DAY 15 - Future indefinite tense - English speaking course in Hindi

DAY 15 - Future indefinite tense - Learn Spoken English through Hindi

Future indefinite tense

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

जब किसी वाक्य मैं कोई काम भविष्य काल मैं होता है तो तो इस वाक्य को हम future indefinite  tense मैं बनाते हैं |

वह मुझे बदनाम करेगा |
He will defame me.

हम उसका विरोध करेंगे
We will oppose him

हम अन्याय नहीं सहेंगे
We will not bear injustice.

हम तमाशा नहीं बनाएंगे
We will not make a scene.

हम कल बाज़ार जायेंगे
We will go to market tomorrow.

मैं इसे अभी कर दूंगा
I will do it now.

मैं उससे बात कल लूँगा
I will talk to him.

सब हमें ताना मारेंगे |

English speaking course


Everyone will taunt on us.

negative sentence

वह फ़ोन पे बात नहीं करेगा |
He will not talk on phone.

अब मोहन मूह नहीं चिढाएगा
Now Mohan will not make faces.

मैं माफ़ी नहीं मांगूंगा |
I will not apologize.

वे हम पर ताना नहीं मारेंगे |
They will not taunt us.

मैं कल से पढने नहीं जाऊंगा |
I will not go for study from tomorrow.

चाहे कुछ भी हो जाये मैं यहाँ से नहीं हटूंगा |
Loss toss or cross I will not move from here.

मैं आपको निराश नहीं करूँगा |
I will not disappoint you.

मैं एक पैसा भी फालतू नहीं दूंगा
I will not pay even one paisa extra.

मैं तैयार होने मैं ज्यादा देर नहीं लगाउंगी|
I will not take long to get ready.

इसमें आपका कुछ भी खर्च नहीं होगा |
It will not cost you anything.

First type interrogative –

क्या तुम अपनी किस्मत नहीं आजमाओगे
Will you not try you fortune?

क्या मेरे सपने सच होंगे
Will my dreams come true?

क्या आप थोडा खिसकेंगे ?
Will you move a bit?

तुम पैदल चलोगी या रिक्शा से ?
Will you go by rickshaw or on foot

कृपया क्या आप ये गांठ खोल देंगी
Will you please untie this knot?

क्या आप मुझपे एक कृपया करेंगी
Will you do me a favour?

क्या तुम परीक्षा मैं बैठोगे ?
Will you appear at the exam ?

क्या तुम विदेश जाओगे
Will you go to abroad?

क्या तुम उसे नहीं डांटोगे ?
Will you not scold him?

क्या तुम कल से नहीं आओगे
Will you not come from tomorrow?

क्या आप परसों आयेंगे
Will you come on day after tomorrow?

क्या आप एक प्याली चाय पियेंगे ?
Will you have a cup of tea?

क्या तुम मेरे घर नहीं चलोगे ?
Will you not come to my house ?

क्या वे कल काम करेंगे ?
Will they work tomorrow?

Second type interrogative

अगली ट्रेन कब आयेगी
When will the next train come?

तुम्हारे घर की देखभाल को करेगा ?
Who will look after your house?

तुम पैसे कब लोटाओगे ?
When will you pay back the money?

वह लखनऊ मैं कब तक रुकेगा ?
How long will he stay at lucknow?

वह कब आएगा ?
When will he come?

वह उसे कैसे ढूँढेगा
How will he find her?

अब तुम कहाँ जाओगे ?
Where will you go now?

अब तुम क्या करोगे ?
What will you do now?

अब तुम कैसे जाओगे
How will you go now?

वह इसके बाद क्या करेगा ?
What will he do after this?

मैच कब शुरू होगा
When will the match start?


वहाँ पहुँचने मैं कितनी देर लगेगी ?
How long will it take to reach there ?

इसमें कितनी देर लगेगी ?
How long will it take?

Practice for the future tense
मैं मरते दम तक अपने माता पिता की सेवा करूँगा |
I will serve my parents till I die.

मैं आखरी साँस तक देश की सेवा करूँगा |
I will serve my country till my last breath.

मैं तुम्हारा कचुमड निकाल दूंगा |
I will pulp you.

आज रात हम बहार खाना खायेंगे |
Tonight we will dine out

सबकुछ एक घंटे मैं तैयार हो जायेगा |
Everything will be ready in an hour.

यह कमीज खूब चलेगी |
This shirt will long last.

हम उनको धूल चटा देंगे |
We will flatten them.

अपनी जबान संभालो नहीं तो मैं तुम्हे पीट दूंगा
Hold your tongue or I will beat you.

मैं तुम्हे पुलिस स्टेशन ले जाऊंगा |
I will take you to the police station.

मेरे ख़याल से इसमें टाइम लगेगा |
I think it will take time.

मैं थोड़ी देर आराम करूँगा |
I will relax for a while.

हम साथ साथ चलेंगे
We will go together.

मैं इस बारे मैं आपसे बाद मैं बात करूँगा
I will talk to you later about this.

एक दिन मैं तुम्हे वहाँ ले जाऊंगा
One day I will take you there.

ऐसा ही होगा
It will be so.

धीरे धीरे आप अपनी कमियाँ पूरी कर लेंगे
By and by you will make up the deficiencies.

हम वहाँ समय से पहले पहुँच जायेंगे
We will reach their before time.

अच्छे दिन आयेंगे
Better days will come.

उससे पीछा छुड़ा के मुझे ख़ुशी होगी
I will be happy to get rid of him.

हम समय पर पहुँच जायेंगे
We will reach their before time.

तुम अच्छे से जानते हो वह क्या कहेगा
You know well enough what he will say.

आज नहीं तो कल उसे इसका अहसास हो जायेगा
Sooner or later he will realize it.



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Future Indefinite Tense. Future indefinite indicates that an action or occurrence has not happened yet and will take place at some point in the future. Example: She will watch television. The example indicates that the action of watching has not happened yet and is yet to happen in the future. A verb exists in simple future tense when it is in first form with a will or shall before it. 

बिना सवाल पूंछे कुछ नहीं कर सकता क्या ?
Can't you do anything without asking questions?
तो मेरे प्यार पर इतनी पाबंदिया क्यों ?
So, why all the restrictions in my loνe?
कोई कहीं नहीं जायेगा, उन्हें भी सच का पता चलना चाहिए | 
No one is going anywhere. They should know the truth as well.
दौ जूते थे लेकिन अब एक भी नहीं मिल रहा |
There were 2 shoes, but now not even one is to be found.

Future indefinite tense Future indefinite tense |  a, ,  etca | 

पीछे रहो  |
Stay back!
क्या हुआ ? तुम इतनी जल्दी मुझे कमरे में क्यों लाये ?
What happened? Why did you bring me to the room so fast?
आपने हमारे बैंक से 10 लाख का loan लिया था ?
You had taken a loan of 10 lakh from our bank?
पिता की मौत के बाद में बिलकुल अकेली हो गई हूँ |
After papa's death, I have become all alone.

Future indefinite tense is used to express an action that has not taken place yet and will take place in the future. For example, aBilly will play soccer after  hour.a There is no planning or intention in the future sentences used in the future indefinite tense. It is used when talking about actions that will occur due to future conditions.

क्या तुम ये चीजे मेरे लिए ला सकते हो ?
Can you get these things for me?
वह ठरकी है |
She's a pervert!
अगर मुझे तुम्हारी शिकायत दुबारा मिली तो तुम सीधे जेल जाओगे |
lf l receiνe another complaint, you're going straight to jail!
मुझे अकेला छोड़ के कहाँ चला गया था तू ?
where did you go leaving me alone?

Future indefinite tense Definition In English a in which tense is going to happen activities now is called future indefinite tense. Examplea I shall play, I Shall be billionaire., etc.., Future Indefinite Tense Rules. Affirmative- Sub  Shall/Will  V. Negative a Sub  Shall not/Will not  V. Interrogative- Shall/Will  Sub  V ?

उसे वही मिला जिसके वह लायक था |
He got what he deserved.
मेरा सारा मूड खराब कर दिया |
Spoilt my entire mood!
यही तो मैं तुमसे कहना चाह रहा हूँ |
That's what I am trying to tell you.
नहीं मैं नहीं पकडूँगा |
No I won't catch it... 

Recent Posts. Prepositions definition, types, and examples; What is an adjective? types, and Examples of adjectives; Plural Nouns rules, examples; Phrases in English, phrases examples, and types

अब हम क्या करें ?
what should we do now?
अगर रीना को इस बारे में पता चल गया तो ?
What if Reena  learns about this?
तुम आज भी late आये |
You came late even today.
तो तुम हो कमल ?
So you're Kamal?

In the future indefinite tense first form of the verb is used.

कौन यकीन करेगा कि 2 महीने बाद इसकी शादी हो जायगी |
Who will believe she's getting married in two months?
लगता है पापा ऑफिस से आगये है |
I think Dad's back from the shop.
मैंने कभी लड़की को kiss नही किया |
I have never kissed a girl.
मैं तुम पर बहुत ज्यादा विश्वास करती थी लेकिंग आज तुमने वो विश्वास खो दिया है |
I used to trust you so much. But today, you've lost that trust.

में तुमसे शादी नहीं कर सकता |
I can't marry you.
कौन है कमल ? कौन लगता है वो तुम्हारा ?
Who is Kamal? Who is he to you?
आपने जो कुछ हमारे लिए किया है वो हम कभी नहीं भूलेंगे |
we will never forget all that you have done for us.
मोहल्ले से निकलवाना है क्या ?
Do you want us to be thrown out of the neighbourhood?

//nbsp;;;Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi a Simple Future Tense in Hindi Simple Future Tense definition in English a That form of a verb which refers to that an action will take future time is said to be in the Simple Future Tense.

तुम अपने भाई को यहाँ भी साथ ले आयी |
You've got your brother along here too!
तुम्हारे लिए अच्छी खबर है |
there's good news for you!
तुम कैसे कह सकते हो कि यह कमल है |
How can you say that it's Kamal!
तुम्हारे पास कोई और रास्त है क्या ?
Do you have any other option?

Future Indefinite Tense Examples a Affirmative/Positive Sentences She will accept me as her loyal husband. I will catch fish in this pond tomorrow. Tanisha will add me to her friendzone soon.

हमारे पास बहुत है कुछ साल अच्छी ज़िंदगी जीने के लिए |
We have enough to lead a good life for a few years.
तुम्हे कुछ कहने का कोई फायदा नहीं |
It's no use telling you anything.
प्लीज एक बार मेरी बात का यकीन कर लो |
for once please believe what I'm saying.
कोई जरुरत नहीं जाने की |
No need to go.

Recent Posts. Prepositions definition, types, and examples; What is an adjective? types, and Examples of adjectives; Plural Nouns rules, examples; Phrases in English, phrases examples, and types

दांत मत दिखाओ |
Don't show your teeth.
आज तुम्हे क्या हो गया है ?
What has happened to you today?
यहाँ उसका पता कोई नहीं जानता | वो कुछ दिनों से ऑफिस भी नहीं आ रही है |
No one knows her address here. She's also not been coming to the office since the last couple of days.
तुम्हार फ़ोन number क्या है ?
What's your phone number?

Future indefinite tense Future indefinite tense |  a, ,  etca | 

बेवकूफ | खाली हाथ बैठने से कुछ नहीं होगा |
Fool! Sitting idle is futile!
वह कमीना कमल जरुर उसके साथ भाग गया होगा |
That rascal Kamal must have eloped with her.
मैं तुम्हे कुछ नहीं दे सकता |
I can't give you anything.
लेकिन अब कुछ गलत नहीं हो सकता |
But nothing can go wrong now.

रस्ते से हटो | 
Get out of the way!
आप इस कस्बे में अजनबी लगते हैं |
You appear to be a stranger in town.
क्या किया तुमने ? मुझे लगता है तुमने उसे जान से मार दिया |
What have you done? l think you have killed him.
अगर एक शब्द ओए कहा तो मैं भूल जाऊंगा कि तेरी उम्र क्या है |
If you say another word, I'll forget how old you are.

मैंने कभी सोंचा नहीं था कि यह मामला इतना serious हो जायेगा |
I never imagined that the matter will become so serious.
मैं सचमुच तुम्हारे लिए खुश हूँ |
l’m really happy for you .
मैं क्या करूँ ? सारी जिम्मेदारी मेरे ऊपर हैं |
What do I do? The responsibility is entirely on me!
Sorry कमल, अगर मैं तुम्हें बताता तो तुम कभी नहीं मानते |
I am sorry, Kamal. You would've never agreed if l had told you.

Future Indefinite Tense. Future indefinite indicates that an action or occurrence has not happened yet and will take place at some point in the future. Example: She will watch television. The example indicates that the action of watching has not happened yet and is yet to happen in the future. A verb exists in simple future tense when it is in first form with a will or shall before it. 

इस matter को leak मत करना |
Don't leak out this matter.
मैंने इसके पिता की मौत पे 2000 रुपये दिए थे |
I had given him 2000 rupees at the death of his father.
मैं नहीं जानता वह कहाँ से आया है |
I don't know where he comes from.
तुम पूरी की पूरी बोतल पी गए ?
You drank one whole bottle?

In the future indefinite tense first form of the verb is used.

कहाँ फंसा दिया इसने मुझे ?
Where has he got me entrapped?
अचार मिलेगा ?
I'd like some pickle.
तुम क्या सोंच रहे हो ?
What are you thinking of?
ले जाओ इसे |
Take him away.

Future indefinite tense Definition In English a in which tense is going to happen activities now is called future indefinite tense. Examplea I shall play, I Shall be billionaire., etc.., Future Indefinite Tense Rules. Affirmative- Sub  Shall/Will  V. Negative a Sub  Shall not/Will not  V. Interrogative- Shall/Will  Sub  V ?

जाओ जा कर अपनी सीट पर बैठो |
Go and sit on your seat.
हमारे पास और कोई option नहीं है |
We do not have any other option.
मुझे तुमसे बात करनी है |
I have to talk to you.
सब आपकी कृपा है |
It's all your grace.

//nbsp;;;Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi a Simple Future Tense in Hindi Simple Future Tense definition in English a That form of a verb which refers to that an action will take future time is said to be in the Simple Future Tense.

कहाँ था तू ?
Where had you been?
मेरी माँ ने यह तुम्हारे लिए भेजा है |
My mother sent this for you.
तुम कहाँ थे ?
Where were you?
वह अभी तक आया क्यों नहीं ?
why hasn't he returned yet?

//nbsp;;;FUTURE TENSE. In this tense work is done in time to come. FUTURE INDEFINITE TENSE In this tense work is done in future time but the time of action is not specified. It is not clear when an action will be taken. It is to be in the coming time. For Example : I shall go to Delhi. John will start his factory. Boys will not play a match. AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES

क्या कर रहे है आप ?
What are you upto ?
तू मार खायेगा |
You'll get beaten up.
क्या तुम अकेले आये हो या किसी के साथ ?
Have you come alone or with somebody?
तुमने सबकुछ ले लिया है ना ? कुछ भूलना मत |
You have taken everything, right? Don't forget anything.

Recent Posts. Prepositions definition, types, and examples; What is an adjective? types, and Examples of adjectives; Plural Nouns rules, examples; Phrases in English, phrases examples, and types

क्यों कोई कमरे में है ?
Is there anyone in the room?
किसी ने कुछ कहा क्या ?
Did anyone say anything?
देखो, मैंने पेपर पर sign कर दिया है | 
See, I've signed the paper.
तुम्हे पता है उस दिन मैं क्यों चुप रहा ?
You know why l kept quiet that day.

Future Indefinite Tense Examples a Affirmative/Positive Sentences She will accept me as her loyal husband. I will catch fish in this pond tomorrow. Tanisha will add me to her friendzone soon.

क्या कहा मैंने कब कहा मैंने ?
What did l say when did l say?
अगर यह मर गया तो मैं जिम्मेदार ठेराया जाऊंगा |
If he dies here, I'll be held responsible.
तुम मुझे गलत समझ रहे हो |
You are getting me wrong.
तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing here?

//nbsp;;;FUTURE TENSE. In this tense work is done in time to come. FUTURE INDEFINITE TENSE In this tense work is done in future time but the time of action is not specified. It is not clear when an action will be taken. It is to be in the coming time. For Example : I shall go to Delhi. John will start his factory. Boys will not play a match. AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES

सामान अन्दर ले आओ |
Bring the luggage inside.
हम एक घर में नहीं रह सकते |
We can't stay in the same house together.
क्या कोई और रास्ता था ?
Was there any choice?
इतना गुस्सा अच्छा नहीं है |
So much of anger is not good.

In the future indefinite tense first form of the verb is used.

दिमाग खराब हो गया है तुम्हारा घर में बैठे बैठे |
You've lost your mind staying at home all the time.
कमल यहाँ आने के लिए तैयार नहीं था |
Kamal was not ready to come here.
सुना है कमल भी आया है |
I heard that kamal is hear too.
क्या तुम हमें गुस्से से देख रही हो या तुम्हारा चेहरा ही ऐसा है ?
Are you looking at us angrily? Or your face is like this?

Simple Future Future Indefinite is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future. Example - We shall move to another city. Future Tense: Definition, Structure  Examples | Learn English

भाड़ में गई तेरी दोस्ती !
To hell with your friendship!
बदले में मैंने क्या दिया ?
What did l give in return?
एक बात पूंछू ?
May I ask you something?
यह मजाक का वक़्त नहीं है |
This is not the time to joke.

Future indefinite tense is used to express an action that has not taken place yet and will take place in the future. For example, aBilly will play soccer after  hour.a There is no planning or intention in the future sentences used in the future indefinite tense. It is used when talking about actions that will occur due to future conditions.

मुझे लगा वह तुम्हारे साथ है |
I thought he was with you.
तुम्हे कैसे पता |
How do you know?
लेकिन मैं यह तुम्हे नहीं दूंगा |
But I won't give it to you.
मैं उसका भी इन्तिजाम कर लूँगा |
l will arrange for that too.

Simple Future Future Indefinite is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future. Example - We shall move to another city. Future Tense: Definition, Structure  Examples | Learn English

आते रहना |
Do keep coming.
मुझे कपडे तो बदलने देते |
You could've let me change. 
तुम्हारे सारे दोस्त आगे निकल जायेंगे |
All your friends will move ahead.
उसे इस शहर में आये हुए दौ दिन हुए हैं |
She has come to this city just 2 days ago!

Future indefinite tense

जहाँ कोई इसे कभी ढूंड ना पाए |
Where no one will ever find it.
तुम दोस्ती की लायक नहीं हो |
You're not worth of befriending.
कमल को पता चल गया है कि मैं कौन हूँ |
Kamal has come to know who I am.
अब मैं क्या कहूँ ?
What do I say now?

Future indefinite tense is used to express an action that has not taken place yet and will take place in the future. For example, aBilly will play soccer after  hour.a There is no planning or intention in the future sentences used in the future indefinite tense. It is used when talking about actions that will occur due to future conditions.

उसका ख्याल रखना और हाथ मत छोड़ना |
Look after him and don't let go of the hand.
डरो मत | मैं कुछ नहीं करूँगा |
Don't be scared. I won't do anything.
मैं उसके लिए तैयारी कर रहा हूँ |
i'm preparing for it.
वही मैं सोंचू |
That is what I was thinking!

Future indefinite tense Definition In English a in which tense is going to happen activities now is called future indefinite tense. Examplea I shall play, I Shall be billionaire., etc.., Future Indefinite Tense Rules. Affirmative- Sub  Shall/Will  V. Negative a Sub  Shall not/Will not  V. Interrogative- Shall/Will  Sub  V ?

पुलिस भी इसमें मिली हुई है |
Even the police are involved in this.
भगवान ने ऐसे अच्छे लोग बनाने बंद कर दिए हैं |
God has stopped creating such good men.
मैंने तुम्हें यह मेल कर दिया है | तुम check कर लो |
I have have mailed it to you. You check it.
तुम्हे पता है जो मैं कह रहा हूँ |
You know what I'm saying.

Simple Future Future Indefinite is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future. Example - We shall move to another city. Future Tense: Definition, Structure  Examples | Learn English

मैंने उसे किसी के साथ भागते हूँ देखा |
I saw her fleeing with someone.
भगवान का शुक है तू मुझे मिल गया |
thank God I found you.
वही पैसे जो मैंने तुझे दौ हफ्ते पहले दिए थे बिजली का बिल जमा करने के लिए |
The same amount I gave you two weeks ago for paying the electricity bill.
मैं अपनी माँ से कुछ नहीं छुपाता |
I don't hide anything from my mother.

Future indefinite tense Future indefinite tense |  a, ,  etca | 

किस वक़्त आ रहा है वो ?
What time is he arriving?
कुछ महीने पहले तुम मेरी कार ठोक कर भाग गए थे |
Some months ago you bumped into my car and drove away.
boss ने तुम्हारा केस मेरे हवाले किया है |
Boss has handed over your case to me.
वह मुझे पागल कर रहा है |
he's driving me crazy.

//nbsp;;;Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi a Simple Future Tense in Hindi Simple Future Tense definition in English a That form of a verb which refers to that an action will take future time is said to be in the Simple Future Tense.

क्या अब तुम उसे बीच मझधार में छोड़ दोगे ?
Will you leave her in the lurch now?
कितना गहरा होगा यह ?
How deep would it be?
तुम लंच के लिए नहीं गये |
You didn't go for lunch.
उसने मेरी कार चुराई है |
He has stolen your car.

Future Indefinite Tense. Future indefinite indicates that an action or occurrence has not happened yet and will take place at some point in the future. Example: She will watch television. The example indicates that the action of watching has not happened yet and is yet to happen in the future. A verb exists in simple future tense when it is in first form with a will or shall before it. Example:

क्या तुम कल रात उसके कमरे में गए थे ?
had you gone to her room last night?
इस बार में पूरी तैयारी से जाऊंगा |
This time l will go fully prepared.
अगर वह थोड़ी देर के लिए भी उसे छोड़ता है तो वह परेशान हो जाती है |
She gets restless if he leaves her for a little while.
आप कब पहुंचे यहाँ |
when did you get here?

Future Indefinite Tense Examples a Affirmative/Positive Sentences She will accept me as her loyal husband. I will catch fish in this pond tomorrow. Tanisha will add me to her friendzone soon.

मैं नहीं चाहता था कि आप मेरा इंतिजार करें |
I wouldn't want you to wait for me.
तुम एक लाख रूपए का क्या करोगे ?
what will you do with 100,000?
तुमको इसने बहुत परेशान किया क्या ?
Did he harass you a lot?
मैंने तुझे मारने के लिए भेजा था मरने के लिए नहीं |
I sent you there to kill. Not to get killed.

//nbsp;;;FUTURE TENSE. In this tense work is done in time to come. FUTURE INDEFINITE TENSE In this tense work is done in future time but the time of action is not specified. It is not clear when an action will be taken. It is to be in the coming time. For Example : I shall go to Delhi. John will start his factory. Boys will not play a match. AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES

यही तो मैं सुनना चाहता था |
That's all I wanted to hear.
यह उसकी गलती नहीं थी |
lt wasn’t her fault.
तेरी वजह से आत्महत्या करने का वक़्त आ गया है |
The time has come to commit suicide because of you.
मुझे यह बाथरूम में मिला | किसका है यह ?
I found it in bathroom. Whom does it belong?

learn Future indefinite tense in hindi

मेरी pant गीली हो गई |
My pant got wet!
मैंने क्या किया ?
What did I do?
तुम्हे यह बाद में नहीं मिलेगी |
You will not get it later.
देखो कमल नहीं आया है | इसलिए आपको थोडा इंतिजार करना पड़ेगा |
Look, Kamal hasn't arrived. So you will have to wait for a while.

Learn Future Indefinite tense through Hindi With daily use English sentences translated in Hindi. Future ke kisi kaam ko batane ke liye ham Future indefinite tense ka prayog karte hai. Spoken English mein ham Future indefinite tense mein sabhi subject ke sath helping verb will ka pryaog karte hai. Future indefinite tense in Hindi mein verb ki first 

यह रहा तुम्हारा पर्स |
Here's your wallet.
वह पूरा दिन खाता रहता है |
He keeps eating entire day.
लगता है तुम बहुत अच्छे से जानते हो उसे ?
You seem to know her very well.
तुम्हें इस सब से क्या मिला ?
what did you get from all this?

;Simple Future Indefinite Tense Rules in Hindi With Examples and Sentences; ;Simple Future Indefinite Tense; 

तेरी ज़िंदगी मेरे लिए अनमोल |
your life is priceless for me.
इस स्कूल ने हमारी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बना दी है |
This school has made our life hell.
मैं चला जाऊंगा क्योंकि तुम्हे अब मेरी जरुरत नहीं है |
I'll go because you don't need me any more.
इस महगाई के ज़माने में तुम तीन लडकियों को कैसे afford करोगे |
In this time of inflation how will you be able to afford three girls?

शकल देख अपनी | क्या हालत बना ली है अपनी ?
Look at your face. Look what you've done to yourself.
वो कह रहे हैं कि सब खर्च हो गए |
They say it's been all spent.
मैं कराऊंगा इसका इलाज |
I'll get him cured!
तुम्हारे सारे दोस्त आगे निकल जायेंगे |
All your friends will move ahead.

//nbsp;;;Tense in Hindi Future tense  ; future indefinite tense awill  verba ;  a.

पुरे 10 लाख है चाहो तो गिन लो |
It's tofal 1 million. Count it if you like.
इसे सजा मिलनी चाहिय |
He should be punished!
तूने तो मेरा heart fail ही कर दिया था |
you almost gave me a heart attack.
मैं रूम बाद में देखूंगा |
l'll check out the room later.

//nbsp;;;Tense in Hindi Future tense  ; future indefinite tense awill  verba ;  a.

हाँ, क्यों क्या हुआ ?
Yes, why what happened?
उसे यहाँ होना चाहिए था, तुम्हारे साथ |
He should've been here. With you.
तुम जाओ मैं नहीं आ रहा |
You go, I'm not coming.
जब गुनाह मेरा है तो सजा तुम दोनों क्यों भुगतो ?
When the sin is mine why should both of you suffer?

//nbsp;;;Future Indefinite Tense Rules / Formula a S  shall/will  v  O  other word. Future Indefinite Tense Examples Hindi to English aa I shall go. a You will do work.a Ram will read.a Shyam will sing.

ज्यादा friendly होने की कोशिस मत करो |
Don't try to get too friendly.
अगर तुम्हे 500 रुपये मिल गए तो ?
What if you get 500 rupees?
मैं तुम्हारे साथ इतनी जल्दी नहीं जा सकता |
l can't go with you so early.
तुम इस धोकेबाज की मीठी बातों में मत आना |
you don't come into the sweet talks of this fraud."

Future indefinite tense in hindi

अब सबकुछ तुम्हारे हाथ में है |
It's all in your hands now.
मैंने कोई हकीम या डॉक्टर नहीं छोड़ा | कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ |
I haven't left out a doctor or a hakim. It doesn't help
कुछ महीने पहले तुम मेरी कार ठोक कर भाग गए थे |
Some months ago you bumped into my car and drove away.
तुमने यहाँ आकर अच्छा किया |
You did good by coming here.

Use of Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi. 

यह मेरी गाड़ी से पेट्रोल चुरा रहा था |
He was stealing petrol from my vehicle...
तुम्हें देख कर ऐसा लगा जैसे मेरे बचपन के दिन लोट आये है |
Seeing you I feel my childhood days have returned!
मैं बस यही कहने आया था |
That's all I came to say.
मैं किराया लेने के लिए आया हूँ |
I have come to take the rent.

Future indefinite tense Future indefinite tense |  a, ,  etca | 

प्लीज पहले मेरी बात सुन लिए उसके बाद अगर आपको लगे कि मुझे इसके साथ नहीं रहना चाहिए तो मैं चला जाऊंगा |
Please hear me out. After that if you feel that he shouldn't be with me. then I will leave.
तुम लड़की बाज हो |
You're a womaniser!
आज तुम इतना जल्दी उठ गए |
Today you woke up so early.
वह बचपन से ही teacher बनना चाहती थी |
She's wanted to become teacher since childhood.

नींद आयी ठीक से ?
Did you sleep properly?
कौन है ?
Who is it?
हमें काफी मुनाफ़ा कमायेंगे |
We will earn abundant profit!
मैंने भाई को सच बताने का फेसला कर लिया है |
I’ve decided to tell brother the truth.

//nbsp;;;Is post me Future Indefinite Tense ko full detail me samjhaya gaya hai ek baar is post ki study karke aap future indefinite tense ko aasani se samajh sakte hain. Future Indefinite Tense hindi se English banane ke rules  Focus On Learn Hindi  December  at :.  will 

अच्छा है कि तू इस सब चीजों में नहीं पड़ा |
It's good that you're not into these things.
तुम भी हो यहाँ |
you too are here.
सुनो | मुझे पता है तुम कमल का गुस्सा मुझपर उतार रही हो |
Listen. I know you're venting Kamal's anger on me.
इसलिए मैंने उसे मरवाया था |
That's why I got her killed.

Learn Future Indefinite tense through Hindi With daily use English sentences translated in Hindi. Future ke kisi kaam ko batane ke liye ham Future indefinite tense ka prayog karte hai. Spoken English mein ham Future indefinite tense mein sabhi subject ke sath helping verb will ka pryaog karte hai. Future indefinite tense in Hindi mein verb ki first 

अगर तुमने मेरी मदद नहीं की तो रीना के पापा उसकी शादी करवा देंगे |
If you didn't help me, then Reena's father will get her married.
क्या समझे ?
What did you understand ?
भगवान का शुक्र है कि तुम ठीक हो |
thank god you're fine.
अगर पापा को पता चल जाता तो मुझे जान से मार देते |
Dad would have killed me, if he found out!

Use of Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi. 

मैंने सुना तुम किसी से बात कर रही थी |
I heard you talking to somebody.
देखना, भगवान तुझे कभी माफ़ नहीं करेगा !
You'll see it, God will never forgive you!
तुम उसकी दोस्ती में अंधे हो गए हो |
You’re blinded by his friendship.
पहली बार तुमने कुछ सही किया है |
for the first time you've done something right.

Learn Future Indefinite tense through Hindi With daily use English sentences translated in Hindi. Future ke kisi kaam ko batane ke liye ham Future indefinite tense ka prayog karte hai. Spoken English mein ham Future indefinite tense mein sabhi subject ke sath helping verb will ka pryaog karte hai. Future indefinite tense in Hindi mein verb ki first 

कोई नहीं है |
There's no one else.
अगर तुम नहीं निकलोगे तो पुलिस तुम्हें निकालेगी |
lf you don’t leave then the police will escort you out.
मैं तुमको बहुत टेंशन दी है |
l’ve created a lot of tension for you.
पीछे रहो  |
Stay back!

;Simple Future Indefinite Tense Rules in Hindi With Examples and Sentences; ;Simple Future Indefinite Tense; 

मेरा सामान हॉस्टल से वापस ले आओ |
get my stuff back from the  hostel.
तुम्हे मुझे कुछ इज्जत देनी चाहिए थी |
You could've shown some respect for me.
अब जो होना था हो गया |
Now whatever had to happen has happened.
वह हमारी लड़की है हमारी मर्जी के बिना कोई जवाब नहीं देगी |
She's our daughter. she wouldn't give any answer without our consent.

Future Indefinite Tense: I shall eat:  : Future Continuous Tense: I shall be eating: : Future Perfect Tense: I shall have eaten:: Future Perfect Continuous Tense: I shall have been eating 

मैं तुम्हारे साथ किसी भी हाल में रहने के लिए तैयार हूँ |
I'm ready to stay with you in any condition.
क्या आप थोडा तेज बोलेंगे ?
Will you speak loudly please?
ऐसे मत बैठो | कुछ तो बोलो 
Don't sit like this! Say something.
मुझे भी surprises पसंद हैं |
Even I like surprises!

//nbsp;;;Is post me Future Indefinite Tense ko full detail me samjhaya gaya hai ek baar is post ki study karke aap future indefinite tense ko aasani se samajh sakte hain. Future Indefinite Tense hindi se English banane ke rules  Focus On Learn Hindi  December  at :.  will 

तू कॉल क्यों नहीं कर लेती उसे ?
Why don't you call him?
एक दिन मैंने अपना बदला ले लिया |
One day, I took my revenge.
तू पूरी रात कहाँ था ?
Where were you all night?
मैं उसे पिछले एक साल से उसे ढूंड रहा हूँ |
I've been looking for him for the past one year.

Future indefinite tense Future indefinite tense |  a, ,  etca | 

मैं तुम्हे कबसे ढूंड रही हूँ |
I've been looking for you since so long!
उसने तुझे 1000 रुपये दिए थे ना |
had he not given you 1000 rupees?
तुमने मुझे बुलाया ?
did you call me?
किसी ने किडनैप तो नहीं कर लिया ?
Could someone haνe kidnapped him?

Top tips to learn Simple Future Tense in Hindi. Simple Future Tense kya hota hai, sentences, usage and examples in Hindi.

मैं नहीं जानता कौन हैं ये | ये मेरे साथ नहीं हैं |
l don't know who they are, they are not with me.
अच्छा अब हम चलते हैं |
OK, We'll take your leave now, 
यह सब क्या हो रहा है ?
what is all this happening?
वह आएगा लेकिन वह जिंदा नहीं वापस नहीं जायेगा |
He will come, but he won't go back alive.

;Simple Future Indefinite Tense Rules in Hindi With Examples and Sentences; ;Simple Future Indefinite Tense; 

कोई मुड़ के नहीं देखेगा |
no one will turn around.
प्यार से कहो | तो मैं मर भी सकता हूँ |
Say it with love, and I can even die.
मैं शादी कि साल की सालगिरह कैसे भूल सकता हूँ ?
How could I forget our wedding anniversary?
तुम कहाँ से आ रहे हो ?
where are you coming from?

//nbsp;;;Tense in Hindi Future tense  ; future indefinite tense awill  verba ;  a.

मैं लखनऊ पहुंचकर आपके पैसे लोटा दूंगा |
I'll return your money once I get to Mumbai.
तुम पढो मेरे बारे में क्या लिखा है |
You read what is written about me.
निकाल इसे |
Get it off me.
हमें उन्हें बुलाना होगा |
We'll have to call him.

Future Indefinite Tense: I shall eat:  : Future Continuous Tense: I shall be eating: : Future Perfect Tense: I shall have eaten:: Future Perfect Continuous Tense: I shall have been eating 

भाई कमल तेरी बाइक लेके भाग गया है |
Kamal ran away with the petrol tank.
I am sorry, मुझे माफ़ कर दो |
I am sorly, forgive me.
तुम उसकी चिंता मत करो |
You don't worry about that.
भगवान मैं क्या करूं?
what do i do god?

//nbsp;;;Is post me Future Indefinite Tense ko full detail me samjhaya gaya hai ek baar is post ki study karke aap future indefinite tense ko aasani se samajh sakte hain. Future Indefinite Tense hindi se English banane ke rules  Focus On Learn Hindi  December  at :.  will 

मैं एक मिनट में कैसे जवाब दे दूँ ?
How can l give an answer in just a minute?
बुलाओगी मुझे अपनी शादी में |
Will you invite me to your wedding?
इन्हें डॉक्टर के पास ले चलो, जल्दी |
Take him to a doctor, quick.
मैं उन्हें नहीं  छोडूंगा |
I won't spare them.

Use of Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi. 

मैंने अपना पेशाब एक घंटे सो रोक रखा था |
I managed to control my pee for the last one hour.
वह वापस नहीं आया | लेकिन उसने कॉल किया था |
He hasn't come back. But he had called up.
उससे कहो कि मैं तुम्हारे भाई की तरह हूँ |
Tell him that I am like your brother.
मुझे अब और मत तडपाओ |
Don't torment me anymore. 

//nbsp;;;Future Indefinite Tense Rules / Formula a S  shall/will  v  O  other word. Future Indefinite Tense Examples Hindi to English aa I shall go. a You will do work.a Ram will read.a Shyam will sing.

यह कोई बड़ी बात नहीं |
That's not a big thing.
तब जैसा मैं कहता हूँ वैसा करो |
Then you better do as I say.
जी बता दिया |
Yes, I did.
तो अब कर लो | 
So do it now. 

Top tips to learn Simple Future Tense in Hindi. Simple Future Tense kya hota hai, sentences, usage and examples in Hindi.

उसके लिए ऐसी बात मत बोल |
Don't say such things for her.
क्या सारा अचार खत्म हो गया ?
is all the pickles finished?
तुमने तब जो कुछ कहा था गुस्से में कहा था |
whatever you said then was said in anger.
उसे इतना time क्यों लग रहा है |
why is he taking so long?

Future Indefinite Tense: I shall eat:  : Future Continuous Tense: I shall be eating: : Future Perfect Tense: I shall have eaten:: Future Perfect Continuous Tense: I shall have been eating 

भगवान के लिए मेरी जान बख्स दे |
For God's sake, spare me life.
तुम कॉल कर सकते थे |
You could have called.
वह अब इस काम के लायक नहीं रहा |
He is no longer fit for this job.
जब मैं रात में सोता हूँ तब तुम मेरे सपने में आती हो |
when I sleep in the night then you come in my dreams.

Future indefinite tense Future indefinite tense |  a, ,  etca | 

अगर catch नहीं कर पाए तो ?
What if you don't catch it?
तुम किसी के घर में ऐसे नहीं घुस सकते |
You can't barge in to someone's home like this...
मैंने ऐसा कोई लैटर नहीं लिखा |
I've written no such Ietter.
बेवकूफ की तरह, मैं तुम्हारे जाल में फंस गई |
Like a fool, I got entrapped in your trap.

मैं आपनी खोने वाला हूँ और तुम्हे पैसों की पड़ी है |
I am about to lose my wife and you are thinking about money.
कमल ने मेरे साथ कोई बदतमीजी नहीं की |
Kamal didn't misbehaνe with me.
आपकी दुकान बिक गई है |
Your shop has been sold!
घंटी बजा बजा के थक गया | कहाँ थी तुम ?
I got tired of ringing the door-bell. Where were you?

//nbsp;;;Future Indefinite Tense Rules / Formula a S  shall/will  v  O  other word. Future Indefinite Tense Examples Hindi to English aa I shall go. a You will do work.a Ram will read.a Shyam will sing.

मैं क्यों बताती तुम्हें ?
Why should I inform you?
मुझे रात भर नींद क्यों नहीं आयी ?
Why couldn't I sleep all night?
यह कहने के लिए इतनी रात में यहाँ आने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
what was the need for you to come here so late in the night to say this?
क्या मैं तुम्हे एक राज की बात बताऊँ ?
Can I tell you a secret?

Top tips to learn Simple Future Tense in Hindi. Simple Future Tense kya hota hai, sentences, usage and examples in Hindi.

मैं उसी दिन शादी करूँगा |
I'll marry on that very day.
इसका दोस्त सच में अजीब है 
His friend is really strange!
मुझे देखने दो |
Let me take a look.
कौन था ?
Who was it?

Future indefinite tense in hindi

कितना गहरा होगा यह ?
How deep would it be?
मैं सो गया थे |
I fell asleep.
रोक सको तो रोक लो |
Stop me if you can.
क्या कहा मम्मी ने ?
What did mother say?

Future indefinite tense in hindi

तुम जो कर सकते हो कर लो |
You can do whatever you want.
खाने के लिए पैसे कहाँ से मिले ?
from where have you brought this money for food?
रास्ते में कोई problem तो नहीं हुई ?
Any problems on the way?
क्या तुम कॉलेज जा रही हो ?
Are you going to the college?


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