Day 75 Gerund Structure 9 आशा करता हूँ - English speaking course

Gerund Structure 9 English speaking course in Hindi 

हम आशा करते हैं कि आप हमारे जल्दी जाने का बुरा नहीं मानेंगे |
We hope you will not mind our leaving early.

हम इस तरह के sentences अपनी डेली लाइफ में बहुत बोलते हैं | इस तरह के sentences हम तब बोलते हैं जब हम किसी से किसी चीज कि उम्मीद या आशा करते हैं |

मैंने नीचे कुछ sentences दिए है जो इसी structure पे बने है इन sentences को ध्यान से पढ़े और इन sentences को english में translate करना सीखिए | आप अपनी डेली लाइफ में use होने वाले इस तरह के sentences को भी english में बोलने की practice कर सकते हैं |

Subject + verb (hope) + object + will not mind/will excuse + possessive Pronoun (our/my/your...) + gerund

Gerund structure 9 - English speaking course in Hindi

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |


DAY 76 GERUND STRUCTURE 10 वह बहाने बनाने में उस्ताद है

अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से  बदल जाएगा |

इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |

हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE  में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |


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Learn more about English grammar with this series of free video lessons. You can study a range of topics, from simple grammar for beginners to more advanced language points. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives. Spoken English Lessons. Improve your conversational English with this series of free online spoken English lessons from Oxford Online English. Learn how to


वह अब इस काम के लायक नहीं रहा |

He is no longer fit for this job.

मेरा घुस्सा बहुत ख़राब है मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |

I have a terrible temper! I'm capable of doing anything!

क्या चाहिए तुम्हें ?

What do you want?

मैंने आसपड़ोस में पूंछताछ की थी | लेकिन किसी के पास उनका नया address नहीं है |

I inquired at the neighbourhood. But nobody has their new address!


ABA English has a unique approach to English language learning. Each course is divided into  parts: film, speaking, lessons, vocabulary and assessments. Here comes the unique part: every unit starts with a short film where actors who are native English speakers act out everyday situations. Through film, you will feel a variety of emotions, and identify with the characters.


तुम हमेशा मेरे भोलेपन का फायदा उठाते हो |

You always take advantage of my innocence!

I am sorry तुम मेरी वजह से इस problem में पड़ी |

I am sorry that you got in this problem because of me.

जो उसने किया उसके लिए उसे मरना ही था |

She had to die for what she did!

तुमने बहुत बेज्जती कर ली मेरी |

You've humiliated me a lot.


Basics of English Speaking for beginners using common expressions. Learn what to say and how to say things in daily conversations. Improve your English fluency in a business and office setting. Improve your listening skills with fun questions and answers. Build basic grammar skills pertaining to English speaking.


वह जेल जा चूका है |

He's been to jail!

मैंने कहा था | यह सही नहीं होगा | यह सब बर्बाद कर देगा |

I had told you! He won't be right! He will ruin it!

मैंने अपना पेशाब एक घंटे सो रोक रखा था |

I managed to control my pee for the last one hour.

तुम जितना चाहो उतना मुझे मार लो लेकिन मैं तुम्हें उसका नाम नहीं बताऊंगा |

You can beat me as much as you want, But I won't tell you his name.


The  Best Sites for Taking Free English Courses Online Alison. This is the one that started it all. Opened in , Alison is considered by most to be the first MOOC. MOOEC. This website is just for English learners. As you may have guessed, MOOEC stands for Massive Open Online English Bonus:


छोड़ो नास्ता | मैं पहले ही late हूँ |

Forget the breakfast, I am already late.

मैं दौ दिन बाद पैसे लेने आऊंगा |

I'll come to take the money after 2 days.

लेकिन सुनो, यह बात हम दोनों के बीच में रहनी चाहिए | किसी और को इस बारे में पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |

But listen, this should be between you and me. No one else should know about it.

क्या तुम यहाँ किसी बड़े आदमी को जानते हो ?

Do you know any influential man here?


Learn more about English grammar with this series of free video lessons. You can study a range of topics, from simple grammar for beginners to more advanced language points. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives. Spoken English Lessons. Improve your conversational English with this series of free online spoken English lessons from Oxford


अगर आपको किसी का शुक्रिया ही अदा करना है तो उनका करिए जिन्होंने आपकी बीवी की जान बचाई है |

If you want to thank anyone then thank them who saved your wife's life.

तुम मुझे avoid कर रही हो | तुम मेरा फ़ोन नहीं उठा रही हो |

you are avoiding me. you are not picking up my phone.

Actually, मैं तुम्हें प्यार के वो तीन शब्द कहते हुए सुनना चाहता हूँ |

Actually, I want to hear you say those lovely three words.

मैं तुम्हें तुम्हारे पैसों के लिए प्यार नहीं करता |

I love you not for your money.


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


उसने अपनी ख़ूबसूरती से कई लोगो को धोका दिया है |

She has cheated many people with her beauty.

अब तुम सब जाकर छुप जाओ |

Now all of you go and hide.

मैं उसी दिन शादी करूँगा जिस दिन तुम शादी करोगी |

I will marry the day you marry.

मैं अब तुमसे गुस्सा नहीं हूँ |

I am no longer angry with you.


Here a collection of  videos to help you learn basic English. If you are a beginner English learner, this is a great course to study English and improve yo


मरने दो उसे, हम क्यों परेशान हो ?

Let him die, why should we bother?

तो किसका पीछा करूँ ?

So whom should I chase?

तुमने बिल के लिए कहा ?

Did you ask for the bill?

मैं क्यों जलूँगा ?

Why would I be?


ABA English has a unique approach to English language learning. Each course is divided into  parts: film, speaking, lessons, vocabulary and assessments. Here comes the unique part: every unit starts with a short film where actors who are native English speakers act out everyday situations. Through film, you will feel a variety of emotions, and identify with the characters.


तुम जितना कहोगे मैं तुम्हें उतना पैसा दूंगा |

I'll give you money as much you want,

अगर तु मर गया तो रीना का क्या होगा ?

if you died then what will happen to Reena?

कल मेरे साथ लंच करना |

Tomorrow have lunch with me!

मैं तुम्हें कहीं देखा है |

I've seen you somewhere.


Online English courses to suit your learning style Whether you want to improve your English reading and writing skills, learn to speak English more fluently or simply develop your English vocabulary, we offer a range of flexible and personalised online courses to suit your unique style of learning.


मेरे रास्ते से हटो |

Get out of my way.

यह नहीं हो सकता !

This can't be!

तुझ जैसे सांप को कुचल देना चाहिए |

a snake like you must be crushed!

उसका बचना नामुमकिन है |

It's impossible for her to survive.


Here a collection of  videos to help you learn basic English. If you are a beginner English learner, this is a great course to study English and improve yo


इसीलिए भेजा था तुम्हे अच्छे teacher के पास |

Is this why I sent you to the best teachers?

दुसरो की बात सुनना bad manners होता है |

It's bad manners to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

काम तो एक बहाना है |

work is just an excuse.

मैं क्यों बताती तुम्हें ?

Why should I inform you?


Online English courses to suit your learning style Whether you want to improve your English reading and writing skills, learn to speak English more fluently or simply develop your English vocabulary, we offer a range of flexible and personalised online courses to suit your unique style of learning.


दौ महीने का बाकी था |

It was two months due.

तेरा तो गला बैठ गया था ना ?

Didn't you have sore throat?

अब क्या हुआ ?

What happened now?

सब आ गए ?

Everyone's here?


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


मेरी pant गीली हो गई |

My pant got wet!

हम वापस आ गए |

We came back!

तुम्हें पता है वो हमें किस नाम से बुलाता है |

Do you know by what name he calls us?

ले सूटकेस ले, वहाँ रख इसको |

Here, take the suitcase. Keep it there.


ABA English has a unique approach to English language learning. Each course is divided into  parts: film, speaking, lessons, vocabulary and assessments. Here comes the unique part: every unit starts with a short film where actors who are native English speakers act out everyday situations. Through film, you will feel a variety of emotions, and identify with the characters.


बैठिये प्लीज |

please be seated.

आना है आपको मेरी पार्टी में |

You must come to my party

मैंने तुझे मारने के लिए भेजा था मरने के लिए नहीं |

I sent you there to kill. Not to get killed.

हमें उसे fees नहीं देनी चाहिए थी |

We shouldn't have given him the fees.


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


कौन हो तुम | तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?

Who are you? What are you doing here?

लेकिन तुम गिरवी क्या रखोगे ?

But what will you mortgage?

अगर आप नहीं चाहते तो मैं नहीं जाउंगी |

I won't go if you don't want me to.

तुम क्या बात discuss करना चाहते थे ?

what is the matter you wanted to discuss?


Here a collection of  videos to help you learn basic English. If you are a beginner English learner, this is a great course to study English and improve yo


पहले यहाँ फेको इसे |

Throw it here first.

मैं तुम्हे लखनऊ दिखाना चाहता हूँ |

I want to show you Lucknow

तुमने किसी को बताया भी नहीं |

You didn't even inform anyone.

यहाँ तुम्हारी कोई इज्जत नहीं करता, मैं अपनी नहीं खोना चाहती |

no one here respects you, I don't want to lose mine.


The  Best Sites for Taking Free English Courses Online Alison. This is the one that started it all. Opened in , Alison is considered by most to be the first MOOC. MOOEC. This website is just for English learners. As you may have guessed, MOOEC stands for Massive Open Online English Bonus:


मैंने कोशिस की थी | उसका फ़ोन off है

I tried. His cell phone is off.

वो भूरा बैग | वह यही रखा था |

That brown bag. lt was lying here.

मैं भी उस तरह का आदमी नहीं हूँ |

I too am not that kind of a man

मैं उसे छोडूंगा नहीं |

l will not spare him.


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


यह हम शादी की बाद कर सकते थे ?

We could have done this after the wedding?

इसीलिए मैं पिटना नहीं चाहता |

That is why l don't want to get beaten up.

यह आया कहाँ से ?

Where did it come from?

यह सब बोलने की क्या जरुरत थी ?

What was the need to tell all these things?


Learn more about English grammar with this series of free video lessons. You can study a range of topics, from simple grammar for beginners to more advanced language points. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives. Spoken English Lessons. Improve your conversational English with this series of free online spoken English lessons from Oxford Online English. Learn how to


आपको मेरी फ़िक्र नहीं है |

You're not worried about me.

इस time कौन कॉल कर रहा है ?

Who's calling at this hour?

उस पर क्या बीत रही होगी ?

What must he be going through?

देखो उसने क्या किया |

Look at what he has done.


Learning English can often seem difficult and overwhelming but not with Alison's free online English courses. We have training courses focusing on English for hotels, travel and tourism as well as for those in the restaurant industry. More importantly, our basic English classes include important vocabulary and phrases for business and tourism. Whether for personal or professional reasons, our online courses


उसने कितना हंगामा मचा दिया |

He has created so much nuisance

सर मैं डरा हुआ था इसलिए झूठ बोल दिया |

Sir, sorry, I was afraid and that's why I lied.

इस साल भी कोई बारिश नहीं होगी |

There'll be no rain this year too.

कोनसे होटल मैं हो तुम ?

In which hotel are you?


Learning English can often seem difficult and overwhelming but not with Alison's free online English courses. We have training courses focusing on English for hotels, travel and tourism as well as for those in the restaurant industry. More importantly, our basic English classes include important vocabulary and phrases for business and tourism. Whether for personal or


आप राई का पहाड़ बना रहे हैं |

You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

कोई जरुरत नहीं जाने की |

No need to go.

अच्छा idea है, पहले कोशिश में करूँगा |

That's a good idea! I'll make the first attempt.

यही हो रहा है और यही होता रहेगा |

This is what has been happening. And this is what will continue to happen.


ABA English has a unique approach to English language learning. Each course is divided into  parts: film, speaking, lessons, vocabulary and assessments. Here comes the unique part: every unit starts with a short film where actors who are native English speakers act out everyday situations. Through film, you will feel a variety of emotions, and identify with the characters.


मैं आपको personally invite करने आया हूँ |

l have come to personally invite you.

तुमने ग्रेजुएशन degree कहा से ली ?

where did you get your graduation degree?

छठी क्लास से ऐसे ही नाच रहा हूँ | आज तक किसी ने शिकायत नहीं करी |

Since 6th class I have been dancing like this. Till date nobody has complained.

कोई इसे घर में नहीं रखता |

No one keeps it at home.


Learning English can often seem difficult and overwhelming but not with Alison's free online English courses. We have training courses focusing on English for hotels, travel and tourism as well as for those in the restaurant industry. More importantly, our basic English classes include important vocabulary and phrases for business and tourism. Whether for personal or professional reasons, our online courses


क्या घर के काम सिर्फ मेरी जिम्मेदारी हैं ?

Is house hold work only my responsibility?

बैग कहाँ गायब हो सकता है ?

Where could the bag disappear ?

तुम चिल्ला क्यों रहे हो, तुम्हें क्या मैं बहरा लगता हूँ ?

why are you yelling, what do you think that l am deaf?

वह ऑफिस चला गया |

He's gone to office.


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