Structure 19 - यह जगह मुझे लखनऊ की याद दिलाती है - Remind me of


Structure – याद दिलाती है – Remind me of

यह जगह मुझे लखनऊ की याद दिलाती है |
 This place reminds me of Lucknow.

ये बच्चे मुझे मेरे बचपन की याद दिलाते हैं |
These children remind me of my childhood.

यह खाना मुझे मेरे माँ के खाने की याद दिलाता है |
This food reminds me of my mother’s food.

यह जगह मुझे मेरे गाँव कि याद दिलाता है |
This place reminds me of my village.

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How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step : Gather


मुझे उसके साथ वक़्त गुजारना अच्छा लगता था |

I simply loved spending time with him.

मैं क्यों रोकूँ उसे ?

Why should I stop him?

कुछ याद आया ?

Remember anything?

आपको क्या फर्क महसूस हुआ ?

what is the difference that you've experienced?


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चल सुन लेते है | एक बार सुनने में हर्ज ही क्या है ?

let's hear. What's the harm in hearing it once?

ये बताएगा तुम्हे कि कोण हूँ मैं |

He will tell you, who I am.

कहाँ जा रहे हो ?

Where are you headed to?

मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए कुछ है |

I have something for you.


If you are planning to learn English on your own, you should be patient and have willpower, because your only motivator, in this case, is your desire. Studying will not depend on other students, the schedule and the teacher, the weather, malaise and other reasons.


तुम बच्चे की तरह क्यों रो रहे हो ?

Why are you crying like a child?

मैं अपने दिल की सुनने की हिम्मत कभी नहीं कर पाया |

l never had the courage to follow my heart.

मेरी ज़िंदगी का बस एक ही सपना हैं |

I have just one dream in life.

कुछ गुंडे मेरे पीछे पड़े हैं |

Some goons are after me!


Home ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. ENGLISH LANGUAGE; PARTS OF SPEECH; LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. By. admin - October , . . . SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English language. See the table bellow: VERBS FORMAT. SN: SWAHILI:


तुम्हें याद भी है तुमने मुझसे आख़िरी बार बात कब की थी ?

Do you even remember when did you last speak to me?

डिंपल के पैर में मोंच आ गई है |

Dimple has sprained her leg

क्या तुम आलू छिल दोगे ?

Can you peel potato ?

उसकी उम्र शादी के लायक है |

She's of marriageable age.


 Useful Tips to Teach Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is the perfect way . Listen to


तुम उसकी सोंच में कब तक भूखे रहोगे ?

how long will you keep starving thinking about him?

तुमने सोंचा नहीं में तेरे बिना क्या करूँगा |

You didn't think that what will l do without you.

बस गुप्ता साहब का इंतिजार हैं |

We're just waiting for Mr. Gupta.

इसे हमारे हवाले छोड़ दो, हम इसे सबक सिखायेंगे |

Let us at him, we’ll teach him!


Learn at your pace with our self-study LearnEnglish Subscription. Improve your English for the workplace with our flexible self-study online courses. For only ;. a month, your subscription will give you unlimited access to all our online English courses, plus much more.


मैं यहाँ हूँ तुम्हारा नास्ता तैयार कर रही हूँ |

I am here, getting your breakfast ready.

तुम लड़की कैसे पटाते हो ? मुझे भी सिखाओ |

How do you woo girls? Teach me.

तुम यह कभी और देख सकती हो |

You can see it some other time.

तुम मुझपर जान बूझकर गिरे |

You fell on me intentionally.


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting rules and  tenses.


वो फन मॉल के सामने खड़ी है |

It's parked outside the fun mall.

अगर वह थोड़ी देर के लिए भी उसे छोड़ता है तो वह परेशान हो जाती है |

She gets restless if he leaves her for a little while.

कितनी बार मैंने overtime भी किया है |

Do many times I did overtime too.

इस समय कौन आया होगा ?

Who would have come at this hour?


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting rules and  tenses.


इतना time क्यों लगा ?

What took you so long?

मैं तेरे घर गया था | वहाँ से पता चला कि तू यहाँ है |

I had been to your house. From there I came to know that you are here.

बाथरूम में cockroach था |

There was a cockroach in the bathroom.

मुझे तुम्हारे साथ यह सब करके मजा नहीं आता |

I don't have fun doing all this with you.


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ये उम्र है तुम्हारी यह सब करने की और यह बत्तमीजी कहाँ से सीखी तुमने ?

Is this the age to be doing all this? And from where did you learn to misbehave?

तुम तो हाथ से ही निकलती जा रही हो |

You are just getting out of hand.

शुक्र है मैंने इसे सही time पर रोक दिया नहीं तो यह मर गया होता |

Thankfully I stopped him at the right time. Or he was sure to die.

मैं तुम्हे ही ढूंड रहा था |

I was looking for you.


Home ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. ENGLISH LANGUAGE; PARTS OF SPEECH; LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. By. admin - October , . . . SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English language. See the table bellow: VERBS FORMAT. SN: SWAHILI:


गली गलोच मत करने लगना नहीं तो हमें आना पड़ेगा पुलिस स्टेशन छुडाने के लिए |

Don't start abusing, Otherwise, I will have to come down to the police station bail you out.

दवाईयां expire हो गई थी |

The medicine had expired.

तुम किसकी बात कर रहे हो ?

who were you talking of?

वो बात नहीं है यार |

it's not that.


Tips for Learning English by Yourself  Music. One of the hobbies that you should have while learning a language is to listen to music.  Listening to  Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you donat know where to start. If you are an  Apps. Nowadays


मैंने उसे गाली नहीं दी |

I didn't abuse him

तुम्हे मेरी बात पर शक है !

You doubt my words!

तू ऐसे बात क्यों कर रहा है ?

Why are you saying such things?

तुम जहाँ मैं वहाँ |

I am where you are!


//nbsp;;;Train yourself to think in English. One way to make the transition from being very good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language. Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy.


कसके पकड़ो |

Hold tight.

शर्म नहीं आती तुम्हें ?

Are you all not ashamed?

कोई ताकत मुझे अपनी और खींच रही है |

Some energy is pulling me towards it.

यहाँ पर आओ | क्या बात है ?

come over here. what's the matter?


 Useful Tips to Teach Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is the perfect way . Listen to


क्या बचपना है ये ?

what childishness is this?

आपको यह सब एक दुसरे की बीवी को कहना है |           

You have to say this to each other's wife.

देश के विकाश की किसे परवाह है ?

Who cares about the country's progress?

यह आपकी दुआओं की वजह से है |

lt's because of your good wishes.


How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step : Gather


जरा सोंचो में कैसे जियूँगा |

Just think how I will live.

कोई इसे घर में नहीं रखता |

No one keeps it at home.

तुमने मुझे पहले क्यूँ नहीं बताया ?

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

कौन है वह ?

Who is she?


If you are planning to learn English on your own, you should be patient and have willpower, because your only motivator, in this case, is your desire. Studying will not depend on other students, the schedule and the teacher, the weather, malaise and other reasons.


मानलो कि तुम और मैं कभी नहीं मिले |

Assume that you and l never met.

तुम एक लाख रूपए का क्या करोगे ?

what will you do with 100,000?

ऐसा लगता है कोई रो रहा है |

It seems as if someone is crying

कृपया पुलिस को मत बुलाओ |

Please don't call the Police!


 Useful Tips to Teach Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is the perfect way . Listen to


मैं उन्हें क्या बताता ?

What could l tell them?

कमल ने हमेशा हमारी मदद की है | अब हमारी बारी है |

Kamal has always helped us. Now it’s our turn.

तुम्हें अपना बनाने के लिए मैं जो कर सकता था मैंने किया |

I did everything I could to make you mine.

मैं चाहता हूँ कि तुम कुछ दिन मेरी बीवी बनने का नाटक करो |

I wanted you to play the charade of my wife for a few days.


Home ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. ENGLISH LANGUAGE; PARTS OF SPEECH; LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. By. admin - October , . . . SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English language. See the table bellow:


दांत मत दिखाओ |

Don't show your teeth.

इसने sign नहीं किया है |

He has not signed.

मैं नहीं आऊंगा |

I won't come!

मैं ही पागल हूँ | मुझे उसे कुछ नही बताना चाहिए था |

I'm mad. I shouldn't have told him anything.


Tips for Learning English by Yourself  Music. One of the hobbies that you should have while learning a language is to listen to music.  Listening to  Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you donat know where to start. If you are an  Apps. Nowadays


अपने दोस्त के पास जाओ |

Go to your friend!

क्या खाना शुरू करें ?

Shall we start the dinner?

भगावान, मैं तेरा क्या करूँ ?

God, what should I do with you?

बताओ मुझे तुमने पैकेट कहाँ छुपाया है |

please tell me where you hid the packet.


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting rules and  tenses.


देखो, अब जैसा तुम कहोगी वैसा मैं करूँगा |

Look, now I'll do as you say.

तेरे साथ मैं भी फसुंगा |

l'll get screwed along with you.

तुम्हें खाना खाते वक़्त पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए |

you shouldn't have water while eating.

ये पैसे तुम्हें कैसे मिले ?

How come you have all this money?


If you are planning to learn English on your own, you should be patient and have willpower, because your only motivator, in this case, is your desire. Studying will not depend on other students, the schedule and the teacher, the weather, malaise and other reasons.


यह सब तुम हमें अब बता रहे हो |

you are telling us all this now?

जबसे कमल घर लौटा है उसने हमें कोई काम नहीं करने दिया |

Since the time Sameer has returned home. he doesn't allow us to do any work.

मैं ठीक हूँ | आप कैसे हैं ?

I'm fine, how about you?

तूने उसे थप्पड़ क्यों नहीं मारा ?

Why didn't you slap him?

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