Structure 131 - वहाँ जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं - It - no use examples

No use examples in Hindi

वहाँ जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं
It is no use going there

उबले हुए दूध पर चिल्लाने का कोई फायदा नहीं है
It is no use crying over split milk

इस बारे में चिंता करने से कोई फायदा नहीं है
It is no use worrying about it

यहाँ इन्तिजार कंरने से कोई फायदा नहीं है
It is no use no use waiting here

उसे डांटने से कोई फायदा नहीं है
It is no use scolding him

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

STRUCTURE 132 - उसे इस समय बुलाना सही नहीं है

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no. - the number designating place in an ordered sequence ordinal , ordinal number number - a concept of quantity involving zero and units; ;every number has a unique position in the sequence;

मुझे लगता है मैंने तुम्हें पहले कहीं देखा है |
I think I have seen you before.
लेकिन मुझे पैसे नहीं चाहिए |
But I don't want the money.
बचाव कार्य चल रहा है 
the rescue operation is being held up..
मैं एक मिनट में कैसे जवाब दे दूँ ?
How can l give an answer in just a minute?

The useamention distinction is a foundational concept of analytic philosophy, according to which it is necessary to make a distinction between using a word or phrase and mentioning it, and many philosophical works have been ;vitiated by a failure to distinguish use and mention;. The distinction can sometimes be pedantic, especially in simple cases where it is obvious. The distinction between use 

मैं तुम्हे आसानी से नहीं छोडूंगा |
I won't leave you so easily.
मासूम बनने का नाटक मत करो |
Don't act innocent.
मैं पता लगा के रहूँगा |
I must find that out!
वो मैं कैसे भूल सकता हूँ ?
How can l forget that?

For example, we can use proverbs to explain ideas better. Meaning of Proverbs. A proverb is basically just an expression or saying based on common sense or experience. They are nothing but common and traditional sayings which explain some truth. They are often metaphorical in nature. The origin of most common proverbs generally lies in local or universal truths and principles. This is why it is easy to 

पैसों का इन्तिजाम हो गया क्या ?
You've arranged for the money, haven't you?
इतनी जल्दी में कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
where are you going in such a hurry?
वह ठरकी है |
She's a pervert!
मैं रातों रात करोड़पति बन गया |
I became millionaires overnight.

//nbsp;;; Idioms You Need to Know  Their Meaning Infographic by Jennifer Frost. on October , . Enjoyed this infographic? Hereas what you can do next: .K shares; Share; Tweet; Pin; Want this infographic on your blog or website? Easy, just copy and paste this code: Do you have typos, weak words, or tricky grammar errors in your writing? Find out: Tip: Bookmark that page. You will need it 

यह मुझे दे दो |
Give it to me.
अगर मुझे तुम्हारी शिकायत दुबारा मिली तो तुम सीधे जेल जाओगे |
lf l receiνe another complaint, you're going straight to jail!
वे नोकर लग रहे हैं |
They appear to be servants.
बहुत करली मैंने अंधे की acting |
l've had enough of acting blind.

nope definition: . no: . no: . esp. used in spoken answers no: . Learn more.

उन्होंने पीटा तुम्हे ?
They beat you up?
यहाँ उसका पता कोई नहीं जानता | वो कुछ दिनों से ऑफिस भी नहीं आ रही है |
No one knows her address here. She's also not been coming to the office since the last couple of days.
तुम क्या देख रहे हो ? सामने देख |
What are you looking at? Look in front.
तुम यहाँ क्यों आयी ? किसने बुलाया तुम्हें ?
Why did you come here? Who called you?

no longer definition: . in the past but not now: . in the past but not now: . Learn more.

जिससे तुम प्यार करती हो उसी से शादी कर रही हो |
You're marrying the one you love.
तुमने मुझे गाली क्यों दी ?
Why did you abuse me?
तेरे बाप ने भी कभी किया है यह ?
Did your father even do this?
क्या तुम शराब पी रहे हो ? मैंने तुझे पीने के लिए मन किया था ना ?
Αre you boozing? l told you not to drink, didn't l?

क्या तू कुवांरा मरना चाहता है ?
Do you want to die as a bachelor?
तुम तो जानती ही हो कि भाभी की दिमागी हालत ठीक नहीं है |
You do know that sister-in-law isn't mentally sound.
तुम मेरे बिना ज्यादा खुश रहोगी |
You'll be happier without me.
प्लीज कुछ करिए हमारे लिए |
Please do something for us.

Suitable definition is - adapted to a use or purpose. How to use suitable in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of suitable.

तुम्हे कैसे पता कि वह ऑफिस चला गया है |
how do you know that he's gone to office?
मैंने कुछ गलत नहीं किया |
l've done nothing wrong,
क्या आप मुझे उसके घर ले सकते हैं ?
Can you take me to his house?
मैंने जॉब के लिए apply किया था |
I had appIied for a job.

मैं बस आ रहा हूँ |
I am just coming!
मेरी तबियत ठीक नहीं है |
I'm not feeling well.
मुझे नहीं पता वह कैसे दिखता है |
I don't know how he looks.
लेकिन तुमने किसे देखा ?
But whom did you see?

देखो, मैंने पेपर पर sign कर दिया है | 
See, I've signed the paper.
मैं पैसे के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |
I can do anything for money.
अरे एहसान कैसा ये तो मेरा फर्ज था |
No favor at all! This is only my duty.
तुम जैसे दिखते हो वैसे नहीं हो |
You are not as you seem to be.

Definition of no Entry  of: an act or instance of refusing or denying by the use of the word no : denial received a firm no in reply.  a : a negative vote or decision. b noes or nos plural : persons voting in the negative.

तुम सब यहीं इंतिजार करो तबतक मैं देख के आता हूँ |
All of you wait here while I will go and check it out.
ऐसे नहीं बोलते |
Don't talk like that.
मेरा तेरा बदला लूँगा |
I'll take your revenge.
तुम्हे देखाई नहीं देता कि मैं फ़ोन पे बात कर रहा हूँ |
Don't you see I'm speaking over the phone.

no. - the number designating place in an ordered sequence ordinal , ordinal number number - a concept of quantity involving zero and units; ;every number has a unique position in the sequence;

अगर कोई दिखे तो सीटी बजाना है | ठीक है ?
If you see somebody, just whistle! Fine?
मेरे प्यार में क्या कमी रह गई थी ?
What was lacking in my love?
मेरी मर्जी |
My wish.
अच्छा होगा तुम मेरे कपड़ो पे कमेंट ना करो |
You better not comment on my clothes.

The end all be all of all arguments. Doesnat have a cool down and will completely annihilate your opponent.

वह तुम्हे फंसा रहा है |
He is trying to trap you.
वह रास्ते में होगी |
She must be on her way.
तब से मैं यहाँ चोरी छुपे आता हूँ ताकि में इनकी किसी तरह मदद कर सकूँ |
Since then, I come here discreetly to help them in some way!
मैं तुम्हें पाने के लिए बहुत सहा हूँ |
l haνe endured so much to possess you.

use noun [C/U] PUT INTO SERVICE If someone or something is of no use, it cannot be of help: [ U ] Thereas no use paying for a permit if you wonat need it. [ U ] He was of no use to us because he 

मैं आज के बाद तुमसे कभी नहीं मिलूंगी | और तुम मुझसे बात करने की कोशिस भी मत करना |
I will never meet you after this day! And don't you even try to talk to me!
अगर तुमने मेरे माँ बाप के बारे में एक और लफ्ज कहा तो मैं तेरा मुंह तोड़ दूंगा |
If you say one more word about my parents l wiII break your face.
शुक्र है मैंने इसे सही time पर रोक दिया नहीं तो यह मर गया होता |
Thankfully I stopped him at the right time. Or he was sure to die.
तुम्हारी लखनऊ की ट्रिप कैसी थी |
How was your trip to Lucknow.

to be useless. be of no use to: Get some rest or youall be of no use to anyone. Synonyms and related words. -. Not effective or useful and not working correctly. useless. ineffective. inefficient.

तुम्हें याद भी है तुमने मुझसे आख़िरी बार बात कब की थी ?
Do you even remember when did you last speak to me?
तुम थोडा तेज बोलो, मुझे कुछ सुनाई नहीं दे रहा |
You speak a little louder, I cannot hear anything.
मैंने कभी लड़की को kiss नही किया |
I have never kissed a girl.
वह यहाँ क्या कर रही है ?
What is she doing here?

No Use for a Name sometimes abbreviated NUFAN or No Use was an American punk rock band from San Jose, California, United States formed in  by Chris Dodge , Steve Papoutsis bass guitar and Rory Koff . The band's sound evolved considerably through its career, starting off as a Bay Area-influenced punk band, moving on to a much heavier metallic-tinted sound to finally taking on a much 

मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |
I've been thinking about you.
क्या तुम्हारी ज़िंदगी मैं पैसों के अलावा और कुछ जरुरी नहीं है ?
Isn't there anything important in your life other than the money?
पर अगर यह सच है तो मुझे कॉल करना |
But if it is true, then give me a call.
तो आखिरकार तुमने अपना रंग दिखा ही दिया |
So you've finally shown your true colors.

//nbsp;;;Understand what those labels really mean aSell by,a ause by,a and abest bya are actually all dates determined by the food manufacturers, and theyare the manufacturersa best guess 

आपका नहाने के लिए गर्म पानी तैयार है |
your hot water for bathing is ready. 
किस तरह का स्कूल है यह ?
What kind of a school is this?
तो मैं कौन हूँ ?
Then who am I?
तुमने उन्हें वो बाते क्यों बताई ?
Why did you say those things to him?

The end all to any argument. Used when one either has no intelligent argument left, wants to try and use ;no u; as an intelligent argument, or want to piss someone off. Most effective after one has 

मेरी दाई आँख अचानक फडकने लगी है | कुछ बुरा होने वाला है ?
My right eye has started twitching suddenly. Will something go wrong?
बताया नहीं तुमने कि तुम आ रहे हो ?
Why didn't you say you're coming?
तुम्हें मुझे याद दिलाना चाहिय था |
You should have reminded me.
बस गुप्ता साहब का इंतिजार हैं |
We're just waiting for Mr. Gupta.

it's no use It is hopeless; there is no chance of this being successful. It's no use, I just can't figure out what's wrong with the car. A: ;Come on, keep trying B: ;Oh, it's no use. I'll never be able to ride a bicicyle!; See also: no, use it's no use doing something There is no point or reason in doing or attempting something, as it has no hope of helping or succeeding. I understand that you're upset, but 

कहाँ फंसा दिया इसने मुझे ?
Where has he got me entrapped?
मुझे कुछ गड़बड़ लग रही है |
There's something fishy here.
कसम से कुछ नहीं चल रहा है |
I swear. There's nothing happening.
मुझसे गलती हो गई |
I made a mistake.

no use meaning

तब कोई कुछ नहीं कह रहा था ?
No one was saying anything then?
मुझे उससे अच्छा लड़का नहीं मिल सकता |
I can't find a better boy than him.
मैं किसी से नहीं डरता |
I am not scared of anyone.
हमारी ज़िंदगी तुम्हारे हाथ में है |
Our lives lie in your hand!

it's no use doing something definition: the thing someone tries cannot be or was not successful: . Learn more.

मैं कमल के बारे में बात नहीं करना चाहती |
l don't want to talk about Kamal.
घर में आग लगी है |
The house is on fire!
वे दिल्ली हर कीमत पर जायेंगे |
They will go to germany at all cost.
यही मेरे साथ भी हुआ |
This is what happened with me too!

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