Day 9 - How to become master in Present indefinite tense - English speaking course in Hindi

Day 9 - How to become master in Present indefinite tense - Learn Spoken English through Hindi

English बोलते वक़्त grammar को याद रखना बहुत मुश्किल होता है | जैसे अगर present indefinite tense के वाक्यों को english मैं बोलते वख्त ये याद रखना मुश्किल होता कि कब verb मैं s या es लगेगा या कब do helping verb use होगी या कब does helping verb का प्रयोग होगा | english बोलते वक़्त अगर आप ये ही सोंचते रहेंगे तो आप fluently english नहीं बोल पाएंगे | इस समस्या को दूर करने के लिए आपको इस टेंस के स्ट्रक्चर कि खूब प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी | इसके लिए आपको हर subject के कर्ता के साथ इस टेंस के सभी स्ट्रक्चर कि प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी | इस टेंस के स्ट्रक्चर कि प्रैक्टिस करने का तरीका मैं नीचे दे रहा हु |

Present Indefinite  tense  की practice He subject के साथ |
वह खेलता है
He plays.
वह नहीं खेलता है
He does not play.
क्या वह खेलता है
Does he Play?
क्या वह नहीं खेलता है
Does he not play?
वह क्यों खेलता है
Why does he play?
वह क्यों नहीं खेलता है
Why does he not play?

Present Indefinite  tense  की practice She subject के साथ |
वह खेलती है
She plays.
वह नहीं खेलती है
She does not play.
क्या वह खेलती है
Does she Play?
क्या वह नहीं खेलती है
Does she not play?
वह क्यों खेलती है
Why does she play?
वह क्यों नहीं खेलती है
Why does she not play?

Present Indefinite  tense  की practice You subject के साथ |
तुम खेलते हो |
You play.
तुम नहीं खेलते हो
You do not play.
क्या तुम खेलते हो
Do you Play?
क्या तुम नहीं खेलते हो
Do you not play?
तुम क्यों खेलते हो
Why do you play?
तुम क्यों नहीं खेलते हो
Why do you not play?

Present indefinite  tense  की practice they subject के साथ |
वे खेलते हें |
They play.
वे नहीं खेलते हें
They do not play.
क्या वे खेलते हें
Do they play?
क्या वे नहीं खेलते हें
Do they not play?
वे क्यों खेलते हें
Why do they play?
वे क्यों नहीं खेलते हें
Why do they not play?

Present indefinite  tense  की practice I subject के साथ |
मैं खेलता है
I play.
मैं नहीं खेलता है
I do not play.
क्या मैं खेलता है
Do I Play?
क्या मैं नहीं खेलता है
Do I not play?
मैं क्यों खेलता है
Why do I play?
मैं क्यों नहीं खेलता है
Why do I not play?

अब अगर आप present  indefinite tense मैं धाराप्रवाह english बोलना चाहते हैं तो आप को ऊपर दिए सभी structure को इतना प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी कि बिना देखे आप सभी स्ट्रक्चर के sentence सभी subject के साथ एक साँस मैं (मतलब एक बार ) मैं ही बोल सके | इसके लिए आप नीचे दिए sentences की एक साँस मैं बोलेन कि प्रैक्टिस करे | ऐसा करने से आपको english बोलते वक़्त ये नहीं सोंचना पड़ेगा कि कोनसी helping verb use होगी not कहा लगेगा आदि | और आप बिना दिमाग पे जोर डाले आसानी से present indefinite tense के वाक्यों को english मैं बोल पाएंगे |

Present Indefinite  tense  की practice He subject के साथ |
He plays.
He does not play.
Does he Play?
Does he not play?
Why does he play?
Why does he not play?

Present Indefinite  tense  की practice She subject के साथ |
She plays.
She does not play.
Does she Play?
Does she not play?
Why does she play?
Why does she not play?

Present Indefinite  tense  की practice You subject के साथ |
You play.
You do not play.
Do you Play?
Do you not play?
Why do you play?
Why do you not play?

Present indefinite  tense  की practice they subject के साथ |
They play.
They do not play.
Do they play?
Do they not play?
Why do they play?
Why do they not play?

Present indefinite  tense  की practice I subject के साथ |
I play.
I do not play.
Do I Play?
Do I not play?
Why do I play?
Why do I not play?

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |


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Present Tense is divided into  types- Simple Present Tense or Present Indefinite Tense Present Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense

कमल तेरे लिए कुछ कॉल आये थे |
Kamal, there were few calls for you.
देखो | कैसे सो रहा है | जैसे यह बिस्तर इसे इसके बाप ने दिया है |
Look! How is he sleeping! As if his father has given him this bed!
तुमने फिर शुरु कर दिया |
you've started again.
मैं तो भूल ही गया था |
I had forgotten about it.

Present Indefinite Tense Examples You always shop in that market. We watch movies in this Cineplex. We come for shopping in this market. They love to play football. They always play cricket in that field. The poet writes romantic poems. The lyricist writes realistic songs. She prefers coffee to tea. 

वह सुन्दर ही नहीं काबिल और समझदार भी है |
He is not only handsome, but able and sensible too.
मैं तुम्हें कॉल कर रहा था |
I was calling you.
वह हर चीज का issue बना देती है |
She makes issue of everything.
मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब आयेंगे ?
I don't know when he's coming back.

Example of Present Indefinite Tense a Sentences She goes to school. I do not know you. Does she go to tuition ? Why Does Fish drink water ? I go to market. I live in Lucknow. she goes to tuition. Fish lives in the Water. Fishes Live In the Water. The Sun rises in the east . I know. He knows. I love 

मुझे लगा कमल ने तुझे मौका देकर गलती की |
I felt Kamal was making a big mistake giving you the chance.
तुम जो चाहते हो कर सकते हो |
you can do whatever you want.
सॉरी सर हमसे गलती हो गई |
Sorry, sir. We made a mistake.
यह ड्रेस तुम पर प्यारी लग रही है |
This dress looks lovely on you.

Present Indefinite Tense. Present indefinite is used to describe action that is either happening right now or that happens regularly or routinely. The first form of verb is used with either an as or an aes depending on the situation. Example: Sara writes excellent articles. The above example uses present indefinite tense to depict an action that is ongoing and makes use of an s with 

क्या तुम्हें यहाँ कोई परेशानी है ?
Do you have any problem here?
आप मेरे घर में कैसे घुस गए |
How did you just barge in to my house?
मैंने एक मोबाइल की shop खोली है |
I have opened a mobile shop!
वह मुझे खिलाने के लिए भूखी रही |
She remained hungry to feed me.

We have three  rules for verb in Present Indefinite Tense Verb Ends With Y then we add ;ies; Verb Ends With -O, -S, -X, -CH, -SH Add ;es; Verb Ends With Not From Any Of The Above Then We Add S

तू पूरी रात कहाँ था ?
Where were you all night?
तुम पढो मेरे बारे में क्या लिखा है |
You read what is written about me.
लगता है अब हमारी सारी परेशानियाँ दूर हो जायेंगी |
It seems that now aII our probIems wiII be over.
मैं तुम्हें सुन नहीं पा रही हूँ |
I am not able to hear you.

मैंने तुम्हे बहुत miss किया |
I missed you so much.
अगर हम दोनों मर जायेंगे तो नुक्सान किसका होगा ? हमारा है ना ?
if we both die who will be at loss? We, isn't it?
पहले यह चाँदी का हुआ करता था |
Earlier it used to be silver.
जलन हो रही है क्या ?
Are you feeling jealous?

Example of Present Indefinite Tense a Sentences She goes to school. I do not know you. Does she go to tuition ? Why Does Fish drink water ? I go to market. I live in Lucknow. she goes to tuition. Fish lives in the Water. Fishes Live In the Water. The Sun rises in the east . I know. He knows. I love 

अब मुझे यह जॉब नहीं करनी पड़ेगी |
Now I won't have to do this job.
हम वापस आ गए |
We came back! 
मैं तुम्हारा क्या करूँ ?
what do I do with you?
यह सब क्या हो रहा है ?
What is all this happening?

//nbsp;;;We need to use Present Indefinite Tense when it indicates a present action or habitual fact or eternal truth. If a sentence starts with the third-person singular number then asa or aesa added to the end of the main verb. Let us see some examples of Present Indefinite Tense: Hasaan starts a new game.

मैं किराया लेने के लिए आया हूँ |
I have come to take the rent.
रीना कहीं नही मिल रही थी और तुम भी गायब थे |
Sunaina was nowhere to be found. And you were missing too.
इस बार क्या हुआ ?
What happened this time?
प्लीज मेरी तरफ से उन्हें सॉरी कह देना |
Please tell him sorry on my behalf.

//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense  simple present  | present indefinite tense  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  

Lucknow पहुँच कर कॉल करना |
Call me when you get to Lucknow.
मैं किसी की नहीं सुनूंगा |
l will not listen to anybody.
मेरी मेरे पति से लड़ाई हो गई थी इसीलिए मैं यहाँ आयी थी |
I had a fight with my husband. That's why I came here.
दवाईयां expire हो गई थी |
The medicine had expired.

वह हमेशा तुम जैसे बलि के बकरे ढूंढती रहती है |
She's always looking for scapegoats like you.
मुझे पुलिस स्टेशन ले जाने की हिम्मत मत करना |
don't you dare take me to the police station.
उन तीन लोफरों को यहाँ मत आने देना |
don't let those three loafers enter here.
ऐसा क्या ख़ास है उसमें ?
What's so special about him?

//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense  simple present  | present indefinite tense  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  

घर में सब तुम्हारे बारे में पूँछ रहे थे |
Everyone at home was asking about you.
इसलिए वह तुम्हें बराबर का मौका देना चाहती है |
That's why she wants to give you an equal chance
तू बस बोलता है करता कुछ नहीं |
you only say, but don't do anything.
तुम कुछ ज्यादा बोल रहे हो |
You are talking too much.

Present indefinite tense

क्या हुआ ? क्यों चिल्ला रहे हो ?
What's wrong? Why are you screaming?
क्या हो जाता इसे ?
What would happen to him?
जब मैं उससे पहली बार मिली थी तो मैंने सोंचा कि आज मेरी ज़िंदगी का आखिरी दिन है |
When I met him for the first time I thought this is the last day of my life.
एक मिनट रुकना, क्या नाम है तुम्हारा ?
HoId a minute what's your name?

We have three  rules for verb in Present Indefinite Tense Verb Ends With Y then we add ;ies; Verb Ends With -O, -S, -X, -CH, -SH Add ;es; Verb Ends With Not From Any Of The Above Then We Add S

पूरा दिन किसी ने कुछ नहीं खाया |
No one has eaten the entire day. 
हमारे पास खाने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं |
We don't have money to eat.
कम से कम अब तो आपको इसे माफ़ कर देना चाहिए |
You must forgive him at least now.
उसके बाद की कहानी कोई नहीं बताता |
No one tells the story after this.

The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly or unceasingly, which is why itas sometimes called present indefinite. Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding as or aes to the end.

parliament में स्मोकिंग करना कैसा लगेगा |
How would it feel to smoke up in the parliament?
वह जेल जा चूका है |
He's been to jail!
वह अपनी दोनों बीवियों से झूठ बोल रहा है और तुम्हे मजा आ रहा है |
He's lying to both his wives and you're enjoying it!
वह हमें जरूर कहीं न कहीं मिलेगा |
We will surely find him somewhere.

//nbsp;;;We need to use Present Indefinite Tense when it indicates a present action or habitual fact or eternal truth. If a sentence starts with the third-person singular number then asa or aesa added to the end of the main verb. Let us see some examples of Present Indefinite Tense: Hasaan starts a new game.

स्पीकर पर लगाओ |
Put it on speaker.
क्या तुम मुझे बदनाम करने आये हो यहाँ ?
Did you come here to slander me?
जहाँ हो वहीं खड़े रहो 
Stay where you are.
मैं अभी आया |
I'll be right back.

Examples of Present Indefinite Tense: I write articles on different topics. He reads various kinds of books. They love to play football. She prefers coffee to tea. He goes to the library every day. We come for shopping in this market. We watch movies in this Cineplex. You always shop in that market. 

मैं आज नहीं छोडूंगा तुझे |
I won't spare you today!
वह बहुत ज़िद्दी है | वह कभी नहीं सुनेगा |
He is very stubborn. He will never listen.
भगवान का शुक्र है कि तुम ठीक हो |
thank god you're fine.
क्या आपने वो कहावत नहीं सुनी ?
Obviously! Haven't you heard that saying?

Present Indefinite Tense Examples You always shop in that market. We watch movies in this Cineplex. We come for shopping in this market. They love to play football. They always play cricket in that field. The poet writes romantic poems. The lyricist writes realistic songs. She prefers coffee to tea. 

उसे बुरा लगेगा | मैं नहीं आ सकता |
He will feel bad. I cannot come.
तू अब यहाँ बेठ, में जा रहा हूँ |
You sit here now. I'm going.
मैं तेरे लिए अपनी जान दे सकता हूँ |
I can give my life for you.
मुझे इतनी ख़ुशी हुई की मैं बता नहीं सकता |
l can’t express the joy l felt.

The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly or unceasingly, which is why itas sometimes called present indefinite. Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding as or aes to the end.

हम उतना नहीं कमा रहे है जितना तुम सोंच रहे हो |
We aren't earning as much as you think.
आपसे से business करके अच्छा लगा |
It was nice doing business with you.
आप ऐसे क्यों मुस्कुरा रहे हैं ?
Why are you smiling like that?
हम कितने खुशनसीब हैं कि आप शादी में आये |
We're so fortunate that you attended the marriage.

a Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense a I am a good student. a She goes to school. a He is the best student in the class.

उसने अपनी जान दे दी ताकि तुम जी सको 
he gave his life. So that you can live.
मेरा इतना तो हक़ बनता है, है ना ?
I have that much right, don't I?
नमक कम है, है ना ?
Salt is less, isn't it?
तुझे प्यार व्यार हो गया है क्या ?
Have you fallen in love or something?

Examples of Present Indefinite Tense: I write articles on different topics. He reads various kinds of books. They love to play football. She prefers coffee to tea. He goes to the library every day. We come for shopping in this market. We watch movies in this Cineplex. You always shop in that market. 

मैं उसे कितना प्यार करता था |
I loved her so much.
अन्दर भेजो उसे
Send him in.
मुझे पता है | लेकिन अगर रीना को सच का पता चल गया तो ?
I know. But what will happen if Reena finds out the truth?
तुमने जो हमारी रीना के लिए किया है वो हम कभी नहीं भूल सकते |
We can't ever forget what you have done for our Reena.

We have three  rules for verb in Present Indefinite Tense Verb Ends With Y then we add ;ies; Verb Ends With -O, -S, -X, -CH, -SH Add ;es; Verb Ends With Not From Any Of The Above Then We Add S

तुम इस तरह क्यों हांफ रहे हो ?
Why are you panting like this?
अच्छा है | लड़का मर्द बन रहा है |
It is good. Boy is becoming a man.
क्या एक तुझे भी चाहिए ?
Do you want one too?
उठो क्या तुम्हे काम पर भी नहीं जाना ?
Wake up! Don't you have to go to work as well?

Present Indefinite Tense. Present indefinite is used to describe action that is either happening right now or that happens regularly or routinely. The first form of verb is used with either an as or an aes depending on the situation. Example: Sara writes excellent articles. The above example uses present indefinite tense to depict an action that is ongoing and makes use of an s with the first form of verb indicating 

मैं इतनी जल्दी हार नहीं मानूंगा ?
I will not concede defeat so soon. 
अगर तुम्हे खेलते हुए चोट लग गई तो ?
What if you get hurt playing?
मुझे एक मौका दे दो | बस एक मौका |
Give me one more chance. Just one more chance.
आखिरी बार मेरी मदद कर दो |
help me one last time.

Examples of Present Indefinite Tense: I write articles on different topics. He reads various kinds of books. They love to play football. She prefers coffee to tea. He goes to the library every day. We come for shopping in this market. We watch movies in this Cineplex. You always shop in that market. 

मुझे शांति से पेशाब करने दो ?
Let me pee in peace!
मैं तुमसे सुबह बात करूँगा |
l'll talk to you in the morning.
कल तक 3 का था अब 6 का हो गया |
It was only 3 until yesterday, now it's 6? 
मैंने उससे दो घंटे बात की |
We talked to him for two hours.

Example of Present Indefinite Tense a Sentences She goes to school. I do not know you. Does she go to tuition ? Why Does Fish drink water ? I go to market. I live in Lucknow. she goes to tuition. Fish lives in the Water. Fishes Live In the Water. The Sun rises in the east . I know. He knows. I love 

तुम जैसी हो सुन्दर लग रही हो |
You look beautiful just the way you are.
लेकिन मैं किसी तरह वहाँ से भाग गई |
But i somehow ran away from there.
तेरा मुझे गाली देने का मन कर रहा है |
You feel like abusing me.
काम तो एक बहाना है |
work is just an excuse.

The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly or unceasingly, which is why itas sometimes called present indefinite. Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding as or aes to the end.

मेरी चाय को कुछ मत बोलना |
don't say anything to my tea.
क्या यह मुझे कल तक मिल जायेगा ?
Will I get it by tomorrow?
मेरे साथ चलो |
Come with me.
इतना emotional होने की जरुरत नहीं है |
No need to get so emotional!

//nbsp;;;Present Tense is divided into  types- Simple Present Tense or Present Indefinite Tense Present Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense

अगर तुम्हारे भाई को यह पता चल गया तो |
What if your brother learns of this,
मुझे नहो लगता तुम्हे फर्क पड़ता है ...
I don't think it matters to you
जवाब दो | तुम्हें यहाँ किसने बुलाया ?
Answer, who called you here?
तुम गलत पते पर आ गए हो |
you've come to the wrong address.

a Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense a I am a good student. a She goes to school. a He is the best student in the class.

तुम फ़िक्र मत करो | सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
You don't worry. Everything will be right.
हम जैसे मासूम लोगो के साथ इतना बड़ा धोका |
Such a big deceit to innocent people like us.
वह इस वक्त latrine में है |
Ηe's in the latrine right now.
आपकी इज्जत का बहुत ख्याल है उसे |
She cares a great deal about your honour.

a Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense a I am a good student. a She goes to school. a He is the best student in the class.

विश्वास नहीं होता तुम लोग इस तरह रहते हो |
I can't believe you guys live like this.
Hi, मेरा रिजर्वेशन है |
Hi, I have reservation.
जब तक तुम मुझे check नहीं करने दोगे मैं यहाँ से नहीं जाऊंगा |
Until you let me check the locker I won't move from here.
तुम उससे बहस में नहीं जीत सकते |
you can't win him in an argument.

//nbsp;;;Present Tense is divided into  types- Simple Present Tense or Present Indefinite Tense Present Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense

मुझे गलत मत समझना |
Don't get me wrong. 
किसकी सुनूँ मैं ?
To whom should I listen?
जो कुछ भी हुआ मैं उसके लिए माफ़ी चाहता हूँ |
I am sorry for whatever happened.
क्या तुम सच में जाना चाहती हो ?
Do you really want to go?

//nbsp;;;We need to use Present Indefinite Tense when it indicates a present action or habitual fact or eternal truth. If a sentence starts with the third-person singular number then asa or aesa added to the end of the main verb. Let us see some examples of Present Indefinite Tense: Hasaan starts a new game.

तुमने पैसे कहाँ छुपाये हैं ?
Where have you hidden the money ?
मुझे मुसलमान से कभी शादी नहीं करनी चाहिए थी |
I should never have married a Muslim man!
क्यों ? तुम्हे रोज काम नहीं होता किया ?
Why? Don't you have work everyday?
अध्यापकों के पास time कहाँ है ?
Where do teachers have the time?

Present Indefinite Tense Examples You always shop in that market. We watch movies in this Cineplex. We come for shopping in this market. They love to play football. They always play cricket in that field. The poet writes romantic poems. The lyricist writes realistic songs. She prefers coffee to tea. 

तुमने हमें ठगा है |
you've conned us
यह मेरी ज़िंदगी का सवाल है |
This is the question of my life.
मुझे तुमसे बात करनी है |
I have to talk to you.
जो मेरा है वह तुम्हारा है |
What's mine is yours.

Sir मैं शादी के लिए आपकी लड़की का हाथ मांगने आया हूँ |
Sir, I'm here to ask for your daughter's hand for marriage.
मैं देखता हूँ क्या कर रहा है वो |
l'll see what he's up to!
मैं आपनी खोने वाला हूँ और तुम्हे पैसों की पड़ी है |
I am about to lose my wife and you are thinking about money.
तुमको मुझे बताना चाहिए था |
You should've told me.

Present Indefinite Tense. Present indefinite is used to describe action that is either happening right now or that happens regularly or routinely. The first form of verb is used with either an as or an aes depending on the situation. Example: Sara writes excellent articles. The above example uses present indefinite tense to depict an action that is ongoing and makes use of an s with the first form of verb indicating 

हम उसे जितना भुलाने की कोशिस करते है, वो हमें उतना ही याद आता है |
The more we try to forget him, the more we miss him.
तुम्हारा माल safe है |
Your stuff is safe.
भाई मुझे लगता है उन्हें पता है कि हम उसका पीछा कर रहे हैं |
Brother, I think they know that we are following them!
इसे हमारे हवाले छोड़ दो, हम इसे सबक सिखायेंगे |
Let us at him, we’ll teach him!

Present indefinite tense  simple present  | present indefinite tense  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  

अगर तुमने मेरी मदद नहीं की तो रीना के पापा उसकी शादी करवा देंगे |
If you didn't help me, then Reena's father will get her married.
तुम क्या देख रहे हो ?
What are you all looking at?
तुमने सारा प्लान चोपट कर दिया |
You ruined the entire plan.
यह कौन सी नई बीमारी है ?
What new ailment is this?


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