Structure 120 - पुलिस के आते ही डाकू भाग गए - Gerund

Different uses of past participle in spoken English 

Structure 36 - जब दो काम एक साथ हो और दोनों कामो में कर्ता अलग अलग हों और एक काम दुसरे काम की वजह से हो रहा हो तो Past participle से पहले subject रखते हैं |

पुलिस के आते ही डाकू भाग गए |

The police having been arrived the dacoits ran away.

अध्यापक के अनुपस्थित होने की वजह से बच्चो ने काम नहीं किया |

The teacher being absent the boys did not work.

कप्तान के मारे जाते ही सेना भाग गई |

The captain having been killed the army fled.

सूरज के निकलते ही चिड़िया उड़ने लगी |

The having risen the birds began to fly.

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

STRUCTURE 121 - कहाँ जाऊं 

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Define past participle: In grammar, the definition of past participle is a nonfinite verb used to signify a perfective aspect. In summary, a past participle is formed from the past tense of a verb. It is used to create verb forms and may also modify nouns, noun phrases, adjectives, and adjective phrases.

मैंने दरवाजा खोला था |
I opened the door.
तुम ताली क्यों बजा रही हो |
What are you clapping for
बकवास मरना बंद कर |
stop talking nonsense!
अगर तुमने दुबारा कॉल किया तो मैं पुलिस को बता दूंगा |
If you call again, I'll inform the cops.

Past: Participle: Accept: Accepted: Accepted: Act: Acted: Acted: Achieve: Achieved: Achieved: Admire: Admired: Admired: Advise: Advised: Advised: Affect: Affected: Affected: Agree: Agreed: Agreed: Amaze: Amazed: Amazed: Amuse: Amused: Amused: Answer: Answered: Answered: Appear: Appeared: Appeared: Arrange: Arranged: Arranged: Arrive: Arrived: Arrived: Ask: Asked: Asked: Attack: 

5 दिन हो गए है | ना मुझे पैसे दिखे और ना तुम |
It's been five days. I neither saw the money nor you.
तो तुम हो इसके भाई |
So, you're her brother!
जो कुछ तुम्हें चाहिए यह तुम्हें ला कर दे देगा |
He will get for you whatever you want.
कल की तुम छुट्टी ले लेना और तब हम चलेंगे | ठीक है ?
Tomorrow you'll take the day off and then we'll go, ok?

//nbsp;;;In English grammar, the past participle refers to an action that was started and completed entirely in the past. It is the third principal part of a verb, created by adding -ed, -d, or -t to the base form of a regular verb.

मेरे बैग में कुछ नहीं है |
There is nothing in my bag.
वह तुम्हारी जायदात के लिए पहले ही मुझे छोड़ चूका है | 
He's already left me once for the sake of your property.
अगर मुझे पता होता कि आप फ़ोन पर है तो क्या मैं ऐसे बात करता ?
lf l had known you were on the phone, would l talk like that?
Kiss मैं क्या सिखाना होता है |
What's there to teach in a kiss?

Past participle. The past participle is often used when we want to express a passive action. In English we add - ed to the infinitive of regular verbs. We use the rd column of the table of the irregular verbs. .. Use of the past participle. Perfect Tenses. He has forgotten the pencil. He had forgotten the pencil. Passive voice. A house is built. A house was built.

वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |
She was cheating on me.
अब तक उसका अपहरण हो चूका होगा |
He must be kidnapped by now!
प्लीज मेरी तरफ से उन्हें सॉरी कह देना |
Please tell him sorry on my behalf.
वह ख़ुशी में नाच रहा है |
He's dancing in glee.

//nbsp;;;The past participle of a verb is one of two past forms. As an English student, youave probably studied some irregular verbs, seen in a list consisting of three words: the infinitive, the simple past, and the past participle.

लेकिन उसका दुश्मन कौन हो सकता हैं ?
But who could be his enemy?
I am really sorry मुझे जाना होगा कुछ काम आ गया है |
I'm really sorry, I've have to go, something's come up at work.
हमने बचपन में बहुत परेशानियों का सामना किया है | लेकिन अब मैं हमारी ज़िंदगी खुशियों से भरना चाहता हूँ|
In our childhood, we faced many hardships but now, I want to fill our life with happiness.
क्या हुआ ?
What happened ?

A past participle is a word that can be used as an adjective or to form verb tense. Past participles are classified as non-finite verbs. Most past participles end -ed, -d, -t, -en, or -n. This page has lots of examples of past participles, shows how to form past participles, and has an interactive exercise.

जब कभी एक सैनिक अपनी मात्रभूमि के लिए लड़ता है, तो मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि मैं भी वहाँ लड़ रहा हूँ |
Whenever a soldier fought for his Motherland at the border. l felt like l am fighting there too.
कमल समुंद्र में डूब रहा है |
Kamal is drowning in the sea.
मुझे यहाँ से बच के निकलने दे फिर तुझे सबक सिखाता हूँ |
Let me escape from this, then I'll teach you a lesson.
मैं दौ महीने से मकान का किराया नहीं दे सका |
I couIdn't pay the rent of the house for 2 months.

जब मैं उससे पहली बार मिली थी तो मैंने सोंचा कि आज मेरी ज़िंदगी का आखिरी दिन है |
When I met him for the first time I thought this is the last day of my life.
वो भूरा बैग | वह यही रखा था |
That brown bag. lt was lying here.
मुझे क्या मालूम ?
I don't know.
कहाँ गए थे तुम ?
Where did you go?

//nbsp;;;Past participles are used with simple perfect tenses continuous perfect or progressive perfect tenses take the participle 'been'  the present participle - have been playing, will have been working, etc.. Present Perfect: She's already eaten lunch. Past Perfect: They had left for California before she called.

मेरी मदद करने का नाटक मत करो |
stop pretending to help me.
कई बार मुझे भी ऐसा महसूस हुआ |
Many a times I too have felt so!
तुम इतना excited क्यों हो रहे हो ?
Why do you get so excited?
तुम्हे पता है जो मैं कह रहा हूँ |
You know what I'm saying.

//nbsp;;;The past perfect tense is used to indicate an action that happened in the past before another action happened. This compound tense is formed by adding the past participle to the auxiliary verb had. The main difference between past participle and past perfect is that past participle is a verb form whereas past perfect is a tense.

मैं गरीब आदमी हूँ, मैं बर्बाद हो जाऊंगा |
I'm a poor man, I'll be ruined.
ऐसा कुछ नहीं होने वाला |
Nothing like that is going to happen.
मैं कमल को अकेला छोड़ के कहीं नहीं जाऊंगा |
I will not go anywhere leaving Kamal alone.
मैं पासे लेने कहाँ आऊं ?
where should I come to collect the money?

तुम उल्लू की तरह क्या देख रहे हो ?
Why are you staring like a owl?
उसने सुबह सुबह मेरा मूड खराब कर दिया |
She spoilt my mood early in the morning.
वह जेल जा चूका है |
He's been to jail!
तुमने ऐसे आदमी के साथ ऐसा क्यों किया ?
Why did You do this with such a man?

What is a participle? Participles are verb forms that function as adjectives, nouns or as part of a compound verb tenses. There are three kinds of participles in English grammar: present participle or -ing form, past participle and perfect participle. We can use participles to form participle clause s which shorten complex sentences.

जब से डॉक्टर आया है तब से तुम्हारे देवर ही बदल गए हैं |
You've changed colors ever since the doctor has arrived!
एक पैसा भी नहीं बचा |
Not even a single penny is left.
आप मेरे घर में कैसे घुस गए |
How did you just barge in to my house?
मैं आपके साथ जो भी गलत किया मैं उस सब के लिए माफ़ी मांगता हूँ |
l apologize for all the bad things we have done to you.

past participle

मेरा मतलब अगर तुम नहीं रहोगी तो क्या शादी नहीं होगी ?
I mean, will the wedding not take place if you're not around?
यह तो होना ही था |
This was bound to happen.
मेरी शादी पक्की हो गई है |
My marriage has been fixed.
क्या दुनिया में ऐसे लोग भी है ?
Are there such people too in the world?

बोलो कौन जीतेगा ?
Speak up, who is going to win?
जो कर सकते हो करो लेकिन तुम अपनी किस्मत नहीं बदल सकते |
Do what you can, but you can't change your destiny.
लेकिन यह चमत्कार हुआ कैसे ?
But how did this miracle happen?
आखिरी बार मेरी मदद कर दो |
help me one last time.

PastTenses is a database of English verbs. One can check verbs forms in different tenses. Use our search box to check present tense, present participle tense, past tense and past participle tense of desired verb.

लगता है उसकी दिमागी हालत ठीक नहीं है |
Seems like her mental condition is not stable.
इसे रूम का किराया समझ कर रख लो |
keep it considering it as the rent for the room.
मैं तुम्हें ला कर दे दूंगा |
I will bring and give it to you.
वो औरत मुझे खुश नहीं देख सकती |
That woman can't see me happy.

In Standard American, ' gotten ' is used as a past participle of 'get'. The past participle is used to form the passive. Some adjectives are formed from past participles, like for example ' broken ' in 'a broken 

यह ड्रेस तुम पर प्यारी लग रही है |
This dress looks lovely on you.
मेरा पीछा मत करो |
Don't follow me around.
मैं तेरा इंतिजार नहीं कर रही थी 
I wasn't waiting for you
मेरे बारे में कोई पूंछता ही नहीं है |
Nobody seems to be asking about me.

Simple Past. Past Participle. arise. awake. be. bear. beat. become. begin. bend. bet. bite. bleed. blow. break. bring. build. burn. burst. buy. catch. choose. cling. come. cost. creep. cut. deal. dig. dive. do. draw. dream. drink. drive. eat. fall. feed. feel. fight. find. fit. flee. fling. fly. forbid. forget. forgive. forgo. freeze. get. give. go. grind. grow. hang. have. hear. hide. hit. hold. hurt. keep. kneel. 

तो मेरे प्यार पर इतनी पाबंदिया क्यों ?
So, why all the restrictions in my loνe?
तो क्या होती मेरी ज़िंदगी ?
What would my life be like now?.
मुझे पता था ऐसा ही कुछ होगा |
I knew something of this sort would happen.
मुझे ठंड जल्दी लग जाती है |
I catch cold easily. 

Past Participle.

पी लो इसे 
Drink it up.
मेरी ख़ुशी उसकी ख़ुशी में है |
my happiness is in her happiness.
तुम्हें सब पता है लेकिन फिर भी तुम यह हमसे सुनना चाहते हो |
You know everything, but still you want to hear it from us.
कल तुम मेरे साथ लखनऊ चलोगी |
Tomorrow you will come with me to Lucknow.

Definition of past participle. : a participle that typically expresses completed action, that is traditionally one of the principal parts of the verb, and that is traditionally used in English in the formation of perfect tenses in the active voice and of all tenses in the passive voice.

कौन है ?
Who is it?
वह इसकी तुलना में कुछ नहीं हैं |
They're nothing compared to it.
तुम्हारे अलावा और कौन बर्बाद हुआ है ?
Who else got ruined along with you?
क्या लोगे तुम ? या क्या लेना पसंद करोगे ?
What would you like to have?

The infinitive is the ato  verba form a to laugh, to cry, to learn grammar, and so on. The second column is the simple past tense. The third column is the past participle, which is combined with has singular or have plural to form the present perfect tense. The past participle is also used with had to form the past perfect tense.

यह मेरे गले में था |
lt was around my neck!
तुम्हें कैसे पता कि मैंने अंडरवियर नहीं पहना है ?
How do you know I haven't worn underwear?
अगर उन्हें पता चल गया तो वह मर जायेंगे |
He’ll die if he gets to know.
मेरे बेटे, जाने से पहले एक बार फिर सोंच लो |
My son, think again before you go.

मैं तुम्हें ऐसे नहीं देख सकता |
I can't see you like this.
तो तुम्हारा एक शादीशुदा औरत के साथ चक्कर चल रहा है |
So you are having an affair with a married woman!
मैं रीना को रह सब नहीं बता सकता था नहीं तो वह मर जाती |
l couldn't tell Reena this thing. Otherwise she would have died.
पक्का | तू मुझे साथ में नहीं ले जाना चाहती |
Are you sure? You don't want me to come with you?

Some common verbs are also formed from others, which means the past participle is the same: a give / forgive given / forgiven a come / become come / become a stand / understand stood / understood

किसने कहा था तुझे हमारे पीछे वहाँ आने को ?
Who asked you to follow us to that place?
इसे हमारे हवाले छोड़ दो, हम इसे सबक सिखायेंगे |
Let us at him, we’ll teach him!
आपसे कोई मिलने आया है सर |
There's someone to see you, sir.
आपको यह सब एक दुसरे की बीवी को कहना है |
You have to say this to each other's wife.

Put in the verbs in brackets as Past Participle into the gaps.

तुम्हें मुझे याद दिलाना चाहिय था |
You should have reminded me.
बत्तमीज, तुझे शर्म नहीं आती ? 
Mannerless, aren't you ashamed?
यह देखो |
Look at this...
मैं बस आपसे मिलना चाहता था |
l just wanted to meet you.

Present Participle vs. Past Participle What is a participle? A participle is a verbal that is used as an adjective and most often ends in -ing or -ed. They function as adjectives, thus participles modify nouns or pronouns. There are two participles: The present participle and the past participle. They can both be used as adjectives. The Present participle, always ending in -ing. Present participle examples: A crying baby The smiling girl is my sister. The past participles of all.

जा ना, रुका क्यों है ? 
Go on, what's stopping you?
कहाँ हो तुम ?
Where have you been?
इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हे काम पर रखना चाहता हूँ |
This is why I want to hire you.
कुछ दिनों पहले मुझे मुझे उल्टी हुई थी और उसमें खून था |
A couple of days back l vomited and there was some blood.

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