Day 11 - How to become master in Present perfect tense - English speaking course in Hindi

How to become Master of Present perfect tense

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Present perfect tense की पहचान -
किसी अभी अभी पूर्ण क्रिया को बताने के लिए present perfect tense  का प्रयोग किया जाता है |

English बोलते वक़्त grammar को याद रखना बहुत मुश्किल होता है | जैसे अगर Present perfect tense के वाक्यों को English मैं बोलते वख्त ये याद रखना मुश्किल होता कि कोनसे subject के साथ  कोनसी  helping verb use होगी या कब  has और कब have helping verb का प्रयोग होगा | 

English बोलते वक़्त अगर आप ये ही सोंचते रहेंगे तो आप fluently English नहीं बोल पाएंगे | इस समस्या दूर करने के लिए आपको इस टेंस के स्ट्रक्चर कि खूब प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी | 
इसके लिए आपको हर subject के कर्ता के साथ इस टेंस के सभी स्ट्रक्चर कि प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी | 

इस टेंस के स्ट्रक्चर कि प्रैक्टिस करने का तरीका मैं नीचे दे चुका हूँ |

Present perfect tense  की practice He subject के साथ |

वह खेल चुका है
He has played.

वह नहीं खेल चुका  है
He has not played.

क्या वह खेल चुका  है
Has he played?

क्या वह नहीं खेल चुका  है
Has he not played?

वह क्यों खेल चुका  है
Why has he played?

वह क्यों नहीं खेल चुका  है
Why has he not played?

Present perfect tense की practice She subject के साथ |

वह खेल चुकी है
She has played.

वह नहीं खेल चुकी है
She has not played.

क्या वह खेल चुकी है
Has she played?

क्या वह नहीं खेल चुकी है
Has she not played?

वह क्यों खेल चुकी है
Why has he played?

वह क्यों नहीं खेल चुकी है
Why has he not played?

Present perfect tense की practice You subject के साथ |

तुम खेल चुके हो
You have played.

तुम नहीं खेल चुके हो
You have not played.

क्या तुम खेल चुके हो?
Have you played?

क्या तुम नहीं खेल चुके हो
Have you not played?

तुम क्यों खेल चुके हो
Why have you played?

तुम क्यों नहीं खेल चुके हो 
Why have you not played?

Present perfect tense की practice they subject के साथ |

वे खेल चुके हैं |
They have played.

वे नहीं खेल चुके हैं
They have not played.

क्या वे खेल चुके हैं
Have they played?

क्या वे नहीं खेल चुके हैं
Have they not played?

वे क्यों खेल चुके हैं
Why have they played?

वे क्यों नहीं खेल चुके हैं
Why have they not played?

Present perfect tense की practice I subject के साथ |

मैं खेल चुका हूँ
I have played.

मैं नहीं खेल चुका हूँ
I have not played.

क्या मैं खेल चुका हूँ
Have I played?

क्या मैं नहीं खेल चुका हूँ
Have I not played?

मैं क्यों खेल चुका हूँ
Why have I played?

मैं क्यों नहीं खेल चुका हूँ
Why have I not played?

अब अगर आप Present perfect tense मैं धाराप्रवाह English बोलना चाहते हैं तो आप को ऊपर दिए सभी structure को इतना प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी कि बिना देखे आप सभी स्ट्रक्चर के sentence सभी  Subject के साथ एक साँस मैं (मतलब एक बार ) मैं ही बोल सके | इसके लिए आप नीचे दिए sentences की एक साँस मैं बोलेन कि प्रैक्टिस करे | 

ऐसा करने से आपको English बोलते वक़्त ये नहीं सोंचना पड़ेगा कि कोनसी  Helping verb use होगी not कहा लगेगा आदि | और आप बिना दिमाग पे जोर डाले आसानी से Present perfect tense के वाक्यों को English मैं बोल पाएंगे |

Present perfect tense की practice He subject के साथ |
He has played.
He has not played.
Has he played?
Has he not played?
Why has he played?
Why has he not played?

Present perfect tense की practice She subject के साथ |
She has played.
She has not played.
Hass he played?
Has she not played?
Why has she played?
Why has she not played?

Present perfect tense की practice You subject के साथ |
You have played.
You have not played.
Have you played?
Have you not played?
Why have you played?
Why have you not played?

Present perfect tense की practice they subject के साथ |
They have played.
They have not played.
Have they played?
Have they not played?
Why have they played?
Why have they not played?

Present perfect tense की practice I subject के साथ |
I have played.
I have not played.
Have I played?
Have I not played?
Why have I played?
Why have I not played?



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Now letas understand Present Perfect Tense! Learn Present Perfect English grammar. This verb tense is called the present perfect, but it is still talking about a past action. The auxiliary verb to have will be used in the present tense. The present perfect tense is have/has  the past participle form of a verb. For regular verbs verbs whose past tense ends with _ed the past tense and the past participle are 

मरने दो उसे, हम क्यों परेशान हो ? 
Let him die, why should we bother? 
Changing room कहाँ है |
Where is the changing room?
मैं तो भूल ही गया था |
I had forgotten about it.
इतनी तेज मत बोलो वो सुन लेगी |
Don't talk so loud. She can hear you.

The English Tenses: A Brief Introduction.  Indeed, if youare going to master tenses, you need to know: How and when to change the verbs such as ate, eat, eating and eaten Which helping verbs to use such as have, will, is and so on in certain cases; Now, each of these three tenses can be further divided into four asuba tenses.  This point will become clearer once we get to present perfect.

मेरे यहाँ झगड़े बहुत होते हैं |
l get into a lot of fights here
तुम्हें उसे रोकने की भी ज़हमत नहीं हुई ?
You didn't even bother to stop him?
मेरा पीछा करना बंद करो |
Stop following me.
मैंने यह जॉब बहुत पहले छोड़ दी होती |
I would've quit this job long ago.

Present Perfect Tense Structure. In English grammar, the present perfect is a combination of the present tense and perfect aspect that is used to express a past event that has present consequences. The structure of the Present Perfect formula: Affirmative Sentence; Subject  have/has  past participle. Example: I have tried sushi before.

आइन्दा सारा काम घर पर भेज देना |
Henceforth send all the work at home!
अजनबियों के सामने बेज्जती ना किया कर |
stop embarrassing me in front of strangers,
तुम कमल से डरती हो |
You're scared of Kamal.
तुम सही हो और मैं गलत |
You are correct and I am wrong.

करना क्या है ?
What's there to be done?
वो कह रहे हैं कि सब खर्च हो गए |
They say it's been all spent.
बाकी के तीन कहाँ है |
Where are the remaining three.
मेरी माँ ने यह तुम्हारे लिए भेजा है |
My mother sent this for you.

Present Perfect Tense Structure. In English grammar, the present perfect is a combination of the present tense and perfect aspect that is used to express a past event that has present consequences. The structure of the Present Perfect formula: Affirmative Sentence; Subject  have/has  past participle. Example: I have tried sushi before.

क्या प्यार करना गलत है ?
ls falling in loνe wrong?
लेकिन तुम मेरी परेशानी समझ सकती हो | है ना ?
But you can understand my problem too, isn't it?
मैं बस तुम्हे बता रही थी जो कुछ हुआ |
I was just telling you what all happened.
अगर यह मर गया तो मैं जिम्मेदार ठेराया जाऊंगा |
If he dies here, I'll be held responsible.

When To Apply the Present Perfect Tense. Use the present perfect tense when you want to emphasize the result of an action. Since itas a present tense, the result should be in the present. Use : Indefinite Time. When describing an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past. I have eaten at this restaurant before. I have been here 

मैं अपनी ज़िन्दगी के साथ कुछ भी करूं वो तेरी problem नहीं है |
Whatever I do with my life is my problem.
लेकिन उसे हमारे बारे में पता कैसे चला ?
But how did he come to know about us?
उनसे माफ़ी मांगने से उन्हें अहसास होगा कि हमें अपने किये पर पछतावा है |
Apologising to them will make them realise...that we regret our deeds.
मैं यहाँ यही कहने आया हूँ |
That's what I'm here to say.

Now letas understand Present Perfect Tense! Learn Present Perfect English grammar. This verb tense is called the present perfect, but it is still talking about a past action. The auxiliary verb to have will be used in the present tense. The present perfect tense is have/has  the past participle form of a verb. For regular verbs verbs whose past tense ends with _ed the past tense and the past participle are 

मैं तुम्हारे घर गया था तो आपके नौकर ने कहा कि तुम यहाँ हो | तो मैं यहाँ आ गया |
I had gone to your home, so your servant told me that you are here. So I came here.
बिना सवाल पूंछे कुछ नहीं कर सकता क्या ?
Can't you do anything without asking questions?
लगता है वह सो रहा है |
it seems he's sleeping
तुम्हें उसका नाम कैसे पता ?
How do you know her name?

The English Tenses: A Brief Introduction.  Indeed, if youare going to master tenses, you need to know: How and when to change the verbs such as ate, eat, eating and eaten Which helping verbs to use such as have, will, is and so on in certain cases; Now, each of these three tenses can be further divided into four asuba tenses.  This point will become clearer once we get to present perfect.

लकिन वह जगह आपके standard की नहीं है |
But, that place isn't your standards.
यह आपकी दुआओं की वजह से है |
lt's because of your good wishes.
उसने बताया भी नहीं |
He didn't even inform!
तुमसे तो मैं बाद में निपटती हूँ |
I'll deal with you later.

how to become master of present perfect tense in english

क्या तुम मुझे बदनाम करने आये हो यहाँ ?
Did you come here to slander me?
कुछ महीने पहले तुम मेरी कार ठोक कर भाग गए थे |
Some months ago you bumped into my car and drove away.
तुम चाहे कुछ भी मानो पर मैं अपने पिता जी का दिला नहीं तोड़ सकता था |
Take it in whichever way... but I couldn't break my father's heart
तुम जा सकते हो यह यहीं रहेगा |
You can leave, he remains here.

When To Apply the Present Perfect Tense. Use the present perfect tense when you want to emphasize the result of an action. Since itas a present tense, the result should be in the present. Use : Indefinite Time. When describing an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past. I have eaten at this restaurant before. I have been here 

तुमने मेरे साथ ऐसा क्यों किया ?
Why did you do this with me?
यह गलती दुबारा नहीं होनी चाहिए |
this mistake should not be happen again
उसे अस्थमा का attack पड़ा है |
He had an asthma attack!
कौन सी बड़ी बात है ?
What's the big deal?

पापा ने तुम्हे बुलाया है |
Father, has called you.
यह तो होना ही था |
it had to happen.
लोग प्यार में अपनी जान दे देते हैं | तू कुछ मुक्के नहीं खा सकता | कायर |
People lay down their lives in love! You can't even endure a few punches! Coward!
आशा करती हूँ आपकी flight आरामदायक होगी |
Hope your flight was comfortable.

Learn about USING the present perfect here. For a list of all the present perfect exercises, click here. To make the positive present perfect tense, use: 'have' / 'has'  the past participle. Make the past participle by adding 'ed' to regular verbs for example, 'play' becomes 'played' There are a few verbs that change their spelling when you add 

मैंने बहुत बेज्जती बर्दास्त कर ली |
I've suffered enough humiliation.
कोई चक्कर नहीं है | मम्मी पापा की कसम |
No romance, I swear on my Mummy-Daddy.
किस तरह की लड़की चाहिए तुम्हे ?
What kind of a girl do you want?
मुझे नीचे देखने पर चक्कर आते हैं |
I feel giddy when I look down.

The third part of Master The Present Tenses series is the Present Perfect Tense. Rather a ;controversial; tense for the learners of the English language. Especially for students who do not have that sort of tense in their own native languages.

तुम उसकी दोस्ती में अंधे हो गए हो |
You’re blinded by his friendship.
आज तुमने क्या सीखा ?
what did you learned today?
मैं आपको personally invite करने आया हूँ |
l have come to personally invite you.
आप fees जमा कर दो | बाकी सब मैं देख लूँगा |
You deposit the fee and I'll take care of the rest.

Learn about USING the present perfect here. For a list of all the present perfect exercises, click here. To make the positive present perfect tense, use: 'have' / 'has'  the past participle. Make the past participle by adding 'ed' to regular verbs for example, 'play' becomes 'played' There are a few verbs that change their spelling when you add 

आपने जो कुछ हमारे लिए किया है वो हम कभी नहीं भूलेंगे |
we will never forget all that you have done for us.
तुम्हे पता है अगर कोई भी आहट होती है तो मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि कमल आया है |
You know if there is any noise then l feel as if Kamal has come.
मैं उसका भी इन्तिजाम कर लूँगा |
l will arrange for that too.
मुझे भाषण देने के लिए बुलाया है |
I've been invited to give a speech.

The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has taken place once or many times before now. The present perfect is most frequently used to talk about experiences or changes that have taken place, but there are other less common uses as well. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect exercises.

क्या कहा मैंने कब कहा मैंने ?
What did l say when did l say?
यह आप पे अच्छी लग रही है |
It looks good on you.
तुमने बाकी के पैसों का क्या किया ?
What did you do with the rest of the money?
तुमने ग्रेजुएशन degree कहा से ली ?
where did you get your graduation degree?

Present perfect definition: The present perfect tense is a verb tense used to express actions that occurred at a non-specific time. The present perfect tense is also used to express actions that started in the past but continue to the present.

तुम अपने पापा को सच क्यों नहीं बता देते ?
why don''t you just tell your father the truth?
अगर यहाँ काम करना चाहते हो तो जैसा मैं कहता हूँ वैसा करो |
If you want to work here, do as I say.
तुम्हारे पास मेरे साथ बिताने के लिए 2 मिनट नहीं थे |
You didn't have two minutes to spend with me.
मैं लखनऊ पढाई करने आया हूँ |
I came to Lucknow to study.

Become a master of all tenses and understanding, memorizing how to use them accurately day to day life  Someone who want become master of English grammer; For Beginners who want to speak english confidencely; Show more Show less. Course content.  .Present perfect tense. :. .present perfect continuous tense. :. .Past perfect tense. :. .Past perfect 

तुम यह सब क्यों करते हो ?
Why do you do all this!
मैं उससे मिल चुका हूँ |
l’ve met her.
इतने दिन कहाँ थे ?
Where were you all these days?
ऐसा क्या जरुरी काम आ गया था ?
What urgent work could have come up?

The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has taken place once or many times before now. The present perfect is most frequently used to talk about experiences or changes that have taken place, but there are other less common uses as well. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect exercises.

यहाँ से जिंदा बच के जाने का कोई chance नहीं है |
There's no chance of escaping alive from here.
तो कैसा था आज का दिन ?
So, how was your day?
तुम्हे कुछ कहने का कोई फायदा नहीं |
It's no use telling you anything.
वो चुड़ैल तेरे साथ बैठी है क्या ?
Is the wretch sitting with you?

मैं sign कर रहा हूँ |
I'm signing.
वह तुम्हारी वजह से मरा है |
He died because of you.
वह ठरकी है |
She's a pervert!
उसकी लड़की की जिम्मेदारी मेरे ऊपर आ गई |
the responsibility of her daughter came on me.

Become a master of all tenses and understanding, memorizing how to use them accurately day to day life  Someone who want become master of English grammer; For Beginners who want to speak english confidencely; Show more Show less. Course content.  .Present perfect tense. :. .present perfect continuous tense. :. .Past perfect tense. :. .Past perfect 

मैं अब रीना से और झूठ नहीं बोलने वाला |
I am not going to lie to Reena anymore.
ये आप मुझे कहाँ ले आये ?
Where have you brought me?
उसे बाहर निकालो |
Get him out. 
जहाँ तेरा मन हो |
Whereνer you wish.

English Verb - To Become Infinitive - to become Present participle - becoming Past participle - become . Present Tense. Singular I become You become He/she/it becomes Plural We become You become They become  Singular I became You became He/she/it became Plural We became You became They became . Present Perfect Tense. Singular I have become You have become 

देखो, मैंने पेपर पर sign कर दिया है | 
See, I've signed the paper.
आपने कभी अपना इलाज नहीं करवाया ?
you never got yourself treated?
तुमने खानदान का नाम डूबा दिया |
You've disgraced the family name!
झूठ क्यों बोला आपने कि आप भाभी को साथ में नहीं लाये है ?
why did you lie that you haven't got sister-in-law along?

Present perfect definition: The present perfect tense is a verb tense used to express actions that occurred at a non-specific time. The present perfect tense is also used to express actions that started in the past but continue to the present.

पैसो के बाते में पूँछ इससे |
Ask him about the money.
बहुत दर्द हो रहा है क्या ?
Does it hurt a lot?
बस एक बार कह दो, कि तुमने मुझे माफ़ किया | प्लीज |
just tell me once, that you have forgiven me. Please.
छोड़ो नास्ता | मैं पहले ही late हूँ |
Forget the breakfast, I am already late.

English Verb - To Become Infinitive - to become Present participle - becoming Past participle - become . Present Tense. Singular I become You become He/she/it becomes Plural We become You become They become  Singular I became You became He/she/it became Plural We became You became They became . Present Perfect Tense. Singular I have become You have become 

हमारे दादा ने इसे बड़े शौक से बनाया था |
My grandfather built it with great zest.
इस साल भी कोई बारिश नहीं होगी |
There'll be no rain this year too.
वह कुछ नहीं करेगा |
He won't say anything.
मैं नहीं जानता कैसे लेकिन मैं पता लगा लूँगा |
l don’t know how, but l will find out,

The third part of Master The Present Tenses series is the Present Perfect Tense. Rather a ;controversial; tense for the learners of the English language. Especially for students who do not have that sort of tense in their own native languages.

वह मुझे क्यों मारना चाहता है ?
Why does he want to kill me?
बेफालतू में हमें परेशान मत करो |
Don't trouble us unnecessarily.
क्या कहा तुमने ?
What did you say?
मेरे पास तो एक भी नहीं है |
I don't have even one


  1. Replies
    1. इस English speaking course को Android mobile में पढ़ने के लिए नीचे दिए link से app डाउनलोड करें
      Click here to Download English speaking course Android app

  2. Thanks Abinash. You can alos learn tenses from this English speaking course

  3. Sir
    I'm very glad to tell u that u have done great work to improve our communication skills indeed it's really cool idea to explain English language if u ll keep providing us
    This kind of structures I should be thankful to u nice job


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