Day 28 - Use of Either pronoun in English speaking

Either pronoun का english में use करना सीखकर english बोलना सीखिए Either pronoun ko english sentences mein use karna seekhkar English bolna seekhiye.

Use of Either pronoun in English speaking
Either Pronoun का प्रयोग दो चीजो में से एक का selection करने के लिए क्या जाता है |
हिंदी वाक्य में “दोनों में से एक” या “दोनों में से किसी एक” के आने पर हम Either का प्रयोग करते हैं |
Either Pronoun के साथ present indefinite tense में verb में s या es लगाते है और is, was और has helping verb का प्रयोग करते हैं |
नीचे दिए हुवे वाक्य पढने पर आपको Either Pronoun का प्रयोग कैसे sentences में होता है पता चल जायेगा |

नीचे दिए हुए वाक्यों के पढने से आपको Either का प्रयोग कहाँ होगा इसका पता चल जायेगा |
तुममे से किसी एक ने किया है ये |
Either of you has done this.
तुम दोनों में से कोई एक उसे जानता है |
Either of you knows him.
तुम दोनों में से कोइ भी कर सकता है
Either of you can do it.
कोई सा भी पेन चलेगा | ( दो Pens में से एक पेन का selection करना है )
Either pen will do.
कोई सा भी चलेगा |
Either will do.
तुम दोनों में से कोई एक जा सकता है |
Either of you can go.

ये दोनों रस्ते रेलवे स्टेशन जाते है | तुम कोई से भी रस्ते से जा जकते हो |
Both these roads go to railway station, you can go either way.
लेकिन जब selection दो से ज्यादा चीजो के बीच करना हो तो Either प्रयोग नहीं होगा तब हम any या anyone का  प्रयोग करते हैं
इसे कोई भी कर सकता है
Anyone can do it.
कोई सा भी पेन चलेगा |( तीन या तीन से अधिक Pens में से एक पेन का selection करना है )
Any pen will do.



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बेफालतू कुछ भी कहता है तू |
unnecessary you say anything.
अब बताओ मुझे क्या problem है यहाँ ?
Now tell me what's the problem here?
क्या तुम्हें मेरी काबिलियत पर शक है ?
Do you have doubts on my ability?
कार क्यों रोक दी ?
Why have you stopped the car?

In English grammar, indefinite pronouns are substitute words for things that cannot be or simply are not wanted to be named exactly. So, they can be used instead of them or, more precisely, they can a substitute a them. Generally, indefinite pronouns refer to persons or things a which can also be in the plural.

जानते हो कौन हूँ मैं ?
Do you know who I am?
मैं पूजा कर रहा था |
l was performing the veneration.
वह नहीं चाहता कि मैं जल्दी ठीक हूँ |
He doesn't want me to get well soon.
क्या तुम मुझे भी मरोगे ?
Are you going to hit me as well?

Each other, one another Everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere It No one, nobody, nothing, nowhere One One and oneas Pronouns Pronouns: indefinite -body, -one, -thing, -where Pronouns: 

इतना surprise मत हो |
Don't be so surprised.
नहीं ! बल्कि होश तो मुझे अब आया है |
No ! I have rather come to my senses now.
डरो मत | मैं कुछ नहीं करूँगा |
Don't be scared. I won't do anything.
दे इधर |
Give it here.

In English, any word that refers to a person, place, or thing is considered a noun. A pronoun is a word used to take the place of a noun. A personal pronoun takes the place of a person. A personal pronoun can be classified as first, second, or third person, as well as singular or plural.

कितनी सारी तैयारी करनी है |
There are so many preparations to be done.
क्या जाना जरुरी है ?
Is it necessary?
सब आ गए ?
Everyone's here?
इस कंचे खेलने की उम्र में तुम कहाँ in चीजो में फंस गए ?
In this age of playing with marbles you have got entangled in what?

इस बार तुम बहुत दूर निकल गए हो |
You've gone too far this time,
बाद में क्यूँ ?
Why later?
तुम जैसे शैतान के लिए नहीं |
not for a devil like you.
प्लीज मुझे उन गुंडों से बचा लिए |
Please save me from these ruffians.

In informal English, most people tend to follow to be verbs with object pronouns like  etc. require singular verbs. This rule is frequently overlooked when using the pronouns each, either, and neither, followed by of. Those three pronouns always take singular verbs. Do not be misled by what follows of. Examples: Each of the  If the object of a preposition refers to a previous 

हमारी लड़की हो उसका राजकुमार मिल गया |
Our daughter has found her prince.
तुम तो ऐसे बात कर रहे हो जैसे मैंने कभी लड़की नहीं देखी |
You talk as though I'd never seen a girl before.
तू अब यहाँ बेठ, में जा रहा हूँ |
You sit here now. I'm going.
तू उसके पीछे पागल क्यों है ? बता मुझे |
Why are you so crazy after her? Tell me.

//nbsp;;;The Correct Definition of Pronoun a Pronouns are the words which we use to refer to nouns which are already clear. Unless we have an antecedent to refer, we cannot use a pronoun. Then how can we say apronoun is a word used in place of a nouna. No, we cannot and we should not. We use pronouns to refer to nouns. Ramesh found a circus ticket.

हमें इससे क्या ?
Why care ?
मैं बस इतना कह रहा हूँ कि भविष्य में इस तरह के लोगो से थोडा दूरी बना के रखो |
I am just telling you, maintain distance from people like this in future.
लेकिन अभी खेल ख़त्म नहीं हुआ है, मेरे दोस्त  |
But the game is not finished yet my friend.
सच कहूँ, मुझे तुमसे पहले नजर में प्यार हो गया था |
To be honest, l fell in love with you at first sight.

//nbsp;;;either/neither followed by of  noun phrase. When they act as pronouns either means 'one or the other' while neither indicates 'not one or the other'. gt; Both these roads go to Rome; you can go either way. gt; Neither of my arms is strong enough to lift that suitcase.

इसकी क्या गारंटी है कि तुम कमल हो ?
What is the guarantee that you are Kamal?
लेकिन तुमने ही तो उसे पैसे देने के लिए कहा था |
But it was you who asked me to pay him!!
क्या करूँ मैं इसका ?
What should I do with him?
मैं तुम्हे और दुःख नहीं देना चाहता |
I didn't want to cause you more pain.

In English, any word that refers to a person, place, or thing is considered a noun. A pronoun is a word used to take the place of a noun. A personal pronoun takes the place of a person. A personal pronoun can be classified as first, second, or third person, as well as singular or plural. Everyone is familiar with personal pronouns; we use them every day in our speech.

मैंने अपना मोबाइल कमल को photo लेने के लिए दिया था |
I gave my mobile to Kamal to take pictures.
आज तुम इतना जल्दी उठ गए |
Today you woke up so early.
अगर मैंने रीना से शादी नहीं कि तो मेरा झूठ पकड़ा जायेगा |
If I don’t get married to Reena.. lie will be caught.
मुझे तुझ पर तरस आता है |
I feel pity on you.

We use 'either  a singular noun' to mean 'this one or that one' when we are talking about two things of the same kind like two drinks or two t-shirts.  We use 'either of  plural noun' and 'neither of  plural noun' before a pronoun or a word like 'this' or 'the' or 'my'. Either of my dresses is good. = this dress is good and also that dress is good. Either of us can get the 

मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा इससे क्या फर्क पड़ेगा ?
I don't understand what difference will it make?
Friday को मिलते हैं |
Let's meet on Friday.
तुमने war में यह देखा होगा |
You must have seen it in war.
तुम ताली क्यों बजा रही हो |
What are you clapping for

A different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence. In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace in the rd person singular form. The nd person plural pronouns are identical to the nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.

जरा पीछे मुडकर देख |
Just turn around and see.
तुमने मुझे धोखा दिया |
You betrayed me!
मैंने खुद सुना है सबकुछ फ़ोन पर |
I heard everything on the phone myself.
अगर कमल का बस चलता तो वह उसे कभी नहीं जाने देता |
lf Kamal had his way, he'd never let go off her.

Person APerson BPerson BI donat love football.I donat love football, either.Neither do I.Jack canat swim.I canat swim, neither.Neither can I.Hana and Jim havenat done. English Speaking Lessons.  Most Common Words;  Daily English Conversations by Topic;  Phrases and Sentence Patterns;  Common English Expressions;  Common Phrasal Verbs;  

हम उसे जितना भुलाने की कोशिस करते है, वो हमें उतना ही याद आता है |
The more we try to forget him, the more we miss him.
मैं कहना चाहता हूँ कि यह सब हमारे साथ ही क्यों हो रहा है |
I want to say that why did aII this happen to us onIy.
पहली बार मुझे team स्प्रिट दिखाई दी है |
For the first time, l have seen team spirit.
जा ना, रुका क्यों है ? 
Go on, what's stopping you?

English neutral pronouns are useful not only when writing documents that need to use inclusive language, but also for any nonbinary people who prefer not to have their pronouns imply that they are female or male. As shown in surveys, many nonbinary people are okay with being called ;he; or ;she,; but there are also many nonbinary people who don't want to be called either of 

तुम ऐसे क्यों चल रहे हो ?
why are you walking like this?
आप मेरी शादी तक नहीं करवा सके |
You couldn't even get me married.
उसके बात कमल ने ना मुझे कॉल किया और ना ही मुझसे मिलने आया |
After that, neither did Kamal call me or come to meet me.
अब क्या करूँ मैं |
What do I do now?

The long answer: while it is never incorrect to use the singular form of the verb with either of and neither of, the reality is slightly more complicated. Many native speakers use a verb in the plural with neither of and either of, especially in spoken language.

क्या मतलब ?
What do you mean?
लेकिन आपकी लड़की जिससे शादी करने जा रही है वह आपका दामाद बनने लायक नहीं है |
But your daughter is going to marry a boy who isn’t worthy of becoming your son-in-law.
देख रहा हूँ |
I'm looking.
जबसे मैं उससे मिला हु मुझ नींद नहीं आ रही |
Since the time I have met her I couldn't sleep.

Grammar gt; Nouns, pronouns and determiners gt; Quantifiers gt; Either from English Grammar Today Either is a determiner, a pronoun, an adverb or a conjunction. We can pronounce either /a; r/ 

आप के अहसान चुकाने के लिए मैं अपनी जान भी दे सकता हूँ |
I can even lay down my life to repay the favours you have done to me.
कोई बात नहीं | मुझे पता है आप तो सिर्फ अपना काम कर रहे हैं |
It's ok. I know you're only doing your duty.
तुमने सुबह से कुछ नहीं खाया ?
You haven't eaten since morning?
अगर उन्होंने पैसे वापस नहीं चुकाए तो मैं तेरे दोस्तों की कब्र खोद दूंगा | याद रखना | समझा ?
If they can't repay the money then I will dig your friend's grave! Remember! Got it?

Use of Either pronoun in English speaking 

कल अगर उसे कोई और ज्यादा अमीर मिल गया तो वह मुझे दुबारा छोड़ देगा |
Tomorrow if he finds someone richer, he'll leave me again.
तुम कहाँ से कहाँ जा रही हो ?
Where to where you're going?
देखो जो पूंछा जाए सिर्फ उसका जवाब दो |
See only answer what you have been asked for!
इतना कुछ हो चूका है | मुझे नहीं लगता कि सब आयेंगे |
So much has happened. I don't think all wiIl come.

However,  words were primarily used as pronouns, while the remaining  words were different types but could be used as a pronoun. For example, the word ;some; is an adjective, such as, ;The children played for some time However, it can also be a pronoun, ;Some do not agree with you

तुम यहाँ क्या कर रही हो ?
What are you doing here?
जिसकी शादी हो रही है वह खुश नहीं है |
the one who is getting married is not happy.
कितना ज़िद्दी लड़का है |
What a stubborn boy!
उसको दर्द हो रहा है |
She is in pain

The TaV distinction is the contextual use of different pronouns that exists in some languages, and serves to convey formality or familiarity. Its name comes from the Latin pronouns tu and vos.The distinction takes a number of forms, and indicates varying levels of politeness, familiarity, courtesy, age or even insult toward the addressee.The field that studies and describes this phenomenon is 

उस दिन में तेरा चेहरा देखने आऊंगा |
That day I will come to see your face.
लेकिन मुझे पैसे नहीं चाहिए |
But I don't want the money.
अगर तुम यहाँ रहना चाहते हो तो अपने काम से मतलब रखो |
lf you want to live here then mind your own business.
अगर तुमने और बकवास मारी तो में तेरे दांत तोड़ दूंगा |
If you talk any more nonsense then, I'll break your teeth.

This is a standard English set of pronouns used for a hypothetical person whose gender is not specified. Usage: In the  Gender Census, only  .% participants were happy for people to use the pronoun one when referring to them. Forms: Nominative: When I tell someone a joke one laughs. Accusative: When I greet a friend I hug one.

कोई यहाँ से खाली हाथ गया है क्या ?
has anyone ever walked out of here empty handed?
अगर उसे जिंदा देखना चाहते हो तो पुराने मंदिर पे 50 लाख रूपए लेके आ जाओ |
If you want to see him alive, come to the old temple with Rs.50 lakhs.
क्या कभी तुम्हारे देर रात आने के लिए सवाल पूंछे ?
Have I ever questioned you for your late nights?
मैं अपने दिल की सुनने की हिम्मत कभी नहीं कर पाया |
l never had the courage to follow my heart.

Either and neither are used to denote only two things or persons. Any, none, no one is used to denote more than two things or persons. Distributive pronoun with a plural noun and singular verb. We use either of, neither of and each of with plural noun and a singular verb. Here are some sentences with these pronouns.

अपने पापा के पास जाओ |
Go to your daddy.
मैं आती हूँ |
I am coming.
अगर रीना ने कॉल किया तो उससे कहना कि मोबाइल पर कॉल करे |
If Reena calls up, then ask her to call on the mobile.
यह कोई बड़ी बात नहीं |
That's not a big thing.

Simply put, a pronoun is a word that can substitute a noun or a noun phrase. It refers to people, animals, objects, places, things or ideas mentioned anywhere else in the sentence or understood in the context, and it works by itselfathat is, it cannot be followed by a noun.

कोई नहीं हिलेगा |
Nobody will make a move!
पानी नहीं है |
There's no water.
पीछे रहो  |
Stay back!
लेकिन मैं तुम्हें बहुत अच्छी तरह जानता हूँ |
But I know you very well!

The TaV distinction is the contextual use of different pronouns that exists in some languages, and serves to convey formality or familiarity. Its name comes from the Latin pronouns tu and vos.The distinction takes a number of forms, and indicates varying levels of politeness, familiarity, courtesy, age or even insult toward the addressee.The field that studies and describes this 

तुम अपने भाई को यहाँ भी साथ ले आयी |
You've got your brother along here too!
यह शरारत तुम्हारी थी या किसी और का हाथ था इसमें ?
Is this your prank or did someone eIse have a hand?
मैंने कहा था ना कि हमें यहाँ नहीं आना चाहिए ?
hadn't I told you that we shouldn't come here?
तुम क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?
Why are you asking?

We use both, either and neither to refer to two people or things.. BOTH. Both = the two; that one AND the other one; this one AND that one. Both can be used as a pronoun to refer to two things that we have already mentioned.. A: Do you want the blue shirt or the red one? B: Iall buy both = the blue shirt AND the red shirt = both shirts; Both X and Y

सुना है कमल भी आया है |
I heard that kamal is hear too.
तू अभी तक सोया नहीं |
You haven't slept yet?
और कुछ जो तुमने अभी तक नहीं बताया ?
Anything else you haven't mentioned yet?
जो मैं देख रही हूँ उसके बारे में क्या ख्याल है 
Ηow about what l see?

मेरी भविष्यवाणी कभी गलत नहीं हो सकती |
My prediction can never be wrong.
लोगों से पैसे निकलवाने का अच्छा तरीका है |
It's a good way to extract money from people.
तुम्हें उसे कुछ सीखना चाहिए था |
You should've taught him something.
अच्छे लोगो के साथ अच्छा होता है |
good things happen to good people.

So this pronoun is always singular, and we use it with a singular noun and verb. We use this pronoun to describe all the members of the particular group. Each, every, either, neither, everyone, none, any, etc. are the most commonly used distributive pronouns. Examples of Distributive pronoun

तेरा चक्कर चल रहा है और तूने मुझे बताया तक नहीं |
You have a romance going and not a word to me.
बस कुछ दिनों की बात हो |
It's just a matter of few days.
तू उसपर इतना क्यों अटका पड़ा है |
Why so hung up on her?
तुझे पता है क्यों ?
Do you know why?


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