Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Preposition - समय के लिए

समय के लिए preposition = since, from, for, in, at, on or till का प्रयोग किया जाता है |

Since - Use of since as preposition

जब point of time हो तब since का प्रयोग करते हैं | Since का प्रयोग केवल prefect tense में किया जाता है |

में यहाँ 6 बजे से हूँ |
I have been here since six o’clock

जबसे वह आया है उसने कुछ नहीं किया |
He has done nothing since he arrived.

From – Point of time बताने के लिए
From का प्रयोग भी point of time बताने के लिए ही होता है परन्तु from का प्रयोग सभी tense में होता है

मैंने एक जुलाई से काम शुरू किया |
I commenced work from first July.

वह कल से office join करेगा |
He will join office form tomorrow.

For - Period of time बताने के लिए
Period of time बताने के लिए for का प्रयोग किया जाता है | for का प्रयोग किसी भी tense में किया जा सकता है |

वह 5 दिन से बीमार है |
He has been ill for five days.

वह दिल्ली में कई दिन रहा |
He lived in Delhi for many days.

वह लखनऊ में 10 साल रहा |
He lived in Lucknow for ten years.

वह एक घंटे तक बोला |
He spoke for one hour.

उन्होंने एक घंटे तक इंतिजार किया |
They waited for one hour.

वह एक रात के लिए रुके |
He stayed for the night.

में एक दिन तक रुकुंगा |
I will stay for one day.

At - specific times (hour / minutes):
Specific time को घंटे और मिनट मैं बताने के लिए at का प्रयोग होता है | जैसे 10 बजे, 9:15 बजे |
We use AT with specific times (hour / minutes):

मैं 8 बजे सो कर उठता हूँ |
I get up at 8 o'clock.

मैं तुमसे 9:30 बजे मिलूँगा |
I'll meet you at 9:30 o'clock.

हम इसे हिंदी में ऐसे भी कहते हैं |
मैं तुमसे साढ़े 9 बजे मिलूँगा |
I will meet you at half past nine.

वह 4 बजे आया |
He came at 4 o’clock.

Midnight और midday के साथ भी हम at का प्रयोग करते हैं क्योंकि midnight और midday भी specific hour होते हैं |

हम आधी रात को पार्टी से आ गए थे |
We left the party at midnight.

12am = midnight
12pm = midday / noon

ON - specific days and dates
Specific दिन या तारीख बताने के लिए हम on preposition का प्रयोग करते हैं |
We use ON for specific days and dates:

मैं तुम्हे यह Monday को वापिस कर दूंगा |
I will return it to you on Monday.

हमें  हर महीने की 10 तारिख को सैलरी मिलती हैं |
We get salary on the 10th of every month.

वह रविवार को मेरे पास आया था |
He came to me on Sunday.

20 तारीख को मेरे पिताजी आयेंगे |
My father will come on the 20th.
Note - date के लिए हम ordinal number use करते हैं जैसे

The First of September (not the one of September)
Second September
3rd September
4th September......


His birthday is in June.
(I don't mention the day - only the month)
His birthday is on 5th June.
 (I mention the day with the month)

IN - महीनो, साल, मौसम, शताब्दी को बताने के लिए

हम in का प्रयोग महीनो, साल, मौसम, शताब्दी को बताने के लिए करते हैं | in का प्रयोग  निश्चित समय में किसी काम को खत्म करने के लिए भी करते हैं |

मेरा birthday जून में है |
My birthday is in June.

इस sentence में हमने in preposition का प्रयोग किया है on का नहीं क्योंकि यहाँ हमने date mention नहीं की है |
अगर हम date भी mention करते तो हम in की जगा on preposition का प्रयोग करते |

मेरा birthday 5 जून को है |
My birthday is on 5th June.

मैं 1985 में पैदा हुआ था |
I was born in 1985.

वह अप्रेल में मरा |
He died in April.

वह 1980 में पैदा हुआ था
He was born in 1980.

यहाँ गर्मियों में बहुत गर्मी होती है |
It is very hot in summer.

उन्नीसवी सदी में ज़िंदगी अच्छी नहीं थी |
Life was not good in 19th century.

मैं एक घंटे में आ जाऊंगा |
I will return in an hour.

15 मिनट में तैयार हो जाओ |
Get ready in 15 minutes.

Parts of the day बताने के लिए भी in preposition का प्रयोग करते हैं |

मैं सुबह को जिम जाता हूँ |
I go to gym in the morning.

मुझे दोपहर में थकान लगती हैं |
I feel tired in the afternoon.

मैं शाम को गणित पढता हूँ |
I study Math in the evening.

At night – Night के लिए हम at preposition का प्रयोग करते हैं |

मुझे रात में पढना पसंद हैं |
I like to study at night.

नोट - अगर part of day से पहले अगर कोई दिन भी mention किया हो तो on preposition को use करते हैं |

On + day + part of day

शुक्रवार रात को हमारे यहाँ पार्टी है |
We will have party on Friday night.

हमारी flight monday मोर्निंग की है |
Our flight leaves on Monday morning.

we don’t use preposition before today, tomorrow, yesterday, this morning, tonight, last, next, every.

जब हम दिए हुए वक़्त में किसी काम के ख़त्म होने की उम्मीद होती है तो हम in preposition का प्रयोग करते हैं |

मैं एक घंटे में आ जाऊंगा |
I will return in an hour.

इस sentence से हमें यह पता चलता है कि काम एक घंटे में पूरा होगा |

Within – दिए गए समय के ख़त्म होने से पहले काम के ख़त्म होने के लिए within का प्रयोग करते हैं |

मैं एक घंटे के अन्दर अन्दर आ जाऊंगा |
I will return within an hour.

इस sentence से यह पता चलता है कि काम एक घंटे के खत्म होने से पहले पूरा हो जायेगा

Till – point of time
किसी निश्चित समय पर किसी काम के खत्म होने के लिए Till का प्रयोग करते हैं | इस तरह के sentence में duration of time नहीं दिया होता बल्कि काम के खत्म होने का specific time दिया होता है | जैसे 9 बजे, 10 बजे,

मैं 9 बजे तक आ जाऊंगा |
I will come till 9 o’clock.

वह आठ बजे तक सोया |
He slept till 8 o’clock.

Specific time के लिए at का प्रयोग करेंगे |
मैं 9 बजे आ जाऊंगा |

I will come at 9 o’clock.

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To be specific we would be dealing with definition preposition of time and their examples. What are Prepositions of Time ? The Prepositions of time are used to refer to a specific period of time be it short or a long, for example time can be in months, seasons, years, centuries, general times of day, or clock times like : pm, : am. There are various prepositions which 

मुझे लगता है तुम्हें नींद आ रही है |
l think you are feeling sleepy.
इसे भी अपने जैसा बना दो |
Make him just like you,
मैं किसी को जानता हूँ जो हमें बता सकता है |
I know someone who can tell us.
हमारा गैंग है और हमें पता भी नहीं |
We have a gang, and we don't even know about it.

Notice the use of the preposition of time at in the following standard expressions: Expression Example; at night: The stars shine at night. at the weekend* I don't usually work at the weekend. at Christmas*/Easter: I stay with my family at Christmas. at the same time : We finished the test at the same time. at present: He's not home at present. Try later. *Note that in some varieties of 

तुम बाहर कैसे आये ?
How did you come out?
मैं तुम्हारी यह इच्छा भी पूरी कर दूंगा |
I'll fulfill that wish too.
भाड़ में जाये रीना |
To hell with Reena.
तुम मेरे पीछे यहाँ भी आ गए |
You followed me here as well.

A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a specific time period. Preposition of time examples: On Monday; On a cold day; At night; At the moment; In January; In the past; List of Prepositions of Time with Examples. Learn prepositions of time list with useful grammar rules and example sentences. During. Used when something happens within 

तुम्हें ऐसा नहीं कहना चाहिए |
You shouldn't say that!
अगर तु मर गया तो रीना का क्या होगा ?
if you died then what will happen to Reena?
इधर आओ और मेरी बात सुनो |
Come here and listen to me!
आगे देख होता है क्या 
see further what gonna happen

preposition for time with example

मैं तो भूल ही गया था |
I had forgotten about it.
धोकेबाजो | किस तरह के दोस्त हो तुम सब |
Deceivers! What kind of friends are you all!
उसने मुझे क्यों नहीं बताया ?
Why didn't he tell me?
तुम्हारे पास सिर्फ 15 मिनट बचे हैं |
You have only 1 5 minutes left.

Prepositions of Time and Examples ON days and dates IN longer periods AT the time of day On Tuesday In  At sunset On Saturday In th century At sunrise On  April In the s At bedtime On  Mar.  In the next century At noon On Sunday mornings In the Ice Age At dinnertime On Christmas Day In February At midnight On my birthday In the middle 

क्यों ? तुम्हे रोज काम नहीं होता किया ?
Why? Don't you have work everyday?
नहीं, हम कमल के साथ खायेंगे |
No. We'll dine with Kamal.
तुम्हे छोटे कपड़ो में औरते अच्छी लगती है |
You like women in short dresses?
तो तुम कमल हो ?
so you must be Kamal?

Examples of Prepositions of Time. There may only be three prepositions of time, but the ways in which you can use them are almost endless. In the following examples, the prepositions of time have been italicized for ease of identification. My birthday falls in January. Birds often migrate in spring and autumn. My great-grandmother was born in . Breakfast is a meal 

वादा करो | तुम अपनी बीवी को मेरी बीवी से एक बार मिलवाओगे ताकि वो भी उनसे कुछ सीख सके |
you will make your wife meet mine once... so that she also learns something from her!
कमल को दो चीजें अपनी जान से भी ज्यादा प्यारी हैं |
Kamal loves two things more than his life.
थोडा मुझे भी दो |
Give me some as well.
कमल का रोज किसी न किसी से झगड़ा होता रहता है |
Kamal gets into a fight with someone or the other eνery day..

Prepositions of Time and Examples ON days and dates IN longer periods AT the time of day On Tuesday In  At sunset On Saturday In th century At sunrise On  April In the s At bedtime On  Mar.  In the next century At noon On Sunday mornings In the Ice Age At dinnertime On Christmas Day In February At midnight On my birthday In the middle ages At .pm On New Yearas 

अगर मेरी नहीं है तो क्या तेरी है ?
If it's not mine. is it yours?
मुझे तुमसे कुछ कहना है |
I have something to say to you.
मैंने कुछ नहीं किया | मैं बिलकुल बेक़सूर हूँ |
l haven't done anything. l'm completely innocent.
पहले अपने हाथ धो लो |
Wash your hands first.

Functional Time Prepositions. The following time prepositions have a more functional usage and show how two or more events relate to each other in time. For example, Lisa jogs before dinner means Lisa jogs first and eats dinner second. These time prepositions can be hard to translate and are best learned through conversation.

अगर यहाँ काम करना चाहते हो तो जैसा मैं कहता हूँ वैसा करो |
If you want to work here, do as I say.
अब जो होना था हो गया |
Now whatever had to happen has happened.
ऐसा लगता है कोई रो रहा है |
It seems as if someone is crying
कुछ भी बना लो |
Make up anything.

Prepositions of Time and Examples ON days and dates IN longer periods AT the time of day On Tuesday In  At sunset On Saturday In th century At sunrise On  April In the s At bedtime On  Mar.  In the next century At noon On Sunday mornings In the Ice Age At dinnertime On Christmas Day In February At midnight On my birthday In the middle 

लगता है आप आदमियों को बहुत अच्छे से जानती हैं |
Looks like you know men very well.
लेकिन तूने उससे झूठ क्यों बोला |
But why did you Iie to her.
अदरक और इलाइची भी डालना |
Add also ginger and cardamom.
सॉरी | मैं तुम्हें इनसे मिलवाना भूल गया |
Sorry! I forgot to introduce you to them!

Example sentences with a preposition of time: We had a meeting in the afternoon. Iall wash the car in the morning. on on  day of the week. We use the preposition aona before a day of the week. The  days of the week in English are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Important a the first letter is a CAPITAL letter. If the event is a unique one-time event, the day of the 

तुमने मुझे तब ही मर दिया था जब तुमने मुझे पहली बार देखा था |
You killed me when you first laid eyes on me.
वह मदद के लिए मेरे पास आयी थी |
she came to me for help.
तुम ही क्यों नहीं रखते ?
Why don't you keep it instead?
मैं उस तरह की लड़की नहीं हूँ |
I'm not that kind of a girl!

कमल अगर तुम आधे घंटे में नहीं आये तो मैं अपनी जान दे दूंगी |
Kamal if you will not come here in half an hour then i will kill myself!
मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब आयेंगे ?
I don't know when he's coming back.
मैं उसे सालों में नहीं सीखा पाया और तुमने उसे मिनटों में सीखा दिया 
I couldn't teach her in years and you taught her in minutes.
सब कुछ प्लान के मुताबिक चल रहा था |
Everything went off according to our plan.

We have explanation and examples of Prepositions of time. Have a look-In. We use preposition aina with after certain time period, year, seasons, months, day time as, You will get it in an hour. He joined multinational company in . Students purchase rain coat in rainy season. He has submitted his project in September. I go for a walk in the evening. On. We use 

तो अब हम क्या करें ?
So what should we do now?
अपनी बहन के कहाँ ले जा रहे हो ?
where are you taking your sister?
मैं पूजा कर रहा था |
l was performing the veneration.
इस तरफ आवो |
Come this way.

//nbsp;;;Preposition of Time |  Useful Examples of Prepositions of Time AT,IN,ON. April ,Comments. Preposition of Time in English! Learn the list of prepositions of time with AT, IN, ON: At dusk, At midday, At night, At noon, In January, In the as, In the st century, On Christmas, On Friday, On holidaywith ESL printable infographic. Learn more about prepostion of place in 

सुना है तेरा जैकपोट लगा है |
I heard you won the jackpot.
सीखो उससे कुछ !
Learn a thing or two from him!
जब मैं वापस आऊँ तो मुझे ऐसी है मिलना जैसी अब हो |
when I come back, I want to see you just the way you are now.
मैं क्या कहती ? मैंने कहा कि उसे मेरे माँ बाप से बात करनी चाहिए |
What could I say? I said he must ask my parents.

To be specific we would be dealing with definition preposition of time and their examples. What are Prepositions of Time ? The Prepositions of time are used to refer to a specific period of time be it short or a long, for example time can be in months, seasons, years, centuries, general times of day, or clock times like : pm, : am. There are various prepositions which are explained in the table 

मैं बहुत दिनों से तुम्हें ढूंड रहा था |
l have been searching for you guys since a long time.
वह तुम्हारे लिए बिल्कुल सही नहीं है |
He just isn't right for you.
क्या तुमने बुलाया उन्हें यहाँ ?
did you call them here?
अपने जूते उतारो |
Take off your shoes.

Prepositions of time: Explanations: Example: In a Used for years / months / seasons a Used for morning / afternoon / evening a Period of time a I went backpacking in Europe in / in May / in summertime. a I went for a run in the morning/ afternoon/ evening. a This is my first chocolate in last three years. On a Days / period a I will go for a haircut on Monday. a I will go shopping on the 

तुम्हे पता है उस दिन मैं क्यों चुप रहा ?
You know why l kept quiet that day.
मैंने सर को इतना ग़ुस्से में पहले कभी नहीं देखा |
I've never seen sir so angry before.
मैंने तुमसे किया वादा अभी तक पूरा नहीं किया है |
I haven't fulfilled my promise to you yet.
तुम्हे जो कुछ कहना है तेज आवाज में कहो |
whatever you have to say... say it aloud.

Prepositions of time: Explanations: Example: In a Used for years / months / seasons a Used for morning / afternoon / evening a Period of time a I went backpacking in Europe in / in May / in summertime. a I went for a run in the morning/ afternoon/ evening. a This is my first chocolate in last three years. On a Days / period a I will go for a haircut on Monday. a I will go 

मुझे पता है वह यही कहीं है |
I know he's somewhere around.
मैंने तुम्हारे साथ आके गलती की थी |
I made a mistake coming with you.
उसने अपनी निजी मामले कभी नहीं बताये |
He didn't ever reveal his personal matters.
किसका number ढूंढ रहे हो ?
Whose number are you looking for?

Examples of Prepositions of Time. There may only be three prepositions of time, but the ways in which you can use them are almost endless. In the following examples, the prepositions of time have been italicized for ease of identification. My birthday falls in January. Birds often migrate in spring and autumn. My great-grandmother was born in . Breakfast is a meal which is generally eaten in the 

अशोक का नाम सुना है?
Have you heard of Ashok?
क्या जाना जरुरी है ?
Is it necessary?
सुधर जाओ कमल नहीं तो एक दिन बहुत बुरा फंसोगे |
You'd better change your ways Kamal! Or you'll come to a bad end.
मैंने इस दिन के लिए बहुत इंतिजार किया हैं |
I've waited too long for this day.

To be specific we would be dealing with definition preposition of time and their examples. What are Prepositions of Time ? The Prepositions of time are used to refer to a specific period of time be it short or a long, for example time can be in months, seasons, years, centuries, general times of day, or clock times like : pm, : am. There are various prepositions which 

हम सब तुम्हारे साथ पुलिस स्टेशन चलेंगे |
We'll all go with you to the police station.
मैं अभी तुम्हारे घर पहुँचता हूँ |
I'll reach your home right now.
तुम्हें सब याद है ना ?
You do remember everything, don't you?
एक बात पूंछू ?
May I ask you something?

Example sentences with a preposition of time: We had a meeting in the afternoon. Iall wash the car in the morning. on on  day of the week. We use the preposition aona before a day of the week. The  days of the week in English are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Important a the first letter is a CAPITAL letter. If the event is a unique 

वह कल तक तो ठीक थी |
She was fine until yesterday.
मुद्दे की बात पे आ और बता करना क्या है ?
come to the point and tell me what to do.
तुम जा कर बुला लो उसे |
You go and call him.
तुम date के लिए तैयार लग रहे हो | 
you seem to be dressed up for a date!

//nbsp;;;Preposition of Time |  Useful Examples of Prepositions of Time AT,IN,ON. April ,Comments. Preposition of Time in English! Learn the list of prepositions of time with AT, IN, ON: At dusk, At midday, At night, At noon, In January, In the as, In the st century, On Christmas, On Friday, On holidaywith ESL printable infographic. Learn more 

क्या अब मुझे मेरी सीट मिल सकती है |
Can I have my seat now?
इसीलिए मैं पिटना नहीं चाहता |
That is why l don't want to get beaten up.
हम पेट भर के खायेंगे |
We'll eat our bellyful.
प्लीज क्या आप होल्ड करेंगे ?
Will you hold please.

Notice the use of the preposition of time at in the following standard expressions: Expression Example; at night: The stars shine at night. at the weekend* I don't usually work at the weekend. at Christmas*/Easter: I stay with my family at Christmas. at the same time : We finished the test at the same time. at present: He's not home at present. Try later. *Note that in some varieties of 

अंदर चल कर बात करते हैं |
Let's go inside and talk.
मुझे कभी समझ में नहीं आया कि कैसे एक आदमी अपने सारी ज़िंदगी एक औरत के साथ बिता सकता है ?
I've never understood how can a man live...with one woman for his entire life?
मुद्दतें हो गई मुझे 1000 रुपये देखे हुए |
It's been ages since I last saw Rs.1000.
तुम क्यों नहीं करते यह ?
Why don't you do it?

Notice the use of the preposition of time at in the following standard expressions: Expression Example; at night: The stars shine at night. at the weekend* I don't usually work at the weekend. at Christmas*/Easter: I stay with my family at Christmas. at the same time : We finished the test at the same time. at present: He's not home at present. Try later. *Note that in some varieties of English people 

क्या तुम जानते हो तुमने क्या किया है ?
Do you know what you have done?
मैं तेरे साथ सालों से हूँ |
I've been with you for years.
मैंने अपनी माँ को कभी नहीं देखा है |
I've never seen my mother.
तुम यहाँ हो में तुम्हे 1 घंटे से ढूंढ रहा हूँ ?
I've been looking for you for one hour.

Examples of Prepositions of Time. There may only be three prepositions of time, but the ways in which you can use them are almost endless. In the following examples, the prepositions of time have been italicized for ease of identification. My birthday falls in January. Birds often migrate in spring and autumn. My great-grandmother was born in . Breakfast is a meal 

मेरी ज़िंदगी दुविधा में है |
My life's in a dilemma.
fantastic ! तुम कितने अच्छे लग रहे हो |
Fantastic! You are looking so good!
जीलो अपनी ज़िंदगी |
live your life.
आपको पता है कल क्या हुआ ?
You know what happened yesterday?

तुम बड़े वो हो |
You're very much 'that'.
सब कूड़ा है | सब बकवास है |
It's all crap! It's all rubbish!
हमने कुछ गलत नहीं किया |
we haven't done anything wrong.
मैं आपका यह एहसान ज़िंदगी भर नहीं भूलूंगा |
I'll never forget this favor of yours for the rest of my life.

इससे अच्छा मौका नहीं मिलेगा |
You won't find a better chance.
किसके लिए काम करते हो ?
who do you work for?
उसने कभी कुछ हासिल नहीं किया और न ही करेगा |
He has never achieved anything and he never will.
मैं आपका गुनाहगार हूँ |
I am your culprit. 

Example sentences with a preposition of time: We had a meeting in the afternoon. Iall wash the car in the morning. on on  day of the week. We use the preposition aona before a day of the week. The  days of the week in English are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Important a the first letter is a CAPITAL letter. If the event is a unique 

मेरे पापा ने मुझे घर से निकाल दिया |
My father banished me from his home.
मुझे लगता है जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ |
I think whatever happened was good.
कृपया आप वहाँ बैठ जाइये | मैं आपको बताता हूँ जब आपका रूम रेडी हो जायेगा |
Please sit there. I'll tell you when your room's ready.
जब कमल को पता चलेगा तो बहुत बुरा होगा |
When Dharam will know of this lie, it’ll be very bad.

A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a specific time period. Preposition of time examples: On Monday; On a cold day; At night; At the moment; In January; In the past; List of Prepositions of Time with Examples. Learn prepositions of time list with useful grammar rules and example sentences. During. Used when something happens within the time something else is 

क्या आप student को छूट देते है ?
Do you give discount to students?
हमें क्या पता कि तू मुसीबत में है ?
What did we know that you are in trouble?
तुम लखनऊ आने का सपना मत देखो |
Don't even dream to come to Lucknow.
मेरा पीछा मत करो |
Don't follow me around.

//nbsp;;;Preposition of Time |  Useful Examples of Prepositions of Time AT,IN,ON. April ,Comments. Preposition of Time in English! Learn the list of prepositions of time with AT, IN, ON: At dusk, At midday, At night, At noon, In January, In the as, In the st century, On Christmas, On Friday, On holidaywith ESL printable infographic. Learn more 

तुम अपने दोस्त के लिए अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों कुर्बान करना चाहते हो ?
Why do you want to sacrifice your life for your friend?
यही है ना जिसने तुम्हे सबकुछ बताया है, है ना ? 
She's the one who told you everything, didn't she?
मैं उसे जो चाहूँ बुला सकता हूँ |
I can call her whatever I want.
तुम गलत समझ रहे हो |
You're misunderstanding.

A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a specific time period. Preposition of time examples: On Monday; On a cold day; At night; At the moment; In January; In the past; List of Prepositions of Time with Examples. Learn prepositions of time list with useful grammar rules and example sentences. During. Used when something happens within 

मुझे लगा आप नहीं सुन रहे हैं |
I feel you are not listening.
तूने मुझसे पंगा लेके बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |
You've made a mistake by messing with me!
ये यहाँ कैसे हो सकती है ?
How can he be here?
क्या यह वक़्त है घर आने का ?
ls this the time to come home?

We have explanation and examples of Prepositions of time. Have a look-In. We use preposition aina with after certain time period, year, seasons, months, day time as, You will get it in an hour. He joined multinational company in . Students purchase rain coat in rainy season. He has submitted his project in September. I go for a walk in the evening. On. We use preposition aona with days of a week as, Our 

क्या इस शहर में ऐसा कोई है जिससे तुमने उधार पैसे ना लिए हो ?
Is there anyone in this city you haven't borrowed money from?
जब से डॉक्टर आया है तब से तुम्हारे देवर ही बदल गए हैं |
You've changed colors ever since the doctor has arrived!
तो सुना |
Then listen.
शादी की सारी तैयारियां हो चुकी हैं |
Everything's all set for the wedding.

Prepositions of time: Explanations: Example: In a Used for years / months / seasons a Used for morning / afternoon / evening a Period of time a I went backpacking in Europe in / in May / in summertime. a I went for a run in the morning/ afternoon/ evening. a This is my first chocolate in last three years. On a Days / period a I will go for a haircut on Monday. a I will go 

उसने तुझे गाली दी थी |
he abused you.
अब अपने कपडे उतारो |
Now take off your clothes...
बस सोंचो की तुम्हारा बुरा वक़्त चल रहा है |
Just think that you're going through a bad phase.
यह बस एक इत्तेफाक था |
This was just coincidence.

Functional Time Prepositions. The following time prepositions have a more functional usage and show how two or more events relate to each other in time. For example, Lisa jogs before dinner means Lisa jogs first and eats dinner second. These time prepositions can be hard to translate and are best learned through conversation.

आज देर हो गई है | जब तक तुम लोटोगे अँधेरा हो जायेगा |
It's late today. It'll be dark by the time you return.
कोई बात नहीं | जाने दे |
It's OK, let it go.
मैं कह रहा हूँ तुझे चल भाग चलते हैं यहाँ से |
I am telling you let us flee from here.
तुम अचानक आ गए | तुम्हें बताना चाहिए था कि तुम आ रहे हो |
You came all of a sudden. You should have said that you are coming.

Functional Time Prepositions. The following time prepositions have a more functional usage and show how two or more events relate to each other in time. For example, Lisa jogs before dinner means Lisa jogs first and eats dinner second. These time prepositions can be hard to translate and are best learned through conversation.

मैंने तुमने अपनी बहन का ख्याल रखने के लिए कहा था ना |
Hadn't I asked you to take care of your sister?
अब तू मुझे बतायेगा कि मेरा रिश्ता खत्म हो गया |
Now, you will tell me that my relationship is over.
पैसे पेड़ पर नहीं उगते |
Money doesn't grow on trees!
शुक्र है मैंने इसे सही time पर रोक दिया नहीं तो यह मर गया होता |
Thankfully I stopped him at the right time. Or he was sure to die.

We have explanation and examples of Prepositions of time. Have a look-In. We use preposition aina with after certain time period, year, seasons, months, day time as, You will get it in an hour. He joined multinational company in . Students purchase rain coat in rainy season. He has submitted his project in September. I go for a walk in the evening. On. We use 

तुम खुद कुछ क्यों नहीं कर सकते ?
Why can't you do anything by yourself?
लेकिन इतनी भीड़ क्यों लगी है ?
But why is it so crowded?
एक आख़िरी घूँट |
One last swig.
जबसे मैं उससे मिला हु मुझ नींद नहीं आ रही |
Since the time I have met her I couldn't sleep.

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