Day 30 - Learn Use of Such in English through Hindi

Such का प्रयोग english में करना सीखकर अपनी english improve करें

Such ko english mein use karna seekhkar effective english bolna sikhen

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Use of such in English speaking
जब कोई वस्तु उस वस्तु जैसी हो जिसकी हम बात कर रहे हैं पर same वही वस्तु न हो तब हम such  का प्रयोग करते हैं |  हिंदी वाक्यों में “ऐसी” या वैसी” words आने पर हम such  का प्रयोग करते हैं |
example :
यह ऐसी गाड़ी नहीं है जिसे मुझे खरीदना ही चाहिए |
This is not such a car as I should buy.
पर जब वास्तु same हो जिसकी हम बात कर रहे हैं तब हम same का प्रयोग करते हैं |
यह वही कार है जो मैंने कल खरीदी थी |
This is the same car as I bought yesterday.
यहाँ हम same उसी कार कि बात कर रहे हैं जो मैंने कल खरीदी थी |
नीचे दिए हुए वाक्य पढ़ कर आपको Such का प्रयोग कहा करना है इसका अंदाजा हो जायेगा |
यह वैसी किताब नहीं है जैसी तुमने उस दिन खरीदी थी |
This is not such a book as you bought the other day.
यह आम वैसे नहीं है जैसे मैंने कल खरीदे थे |
These mangoes are not such, as I bought yesterday.
कमल ने ऐसी गलती पहले कभी नहीं की|
Kamal has never made such mistakes before.
ऐसी गलती दुबारा मत करना |
Don’t make such a mistake again.
ऐसी बात दुबारा मत कहना |
Don’t say such words again.
यह ऐसा स्थान नहीं है जहाँ हमें ज्यादा देर रुकना चाहिए |
This is not such a place where we should stay for long.



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So and Such. We often use 'so' and 'such' to mean 'very' or 'really'. It makes the sentence stronger and shows that there is a high level of something. We use 'so' before an adjective or adverb without a noun. She was so beautiful = she was very beautiful. He ran so quickly = he ran very quickly.

मैंने कमल के बारे में सब पता लगा लिया है |
I found out everything about Kamal.
अभी भी कुछ नहीं बिगड़ा |
We haven't lost anything yet.
आप ठीक है ?
Are you ok?
सुनो, मुझे इनका नहीं पता लेकिन मैं इन लोगो जैसा बिल्कुल नहीं हूँ |
listen, I don't know about them... but I am not at all like them.

अपने पापा का बुरा मत मानना |
Don't mind your father.
मेरी बीवी की एक्टिंग करना बंद करो |
Stop acting like my wife.
उन्होंने उसे बली के बकरे की तरह use किया |
They used him as a scapegoat.
भगवान मैं क्या करूं?
what do i do god?

English speakers use in to refer to a general, longer period of time, such as months, years, decades, or centuries. For example, we say a in April,a a in a or a in the st century.a

पहले यहाँ फेको इसे |
Throw it here first.
तुम मुझे कभी ढूंढ नहीं पाते |
You wouId've never found me.
क्या मैं बचपन मैं बुरी दिखती थी ?
Did I look bad when I was a kid?
इस मुसीबत से निकलने का सिर्फ एक रास्ता है |
There's only one solution to get out of the mess...

I am often asked why English is such a difficult to learn for non-native speakers. In fact, how hard it is to learn depends on what your native language is; and this follows as languages are more 

ये दोनों फिर कहाँ से आ गए ?
Where did these two come from again?
वह बेहोश पड़ा है |
He is lying unconscious.
अपनी शादी के दिन मेरा तलाक़ करवाएगा क्या ?
Will you get me divorced on the day of your wedding?
इस कमल का कुछ करना पड़ेगा |
We will have to do something about this Kamal.

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पीछे हटो |
Move back
अपने कमेंट्स अपने पास रखना |
keep your  comments to yourself.
वो ड्राईवर कहा है ? वो एक बजे आने वाला था न ?
Where's that driver? Wasn't he supposed to be here at one?
तुम्हे मेरे पापा से शादी के लिए मेरा हाथ मांगना होगा 
You will have to ask my father for my hand in marriage.

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मैं इतनी जल्दी हार नहीं मानूंगा ?
I will not concede defeat so soon. 
अब क्यों डर रहे हो ?
Why are you scared now?
वह पेशाब कर रहा है |
He is peeing.
मैं तेरे लिए पानी लेके आता हूँ |
I'll get water for yöu.

Such is a determiner; so is an adverb. They often have the same meaning of averya or ato this degreea: Those are such good chocolates. Those chocolates are so good. We use such  

यह एक बार आपके साथ हो भी चूका है |
It has already happened to you once.
हम उसे बचाने के लिए अपनी जान की बाजी लगा देंगे |
We'll risk our lives to save him!
तेरे कपड़े कौन देख रहा है ?
Who's going to pay attention to your clothes?
उसे मुंह बंद रखने के लिए कहो |
tell him to shut up.

In this episode learn to use the word ;so; and ;such; in the English language in girl talk. This video is great for advanced, intermediate, and beginner learning to speak the English as a second language ESL.

मैंने तुम्हे बताया था पर तुम भूल गए |
I told you, but you forgot.
कमल कहाँ है ?
Where is Kamal?
तुम मुझे बहुत देर से कह रहे हो कुछ कहना है कुछ कहना है | तुम कहते क्यों नहीं |
You've been telling me for the long time that you want to say something. Why don't you tell me?
एक काम करते हैं |
Let's do one thing. 

मैं तुम्हें बताऊंगा कब और कहाँ पैसे पहुँचाने हैं |
I wiII teII you when and where to deIiver the money
मैं तुम्हे इनाम दूंगा |
I will reward you.
मुझपे थोडा रहम करो |
Have some mercy on me!
किस तरह का स्कूल है यह ?
What kind of a school is this?

The programme is designed to encourage students to use and learn English in British culture. . Learning English gives you Access to more of the Internet. According to a report by Education First, English is the language of the internet. An estimated  million people use the internet every day, and an estimated  percent of the worldas most visited websites are displayed in 

मैं तुम्हें पुलिस से जानकारी छुपाने के लिए गिरफ्तार कर सकता हूँ |
I can arrest you all for concealing information from the police.
अबे सो रुपये मांगे है तेरी लड़की का हाथ नहीं |
I asked for number five, not your daughter's hand in marriage.
आप ऐसे क्यों मुस्कुरा रहे हैं ?
Why are you smiling like that?
तुम छूना मत मुझे |
Don't you touch me!

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मैं तुम्हारे घर गया था तो आपके नौकर ने कहा कि तुम यहाँ हो | तो मैं यहाँ आ गया |
I had gone to your home, so your servant told me that you are here. So I came here.
तुम्हें शर्म नहीं आती ये काम करते हुए ?
Aren't you ashamed of doing these things?
निकाल इसे |
Get it off me.
कल अगर उसे कोई और ज्यादा अमीर मिल गया तो वह मुझे दुबारा छोड़ देगा |
Tomorrow if he finds someone richer, he'll leave me again.

We use such  adjective  noun: such a stupid story / such nice people . Note that we say such a.. not 'a such' B/ So and such make the meaning of an adjective or adverb stronger: a Itas a lovely day, isn't it? It's so warm. = really warm a Heas difficult to understand because he speaks so quickly. Compare so and such in these sentences:

तुम उसे रखने के लिए इतने बेताब क्यों हो ?
Why you're so keen to keep him?
किसी का मजाक उडाना बुरी बात है |
lt’s bad to make a mockery of someone.
भगवान की मर्जी तो दिख रही है |
God’s will is fairly obvious.
मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा इससे क्या फर्क पड़ेगा ?
I don't understand what difference will it make?

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मैंने तुमसे वादा किया था |
I had promised you
क्या हुआ ?
What happened?
मैंने कहा था ना ?
Didn't I say?
क्या हो जाता ?
What would have happened?

Stop thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English, and start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English. Itas a small change, but it will make you feel more confident and help you to use the English you already know more effectively. This also means you need to start thinking in English. If you want to say the word aapplea in English, for example, right now you 

अगर मैंने रस्सी पकड़ी तो रीना सोंचेगी की मैं नाटक कर रहा था |
If I hold on to the rope then Pooja will think I was just acting.
मैंने उन्हें बचाने के लिए कुछ नहीं किया |
I didn't do anything to save them.
अब मुझे यह जॉब नहीं करनी पड़ेगी |
Now I won't have to do this job.
तुमने टीचर पर हाथ क्यों उठाया ?
why did you raise your hand at the teacher?

In this episode learn to use the word ;so; and ;such; in the English language in girl talk. This video is great for advanced, intermediate, and beginner learning to speak the English as a second language ESL.

तुमने खानदान का नाम डूबा दिया |
You've disgraced the family name!
मरने के बहाने ढूंढना बंद करो |
Stop looking for excuses to die.
तुम मुझपे कितना शक करती हो |
You suspect me so much.
तुम यहाँ क्या कर रही हो ?
What are you doing here?

Of course you're an adult, and as such you can use grammar books to read about English grammar and to test your grammar, but once you think you've learnt something you have to practise it again and again, and in a more realistic situation than on a blank sheet of paper. Practise forming meaningful sentences. Make positive statements negative, turn statements 

मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा कि मैं क्या कहूँ |
l can't figure out what to say.
किसी को पता ना चले हम शहर में वापस आ गये है |
Nobody should know we are back in town.
तुमने आने में देर कर दी | वह चला गया |
You came late, Jenny. He left.
कोई बात नहीं | मुझे पता है आप तो सिर्फ अपना काम कर रहे हैं |
It's ok. I know you're only doing your duty.

Stop thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English, and start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English. Itas a small change, but it will make you feel more confident and help you to use the English you already know more effectively. This also means you need to start thinking in English. If you want to say the word aapplea in English, for example, right now you probably think of the word in your 

बिना सवाल पूंछे कुछ नहीं कर सकता क्या ?
Can't you do anything without asking questions?
यहाँ शरीफ लोग रहते हैं |
decent folks stay here.
अगर आप नहीं चाहते तो मैं नहीं जाउंगी |
I won't go if you don't want me to.
कुछ नहीं होगा |
Nothing will happen

Use: aSucha can also mean athis type of a Example: I have never seen such a film before. this type of film The pilot had never flown such an airplane before. this type of airplane So and Such: Whatas the Difference? | Image. .  votes. Article Rating. Facebook; Prev Article Next Article . Related Posts. On Time vs In Time: Useful Difference between In 

मैं पूरा दिन busy रहता हूँ |
I stay busy all day.
रस्ते से हटो | 
Get out of the way!
शायद वह फ़ोन silent पे रखके सो गई होगी |
She probably put the phone on silent and went off to sleep.
क्या तुम लाइट बंद कर सकते हो |
Can you turn off the lights?

So learning English isnat just a question of learning the rules a itas about learning the many exceptions to the rules. The numerous exceptions make it difficult to apply existing knowledge and use the same principle with a new word, so itas harder to make quick progress. The order of the words This, on the other hand, is a big, interesting book. Native English-speakers intuitively 

मुझसे बहतर और कौन जानता था |
who knew that better than me.
क्या वह तेरे साथ बेठी है |
Is she sitting with you?
एक बात बता |
tell me one thing.
आइये | किससे मिलना है आपको ?
Come! Whom do you want to meet?

Learn Use of Such in English 

बेवकूफ | खाली हाथ बैठने से कुछ नहीं होगा |
Fool! Sitting idle is futile!
हम उसे ऐसे छोड़ कर कैसे जा सकते हैं ?
How can we leave her like this and go away?
भाई कमल तेरी बाइक लेके भाग गया है |
Kamal ran away with the petrol tank.
तुम चिंता मत करो | वह वही करेगी जो तुम उसे करने के लिए कहोगे |
Now you don't worry. She will do whatever you tell her to do.

In English, we use certain expressions such as because, due to, since, and as to talk about causes and effects. In this lesson, you will learn the meanings of cause, effect, and affect. You will also learn how to express cause and effect in English. Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses

लगता है वे रास्ता भूल गये हैं |
Looks like they lost their way.
अगर वह तुमसे मिला तो उसकी तबियत और खराब हो जाएगी |
lf he meets you, his health will deteriorate.
वे दिल्ली हर कीमत पर जायेंगे |
They will go to germany at all cost.
क्या यह तुम्हे किसी लड़की ने दिया ?
Did a girl give you this?

Such main verbs end with aya but aya is preceded by a consonant i.e. b, c, d, f, g etc. In such cases, we first change aya to aia, and then put aesa.  Thank you so much. you help all people for best learn english. my grammar wat not gud. but when i learn this website. i improbe my grammar. thank you sir. Reply. Divya Tripathi. August ,  at : am.

मैं नहीं मानता |
l don't believe this!
मैं भी यहीं हूँ |
I'm here as well
कोई कहीं नहीं जायेगा, उन्हें भी सच का पता चलना चाहिए | 
No one is going anywhere. They should know the truth as well.
एक दुसरे पर इल्जाम लगाने से कुछ नहीं होगा |
Accusing each other won't help.

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मैं तुम्हे 9 बजे पिक करूँगा |
I'll pick you up at 9pm.
मैं उससे मिल चुका हूँ |
l’ve met her.
Exam बस एक महीने दूर हैं |
The exam is just three months away.
मैं अब तुम्हें अच्छी नहीं लगती |
You don't find me attractive anymore.

a. so a popular couple a Wrong a you should use 'such' with an adjective and noun. b. so popular couple a Wrong a you should use 'such' with an adjective and noun; and you also need an article. c. such popular - Wrong a you need to use a noun with 'such'. d. such a popular couple a Correct a you have used 'such' with an adjective 

मैंने नहीं मंगाई ?
I didn't call for it.
मैं कह रहा हूँ तुझे चल भाग चलते हैं यहाँ से |
I am telling you let us flee from here.
ठीक है, मेरा काम थे तुम्हे आगह करना तो मैंने कर दिया | 
All right, my job was to warn you and so I did.
मुझे किस लिए घूर रहा है ?
What are you staring at me for?

I have decided to join an IHLP class at Learn ESL so that I can improve my English. I study hard all the time so that I can get the first position in my class. . Such as/For example/For instance/E.g. I have been to many countries. I have been to the USA, India, UK, and Mexico. I have been to many countries, such as the USA, India, UK, and 

मैंने तुम्हे पूरा दिन देखा नहीं |
I didn't see you all day,
पीछे क्या देख रहे हो ?
Why are you looking behind?
वो ठीक है, जो हो गया सो हो गया | 
That's fine, let bygones be bygones.
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं |
As all of you already know...

क्या तुम पहले कभी अकेले शौपिंग करने गई हो |
Have you ever been out for shopping alone? 
मुझे तुम्हे अपनी ज़िंदगी मैं कभी नहीं लाना चाहिए था |
I should never have brought you into my life.
क्या तुम एक घंटे बाद आ सकते हो ?
Can you come after an hour?
जब तक कुछ achieve ना कर लो वापस मत आना |
don't return until you achieve something.

Traffic in the city centre is such a nightmare! Try this exercise to test your grammar. Grammar test  'so' and 'such': Grammar test . Read the explanation to learn more. Grammar explanation We can use so and such to intensify adjectives, adverbs and nouns. Adjectives and adverbs. We can use so with an adjective or adverb to make it stronger.

लगता है तुम प्लेन से पहली बार सफ़र कर रहे हो |
Looks like you'r travelling in a plane for the first time.
मुझे उन्हें अन्दर आने ही नहीं देना चाहिए था |
I shouldn't have allowed them inside in the first place.
क्या तुम मुझे भी मरोगे ?
Are you going to hit me as well?
तुम मुझसे बात कर रहे हो उससे |
Are you talking to me or to him?

English: What, such, how ou so. Learn for free Games; All our sites. Add a new lesson / test /  lesson per week: Lessons. , lessons  exercises; Extra large lessons; Guide; Grammar sheets; Irregular verbs; Placement tests; Vocabulary sheets; Weekly worksheet ; With audio/video files. Club. Bookmark the site; Resume my saved test; Chat rooms; Contribute; Forum; 

तुम फ़िक्र मत करो | सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
You don't worry. Everything will be right.
तुम्हें कहाँ जाना है ?
Where do you want to go?
मेरा पीछा करना बंद करो |
Stop following me.
मैं तुम्हें यह भी सिखाऊंगा |
l'll teach you this as well.

 Such. We use such before adjectives and nouns. If the noun is countable and singular, you need to put 'a' or 'an' after such. That's such a cute dog! dog = countable We had such nice weather

यह मत सोंचना कि मैं तुमसे दुश्मनी निकालने के लिए तुम्हारे ख़िलाफ़ कुछ कर रहा हूँ 
Don't think that I am doing anything against you to avenge you.
जब तेरे साथ ऐसा होगा तब तुझे पता चलेगा |
You'll realize when it will happen with you.
इस बारे में सोंचना |
Think about it...
मैं सोंच रहा हूँ कि हमारे देश का क्या होगा ?
I'm thinking what will happen to our country.

डॉक्टर होने के बावजूद मैं उतना ही लाचार हूँ जितना की तुम हो |
In spite of being a doctor, I am as helpless as you are.
सुनो जल्दी वापस आना |
Listen, be back soon.
तुम मुझपे हंस रही थी है ना ?
You were laughing at me, weren't you?
इसीलिए तुमको इतना मजा आ रहा है |
That's why you're enjoying so much.

'Such as' is used to convey the sense of 'like'. Learn the use of ;such as; to improve your written and verbal English communication skills.

मैं तुम्हे इस तरह नहीं देख सकता |
I don't want to see you like this.
कहाँ खोये हुए हो ?
Where are you lost?
काम दौ दिन में ख़त्म हो जाना चाहिए | समझे ?
The work should get over in two days. Got it?
तुम इस साल फिर fail हो जाओगे | 
You'll fail again this year.

In such a context, we know that the narrator thinks negatively of it. Tip: When You Use Adverbs, Do Not Misplace Them. While it is important to use adverbs sometimes, it is crucial that they are not placed wrongly in a sentence. English learners frequently unintentionally misplace their adverbs. This can completely change the meaning of their sentence. If it is unclear what the 

कमल नी रीना को उठा लिया है | वह जरूर उसे उसी पेट्रोल पंप पे ले गया होगा |
Kamal has abducted Reena. He must have taken her to that petrol pump.
तुमने पूंछा नहीं ?
You didn’t ask?
दुसरो की बात सुनना bad manners होता है |
It's bad manners to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंचकर रुक गया |
I thought of you and stopped.

Learn English gt; English lessons and exercises gt; English test : Like / As / Unlike / Such as gt; Other English exercises on the same topics: Frequent mistakes | Linking words [ Change theme ] gt; Similar tests: - Placement test beginners: Check your spelling - Past simple or present perfect - Although / in spite of / despite - Again/ back - Differences between Like and As - FOR and its use - Do or Make?

अगर में घर पर होता तो मैं उसकी हड्डियाँ तोड़ देता |
Had I been at home, I would've broken his bones.
इतनी जल्दी हम सारे इंतिजाम कैसे करेंगे ?
How can we make all arrangements so soon?
मैं कहा था ना वो नहीं मिलेगी |
I had told you that you won't get her.
कमल लखनऊ से बड़ी उम्मीद लेके आया था |
Kamal had come from Lucknow with high hopes.


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