Structure 118 - साँप देखते ही वह भाग गई - Gerund

Structure 34 - जब दो काम एक साथ होने वाले होते हैं और दोनों कामों के बीच में कोई समय अंतराल न हो तो gerund का प्रयोग करते हैं |

साँप देखते ही वह भाग गई |

Seeing a snake she ran away.

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Is there anything Define the difference between a gerund and a present participle. First of all, let's simplify the Define when it is better to use a gerund, and when an infinitive with to will do. This can be tricky, Practice makes perfect. It is not as easy as we promised, but it works. 

नहीं मैं जैसा हूँ अच्छा हूँ |
No, I'm good as I am.
उसे सही रास्ते पर लाओ |
Get him on the right track.
यह होटल नहीं है |
This isn't a hotel.
मेरा पासपोर्ट एयरपोर्ट पे चोरी हो गया |
My passport  got stolen at the airport.

//nbsp;;;A gerund is an instance when a verb is being used in a very particular way a as a noun! You do this by changing the infinitive form of the verb, and adding ainga at the end. For example, aeata is changed to aeatinga, or awritea is changed to awritinga. Letas take a look at some gerunds in action: aI enjoy writing a itas my favourite hobby.a.

और क्या चाहिए तुझे ?
What more do you want?
क्या तुम थोड़ी देर चुप होगी ?
Will you just keep quiet for a bit?
तुम्हारी लखनऊ की ट्रिप कैसी थी |
How was your trip to Lucknow.
उसके कान में मत फुसफुसा |
Don't whisper in his ear.

A sentence can either use a gerund or an infinitive, it is only a matter of being able to distinguish how and when to use it appropriately. A sentence using a gerund can be converted in a sentence that uses an infinitive and vice versa; doing this will not change the meaning of the sentence and can still be grammatically correct depending on how you reword it. Therefore, you should be able to know how 

क्या तुम्हें मुझसे कोई काम था ?
Did you have some work with me?
हम आयें आपके पास या आप आएंगे |
Shall I come over, or will you?
उसके लिए में शर्मिंदा हूँ |
I am ashamed of that.
मैंने आपके बारे में बहुंत सुना है |
I've heard a lot about you.

After Some Verbswith aFroma and aToa with Some VerbsAfter PrepositionsSome Verbs Can Use Either The aTo Doa Or The ainga FormYou use the ingform after some verbs such as enjoy, admit, appreciate, canat stand / help / bear, deny, avoid, mind, understand, consider, finish, imagine and resent. For example, aI canat stand doing nothinga, or aShe denied breakingthe copiera. With other verbs, use the gerund after a preposition. admit to doing approve of doing argue about doing concentrate on doing feel like doing forget about doing insist on doing plan on doing talk about doing think about doing See our page on infinitivesfor verbs thSee more on english-at-home

मैंने कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि मैं उसे इस हाल में देखूंगा |
I never thought I wouId ever see him in this state.
क्या हुआ ? क्यों चिल्ला रहे हो ?
What's wrong? Why are you screaming?
एक गलती हो गई तो क्या तुम उसके लिए मेरी ज़िंदगी बर्बाद कर दोगे ?
I made a mistake So are you going to ruin my life for that?
तुम यहीं बैठो | हम देख कर आते हैं |
You sit over here. Both of us will see and come.

अपने किसी को मेरी मोटरसाइकिल का टायर चोरी करते देखा |
Did you see anyone steal my motorcycle tyre?
लेकिन मैं उससे पहले ही उधार ले चूका हूँ |
But I’ve already taken loan from him.
देख रहा हूँ |
I'm looking.
तुम जाओ और जाकर अपनी आँख check करवाओ |
You go and get your eyes checked.

//nbsp;;;USE OF GERUND : Gerund is formed by adding the words 'ing' with the first form of verb. It is used as a noun. As such it can be used in all the forms as a noun is used as follows.

मैंने यह जान बूझकर नहीं किया |
I didn't do it purposely.
उसके बात कमल ने ना मुझे कॉल किया और ना ही मुझसे मिलने आया |
After that, neither did Kamal call me or come to meet me.
उसे थोडा वक़्त लगेगा | आप wait कर सकते हैं |
Ηe'll take some time. You can wait.
अभी के लिए इसे जाने दे |
Let it go for now.

मुझे नीचे देखने पर चक्कर आते हैं |
I feel giddy when I look down.
कोई option नहीं था |
There was no option.
तुम्हारे पीछे क्या है ? क्या छुपा रहे हो ?
What’s this behind you? What are you hiding?
अगर तुम इतनी जिद कर रहे हो तो मैं उसे कॉल कर लूँगा |
If you are insisting so much then I will call her.

Use of the Gerund; Exercises; Answer the Questions; News Letter: LINK TO GRAMMARINENGLISH.COM. Learning Competency. Defining relative clause When a clause defines the noun it qualifies it is known as a defining relative clause. My Vote for Gerund. Good: Average: Home ; Use; Last Updated :  Jan . USES OF THE GERUND A Gerund may be used as :-. Subject of 

हमारे पास अभी भी एक घंटा बचा है |
We still have an hour left.
मेरी बाईं आँख आज बहुत फडफडा रही है |
My left-eye's twitching a lot today.
तो तुम मुझे उन लोगों से compare कर रही हो ?
So, you are comparing me to those people?
इससे छोटा बैग नहीं मिला क्या तुझे ?
Didn't you find a smaller bag?

One way to spot a gerund is to notice that they always end in -ing. Just remember they're not the only players in the game ending in -ing. Present participles verbs indicating continuous activity also end in -ing. For example: aI was sitting there.aSitting looks like and acts like a verb in this instance.. Gerunds can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and predicate nouns.

मैं ही पागल हूँ | मुझे उसे कुछ नही बताना चाहिए था |
I'm mad. I shouldn't have told him anything.
अगर मैं पकाऊंगा तो तुम क्या करोगी |
If I cook, what will you do?
यह मैं अपने लिए नहीं कर रहा हूँ |
I'm not doing this for myself.
पक्का तूने वह यहीं पार्क की थी ?
Are you sure you parked it here?

Gerunds can appear at the beginning of a sentence when used as a subject: Jogging is a hobby of mine. Gerunds can act as an object following the verb: Daniel quit smoking a year ago. Gerunds can serve as an object after a preposition: I look forward to helping you paint the house. Note: The same spelling rules that apply to the progressive tenses also apply to gerunds. Some verbs and verb phrases are directly 

लगता है बुड्ढा पागल हो गया है |
It seems that the oId man has gone mad.
इशारा क्या कर रहे हो ? जो कहना है कहो ?
Why are you gesturing? Say what you want to?
वह यह बेज्जती बर्दास्त नहीं कर सका |
He couldn't tolerate this humiliation.
यह एक बार आपके साथ हो भी चूका है |
It has already happened to you once.

 rowsnbsp;;;The gerund can be used .  as the subject of a sentence. Is this the case, it usually comes 

जैसा तुमने कहा था प्लान बिल्कुल वैसा ही चल रहा है |
The plan's going just like you said.
ये उम्र है तुम्हारी यह सब करने की और यह बत्तमीजी कहाँ से सीखी तुमने ?
Is this the age to be doing all this? And from where did you learn to misbehave?
तुम ताली क्यों बजा रही हो |
What are you clapping for
मैंने पूंछा नहीं |
I didn't ask.

//nbsp;;;The use of gerunds and infinitives is dictated by the context though it is possible to use gerunds and infinitives interchangeably in most contexts. Gerunds communicate a sense of continuing action because of use of 'ing'. Usually gerunds are used when we refer to real activities or experiences. The infinitives can often sound like a truism, largely due to perfect tense which refers to possible 

मैंने जॉब के लिए apply किया था |
I had appIied for a job.
जब से यह मेरे पति बन गए |
Since the time he became my husband!
तुम अचानक आ गए | तुम्हें बताना चाहिए था कि तुम आ रहे हो |
You came all of a sudden. You should have said that you are coming.
कहीं नहीं |

A Gerund may be used as :-. . Subject of a verb. e.g. Giving is better than receiving. Hunting is a favourite sport in this country. Advising others is easy. . Object of a transitive verb.

लगता है नोसिखिया है |
He seems to be a novice!
इसीलिए उन्होंने मेरा ट्रांसफर करवा दिया |
That's why they got me transferred.
शक करने की भी हद होती है |
There is a limit to suspicion!
इसलिए वह तुम्हें बराबर का मौका देना चाहती है |
That's why she wants to give you an equal chance

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मैं जबसे आया हूँ उन्ही के बारे में सुन रहा हूँ |
I've been hearing about them since I've arrived.
तुमने ऐसे आदमी के साथ ऐसा क्यों किया ?
Why did You do this with such a man?
हम पैसे लिए बिना नहीं जायेंगे |
We won't leave without taking the money.
तुमने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं कि तुम अपने parents को यहाँ ला रहे हो ?
Why didn't you tell me you're bringing your parents here?

Gerunds and infinitives are verb forms that can take the place of a noun in a sentence. The following guidelines and lists will help you figure out whether a gerund or infinitive is needed. Following a verb gerund or infinitive Both gerunds and infinitives can replace a noun as the object of a verb. Whether you use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb in the sentence. Consult the lists below to 

डिनर किया ?
Had dinner?
जाओ और जाकर यह सब अपने घर पर करो |
Go and do all this at your home.
उस पर कभी विश्वास मत करना | वह भरोसे के लायक नहीं है |
Never trust him. He is not worthy enough to be trusted.
मेरे सर में दर्द था और तुम्हारे लिए घुमने जाना ज्यादा जरुरी था ?
I had headache and it was necessary for you to go on walk?

Use, Form and Examples of the Gerund. Menu. The Gerund a English Grammar. . What is the Gerund?-ing form used as a noun. . Form. infinitive  -ing . . Examples. Gerund as Subject: Go ing to parties is fun. Gerund as Object: I enjoy read ing. . Gerund after the following verbs. admit. He admitted hav ing driven too fast. avoid. They avoid go ing on holiday on Saturdays. carry 

तुम्हें शर्म नहीं आती ऐसा कमीना तुम्हारा रिश्तेदार है |
Aren't you ashamed. your relative is such a rascal?
मैं तेरी बात कर रहा हूँ अपनी नहीं |
I'm talking about you, not me.
मैंने तुम्हारी ख़ुशी के लिए इतना बड़ा कदम उठाया | लेकिन किसे फर्क पड़ता है |
I took such a big step for your happiness. but who cares.
मुस्करा के भी कह सकती थी |
Could've said that with a smile.

Gerunds are the elusive shapeshifters of the English language. They are created out of verbs, but function as nouns. For example: aDo you mind my borrowing these supplies?a At a quick glance, borrowing could easily be labeled as a verb.

वह तुम्हारी शादी किसी और से कराना चाहते थे |
He wanted to get you married to someone else.
यह आज मार खायेगा |
He'll be beaten today.
मुझे शर्त मंजूर है |
I accept the bet.
क्या तुम अपना बच्चा नहीं सम्भाल सकते |
Can't you take care of your kid?

 Gerunds can be used as a subject of a sentence. Take a look at some examples. Walking is good Both gerunds and infinitives can be used as objects of a sentence. You may say: aI enjoy drawing.a Infinitives should be used after many adjectives. Here are three sample sentences that will help to Only infinitives are used after certain verbs followed by nouns or pronouns referring to a person. Only gerunds are used after prepositions with one exception. Consider this sentence: I talked him See full list on fluentu

यह कमल की कार है | लेकिन यह यहाँ क्यों है ?
it's Kamal's car. But why is it here? 
क्या तुम भी यहीं रहोगे ?
Will you stay here as well?
तुम इस घर में फिर शराब पी कर आये |
You have come drunk again in this house.
मैं कैसी लग रही हूँ ?
How am l looking?

//nbsp;;;Here are examples of each type of gerund use using the gerund in the negative form. Not wanting anything in life can make you very happy. Alison enjoys not eating fatty food, and she's lost a lot of weight. I look forward to not working on my vacation. A Word of Caution . The gerund is often confused with the present participle. That's because the gerund looks exactly like the present 

मुझे सच में चलना चाहिए |
I should really get going.
नहीं ! बल्कि होश तो मुझे अब आया है |
No ! I have rather come to my senses now.
अन्दर ठंड नहीं है |
It's not chilly inside.
शायद ना हो पर जब मैं उसके साथ होती हूँ तो खुश होती हु जिंदा महसूस करती हूँ |
Perhaps, but when I'm with him I feel happy, feel alive.

The term ;-ing form; is often used in English to refer to the gerund specifically. Traditional grammar makes a distinction within -ing forms between present participles and gerunds, a distinction that is not observed in such modern, linguistically informed grammars as A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language and The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Traditional use Latin gerund. 

आखिर में दिखा दी ना अपनी औकात |
At last you have shown your status!
ठीक है | मुझे सोंचने के लिए कुछ time दो |
Αll right. Give me some time to think.
गुंडों को तो पता नहीं पर पुलिस वालो से जरुए बच के रहना चाहिए |
I don't know about thugs, but you should definitely stay away from cops.
इसलिए मैंने उसे मरवाया था |
That's why I got her killed.

अगर एक शब्द ओए कहा तो मैं भूल जाऊंगा कि तेरी उम्र क्या है |
If you say another word, I'll forget how old you are.
कब तक चलता रहेगा क्या ?
For how long what will go on?
चल सुन लेते है | एक बार सुनने में हर्ज ही क्या है ?
let's hear. What's the harm in hearing it once?
मैं तुम्हे बोल चूका हूँ मेरे लिए महंगी चीजे मत खरीदा करो |
I've told you not to buy me such expensive stuff.

याद है तुझे तूने उसे थप्पड़ मारा था ?
Do you remember you had slapped him?
मैं आपको शरीफ़ आदमी समझता था |
I had thought you were an upright man.
आज से चोरी चकारी बंद |
No more theft or felony from today.
मैं तुम्हारे कपडे भी धोउंगी |
l'll do your laundry too.

use of gerund

वो दोनों एक साथ कैसे आ सकते हैं ?
How can both of them come together?
फ़ोन काट और दुबारा कॉल कर |
Hang up and call me again.
लेकिन आपसे मिलने के बाद ऐसा लगता है कि वो बिलकुल आपके जैसी होंगी |
But after meeting you I feel that she must've been just like you.
सब्र रखो |
Have patience!

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