Structure 138 - इसे ठीक करने में मुझे 1 घंटा लगेगा - It


स्टेडियम पहुँचने में मुझे 15 मिनट लगे
It took me fifteen minutes to reach the station

बीमारी से ठीक होने में उसे दो महीने लगे
It took him two months to recover from his illness

तुम्हारे कपडे धोने में मुझे दो घंटे लगे
It took me two hours to wash your clothes

वहाँ पहुँचने में मुझे 10 मिनट्स लगेंगे
It will take you ten minutes to get you there

नास्ता करने में मुझे 15 मिनट्स लगेंगे
It will take me fifteen minutes to have the breakfast

इसे ठीक करने में मुझे घंटा लगेगा
It will take me one hour to repair it

अपना व्यापार ज़माने में उसे एक साल लगेगा
It will take him one year to establish his business

खाना बनाने में मुझे दो घंटे लगते है
It takes me two hours to cook the food

तुम्हारे घर तक जाने में मुझे आधा घंटा लगता है

It takes me half an hour to reach your house 

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Do you have any idea how long it might take? As usual, you can insert meaningless hedge words like might to soften the question, and you can make it more polite by using less direct language such as could you instead of will. What level of politeness or directness is appropriate is, of course, something you'll have to determine by context. And context can change everything. For example, if you're dropping off 

उन तीन लोफरों को यहाँ मत आने देना |
don't let those three loafers enter here.
क्या हुआ ? क्या कहा उसने ?
What happened? What did he say?
तुम्हारी पुलिस की भारती कैसी चल रही है |
what's up with your police recruitment
आंसू पोंछो अपने |
Wipe your tears.

How long will it take to activate my JioFiber connection? Once the documents provided by you are verified by us, you will receive a call from us for confirmation of installation appointment. The time taken for completing the installation  activation of Jio Broadband is approximately  hours from the time the installation engineer visits your home. Click here to track order status. Was this useful?

किडनैपर्स तुम्हें रोड पर फेंक कर भाग गए |
The kidnappers threw you on the road and fled.
काश ये एक मज़ाक होता |
I wish it were a joke.
मैं किसी से नहीं डरता हूँ |
I am not scared of anyone.
मैं उस तरह की लड़की नहीं हूँ |
I'm not that kind of a girl!

How long time it will take depends on file size, your own download speed and the server's upload speed. In these calculations it is assumed that your download speed is the bottleneck. Input the file size and click on ;Calculate;. Then you will see the result for the different connection types to the right.

इसमें तुम्हारे सिर्फ 30 सेकंड्स लगते |
It would have taken you all of thirty seconds.
प्लीज क्या आप होल्ड करेंगे ?
Will you hold please.
मैंने तुम्हें कई बार सच बोलने की कोशिस की लेकिन कोई न कोई वजह से मैं तुम तक पहुँच नहीं सका |
I tried many times to tell you the truth, ...but for some or the other reason, i couldn't reach you.
जल्दी जल्दी हाथ चलाओ |
move your hands faster.

मैं सुबह से इंतिजार कर रही थी इसका |
I've been waiting since morning for this.
वही मैं सोंचू |
That is what I was thinking!
यह तुम्हारे सोने के लिए है |
lt’s not for you to sleep on.
कोई तुमसे बात करना चाहता है |
Someone wants to talk to you.

Hit hard by the spread of coronavirus, jewellery sales are expected to take several years to return to pre-pandemic levels, said experts during a webinar organised by the Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council GJEPC. aGold jewellery sales are going to see a dynamic change once the lockdown ends. Sales are going to come back, with gold being the preferred choice of asset handed over at a wedding.

क्या चाहिए तुम्हें ?
What do you want?
यह नहीं हो सकता !
This can't be!
एक सैनिक जो अपने देश के लिए अपनी जान दे सकता था |
A solider who could lay down his life for his country.
ऐसा ही समझ |
think of it like that.

It will take ,. seconds under absolutely perfect conditions to download the game. That's . minutes. However, if there are other people on your network or other programs using the network at the same time, your speed could wildly differ from the number I have here.

कमल ने मुझे ऑफिस में कुछ जरुरी काम करने के लिए कहा था |
Kamal had told me to do some urgent work in the office.
मैं तुम्हे दो घंटे से फ़ोन कर रही हूँ |
I've been calling you for two hours.
उनपे ध्यान मत दो |
Don't pay them any attention.
कम से कम कपडे तो पहनने दे |
At least let me get dressed.

It will take  years to have one-third women representatives in Parliament. Despite women voting in record numbers, Parliament didnat enact the Womenas Reservation Bill that promised to keep aside a third of seats in assemblies and Lok Sabha for them.

मेरे यहाँ झगड़े बहुत होते हैं |
l get into a lot of fights here
नास्ता ठंडा हो रहा है |
breakfast is getting cold.
मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?
How would I know?
तुम कौन हो ? मैं तुम्हें नहीं जानता |
Who are you? I don't know you!

Both the words of aWoulda and aWilla point to different time frames; when you say it would a it is to be used when you are not exactly sure say suppose when a task can be completed, where as with the word awilla, you are definitely sure, and assert declare that, for example, when being sure of  minutes, you can say ait will take  minutesa.

सच कहूँ तो तुम्हें दवाई से ज्यादा दुआ की जरुरत है |
To be honest, more than medicines, what you need is Prayer.
क्यों नहीं करने दोगे मुझे ? यह जगह क्या तुम्हारी है ?
Why won't you let me? Do you own this place?
मैं तुमको बहुत टेंशन दी है |
l’ve created a lot of tension for you.
उसने हमें यह किताबे लेने भेजा है |
She sent us to get these books.

 The meeting will take place on the th of June. and.  The meeting is taking place on the th of June. are grammatical. Thus, you can use will. However, in  which uses the progressive futurate the speaker is committed to the expectation that the plan will happen or be carried out. To see the difference, consider. b The meeting will take place on the th of June but it might not. This is fine. However,

लेकिन मुझे पैसे नहीं चाहिए |
But I don't want the money.
मुझे पता था | मुझे पता था कि तुम आओगे |
I knew it. I knew you'd come.
जब कमल इतना जोर दे रहा है तो कर दिए जैसा वह कह रहा है |
when Kamal's insisting so much then do as he says.
मुझे लगता है अब हमें चलना चाहिए | देर हो रही है |
I think we should leave. It's getting late.

it will take

क्योंकि कमल मुझसे छुटकारा पाना चाहता है |
Because Kamal wants to get rid of me.
चाय लाया हूँ 
I've brought you tea.
मुझसे गलती हो गई |
l made a mistake.
उसे लगा वह मैं था |
She thought it was me.

Another way to say How Long Will It Take? Synonyms for How Long Will It Take other words and phrases for How Long Will It Take.

तुम भी कुछ कम नहीं हो |
You are also not any less.
लेकिन तुमने ही तो उसे पैसे देने के लिए कहा था |
But it was you who asked me to pay him!!
बेवकूफ, अगर हमें पता होता तो क्या मैं इतनी मार खाता ?
Stupid, If I would have known, would I have been thrashed up so much?
अगर मैं कुछ गिरवी रख दू तो ?
What if I give you something as collateral?

it will take money. it will pass time. it will take ambition. it will save time. it will take work. it will take perseverance. it will take art. it will take determination. it will take patience.

कम से कम अब तो आपको इसे माफ़ कर देना चाहिए |
You must forgive him at least now.
तुम मुझसे क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?
Why are you asking me?
किसी को पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |
no one should come to know.
तू क्यों बेकार में परेशान हो रहा है ?
Why are you needlessly tensed?

Using It takes, it took, it will take. Cool exercises to improve your English. How long the Browns to wash their dog yesterday? It  hour to wash the dog yesterday. How long your grandmother to cook lunch every day? It just  minutes to cook lunch every day. How long this chef to cook the chicken yesterday? 

एक बात पूंछू ?
May I ask you something?
मुझे टेंशन हो रही है |
I am getting tense.
मेरा सामान हॉस्टल से वापस ले आओ |
get my stuff back from the  hostel.
लेकिन यह चमत्कार हुआ कैसे ?
But how did this miracle happen?

 The meeting will take place on the th of June. and.  The meeting is taking place on the th of June. are grammatical. Thus, you can use will. However, in  which uses the progressive futurate the speaker is committed to the expectation that the plan will happen or be carried out. To see the difference, consider. b The meeting will take place on the th of June but it might not. This is fine. However,

और क्या क्या कहा तुमने उसे ?
What else did you say to her?
मेरा दोस्त |
my boyfriend.
क्या समझे तुम ? बताओ मुझे |
What did you understand? Tell me.
दिमाग खराब हो गया है तुम्हारा घर में बैठे बैठे |
You've lost your mind staying at home all the time.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. ;  Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. See also: take something to be something reach an understanding with. you're imagining things. the foggiest understanding. clear-eyed. by any stretch of the imagination. feature in.

मैंने उस लड़की अभी यही देखा |
I just saw that girl here
जरा पीछे मुडकर देख |
Just turn around and see.
आपने हमारे लिए इतना कुछ किया है |
You've done such a big favour to us.
तीन दिन तक लाइट नहीं आएगी |
There will be no electricity for three days.

Using It takes, it took, it will take. Cool exercises to improve your English. How long the Browns to wash their dog yesterday? It  hour to wash the dog yesterday. How long your grandmother to cook lunch every day? It just  minutes to cook lunch every day. How long this chef to cook the chicken yesterday? 

हम नहीं जानते वह कहाँ गया है और वह कब वापस आएगा |
We don't know where he went and when he'll return.
मुझे चोरी के पैसे नहीं चाहिए |
I don't want stolen money!
अगर तुम मेरी जगह होते तो तुम भी यही करते |
If you were me, even you would've done the same.
ज्यादा friendly होने की कोशिस मत करो |
Don't try to get too friendly.

कमल को पता चल गया है कि मैं कौन हूँ |
Kamal has come to know who I am.
मैं बस आपसे मिलना चाहता था |
l just wanted to meet you.
तुम्हें क्या मैं किसके साथ आयी हूँ 
Why are you bothered who I am with?
मैं non-veg नहीं खाता |
I don't eat non-veg food.

It will be a long time before everyone gets a vaccine because of the number of doses that needs to be administered,a said Adar Poonawalla, CEO, Serum Institute, who has partnered with Oxford 

क्या तुम पहुँच गए वहाँ ?
Have we reached there?
मुझे नहीं पता क्योंकि तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं |
I don't know because you didn't tell me.
उन्हें बस तेरी फ़िक्र है |
He just care for you.
अगर तुम आत्महत्या करते हुए पकडे गए तो तुम्हें फांसी पर लटका दिया जायेगा |
lf you are caught committing suicide, you will be hanged on the noose.

मैं अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड से बात कर रहा हूँ तुझसे नहीं |
I'm talking to my girlfriend, not you.
मेरे पास वक़्त नहीं है तुम कमल से बात कर लो |
I've no time. Talk to Kamal.
मैं इंतिजाम तो कर सकता हूँ पर मुझे कल सुबह तक का time चाहिए |
I can arrange for it, but I need time until tomorrow morning.
कौन था फ़ोन पे ?
Who was on the phone?

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