Day 78 Gerund structure 12 मुझे शर्म आ रही है

Gerund structure 12 English speaking course in Hindi

मुझे उसके साथ जाने में शर्म आ रही है |
I am fighting shy of going with him.

जब हमें किसी काम को करने में शर्म आती है तो हम इस बात को बताने के लिए इस structure का प्रयोग करते हैं | इस structure का हम अपनी डेली life में बहुत use करते हैं इस लिए इस structure की खूब प्रैक्टिस करें |
मैंने इस structure के कुछ example दिए है और उन्हें english में translate करने का तरीका भी दिया है |
आप भी इस structure के ऊपर कुछ sentences बना के उनको english में translate करने की भी प्रैक्टिस करें |

Subject + helping verb + fight shy of + gerund + object

Daily use के sentences को English में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |


DAY 79 - GERUND STRUCTURE 13 बहाने बनाकर मिलने आया हूँ

अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से  बदल जाएगा |

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Gerund as Object of Preposition Because a gerund is a noun, it can be the object of a preposition in a prepositional phrase.


इतना बड़ा धोका !

such a big betrayal!

में तुमसे शादी नहीं कर सकता |

I can't marry you.

बैग पकड़ो अपना |

Hold on to your bag

एक कदम पीछे हटो |

Take one step behind.


Gerund as Object of Preposition Because a gerund is a noun, it can be the object of a preposition in a prepositional phrase.


तुमने अभी भी स्कूल की यूनिफार्म पहनी है |

You have still worn the school unifrom!

तुम अपने भाई को यहाँ भी साथ ले आयी |

You've got your brother along here too!

मैं तुम पर बहुत ज्यादा विश्वास करती थी लेकिंग आज तुमने वो विश्वास खो दिया है |

I used to trust you so much. But today, you've lost that trust.

मैंने तुझे उसी दिन कहा था |

I'd told you that day itself.


Knowing the difference between gerund and infinitive can save you from making costly grammar mistakes when writing. In a nutshell, a word formed from a verb acting as a noun and ending in ing is a gerund. Infinitive phrases a normally referred to as infinitives a are formed with the word to in front of a verb. Both gerunds and infinitives can be subjects in sentences, and both gerunds and infinitives


मेरा दम घुट रहा है |

I'm getting suffocated.

क्या बडबडा रहे हो तुम ?

What are you blabbering?

यही है | इसने हमारा माल चुराया था |

It's him. He stole our goods.

तुम इसका क्या करने वाले हो ?

What are you going to do with this?


A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ;-ing The gerund form of the verb ;read; is ;reading You can use a gerund as the subject, the complement, or the object of a sentence.


पंखा चला लो और आराम कर लो |

Switch on the fan and take rest.

तुम उसे रखने के लिए इतने बेताब क्यों हो ?

Why you're so keen to keep him?

क्या हुआ ? क्या कहा उसने ?

What happened? What did he say?

मैंने ऐसा कुछ नहीं कहा |

I didn't say anything like that.




मुझे जाने दो | रीना मेरा इंतिजार कर रही है |

Let me go. Reena is waiting for me.

तूने अपनी मेहनत की कमाई उस पर खर्च कर दी |

You spent your hard earned money on her.

हमारे पास तुम्हे देने के लिए कुछ नहीं है |

We have nothing to give you.

आज कमल नहीं दिख रहा ?

I can't see Kamal today.


A gerund always acts as a noun. Therefore a gerund can be a subject, object, complement,* or object of a preposition. * Complement is a word, clause, or a phrase that is required to complete the meaning of a sentence. Complements will be explained in detail in a separate post


वहाँ जाने तक का पेट्रोल नहीं है बाइक में |

We don't have enough petrol in the  bike to go there.

कितना बचा है ?

How much is Ieft?

मेरी गोलियां कहाँ है ?

Where are my pills?

अपना idea अपने पास रखो |

Keep your ideas to yourself.


Knowing the difference between gerund and infinitive can save you from making costly grammar mistakes when writing. In a nutshell, a word formed from a verb acting as a noun and ending in ing is a gerund. Infinitive phrases a normally referred to as infinitives a are formed with the word to in front of a verb. Both gerunds and infinitives can be subjects in sentences, and both


तेरा फ़ोन क्यों बंद है ?

Why is your cell phone off?

मैं उसे 6 महीने से जानता हूँ |

I've known her for six months.

तुम समझते कौन हो अपने आप को ?

Who do you think you are?

मैं ठीक हूँ | आप कैसे हैं ?

I'm fine, how about you?


Knowing the difference between gerund and infinitive can save you from making costly grammar mistakes when writing. In a nutshell, a word formed from a verb acting as a noun and ending in ing is a gerund. Infinitive phrases a normally referred to as infinitives a are formed with the word to in front of a verb. Both gerunds and infinitives can be subjects in sentences, and both gerunds and infinitives


मुझे यह ठीक नही लग रहा |

This doesn't feel right.

यह देखो | हो गया |

See this. It is done.

मैं उसे डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता था |

l wanted him to be a doctor.

मेरे घर में क्या चल रहा है ?

what is going on in my house?


Gerund as Object of Preposition Because a gerund is a noun, it can be the object of a preposition in a prepositional phrase.


कमल इन्हें बाहर निकालो |

Kamal get them out.

देखो, मैं पुलिस को कॉल नहीं करूँगा | लेकिन मेरी बेटी को कुछ मत करना |

See, I wiII not caII the poIice.. But don't do anything to my daughter.

तुम गुस्सा क्यों हो रहे हो ?

Why are you getting angry?

कोई तो रास्ता होगा |

There has to be a solution.


The gerund looks exactly the same as a present participle, but it is useful to understand the difference between the two. The gerund always has the same function as a noun although it looks like a verb. Some uses of the gerund are covered on this page. A separate page deals with verbs that are followed by the gerund.


तेरे बाप ने भी कभी गिटार बजाय है |

Did your father eνer play a guitar?

इसे रूम का किराया समझ कर रख लो |

keep it considering it as the rent for the room.

इतनी देर हो गई | वे बाहर क्यों नहीं आये ?

lt's been so long! Why haven't they come out?

वह बचपन से ही teacher बनना चाहती थी |

She's wanted to become teacher since childhood.


Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as nouns. Theyare very easy to spot, since every gerund is a verb with ing tacked to its tail. There are no exceptions to this rule. Like all things grammar, gerunds do take a tiny bit of detective work to spot.


पहला झूठ यह कि मैं झूठ नहीं बोलता |

The first lie is that I don't lie...

मुझे दरवाजा खोलने दो |

let me open the door!

कुछ मत पूंछो |

Don't ask anything.

कोई तुमसे बात करना चाहता है |

Someone wants to talk to you.


A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ;-ing The gerund form of the verb ;read; is ;reading You can use a gerund as the subject, the complement, or the object of a sentence.


हम वहाँ शादी के बारे में बात करेंगे |

We will talk about marriage there.

तू यहाँ सुकून की तलाश में आया था |

you came here in quest of peace.

अगर कमल को पता चल गया तो वह क्या कहेगा ?

lf Kamal finds out, what will he say?

मेरी वजह से क्यों ? तुझे भी तो पैसे चाहिए थे |

Why because of me? You needed money too.


Knowing the difference between gerund and infinitive can save you from making costly grammar mistakes when writing. In a nutshell, a word formed from a verb acting as a noun and ending in ing is a gerund. Infinitive phrases a normally referred to as infinitives a are formed with the word to in front of a verb. Both gerunds and infinitives can be subjects in sentences, and both gerunds and infinitives


मैं दौ दिन बाद पैसे लेने आऊंगा |

I'll come to take the money after 2 days.

मैं रास्ता भटक गया हूँ |

I lost my way.

डिंपल के पैर में मोंच आ गई है |

Dimple has sprained her leg

मैं ऐसी ज़िंदगी नहीं जीना चाहता |

I don't want to live such a life.


//nbsp;;;A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. Adjective: gerundial or gerundival. The term gerund is used in traditional grammar, but many contemporary linguists prefer instead to use the -ing form instead. A gerund accompanied by its objects, complements, and/or modifiers is called a gerund phrase or simply a noun phrase.


तुम उससे जानते हो ?

you know him?

तुम हमारे भोलेपन का फायदा उठा रहे हो है ना ?

You're taking advantage of our innocence. Aren't you?

रुकों मुझे चेक करने दो |

Wait, let me check.

यह मत सोंचना कि मैं तुमसे दुश्मनी निकालने के लिए तुम्हारे ख़िलाफ़ कुछ कर रहा हूँ

Don't think that I am doing anything against you to avenge you.


A gerund is a verb in its ing present participle form that functions as a noun that names an activity rather than a person or thing. Any action verb can be made into a gerund. Spelling Tip. Verbing Present Participle Add ing to most verbs. Ex. play gt; playing, cry gt; crying, bark gt; barking; For verbs that end in e, remove the e and add ing.


बेवकूफ समझा है क्या मुझे ?

Do You think I'm an idiot?

हमें और पैसे की जरुरत है |

we need more money...

यह लाया मुझे यहाँ |

He brought me here!

मैं जल्दी में हूँ |

I'm in a hurry.


//nbsp;;;A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. Adjective: gerundial or gerundival. The term gerund is used in traditional grammar, but many contemporary linguists prefer instead to use the -ing form instead. A gerund accompanied by its objects, complements, and/or modifiers is called a gerund phrase or simply a noun phrase.


उसकी कोई जरुरत नहीं है |

There is no need of that.

हम अंदर कैसे जायेंगे ?

How will we get in?

हम आपको पिछले तीन घंटो से ढूंड रहे है |

We've been looking for you for the past three hours.

अगर तुम आत्महत्या करते हुए पकडे गए तो तुम्हें फांसी पर लटका दिया जायेगा |

lf you are caught committing suicide, you will be hanged on the noose.

1 comment:

  1. i am not on family terms with him

    is sentence me gerund kya h smj nhi aya sir ye sentence.


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