Structure 78- जब हम मिलेंगे तब हम इस बारे में बात करेंगे - When


WHEN जब question word की तरह use नहीं होता है तब इसकी हिंदी जबहोती है |
When की हिंदी जब होने पर हम when के बाद helping verb का प्रयोग नहीं करते है |

जब मैंने उसे देखा तब वह ताश खेल रही थी |
When I saw her she was playing cards.

जब तुम आओगे तब में तुम्हे पढ़ाऊंगा |
When you come I will teach you.

जब मैं तुमसे मिलूँगा तब मैं तुमसे इस matter पे बात करूँगा |
When I meet you I will talk to you about this matter.

जब हम मिलेंगे तब हम इस बारे में बात करेंगे |
When we meet we will talk about this.

जब मैं सो के उठा तब बारिश हो रही थी |
When I woke up this morning it was raining.

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मैं किसी का इल्जाम अपने ऊपर नहीं ले रहा |
I am not taking anyone's blame...
वो रास्ते में होंगे |
They might be on their way.
दुखभरी कहानी मत बना |
Don't make pathetic stories!
क्या दुनिया में ऐसे लोग भी है ?
Are there such people too in the world?

हम अपनी बीवियों से माफ़ी मांगेंगे |
We will apologize to our wives.
तुम्हारे लड़के को कुछ नहीं हुआ है |
Nothing has happened to your son.
कितनी देर इंतिजार करने पड़ेगा मुझे ?
How long do I have to wait?
कोई नहीं बचा है |
There's no one left.

To find out the time something is going to happen in an English speaking country use when. Here are  questions travellers often ask: . When does the next bus arrive?

इतनी देर हो गयी | अभी तक ट्रक क्यों नहीं आया ?
It's so late. Why hasn't the truck arrived yet?
नल में पानी नहीं आ रहा |
Water is not coming from tap.
जबसे मैंने ये गलती की है तबसे सबकुछ गलत हो रहा है |
Since I made this mistake, everything's going wrong.
तुम क्या चाहती हो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what do you want me to do?

Origin. The Five Ws and How were long attributed to Hermagoras of Temnos. But in , it was established that Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics are in fact the source of the elements of circumstance or Septem Circumstantiae. Thomas Aquinas had much earlier acknowledged Aristotle as the originator of the elements of circumstances, providing a detailed commentary 

क्यों नहीं करने दोगे मुझे ? यह जगह क्या तुम्हारी है ?
Why won't you let me? Do you own this place?
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |
I was thinking about you.
और क्या ? अपने आप को देखिये |
What else? Look at you.
वह बाद में पछतायेगा |
He'll regret this later.

When definition, at what time or period? how long ago? how soon?: When are they to arrive? When did the Roman Empire exist? See more.

कमल का रोज किसी न किसी से झगड़ा होता रहता है |
Kamal gets into a fight with someone or the other eνery day..
तुम मज़ाक कर रहे हो हे ना ?
You're joking, right?
मैं आपको कुछ नहीं होने दूंगा |
I won't let anything happen to you.
मेरे पास खर्च करने के लिए और पैसे नहीं हैं |
I don't have any more money to spend.

Do you know which preposition to use before times, days, months and years? Here is a reminder

बच्चों को स्कूल से ले आना |
Bring the children from the school.
जल्दी करो | मैं बैग ले कर आती हूँ |
Hurry up. I'll bring the bag.
तुम इस tone मैं उससे दुबारा बात नहीं करोगे |
you won't talk to him in this tone again.
ज्यादा friendly होने की कोशिस मत करो |
Don't try to get too friendly.

When definition, at what time or period? how long ago? how soon?: When are they to arrive? When did the Roman Empire exist? See more.

मैंने कितने अच्छे exam दिए थे | लेकिन फिर भी उसने मुझे fail कर दिया |
I did so well in my exams. But still he failed me.
सारा लखनऊ नाच गा रहा था |
The entire lucknow was singing and dancing.
मुझे इसके लिए बहुत से पैसे दिए गए थे |
l was given lots of money for that.
मैंने तुम्हे बहुत miss किया |
I missed you so much.

Origin. The Five Ws and How were long attributed to Hermagoras of Temnos. But in , it was established that Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics are in fact the source of the elements of circumstance or Septem Circumstantiae. Thomas Aquinas had much earlier acknowledged Aristotle as the originator of the elements of circumstances, providing a detailed commentary 

मुझे पता था तुम भूल जाओगी लेकिन मैं नहीं भुला | जन्म दिन मुबारक हो |
l knew that you would forget. But l have not forgotten, happy birthday day.
अगर पापा बीच में ना आते तो मैं उसे जान से मार देता |
I would have killed him, if Dad hadn't stopped me.
मैं ठीक हूँ | और तुम ?
I'm fine. And you?
तुम्हे मेरी बात पर शक है !
You doubt my words!

We use when as a conjunction meaning at the time that. The clause with when is a subordinate clause sc and needs a main clause mc to complete its meaning. If the when-clause comes 

तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं ?
You didn't tell me?
मरने के बहाने ढूंढना बंद करो |
Stop looking for excuses to die.
यह तुम्हारे साथ यहाँ क्या कर रहा है ?
What was he doing here with you?
क्या बात है बहुत महक रहे हो |
Smelling good? What's the matter?

 Consider also the following:. He was walking down the main street of the town. He was walking down a main street of the town. He was walking down a main street of a town. He was walking down a main street of town. He was walking down Main Street.  Some words use the same form for the singular and plural, like fish or sheep..  Sometimes words which appear to be singular 

उसे किस हॉस्पिटल लेके गए हैं ?
Which hospital has she been taken too?
मुझे उसका नाम और number लेना चाहिए था |
I should've taken his name and number.
मैं आपको कोई तकलीफ नहीं देना चाहती थी | पर मुझे एक जरुरी काम आ गया है |
I didn't want to bother you. but I have an important work.
क्या मुझे थोडा पानी मिल सकता है ?
Can I have some water?

We use when as a conjunction meaning aat the time thata. The clause with when is a subordinate clause sc and needs a main clause mc to complete its meaning. If the when-clause comes 

आपको पता है कल क्या हुआ ?
You know what happened yesterday?
तुम्हे इंस्पेक्टर किसने बनाया ?
Who made you an inspector?
क्या हो रहा है कमल ?
What is happening Kamal?
इशारा क्या कर रहे हो ? जो कहना है कहो ?
Why are you gesturing? Say what you want to?

As, when or while ? - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

और क्या करूँ मैं ?
What else should I do?
अच्छा है | लड़का मर्द बन रहा है |
It is good. Boy is becoming a man.
मैं नहीं | कोई और होगा |
Not me! Must be somebody else!
क्या सारा अचार खत्म हो गया ?
is all the pickles finished?

 synonyms of when from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus  related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for when.

जो कुछ तुम्हें चाहिए यह तुम्हें ला कर दे देगा |
He will get for you whatever you want.
क्या बनाऊं उनके लिए ?
What should I cook for them?
वह आपकी मर्जी से उससे शादी करना चाहती है |
She wants to marry him with your consent only.
सब ठीक है |
Everything's fine.

When definition is - at what time. How to use when in a sentence.

मुझे माफ़ करना | मैं सो गया था | मैं थका हुआ था |
I'm sorry! I fell asleep, I was tired!
इसमें सिर्फ एक मिनट लगेगा |
This will take hardly one minute.
मेरी तो किसी को पड़ी ना है | सबको सिर्फ अपनी परवाह है |
No one cares about me. They only think of themselves.
तुमने सही किया |
You did the right thing!

We use when as a conjunction meaning aat the time thata. The clause with when is a subordinate clause sc and needs a main clause mc to complete its meaning. If the when-clause comes 

तुझे तो अहसान मानना चाहिए मेरा |
In fact, you should be grateful to me.
वैसे तुम्हारा आज रात का क्या प्लान है ?
By the way, what are your plans for tonight?
क्या मतलब मेरी मर्जी |
What do you mean, ‘my wish’!
उसे कहीं छुपा दो |
Hide him somewhere.

When definition is - at what time. How to use when in a sentence.

मैं कामयाब होना चाहती थी पर इस कीमत पर नहीं |
I wanted to be successful...but not at this price.
तुम चाहे कुछ भी मानो पर मैं अपने पिता जी का दिला नहीं तोड़ सकता था |
Take it in whichever way... but I couldn't break my father's heart
वह हमेशा के लिए जा रहा है |
He is leaving forever!
क्या उसे शर्म नहीं आयी ?
Didn't she feel ashamed?

Do you know which preposition to use before times, days, months and years? Here is a reminder

हम भी हेरान हैं | उसका business भी अच्छा चल रहा था |
Even we are amazed, His business too was running smoothly.
I am sorry,  actually, मैं कोई और समझ रहा था |
I am very sorry. Actually, I thought it was someone else.
मुझे इससे इलाज नहीं करवाना |
I don't want him treating me.
तुम बहुत सुन्दर लग रही हो |
You are looking very beautiful.

छोड़ो, तुम्हें क्या फर्क पड़ता है ?
Forget it, what do you care?
मैं तुम लोगो को भी सड़क पर ले आया |
I got even you people on the streets.
उसके बाद की कहानी कोई नहीं बताता |
No one tells the story after this.
इस ड्रेस मैं कोई problem है क्या ?
Is there some problem with this dress?

When definition, at what time or period? how long ago? how soon?: When are they to arrive? When did the Roman Empire exist? See more.

मैं तो बस अपनी किस्मत को क़ोस रहा हूँ |
I am just cursing my luck...
तुम्हारा माल safe है |
Your stuff is safe.
लड्डू मिले तुम्हें मिठाई के दुकान पर ?
did you get the ladoo from sweet shop?
कह दो की यह सच नहीं है |
Say that this is not true!

We use when as a conjunction meaning aat the time thata. The clause with when is a subordinate clause sc and needs a main clause mc to complete its meaning. If the when-clause comes 

मैं तुम्हारी कार की बात कर रहा हूँ |
I am talking about your car.
5 दिन हो गए है | ना मुझे पैसे दिखे और ना तुम |
It's been five days. I neither saw the money nor you.
तुम बहुत अच्छे वक़्त पर आयी हो |
You've come at a very good time.
भगवान का शुक्र है कि वह बच गई |
It's by God's grace that she survived.

We use when as a conjunction meaning aat the time thata. The clause with when is a subordinate clause sc and needs a main clause mc to complete its meaning. If the when-clause comes 

कुछ भी पहन ले | तुम कुछ भी पहनता है उसमें handsome लगता है |
Wear anything. You look handsome in anything you wear.
मुझे मुसलमान से कभी शादी नहीं करनी चाहिए थी |
I should never have married a Muslim man!
उसकी लड़की की जिम्मेदारी मेरे ऊपर आ गई |
the responsibility of her daughter came on me.
धोकेबाजो | किस तरह के दोस्त हो तुम सब |
Deceivers! What kind of friends are you all!

 Consider also the following:. He was walking down the main street of the town. He was walking down a main street of the town. He was walking down a main street of a town. He was walking down a main street of town. He was walking down Main Street.  Some words use the same form for the singular and plural, like fish or sheep..  Sometimes words which appear to be singular 

कल रात मैंने क्या किया ?
What did I do last night?
मैं तुम्हारा मंदिर में इंतिजार कर रही थी |
I've been waiting for you at the temple.
वह इसकी तुलना में कुछ नहीं हैं |
They're nothing compared to it.
तू यहाँ सुकून की तलाश में आया था |
you came here in quest of peace.

Do you know which preposition to use before times, days, months and years? Here is a reminder

जब तुम रोते हो तो अच्छे नहीं लगते |
You don't look good when you cry.
हम शाहीन बाग़ की तीसरी गली से आये हैं 
we've come from the third lane of Shaheen baag.
और कहाँ होऊंगा ?
Where else will i be?
पता नहीं क्या होता अगर तुम लोग time पर ना आते तो |
l don't now what would have happened if you all would not have come on the right time.

बिलकुल नहीं |
Not at all.
मुझसे बहतर और कौन जानता था |
who knew that better than me.
उसका कुछ सामान मेरे पास है |
I had some of his belonging with me.
पहली बार कुछ अच्छा हो रहा है |
For the first time something good is happening.

We use when as a conjunction meaning aat the time thata. The clause with when is a subordinate clause sc and needs a main clause mc to complete its meaning. If the when-clause comes 

तुमसे मतलब |
None of your business.
मेरा आज बहुत काम pending पड़ा है |
I have so much work pending today.
हां, उसका फ़ोन switched off है |
Yes, his phone is switched off.
मैंने ऐसा कब कहा ?
When did I say so?

When definition is - at what time. How to use when in a sentence.

तेरी परेशानी क्या है ?
What's the matter with you?
परिवार में से कोई भी तुम्हारा इस पागलपन में साथ नहीं देगा |
Nobody in the family will be with you in your madness!
किस वक़्त आ रहा है वो ?
What time is he arriving?
अब जल्दी बताओ मुझे मेरी कार कहाँ है | वरना मैं तुम्हें यह गोली मार दूंगा |
Now tell me quickly where my car is. Or l'll shoot you right here.

 synonyms of when from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus  related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for when.

कमल समुंद्र में डूब रहा है |
Kamal is drowning in the sea.
मैं किसी और से प्यार करती हूँ |
I love someone else.
तुम्हे कभी किसी को धोका नहीं दे सकते |
You can never betray anyone.
आज नहीं तो कल हमें उन्हें बताना पड़ेगा |
Sooner or later we'll have to tell them.

Origin. The Five Ws and How were long attributed to Hermagoras of Temnos. But in , it was established that Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics are in fact the source of the elements of circumstance or Septem Circumstantiae. Thomas Aquinas had much earlier acknowledged Aristotle as the originator of the elements of circumstances, providing a detailed commentary 

क्योंकि कमल मुझसे छुटकारा पाना चाहता है |
Because Kamal wants to get rid of me.
तुम चाहती हो मैं यह काम ले लूँ है ना ?
You want me to take it up, don't you?
कम से कम एक बैग तो दे दो |
At least give me a bag.
मैं आपसे और कुछ भी कहना चाहता हूँ |
I have something else to tell you.

 Consider also the following:. He was walking down the main street of the town. He was walking down a main street of the town. He was walking down a main street of a town. He was walking down a main street of town. He was walking down Main Street.  Some words use the same form for the singular and plural, like fish or sheep..  Sometimes words which appear to be singular 

मेरी मैगज़ीन वहाँ कैसे पहुंची ?
How did my magazine get here?
Excuse me, मैं बस अभी आया |
Excuse me. I'll just be back.
लखनऊ क्यों !
Lucknow! Why?
क्या तुमने इसे कोई तमीज नहीं सिखाई ?
Have you taught him no manners?

 synonyms of when from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus  related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for when.

उठाओ उसे |
Lift him up.
अब सब ठीक हो जायेया |
Now, everything will be all right.
हम शर्मिंदा है |
We are ashamed
कमल से नहीं मिलवाओगे ?
won't you introduce us to Kamal?

To find out the time something is going to happen in an English speaking country use awhena. Here are  questions travellers often ask: . When does the next bus arrive?

वह तेरी जान के पीछे पड़ा था |
He was after your life!
मुझे अब और मत तडपाओ |
Don't torment me anymore. 
हमारे पास और कोई option नहीं है |
We do not have any other option.
मैं ठीक हूँ |
I'm fine.

To find out the time something is going to happen in an English speaking country use awhena. Here are  questions travellers often ask: . When does the next bus arrive?

क्या करूँ | मैं exam की तैयारी करने में busy था |
What to do. I was busy preparing for the exam.
मैं तो सिर्फ अपनी feelings बता रहा था |
I was only expressing my feelings.
मुझे तुमसे सीखने की जरुरत नहीं कि किसी से कैसे behave करना है |
I need not learn from you how to behave with anyone.
आपका काम हो सकता है पर एक condition पर |
Your work might be done. But on one condition.

As, when or while ? - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

इस सपने को सच करने में बहुत सारे लोग जिम्मेदार हैं |
Many people are responsible for this dream come true.
बुलाओगी मुझे अपनी शादी में |
Will you invite me to your wedding?
लगता तो ऐसा ही है |
Seems like that.
हम चले जायेंगे |
We will go away.

As, when or while ? - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

मैं यह बाद में सुनूंगा |
l'll listen to it later.
तुमने मेरी जान बचा ली नहीं तो मैं मर गया होता |
You saved my life. I would've been dead otherwise.
क्या तुम कल रात उसके कमरे में गए थे ?
had you gone to her room last night?
अपना चेहरा दुबारा कभी मत दिखाना |
Never show your face again.

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