Structure 82 - उसे बैठने के लिए कुर्सी दो - To

BEST ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE - Learn use of Linking verb in Hindi

जब दो हिंदी वाक्यों को के लिए शब्द से जोड़ा होता है तो ऐसे वाक्यों की english बनाते वक़्त हम “to” infinitive का प्रयोग करते हैं |

ऐसे sentences में verb से पहले to का प्रयोग करने पर to की हिंदी के लिए”  बनती है और क्रिया के अंत में नेशब्द आता है

मुझे अपनी फॅमिली को support करना है | मैं जॉब ढूँढना चाहता हूँ |
I have to support my family. I want to find a job.

अब इन दोनों वाक्यों को हिंदी में के लिए शब्द से जोड़ते हैं |

मैं अपनी फॅमिली को support करने के लिए जॉब ढूँढना चाहता हूँ |
I want to find a job to support my family.

More examples

उसे बैठने के लिए कुर्सी दो |
Give him a chair to sit on it.

Dictionary खरीदने के लिए उसके पास पैसे नहीं हैं |
He has no money to buy a dictionary.

मैं अपनी बहन को छोड़ने के लिए स्टेशन गया था |
I went to station to see off my sister.

वह पापा को देखने के लिए कानपुर जाएगी |
She will go to Kanpur to see her father.

मुझे सब्जी काटने के लिए चाकू चाहिए |
I want a knife to cut vegetable with it.

वह दिल्ली पढने के लिए गया है |
He went to Delhi to study.

मैं मुंबई रहने के लिए जा रहा हूँ |
I am leaving to Mumbai to live there.

तुम्हें देने के लिए मेरे पास कुछ नहीं है
I don’t have anything to give you.

उसको यहाँ आने को कहो
उसे यहाँ आने के लिए कहो |
Tell him to come here.

उसे पीने के लिए पानी दो |
Give him water to drink.

उसे पहनने के लिए कपडे दो|
Give him clothes to wear.

उसे खाने के लिए खाना दो
Give him food to eat.

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The most common linking verbs are become, seem, and any form of the verb be including am, is, are, was, were, etc.. These verbs are called true linking verbs because they are always linking verbs. There are other verbs that are sometimes linking verbs and sometimes action verbs.


अगर तुम्हें मिठाई नहीं मिली तो तुम कुछ और ले सकते थे |

If you couldn't find sweets you could've ordered something else.

बोलो क्या बात है ? मुझे बहुत काम है |

Tell me what is it? I've a lot of work.

क्या यह सब मेरी वजह से हुआ ?

Did aII of this happen because of me?

तुम मुझसे क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?

Why are you asking me?


//nbsp;;;Linking verbs connect subjects with words that tell more about the subject. Verb phrases test with horses some sentences have just one verb. Use the simple trick to determine which verbs are action verbs and which ones are linking verbs. For example in the sentence i feel sick the linking verb feel connects to the adjective sick.


मैंने तुम्हारा काम कर दिया है |

I have done your work

मेरी ज़िंदगी का बस एक ही सपना हैं |

I have just one dream in life.

तुम्हें deposit और brokerage कल तक मिल जायेगा |

You will get the deposit and brokerage by tomorrow.

तुम क्या सोंच रहे हो ?

What are you thinking of?


Linking verb definition: Linking verbs are a type of verb that connect the subject to a predicate adjective or predicate nominative. Linking verbs express a state of being. What is a Linking Verb? Linking verbs alinka a subject to the predicate of the sentence.


उसका कुछ सामान मेरे पास है |

I had some of his belonging with me.

मुझसे मत पूंछो, मेरा खून खोलता है जब मैं यह सोंचता हूँ |

Don't ask me. Μy blood boils when l think of it.

मैंने बहुत इज्जत कमाई है |

I've earned a lot of respect.

तुम यहाँ क्यों आयी ? किसने बुलाया तुम्हें ?

Why did you come here? Who called you?


//nbsp;;;What Are Linking Verbs? Examples and Observations of Linking Verbs. The Grinch is grumpy. In the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the mayor Two Tests for Linking Verbs. If the sentence still makes sense, the verb is a linking verb. The food looked spoiled. The Two Types of Linking Verbs.


मैं आपको शरीफ़ आदमी समझता था |

I had thought you were an upright man.

मैं कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि ऐसा होगा |

I had never thought such thing would happen.

तुमने ग्रेजुएशन degree कहा से ली ?

where did you get your graduation degree?

तुम्हें और कुछ नहीं दिखाई देता |

You can't see anything else.




तुमने अपने पापा को मनाया कैसे ?

How did you convince your dad?

कल की तुम छुट्टी ले लेना और तब हम चलेंगे | ठीक है ?

Tomorrow you'll take the day off and then we'll go, ok?

मैं तेरे लिए अपनी जान दे सकता हूँ |

I can give my life for you.

तुम्हे कैसे पता कि मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था ?

How did you know I was thinking about you?


//nbsp;;;The linking verb is a verb used to represent a subject by connecting it to a predicate adjective, and also it shows several links between the subject and the object in a sentence. It does not show any actions and is called the state of being type verbs. The verbs from the be form are called the linking verbs, which contain the five senses too.


क्या तुम्हें मुझसे कोई काम था ?

Did you have some work with me?

कैसे आना हुआ ?

what brings you here?

हम तुम्हारे घर पहुँच गए हैं |

we have reached your home.

मुझे बचाने के लिए शुक्रिया |

Thank you for saving me.


//nbsp;;;Linking verbs connect subjects with words that tell more about the subject. Verb phrases test with horses some sentences have just one verb. Use the simple trick to determine which verbs are action verbs and which ones are linking verbs. For example in the sentence i feel sick the linking verb feel connects to the adjective sick.


उसके बाद की कहानी कोई नहीं बताता |

No one tells the story after this.

अगर किसी को पता चल गया तो हम किसी को मुंह दिखाने के लायक नहीं रहेंगे |

If anyone finds out about this. we won't be able to face anyone.

तुम छूना मत मुझे |

Don't you touch me!

सब ठीक हो जायेगा |

Everything will be alright.


Examples of True Linking Verbs in Sentences I am glad it is Friday. - Here the linking verb ;am; connects the subject I to the state of being glad. Laura is excited about her new bike. - Here ;is; links the subject Laura to the emotional state of excitement. My birds are hungry. - The word ;are;


मैंने यह भगवान पर छोड़ दिया है |

I've left it to God.

मैं यहाँ सब संभाल लूँगा |

I will take care of everything here.

जैसे ही मुझे छुट्टी मंजूर होगी मैं तुम्हारे पास उड़ कर आ जाऊंगा |

As soon as my Ieave is approved I wiII fIy and come to you.

अब मैं तुम्हें दिखाता हूँ कि मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ |

Now l will show you what l can do.



यह धुंवा कैसा ?

What is this smoke?

आपका number नहीं है |

It's not your turn.

धोकेबाजो | किस तरह के दोस्त हो तुम सब |

Deceivers! What kind of friends are you all!

कहीं और जाओ | तुम मेरे पीछे क्यों पड़े हो ?

go somewhere else. Why are you behind me?


The most common linking verbs are become, seem, and any form of the verb be including am, is, are, was, were, etc.. These verbs are called true linking verbs because they are always linking verbs. There are other verbs that are sometimes linking verbs and sometimes action verbs.


क्या तुम बाहर आ सकते हो ?

Can you please come out?

मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?

How would i know?

यह उनके हाथ नहीं लगनी चाहिए |

They shouldn't get their hands on it.

मुझे लगता है उसने हमें देख लिया है |

l am having this feeling that he saw us.


//nbsp;;;What Are Linking Verbs? Examples and Observations of Linking Verbs. The Grinch is grumpy. In the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the mayor Two Tests for Linking Verbs. If the sentence still makes sense, the verb is a linking verb. The food looked spoiled. The Two Types of Linking Verbs.


पीछे मुडकर क्या देख रही हैं ?

What are you looking back for?

आपको पता है कल क्या हुआ ?

You know what happened yesterday?

यह यहाँ बर्दास्त नहीं किया जायेगा |

This will not be tolerated here.

अगर मैं उसके क़रीब जाता हूँ तो वह सरमाने लगती है | क्या करूं ?

If I come close, she feels shy. What to do?

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