Structure 16 - उसकी बातो में आकर

Structure -  बातो मैं आकर being trapped someone story.

उसकी बातों मैं आकर मैंने उसे पैसे दे दिए |
I have given him money being trapped in his story.

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मुझे लगता है अब हमें चलना चाहिए | देर हो रही है |

I think we should leave. It's getting late.

तुम जाओ मैं देख लूँगा इसे |

You go. I'll take care of it.

तुमने मुझे शादी में भी नहीं बुलाया |

You didn't even invite me for the wedding.

अगर वह तुमसे मिला तो उसकी तबियत और खराब हो जाएगी |

lf he meets you, his health will deteriorate.


 : English Speaking


हम पे जोर मत डालो | हम दोड़ रहे हैं वही बहुत है |

Don't pressure us. It's enough that we're running

इससे ज्यादा उम्मीद मत करना | नहीं तो तुम पछताओगे |

Don't expect anymore. You'll regret it.

चलो दुबारा शुरू करें |

Let's start again.

तुम्हें उससे क्या लेना देना |

What do you have to do with that?


Best Hindi to English Speaking Course. In todayas world, English language plays an essential role in our lives as it helps in communication.English is important for students as it broadens their minds develops emotional skills, improves the quality of life by providing job opportunities.. Many people are dedicating time to studying English as a second language. Children are starting to learn English at a


ताकि कोई हम पर शक ना करे |

So that no one suspects us.

क्या तुम्हें यहाँ कोई परेशानी है ?

Do you have any problem here?

आप मुझे ताने क्यों मारती रहती हो ?

Why do you keep taunting me?

मैंने कहा था ना कि हमें यहाँ नहीं आना चाहिए ?

hadn't I told you that we shouldn't come here?


 : English Speaking


मेरी तो किसी को पड़ी ना है | सबको सिर्फ अपनी परवाह है |

No one cares about me. They only think of themselves.

तुमने पानी गिरते तो सुना होगा ?

Yeah, but you could hear the water running, right?

क्या हुआ था उस दिन कमल

What happened that day, Kamal?

यह बहुत पुरानी है | यह pic तब की है जब हम मिले भी नहीं थे |

this is very old. This pic was taken when we had not even met.


 : English Speaking


जो हो गया सो हो गया |

let bygones be bygones.

अगर गलती से मैंने आपको कुछ गलत बोल दिया हो तो प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर देना |

if by mistake, l haνe uttered something wrong. please forgive me.

मैं तो तुम्हे जानता भी नहीं |

I don't even know you.

मुझे गजरा देने का विचार तुम्हें कहाँ से आ गया ?

From where did you get the thought of giving me a flowery garland?


Free Spoken English Course for Hindi speakers, New Rajinder Nagar. , likes ;  talking about this. Dr English is your online store of free English lessons. Whether you are looking to learn


सारा लखनऊ नाच गा रहा था |

The entire lucknow was singing and dancing.

तुझे तो खेत जोतना भी नहीं आता |

You don’t even know how to plough a field.

क्या कहा मम्मी ने ?

What did mother say?

मैं तुम्हें सुबह से कॉल कर रही हूँ |

i have been trying to call you since morning




मुझे पता है वह यही कहीं है |

I know he's somewhere around.

मैं बाथरूम में था |

I was in the bathroom

तुम पीने कब से लगे ?

Since when do you drink?

क्या छुपाया मैंने ?

What have I hidden?


It is so easy to learn English speaking through this course that any person that speaks Hindi can learn to speak English. In this Hindi to English language learning course, you will get daily use


हम पहले सी ही बहुत परेशानी में हैं |

we're already facing so many problems.

हमारे लिए वे हमारे बच्चो जैसे हैं |

For us, they are like our children.

भाड़ में गई तेरी दोस्ती !

To hell with your friendship!

तू अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहा है ?

Why are you ruining your life?


 : English Speaking


तुम्हारे चहरे को क्या हुआ ?

What happened to your face?

बताओ मुझे तुमने क्या पीया है ? बताओ मुझे |

Tell me what did you drink? Tell me.

अच्छा हुआ ना हम इस रस्ते से आये |

It's good that we took this route, isn't it?

क्या हुआ ? गुदगुदी हो रही है |

What's wrong? It tickles.


//nbsp;;;Contents.? / How to learn spoken English through Hindi. .. English grammar :; ..  :; .. English Medium


यह क्या सुन रही हूँ मैं ?

what am I hearing'?

क्या मुझे चुप रहना चाहिए था ?

should I have stayed mute?

उठो क्या तुम्हे काम पर भी नहीं जाना ?

Wake up! Don't you have to go to work as well?

तुम हर चीज इतनी seriously क्यों लेते हो ?

Why do you take everything so seriously?


It is so easy to learn English speaking through this course that any person that speaks Hindi can learn to speak English. In this Hindi to English language learning course, you will get daily use


तीन दिन तक लाइट नहीं आएगी |

There will be no electricity for three days.

कमल यहाँ आने के लिए तैयार नहीं था |

Kamal was not ready to come here.

आज तुमने क्या सीखा ?

what did you learned today?

मैं अकेला आया हूँ |

I have come alone.


 : English Speaking


बैग कहाँ गायब हो सकता है ?

Where could the bag disappear ?

किसने बताया तुझे ?

Who told you?

सामान उठाने में उसकी मदद कर दो |

Help her with the luggage.

कोई problem ?

Any problem?


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वह अब तक चारबाग़ पहुँच गया होगा |

He must have reached Charbag by now.

मुझे बहुत बात करने की आदत है | तब तो और ज्यादा मजा आएगा | क्योंकि मेरी भी यही आदत है |

I'm in the habit of talking a lot! - It will be a lot of fun then... because I have the same habit!

तुम बहुत naughty हो |

You're really naughty.

हम इंस्पेक्टर से शांति से बात कर सकते थे |

We could've talked to the inspector calmly.


If you just started learning English, you first need to know some basic rules of the language. Developing a solid foundation in English grammar will not only


इतनी जल्दी हम सारे इंतिजाम कैसे करेंगे ?

How can we make all arrangements so soon?

एक बार अगर वह मेरे हाथ लग गया तो कसम से मैं उसकी हड्डियां तोड़ दूंगा |

Once I get my hands on him, I swear. I'll break his bones.

क्या में पूँछ सकता हूँ तुम यहाँ क्या साबित करना चाहते हो ?

May l ask what you wish to prove here?

क्या कहा उसने ?

What did she say?


//nbsp;;;Contents.? / How to learn spoken English through Hindi. .. English grammar :; ..  :; .. English Medium


मैं बहुत पहले से planning कर रहा था |

I was planning since long.

चलो | उधर नहीं | इस तरफ |

Come on. Not there. Τhis way.

जाओ अपने आप देख लो |

Go see for yourself.

यह सब इसकी गलती है |

It's all his fault!


Best Hindi to English Speaking Course. In todayas world, English language plays an essential role in our lives as it helps in communication.English is important for students as it broadens their minds develops emotional skills, improves the quality of life by providing job opportunities.. Many people are dedicating time to studying English as a second language. Children are starting to


तू चावल कब पकाएगा ?

When wiII you cook rice?

मैंने उसे रास्ते में बहुत परेशान किया |

I harassed him a lot on the route.

मेरी माँ का बुरा मत मानना |

Don't mind my mother.

वो तो अच्छी खबर है, है ना ?

That's good news, isn't it?


Free Spoken English Course for Hindi speakers, New Rajinder Nagar. , likes ;  talking about this. Dr English is your online store of free English lessons. Whether you are looking to learn


जब से हम लखनऊ से आये है, उसने मुझसे बात नहीं की |

Since we've come back from the resort, he hasn't spoken to me.

उसे बीच में मत ला |

Don't drag her into this.

चलो कमल मुझे अच्छा नहीं लग रहा |

Let us go, Kamal. l'm not feeling well.

समझने की कोशिश करो |

try to understand!


It is so easy to learn English speaking through this course that any person that speaks Hindi can learn to speak English. In this Hindi to English language learning course, you will get daily use


मैं आपको कुछ नहीं होने दूंगा |

I won't let anything happen to you.

उसने अंगूठी पहनी है |

They wear a ring.

तुम इसका क्या करने वाले हो ?

What are you going to do with this?

फ़िक्र मत करो | बस छोटी सी खरोंच है |

Don't worry. It's just a small bruise.


Best Hindi to English Speaking Course. In todayas world, English language plays an essential role in our lives as it helps in communication.English is important for students as it broadens their minds develops emotional skills, improves the quality of life by providing job opportunities.. Many people are dedicating time to studying English as a second language. Children are starting to


मुझे यह कहते हूँ शर्म आती है कि यह मेरा भाई है |

I feel ashamed to say that, he's my brother.

तुम हमसे पैसे क्यों मांग रहे हो ?

why are you asking us for the money?

रुको, तुम कहीं नहीं जा रही हो | ऐसे तो बिलकुल नहीं |

Stop. You're not going anywhere. Certainly not like this.

मुझे पेशाब करने जाना है |

I have to go pee.


 : English Speaking


कुछ confusion है |

There is some confusion.

कमल भाई कहाँ है ?

Where is brother Prem?

मेरे पापा कहते हैं, जो तुम नहीं जानते उसे भगवान पर छोड़ दो |

my father says, what you don't know, leave to God!

हर time बकवास मारता रहता हैं |

Talking rubbish all the time!


If you just started learning English, you first need to know some basic rules of the language. Developing a solid foundation in English grammar will not only


तुम इतने दिन से कहाँ थे ?

where had you been since so many days?

वह ठरकी है |

She's a pervert!

exam के अभी भी 3 दिन बाकी हैं |

There are still three days to go for the exams.

वह भाग गया होगा |

He must have run away.


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