Structure 37 - उसने फांसी लगा ली


उसने अपने आप को मार दिया |
He killed himself.

उसने अपने आप को जहर दे दिया | या उसने जहर खा लिया |
He poisoned himself.

उसने फांसी लगा ली |
He hanged himself.

उनसे अपने आप को आग लगा दी |
He burnt himself.

उसने खुद को गोली मार दी |
He shot himself.

उसने अपने आप को बर्बाद कर दिया |
He has ruined himself.

चाकू से मत खेलो | अपने आप को नुकसान पहुंचा लोगे |
Don’t play with knife. You will hurt yourself.

तुम खुद को दोष मत दो |
You don’t blame yourself.

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR, TENSES Page  of  How do we use the Present Continuous Tense? We use the present continuous tense to talk about: a action happening now a action in the future Present continuous tense for action happening now a for action happening exactly now I am eating my lunch. past present future The action is happening now.


उसने मुझे सिर्फ एक दिन के लिए तुम्हारी बीवी बनने के पैसे दिए थे |

He had given me money to be your wife only for a day.

तुम उसे रखने के लिए इतने बेताब क्यों हो ?

Why you're so keen to keep him?

तो क्या हुआ अगर तुम डॉक्टर नहीं हो |

So what if you aren’t a doctor.

उसे एक miss कॉल करो |

Give her a missed call.


ENGLISH GRAMMAR, TENSES Page  of  How do we use the Present Continuous Tense? We use the present continuous tense to talk about: a action happening now a action in the future Present continuous tense for action happening now a for action happening exactly now I am eating my lunch. past present future The action is happening now.


तुम मुझे कुत्ते कि तरह क्यों घूर रहे हो ?

Why are you staring at me like dogs?

अब क्या हुआ ?

What happened now?

मैंने तेरी जान बख्स दी |

I've spared your life.

मेरा आज बहुत काम pending पड़ा है |

I have so much work pending today.


Learn all of the  tenses in English easily in this lesson. This lesson features simple explanations, lots of example sentences and illustrations.***** RELA


यह मत सोंचना कि मैं तुमसे दुश्मनी निकालने के लिए तुम्हारे ख़िलाफ़ कुछ कर रहा हूँ

Don't think that I am doing anything against you to avenge you.

हम भूख से मर जायेंगे |

We'll die of hunger!

वह मुहे मरवा ही देता |

he almost got me killed.

मैं तुम्हे रात में कॉल करूँगा |

I'll call you in the night.


ENGLISH GRAMMAR, TENSES Page  of  How do we use the Present Continuous Tense? We use the present continuous tense to talk about: a action happening now a action in the future Present continuous tense for action happening now a for action happening exactly now I am eating my lunch. past present future The action is happening now.


अगर मेरे माँ बाप जिंदा होते तो क्या तुम मेरे साथ ऐसा ही बरताव करते |

If my parents were alive, would you treat me the same way?

यह पब्लिक प्रॉपर्टी है और मैं जो चाहूँगा वो करूँगा |

This is a public property and I'll do as I wish.

कमल पागल मत बन, मुझे चोट लग जाएगी |

Don't be mad Kamal, I'll get hurt.

क्या स्कूल में teacher तुम्हें यही पढ़ाते हैं ?

is this what the teacher teaches you in school?


Tenses table with examples pdf free download: . KB: Mar , :


वे घर में झाँक रहे थे |

They were peeking inside the bathroom..

तुम पर अच्छी लगेगी |

It'll look pretty on you.

रस्सी पकड़ो और ऊपर आ जाओ |

Catch the rope and come up...

मुझे तेरी बकवास नहीं सुननी चाहिए |

I don't want to listen to your nonsense!


The tenses simply show the time of an action or state of being as shown by a verb. The verb ending is changed conjugated to show what time it is referring to. Time can be split into three periods The Present what you are doing, The Past what you did and The Future what you are going to do, or hope / plan to do .


अगर मैं पकाऊंगा तो तुम क्या करोगी |

If I cook, what will you do?

क्या तुम यहाँ किसी बड़े आदमी को जानते हो ?

Do you know any influential man here?

और क्या करूँ में ?

What else can I do?

मैंने तुझे मारने के लिए भेजा था मरने के लिए नहीं |

I sent you there to kill. Not to get killed.


The Ultimate Beginneras Guide to Learning English Grammar Tenses Simple Tenses. This sentence uses the simple present tense. To describe things that are permanent or unchanging. To Continuous Tenses. The word continuous means something thatas ongoing, happening right now. The continuous tense


प्लीज मेरी तरफ से उन्हें सॉरी कह देना |

Please tell him sorry on my behalf.

तुम किससे बात कर रही थी |

with whom were you talking?

मुझे क्या करना है कहना बंद करो | मैं बच्ची नहीं हूँ |

Stop telling me what to do. I'm not a child.

मैं कमल को बताने जा रहा हूँ कि तुम यहाँ शराब पी रहे हो |

l'm going to tell Kamal that you are boozing here.


//nbsp;;;Tenses give us the timeline of the action, basis the form of the verb used. Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago. The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now or things that are continuous.


मुझे भी ऐसा ही लग रहा है |

Even I feel that way!

इतना टुच्चा काम |

Such a measly job!

कौन सी बड़ी बात है ?

What's the big deal?

आप ठीक है ?

Are you ok?


This grammar lesson you will learn the  Verb Tenses that are in the English language. Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past, present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can use each of the tenses. The  verb tense chart explained


मेरा हाथ छोड़ दो

Let go of my hand.

सामान अन्दर ले आओ |

Bring the luggage inside.

पहला झूठ यह कि मैं झूठ नहीं बोलता |

The first lie is that I don't lie...

मुझे याद है जब हम आख़िरी बार मिले थे |

I remember the last time we met him.


In this easy English class, you will learn all about the PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what mistakes to avoid. This


मैंने ऐसा कुछ कभी नहीं किया |

I never did anything like that.

मुझे सिर्फ बोलने में problem है |

I only have a problem with speaking.

क्या तुम अकेले आये हो ?

Have you come alone?

कहाँ थे तुम ?

Where were you?


This tense is used to refer to or indicate something that hasnat happened at the time of speaking or writing. aSimple Future Tensea commonly formed with the use of words awilla and ashalla. Example: We shall be there by noon. Future Continuous Tense: This tense is used to describe actions that are ongoing or continuing in the future. It is commonly used in sentences by using


कितनी सारी तैयारी करनी है |

There are so many preparations to be done.

क्या ! क्या कहा तुमने ? कहाँ आये हो तुम ?

What? What did you say? Where have you come?

बताओ मुझे कब मिलें ?

Tell me when to meet?

ताकि तू सारा माल लेके भाग सके |

So, that you can run away with all the money.


This grammar lesson you will learn the  Verb Tenses that are in the English language. Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past, present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can use each of the tenses. The  verb tense chart explained


मैं अपना business सेट करने ही वाला था लेकिन मेरी किस्मत ने मेरा साथ नहीं दिया |

l was just going to set up my business but my fate turned against me.

हम इस तरह कैसे जा सकते हैं ?

How can we leave like this?

आपसे कोई मिलने आया है |

there's someone here to see you.

जाओ और जाकर यह सब अपने घर पर करो |

Go and do all this at your home.


This grammar lesson you will learn the  Verb Tenses that are in the English language. Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past, present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can use each of the tenses. The  verb tense chart explained

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