Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

verb से पहले to लगाने पर infinitive बनता है |

जैसे to eat, to go, to drink.

नीचे infintive के daily life में use होने वाले कुछ वाक्य दिए हैं | इस वाक्यों को पढ़कर आपको infinitive किस तरह के हिंदी वाक्यों के लिए use होता है इसका अंदाजा हो जायेगा |

क्या करूँ ?
What to do?

कहाँ जाऊं ?
Where to go?

वह रोने ही वाली है |
She is just to weep.

मैं आपको फ़ोन करने ही वाला था |
I was just to call you.

मैं तुमको बताने ही वाला था |
I was just to tell you.

तुम्हे बच्चे को सिखाना चाहिए कि कैसे बरताव करते हैं |
You should teach your child how to behave.

क्या तुमने उसे बताया कि कैसे करना है इसे ?
Did you tell him how to do it?

बताओ मुझे आगे क्या करना है |
Tell me what to do next.

मैं आपको कॉल करना भूल गया |
I forget to call you.

मैं चाहता हूँ तुम इसे करो |
I want you do it.

मैं उसे यह करने के लिए कहूँगा |
I will tell him to do it.

तुम्हे सिगरेट पीना किसने सीखाया ?
Who taught you to smoke?

वह जानता है क्या करना है |
He knows what to do.

वह कार चलाना जानता है |
He knows how to drive a car.

Infinitive के use को सीखकर अपनी English improve करने के लिए आप ऊपर दिए sentences को बोलने की खूब practice करिये | सबसे पहले ऊपर दिए sentences को शीशे के सामने 10 बार बोलिए जब आपको इन sentences को बोलने में comfortable महसूस करें तब आप इन sentences को बिना english ट्रांसलेशन देखे बोलने कि कोशिश करें | जब आप इन sentences को बिना देखे बोलने लगेंगे तब आपको इस तरह के sentences को english में बोलने में ज्यादा दिक्कत नहीं होगी |

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Both gerunds and infinitives can be used as the subject or the complement of a sentence. However, as subjects or complements, gerunds usually sound more like normal, spoken English, whereas infinitives sound more abstract. In the following sentences, gerunds sound more natural and would be more common in everyday English. Infinitives emphasize the possibility or potential for something and 

इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हे काम पर रखना चाहता हूँ |
This is why I want to hire you.
पहले यहाँ दरवाजा नहीं था |
EarIier there was no door.
वो रास्ते में होंगे |
They might be on their way.
वह उसके कान में कुछ खुसफुसा रही थी | और उसके बात वह उसे लेके चली गई |
She was whispering something in her ears. And, after that she took her along.

An infinitive is a verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb in order to express an opinion, purpose of an object or action, or answer the questions who, what, or why.. An infinitive usually begins with the word atoa and is followed by the base form of a verb the simple form of the verb that you would find in the dictionary.. Examples of infinitives include to read, to run, to jump, to play, to sing, to 

अब हम यहाँ और नहीं रहेंगे |
We won't live here any more.
तुम कहीं नहीं जाओगे | वह खुद तेरे पास आएगी |
You won't go anywhere! She herself will come to you!
जब तक तुम मुझे check नहीं करने दोगे मैं यहाँ से नहीं जाऊंगा |
Until you let me check the locker I won't move from here.
मुझसे एक बड़ी गलती हो गई |
I made a big mistake, sir.

//nbsp;;;What is an infinitive in English? An infinitive is TO  V of a verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Ex a to eat, to run, to love, to help, to sleep, to dance, to smoke etc., It is called a non-finite verb as it does not change according to the subject and the tense. There are  types of non-finite verbs in English: Gerunds; Infinitives

लोग प्यार में अपनी जान दे देते हैं | तू कुछ मुक्के नहीं खा सकता | कायर |
People lay down their lives in love! You can't even endure a few punches! Coward!
तुम रस्सी को चट्टान से क्यों बांध रहे हो ?
Why are you tying the rope to the rock?
मुझे विश्वास है जितना तुम अभी कमाते हो उससे ज्यादा कमाओगे |
I'm sure you'll earn much more than you do now.
हिम्मत मत हारो |
dont loose your courage.

Apart from the verbs mentioned above, some typical expressions in English also require the infinitive base form of the verb without atoa in subsequent position.

हमें इस बारे में कुछ नहीं पता था |
we didn't know anything about it.
तेरे साथ मैं भी फसुंगा |
l'll get screwed along with you.
तू यहाँ सुकून की तलाश में आया था |
you came here in quest of peace.
अपना बैग चेक कर लो देख लो कुछ गायब तो नहीं है |
Do check your bag, to see if anything's missing.

मैं तुम्हें सुबह से यही तो दिखा रही हूँ |
I have been showing you this since then.
पहले अपने हाथ धो लो |
Wash your hands first.
उसने मुझे पहचान लिया तो ?
What if he recognises me?
मेरा पीछा मत करो |
Don't chase me around.

An infinitive can be a to-infinitive or a bare infinitive without to.There is no difference in meaning between them; some structures require a to-infinitive, while others call for a bare infinitive:. I ought to call them. to-infinitiveI had better call them. bare infinitive In the negative, not usually comes before the infinitive: I ought not to call them. I had better not call them.. In some cases, the verb in the main 

लगता है तुम बहुत अच्छे से जानते हो उसे ?
You seem to know her very well.
सब कहते है कि मैं प्रियंका से ज्यादा अच्छी दिखती हूँ |
Everyone says I'm better looking than Priyanka.
मैं तुम्हें एक मौका दे सकता हूँ लेकिन तुम्हें अपनी वफादारी साबित करनी होगी |
I can give you one chance. But you must prove your loyalty.
अपने आप सुखा लिए |
Wipe yourself dry,

We can use to  infinitive to say why we do something. It tells the other person the reason. We need to have a normal verb as well. I went on holiday this is what I did to relax this is why I did it. She studies hard to get good marks. He gave up cakes to lose weight. I'm calling you to ask for your help. Be careful! In many languages, we use 'for  infinitive'. This is not correct in English. NOT: I went on holiday for 

आज रात मैं उसे अपने साथ डिनर पे ले जा रहा हूँ | इसलिए उसे देर हो जाएगी |
Tonight, I am taking him for dinner with me. So he'll be late.
तुम्हे और कमल को कुछ घंटे पति पत्नी होने का नाटक करना पड़ेगा |
You and Kamal will have to be husband and wife for just a couple of hours.
तुम सबकुछ छोडकर आ जाओ |
Just leave everything and come here.
क्या तू सुन रहा है मुझे ?
Do you hear me?

Gerunds and infinitives are both important in English grammar. If you get a grip on both and understand the basic difference between the two then you can easily gain a command on the English Language. You might be thinking that we have been giving so much importance to grammar since our very first blog. This is because without the use of grammar your sentences would not make sense to the other person. 

मैंने उससे दो घंटे बात की |
We talked to him for two hours.
तुम्हारी बाथरूम में झाँकने की जुर्रत कैसे हुई |
How dare you peek inside the bathroom..
मैं वैसा आदमी नहीं हूँ जैसा तुम मुझे सोंचती हो |
l'm not the sort of guy you think l am.
वह बहुत अच्छी है जिस किसी के घर जाएगी वह बहुत खुश रहेगा |
She is very nice, whosever house she goes. He will be very happy.

There are different types of infinitive in English. The most common is the ato doa form of the verb, as in aI want to study Englisha, which we use after many verbs.

मुझे विश्वास नहीं होता तुम हमारे साथ चल रहे हो |
I can't believe you're coming with us.
अगर वह बच गया तो हम नहीं बचेंगे |
lf he survives then we won't survive.
डाका डाला क्या ?
Did you commit robbery?
आप कब आये ?
When did you arrive?

gt; English Language gt; Using Gerunds and Infinitives. Using Gerunds and Infinitives Written by Martine Johnston, International Student Centre. Printable PDF Version; Fair-Use Policy; Gerunds and infinitives are verb forms that can take the place of a noun in a sentence. The following guidelines and lists will help you figure out whether a gerund or infinitive is needed. Following a verb gerund or 

ये तीनो दोस्त एक जैसे हैं |
these three friends are alike.
तुम 15 मिनट late हो |
You're 15 minutes late!
तुम्हारी आवाज इतनी अजीब क्यों लग रही है 
your voice sounds so different.
अगर वह मरना चाहता है तो तुम उसे कैसे बचा सकती हो ?
lf he wants to die, how can you save him?

We can only use the infinitive of purpose if the subject of the main verb and the infinitive of purpose are the same. If they are different, we use 'so that  clause' or 'in order that  clause'. I went to the library to study. I went to the library and I studied - the subject are both 'I'.

ले सूटकेस ले, वहाँ रख इसको |
Here, take the suitcase. Keep it there.
यह मत सोचना कि तुममे कोई कमी है |
Don't think you are any less!
मेरा सामान हॉस्टल से वापस ले आओ |
get my stuff back from the  hostel.
दूल्हा दुल्हन को बुलाइए |
Call the bride and the groom, please.

A common mistake people make is to describe the infinitive as the most basic form of a verb a in fact, it isnat! So what is the infinitive, and how might you actually speak or write it in English? Read on to find out! Why do we use the atoa? The infinitive form of a verb is written with the following formula: ato  verba. For 

हमें आपको गिरफ्तार करने के लिए भेजा गया है |
We have been sent to arrest you.
देखो वो रहा |
Look, there he is,
क्या घर के काम सिर्फ मेरी जिम्मेदारी हैं ?
Is house hold work only my responsibility?
हम शाहीन बाग़ की तीसरी गली से आये हैं 
we've come from the third lane of Shaheen baag.

Infinitive is formed by adding to with a verb that acts as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb in a sentence. When a verb is in its infinitive state, it has no subject or object. It is used to define the action of the verb without tying it to a specific person. It is a verb acting without a subject. The infinitive is the verb in its purest form 

इस ड्रेस मैं कोई problem है क्या ?
Is there some problem with this dress?
क्या मुझे चुप रहना चाहिए था ?
should I have stayed mute?
ऐसे नहीं बोलते |
Don't talk like that.
हमने जितना सोंचा था उतने नहीं मिले |
We didn't get as much as we expected...

Gerunds and infinitives are a part of English grammar that many English learners find challenging. In this post, I will help you understand when to use a gerund or infinitive to describe the purpose of someone or something.. In English, both gerunds and infinitives can be used to talk about the reason why we use or do something.. Letas begin with an example.

लेकिन भाई कुछ तो करना पड़ेगा |
But Brother, something has to be done.
लेकिन आज जो कुछ हुआ मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा |
But I surely liked what happened today.
तुम्हारे सारे दोस्त आगे निकल जायेंगे |
All your friends will move ahead.
इसलिए मैंने उसे मरवाया था |
That's why I got her killed.

Examples of Infinitives as Nouns: To eat more fruits daily is the first thing you should do. To walk in the morning is a good habit. To watch a movie every day is rational and redeeming. To stop the car suddenly cannot be a good move. To cheat in the exam is not uncommon nowadays. To sleep early is 

ऐसा लगता है जैसे कि company तुम चला रहे हो |
It is like as though you're running the company.
मैं उसे डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता था |
l wanted him to be a doctor.
आप इस कस्बे में अजनबी लगते हैं |
You appear to be a stranger in town.
यह silent पर था इसलिए |
It was on silent, that's why.

//nbsp;;;Infinitive and Gerund. Bare infinitive without to: We usually use infinitives with to in the English language. I want to go. I told him to come. The infinitive without to bare infinitive is used as follows. After modal verbs a can, may, must, neednat, dare  I can bring it. He may take it. You must buy it. We neednat open it. He dared not tell me.

आज देर हो गई है | जब तक तुम लोटोगे अँधेरा हो जायेगा |
It's late today. It'll be dark by the time you return.
तुम फर्श पर क्यों बैठे हो ?
Why are you sitting on the floor ?
तुम अपने दोस्तों को बचाने के लिए इल्जाम अपने ऊपर क्यों ले रहे हो ?
why are you taking the blame to save your friends?
मुझे तुमसे कुछ कहना है |
I have something to say to you.

//nbsp;;;How to use the Infinitive . infinitive | English language course | eurocentres | free English lesson | Free English Lesson;  minute read. The infinitive is the most basic form of a verb a itas the way a verb is usually described in the dictionary, next to its definition, such as ato runa or ato eata. Most of the time, you will use a verb in a variety of other forms, but sometimes you can also use it in this simpler, 

चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ झांकेगा भी नहीं |
After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.
तुमने कमल को थप्पड़ क्यों मारा ?
Why did you slap Kamal?
मैंने कोई हकीम या डॉक्टर नहीं छोड़ा | कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ |
I haven't left out a doctor or a hakim. It doesn't help
हो सकता है वो टीवी के सामने खड़ा हो |
He might be standing in front of the TV.

English Language  Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up.  I'm confusing with use of gerund or infinitive, I don't know which one of them I should use, for example ; I'm looking for a function to reverse a string I'm looking for a function for reversing a 

मुझे फ़िक्र है तेरी इसलिए बोल रहा हूँ |
I'm asking because I'm worried about you.
तुम फ़िक्र मत करो | सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
You don't worry. Everything will be right.
तुम यहाँ क्यों आयी ? किसने बुलाया तुम्हें ?
Why did you come here? Who called you?
पर अगर यह सच है तो मुझे कॉल करना |
But if it is true, then give me a call.

use of INFINITIVE in English

यह देखो | हो गया |
See this. It is done.
सामान रखो नीचे |
Keep the stuff down!
मैं तुमसे बात कर रही हूँ ?
I am talking to you.
क्या तुम्हे पता है कि रीना कहाँ है ?
Do you know where Reena is? 

In the first sentence the infinitive, like a noun, is the object of the verb alovea. In the second sentence, the infinitive, like a noun, is the subject of the verb aisa, but, as a verb, it also takes an object aour eldersa. How to Write Professional Emails in English; The Different Usage of the Infinitive The Bare Infinitive

दवाई ले लो आराम मिलेगा 
Take a pill. You'll feel better.
डॉक्टर को बुलाऊं क्या ?
Should I call the doctor?
मुझे पता है वो बत्तमीज है |
l know he's ill-mannered.
जितना चाहो उतना हंस लेना |
You can laugh all you want.

Infinitive. The infinitive is the basic form of the verb. We use the infinitive: after certain adjectives Example: It was impossible to go back. after certain nouns Example: There was no need to get angry. after certain expressions Example: I would rather stay at home. after certain verbs with or without an object Example: We might stay at home.

यह जानकार अच्छा लग रहा है कि कोई हमारे बारे में भी सोंचता है |
It feels good to know that someone thinks about us as well.
तुम्हारे पास मेरे साथ बिताने के लिए 2 मिनट नहीं थे |
You didn't have two minutes to spend with me.
वह मुझे कहाँ मिलेगा ?
Where will l find him?
कहाँ हो तुम ?
Where have you been?

The infinitive can also be the object of a preposition. The speaker is about to begin. Here the infinitive ato begina is the object of the preposition about. The infinitive can also be used to qualify a verb. He called to see my brother. We eat to live. I came to bury Caesar. The infinitive can be used to qualify an adjective. Figs are 

वह खूबसूरत अक्लमंद और good nature की होनी चाहिए |
She should be beautiful! Intelligent! With a good nature!
चाय लाया हूँ 
I've brought you tea.
क्या खाने के लिए और कुछ अच्छा नहीं है ?
Isn't there anything better to eat?
मैं कराऊंगा तुम्हारी और रीना की शादी |
I'll get you and Reena married!

हाँ वो तो दिख रहा है |
Yes! I can see it!
तो तुम मुझे उन लोगों से compare कर रही हो ?
So, you are comparing me to those people?
तो किसका पीछा करूँ ?
So whom should I chase?
लगता है अन्दर कोई है |
Seems like someone's inside.

//nbsp;;;Home / Study Material / English / Rules for Infinitives a English Study Material  Notes. The infinitive is the base of a verb. They usually refer to the present infinitive, which is most common. There are four other forms of infinitives a the perfect infinitive, perfect continuous infinitive, continuous infinitive, and the passive infinitive. For instance; To err is human. She refused to obey the orders. 

मैं तो बस अपनी किस्मत को क़ोस रहा हूँ |
I am just cursing my luck...
तुम खुद कुछ क्यों नहीं कर सकते ?
Why can't you do anything by yourself?
आपका number नहीं है |
It's not your turn.
उसने कहा कि वह तुमसे मिलना चाहती है |
She said that she wants to meet you.

For English verbs, the infinitive base form is signalled with a to a, which stands immediately before it in most of the cases for exceptions to this practice, have a look at split infinitive. Some examples of infinitives are: to go, to do, to drink, to hear, to realize, to fly, to exercise, to write, to watch, to break, etc.

क्या तुमने खाना पका लिया ?
Have you cooked the dinner?
अब तो manager ने भी कह दिया |
Now even the manager said it! 
तुम यहाँ रहोगी तो शादी कैसे होगी ?
How will the wedding take place if you're around?
कस के बांध |
Tie it tightly.

The structure used to  infinitive is used to refer to a past habit or situation which no longer exists at the present time.. It refers to past habits and states that do not exist today, something that you did regularly or repeatedly in the past but no longer do today.; It exists only in the past. Here are some examples : Tom used to drink coffee. Now he prefers tea. Julie used to fly from London to Paris.

आने के लिए शुक्रिया |
Thank you for coming.
अब सब ठीक हो जायेया |
Now, everything will be all right.
तब मैं क्या करूँ |
Then what should i do?
वो पागल है तेरे ऊपर चढ़ा देगा |
he's crazy, he'll drive over you.

Determiners ; English Idioms ; Nouns ; Adverbs ; Verbs ; Relative Clauses

दिमाग खराब हो गया है क्या ?
Have you lost your mind?
अपना घूँघट उठाओ |
lift your veil
मामला बहुत बिगड़ गया है यहाँ |
The matter has turned very serious here.
क्या इसने कुछ निगल लिया ?
Did he swallow something?

But there are two types of infinitives in English. The to-infinitive which is the verb with ato'. ato listen' I prefer not to listen to music when I'm working. But there's also the zero infinitive or the base form. So that's the verb without ato'. Please listen carefully to my instructions. Today we're focusing on the to-infinitive so the verb with ato' and there are many, many verbs in English that can be followed either 

मैं अपने पोस्टर्स कहाँ चिपकाऊं |
where do l stick my posters?
जाने से पहले एक बात सुनले कमल |
before leaving listen to one thing, Kamal!
तुम मेरी कॉल क्यों नहीं उठा रहे थे ?
Why weren't you taking my calls?
वह भाग गया तो ?
What if he runs away?

Infinitive abbreviated INF is a linguistics term for certain verb forms existing in many languages, most often used as non-finite verbs.As with many linguistic concepts, there is not a single definition applicable to all languages. The word is derived from Late Latin [modus] infinitivus, a derivative of infinitus meaning ;unlimited;.. In traditional descriptions of English, the infinitive is the basic dictionary form of a verb 

क्या तुम ठीक हो ?
Are you all right?
तुम्हारे पीछे क्या है ? क्या छुपा रहे हो ?
What’s this behind you? What are you hiding?
तुमने स्वेटर नहीं पहना है |
you're not wearing a sweater.
तुम मुझे गलत समझ रहे हो |
You're misunderstanding me.

//nbsp;;;Answers. . It wonat be any good my talking to him about it.. . It is no use for us to try to convince him of this.. . It wouldnat be much good for us to complain to the minister about it.. . It was a difficult business for me to start the car with such a weak battery.. . It is no fun for me to have/having so many children to look after.. .

मेरी बात सुनो | तुम उसके बारे में सोंच कर अपना holiday क्यों बर्बाद कर रही हो ?
Listen to me. Why are you wasting your holiday thinking about him?
विश्वास नहीं होता तुम लोग इस तरह रहते हो |
I can't believe you guys live like this.
कमल सुनने को तैयार नहीं है |
Kamal is not ready to listen.
मेरे पास कोई और option नहीं था |
I did not have any option.

//nbsp;;;We usually use infinitives with to in the English language. I want to go. I told him to come. The infinitive without to bare infinitive is used as follows. After modal verbs a can, may, must, neednat, dare  I can bring it. He may take it. You must buy it. We neednat open it. He dared not tell me. The verbs adare and needa can also be followed by the infinitive with to. In such sentences we use do to 

अगर आप बुरा ना माने तो मैं कुछ कहना चाहता हूँ |
I want to say something, if you don't mind.
मैं चाहूँ तो तेरा असली चेहरा दिखा सकता हूँ |
I can reveaI your reaI seIf.
तुम जितना कहोगे मैं तुम्हें उतना पैसा दूंगा |
I'll give you money as much you want,
मेरा दम घुट रहा है |
I'm getting suffocated.

If you are not sure whether to use the infinitive or gerund, check out our lists below. Acknowledge: She acknowledged receiving assistance.  Infinitives: List of  Verbs Followed by Infinitives in English. SO and SUCH: Difference Between So and Such with Useful Examples Comma Rules:  Rules for Using Commas Correctly! English Grammar: ANOTHER vs OTHER vs OTHERS vs THE OTHER. 

वो मैंने फेंक दिया |
I threw it out. 
मैं आपको एक बार फिर याद दिलाना चाहता हूँ |
I'd like to remind you once again.
वो तो अच्छी खबर है, है ना ?
That's good news, isn't it?
मैंने तुझे कई बात कॉल किया लेकिन बाद में कॉल करता हूँ कह के काट दिया |
I called you so many times but you'd hang up saying you'll call back.

The infinitive is the basic form of the verb. We can use the infinitive with or without to e.g. to be, to have, to do. The gerund is the -ing form of a verb. Learn when to use the gerund and when to use the infinitive in English grammar with Lingoliaas online lesson. Then, practise verb patterns in English grammar in the free interactive exercises.

मैंने कमल का हाथ पकड़ा और ट्रेन से ऊतर गया |
That's it! I caught kamal's hand and got off the train!
तुम्हारी शादी कब हुई कमल ?
When did you get married, Kamal?
क्या आपको पूरा यकीन है कि तुम मेरे लिए कुछ महसूस नहीं करती हो ?
are you certain you don’t feel a thing for me?
Sir मैं शादी के लिए आपकी लड़की का हाथ मांगने आया हूँ |
Sir, I'm here to ask for your daughter's hand for marriage.

//nbsp;;;Infinitive and Gerund. Bare infinitive without to: We usually use infinitives with to in the English language. I want to go. I told him to come. The infinitive without to bare infinitive is used as follows. After modal verbs a can, may, must, neednat, dare  I can bring it. He may take it. You must buy it. We neednat open it. He dared not tell me.

कोई जरुरत नहीं जाने की |
No need to go.
जब वह आएगा मैं उसे दे दूंगा ||
I'll give it to him once he returns.
कुछ खा लो तुमने सुबह से कुछ नहीं खाया है |
Please have something. you haven't eaten anything since morning.
मैंने तेरी जान बख्स दी |
I've spared your life.

 What is an infinitive? An infinitive is a verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb in Examples of Infinitives. Example . I really need to eat something. In this sentence, the verb Infinitives as Adjectives. An adjective is a word that modifies adds to or describes a noun. Infinitives as Adverbs. Adverbs modify or describe adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs. They Infinitives Without aToa Almost always, infinitives begin with ato.a But infinitives lose the atoa Can You Split Infinitives? Usually, no other word should come between atoa and the base See full list on englishsentences

मैं क्यों जलूँगा ?
Why would I be?
बहुत हो गया अब |
It's enough now.
इतना surprise मत हो |
Don't be so surprised.
शुरुवात में ऐसा ही होता है |
This is what happens in the beginning.

Bare Infinitive Or Infinitive Without To. Bare infinitive or zero infinitive is the form of a verb without to. In the sentence aLet my people goa, the bare infinitive is the word agoa. Exam in Mind Level B / B The Use of the Bare Infinitive. After auxiliary verbs: I donat understand the meaning of this word. We will go there at once.

तुम तो हाथ से ही निकलती जा रही हो |
You are just getting out of hand.
वह यही रहेगा जब तक अपना काम ख़त्म नहीं कर लेता |
He'll stay here until he doesn't complete his work.
मैंने तुम्हे कई बार कॉल किया था |
I tried calling him many times.
उसे अपने बड़ो की इज्जत नहीं है |
Ηe has no respect for his elders!

English language; English Grammar; Infinitive; Infinitive. Definition: Infinitive is the base form of the verb. The infinitive form of a verb is the form which follows ;to;. For example: to go, to be,to ask, to fight, to understand, to walk . Infinitives may occur with or without the infinitive marker ;to;. Infinitives without ;to; are known as ;bare infinitives;. For example: Help me open the door. OTHER 

सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
Everything will be okay.
मैं भी उस तरह का आदमी नहीं हूँ |
I too am not that kind of a man
क्या कोई और रास्ता था ?
Was there any choice?
वह ऐसे नहीं सुनेगा |
He won't listen like this.

Simple infinitive. The simple infinitive refers to the same time as that of the preceding verb: I was glad to see her. He must be very happy. I'll arrange a meeting with the manager. My son's football coach is said to be very strict. Continuous infinitive

मैंने उसे किसी के साथ भागते हूँ देखा |
I saw her fleeing with someone.
मैं आज के बाद तुमसे कभी नहीं मिलूंगी | और तुम मुझसे बात करने की कोशिस भी मत करना |
I will never meet you after this day! And don't you even try to talk to me!
उसने तुझे 1000 रुपये दिए थे ना |
had he not given you 1000 rupees?
मैं तुमसे 10 मिनट में मिलता हूँ |
I'll see you in 10 minutes.

//nbsp;;;What is an infinitive in English? An infinitive is TO  V of a verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Ex a to eat, to run, to love, to help, to sleep, to dance, to smoke etc., It is called a non-finite verb as it does not change according to the subject and the tense. There are  types of non-finite verbs in English: Gerunds 

और क्या करूँ मैं ?
What else should I do?
मुझे बहुत शोक था शादी करने का |
I was very keen on marriage
उससे क्या फर्क पड़ता है ?
What difference does that make? 
तुम जहाँ मैं वहाँ |
I am where you are!

मुझे अकेला छोड़ के कहाँ चला गया था तू ?
where did you go leaving me alone?
जिस वक्त से मैंने उसे देखा है मुझे और कुछ नहीं दिख रहा |
Since the time I have seen her I can't see anything else.
वो अब पूरी ज़िंदगी किसी औरत से ऐसे बात नहीं करेगा |
He won't talk to a woman like that for the rest of his life.
कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि वह किसके साथ आयी है |
It doesn't matter whom she has come with?

//nbsp;;;The infinitive is the base form of the verb. Examples are: write, bring, take, make, sing, dance etc. The infinitive usually takes the preposition atoa with it. Examples are: to write, to bring, to take, to make, to sing, to dance etc. When the infinitive is used with the preposition atoa it is called the ato-infinitivea.

रीना कहीं नही मिल रही थी और तुम भी गायब थे |
Sunaina was nowhere to be found. And you were missing too.
जबान को लगाम दे |
HoId your tongue!
इस time कौन कॉल कर रहा है ?
Who's calling at this hour?
मुझे कभी I love you मत कहना |
Don't ever say 'l love you' to me.

Examples with the Infinitive with to. After the following phrases we use the infinitive with to in English: . after the first. Gagarin was the first to fly in a spaceship. . after the last. Peter was the last to watch the film. . after the next. He is the next to get his passport. . after adjectives. I'm happy to be here. It's better not to smoke.

बिरादरी में हमारी नाक कट जाएगी |
We'll be disgraced in society.
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं |
As all of you already know...
तुम ऑफिस के फ़ोन से कॉल कर सकते थे |
You could have called from office phone...
कुछ दिनों से हम पति पत्नी की तरह रह रहे हैं |
For the past couple of days we have been living as husband and wife.

//nbsp;;;We use the infinitive: To Indicate the Purpose of an Action. Infinitive examples: He bought some flowers to give to his wife. I will lock the door to prevent theft. As the Subject of the Sentence. Examples: To wait seemed foolish when decisive action was required. To swim in that sea may be dangerous. As the Direct Object of the Sentence. Infinitive examples: I like to 

तुम उसे किस बहाने से बाहर निकालोगे ?
On what pretext do we throw him out?
कुछ करने की जरुरत नहीं है |
There's no need to do anything.
यह सब तुम हमें अब बता रहे हो |
you are telling us all this now?
यही वह दिन है जिसके लिए हर सैनिक जीता है |
This is the day every soldier lives for.

For this reason, recognizing when to use gerunds and infinitives is one of my top tips for sounding more natural in English. The good news is that there are simple ways to remember when to use the gerund or the infinitive. Quick review: the gerund is the -ing form of the verb, and the infinitive is atoa followed by the base form of the 

बांटने से खुशिया बढती है |
Happiness increases by sharing
क्या तुम अभी ला सकते हो ?
Can you get it right now?
यह कहने का क्या फायदा ?
What's the use of saying that?
क्या अब मुझे मेरी सीट मिल सकती है |
Can I have my seat now?

How To: Use infinitives in English By Robin Mansur; // : PM; WonderHowTo. An American English teacher explains how infinitives are used. Itas Cyber Monday on WonderHowTo! Donat miss out on all the big sales in the Gadget Hacks shop and Null Byte shop. Use code CMSAVE to save on everything, and use CMSAVE for all things apps and 

मुझे अकेले रहने की आदत डालनी पड़ेगी |
I have to get used to being alone.
क्या तुम्हारी information सही है ?
Is your information correct?
तुम क्या चाहती हो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what do you want me to do?
मैं तुझे जेल भिजवा दूंगा |
l'll haνe you sent to jail!

Level: beginner. Many verbs in English are followed by the infinitive with to.Some of these verbs take the pattern: Verb  to  infinitive We planned to take a holiday. She decided to stay at home.. Others verbs take the pattern: Verb  noun  to  infinitive She wanted the children to learn the piano. I told him to ring the police.. Two very common verbs a make and let a are followed by the infinitive without 

तुम्हारे बाप ने बड़ो से बात करना नहीं सीखाया तुमको ?
Didn’t your father taught you how to talk to elders.
हंस लो जितना हंसना है |
Laugh as much as you want.
वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |
She was cheating on me.
कमल ने मेरे लिए बहुत कुछ किया है |
Kamal  has done a lot for me.

//nbsp;;;Infinitive as the subject of the sentence. The infinitive can act as the subject of the verb. Study the examples given below. To err is human. To make mistakes is easy. To wait for people who would never turn up made him angry. Infinitive as Object of a Verb. The infinitive can act as the object of a verb. He needs to concentrate on his studies.

तुम्हें अपना बनाने के लिए मैं जो कर सकता था मैंने किया |
I did everything I could to make you mine.
तुम मुझे यह अब बता रहे हो ?
You are telling about it now?
मुझे गलत मत समझना |
Don't get me wrong.
वह तुम्हारी जायदात के लिए पहले ही मुझे छोड़ चूका है | 
He's already left me once for the sake of your property.

An infinitive is a phrase, consisting of the word to and the basic form of a verb, that functions as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Hereas a discussion of the five types of infinitives. . Subject An infinitive can constitute the subject of a sentence. For example, in aTo go, even after all that trouble, didnat seem worthwhile anymore,a ato goa is the action that drives the sentence. . Direct Object In the sentence 

वहां कर्फ्यू लगा है |
There is curfew imposed.
देखो, अब जैसा तुम कहोगी वैसा मैं करूँगा |
Look, now I'll do as you say.
अपना हिस्सा उठाओ और चलते बनो |
Take your share and off with you!
अपनी आंखे बंद करो |
Close your eyes.

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