Daily use sentences of Must for Probability

Use of Must for Probability

कोना कोना देखो वह यही कहीं होगा |
Look each nook and corner. He must be around.

कल जरुर बारिश होगी |
It must rain tomorrow.

वह जानता होगा उसे कहाँ ढूँढना है |
He must know where to find her.

वह मुंबई जा रहा होगा |
He must be going to Mumbai.
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लगता है वह आ गया है |
Seems like he has arrived.
हमारे पास खाने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं |
We don't have money to eat.
तुम्हे कभी किसी को धोका नहीं दे सकते |
You can never betray anyone.
तू arrange मैरिज के लिय मान कैसे गई ?
How could you agree to an arranged marriage?

मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए कुछ है |
I have something for you.
एक दिन वह क्लास में आया मेरा हाथ पकड़ा और कहाँ “क्या तुम मुझसे शादी करोगी” ?
One fine day he walked into the library. held my hand and asked me...’Will you marry me?’
तुम क्या चाहती हो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what do you want me to do?
अपने आप सुखा लिए |
Wipe yourself dry,

मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |
I've been thinking about you.
अब क्या तुम्हारे पैर पडू |
Should I fall at your feet?
यह मेरे कपडे हैं |
These are my clothes!
मेरी आँखों में देखो | क्या तुम्हे लगता है मेरा प्यार झूठा है ?
Look into my eyes. Does my love seem fake to you?

भैया और भाभी शादी में गए हैं |
Brother and sister in law are out attending a marriage.
यह क्या सुन रही हूँ मैं ?
what am I hearing'?
तुम सब पागलों का कोई भरोसा नहीं |
You all crazy fellows are not trustworthy!
किसी का मजाक उडाना बुरी बात है |
lt’s bad to make a mockery of someone.

We also use must' when we are confident and sure of something that is happening in the present and usually we have a reason or an explanation to tell us why something is happening. The baby's crying. He must be hungry. I thought Sarah would be here by now. She must be stuck in traffic. They didn't eat any of the meat. They must be vegetarian.

एक ही बात कितनी बार कहोगे ?
how many times are you going to tell me the same thing?
मैं क्यूँ मंगाऊंगा?
Why will I call for it,
जहाँ कोई इसे कभी ढूंड ना पाए |
Where no one will ever find it.
हम भूख से मर जायेंगे |
We'll die of hunger!

We use must have and should have for the past: They hadn't eaten all day. They must have been hungry. You look happy. You must have heard the good news. It's nearly eleven o'clock. They should have arrived by now. Probability . Matching_MTYzNDU= Probability . Matching_MTYzNDY= Probability . GapFillTyping_MTYzNDc= Probability . 

किसके लिए काम करते हो तुम ?
Who do you work for!
तुम्हारा दिमाग खराब हो गया है क्या ?
Have you gone out of your mind?
मुझे लगा कमल ने तुझे मौका देकर गलती की |
I felt Kamal was making a big mistake giving you the chance.
मैं किसी की नहीं सुनूंगा |
l will not listen to anybody.

Meaning : We use MUST to make an assumption or to reach a logical conclusion about something that is very likely to be true. Examples: . You must be so tired after running that marathon! note: this means aI assume that you are so tired.a . My bicycle has disappeared a someone must have stolen it.

तुम इस धोकेबाज की मीठी बातों में मत आना |
you don't come into the sweet talks of this fraud."
क्या मुझे जाने दोगे ?
Will you let me go?
यह कहने के लिए इतनी रात में यहाँ आने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
what was the need for you to come here so late in the night to say this?
उसने मेरी कार चुराई है |
He has stolen your car.

Should  have  past participle can be used to make an assumption about something that has probably happened, if everything is as we expect compare with present use of 'should' above: The train should have left by now; Could We can use could  infinitive to talk about a general possibility in the past compare with the use of 'can' above:

शायद कमल तुम्हारे लिए कुछ ना हो पर मेरे लिए तो वह सारी दुनिया है |
maybe Kamal is nothing for you. But for me he is my world.
तुम अपने बेल्ट क्यों उतार रहे हो ?
Why are you taking off your belt?
वह यह बेज्जती बर्दास्त नहीं कर सका |
He couldn't tolerate this humiliation.
तुम अब पोंछा क्यों लगा रही हो ?
Why are you mopping now?

//nbsp;;;We also use amust' when we are confident and sure of something that is happening in the present and usually we have a reason or an explanation to tell us why something is happening. The baby's crying. He must be hungry. I thought Sarah would be here by now. She must be stuck in traffic. They didn't eat any of the meat. They must be vegetarian.

यह मेरा घर है | मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ
This is my house. I can do anything. 
लेकिन कोई है जिसका मैं खासतोर पे शुक्रिया अदा करना चाहती हूँ |
But there is someone l want to specially thank.
उन्हें भी हमारे साथ ले लो |
Take them too along with us!
जैसा कहा गया है वैसा करो |
just do as you were told.

//nbsp;;;Modal Verbs of Probability Quiz Use must, might, may, could, or can't plus the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks in the quiz. In some cases, there is more than one right answer. Pay close to attention to time words to conjugate the modal verb of probability correctly.

मैंने अपनी पूरी कोशिस की |
I've tried my best.
मेरे लिए हर रात सुहागरात है |
For me, every night is a nuptial night!
मैं तुम्हारी feelings समझता हूँ |
I understand your feelings.
फ़ोन उसे दो |
Give the phone to him.

Must also express a high probability or certainty. It is used when you are almost sure of what you are saying: She must be Japanese. He must be tired. You must be Johnas brother. There must be some mistake. In the negative form, to say that something is impossible, we use canat and not mustnat : He canat be Spanish.

इसका मतलब उसने मुझसे झूठ बोला |
That means he lied to me.
जिस दिन वो तुझसे बोर हो जायेगी | हम उस दिन बात करेंगे |
The day when she'll get bored of you. we will talk that day.
थोड़ी शर्म करो |
Have some shame.
ये लड़कियां छेड़ रहे थे |
They were teasing with girls.

//nbsp;;;Public health workers can use probability to warn a high-risk population about the danger of contracting a disorder to illness, and example of which would be a cancer charity publishing materials that state that smokers have a certain percent chance of developing lung cancer. Other fields can use probability in different ways to communicate risk or benefit to 

वह अभी तक आया क्यों नहीं ?
why hasn't he returned yet?
तुम इतने गिरे आदमी को अपना दोस्त कैसे समझ सकते हो ?
Ηow could you consider such a lowly man a friend?
दो मिनट इंतिजार नहीं कर सकते थे क्या ?
Couldn't you wait for 2 minutes?
वहाँ पर आपका कोई इंतिजार कर रहा है |
Someone's waiting for you over there.

We use must have and should have for the past: They hadn't eaten all day. They must have been hungry. You look happy. You must have heard the good news. It's nearly eleven o'clock. They should have arrived by now. Probability . Matching_MTYzNDU= Probability . Matching_MTYzNDY= Probability . GapFillTyping_MTYzNDc= Probability . Matching_MTYzNDg= Probability 

तुम कहाँ से लाये 1000 रुपये ?
Where did you bring this 1000 rupees from?
तुम उस कमरे में क्या कर रहे थे ?
What were you doing in that room?
तुम्हें कोई ऊँगली भी नहीं लगा सकता |
No one can lay a finger on you.
तुमने मुझे धोखा दिया |
You betrayed me!

Meaning : We use MUST to make an assumption or to reach a logical conclusion about something that is very likely to be true. Examples: . You must be so tired after running that marathon! note: this means aI assume that you are so tired.a . My bicycle has disappeared a someone must have stolen it.

घर से निकले थे तो ये बिलकुल ठीक थे |
he was perfectly fine when he left home.
मैं क्यों जलूँगा ?
Why would I be?
मैंने यह तो नहीं कहा |
I didn't say that.
रीना क्या सोंचेगी ?
What would Reena think?

We can use permutations and combinations to help us answer more complex probability questions. Example . A  digit PIN is selected. What is the probability that there are no repeated digits?  In order to win the second prize, five of the six numbers on the ticket must match five of the six winning numbers; in other words, we must have chosen five of the six 

कैसा रहेगा यह ? अच्छा है क्या ?
How will this be? ls it nice?
अगर मेरे पैसे नहीं मिले तो मैं जरुर मर जाऊंगा |
If I don't get my money I'll surely die.
तुम सबकुछ छोडकर आ जाओ |
Just leave everything and come here.
पुलिस सोचेगी कि वह डूब कर मर गया |
The police will think he drowned to his death.

//nbsp;;;We also use amust' when we are confident and sure of something that is happening in the present and usually we have a reason or an explanation to tell us why something is happening. The baby's crying. He must be hungry. I thought Sarah would be here by now. She must be stuck in traffic. They didn't eat any of the meat. They must be vegetarian.

मुझे इसके लिए बहुत से पैसे दिए गए थे |
l was given lots of money for that.
उसे पता नहीं चलना चाहिए कि तुम यहाँ हो |
He should not know that you are here.
बहुत दर्द हो रहा है क्या ?
Does it hurt a lot?
तुम लोगो ने मेरा जीना हराम कर दिया है |
You guys have made my life miserable!

वह सुबह आयी थी |
She had come in the morning.
क्या कहा मम्मी ने ?
What did mother say?
अगर तुम उसे नहीं सुधार सके तो ?
what if you could not reform him?
मुझे माफ़ कर दो | अब ऐसा कभी नहीं होगा |
I am so sorry. Now it will never happen.

//nbsp;;;Modal Verbs of Probability Quiz Use must, might, may, could, or can't plus the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks in the quiz. In some cases, there is more than one right answer. Pay close to attention to time words to conjugate the modal verb of probability correctly.

शायद वह फ़ोन silent पे रखके सो गई होगी |
She probably put the phone on silent and went off to sleep.
वह तुम्हारी उम्र का लग रहा है |
he looks to be of the same age as of you.
क्या इस तरह बात करते हैं किसी से ?
Is this the way you talk to someone?
यह यहाँ उस दिन भी था |
He was here even on that day.

Should  have  past participle can be used to make an assumption about something that has probably happened, if everything is as we expect compare with present use of 'should' above: The train should have left by now; Could We can use could  infinitive to talk about a general possibility in the past compare with the use of 'can' above:

तुम मेरे बिना ज्यादा खुश रहोगी |
You'll be happier without me.
मैं मनहूस हूँ |
l'm jinxed!
किसका फ़ोन बज रहा है ?
Whose phone is ringing?
तुझे मुझे बताना चाहिए था |
You should have let me know.

Use of Must for Probability

पहले अच्छी खबर सुनोगे या बुरी ?
Do you want to listen to the bad news first or the good news?
क्या तुम्हारी information सही है ?
Is your information correct?
तुम्हे पता है उस दिन मैं क्यों चुप रहा ?
You know why l kept quiet that day.
ऐसा लगेगा जैसे मैंने अपनी pant खुद गीली की है |
It will look as if I have wetted my pants.

तुमने फिर शुरु कर दिया |
you've started again.
यह नहीं हो सकता !
This can't be!
मैं अंडरवर्ल्ड का तेंदुलकर हूँ |
I am Tendulkar of underworld!
पागल हो हया है तू |
You've gone mad.

Must also express a high probability or certainty. It is used when you are almost sure of what you are saying: She must be Japanese. He must be tired. You must be Johnas brother. There must be some mistake. In the negative form, to say that something is impossible, we use canat and not mustnat : He canat be Spanish.

इस कहानी का अकेला हीरो |
The sole hero of this story!
मेरे बेटे, जाने से पहले एक बार फिर सोंच लो |
My son, think again before you go.
देखा तुमने ?
Did you see this?
देखो | वह वही कमीना है जिसने मुझे उस दिन पीटा था |
Look! He is that same scoundrel who bashed me that day!

We use it most of the time, usually without thinking of it. We donat perform actual probability problems in our daily life but use subjective probability to determine the course of action or any judgment. Everything from the weather forecasting to our chance of dying in an accident is a probability. Probability is a mathematical term for the likelihood that something will occur. It 

तो अब क्या करूँ ?
So what should I do?
मुझे लगा वह तुम्हारे साथ है |
I thought he was with you.
यहाँ क्यूँ होगा कमल ?
Why would Kamal be here?
लेकिन मैं वो होने नहीं दूंगा |
But I will not let that happen.

//nbsp;;;Public health workers can use probability to warn a high-risk population about the danger of contracting a disorder to illness, and example of which would be a cancer charity publishing materials that state that smokers have a certain percent chance of developing lung cancer. Other fields can use probability in different ways to communicate risk or benefit to 

इससे अच्छा तो तुमने हमें जहर दे दिया होता |
You should have poisoned us instead.
मुझे माफ़ कीजियेगा, हमारा स्टोक खत्म हो गया है |
I'm sorry, we're out of stock.
हो सकता है वो टीवी के सामने खड़ा हो |
He might be standing in front of the TV.
क्या तुम जानते हो कितना मुश्किल था मेरे लिए आना |
Do you know how difficult it was for me to come away?

We use it most of the time, usually without thinking of it. We donat perform actual probability problems in our daily life but use subjective probability to determine the course of action or any judgment. Everything from the weather forecasting to our chance of dying in an accident is a probability. Probability is a mathematical term for the likelihood that something will occur. It 

लगता है अपने गलती से मेरे जूते पहन लिए हैं |
I think you wore my shoes unknowingly.
वो औरत मुझे खुश नहीं देख सकती |
That woman can't see me happy.
वह मुझे खिलाने के लिए भूखी रही |
She remained hungry to feed me.
मैं आपसे और कुछ भी कहना चाहता हूँ |
I have something else to tell you.

Must also express a high probability or certainty. It is used when you are almost sure of what you are saying: She must be Japanese. He must be tired. You must be Johnas brother. There must be some mistake. In the negative form, to say that something is impossible, we use canat and not mustnat : He canat be Spanish.

मुझे देखते ही उसे सब याद आ जायेगा |
He'll remember everything clearly when he catches sight of me!
लेकिन इतनी भीड़ क्यों लगी है ?
But why is it so crowded?
क्या हुआ, तुम इतने tensed क्यों लग रहे हो ?
What happened, why do you look so tensed?
फ़िक्र मत करिए | मैं इसे छुड़ा देता हूँ |
Don't worry. l'll haνe it freed.

We can use permutations and combinations to help us answer more complex probability questions. Example . A  digit PIN is selected. What is the probability that there are no repeated digits?  In order to win the second prize, five of the six numbers on the ticket must match five of the six winning numbers; in other words, we must have chosen five of the six winning numbers and one of the  losing numbers.

इतना गुस्सा अच्छा नहीं है |
So much of anger is not good.
क्या बचपना है ये ?
what childishness is this?
तुम लोगों ने गिरवी क्या रखा है ?
What have you guys mortgaged?
मुझे बस मेरे पैसों से मतलब है |
All I care about is my money.

Meaning : We use MUST to make an assumption or to reach a logical conclusion about something that is very likely to be true. Examples: . You must be so tired after running that marathon! note: this means aI assume that you are so tired.a . My bicycle has disappeared a someone must have stolen it.

इसलिए यह इलाका नरक बन गया है |
this is why the area has turned into hell.
तुम्हें कैसे पता कि कमल यहाँ था ?
how did you Know Kamal was here'?
प्लीज पहले मेरी बात सुन लिए उसके बाद अगर आपको लगे कि मुझे इसके साथ नहीं रहना चाहिए तो मैं चला जाऊंगा |
Please hear me out. After that if you feel that he shouldn't be with me. then I will leave.
मैं चाहूँ तो तेरा असली चेहरा दिखा सकता हूँ |
I can reveaI your reaI seIf.

We can use permutations and combinations to help us answer more complex probability questions. Example . A  digit PIN is selected. What is the probability that there are no repeated digits?  In order to win the second prize, five of the six numbers on the ticket must match five of the six winning numbers; in other words, we must have chosen five of the six 

अगर वह अन्दर आया तो मैं बाहर चला जाऊंगा |
If he goes in, I'II go out.
उसकी कोई जरुरत नहीं है |
There is no need of that.
अब कोई क्यों आएगा ?
Why will anyone come now?
मोहल्ले से निकलवाना है क्या ?
Do you want us to be thrown out of the neighbourhood?

We use it most of the time, usually without thinking of it. We donat perform actual probability problems in our daily life but use subjective probability to determine the course of action or any judgment. Everything from the weather forecasting to our chance of dying in an accident is a probability. Probability is a mathematical term for the likelihood that something will occur. It is the ability to understand and 

नहीं, मैं रीना से अब और झूठ नहीं बोल सकता |
No, I can't lie to Reena amymore.
उसने आत्महत्या क्यों की ?
Why did he commit suicide?
नहीं, एक और भी था |
No, there was someone else too.
तू अब यहाँ बेठ, में जा रहा हूँ |
You sit here now. I'm going.

We use must have and should have for the past: They hadn't eaten all day. They must have been hungry. You look happy. You must have heard the good news. It's nearly eleven o'clock. They should have arrived by now. Probability . Matching_MTYzNDU= Probability . Matching_MTYzNDY= Probability . GapFillTyping_MTYzNDc= Probability . 

ठीक थी |
It was okay.
वह ऑफिस चला गया |
He's gone to office.
आप खुद क्यों आगये | आप किसी को भेज देते |
Why did you come yourself, you could have sent someone.
तुम भी अन्दर आना चाहते हो?
You want to come in too?

//nbsp;;;Now you must be wondering how can one choose a sample that best represents the entire population. Sampling Techniques.  Use Case a Statistics and Probability a Edureka. The outlook variable has  values, Sunny; Overcast; Rain; These  values are assigned to the immediate branch nodes and for each of these values, the possibility of aplay= yesa is calculated. The asunnya and araina 

घर पर कोई नहीं है |
there's no one at home.
वह ठरकी है |
She's a pervert!
समझने की कोशिश करो |
try to understand!
तुम्हें खाना खाते वक़्त बोलना नहीं चाहिए |
You shouldn't talk while eating.

Should  have  past participle can be used to make an assumption about something that has probably happened, if everything is as we expect compare with present use of 'should' above: The train should have left by now; Could We can use could  infinitive to talk about a general possibility in the past compare with the use of 'can' above:

कोई ताकत मुझे अपनी और खींच रही है |
Some energy is pulling me towards it.
मामला हाथ से निकल गया है |
The matter's out of hand.
अब समझा |
Now I get it.
प्लीज मेरी तरफ से उन्हें सॉरी कह देना |
Please tell him sorry on my behalf.

//nbsp;;;Modal Verbs of Probability Quiz Use must, might, may, could, or can't plus the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks in the quiz. In some cases, there is more than one right answer. Pay close to attention to time words to conjugate the modal verb of probability correctly.

परेशानी के लिए माफ़ करियेगा |
I'm sorry for the trouble.
अगर मैं कुछ घंटो में तुम्हारे पैसे डबल कर दूँ ?
What if I double your money in a few hours?
अगर छोटा amount होता तो हम आपको तकलीफ ना देते |
If it were a small amount, we wouldn't bother you.
मैं सोंच रही थी कि अगर हम दोनों इस हफ्ते बाहर डिनर पर चले ?
Actually I was thinking that if we both go out for dinner this week?

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