Structure 90 - मैं इंतिजार करते करते थक गया हूँ - Gerund


Structure 7 – थक गया हूँ

मैं इंतिजार करते करते थक गया हूँ |

I am tired of waiting.

बूढ़ा आदमी चलते चलते थक गया था |

The old man tired of walking.

मैं फिल्म देखते देखते थक गया हूँ |

I am tired of watching movies.

मैं काम करते करते थक गया हूँ |

I am tired of working.

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STRUCTURE 91 - मुझे झूठ बोलने से सबसे ज्यादा नफरत है

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Level: beginner. We use the indefinite article, a/an, with singular nouns when the listener/reader does not know exactly which one we are referring to: Police are searching for a -year-old girl.. We also use it to show that the person or thing is one of a group:. She is a pupil at London Road School.. Police have been looking for a -year-old girl who has been missing since Friday..


अगर किस्मत में हुआ तो फिर मिलेंगे |

We'll meet again if we're destined too.

उसने मुझे पहचान लिया |

He recognised me.

ऐसे नहीं बोलते |

Don't talk like that.

ऐसा नहीं है |

it is not like that.


Definite and Indefinite Articles A, an, the are the articles, which are used before Nouns to show whether we are talking of general nouns or specified ones. Therefore, they are divided into two categories: .


देख, कमरा गर्म हो गया है | खिड़की खोलनी पड़ेगी |

Look, the room's got hot. Need to open the window.

हम जहाँ बैठते है वो हमारी सीट हो जाती है |

Excuse me, wherever we sit that seat belongs to us.

तुमको इसने बहुत परेशान किया क्या ?

Did he harass you a lot?

यह ठीक घर के सामने खड़ा था |

He was standing right outside the house.


There could be many rules to remember and exceptions along with it. But in this chapter, we assure you, thereas only one word to learn about- one of the most commonly used words a the. Thatas right- the word the is the only Definite Article that there is. The one true king of its kind.


इस लफड़े से बाहर निकल |

Come out of this mess.

इसलिए मुझे घंटी नहीं सुनाई दी |

That is why I couldn't hear the bell.

तू कभी कभी बेवकूफों जैसी करता है |

You talk like a fool sometimes.

बहुत दर्द हो रहा है क्या ?

Does it hurt a lot?


Level: beginner. We use the indefinite article, a/an, with singular nouns when the listener/reader does not know exactly which one we are referring to: Police are searching for a -year-old girl.. We also use it to show that the person or thing is one of a group:. She is a pupil at London Road School.. Police have been looking for a -year-old girl who has been missing since Friday.. Jenny Brown is a pupil at


मैं तुम्हारी feelings समझता हूँ |

I understand your feelings.

तुम किसी को तो जानते होगे, है ना ?

You must know someone, right?

मेरी माँ को इसमें मत घसीटो |

Don't drag my mother into this.

अब जाओ और मुझे यहीं मिलना जब तुहारा काम हो जाये |

Now Go and meet me here when you're done.


There are two different ways to pronounce the definite article the. Pronounce it like ;thuh; before nouns that begin with a spoken consonant A spoken consonant is the sound at the beginning of a word that is not one of the five vowels a, e, i, o, u. Examples:the bear, the cat, the girls


मुझे तुम्हारे साथ यह सब करके मजा नहीं आता |

I don't have fun doing all this with you.

हर कोई मुझ पे हंस रहा है |

everyone is laughing at me.

उम्र लग जाती है इज्जत कमाने में |

lt takes a lifetime to earn respect.

कितना आता है ये यहाँ ?

How often does he come here?


//nbsp;;;A definite article always has to match both the gender and number of its noun. If the noun is feminine and singular like salsa, then the article also has to be feminine and singular la salsa. If that same noun is plural like salsas the article is also plural las salsas.


सुबह सुबह मेरा मूड मत खराब करो |

Don't spoil my mood in the morning.

मुझे स्कूल में जाने में बेईज्जती महसूस होती है |

I feel ashamed to enter the school.

कमल हमारे कब्जे में है |

Kamal is in our custody.

पूरा दिन किसी ने कुछ नहीं खाया |

No one has eaten the entire day. 

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