened. These are known as adverbs of time and adverbs of frequency. After. Always. Before. Later. Now. Today. Yesterday. Many adverbs tell us the extent of the action. Almost. Enough. So. Too. Quite. Rather. Very. Some adverbs are used as intensifiers. Absolutely. Certain. Completely. Heartily. Really


हमें काफी मुनाफ़ा कमायेंगे |

We will earn abundant profit!

मुझे interview देने जाना है |

I have to go for an interview.

काश ये एक मज़ाक होता |

I wish it were a joke.

मुझे पुलिस स्टेशन ले जाने की हिम्मत मत करना |

don't you dare take me to the police station.




तुम फेसला करने वाले कौन होते हो ?

Who are you to take the decision?

इसलिए मैंने उसे मरवाया था |

That's why I got her killed.

आने के लिए शुक्रिया |

Thank you for coming.

अगर तुम्हें डर लग रहा है तो तुम जा सकती हो |

If you are scared, you can leave!


An adverb as like a verb can be a significant part of a sentence. Adverbs play a vital rule in a sentence, they are used to change or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a clause or another adverb in a sentence. In the lesson below we will look at the uses of adverbs in a sentence. Uses of Adverbs in a Sentence


कोई problem ?

Any problem?

यह बहुत गहरा लग रहा है |

this seems to be very deep.

मुझे कैसे पता होगा कि तूने मुझे कॉल क्यों किया ?

how would I know why you called me?

मुझे पता है सर, कि मेरी कोई औकात नहीं है |

I know sir, that I don't have any status.


differently. manner In a different way. Synonyms: otherwise, else, dissimilarly, other than, in another way, in contrary fashion, contrastively, divergently, contrastingly, diversely, contrarily, contradictorily, incompatibly, elseways, elsewise, on the contrary, incongruously, conflictingly, antithetically, in any other manner, any other way, in


कोई ऐसे नहाता है क्या |

Does one bathe like this?

तो flight कैसी रही ?

So, how was your flight?

यह तो बहुत अच्छी बात है

That is very good thing.

मैंने कहा था ना जो तूने मेरे साथ किया है मैं उसका बदला चुकाऊंगा |

I had said I'II repay aII you have done to me.


An adverb describes, modifies, or provides more information about a verb in a sentence. So, if you said ;I am going to quickly run to the store,; the adverb in that sentence quickly would be modifying the verb ;run Adverbs can be confused with adjectives, which also modify things. However, adjectives modify nouns and pronouns.


जैसे रोज जाते हो |

Just as you go everyday!

पैसे लो और जाकर बच्चो के लिए मिठाईयां ले आओ |

take the money and go get some sweets for your kids.

उसने माचिस बुझा दी |

He extinguished the matchstick.

तुम इतनी जल्दी कैसे भूल सकते हो ?

How can you forget so quickly?


An adverb as like a verb can be a significant part of a sentence. Adverbs play a vital rule in a sentence, they are used to change or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a clause or another adverb in a sentence. In the lesson below we will look at the uses of adverbs in a sentence. Uses of Adverbs in a Sentence


तुम गलत समझ रहे हो |

You're misunderstanding.

तो कैसा लगा प्लान ?

So, how do you like the plan?

वह तेरी कोई लगती है क्या ?

Does she mean anything to you?

तुमने ग्रेजुएशन degree कहा से ली ?

where did you get your graduation degree?


Types of Adverb. Different kinds of adverbs, expressing different meaning, are described below with proper definition and examples:  Adverb of Time. Adverb of time is an adverb which tells us about time of happenings or time of something is done in the sentence. Adverbs of time are used in the beginning as a form of emphasis or end of the sentence. Adverbs of time are like already,


मैंने उसे समझाने की बहुत कोशिस की |

I tried to explain him a lot.

वही कहानी इस बार फिर दोहराई जा रही है |

the same story is being repeated this year as well.

अशोक का नाम सुना है?

Have you heard of Ashok?

तो इसमें नया क्या है ?

What’s new in that?



अब मुझे यह जॉब नहीं करनी पड़ेगी |

Now I won't have to do this job.

अगर मेरे माँ बाप जिंदा होते तो क्या तुम मेरे साथ ऐसा ही बरताव करते |

If my parents were alive, would you treat me the same way?

तुम्हे कभी किसी को धोका नहीं दे सकते |

You can never betray anyone.

ये पैसे रखो |

keep this money.


Certain adverbs let us know when or how often the action happened. These are known as adverbs of time and adverbs of frequency. After. Always. Before. Later. Now. Today. Yesterday. Many adverbs tell us the extent of the action. Almost. Enough. So. Too. Quite. Rather. Very. Some adverbs are used as intensifiers. Absolutely. Certain. Completely. Heartily. Really


तुम अपने आप को समझते क्या हो |

What do you think of yourself!

मैं तुम्हें बताऊंगा कब और कहाँ पैसे पहुँचाने हैं |

I wiII teII you when and where to deIiver the money

रहने दो मैं मैनेज कर लूंगी |

let it be, I'll manage.

इतनी रात को कौन हो सकता है |

Who could it be, so late at night.



इतने दिन कहाँ थे ?

Where were you all these days?

वो बेवकूफ तुम्हारे सामने ही खड़ा था | तुमने उसे पकड़ा क्यों नहीं ?

That fool was standing right before you. Why didn't you catch him'?

मेरा घुस्सा बहुत ख़राब है मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |

I have a terrible temper! I'm capable of doing anything!

मैं कुछ नहीं सुनना चाहती |

I don't want to hear anything!


Adverbs are used in sentences to answer many questions about the Verbs/Adjectives/Adverbs themselves. The different types of Adverbs are as following: Adverb of Time. What is an adverb of time? Look at examples below: E.g.: The results were announced yesterday. Here the Adverb is yesterday which is answering the question: When were the results


सुना तुमने ? मैं तुझे सॉरी बोलूं ?

Did you hear that? I should say sorry to you?

लगता है नोसिखिया है |

He seems to be a novice!

क्या बात है ?

What's the matter ?

सबको बराबर का मौका मिलेगा |

Everybody will be given a fair chance.

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