Structure 85 - फूल तोडना मना है - Gerund - Sense verb in English grammar


Structure 2 फूल तोडना मना है

Gerund + verb to be + forbidden + object.

फूल तोडना मना है |

Plucking flower is forbidden.

धुम्रपान करना मना है |

Smoking is forbidden.

मस्जिद में हंसना मना है |
Laughing is forbidden in the mosque.

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STRUCTURE 86 - वह मैच देखने में मगन है

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There are two different ways to pronounce the definite article the. Pronounce it like ;thuh; before nouns that begin with a spoken consonant A spoken consonant is the sound at the beginning of a word that is not one of the five vowels a, e, i, o, u. Examples:the bear, the cat, the girls


सुना है कमल भी आया है |

I heard that kamal is hear too.

तू शादी के लिए नहीं रुकेगा क्या ?

Won't you stay for the wedding?

अपने आंसू पोंछो | मैं तुम्हें ऐसे नहीं देख सकता |

Wipe your tears. I can't see you like this.

क्या वह सो गया ?

Did he sleep?


The definite article, the, can refer backwards in a conversation or text to something already mentioned.  my sister there hid a little parcel in my suitcase, so when I was unpacking the case I had a really cool surprise It can also refer forwards to something which is going to be mentioned or explained.


ऐसे risky काम मत क्या करो |

Don't do such risky works!

लेकिन तू उसे यहाँ क्यों लाया ?

But why did you bring her here?

इतनी छोटी चीज के लिए तुम रीना को क्यों परेशान कर रहे हो |

Why are you troubling Reena for such a small thing.

बाथरूम कहाँ है ? सीधे जाकर right |

Where's the bathroom? - Straight and right.


Definite and Indefinite Articles A, an, the are the articles, which are used before Nouns to show whether we are talking of general nouns or specified ones. Therefore, they are divided into two categories: .


कमल के लिए |

It's for the doctor.

तुम देखना जीत हमारी होगी |

 you'll see victory will be ours.

बकवास बंद कर |

Stop talking nonsense

मैं समझ गया | मैं सब कुछ समझ गया |

I have understood. I've understood everything.


a/an, the The determiners a/an and the are called ;articles;. They are the most common of all determiners. They come at the very beginning of a noun phrase.


क्या तुम मुझसे दोस्ती करना चाहते हो ?

Do you want to make friendship with me?

हम आपको notice देने आये थे |

we had come to give you a notice.

कुछ नहीं |


खाओ इसे और जल्दी तैयार हो जाओ |

Eat this and get ready quickly.


There are two different ways to pronounce the definite article the. Pronounce it like ;thuh; before nouns that begin with a spoken consonant A spoken consonant is the sound at the beginning of a word that is not one of the five vowels a, e, i, o, u. Examples:the bear, the cat, the girls


तुम सिर्फ अपने बारे में सोंच रहे हो |

You are only thinking about yourself.

आप बस रुकिय और देखिये मैं आपके बैंक का क्या करता हूँ |

You just wait and see what I do to your bank.

मैं तुम्हे रात में कॉल करूँगा |

I'll call you in the night.

तुम और क्या देखना चाहते हो ?

What more do you want to see?


aaa, aana and athe a are the three articles used in English language. aaa and aana are called indefinite Articles and athea is called the definite article. aaa and aana are used in the sense of aonea. The indefinite Article aaa is used before words beginning with consonants or consonantal sound.


यह activate हो गई है | मिसाइल छूटने वाली है |

this has activated. the missile is about to leave.

कैसी लग रही हूँ मैं ?

How do I look?

मुझे डर लग रहा है | उसका कोई फ़ोन भी नहीं आया |

I'm getting scared. There isn't even a phone call.

मैं आपको विश्वास दिलाता हूँ वह यहाँ से अपने पैरों पे नहीं जायेगा |

He will not walk out of here on his two feet, we assure you that.


Definite and Indefinite Articles A, an, the are the articles, which are used before Nouns to show whether we are talking of general nouns or specified ones. Therefore, they are divided into two categories: .


क्या तुमने वो सुना ?

Did you hear that?

उसे थोडा वक़्त लगेगा | आप wait कर सकते हैं |

Ηe'll take some time. You can wait.

अगर मैं पकाऊंगा तो तुम क्या करोगी |

If I cook, what will you do?

चाय लाया हूँ

I've brought you tea.


There could be many rules to remember and exceptions along with it. But in this chapter, we assure you, thereas only one word to learn about- one of the most commonly used words a the. Thatas right- the word the is the only Definite Article that there is. The one true king of its kind.


चलो यहाँ से भाग चले |

Lets flee from here.

सॉरी सर उसके लिए आपकी बीवी का होना जरुरी है |

I am sorry, but your wife has to be present for that.

मैं कराऊंगा इसका इलाज |

I'll get him cured!

पिता की मौत के बाद में बिलकुल अकेली हो गई हूँ |

After papa's death, I have become all alone.


//nbsp;;;A definite article always has to match both the gender and number of its noun. If the noun is feminine and singular like salsa, then the article also has to be feminine and singular la salsa. If that same noun is plural like salsas the article is also plural las salsas.


इतना time क्यों लगा ?

What took you so long?

ये असली हैं या नकली ?

these are real or fake?

उसकी आत्मा भटक रही है |

His spirit is roaming.

मुझे तुमसे यह उम्मीद नहीं थी |

l didn't expect this from you.


aaa, aana and athe a are the three articles used in English language. aaa and aana are called indefinite Articles and athea is called the definite article. aaa and aana are used in the sense of aonea. The indefinite Article aaa is used before words beginning with consonants or consonantal sound.


कमल ने कॉल किया था कि तुम आ रहे हो |

Kamal had called me that you're coming

मैं कुछ मिठाई ले के रहा हूँ |

I'm getting some sweets.

एयरपोर्ट जाओ और मेरा इंतिजार करो |

Go to the airport and wait for me.

देखो, मुझे नींद नहीं आ रही थी |

Look. I couldn't sleep.


The definite article, the, can refer backwards in a conversation or text to something already mentioned.  my sister there hid a little parcel in my suitcase, so when I was unpacking the case I had a really cool surprise It can also refer forwards to something which is going to be mentioned or explained.


वो जो भी हो | हमें क्या ?

No matter who she was! What do we care?

उसने हमें एक घंटे तक अपने पीछे कुत्ते की तरह दोड़ाया |

He made us run after him like dogs for 45 minutes.

number है उसका तेरा पास ?

You have her number?

मुझसे कौन शादी करेगा |

Who will marry me?


The definite article the . Matching_MTUMDQ. The definite article the . GapFillDragAndDrop_MTUMDU. The definite article the . GapFillTyping_MTUMDY Level: intermediate. We can also use the definite article with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: Life can be very hard for the poor.


मैं तुम्हे नास्ते के लिए बुलाने आयी थी |

l came to call you for breakfast.

एक दुसरे पर इल्जाम लगाने से कुछ नहीं होगा |

Accusing each other won't help.

तुम्हें दिल्ली जाने की क्या जरुरत है ?

Why do you need to go to Delhi?

मुझे यह सब नहीं पता था |

I didn't know of all this.

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