Structure 93 - आशा करते है आप हमारे जल्दी जाने का बुरा नहीं मानेंगे - Gerund - Uses of Adjectives

Different use of adjectives 

Structure 10 हम आशा करते हैं

हम आशा करते हैं कि आप हमारे जल्दी जाने का बुरा नहीं मानेंगे |

We hope you will not mind our leaving early.

मैं आशा करती हूँ कि आप मेरे late आने के लिए मुझे माफ़ कर देंगे |

I hope you will excuse my coming late.

आशा करता हूँ आप मेरे ना आने के लिए मुझे माफ़ कर देंगे |

I hope you will excuse my not coming.

आशा करते है आप हमारे जल्दी जाने का बुरा नहीं मानेंगे |

I hope you will not mind our leaving early.

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Adjectives are describing words, such as blue, angry, cold, dry and hard. Technically, an adjective is described as modifying or quantifying a noun or pronoun, but an easier way to look at the definition of adjectives is that an adjective tells us more and gives us extra information about something.


तुम तो हाथ से ही निकलती जा रही हो |

You are just getting out of hand.

मैं क्या पागल हूँ जो उसे बताता...

Αm l nuts to tell her that..

तो इसमें नया क्या है ?

What’s new in that?

मुझे रात भर नींद क्यों नहीं आयी ?

Why couldn't I sleep all night?


Adjectives Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns. ;Old,; ;green,; and ;cheerful; are examples of adjectives. It might be useful to think as adjectives as ;describing words


अगर वह तुम्हारे साथ नहीं है तो वह कहाँ है ?

If not with you, where is he?

में तुमसे शादी नहीं कर सकता |

I can't marry you.

वो मैंने कब कहा ?

When did l say that?

कौन है यह आदमी जो मेरे पीछे पड़ा है |

Who is this man who's after me?


//nbsp;;;An adjective is a word used to modify or describe a noun or pronoun. They are always near the noun or pronoun they are describing. Adjectives list will help you build more advanced vocabulary. In turn, this will allow you to become a more effective writer and speaker.


तुम लोग मुझे अकेला छोड़ के आ गए |

you all left me alone and came.

मैंने इस मौके का बहुत इंतिजार किया है |

I have waited a long time for this chance.

मैं उसका ट्रांसफर यहाँ कराने की कोशिस कर रहा हूँ |

I'm trying to get her transferred here.

वह यही कहीं होगी |

She must be around.


Adjectives describe, identify, or further define nouns and pronouns, there are thousands of these descriptive words at our disposal. We've broken them up into lists of adjective according to various functions i.e. their ability to describe touch, color, shape, and emotion.


तो कमल कब मरा ?

So when did Kamal die?

आप हमारे लिए इतना नहीं कर सकते ?

Can't you do that much for us?

तुम चाहे कुछ भी मानो पर मैं अपने पिता जी का दिला नहीं तोड़ सकता था |

Take it in whichever way... but I couldn't break my father's heart

तो यह सब वक़्त जो तुम मेरे साथ गुजार रहे हो क्या यह भी किसी जरुरत को पूरा करने के लिए है ?

So all this time you're spending with me. is this also to fulfill some need?


Definition of adjective Entry  of  : a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else The word red in ;the red car; is an adjective.


क्या हुआ ? क्यों चिल्ला रहे हो ?

What's wrong? Why are you screaming?

तू मार खायेगा |

You'll get beaten up.

तुम यह कभी और देख सकती हो |

You can see it some other time.

क्या मुझे तुम्हारे future प्लान जानने का हक नहीं है ?

Don't I have the right to know about your future plans?


Adjectives describe, identify, or further define nouns and pronouns, there are thousands of these descriptive words at our disposal. We've broken them up into lists of adjective according to various functions i.e. their ability to describe touch, color, shape, and emotion.


कमल ने मना कर दिया तो ?

What if Kamal refuses?

उसने बताया भी नहीं |

He didn't even inform!

अपनी माँ को कहना तुम्हारे लिए खाना भेज दें |

Tell your mom to send food for you.

मुझे अब और मत तडपाओ |

Don't torment me anymore.




अब जो तुम आगई हो तो प्यार भी आ रहा होगा |

Now that you have come, love must also be on the way.

तुम यहाँ रहोगी तो शादी कैसे होगी ?

How will the wedding take place if you're around?

मुझे उन्हें अन्दर आने ही नहीं देना चाहिए था |

I shouldn't have allowed them inside in the first place.

तुम मुझे किस लिए घूर रहे हो ?

What are you staring at me for?



क्या मैं कुछ कह सकता हूँ ?

Can I say something?

तुम्हारी पैसो में से यह नहीं काटूँगा क्या ?

Won't I take it out of your money?

हम पे जोर मत डालो | हम दोड़ रहे हैं वही बहुत है |

Don't pressure us. It's enough that we're running

तुम कब आये ?

when did you come?


Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific, and a whole lot more interesting. Words like small, blue, and sharp are descriptive, and they are all examples of adjectives.


देखो, मैं उससे बात नहीं कर सकता | तुम्हें दिख नहीं रहा मैं कितना busy हूँ |

Look, I can't talk to her. can't you see how busy I am.

तुम लोगो ने मेरी चींखे नहीं सुनी ?

Didn't you people hear my screams?

क्या करूँ मैं इसका ?

What should I do with him?

क्या कोई है ?

Is there anyone...


In the most simple terms, an adjective is a word used to describe a noun. These words can add a more descriptive flavour to a sentence. For example, you might say something along the line of the following in order to describe a tree, aIt is a tree.a


मेरी रीना से बात हुई है वह मेरा सामान स्टेशन पर ले आएगी |

I spoke to Reena and she's bringing my things to the station.

मैं कुछ जरुरी बात कर रही थी |

I was talking about something important.

मैं मेहंदी लगाने जा रही हूँ |

I'm off to get my hands painted with henna.

मेरी शादी हो जाएगी ना ?

I will get married, won't I?


When more than one adjective comes before a noun, the adjectives are normally in a particular order. Adjectives which describe opinions or attitudes e.g. amazing usually come first, before more neutral,


मैं क्यों बताती तुम्हें ?

Why should I inform you?

तुम ऑफिस में busy होगे, है ना ? चलो बाद में बात करते हैं |

You must be busy in the office, isn't it? Let's talk later.

मुझे क्यों जलन होगी |

Why should I be jealous!

तुझे मुझसे क्या चाहिए ?

What do you want from me?


Adjectives are describing words, such as blue, angry, cold, dry and hard. Technically, an adjective is described as modifying or quantifying a noun or pronoun, but an easier way to look at the definition of adjectives is that an adjective tells us more and gives us extra information about something.


एक बात है जो मैं कहना चाहता हूँ |

There's one thing I would like to say.

तू मरा नहीं | इतनी ऊँचाई से गिर कर भी |

You didn't die! Even after falling from such a height!

क्या तुम जानते हो उसका बाप कौन है ?

Do you know who her father is?

लेकिन तूने उससे झूठ क्यों बोला |

But why did you Iie to her.

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