Structure 66 - उसे सजा दी जा चुकी थी - Passive voice - Past perfect


Passive voice in past perfect tense

जब हिंदी वाक्यों के अन्त में जा चुका था या गया था आता है तो had + been + verb की third form का प्रयोग किया जाता है |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है

उसे सजा दी जा चुकी थी |
He had been punished.

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A different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence. In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace in the rd person singular form. The nd person plural pronouns are identical to the nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.


वह तुम्हारी तरफ इशारा कर रही है |

She is pointing towards you.

देखो कौन आया है |

look who's here.

मुझे बहुत बात करने की आदत है | तब तो और ज्यादा मजा आएगा | क्योंकि मेरी भी यही आदत है |

I'm in the habit of talking a lot! - It will be a lot of fun then... because I have the same habit!

मुझे सिर्फ बोलने में problem है |

I only have a problem with speaking.


Pronouns a English Grammar Exercises. Personal pronouns, Possessives, Relative pronouns, Reflexive pronouns. Personal pronouns a Exercise ;  Personal pronounsPersonal pronouns in English a Object forms a Exercise ;  Personal pronouns a Subject or object form? a Exercise;  Personal pronouns or Possessive determiners a Exercise ;  Personal


हमारे पास बहुत है कुछ साल अच्छी ज़िंदगी जीने के लिए |

We have enough to lead a good life for a few years.

उसका बाप पुलिस ऑफिसर है, हमें जेल हो जायेगी |

Her father's a police officer, we'll be jailed.

कह दो की यह सच नहीं है |

Say that this is not true!

उम्मीद करता हूँ कि यह मेरा वहम है |

I hope this is just my imagination.


Pronouns Each other, one another Everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere It Gender No one, nobody, nothing, nowhere One One and oneas Pronouns: personal I, me, you, him, it, they, etc.


मैं चाहूँ तो तेरा असली चेहरा दिखा सकता हूँ |

I can reveaI your reaI seIf.

हम दोनों जानते है कि उन्हें खोना कैसा लगता है जिन्हें हम प्यार करते है |

we both know what it feels like to lose people we love.

मैं कुछ गलत नहीं करूँगा |

i won't do anything wrong.

कितना बचा है ?

How much is Ieft?


Indefinite Pronouns These refer to something that is unspecified. Singular: anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, somebody, someone, something: Plural: both, few, many, several: Singular or Plural: all, any, most, none, some


अगर आप बुरा ना माने तो आपसे एक बात कहूँ ?

If you don't mind can I say something to you?

तुम इधर उधर क्या देख रहे हो ?

Why are you looking around?

उसे हॉस्पिटल लेके गए हैं |

She's been taken to a hospital.

मज़ाक करने का ये कोई वक़्त नहीं है |

This is no time to joke.


Classification of Pronouns with Examples: Personal Pronoun:. It indicates any person acting as a subject or an object [Here you can learn what is subject and Impersonal Pronoun:. It indicates mainly non-living things. Demonstrative Pronoun:. These words are used for nouns to point out the


बस तुम अपना फ़ोन on रखना |

just keep your phone on.

तुम उसे रखने के लिए इतने बेताब क्यों हो ?

Why you're so keen to keep him?

मैंने तुम्हारी ख़ुशी के लिए इतना बड़ा कदम उठाया | लेकिन किसे फर्क पड़ता है |

I took such a big step for your happiness. but who cares.

किसके साथ मजे कर रहा था ?

Who were you having fun with?


Pronouns personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, relative pronouns, reflexive pronouns,


यह रहा तुम्हारा निष्कासन पत्र |

here’s your rustication letter.

यह लखनऊ का best होटल है |

This is the best hotel of Lucknow.

मैं तुमसे शाम को मिलता हूँ |

I'll see you in the evening.

मैं एक पैसा नहीं दूंगा |

I won't give a singIe paisa.


A pronoun I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc. is a word that takes the place of a noun. In the sentence Joe saw Jill, and he waved at her, the pronouns he and her take the place of Joe and Jill, respectively.


तो उसका पहला हक है |

So he had the first right |

तुम बकवास क्यों मर रहे हो |

Why are you talking rubbish?

कोई मुड़ के नहीं देखेगा |

no one will turn around.

उसकी आत्मा को शांति मिले |

May his soul rest in peace!


Here's the full list . Personal Pronouns / Subject Pronouns. You already know subject pronouns, even if you didn't know that's what they . Object Pronouns. Object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or a preposition. They offered me a ride.  This . Possessive Pronouns. A


5 मिनट में तैयार हो जाओ, मैं आ रहा हूँ |

Get ready in five minutes, I'm coming.

मुझे तुझे दुबारा ना कहना पड़े |

I don't have to tell you again.

हम रोज तेरी वजह से late हो जाते हैं |

Every day we're late because of you.

इस बारे में सोंचना |

Think about it...


Here's the full list . Personal Pronouns / Subject Pronouns. You already know subject pronouns, even if you didn't know that's what they . Object Pronouns. Object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or a preposition. They offered me a ride.  This . Possessive Pronouns. A


क्या हो रहा है कमल ?

What is happening Kamal?

आओ मेरे साथ |

Come with me.

वह तो सबकी माँ निकली |

She's turned out to be the mother of all.

पुलिस ने हमें चारो तरफ से घेर लिया है |

the police have surrounded us from all sides.


A different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence. In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace in the rd person singular form. The nd person plural pronouns are identical to the nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.


तुम उसे यहाँ क्यों लाये ?

why did you bring him here?

मैं बहुत दिनों से तुम्हें ढूंड रहा था |

l have been searching for you guys since a long time.

उसे अचानक क्या हो गया ?

What has happened to her suddenly?

तुम जाओ मैं देख लूँगा इसे |

You go. I'll take care of it.


Pronouns Each other, one another Everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere It Gender No one, nobody, nothing, nowhere One One and oneas Pronouns: personal I, me, you, him, it, they, etc.


मुझे अब और मत तडपाओ |

Don't torment me anymore.

मैं तुम्हें यह भी सिखाऊंगा |

l'll teach you this as well.

लोग घूर रहे हैं | क्या कर रही हो तुम ?

People are staring. What are you up to?

कितना दान चाहिए तुम्हें ?

How much donation do you want?


//nbsp;;;Types of Pronoun  Personal Pronouns. Personal pronouns are those that refer to people, places, things, and ideas directly. Personal  Possessive Pronouns. A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that is used to indicate possession or ownership. Example:  Reflexive Pronouns. Reflexive pronouns


कितनी बार बोलूं मैं तुम्हे ?

How many times do I tell you?

शायद वह तुम्हारी मदद कर सके |

He might able to help you.

वहीं मत खड़ी रहो |

Don't just stand there!

मैं आपको कोई तकलीफ नहीं देना चाहती थी | पर मुझे एक जरुरी काम आ गया है |

I didn't want to bother you. but I have an important work.

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