Day 89 Gerund structure 23 मुझे देर से आने में नफरत है

Gerund structure 23 English speaking course in Hindi

मुझे देर से आने से नफरत है |
I hate being late.

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

जब हमें किसी चीज से नफरत होती है तो उसे बताने के लिए हम इस structure का प्रयोग करते हैं | english बोलने के लिए आपको हर तरह के sentences को बोलने की प्रैक्टिस होनी चाहिए |
इस structure के daily use के कुछ sentence मैने नीचे दिए हैं | आप english में बोलने की प्रैक्टिस करें और इसी तरह के और भी sentences बना के उन्हें भी english में बोलने की प्रैक्टिस करें |

Gerund structure 23 English speaking course in Hindi


DAY 90 GERUND STRUCTURE 24 मुझे कोई आपत्ति नहीं है

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Example :- Teaching is his profession. Drinking is your addiction. Q. Gerund  Object  Example :- She needs guiding. we heard the bell ringing. Q. Prohibition  gerund  

वह अब ठीक है |
He's fine now.
क्या तुम अभी ला सकते हो ?
Can you get it right now?
तुमने इसे क्या खा कर पैदा क्या था ?
What did you eat when he was in your womb?
उसने उसके साथ बत्तमीजी की |
He misbehaved with her.

In this English grammar lesson you will learn how to use gerund.A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ;-ing; . As the gerund form of the verb ;read; 

तू क्यों नहीं try करता फिर ?
Why don’t you try then?
तो उसका पहला हक है |
So he had the first right |
ऐसा है क्या ?
Is that so? 
सीखो उनसे कुछ |
Learn something from them!

//nbsp;;; Walking  Speaking, Gerund Uses of Gerund in Hindi a  . GerundSubject, Object  Complement  a Singing is an art. Singing = Subject

तुम मुझे समझते क्या हो ?
What do you think of me?
वो लड़की चिल्ला रही थी |
That girl was crying.
मुझसे मिलो कहीं, it’s urgent.  
Meet me somewhere, it is urgent.
वे लोग तुम्हें घर पर क्या बुलाते हैं |
What do they call you at home?

Gerund Example: Besides singing, Sarah likes dancing. Here, aSaraha is the subject of the sentence, alikesa is the verb and adancinga is the noun direct object. However, abesides singinga has been added to the sentence as a prepositional phrase opener. aSinginga is a noun and the object of the preposition abesides.a Gerunds vs. Present Participles. A gerund is not the same thing as a present participle 

अगर आप नहीं समझेंगे तो कौन समझेगा ?
If you don't understand, who will?
मैं हमेशा आपका आभारी रहूँगा |
l will always be indebted to you.
यह कमल की कार है | लेकिन यह यहाँ क्यों है ?
it's Kamal's car. But why is it here? 
तुम्हे कुछ कहने का कोई फायदा नहीं |
It's no use telling you anything.

gerund in Hindi translation and definition ;gerund;, English-Hindi Dictionary online. gerund . IPA: /drnd/; Type: noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; en.wiktionary.{ noun feminine } verb form functioning as a verbal noun grammar A verbal form that functions as a verbal noun. In English, a gerund has the same spelling as a present participle, but functions differently. 

तुम्हें दिखता नहीं वहाँ गीला है ?
can’t you see its wet there?
मैं बहुत सुन ली तेरी बकवास |
I've heard enough of your crap.
ठीक है | यहाँ कर लो |
Fine! Do it here!
Exam बस एक महीने दूर हैं |
The exam is just three months away.

Examples- A rolling stones gathers no mass. Endangered species are kept safely. She having gone home she took a cup of tea. GERUND. Verb -gt; Gerund lt;- Noun.  Verbending ing Verb th form gerundV  Gerund| VAuxiliary Verb; Main VerbV; PrepositionV; Possessive AdjectiveV; 

वह यही रहेगा जब तक अपना काम ख़त्म नहीं कर लेता |
He'll stay here until he doesn't complete his work.
ये लोफ़र अंदर नहीं आने चाहिए |
These loafers shouldn't come inside.
तुम कुछ दिन लखनऊ घूम लो फिर हम दोनों साथ में चलेगें |
Look around Lucknow for a couple of days, then we'll leaνe together.
मुझे जाने दो | रीना मेरा इंतिजार कर रही है |
Let me go. Reena is waiting for me.

यह मेरी दूरबीन है |
This is my binocular!
तुम्हे कैसे पता कि वह ऑफिस चला गया है |
how do you know that he's gone to office?
यह भीष्म पितामह का अवतार है |
He is the reincarnation of Bheeshma Pitamah
ध्यान रखना मेरे पापा को पता ना चले |
make sure my father doesn’t find out.

//nbsp;;; Walking  Speaking, Gerund Uses of Gerund in Hindi a  . GerundSubject, Object  Complement  a Singing is an art. Singing = Subject

मेरी pant गीली हो गई |
My pant got wet!
अगर तुम जो कह रहे हो वो झूठ निकला तो ...
If what you say turns out to be false, then..
यह कहने का क्या फायदा ?
What's the use of saying that?
किसी ने हमसे पहले माल लूट लिया |
Someone stole the goods before us.

Examples of Gerunds. As you read these examples of gerunds, notice the verbs they contain, and notice that every single one of them ends in ing. By the end of this quick lesson, youall have no problem recognizing gerunds when you see them. Swimming in the ocean has been Sharonas passion since she was five years old. Letas go dancing at the club tonight. I delayed telling 

नोजवानो को शर्म आनी चाहिए |
Youngsters ought to be ashamed!
अगर मैंने तब कुछ हिम्मत जुटाई होती तो आज मेरी बहन ज़िंदा होती |
If I had mustered some courage then my sister wouldn't have died.
लगता है अब हमारी सारी परेशानियाँ दूर हो जायेंगी |
It seems that now aII our probIems wiII be over.
उसने तुम्हारे लिए यह लैटर छोड़ा है |
She has left this letter for you.

वह बाद में पछतायेगा |
He'll regret this later.
यह मत करो |
Don't do it.
कोई इन लड़कियों को खुश नहीं कर सकता |
No one can make these girls happy.
तू उन्हें वहाँ क्यों नहीं रखता ?
Why don't you keep them there?

Gerund Example: Besides singing, Sarah likes dancing. Here, aSaraha is the subject of the sentence, alikesa is the verb and adancinga is the noun direct object. However, abesides singinga has been added to the sentence as a prepositional phrase opener. aSinginga is a noun and the object of the preposition abesides.a Gerunds vs. Present Participles. A gerund is not the same thing as a present participle 

मेरी दोस्त शादी करने के लिए भाग गई थी |
My friend had eloped to get married.
तुमने उस दिन क्या कहा था ?
What did you say the other day?
आपको कैसे पता ?
How did you know that?
मैं तुम्हारी कार किसी भी तरह ढूंड लूँगा |
I will find your car anyhow.

Gerund Example: Besides singing, Sarah likes dancing. Here, aSaraha is the subject of the sentence, alikesa is the verb and adancinga is the noun direct object. However, abesides singinga has been added to the sentence as a prepositional phrase opener. aSinginga is a noun and the object of the preposition abesides.a Gerunds vs. Present Participles. A gerund is not the same 

मैं चुप कैसे रह सकता था |
How could I remain silent?
वह रोटी हुई गई |
She went away crying.
मैंने उन्हें बचाने के लिए कुछ नहीं किया |
I didn't do anything to save them.
कमल सुनने को तैयार नहीं है |
Kamal is not ready to listen.

//nbsp;;;  Gerund, Gerund  Gerundst forming  , Gerundhalf noun, half verbVerb ing  Noun  

आपको यह idea कैसे आ गया |
How did come up with that idea?
मैंने कोशिश की पर मैं जल्दी नहीं आ सकी |
I tried, but I couldn't come earlier.
मैंने बहुत सुन लिया तुम्हारा सच |
I have heard enough of your truth.
मैं बहुत खुशकिस्मत हूँ कि तुम मुझे मिले |
I'm very fortunate to have found you.

gerund examples in hindi

तुम अपने पापा को सच क्यों नहीं बता देते ?
why don''t you just tell your father the truth?
इस time कोई गलती नहीं होनी चाहिय |
This time there should not be any mistake.
अगर आपको किसी का शुक्रिया ही अदा करना है तो उनका करिए जिन्होंने आपकी बीवी की जान बचाई है |
If you want to thank anyone then thank them who saved your wife's life.
कोने में आ |
Come in the corner.

gerund in Hindi translation and definition ;gerund;, English-Hindi Dictionary online. gerund . IPA: /drnd/; Type: noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; en.wiktionary.{ noun feminine } verb form functioning as a verbal noun grammar A verbal form that functions as a verbal noun. In English, a gerund has the same spelling as a present 

क्या में थोडा सा चख सकता हूँ ?
May I taste some?
तुम छूना मत मुझे |
Don't you touch me!
आंसू पोंछो अपने |
Wipe your tears.
हमने तो उसे अभी तक देखा भी नहीं |
We haven't even seen her yet.

One way to spot a gerund is to notice that they always end in -ing. Just remember they're not the only players in the game ending in -ing. Present participles verbs indicating continuous activity also end in -ing. For example: aI was sitting there.aSitting looks like and acts like a verb in this instance.. Gerunds can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of 

तुम यह कभी और देख सकती हो |
You can see it some other time.
अपने भाई को भी कुछ सीखा | मेरे कलेजे को ठंडक पहुंचेगी |
Teach your brother something. I will feel content.
मुझे छोडके मत जाओ |
Don't leave me.
मुझे टेंशन हो रही है |
I am getting tense.

In this English grammar lesson you will learn how to use gerund.A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ;-ing; . As the gerund form of the verb ;read; 

वह बिला वजह मार देगा मुझे |
Ηe'll hit me for no reason.
मैं यहाँ का किरायदार हूँ |
l'm a tenant here.
मैं एक शरीफ आदमी को बदनाम नहीं होने दूंगा |
I won't let a decent man be defamed.
तुम्हारी बाथरूम में झाँकने की जुर्रत कैसे हुई |
How dare you peek inside the bathroom..

In this English grammar lesson you will learn how to use gerund.A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ;-ing; . As the gerund form of the verb ;read; 

तुम्हें दिख नहीं रहा वो कैसे बात कर रहे हैं |
Can't you see how they are talking!
वो जो भी हो | हमें क्या ?
No matter who she was! What do we care?
बहाने क्यों बना रहे हो ?
Why are you making excuses?
हम क्या कर सकते है जब किस्मत ही खराब है |
What can we do when fate is against us.

Examples of Gerunds. As you read these examples of gerunds, notice the verbs they contain, and notice that every single one of them ends in ing. By the end of this quick lesson, youall have no problem recognizing gerunds when you see them. Swimming in the ocean has been Sharonas passion since she was five years old. Letas go dancing at the club tonight. I delayed telling Jerry the bad news. Holly 

वह बहुत मासूम और बहुत प्यारी है |
She's very innocent and lovable.
हम भी हेरान हैं | उसका business भी अच्छा चल रहा था |
Even we are amazed, His business too was running smoothly.
मैं आज के बाद तुमसे कभी नहीं मिलूंगी | और तुम मुझसे बात करने की कोशिस भी मत करना |
I will never meet you after this day! And don't you even try to talk to me!
कहाँ है वह ? किसी ने कॉल किया ?
Where is he? Has someone called.

Examples- A rolling stones gathers no mass. Endangered species are kept safely. She having gone home she took a cup of tea. GERUND. Verb -gt; Gerund lt;- Noun.  Verbending ing Verb th form gerundV  Gerund| VAuxiliary Verb; Main VerbV; PrepositionV; 

इसके लिए मैं तुझे 3000 रुपये और दूंगा |
I'll pay you three thousand more for this.
तेरे ससुर ने ही इस पागल औरत को यहाँ लाने एक लिए कहा था |
It's your father-in-law who asked me to bring this crazy woman along!
में तुमसे शादी नहीं कर सकता |
I can't marry you.
मेरी कोशिश जारी है |
my attempts are on.

One way to spot a gerund is to notice that they always end in -ing. Just remember they're not the only players in the game ending in -ing. Present participles verbs indicating continuous activity also end in -ing. For example: aI was sitting there.aSitting looks like and acts like a verb in this instance.. Gerunds can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and predicate nouns.

क्या यह तुम्हे किसी लड़की ने दिया ?
Did a girl give you this?
खुद को आइने में देखा है ?
Have you seen yourself in the mirror'?
उसके जैसा कोई नहीं है |
There is no one like him.
तुम्हारे पास सिर्फ 15 मिनट बचे हैं |
You have only 1 5 minutes left.

//nbsp;;;  Gerund, Gerund  Gerundst forming  , Gerundhalf noun, half verbVerb ing  Noun  

टूटे दिल का सिर्फ एक ही इलाज है |
There's just one cure for a broken heart.
तू मर्द है या नहीं ? कमल ने तेरा इतना बड़ा मज़ाक बनाया और तू चुप रहा |
Are you a man or not? Kamal made such a big fun of you. And you kept quiet.
आगे मत बढ़ना |
don't come forward
तू पागल है क्या ?
Are you crazy, dude? 

Example :- Teaching is his profession. Drinking is your addiction. Q. Gerund  Object  Example :- She needs guiding. we heard the bell ringing. Q. Prohibition  gerund  

झूठ बोलना पाप नहीं है तुम्हारे लिए |
Lying is no sin for you!
बर्दास्त की हद होती है |
There is a limit to tolerance.
हम जहाँ बैठते है वो हमारी सीट हो जाती है |
Excuse me, wherever we sit that seat belongs to us.
ऐसा क्या ख़ास है उसमें ?
What's so special about him?

One way to spot a gerund is to notice that they always end in -ing. Just remember they're not the only players in the game ending in -ing. Present participles verbs indicating continuous activity also end in -ing. For example: aI was sitting there.aSitting looks like and acts like a verb in this instance.. Gerunds can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and predicate nouns.

दवाई समझ कर खा लो |
Eat it as if it were medicine.
उनका मेरे सिवा कोई नहीं है |
They have no one else but me.
अपने ससुर के घर आया है क्या ?
Have you come to your in-law's house?
तुम्हें शर्म नहीं आती | जाओ लड़की से माफ़ी मांगो |
Aren't you ashamed! Go and apologize to the girl!

रख लो |
keep it.
इस कमल का कुछ करना पड़ेगा |
We will have to do something about this Kamal.
कसम से कुछ नहीं चल रहा है |
I swear. There's nothing happening.
मैं तुम्हें बताऊंगा कब और कहाँ पैसे पहुँचाने हैं |
I wiII teII you when and where to deIiver the money

//nbsp;;;  Gerund, Gerund  Gerundst forming  , Gerundhalf noun, half verbVerb ing  Noun  

कहते तो यही हैं |
That's what they say.
वादा करो | तुम अपनी बीवी को मेरी बीवी से एक बार मिलवाओगे ताकि वो भी उनसे कुछ सीख सके |
you will make your wife meet mine once... so that she also learns something from her!
क्या उनके आंसू भी झूठे थे ?
Were their tears false as well?
मुझे माफ़ कर दो | अब ऐसा कभी नहीं होगा |
I am so sorry. Now it will never happen.

Examples- A rolling stones gathers no mass. Endangered species are kept safely. She having gone home she took a cup of tea. GERUND. Verb -gt; Gerund lt;- Noun.  Verbending ing Verb th form gerundV  Gerund| VAuxiliary Verb; Main VerbV; PrepositionV; Possessive AdjectiveV; 

ये टोस्ट खालो कम से कम |
Have this toast at least.
चलेगा |
It will do.
इस लफड़े से बाहर निकल |
Come out of this mess.
मैं चिंता क्यों करूँ जब तुम उसके साथ हो ?
Why should I worry when you are around?

Example :- Teaching is his profession. Drinking is your addiction. Q. Gerund  Object  Example :- She needs guiding. we heard the bell ringing. Q. Prohibition  gerund  

क्या तुम आलू छिल दोगे ?
Can you peel potato ?
तू अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहा है ?
Why are you ruining your life?
वरना मैं अपनी कलाई तुमसे पहले काट लुंगी |
Otherwise I'll slit my wrist before you do.
मैं तेरा मुंह तोड़ दूंगी |
I will smash your face!

Uses of Gerund Gerund as Subject  Gerund : ' ' Read/reading  

अपना सामान अपने बैग में रखो |
Put your stuff in your bag.
मैंने क्या किया ?
What did I do?
क्या उन्हें लड़की को कपडे बदलते हुए देखने में शर्म नहीं आती ?
Aren't they ashamed to see a girl changing clothes?
उसे गोली मारने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
What was the need to shoot at him?

//nbsp;;; Walking  Speaking, Gerund Uses of Gerund in Hindi a  . GerundSubject, Object  Complement  a Singing is an art. Singing = Subject

ताकि तू सारा माल लेके भाग सके |
So, that you can run away with all the money.
तू क्या बताएगा उसे ? मैं बताता हूँ उसे |
What will you tell her? I'll tell her.
किसी को इस बारे में पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |
No one should know about this.
क्या मैं आपसे एक सवाल पूंछू ? प्लीज गुस्सा मत होना |
Can I ask you a question? Please don't get angry.

gerund in Hindi translation and definition ;gerund;, English-Hindi Dictionary online. gerund . IPA: /drnd/; Type: noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; en.wiktionary.{ noun feminine } verb form functioning as a verbal noun grammar A verbal form that functions as a verbal noun. In English, a gerund has the same spelling as a present participle, but functions differently. 

तुम कमल को क्यों बुला रहे हो |
Why are you calling Kamal,
वह ऑफिस चला गया |
He's gone to office.
जो कुछ मेरे दिल में आया मैंने कह दिया |
I said whatever came in my mind!
बहुत वक़्त गवां दिया |
Enough fooling around.

Uses of Gerund Gerund as Subject  Gerund : ' ' Read/reading  

और क्या पसंद है तुम्हे ?
What else do you like?
बेवकूफ, सही से number डायल नहीं कर सकता |
Idiot, can't diaI correctIy.
क्या मतलब ?
What do you mean?
आपको मेरे साथ एक कप कॉफ़ी पीनी पड़ेगी |
You will have to come for a cup of coffee with me.

Uses of Gerund Gerund as Subject  Gerund : ' ' Read/reading  

तेरा दिमाग कहाँ है |
Where's your mind?
पागल खाने से छूटे हो क्या ?
Have you escaped from an asylum?
अगर मैंने यह अपने पापा को बताया तो उन्हें heart attack आ जायेगा |
If I tell it to my father he will have a heart attack.
बस कुछ दिनों की बात हो |
It's just a matter of few days.

Examples of Gerunds. As you read these examples of gerunds, notice the verbs they contain, and notice that every single one of them ends in ing. By the end of this quick lesson, youall have no problem recognizing gerunds when you see them. Swimming in the ocean has been Sharonas passion since she was five years old. Letas go dancing at the club tonight. I delayed telling Jerry the bad news. Holly 

आपसे से business करके अच्छा लगा |
It was nice doing business with you.
वह कैसे मार सकता है उसे जबकि हर वक़्त वह हमारे साथ था ?
How could he have killed her while he has been with us all the time?
मैंने तुम्हें यह मेल कर दिया है | तुम check कर लो |
I have have mailed it to you. You check it.
वह आपकी मर्जी से उससे शादी करना चाहती है |
She wants to marry him with your consent only.


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