Learn English speaking through Hindi - Free online English speaking course in Hindi

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

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If you want to learn English speaking through Hindi then this is the best place for you. In this course I will help you in learning English speaking through Hindi. I have developed this course in Hindi to English so that Hindi speakers can learn English with the help of Hindi. In This course all English grammar rules and English sentences are also translated in Hindi so that Hindi speaker can easily understand each and every English sentences or Grammar rules. It is very easy to learn English through Hindi because you only have to learn how to translate you Hindi sentences to English. When you are learning English through Hindi first of all you have to identify Hindi sentences or Hindi word meaning and translate them in English. After that you have to practice all these sentences to speak in English. In this course I will help you to give you Sentences in Hindi and English that we speaks in our daily life. You can do practice these sentences daily and within few month you will be able to speak English fluently.

यह वैसी किताब नहीं है जैसी तुमने उस दिन खरीदी थी |
This is not such a book as you bought the other day.

यह आम वैसे नहीं है जैसे मैंने कल खरीदे थे |
These mangoes are not such, as I bought yesterday.

कमल ने ऐसी गलती पहले कभी नहीं की|
Kamal has never made such mistakes before.

ऐसी गलती दुबारा मत करना |
Don’t make such a mistake again.

ऐसी बात दुबारा मत कहना |
Don’t say such words again.

यह ऐसा स्थान नहीं है जहाँ हमें ज्यादा देर रुकना चाहिए |

This is not such a place where we should stay for long.

You can read this English speaking course from First day from the links given below.

Day 1- First day - Online English speaking course in HINDI

DAY 2 - USE OF PAST PARTICIPLE with verb to be english bolna kaise seekhen

DAY 3 - use of So and anxious with verb to be - english bolna kaise seekhen

DAY 4 PRACTICE OF VERB TO BE english bolna kaise seekhen

DAY 5 Present indefinite tense | English speaking course in Hindi

Day 6 Present continuous tense | English speaking course in Hindi

Day 7 - Present perfect tense - English speaking course in Hindi

DAY 8 Practice of Present indefinite tense | English speaking course in Hindi

Day 9 - How to become master in Present indefinite tense English speaking course in Hindi

Day 10 - How to become master in Present continuous tense

Day 11 - How to become master in Present perfect tense English speaking course in Hindi

Day 12 - Past indefinite tense - English speaking course in Hindi

Days 13 - Past continuous tense - English Speaking course in Hindi

Day 14 - Past prefect tense - English Speaking Course in Hindi

DAY 15 - Future indefinite tense - English speaking course in Hindi

DAY 16 - Future perfect tense - English Speaking course in Hindi

Day 17 - Double interrogative sentences ko English mein translate karna or English mein bolna seekhen

Day 18 - Indirect interrogative sentences ko English mein translate karna seekh kar apni English improve kare

Day 19 - Use of Pronoun - Improve your spoken English by using Pronouns

Day 20 - Use of Reflexive Pronoun in English speaking | Reflexive Pronoun सीख कर English improve करें 

Day 21 - Use of Emphatic Pronoun in English speaking

Day 22 - Use of one as Pronoun in English

Day 23 - Use of None in English

Day 24 - Use of all as pronoun in English

Day 25 - Use of Nobody as pronoun in English

Day 26 - Use of everybody and everyone as pronoun in English

Day 27 - Use of Each as pronoun in English

Day 28 - Use of Either pronoun in English speaking

Day 29 - Use of Neither pronoun in English

Day 30 - Use of Such in English

Day 31 - Use of Same in English

Day 32 - Use of Relative Pronoun in English

Day 33 - Use of Who as relative pronoun in English

Days 34 - Use of Which as Pronoun in English

Day 35 - Use of That as Relative pronoun 

Day 36 - Use of What as Relative Pronoun

Day 37 - Use of But as relative pronoun 

Day 38 - Use of Demonstrative pronoun 

Day 39 - Use of It in English speaking - Easy tips to learn spoken English

SPOKEN ENGLISH training. These courses will develop a studentas confidence in using the English Language.

क्या तुमने वो देखा ?
Did you see that,
जल्दी निकलो वहाँ से |
Get out of there quickly.
मेरा सर घूम रहा है |
my head is spinning.
इस ऑफिस में आज मेरा आखिरी दिन हैं |
Today is my last day in this office.

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इस सब के लिए कमल जिम्मेदार है |
Kamal is responsible for all this!
तुम बहुत बोल रहे हो |
you're talking too much
शक करने की भी हद होती है |
There is a limit to suspicion!
तुम इतने गंदे निकलोगे मैंने कभी नहीं सोंचा था 
I never thought you would be such a pervert. 

क्या मतलब ?
What do you mean?
लगता है अपने गलती से मेरे जूते पहन लिए हैं |
I think you wore my shoes unknowingly.
अब मेरी बात ध्यान से सुनों |
Now listen to me very carefully.
कम से कम उसने कोशिस तो की |
At least he tried.

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यह मेरी दूरबीन है |
This is my binocular!
मैं भी फन मॉल आई थी |
I too had come to the fun mall.
पहले चाय के पैसे दो फिर जहाँ जाना हो जाओ |
First pay for the tea and then, you can go anywhere you want.
क्या तूने रीना को कभी भाभी के बारे में बताया है ?
Have I ever spoken about Reena to your sister-in-law?

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आते रहना |
Do keep coming.
मुझे लगा वह तुम्हारे साथ है |
I thought he was with you.
जब मैं पुलिस को बताऊंगा तब तुझे पता चलेगा |
You'll get to know when I inform the police.
Hi, मेरा रिजर्वेशन है |
Hi, I have reservation.

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तुमने मेरा भी मज़ाक बना के रख दिया |
You have made a mockery of me too!
दवाई समझ कर खा लो |
Eat it as if it were medicine.
हम जैसे मासूम लोगो के साथ इतना बड़ा धोका |
Such a big deceit to innocent people like us.
क्या कर रहा है तू ? क्या हो गया है तुझे ?
What are you doing? What happened to you?

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हम पे जोर मत डालो | हम दोड़ रहे हैं वही बहुत है |
Don't pressure us. It's enough that we're running
मैं आपका बहुत अहसानमंद हूँ |
I am very grateful to all of you.
और क्या क्या कहा तुमने उसे ?
What else did you say to her?
अगर तुम्हे खेलते हुए चोट लग गई तो ?
What if you get hurt playing?

 easy ways to learn English . English words with friends. Scrabble is a classic board game in which players use random lettered tiles to create . Add some music. Not only will your favourite song wake up your mind and put you in a positive mood to learn English, . Try, try and try again. 

ठीक है चलो | तुम्हे क्या लगता है मैं डरता हूँ |
Fine, let's go. You think I'm afraid?
मैंने उसकी अच्छी नक़ल की ना ?
I imitate him well, don't I?
मैं यहाँ किसी को मारने नहीं आया था |
I haven’t come here to kill anyone.
यह शरारत तुम्हारी थी या किसी और का हाथ था इसमें ?
Is this your prank or did someone eIse have a hand?

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मैं उसे किसी भी कीमत पर पाना चाहता था |
I wanted to have her at any cost.
क्या यह वक़्त है घर आने का ?
ls this the time to come home?
कोई चालाकी मत करना |
Do not act smart!
तुम्हारी पुलिस की भारती कैसी चल रही है |
what's up with your police recruitment

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क्या तुमने अभी कुछ नहीं कहा ?
didn’t you just say something?
क्या तू जानता है कि तू कहाँ खड़ा है और किस्से बात कर रहा है ?
Do you know where you are and who you're talking to?
क्या हुआ तुम्हें ?
What happened to you?
तुम बहुत बदल गई हो |
you’ve changed a lot.

To improve that quickly, you must build emotion. You must be obsessed with English. You must be passionate and incredibly enthusiastic. Remember, Emotion is % of success, method is only %.

तुम बैग का क्या करोगी ?
What will you do with a bag?
हम वही करेंगे जो हम करने आये थे |
We'll do what we came here to do.
दिमाग ख़राब हो गया है क्या तुम्हारा ?
Have you lost your mind?
कई दिनों से कॉल नहीं किया ?
You haven't called in a while.

How to learn English by yourself? Start with an easy and free online course! We have adopted an objective and efficient approach to learn how to speak a language easily and quickly: we suggest you to start by memorizing words, phrases and practical expressions that you can use in everyday life and that will be useful when traveling.

मैंने तुम्हारी ख़ुशी के लिए इतना बड़ा कदम उठाया | लेकिन किसे फर्क पड़ता है |
I took such a big step for your happiness. but who cares.
मैं कसम खाता हूँ मैंने ऐसा कुछ नहीं किया |
I swear I didn't do anything like that.
किसी चीज की जरुरत हो तो बताना |
Let me know if you need anything.
तेरा इन पैसों से कभी भला नहीं होगा देख लेना |
You'll never prosper with this money, mark my words.

AdWE Welkin Edusolutions offers a comprehensive IELTS / PTE and SPOKEN ENGLISH training. These courses will develop a studentas confidence in using the English Language.

मेरे बैग में कुछ नहीं है |
There is nothing in my bag.
वह बेहोश पड़ा है |
He is lying unconscious.
मैं इसी पीटना चाहता हूँ |
I want to beat him up!
मैं तुम्हारा पीछा नहीं कर रहा था |
I am not following you!

How to Learn English

मुझे बचाने के लिए शुक्रिया |
Thank you for saving me.
मैंने कहा तुम्हें मेरा पीछा मत करो |
I told you not to follow me!
पूरा है ना ?
ls this all of it?
अगर आप बुरा ना माने तो आपसे एक बात कहूँ ?
If you don't mind can I say something to you?

लगता है वह सो रहा है |
it seems he's sleeping
इसके माँ बाप इसे कैसे झेलते है ?
How do his parents tolerate him?
जब मिलेंगे तब बताऊंगा |
I'll tell you when we meet.
मैं भी उस तरह का आदमी नहीं हूँ |
I too am not that kind of a man

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कोई problem ?
Any problem?
तुम अकेले क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing alone?
यही ज़िन्दगी है मेरे दोस्त | कुछ खोना है कुछ पाना है |
That's life, pal You win some, lose some.
प्लीज मेरी तरफ से उन्हें सॉरी कह देना |
Please tell him sorry on my behalf.

//nbsp;;;Now, here are the best ways to learn English: Get Lots of Input This is what I call immersion. This is where you read, watch, and listen to things in English.

जो मेरा है वह तुम्हारा है |
What's mine is yours.
रोक सको तो रोक लो |
Stop me if you can.
हमारी प्रेम से बात हो गई है |
We've talked to Prem.
हम दोनों जानते है कि उन्हें खोना कैसा लगता है जिन्हें हम प्यार करते है |
we both know what it feels like to lose people we love.

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सबलोग अपना सामान लेकर नीचे उतर आओ |
everyone carry your own luggage and get down.
शरमाओ मत |
Don't be shy.
अब तुम सो जाओ |
you should sleep now.
तुम लोगों ने कुछ सुना |
Did you peopIe hear something.

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उसने हमें गले लगाया और गुडबाय कहा |
He embraced us and said goodbye.
लड़का मेरी पसंद का होना चाहिए, ठीक है ?
the boy should be of my choice, right?
अगर आप बुरा ना माने तो क्या मैं यहाँ बैठ सकता हूँ ?
If you don't mind, can I sit here?
उसने अपनी बीवी को जिंदा जला दिया |
he burnt his wife alive.

MethodTipsWarnings Attend an English class or discussion group. Another great way to incorporate some extra English conversation into your weekly routine is to sign up for a class of discussion group. Attending an English class is a great way to focus on some of the more formal aspects of speaking English. A class will teach you the grammatically correct way of speaking -- which includes proper sentence  Speak a little English every day. The absolute best way to learn any new language is just to speak itSee all  steps on www.wikihow

क्या तुम मेरी बीवी को विधवा बनाना चाहते हो ?
Do you want to make my wife a widow?
तुम झाँक रहे थे या नहीं ?
Were you peeping or not?
वही मैं सोंचू |
That is what I was thinking!
वह साईकिल चलाना सीख रहा है |
He's learning to ride cycle.

 Start speaking as soon as possible. If you are serious about learning to speak English quickly, the Start reading. It has never been easier to find reading materials in English, or quicker to look things Make yourself accountable. If you want to learn English fast, regular practice has to become a Set more useful targets than aI will become fluenta In the language learning community, there is so Keep your personal goal in mind. There is no easy way around it: learning English fast will take Try flashcards to boost your vocabulary. A word of warning: flashcards can be a false friend when Learn whole sentences. Flashcards are useful, but studies show that learning whole sentences Sing along. Music is the great universal language! It can also be a powerful tool for making a Watch TV. Watching TV series is one of the best ways to learn English, but which are the best Listen to native English speakers try to! speak your language. Whether your mother tongue is See full list on preply

इतनी जल्दी में कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
where are you going in such a hurry?
मैं उसे 6 महीने से जानता हूँ |
I've known her for six months.
मुझे यहाँ से अभी के अभी ले के जाओ |
Take me away from here right now.
मुझे पता है तुम मुझे सुन रही हो |
l know you’re listening to me.

AdWE Welkin Edusolutions offers a comprehensive IELTS / PTE and SPOKEN ENGLISH training. These courses will develop a studentas confidence in using the English Language.

तो यहाँ हो तुम लोग |
So there you guys are.
तुम्हे वो खा जाता क्या ?
Would it have eaten you? 
वो अब पूरी ज़िंदगी किसी औरत से ऐसे बात नहीं करेगा |
He won't talk to a woman like that for the rest of his life.
मैं पूजा कर रहा था |
l was performing the veneration.

Have fun with your English and Get Involved in our games and challenges in supportive and friendly groups. The best way to learn, is to forget you are learning. English Book Club. Join our online book club, and read / listen to English books. We read the whole book together. Beginners / Back to Basics.

सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
Everything will be alright.
तुम क्यों भोंक रहे हो ?
Why are you barking?
अपने दोस्त की बात याद है लेकिन अपने दोस्त को भूल गया तू ?
You remember what your friend would say. But you've forgotten your friend?
कुछ कहो, तुम कुछ बोलते क्यों नहीं |
Say something. Why don't you speak up.

 Donat be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to Tell your family and friends about your study plan. Get them to push you to study and also donat let Practise the  core skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They all need to be worked on for Keep a notebook of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least  Visit ECas free learn English website at least once a day and complete a lesson.Memorisation of lists is one of the most common ways of learning vocabulary for a test. It's only a Use your body clock. If youare not a morning person, study in the afternoon.You will find words easier to remember if you try to remember an example sentence using that word See full list on ecenglish

तू कभी कभी बेवकूफों जैसी करता है |
You talk like a fool sometimes.
पिछले दो हफ्तों से मैं तुम्हें यह दवाई लाने के लिए बोल रहा हूँ |
Since last two weeks I have been telling you to bring this medicine. 
देख जा के पानी उबला की नहीं |
Go see if the water is boiling.
मुझे तुझे पढवाना है और शादी करवानी है |
l've got to get you educated and married.

//nbsp;;;: Try to Find Other English Learners. If you can, you should also try to find a study buddy who is also learning English. The best way to learn English is with someone else!First, a study partner can help motivate you and keep you accountable because theyall also know if youare sticking to your plan and making progress.

उसने मेरी बहन से शादी उसकी दौलत के लिए की थी |
He married my sister to lay his hands on her wealth.
मैं चला जाऊंगा क्योंकि तुम्हे अब मेरी जरुरत नहीं है |
I'll go because you don't need me any more.
क्या में पूँछ सकता हूँ तुम यहाँ क्या साबित करना चाहते हो ?
May l ask what you wish to prove here?
क्या में पूँछ सकता हूँ यहाँ क्या हो रहा है ?
May l ask what’s going on here?

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अपनी बेज्जती करवाने नहीं आये है यहाँ |
we're not here to be insulted.
पुलिस वाले यहाँ क्यों नहीं ?
Why are the cops here?
यह तो शुरुवात है | तू आगे आगे देख मैं क्या करता हूँ |
This is the beginning. You just wait and watch what l do.
अपने पापा के पास वापस जाओ और उनसे कहना कि तुम्हारा मन बदल गया है |
Go back to your father and, tell him that you've changed your mind.

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कौन बता सकता है कि आगे क्या होगा ?
Who can tell what will happen next.
कल सुबह तक मैं सारे पैसे दे दूंगा जो हमारे बीच में तय हुआ था |
by Monday morning I'll give you all the money that we had discussed.
इतनी देर तक तूने बस यही सोंचा |
That's all you could think of, all this while.
अब मेरे पास सिर्फ एक ही रास्ता बचा है |
Now there is only one way left for me.

How to learn SPEAKING and pronunciation Participate in class. Learn common idioms. For example, many languages don't have the ;r; sound. These sounds require extra practice. Practise minimal pairs. Study word and sentence stress. Practice tongue-twisters. Useful Speaking links:. Children's 

उसने मेरे photo खींचे हैं | उससे कहो पहले वो मुझे दे दे  |
She has clicked my snap. Tell her to first give me that.
पुलिस भी इसमें मिली हुई है |
Even the police are involved in this.
उसे क्या हुआ ?
What happened to that?
मैं उसका भी इन्तिजाम कर लूँगा |
l will arrange for that too.

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भूल गए कौन हूँ मैं ?
Forgotten how I am?
इतनी तेज सीटी बजा रहे हो |
whistling so loudly!
आपसे कोई मिलने आया है |
there's someone here to see you.
मैंने सोंचा तुम अभी भी घुस्सा हो |
I thought you would still be angry.

जैसे ही मुझे कुछ पता चलता है में आपको बताता हूँ |
as soon as I find out anything I will let you know.
अगर तुम दिल के मरीज को पहले heart attack के बारे में बताओगे तो उसे दूसरा heart attack पड़ सकता है |
If you tell the heart patient about the first attack he may get the second attack!
वो मैंने फेंक दिया |
I threw it out. 
वह अब मुंबई पहुँच गया होगा |
He would have reached Mumbai by now.

//nbsp;;;Part One: General Advice . Determine how fluent you want to become and set small goals that will help you gradually reach your desired level of . Schedule daily practice. Practice your verbal listening/speaking and written reading/writing skills each day. . Study with others. Take an 

दिमाग खराब हो गया है तुम्हारा घर में बैठे बैठे |
You've lost your mind staying at home all the time.
मैंने तुम्हे पूरा दिन देखा नहीं |
I didn't see you all day,
यह भेदभाव क्यों ?
Why this discrimination?
कोई नहीं हिलेगा |
Nobody will make a move!

Steps to Learning English To become a fluent English speaker, you must study and master reading, listening, and speaking. At TalkEnglish, the lessons are structured to give you practice in all three areas at the same time.

तुम बस जो मैं कह रहा हूँ उस पर ध्यान दो |
You just concentrate on what I say.
वह मुझे अब धमकी दे रहा है |
He's threatening me now.
तुम्हारी लखनऊ की ट्रिप कैसी थी |
How was your trip to Lucknow.
अगर वह मरना चाहता है तो तुम उसे कैसे बचा सकती हो ?
lf he wants to die, how can you save him?


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