Structure 97 - मुझे उसके साथ जाने में शर्म आ रही है - Gerund


Structure 14 – मुझे शर्म आ रही है

मुझे उसके साथ जाने में शर्म आ रही है |

I am fighting shy of going with him.

तुम इस काम को करने में क्यों शर्मा रहे हो |

Why are you fighting shy of doing this work.

तुम उससे बात करने में क्यों शर्माते हो |

Why do you fight shy of talking with her.

तुम वहां जाने में क्यों शर्माते हो |

Why do you fight shy of going there.

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STRUCTURE 98 - मेरी उनसे बातचीत नहीं है

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मुझे दौ दिन में प्रवेश शुल्क जमा करना है |

l have to pay the entry fees within two days.

हाँ वो तो दिख रहा है |

Yes! I can see it!

मैं तुमसे कुछ कहना चाहती हूँ | पर इस बात से हमारे रिश्ते पे कोई फर्क न पड़े |

I want to say something to you. But that shouldn't affect our relationship.

देखो उसने क्या किया |

Look at what he has done.


learn definite article


तुम्हें दिखता नहीं मैं कॉफ़ी पी रहा हूँ ?

Can't you see I'm drinking coffee?

उसका अपहरण तो नहीं हो गया ?

He hasn't been kidnapped, has he?

वह वहीँ है जहाँ उसे होना चाहिए |

lt is where it should be.

वह आपकी मर्जी से उससे शादी करना चाहती है |

She wants to marry him with your consent only.


//nbsp;;;A definite article always has to match both the gender and number of its noun. If the noun is feminine and singular like salsa, then the article also has to be feminine and singular la salsa. If that same noun is plural like salsas the article is also plural las salsas.


यह नहीं हो सकता !

This can't be!

देखो इसने क्या किया |

Look what he did!

कोई दिक्कत नहीं है |

No problem at all.

और कुछ कहना है तुम्हे ?

Do you have anything else to say?


a/an, the The determiners a/an and the are called ;articles;. They are the most common of all determiners. They come at the very beginning of a noun phrase.


वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |

She was cheating on me.

मैं तुम्हे इस केस से हटा रहा हूँ |

I am taking you off this case...

यह कमीना औरतो को नहाते हुए देखता है |

This scoundrel peeks at women taking a bath.

लेकिन भाई कुछ तो करना पड़ेगा |

But Brother, something has to be done.


//nbsp;;;A definite article always has to match both the gender and number of its noun. If the noun is feminine and singular like salsa, then the article also has to be feminine and singular la salsa. If that same noun is plural like salsas the article is also plural las salsas.


बैग पकड़ो अपना |

Hold on to your bag

उन्होंने हमारा जीना हराम कर दिया है |

They have made our lives miserable!

तुम्हें कॉल करनी चाहिए थी |

You should have called.

मुझे पता है तुम मुझे सुन रही हो |

l know you’re listening to me.



हम पे जोर मत डालो | हम दोड़ रहे हैं वही बहुत है |

Don't pressure us. It's enough that we're running

हाँ, मैं समझ गया | तुम जा सकते हो |

Yes, i do. You may go.

मैंने उस लड़की अभी यही देखा |

I just saw that girl here

तुम तो कोशिस भी नहीं कर रहे थे |

You weren't even trying!


Level: beginner. We use the indefinite article, a/an, with singular nouns when the listener/reader does not know exactly which one we are referring to: Police are searching for a -year-old girl.. We also use it to show that the person or thing is one of a group:. She is a pupil at London Road School.. Police have been looking for a -year-old girl who has been missing since Friday..


तुम क्या पढ़ रहे हो ?

What are you reading?

तुझे मुझसे क्या चाहिए ?

What do you want from me?

हो सकता है यह ट्रिप किसी लड़की से मिलने का बहाना हो |

Maybe this trip's just an excuse to meet new girls.

घर पर फ़ोन किस बेवकूफ ने उठाया था ?

which fool answered the phone at home?


Definite and Indefinite Articles A, an, the are the articles, which are used before Nouns to show whether we are talking of general nouns or specified ones. Therefore, they are divided into two categories: .


बताया नहीं तुमने कि तुम आ रहे हो ?

Why didn't you say you're coming?

वे रहे | और कमल भी उनके साथ है |

There they are, and even Kamal is along with them.

अचार मिलेगा ?

I'd like some pickle.

कौन से सर ?

Which one, sir?


There could be many rules to remember and exceptions along with it. But in this chapter, we assure you, thereas only one word to learn about- one of the most commonly used words a the. Thatas right- the word the is the only Definite Article that there is. The one true king of its kind.


डॉक्टर ने कहा है कि उसे कोई नहीं बचा सकता |

The doctor said that no one can save her now.

हमें यह शादी हर कीमत पर रोकनी है |

We've to stop this marriage at all cost?

ये यहाँ नहीं चलेगा |

This won't work here.

बदले में मुझे क्या मिला ? धोका |

What did I get in return? Betrayal!


The definite article the . Matching_MTUMDQ. The definite article the . GapFillDragAndDrop_MTUMDU. The definite article the . GapFillTyping_MTUMDY Level: intermediate. We can also use the definite article with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: Life can be very hard for the poor.


क्या बचपना है ये ?

what childishness is this?

यहाँ उसका पता कोई नहीं जानता | वो कुछ दिनों से ऑफिस भी नहीं आ रही है |

No one knows her address here. She's also not been coming to the office since the last couple of days.

क्या कर रहे हो तुम ? तुम इतनी कस के क्यों मार रहे हो |

What are you doing? Why are you hitting so hard.

एक काफी नहीं था जो दो आगये |

Wasn't one enough, that now we have two.


The definite article the . Matching_MTUMDQ. The definite article the . GapFillDragAndDrop_MTUMDU. The definite article the . GapFillTyping_MTUMDY Level: intermediate. We can also use the definite article with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: Life can be very hard for the poor.


मैं ऐसा क्यूँ करूँगा ?

Why would I do that?

मेरा घुस्सा बहुत ख़राब है मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |

I have a terrible temper! I'm capable of doing anything!

उसके लिए तुमने पूरे परिवार की ज़िंदगी दाँव पर लगा दी |

For that, you risked the life of the whole village.

मैं तेरी हड्डियां तोड़ दूंगा अगर तू मेरे पास आया तो |

I'll break your bones if you come near me!


The definite article the . Matching_MTUMDQ. The definite article the . GapFillDragAndDrop_MTUMDU. The definite article the . GapFillTyping_MTUMDY Level: intermediate. We can also use the definite article with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: Life can be very hard for the poor.


देखना, भगवान तुझे कभी माफ़ नहीं करेगा !

You'll see it, God will never forgive you!

पागल खाने से छूटे हो क्या ?

Have you escaped from an asylum?

हमें डर था कि कही तुम मुझपर विश्वास ना करो |

we were afraid you wouldn't believe us.

तुम चाहती हो मैं यह काम ले लूँ है ना ?

You want me to take it up, don't you?


The definite article, the, can refer backwards in a conversation or text to something already mentioned.  my sister there hid a little parcel in my suitcase, so when I was unpacking the case I had a really cool surprise It can also refer forwards to something which is going to be mentioned or explained.


कुछ दिनों से हम पति पत्नी की तरह रह रहे हैं |

For the past couple of days we have been living as husband and wife.

तुम झूठ बोल रही हो |

You are lying.

नहीं तो इसके अंतिम संस्कार का खर्चा भी मुझे ही भरना पड़ेगा |

Otherwise, I'll have to pay for his last rites as well.

जूता किसने फेका ?

Who threw the shoe?


a/an, the The determiners a/an and the are called ;articles;. They are the most common of all determiners. They come at the very beginning of a noun phrase.


तुम मुझे सुबह से बदनाम कर रहे हो |

You are slandering me since morning.

तुम क्यों भोंक रहे हो ?

Why are you barking?

कोई ऐसे नहाता है क्या |

Does one bathe like this?

तुम्हे अपने आप पर शर्म आनी चाहिए |

You should be ashamed of yourselves.


The definite article the . Matching_MTUMDQ. The definite article the . GapFillDragAndDrop_MTUMDU. The definite article the . GapFillTyping_MTUMDY Level: intermediate. We can also use the definite article with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: Life can be very hard for the poor.


जहाँ कोई इसे कभी ढूंड ना पाए |

Where no one will ever find it.

मुझे बाहर निकालो नहीं तो मैं मर जाऊंगा |

Take me out or l'll die.

प्लीज उसे बोलने दो |

Please! Let him speak!

मैं तुझ पे एक एहसान करता हूँ |

Let me do a favour on you.


a/an, the The determiners a/an and the are called ;articles;. They are the most common of all determiners. They come at the very beginning of a noun phrase.


मैंने तुम्हें कितनी बार कहा है कि कमल के साथ मत खेला करो |

How many times have l told you not to play with Kamal.

चलो | उधर नहीं | इस तरफ |

Come on. Not there. Τhis way.

मैं खुद को भूल सकता लेकिन तुम्हे नहीं |

I can forget myself, but not you.

क्या तुम्हें मुझ पर भरोसा नहीं है |

Don't you trust me?


The definite article the . Matching_MTUMDQ. The definite article the . GapFillDragAndDrop_MTUMDU. The definite article the . GapFillTyping_MTUMDY Level: intermediate. We can also use the definite article with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: Life can be very hard for the poor.


तो इसमें नया क्या है ?

What’s new in that?

वह तेरी तरह मुफ्तखोर नहीं है |

He isn't a free loader like you.

यह कहने के लिए इतनी रात में यहाँ आने की क्या जरुरत थी ?

what was the need for you to come here so late in the night to say this?

लगता है वे घर पर नहीं है |

Seems like they are not at home.


Learn by Examples; Exercise; Contact  Definite article or Indefinite article, each of the articles has different uses in different situations. Using Indefinite Article: a  an . Rule : A common noun in the singular number always requires an article before it. But a plural common noun does not require an article always. A plural common noun can have the article athea if we want to particularise that noun.


तुम हमेशा हर बात मज़ाक में उड़ा देते हो |

You always laugh off every matter.

तुम वापस कैसे जाओगे ?

how will you go back?

मुझे उसे हॉस्पिटल ले के जाना था |

I had to take her hospital.

तुम्हे बस बिस्तर से उठना था और बाल्टी रखनी थी |

All you had to do was get out of bed and put the buckets out.


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