Structure 88 - वह भूतो से डरता है - Gerund - indefinite article A and An

Structure 5 डरता है

वह भूतो से डरता है |

He is afraid of ghost.

मरने से सभी डरते हैं |

Everyone is afraid of dying.

में कुत्तो से डरता हूँ |

I am scared of dogs.

मैं सच बोलने से नहीं डरता |

I am not scared of speaking the truth.

मैं तुमसे नहीं डरता |

I am not scared of you.

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STRUCTURE 89 - वह चाय का शौक़ीन है

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Phone मुझे दो |
Give the phone to me.
मुझसे मत पूंछो, मेरा खून खोलता है जब मैं यह सोंचता हूँ |
Don't ask me. Μy blood boils when l think of it.
तुम्हे आने में इतना time क्यों लगा ?
What took you so long to come?
मेरी मेरे पति से लड़ाई हो गई थी इसीलिए मैं यहाँ आयी थी |
I had a fight with my husband. That's why I came here.

प्लीज एक बार मेरी बात का यकीन कर लो |
for once please believe what I'm saying.
मैं बीवी का नाटक नहीं कर सकती |
I can't pretend to be a wife!
देखो दुल्हे का परिवार यहाँ कभी भी आता होगा |
Look, the groom's family will be here any moment.
मैं रास्ता भटक गया हूँ |
I lost my way.

Naming members of a group. I'd like an orange and two lemons please. I'd like one orange and two lemons please. The burglar took a diamond necklace and some valuable paintings. I can think of a hundred reasons not to come. I need a kilogram of sugar. I need one kilogram of sugar.  

जहाँ कोई इसे कभी ढूंड ना पाए |
Where no one will ever find it.
मैं क्या ढूंढ रहा था ?
What was I looking for?
अब से यहाँ कोई पढाई नहीं होगी |
From now on, there will be no study!
कभी late हुआ हूँ क्या ?
Have I ever been late?

Naming members of a group. I'd like an orange and two lemons please. I'd like one orange and two lemons please. The burglar took a diamond necklace and some valuable paintings. I can think of a hundred reasons not to come. I need a kilogram of sugar. I need one kilogram of sugar.  

इस time कोई गलती नहीं होनी चाहिय |
This time there should not be any mistake.
तुम कभी नहीं बदलोगे |
You will never change.
वो भी किसी के बच्चे हैं |
They are somebody's children too.
अब मैं तेरा क्या करूँ ?
Now what do l do of you?

Indefinite Articles There are only two articles in the English language. They are aAa and aAna. Both of these are the forms of indefinite articles.

अपने आप को देखो | तुम गली के गुंडे लग रहे हो |
Look at yourseIf. You Iook like a street ruffian.
मैं तुझे ढूंड रहा था |
I was looking for you.
उसे कहना कि तू kidnapper के चंगुल से बच गया |
tell her that you escaped from the clutches of the kidnapper.
अगर मैंने रीना से शादी नहीं कि तो मेरा झूठ पकड़ा जायेगा |
If I don’t get married to Reena.. lie will be caught.

The indefinite article: 'a' and 'an' The definite article: 'the' Interrogative determiners: 'which' and 'what' Quantifiers; Possessives; Adjectives; Adverbials; Nouns; Verbs; Creativity is GREAT - Part ; Creativity is GREAT - Part ; English is GREAT - Part ; Entrepreneurs are GREAT - Part ; Entrepreneurs are GREAT - Part ; Green is GREAT - Part 

मैं तुम्हारे घर गया था तो आपके नौकर ने कहा कि तुम यहाँ हो | तो मैं यहाँ आ गया |
I had gone to your home, so your servant told me that you are here. So I came here.
क्या तूने उसे कॉल करने की कोशिस की ?
Did you try calling him?
सबकुछ बर्बाद हो गया |
everything got ruined.
बहुत करली मैंने अंधे की acting |
l've had enough of acting blind.

The indefinite article is the word 'a' or 'an.' It is placed before a noun to define it as something non-specific. Use 'a' before a consonant sound but 'an' before a vowel sound. The indefinite article contrasts with the definite article 'the', which defines something as specific or previously mentioned.

क्या बीमारी हुई थी उन्हें ?
What was he suffering from?
तुमने मुझे मेरी बहन की शादी के वक़्त भी कुछ नहीं कहने दिया था |
You didn't let me speak during my sister's wedding.
तुम जाओ और कहो उसे कि मैं यहाँ नहीं हूँ |
You go and tell him I'm not here.
अगर उन्होंने पैसे वापस नहीं चुकाए तो मैं तेरे दोस्तों की कब्र खोद दूंगा | याद रखना | समझा ?
If they can't repay the money then I will dig your friend's grave! Remember! Got it?

The indefinite article a a, an . The indefinite article a a The indefinite article a is the same for all genders. a boy a girl a cat The indefinite . Use of the indefinite article a/an

तुम मुझे सुबह से बदनाम कर रहे हो |
You are slandering me since morning.
तुम मुझपे हंस रही थी है ना ?
You were laughing at me, weren't you?
अब तो कम से कम सच बता दे उसे | वो मुझ पर शक कर रही है |
Tell her the truth now at least! She doubts me!
मैंने उसे किसी के साथ भागते हूँ देखा |
I saw her fleeing with someone.

मैं उसी दिन शादी करूँगा जिस दिन तुम शादी करोगी |
I will marry the day you marry.
ठीक है, मेरा काम थे तुम्हे आगह करना तो मैंने कर दिया | 
All right, my job was to warn you and so I did.
हमें और पैसे की जरुरत है |
we need more money...
लगता है नोसिखिया है |
He seems to be a novice!

Indefinite Articles There are only two articles in the English language. They are aAa and aAna. Both of these are the forms of indefinite articles.

मैं क्या करूँ ? रुकूँ या जाऊं ?
What shall I do? Shall I wait or leave?
तुम कैसे कह सकते हो कि यह कमल है |
How can you say that it's Kamal!
उन्होंने तुम्हें डिनर पर बुलाया है |
he has called you oνer for dinner.
चल घर जा कर करना |
Come on, go home and do it.

//nbsp;;;Indefinite Article a Rules Indefinite articles aa/ana are used as follows: aAa is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound. Consonant letters in the English alphabet are B,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y,Z.

क्या आप थोडा तेज बोलेंगे ?
Will you speak loudly please?
इसे सजा मिलनी चाहिय |
He should be punished!
खिड़की बंद करो | ठंड लग जाएगी तुम्हे |
Roll-up the window. You'll catch a cold.
सिंक पाइप दुबारा लीक हो गया है |
the sink pipe has started leaking again.

The indefinite article: 'a' and 'an' The definite article: 'the' Interrogative determiners: 'which' and 'what' Quantifiers; Possessives; Adjectives; Adverbials; Nouns; Verbs; Creativity is GREAT - Part ; Creativity is GREAT - Part ; English is GREAT - Part ; Entrepreneurs are GREAT - Part ; Entrepreneurs are GREAT - Part ; Green is GREAT - Part 

गली गलोच मत करने लगना नहीं तो हमें आना पड़ेगा पुलिस स्टेशन छुडाने के लिए |
Don't start abusing, Otherwise, I will have to come down to the police station bail you out.
यहाँ इतना सन्नाटा क्यों है ? क्या कर्फ्यू लगा है ?
Why is it so quiet in here? ls there a curfew?
हमें यह रिश्ता यहीं ख़त्म करना होगा |
We'll have to end this relation here.
इतना कुछ हो चूका है | मुझे नहीं लगता कि सब आयेंगे |
So much has happened. I don't think all wiIl come.

In English, the two indefinite articles are a and an. Like other articles, indefinite articles are invariable. You use one or the other, depending on the first letter of the word following the article, for pronunciation reasons. Use a when the next word starts with a consonant, or before words starting in u and eu when they sound like you.

जहाँ हो वहीं खड़े रहो 
Stay where you are.
मैंने भी नहीं देखा उसे ?
I can't see him either.
पैसो के बाते में पूँछ इससे |
Ask him about the money.
तुझे जलन हुई थी ना |
Weren't you jealous!

For singular nouns, the indefinite articles are aaa and aan.a In other languages, when choosing which indefinite article to use, you may have to think about the gender of the noun, its spelling and the 

मैं उसे मना नहीं कर सका |
I couldn't refuse her.
तेरा फ़ोन क्यों बंद है ?
Why is your cell phone off?
मैं उसे कितना प्यार करता था |
I loved her so much.
मैं क्या करूँ ? सारी जिम्मेदारी मेरे ऊपर हैं |
What do I do? The responsibility is entirely on me!

//nbsp;;;Indefinite Article a Rules Indefinite articles aa/ana are used as follows: aAa is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound. Consonant letters in the English alphabet are B,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y,Z.

मैं लखनऊ चला जाऊँगा. तुम चिंता ना करो |
I will go to Lucknow, you don't worry.
तुम क्या देख रहे हो ? सामने देख |
What are you looking at? Look in front.
तुम रहने दो इसे | मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
You let it be. I will handle this.
तुझे पता नहीं मेरे साथ क्या हुआ है |
You don't know what happened with me.

An indefinite article is a part of speech that identifies a nonspecific noun. aAa and aana are the only indefinite articles. Placing aaa or aana before a noun makes it nonspecific. To say aa booka refers to any book, not a single specific book.

तुम्हारा काम हो जायेगा |
Your work will be done.
तीसरी गली में दूसरा घर |
Second house in third street.
फेसला तुम्हारा है |
The decision is yours.
मैं अपनी माँ से कुछ नहीं छुपाता |
I don't hide anything from my mother.

Definite and Indefinite Articles Using Article A in English aAa is used in front of singular countable nouns a person, animal or thing which are not specific. We donat use a aa before uncountable or plural nouns.

तुम्हें अपनेआप पे शर्म आनी चाहिए |
You should be ashamed of yourself...
इसका मतलब कोई भी आयेगा और आपसे कुछ भी कहेगा और आप उसका विश्वास कर लेंगे |
That means anyone can come and tell you anything and you will believe him? 
तू कब आया ?
When did you come?
मैंने सबको बता दिया है कि हम लखनऊ जा रहे हैं |
I've told everyone that we aren't going to Lucknow.

An indefinite article is a part of speech that identifies a nonspecific noun. aAa and aana are the only indefinite articles. Placing aaa or aana before a noun makes it nonspecific. To say aa booka refers to any book, not a single specific book.

तुमने मुझे पहले क्यूँ नहीं बताया ?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
बताओ मुझे | क्या वह वापस आया या नहीं |
Tell me. Has he come back or no.
सुन तो |
Hear me out.
इस घर की भी कुछ मान और मर्यादा है |
This house has some respect and honour.

For singular nouns, the indefinite articles are aaa and aan.a In other languages, when choosing which indefinite article to use, you may have to think about the gender of the noun, its spelling 

तुमने कमल पर क्या जादू कर दिया है ?
What spell have you cast on Sameer?
तुम हमें यहाँ क्यों लाये हो ?
Why have you brought us here?
तुम सबको बदहजमी हो जाएगी |
You will all get indigestion!
स्पीकर पर लगाओ |
Put it on speaker.

indefinite articles

उनसे माफ़ी मांगने से उन्हें अहसास होगा कि हमें अपने किये पर पछतावा है |
Apologising to them will make them realise...that we regret our deeds.
मेरी छोड़ |
Forget about me.
जा नहीं तो तेरी वजह से हम सब पीटेंगे |
Go. Or else all of us would get beaten up because of you.
ये बच्चा बहुत बोलता है |
This child talks so much!

In English, the two indefinite articles are a and an. Like other articles, indefinite articles are invariable. You use one or the other, depending on the first letter of the word following the article, for pronunciation reasons. Use a when the next word starts with a consonant, or before words starting in u and eu when they sound like you.

अब फ़ोन रख |
Now hang up!
तुमने उसकी बेज्जती की |
You humiliated her.
एक टैक्सी वाला तुम्हारी कार ठोक कर भाग गया था |
A cab driver had bumped into your car and drove away.
मैंने अपनी पूरी कोशिस की |
I've tried my best.

Definite and Indefinite Articles Using Article A in English aAa is used in front of singular countable nouns a person, animal or thing which are not specific. We donat use a aa before uncountable or plural nouns.

तुम बहुत बोल रहे हो |
you're talking too much
आपके एहसान मुझपे बढ़ते जा रहे हैं |
Your favours are piling up on me.
आपका नहाने के लिए गर्म पानी तैयार है |
your hot water for bathing is ready. 
पहले यह चाँदी का हुआ करता था |
Earlier it used to be silver.

The indefinite article a a, an . The indefinite article a a The indefinite article a is the same for all genders. a boy a girl a cat The indefinite . Use of the indefinite article a/an

मैंने कमल के बारे में सब पता लगा लिया है |
I found out everything about Kamal.
इस समय कौन आया होगा ?
Who would have come at this hour?
वो लड़की चिल्ला रही थी |
That girl was crying.
तुम्हें मेरी बात सुननी ही होगी और उसके बात तुम जो करना चाहते हो कर सकते हो |
You will have to hear me out. And you can do whatever you want after that.

The indefinite article is the word 'a' or 'an.' It is placed before a noun to define it as something non-specific. Use 'a' before a consonant sound but 'an' before a vowel sound. The indefinite article contrasts with the definite article 'the', which defines something as specific or previously mentioned.

हमें एक दुसरे के नाम भी नहीं पता |
we don't even know each others names.
लेकिन तुमने ही तो उसे पैसे देने के लिए कहा था |
But it was you who asked me to pay him!!
तुम्हारे पास क्या सबूत है ?
What evidence do you have?
किसी बात की चिंता मत करो |
Don't worry about anything.

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