तुम्हारी माँ को आटा गूंधने में कितना वक़्त लगता है ?
How long does it take your mom to knead the flour?

तुम्हे मेकअप करने में कितना समय लगता है ?
How long does it take you to put on your makeup?

तुम्हे इस रफू करने में कितना समय लगेगा
How long will it take you to darn it?

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The lecture was three hours long. We worked all day long. We can also use a long time ago, long ago or long before to refer to a time many years in the past: This castle was built a long time 

कमल समझता कौन है अपने आप को ?
Who does Kamal think he is?
वह मुझे अब धमकी दे रहा है |
He's threatening me now.
अगर मैं तेरी बातों पे यकीन कर भी लू ... तो क्या है तेरे पास गिरवी रखने के लिए |
Even if I believe in what you've just said. what do you have as collateral for my investment?
उससे बात करने का कोई फायदा नहीं |
lt is useless to talk to him.

//nbsp;;;Itas  hours. Remember, when you make a question with a verb other than the be verb, you need to use an auxiliary verb do/did, have/had, will, are/is, etc.

मैंने अपना मोबाइल कमल को photo लेने के लिए दिया था |
I gave my mobile to Kamal to take pictures.
यह एक औरत को छेड़ रहा था |
He was teasing a woman!
कौन है ?
Who is it?
मैं अब तुम्हें अच्छी नहीं लगती |
You don't find me attractive anymore.

use of how long in english grammar

मुझे अकेला छोड़ के कहाँ चला गया था तू ?
where did you go leaving me alone?
क्या आप कमल को ढूंड रहे हैं ?
Are you Iooking for Kamal?
मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?
How should I know?
लड़ाई तीन दिन चली |
The battle went on for three days.

How Long And How Often In English Grammar | Use Of How Long And How Often | Grammar Hello Guys, I am here with a new video of translation rules.Give Your

तुमने मुझे wish करने के लिए कॉल नहीं किया |
You didn't call to wish me.
तुम ऐसा सोंच भी कैसे सकते हो ?
how could you even think like that?
चलो कमल मुझे अच्छा नहीं लग रहा |
Let us go, Kamal. l'm not feeling well.
मिला तुम्हे ?
Did you find it'?

//nbsp;;;You can use the present perfect tense when you want to talk about how long you have done something, or for what amount of time you have done something. It is used to talk about an action that began in the past and continues up to the present and will probably continue in the future.

हम उसे जितना भुलाने की कोशिस करते है, वो हमें उतना ही याद आता है |
The more we try to forget him, the more we miss him.
मीडिया को इसकी भनक भी ना लगे |
The press shouldn't even get a whiff of this.
मुझे लगता है उसने फ़ोन काट दिया |
I think he hanged down the phone.
मेरे मुंह में पान था |
there was betel leaf in the mouth.

Grammar Page Group A Grammar Patterns English Grammar Tips. Grammar Pattern : How much / How long / How many Model Sentence How many English sentences do you know? Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud! . How long have you known your friend? . How much time is there in a day? . How many people are in your family? . How 

दौ तीन साल से उसे किसी ने नहीं देखा |
No one has seen him for two - three years.
बस एक मिनट के लिए यहाँ आना |
Just come here for a minute
मैं रोज बाहर नहीं जाता | मैं आज बहुत दिनों बाद गया था |
I don't go out daily. I went after many days today.
तुम मुझे कभी ढूंढ नहीं पाते |
You wouId've never found me.

We use the adverbial a lot to mean often or frequently. It comes at the end of the clause:  English Grammar. Pronouns; Determiners and quantifiers; Possessives; Adjectives; Adverbials. How we make adverbials; Where adverbials go in a sentence; Adverbials of manner; Adverbials of place; Adverbials of time. When time and dates How long; How often 'still' and 'no longer', 

तुम्हें क्या लगता है मुझे पता नहीं कि तुमने cheeting की है ?
Do you think l don’t know that you’ve cheated?
तुम्हे किसी और से शादी करनी चाहिए थी |
you should've married someone else!
तुम क्यों नहीं बोलते ?
Why don't you speak?
क्या किया मैंने ?
What have I done?

//nbsp;;;You can use the present perfect tense when you want to talk about how long you have done something, or for what amount of time you have done something. It is used to talk about an action that began in the past and continues up to the present and will probably continue in the future.

मैं तुझे माफ़ करता रहा क्योंकि मैं तुझे बच्चा समझता था | 
l kept forgiνing you because l considered you a kid.
अगर उसे जिंदा देखना चाहते हो तो पुराने मंदिर पे 50 लाख रूपए लेके आ जाओ |
If you want to see him alive, come to the old temple with Rs.50 lakhs.
मैं उसे सिर्फ धमकी दे रहा था |
I was only threatening him.
मैं सो नहीं रहा बल्कि सोंच रहा हूँ |
I am not sleeping but thinking.

How long  have  you, they, I, we  been  verb  ing? . How long have they been playing? . How long have you been waiting? . How long have you been reading? . How long have they been sleeping? . How long have I been writing? . How long have I been singing? . How long have I been working? . How long have they been standing? .

क्या हुआ |
What happened?
हमने बचपन में बहुत परेशानियों का सामना किया है | लेकिन अब मैं हमारी ज़िंदगी खुशियों से भरना चाहता हूँ|
In our childhood, we faced many hardships but now, I want to fill our life with happiness.
मुझे नहीं पता गाड़ी में पेट्रोल कैसे ख़त्म हो गया |
l don't know how the petrol got over in the car.
मैं उसे किसी भी कीमत पर पाना चाहता था |
I wanted to have her at any cost.

How Long And How Often In English Grammar | Use Of How Long And How Often | Grammar Hello Guys, I am here with a new video of translation rules.Give Your

हमारी सारी उम्मीदें तुझी से हैं |
All our hopes are with you.
यहाँ कोई नहीं है |
There is no one here.
मैंने बताया ना कि मैं कुछ नहीं ढूंड रहा था |
l told you that l was not searching for anything.
आपको मेरे साथ एक कप कॉफ़ी पीनी पड़ेगी |
You will have to come for a cup of coffee with me.

एक काम करोगे मेरे लिए ?
Will you do something for me?
क्या तुमने अपनी पहली बीवी को छोड़ दिया ? या वो किसी के साथ भाग गई ?
did you leave your first wife? Or did she elope with someone else?
क्यूँ क्या हुआ ?
Why? What's wrong?
मैं और क्या कर सकता था ?
What else could I do?

//nbsp;;;You can use the present perfect tense when you want to talk about how long you have done something, or for what amount of time you have done something. It is used to talk about an action that began in the past and continues up to the present and will probably continue in the future.

तुम्हें नहीं लगता तुम्हे पहले अपना पर्स check कर लेना चाहिए ?
Don't you think you should check your wallet?
मुझे आइन्दा कोई शिकायत नहीं मिलनी चाहिए |
I shouldn't have any complaints henceforth.
जैसे ही मिलता है तुझे कॉल करता हूँ |
I'll call you as soon as I find it.
तो यह क्या है ?
Then what's this?

We use the adverbial a lot to mean often or frequently. It comes at the end of the clause:  English Grammar. Pronouns; Determiners and quantifiers; Possessives; Adjectives; Adverbials. How we make adverbials; Where adverbials go in a sentence; Adverbials of manner; Adverbials of place; Adverbials of time. When time and dates How long; How often 'still' and 'no longer', 

अपने पापा के पास वापस जाओ और उनसे कहना कि तुम्हारा मन बदल गया है |
Go back to your father and, tell him that you've changed your mind.
तुम कॉल कर सकते थे |
You could have called.
वह यहाँ तक उसी की वजह से पहुंची है |
She made it this far because of him.
सुना तुमने दूर रहो इससे |
You heard me, stay out of it.

When and How Long indicate different things. When usually indicates a specific point in time, or something that is considered as a specific point. How long indicates a period or length of time, with a beginning and ending point. Notice that with when and how long, different tenses and different verbs are often used.

तुम क्या बात discuss करना चाहते थे ?
what is the matter you wanted to discuss?
इतने कंजूस क्यों बन रहे हो ?
Why are you being so cheap?
तुम मज़ाक कर रहे हो हे ना ?
You're joking, right?
बाद में अगर तुम मुझे बताना भी चाहोगे तो भी बोल नहीं पाओगे |
Later even if you want to tell me, still you won't be able to speak.

When and How Long indicate different things. When usually indicates a specific point in time, or something that is considered as a specific point. How long indicates a period or length of time, with a beginning and ending point. Notice that with when and how long, different tenses and different verbs are often used.

तुम्हे उसकी लाश भी नहीं मिलेगी |
You won't even find his corpse.
एक टैक्सी वाला तुम्हारी कार ठोक कर भाग गया था |
A cab driver had bumped into your car and drove away.
गले लग जा |
giνe me a hug.
तेरा फ़ोन क्यों बंद है ?
Why is your cell phone off?

Grammar Page Group A Grammar Patterns English Grammar Tips. Grammar Pattern : How much / How long / How many Model Sentence How many English sentences do you know? Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud! . How long have you known your friend? . How much time is there in a day? . How many people are in your family? . How 

ताकि लोगो को पता चले कि ...
So that people come to know that …..
सच कहूँ तो तुम्हें दवाई से ज्यादा दुआ की जरुरत है |
To be honest, more than medicines, what you need is Prayer.
अलविदा मेरे दोस्त |
Farewell my friend.
तुम्हे आने में इतना time क्यों लगा ?
What took you so long to come?

'how long' usually refers to  an amount or period of time or  a measurement. For example, 'How long have you lived in Islamabad?' is asking about a period of time and 'How long is that table?' is asking about a measurement. 'how far' is usually used to refer to a distance. For example, 'How far is it from here to Islamabad?'

तुमने अपना 2 साल का किराया नहीं दिया है |
You've not paid your rent for two years. 
आगे कुछ मत कहना |
Don't say anything further.
मैं कहना तो नहीं चाहता था लेकिन मैं जानता था कि एक न एक दिन तुम्हें पता चल जायेगा |
l didn't want to say it. But l knew you'd get to know some day.
अगर आपको किसी का शुक्रिया ही अदा करना है तो उनका करिए जिन्होंने आपकी बीवी की जान बचाई है |
If you want to thank anyone then thank them who saved your wife's life.

Grammar Page Group A Grammar Patterns English Grammar Tips. Grammar Pattern : How much / How long / How many Model Sentence How many English sentences do you know? Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud! . How long have you known your friend? . How much time is there in a day? . How many people are in your family? . How 

क्या लोगे तुम ? या क्या लेना पसंद करोगे ?
What would you like to have?
I am sorry तुम मेरी वजह से इस problem में पड़ी |
I am sorry that you got in this problem because of me.
मैंने तुम्हे सब बता दिया था | लिख के दूं क्या तुझे |
I told you everything. Should I write it down for you!
अगर कमल को पता चल गया कि मैं यहाँ आया हूँ तो वह मुझे जान से मार देगा |
If the Kamal knows that I have come here. he will kill me.

How long  have  you, they, I, we  been  verb  ing? . How long have they been playing? . How long have you been waiting? . How long have you been reading? . How long have they been sleeping? . How long have I been writing? . How long have I been singing? . How long have I been working? . How long have they been standing? .

पहचाना मुझे ?
Recognize me?
क्या करूँ ?
What to do?
सर मैं कह रहा था कि ....
Sir, I was saying now that.. 
बाहर खतरा है |
It's dangerous out there.

//nbsp;;;Itas  hours. Remember, when you make a question with a verb other than the be verb, you need to use an auxiliary verb do/did, have/had, will, are/is, etc.

ऐसा कुछ नहीं है |
There is nothing of that sort.
तुमने उसकी बेज्जती की |
You humiliated her.
अगर मैं तुम्हे ना बताऊँ तो ?
What if I don't tell him?
पैसे मिलते ही मैं आपका किराया दे दूंगा |
I'll pay the rent as soon as I get the money.

See examples of How long in English. Real sentences showing how to use How long correctly. Translation. Conjugation. Vocabulary. Grammar. Premium. Log in Sign up. how long. Add to list.  The worldas largest Spanish dictionary. Conjugation. Conjugations for every Spanish verb. Vocabulary. Learn vocabulary faster. Grammar. Learn every rule and exception. Pronunciation. Native-speaker video 

वह ख़ुशी में नाच रहा है |
He's dancing in glee.
आज तुम्हे क्या हो गया है ?
What has happened to you today?
क्या आपको उनका चेहरा याद है ?
Do you remember their faces?
पुरे घर में खून ही खून था |
There was blood all over the house.

//nbsp;;;Itas  hours. Remember, when you make a question with a verb other than the be verb, you need to use an auxiliary verb do/did, have/had, will, are/is, etc.

वह इसकी वजह से बदनाम भी हो गया |
He even got defamed because of it.
मैं तेरे पीछे सब संभाल लूँगा |
I'll take care of everything in your absence.
बाकी के कमीनें कहाँ है ?
Where are the rest of the scoundrels?
तेरा इन पैसों से कभी भला नहीं होगा देख लेना |
You'll never prosper with this money, mark my words.

How long  have  you, they, I, we  been  verb  ing? . How long have they been playing? . How long have you been waiting? . How long have you been reading? . How long have they been sleeping? . How long have I been writing? . How long have I been singing? . How long have I been working? . How long have they been standing? .

मुझे गजरा देने का विचार तुम्हें कहाँ से आ गया ?
From where did you get the thought of giving me a flowery garland?
I am sorry, मुझे चिल्लाना नहीं चाहिए था |
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled.
सबकुछ बर्बाद हो गया |
everything got ruined.
क्या आपने किसी का चेहरा देखा ?
Did you see anybody's face?

We use the adverbial a lot to mean often or frequently. It comes at the end of the clause:  English Grammar. Pronouns; Determiners and quantifiers; Possessives; Adjectives; Adverbials. How we make adverbials; Where adverbials go in a sentence; Adverbials of manner; Adverbials of place; Adverbials of time. When time and dates How long; How often 'still' and 'no longer', 'already' and 'yet' Adverbials 

जैसे तुम लोग सोंच रहे हो वैसा कुछ नहीं हुआ |
Nothing happened theway you all think. 
कौन सा business जो हमें नहीं पता ?
What's this business that I don't know of'?
क्या फुस फुस कर रही हो ?
What are you whispering?
कुछ जोड़ना मत | बिल्कुल वही कहना जो हमने सिखाया है |
Don't add anything! Just say what we have taught you!

The lecture was three hours long. We worked all day long. We can also use a long time ago, long ago or long before to refer to a time many years in the past: This castle was built a long time 

तुमने ही तो रखा था |
you kept it yourself.
उसकी कोई जरुरत नहीं है |
There is no need of that.
मैं भी शादी करने के लिए बेताब हूँ |
Even I'm impatient to get married.
मेरी आँख जल रही है और मुझे नींद भी आ रही है |
My eyes burn and I feel sleepy too.

'how long' usually refers to  an amount or period of time or  a measurement. For example, 'How long have you lived in Islamabad?' is asking about a period of time and 'How long is that table?' is asking about a measurement. 'how far' is usually used to refer to a distance. For example, 'How far is it from here to Islamabad?'

यहाँ कितने सारे लोग हैं लेकिन किसी ने एक शब्द नहीं बोला |
there are so many people around but they didn't utter a word.
पहले एक दुसरे को जान लेते हैं |
Let's get to know each other.
किसी ने हमसे पहले माल लूट लिया |
Someone stole the goods before us.
मैंने तुम्हारे बारे में बहुत कुछ सुना है |
l have heard a lot about you.

How Long And How Often In English Grammar | Use Of How Long And How Often | Grammar Hello Guys, I am here with a new video of translation rules.Give Your

तो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what can I do?
तुमने इसे क्या खा कर पैदा क्या था ?
What did you eat when he was in your womb?
मैं अपने कमल के लिए इसी तरह का laptop चाहती हूँ |
I want just this kind of a laptop for my Kamal.
यह मेरी जाती problem है | और मैं इसे हैंडल करना जानती हूँ |
it is my personal problem. And I know how to handle it.

See examples of How long in English. Real sentences showing how to use How long correctly. Translation. Conjugation. Vocabulary. Grammar. Premium. Log in Sign up. how long. Add to list.  The worldas largest Spanish dictionary. Conjugation. Conjugations for every Spanish verb. Vocabulary. Learn vocabulary faster. Grammar. Learn every rule and exception. 

मैं क्या करूँ ? रुकूँ या जाऊं ?
What shall I do? Shall I wait or leave?
तुम हमेशा fail कैसे हो जाते हो |
how come you gets failed always.
तुम्हारा काम हो जायेगा |
Your work will be done.
मैं उसकी वाट लगा दूंगा |
l will screw him.

तुम ही क्यों नहीं रखते ?
Why don't you keep it instead?
उन्होंने अपनी बहन की शादी करवाने के लिए आपको धोका दिया है |
Thay have deceived you to get their sister married.
अभी भी कुछ नहीं बिगड़ा |
We haven't lost anything yet.
उन्हें लगा लड़के मेरी बात में दम है |
He really felt that what I had said made sense.

See examples of How long in English. Real sentences showing how to use How long correctly. Translation. Conjugation. Vocabulary. Grammar. Premium. Log in Sign up. how long. Add to list.  The worldas largest Spanish dictionary. Conjugation. Conjugations for every Spanish verb. Vocabulary. Learn vocabulary faster. Grammar. Learn every rule and exception. 

पैसे लेके भागने के सोंचना भी मत |
Don't even think about escaping with the money.
संभल के |
Be careful...
अब जो होना था हो गया |
Now whatever had to happen has happened.
तुम बहुत बदल गई हो |
you’ve changed a lot.

'how long' usually refers to  an amount or period of time or  a measurement. For example, 'How long have you lived in Islamabad?' is asking about a period of time and 'How long is that table?' is asking about a measurement. 'how far' is usually used to refer to a distance. For example, 'How far is it from here to Islamabad?'

मैं बताना भूल गया कि ...
I forgot to say that…
तुम इतना गुस्सा क्यों हो रहे हो ?
Why do you get so angry?
तुम और क्या देखना चाहते हो ?
What more do you want to see?
मुझे पता था ऐसा ही कुछ होगा |
I knew something of this sort would happen.

The lecture was three hours long. We worked all day long. We can also use a long time ago, long ago or long before to refer to a time many years in the past: This castle was built a long time ago. or  was 

हमने तुम्हारे बारे में बहुत सुना था लेकिन तुम्हें कभी देखा नहीं था | आज तुम्हें देख भी लिया |
We had heard a lot about you, but never saw you. Today I have seen you too.
क्या बकवास कर रहे हो तुम ?
What nonsense are you taking?
अब आयेगा असली मजा |
Now the real fun will start.
उन्हें कार ने टक्कर मार दी जब वह जॉगिंग कर रहे थे |
A car hit him while he was jogging.

When and How Long indicate different things. When usually indicates a specific point in time, or something that is considered as a specific point. How long indicates a period or length of time, with a beginning and ending point. Notice that with when and how long, different tenses and different verbs are often used.

हमें इस तरह का घर भी तो मिलना चाहिए |
We should find such a house too.
मैंने यह तो नहीं कहा |
I didn't say that.
थोड़ी देर पहले |
A while ago.
अगर कोई दिखे तो सीटी बजाना है | ठीक है ?
If you see somebody, just whistle! Fine?

मैं आपको कुछ नहीं होने दूंगा |
I won't let anything happen to you.
मैं क्या कह रहा था ?
what was I saying?
मैं कायर की तरह भाग नहीं सकता था |
I couIdn't have run away like a coward.
जबान को लगाम दे |
HoId your tongue!

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