Causative Verbs | Hindi Language Blog Causative verbs in Hindi are very interesting but they could be confusing for you at the beginning. The most important point to remember about them is that these verbs denote an action which is not directly performed by the subject but indirectly through some agent. Lets have a look on these causative verbs with some examples.

मुझे तो यह भी नही पता कि इसकी एक बहन है |
I don't even know that she has a sister.
क्या कल तुम्हें अपना exam देना है ?
Do you have to give your exams tomorrow?
तुम मुझे क्यों घूर रहे हो ?
Why are you staring at me?
मेरा क्या वास्ता तुम्हारे परिवार से अब ?
What connection do I have with your family anymore?

Hindi causative verbs You’ll often find triplets of related verbs like these sets. •Ban-na- to be made, banana- to make, banvana -to get made The tea is being made -chai ban rahi hai. I am making tea -main chai bana rahi hoon.

मैं आपको एक बार फिर याद दिलाना चाहता हूँ |
I'd like to remind you once again.
एक काम करो, पैसे लेकर घर आ जाओ |
Do a thing, then, get the money at my home.
मुझे माफ़ करना मैंने तुम्हें गलत समझा |
forgive me. i consider you wrong
कमल यहाँ कभी आ सकता है |
Kamal can come here anytime!

Causative Verbs Hindi has a class of verbs called causative verbs. As the name implies, causative verbs indicate an action that the subject does not directly perform, but rather causes to happen, perhaps by causing some other agent to perform the action. Causative Verbs - Hindi 

क्या तुम्हें पता है तुम किससे बात कर रहे हो ?
Do you know whom you are talking to?
मैं क्या करूँ ? रुकूँ या जाऊं ?
What shall I do? Shall I wait or leave?
मेरा पीछा मत करो |
Don't follow me around.
पैसों का इन्तिजाम हो गया क्या ?
You've arranged for the money, haven't you?

Concept of CAUSATIVE VERBS in English Grammar in Hindi | for SSC CGL/CHSL/Bank PO-Clerk/UPSC/...

क्यों ना हम डिनर के लिए मिलें ?
Why don't we meet for dinner?
अगर तेरे पास कोई और रास्त है तो बता दे 
Let me know if you have another option.
इतना बड़ा फेसला लेने से पहले तुमने मुझसे पूंछा क्यों नहीं ?
Why didn't you ask me before taking such a big decision?
कोई तो रास्ता होगा |
There has to be a solution.

Causative Verbs in Hindi | Tense In Hindi - English Grammar - … Verbs मुख्य रूप से Get और Make हैं, आइये इनको ज्यादा उदहारण के द्वारा अच्छे से समझे।

इस कंचे खेलने की उम्र में तुम कहाँ in चीजो में फंस गए ?
In this age of playing with marbles you have got entangled in what?
बस इतना ही जानता हूँ मैं उसके बारे में |
That is all i know about her.
कमल ने मुझे ऑफिस में कुछ जरुरी काम करने के लिए कहा था |
Kamal had told me to do some urgent work in the office.
यह बहुत खतरनाक ढलान है |
this a very dangerous slope...

(PDF) Practicing Causative Verbs in Hindi |  This is a simple conversation-based exercise to practice causative verbs in Hindi. It may be done with one student by asking him questions (and asking him/her to ask the teacher the same questions).

पिता की मौत के बाद में बिलकुल अकेली हो गई हूँ |
After papa's death, I have become all alone.
तुम्हे अब जाना चाहिए |
You should go now.
मैं तुझे जिंदा दफना दूंगा |
I will bury you alive!
मेरी पसंद से तुम्हें क्या फर्क पड़ता है ? हैं ना ?
What difference will my choice make to you? Right?

Causative Verbs - A complete grammar guide in  Causative verb indicates that the Subject is causing or getting someone else to do something for him. In simple words, the Subject does not carry out that action himself, rather he causes that work to happen or forces/convinces/allows/assigns job to someone else to take that action. Causative Verb in Hindi: कारनवाचक क्रिया इंगित करती है कि ...

इस घर को क्या हो गया है ?
What's wrong with this house?
तुम ऐसा सोंच भी कैसे सकते हो ?
how could you even think like that?
तुम खतरे में क्यों आये ?
Why did you get in danger?
आप कुछ कह रहे थे |
You were saying something.

Causative Verb: Let | Examples in Hindi and English as a Causative Verb indicates to give someone permission to do something or allow an action to happen. 'Let' does not force, cause or convince someone for something. 'Let' is used to allow or permit to do something. Rule : Subject + Let + Person/Thing + Verb (1st form)

मैं बहुत सुन ली तेरी बकवास |
I've heard enough of your crap.
Actually मैं इधर से गुजर रहा था तो सोंचा आपसे मिलता चलूं |
Actually I was passing by. So I thought of meeting you.
तुम्हारे बाल बहुत सुंदर दिख रहे है |
your hair looks very pretty,
मेरे पीछे आईये | इस तरफ प्लीज |
Follow me. This way please.

Causative Verbs in Hindi | Hindi Language Blog Some of the common causative verbs in Hindi are करवाना, चलवाना, पकवाना, लिखवाना, पिटवाना, पढ़वाना, मिलवाना, सिखवाना, खिलवाना etc.

उसने हमें एक घंटे तक अपने पीछे कुत्ते की तरह दोड़ाया |
He made us run after him like dogs for 45 minutes.
कोई नहीं बचेगा |
No one will be spared.
क्यों कोई कमरे में है ?
Is there anyone in the room?
मेरा कल रात से पेट खराब है |
I've indigestion since last night.

Causative Verbs अब आपकी मुट्ठी में।  Causative Verbs in English Grammar:  of LET:  

तो तुम क्लास में यह पढ़ते हो ?
so you read this in class?
इसी लिए मैं तुम्हें जाने दे रहा हूँ |
That's why I'm letting you go.
कुछ मिला तुम्हे ?
Did you get something?
अगर मैंने रीना से शादी नहीं कि तो मेरा झूठ पकड़ा जायेगा |
If I don’t get married to Reena.. lie will be caught.

Causative verbs in Hindi Causatives in Hindi are realized through a mor-phological process. In Hindi, a base verb root changes to a causative verb when affixed by either an ‘-aa’ or a ‘-vaa’ suffix. Base verb First causal Second causal so sul-aa sul-vaa ‘sleep’ ‘put to sleep’ ‘cause to put to sleep’

मैं मना कर दूँ तो ?
What if i refused? 
हम जवाब देंगे लेकिन ऐसे नहीं |
We'll give a reply. But, not like this.
अपने दिल की सुनो |
Just listen to your heart dear...
तुम सलवार कमीज क्यों नहीं पहनती ?
Why don't you wear a salwar-kameez?

Causative Verbs - Hindi language Causative Verbs Transitive Verbs. Transitive verbs are verbs which can accept a direct object. For instance, in the English sentence “I... Intransitive Verbs. Intransitive verbs are verbs which do not accept a direct object. For instance, in the English... Causative Verbs. Causative verbs ...

हम इस बारे में कमल को बता देंगे फिर कमल और वो जाने |
Come on, we'll tell Sunny about it then it's up to Sunny and her.
तो अभी तुम क्या कर रहे हो ?
So what are you doing right now?
तुम कहाँ से कहाँ जा रही हो ?
Where to where you're going?
मुझे नहो लगता तुम्हे फर्क पड़ता है ...
I don't think it matters to you

Causative Verbs: get,have,make_ Learn English through … Verbs: get,have,make_ Learn English through Urdu/Hindi 

क्या किसी ने तुम्हारे ऊपर पानी फेंका ?
Did someone throw water on you?
अगर कुछ गलत हो गया तो कौन जिम्मेदार होगा ?
If something goes wrong, who'll be responsible?
ये overacting कर रहा है | यह बर्बाद कर देगा |
He is overacting! He will ruin it!
यह तो होना ही था |
it had to happen.

Question Causative Verbs Sentences | Tense in Hindi - English … Verbs Exercises in Hindi Get and Make Exercises in Hindi . 01. मैं सुहाना को हंसाता हूँ। 02. मैं सोनम को हंसाया। 03. मैं राजू को रुलाऊंगा। 04. सोनम को हंसाया जाता है। 05.

मेरा तेरा बदला लूँगा |
I'll take your revenge.
मैंने उससे दो घंटे बात की |
We talked to him for two hours.
किस तरह का बाप है यह ?
What kind of a father is he?
मैं तेरा मुंह तोड़ दूंगी |
I will smash your face!

(PDF) Causative Verbs in Hindi | RUCHIR MAHESHWARI - … of Hindi Causative Verbs Intransitive, transitive, and causative verbs comprise three semantically and lexically related categories of verbs. There are several general patterns of formation. The basic pattern of formation is that transitive verbs are formed by appending the vowel आ to the intransitive verb stem and causative verbs are formed by appending वा to the intransitive verb stem. 

तुम्हारा लड़का उसके साथ गोवा से भाग गया है |
Your son has eloped with her from Goa.
मुझे एक सवाल हर वक़्त परेशान करता रहता था |
One question kept bothering me all the time.
जब वापस आना तो whisky लेते आना |
get the whisky when you get back
हम इससे कैसे छुटकारा पायें |
How do we get rid of it?

अगर कमल का बचपना ऐसा है तो उसकी जवानी कैसी होगी ?
lf this is how Kamal's childhood is how is his adolescence going to be?
मुझे अहसास हो गया है कि मैंने तुम्हारे साथ unfair रहा हूँ |
l've realized that l'νe been unfair to you.
उससे बात करने का कोई फायदा नहीं |
lt is useless to talk to him.
प्लीज क्या आप होल्ड करेंगे ?
Will you hold please.

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