Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
जब किसी काम को करना
अनिवार्य (compulsory) हो या किसी काम को करने कि आवश्यकता हो तो english में has to या have to का प्रयोग करते हैं |
जब हमें कोई काम मजबूरी
में करना पड़ता है तब भी हम english में has to और have to का प्रयोग करते हैं |
मुझे सुबह जल्दी उठना
पड़ता है |
I have to get up early in the morning.
एकवचन कर्ता के साथ
has to और बहुवचन कर्ता के साथ have to का प्रयोग करते हैं |
इस तरह के वाक्यों
से पता चलता है कि किसी काम को करना जरुरी
है |
आगे दिए वाक्यों को
ध्यान से पढ़िए | इन वाक्यों को पढके आपको पता चलेगा की has to और have to को कहाँ use करते हैं
Subject + has to / have to + verb + object
यहाँ हमें बहुत सतर्क
रहना होगा |
Here we have to be very cautious.
simple present में हम has to और have to का प्रयोग करते हैं | simple present tense के negative और interrogative sentences में हम has to और have to के साथ do और does का प्रयोग करते हैं |
Subject + don't have to / doesn't have to + verb + object
Simple Past में हम इस तरह के sentences में had to प्रयोग करते हैं |
Subject + had to + verb + object
आपको मेरी वजह से
परेशान होना पड़ा |
You had to bear suffering due to me.
Simple Future tense
Simple Past में हम इस तरह के sentences में will have to प्रयोग करते हैं |
Subject + will have to + verb + object
आगे आपको अकेले जाना
होगा |
Ahead you will have to go all alone.
अगर हम यहाँ रहे तो
हमें भूखा रहना पड़ेगा |
We will have to starve if we stay here.
तुम्हे हमारे साथ
चलना होगा |
You will have to come with us.
मुझे खाली हाथ लोटना
पड़ेगा |
I’ll have to return bare handed.
क्या यह भी करना पड़ेगा
Will I have to do this too?
उसका कुछ न कुछ करना
पड़ेगा |
We will have to do something about him.
मुझे पहले उसे आज़ाद
करना होगा |
I’ll have to liberate her first.
ऊपर हमने इस lesson का overview दिया है ताकि आपको पता चल जाये कि इस lesson को पढके आप किस तरह के sentences English में बोलना सीख जायेंगे |
इस lesson को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी eBook download कर सकते हैं |
ऊपर हमने इस lesson का overview दिया है ताकि आपको पता चल जाये कि इस lesson को पढके आप किस तरह के sentences English में बोलना सीख जायेंगे |
इस lesson को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी eBook download कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
Use of Has To in hindi Id a , ,Rule a Subject has to Vst object Important point a Has to rd person | Has To sentences examples
यह कहने के लिए इतनी रात में यहाँ आने की क्या जरुरत थी ?what was the need for you to come here so late in the night to say this?मुझे तुमसे कुछ पूंछना है ?I need to ask you something...उसने कभी कुछ हासिल नहीं किया और न ही करेगा |He has never achieved anything and he never will.मुझे यकीन है तुम्हे जॉब मिल जायेगी |I'm sure you'll get the job.
have to, has to in the Simple Present. Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions; I, we, you, they: I have to get up early. I do not have to get up early. Do I have to get up I, he, she, it, we, you, they: I had to get up early. I did not have to get up early. Did I have to get up early? Explanation. have a auxiliary and main verb; have or have got; have got or has
तुम रहने दो इसे | मैं देख लूँगा इसे |You let it be. I will handle this.यह पार्किंग क्या तेरे बाप की है ?Does your father own the parking?कमल को पता चल गया है कि मैं कौन हूँ |Kamal has come to know who I am.तुम गुस्सा क्यों हो रहे हो ?Why are you getting angry?
Note that we can use the have to expression in all tenses, for example: he has to, he had to, he has had to, he will have to Structure of have to Have to is often grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience, but in fact it is not a modal verb. It is not even an auxiliary verb.
एक आदमी है जो इसे कर सकता है |There is one man who can do it.मैं बस बैठा था |I was just sitting.स्कूल की छुट्टियाँ जल्दी शुरू जाएँगी |The school vacations will begin soon.उसे यहाँ होना चाहिए था, तुम्हारे साथ |He should've been here. With you.
It can also be used for present tense and present perfect tenses sentences. Sometimes you also have to use the verb has for the third person singular. Examples of using the verb has: When using the verb has you will use he, she or it.
कहाँ गुस्सा हो रहा हूँ ?where am l angry?तू अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहा है ?Why are you ruining your life?हमें यह शादी हर कीमत पर रोकनी है |We've to stop this marriage at all cost?मैं पूरे दिन पढ़ कर थक गया हूँ |i'm tired of reading all the day
One way have and has combine with other verbs is to describe what could happen but hasnat yet: You have to call me tonight. He has to do his homework before dinner. These actions have not occurred yet. As before, have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it. Indicating completed action
हमें एक दुसरे के नाम भी नहीं पता |we don't even know each others names.अब मैं क्या कहूँ ?What do I say now?तुमने सबकुछ ले लिया है ना ? कुछ भूलना मत |You have taken everything, right? Don't forget anything.मैंने तेरी तस्वीर अखबार में देखी |i saw your picture in news paper.
has v: to own or possess; to get or receive something; to contain or include something; the present rd person singular of 'have'. ; She has many things. ;. ; He has a cold. ;. ; She has no choice. ;. ; The bread has nuts in it.
कुछ नहीं | धन्यवाद | बस पानी |Nothing, thank you. Just water?प्यार से कहो | तो मैं मर भी सकता हूँ |Say it with love, and I can even die.तुम वापस कब आयी ?When did you get back?मुझे तेरी बकवास नहीं सुननी चाहिए |I don't want to listen to your nonsense!
The main verbs of obligation are; MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD. The past of have to / has to is had. Must is for personal obligations. Have to is for general obligations. Example Sentences; You must stop here. You have to wear a seatbelt when you drive. You must answer at least one question. You should call Mary. I know she misses you a lot. She looks sick. She should go home. I
क्यूँ क्या हुआ ?Why? What's wrong?मैं किसी का इंतिजार कर रहा हूँ |I am waiting for someone.उसकी आत्मा तड़प रही होगी |Her soul must be in turmoil.अगर तुम्हें मेरी वजह से इतनी ही problem है तो बता दो मैं यहाँ नहीं आउंगी |If you have so much problem because of me, tell me. I'll not come here.
Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are have, had, had and it is used to talk : Things that we own or possessI have a carEvents, actions, experiences and activitiesI had a partyEating foods and mealsI had a coffeeDays of part of daysI had a beautiful dayConversation and InteractionsI need
तुम मुसलमान होके ऐसे अपराधिक काम कैसे कर सकते हो ?How can you do such criminal deeds being a muslim?मुझे लगता है तुम्हें नींद आ रही है |l think you are feeling sleepy.मैंने कभी शराब नहीं पी या सिगरेट नहीं पी |l never drank or smoked.मैंने ऐसा कब कहा ?When did I say so?
It can also be used for present tense and present perfect tenses sentences. Sometimes you also have to use the verb has for the third person singular. Examples of using the verb has: When using the verb has you will use he, she or it.
तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो |What are you doing here?मेरा तेरा बदला लूँगा |I'll take your revenge.मैं तुम्हारे साथ कितने सालो से हूँ पर मैंने तुम्हे कभी नहीं समझा |I've been with you since so many years. But I've never understood you!मेरी दाई आँख अचानक फडकने लगी है | कुछ बुरा होने वाला है ?My right eye has started twitching suddenly. Will something go wrong?
The main verbs of obligation are; MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD. The past of have to / has to is had. Must is for personal obligations. Have to is for general obligations. Example Sentences; You must stop here. You have to wear a seatbelt when you drive. You must answer at least one question. You should call Mary. I know she misses you a lot. She looks sick. She should go home. I
तुम मुझे समझते क्या हो ?What do you think of me?वे स्कूल चले गए हैं |They have gone to the school.मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?How would I know? मुझे अकेला छोड़ के कहाँ चला गया था तू ?where did you go leaving me alone?
Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are have, had, had and it is used to talk : Things that we own or possessI have a carEvents, actions, experiences and activitiesI had a partyEating foods and mealsI had a coffeeDays of part of daysI had a beautiful dayConversation and InteractionsI need
नहीं मैं जैसा हूँ अच्छा हूँ |No, I'm good as I am.रोक सको तो रोक लो |Stop me if you can.मैं उसे कितना प्यार करता था |I loved her so much.यह उसे समझाएगा और साथ में लेकर आएगा |He'll pacify him and bring him along.
One way have and has combine with other verbs is to describe what could happen but hasnat yet: You have to call me tonight. He has to do his homework before dinner. These actions have not occurred yet. As before, have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it. Indicating completed action
मुझे नहीं पता क्यों पर रीना खुद को उसकी मौत का जिम्मेदार मानती है |I don't know why, but Reena blames herself for his death.उसकी आत्मा भटक रही है |His spirit is roaming.तुम परेशान क्यों हो रहो हो ?Why are you getting worried?आपका रूम रेडी है | आपका रूम number है 208 first फ्लौर पर |your room's ready. Your room number is 208. On the first floor.
//nbsp;;;Has definition: Has is the third person singular present conjugation of the verb to have. Have is also used as an auxiliary verb. Here are a few example sentences, aDo not share your drink with James; he has a nasty cold,a warned Jamesas mother. aEmma, the cat has your cheeseburger!a exclaimed Petrov.
लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि तुम अपने पति को धोका दो |but that doesn't mean you will deceive your husband.बोलो अभी नहीं तो मैं फ़ोन काट दूंगा |Speak now or I'll disconnect!यही है | इसने हमारा माल चुराया था |It's him. He stole our goods.क्या इसने कुछ निगल लिया ?Did he swallow something?
Use of Has To in hindi Id a , ,Rule a Subject has to Vst object Important point a Has to rd person | Has To sentences examples
जो शरीफ ईमानदार और इज्जतदार family से है |Who is decent, honest and belongs to a respectable family.बस तुम अपना फ़ोन on रखना |just keep your phone on.अच्छा अम्मी अब मैं फ़ोन रखता हूँ | बाद में कॉल करूँगा |Okay, Ammi. I have to hang up now. I'll call later.अगर इतनी ही जरुरी बात थी तो क्या वह वहीँ नहीं कह सकती थी ?If it was so important, couldn't she say it right there?
//nbsp;;;Has definition: Has is the third person singular present conjugation of the verb to have. Have is also used as an auxiliary verb. Here are a few example sentences, aDo not share your drink with James; he has a nasty cold,a warned Jamesas mother. aEmma, the cat has your cheeseburger!a exclaimed Petrov.
इस बार में पूरी तैयारी से जाऊंगा |This time l will go fully prepared.मेरी गोलियां कहाँ है ?Where are my pills?देखना, भगवान तुझे कभी माफ़ नहीं करेगा !You'll see it, God will never forgive you!वह खिड़की खुली छोड़ कर चला गया |He has kept the window open and gone!
The main verbs of obligation are; MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD. The past of have to / has to is had. Must is for personal obligations. Have to is for general obligations. Example Sentences; You must stop here. You have to wear a seatbelt when you drive. You must answer at least one question. You should call Mary. I know she misses you a lot. She looks sick. She should go home. I
तुम सब यहीं इंतिजार करो तबतक मैं देख के आता हूँ |All of you wait here while I will go and check it out.वो अब पूरी ज़िंदगी किसी औरत से ऐसे बात नहीं करेगा |He won't talk to a woman like that for the rest of his life.ठीक है, मेरा काम थे तुम्हे आगह करना तो मैंने कर दिया | All right, my job was to warn you and so I did.मेरा पोता कितने सालों बाद आया है |My grandson has come after so many years.
Donat have to is used when it is not necessary to do something: You donat have to pay for the tickets in advance. She doesnat have to work at weekends. Certainty. Both must and have to are used to say that you are certain about something. Have to is the usual verb used in North American English and this is becoming more frequent in British English in this meaning: He
नहीं मम्मी मैंने इसे पूंछने के लिए फ़ोन किया था कि काम कैसा चल रहा है |No mommy I phoned him to ask how work was progressing.उनमें और तुममे क्या अलग है ?what's the difference between you and them?तुम्हें और क्या चाहिए ?What more do you want?मैं तुम्हे और दुःख नहीं देना चाहता |I didn't want to cause you more pain.
वह यहाँ तुम्हारे लिए आया था |He had come here for you.feelings, love ये सब सिर्फ बाते हैं |Feelings, love, that's all just talk.अच्छा होगा तुम मेरे कपड़ो पे कमेंट ना करो |You better not comment on my clothes.और क्या पसंद है तुम्हे ?What else do you like?
Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are have, had, had and it is used to talk : Things that we own or possessI have a carEvents, actions, experiences and activitiesI had a partyEating foods and mealsI had a coffeeDays of part of daysI had a beautiful dayConversation and InteractionsI need
हम शर्मिंदा है |We are ashamedमैं तुम्हे कुछ नहीं दे सकता |I can't give you anything.आप वह रूममेट कहाँ से ले आये ?where did you pick that roommate from?कमल कहाँ है ?Where is Kamal?
Use of Has To in hindi Id a , ,Rule a Subject has to Vst object Important point a Has to rd person | Has To sentences examples
क्या तुम मुझसे बहुत नाराज हो ?are you very angry with me?देखना मैं पहले मरूँगा |Just watch, I will die first.मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे बुरा दिन |Worst day of my life.हमने कमल को उसका नाम लेते कभी नहीं सुना |We never heard Kamal taking her name!
has v: to own or possess; to get or receive something; to contain or include something; the present rd person singular of 'have'. ; She has many things. ;. ; He has a cold. ;. ; She has no choice. ;. ; The bread has nuts in it.
मैंने यह तो नहीं कहा |I didn't say that.तुमने पूंछा नहीं ?You didn’t ask?तुम पागल हो गई हो |You've gone crazy.तुम इस वक्त यहाँ ?you are here at this hour?
उसे तो बहुत पहले ही घर से बाहर निकाल देना चाहिए था |We should've thrown him out of the house long back.कौन था ?Who was it?मुझे चोरी के पैसे नहीं चाहिए |I don't want stolen money!क्या मैं आपके लिए इतना छोटा सा काम नहीं कर सकता ?Can't we do such a small thing for you?
Note that we can use the have to expression in all tenses, for example: he has to, he had to, he has had to, he will have to Structure of have to Have to is often grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience, but in fact it is not a modal verb. It is not even an auxiliary verb.
एडमिशन का charge उसी के पास है |He’s in charge of admissions.पता नहीं मुझे यह कहना चाहिए या नहीं |I don’t know if I should say this.ये यहाँ कैसे ? अब हम क्या करें ?How come she's here? What should we do now?बाकी के पैसे कहाँ हैं ?Where is the rest of the money?
One way have and has combine with other verbs is to describe what could happen but hasnat yet: You have to call me tonight. He has to do his homework before dinner. These actions have not occurred yet. As before, have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it. Indicating completed action
तो तू मुझे क्यों धोंस दे रहा है ?So why are you bullying me?ये शादी में मय्यत की सहनाई कौन बजा रहा है ?Who is that playing this funeral tune at a wedding?रखो यहाँ और दफा हो जाओ यहाँ से |Put it here and get lost!खिड़की बंद करो | ठंड लग जाएगी तुम्हे |Roll-up the window. You'll catch a cold.
नास्ता ठंडा हो रहा है |breakfast is getting cold.अब मेरी लड़की से कौन शादी करेगा |Who will marry my daughter now?चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ झांकेगा भी नहीं |After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.कम से कम नल तो बंद कर दो |At least, turn off the tap.
have to, has to in the Simple Present. Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions; I, we, you, they: I have to get up early. I do not have to get up early. Do I have to get up I, he, she, it, we, you, they: I had to get up early. I did not have to get up early. Did I have to get up early? Explanation. have a auxiliary and main verb; have or have got; have got or has
वादा करो | तुम अपनी बीवी को मेरी बीवी से एक बार मिलवाओगे ताकि वो भी उनसे कुछ सीख सके |you will make your wife meet mine once... so that she also learns something from her!उसके लिए ऐसी बात मत बोल |Don't say such things for her.काश हमारे पास सचमुच की बन्दूक होती |l wish we had a real gun.वह बिला वजह मार देगा मुझे |Ηe'll hit me for no reason.
Note that we can use the have to expression in all tenses, for example: he has to, he had to, he has had to, he will have to Structure of have to Have to is often grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience, but in fact it is not a modal verb. It is not even an auxiliary verb.
जा नहीं तो तेरी वजह से हम सब पीटेंगे |Go. Or else all of us would get beaten up because of you.मैंने उनको चोरी से सुना |I Iisten to them steaIthiIy...तुम अब जाओ नहीं तो तुम्हारी flight छूट जाएगी |You must leave. Or you'll miss the flight!तुम्हे मुझ पे शक है, है ना ? तुम मुझपे दुबारा शक कर रही हो | You doubt me, isn't it? You are doubting me again!
तुमने ऐसे आदमी के साथ ऐसा क्यों किया ?Why did You do this with such a man?तू जरा घर आ, मैं तुझे ठीक करूँगा |Just you come home, i'll fix youतुम्हें मुझे याद दिलाना चाहिय था |You should have reminded me.मैं क्या कहती ? मैंने कहा कि उसे मेरे माँ बाप से बात करनी चाहिए |What could I say? I said he must ask my parents.
It can also be used for present tense and present perfect tenses sentences. Sometimes you also have to use the verb has for the third person singular. Examples of using the verb has: When using the verb has you will use he, she or it.
आप बार बार पीछे मुड़कर क्या देख रहे हैं ?What are you looking back for, all the time?हमने सारे इन्तिजाम कर लिए है, सर We've made all the arrangements, Sir.क्या कहा तुमने ?What did you say?यह कौन सी नई बीमारी है ?What new ailment is this?
//nbsp;;;Has definition: Has is the third person singular present conjugation of the verb to have. Have is also used as an auxiliary verb. Here are a few example sentences, aDo not share your drink with James; he has a nasty cold,a warned Jamesas mother. aEmma, the cat has your cheeseburger!a exclaimed Petrov.
मेरी मेरे पति से लड़ाई हो गई थी इसीलिए मैं यहाँ आयी थी |I had a fight with my husband. That's why I came here.रस्ते से हटो | Get out of the way!तुम्हें यह पहले सोंचना चाहिए था |you should've thought about it earlierसच यह है कि मैं रीना से पया करता हूँ |the truth is I love Reena!
have to, has to in the Simple Present. Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions; I, we, you, they: I have to get up early. I do not have to get up early. Do I have to get up I, he, she, it, we, you, they: I had to get up early. I did not have to get up early. Did I have to get up early? Explanation. have a auxiliary and main verb; have or have got; have got or has
मेरा इतना तो हक़ बनता है, है ना ?I have that much right, don't I?कौन से कॉलेज से हो तुम ?Which college are you from?तो तुम हो कमल ?So you're Kamal?चुप हो जा | अगर उसे पता चल गया तो मुझे गोली मार देगा |Shut up. If he finds out, he'll shoot me.
Donat have to is used when it is not necessary to do something: You donat have to pay for the tickets in advance. She doesnat have to work at weekends. Certainty. Both must and have to are used to say that you are certain about something. Have to is the usual verb used in North American English and this is becoming more frequent in British English in this meaning: He
थोडा सा और little more.तुम मुझे छोड़ कर कहाँ चले गए थे ?Where had you been leaving me?तुम्हे बस बिस्तर से उठना था और बाल्टी रखनी थी |All you had to do was get out of bed and put the buckets out.अलीगंज कितनी दूर है ?How far is Aligunj?
Donat have to is used when it is not necessary to do something: You donat have to pay for the tickets in advance. She doesnat have to work at weekends. Certainty. Both must and have to are used to say that you are certain about something. Have to is the usual verb used in North American English and this is becoming more frequent in British English in this meaning: He
तुमने मुझे मेरी बहन की शादी के वक़्त भी कुछ नहीं कहने दिया था |You didn't let me speak during my sister's wedding.Order करने से पहले price देख लो | समझे ?Look at the price before placing the order. Got it?मैं तुमको बहुत टेंशन दी है |l’ve created a lot of tension for you.वही तो मैं कर रहा हूँ |That's what I am doing...
has v: to own or possess; to get or receive something; to contain or include something; the present rd person singular of 'have'. ; She has many things. ;. ; He has a cold. ;. ; She has no choice. ;. ; The bread has nuts in it.
वह कैसे मार सकता है उसे जबकि हर वक़्त वह हमारे साथ था ?How could he have killed her while he has been with us all the time?कोई शोर नहीं मचाएगा |no one wiII make any noiseसारा लखनऊ नाच गा रहा था |The entire lucknow was singing and dancing.मैं तुझे पीटूंगा अगर तुमने ख़ुदकुशी की बात की |I will beat you! If you speak of committing suicide!
Use of Has To in hindi Id a , ,Rule a Subject has to Vst object Important point a Has to rd person | Has To sentences examples
यह कहने के लिए इतनी रात में यहाँ आने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
what was the need for you to come here so late in the night to say this?
मुझे तुमसे कुछ पूंछना है ?
I need to ask you something...
उसने कभी कुछ हासिल नहीं किया और न ही करेगा |
He has never achieved anything and he never will.
मुझे यकीन है तुम्हे जॉब मिल जायेगी |
I'm sure you'll get the job.
have to, has to in the Simple Present. Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions; I, we, you, they: I have to get up early. I do not have to get up early. Do I have to get up I, he, she, it, we, you, they: I had to get up early. I did not have to get up early. Did I have to get up early? Explanation. have a auxiliary and main verb; have or have got; have got or has
तुम रहने दो इसे | मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
You let it be. I will handle this.
यह पार्किंग क्या तेरे बाप की है ?
Does your father own the parking?
कमल को पता चल गया है कि मैं कौन हूँ |
Kamal has come to know who I am.
तुम गुस्सा क्यों हो रहे हो ?
Why are you getting angry?
Note that we can use the have to expression in all tenses, for example: he has to, he had to, he has had to, he will have to Structure of have to Have to is often grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience, but in fact it is not a modal verb. It is not even an auxiliary verb.
एक आदमी है जो इसे कर सकता है |
There is one man who can do it.
मैं बस बैठा था |
I was just sitting.
स्कूल की छुट्टियाँ जल्दी शुरू जाएँगी |
The school vacations will begin soon.
उसे यहाँ होना चाहिए था, तुम्हारे साथ |
He should've been here. With you.
It can also be used for present tense and present perfect tenses sentences. Sometimes you also have to use the verb has for the third person singular. Examples of using the verb has: When using the verb has you will use he, she or it.
कहाँ गुस्सा हो रहा हूँ ?
where am l angry?
तू अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहा है ?
Why are you ruining your life?
हमें यह शादी हर कीमत पर रोकनी है |
We've to stop this marriage at all cost?
मैं पूरे दिन पढ़ कर थक गया हूँ |
i'm tired of reading all the day
One way have and has combine with other verbs is to describe what could happen but hasnat yet: You have to call me tonight. He has to do his homework before dinner. These actions have not occurred yet. As before, have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it. Indicating completed action
हमें एक दुसरे के नाम भी नहीं पता |
we don't even know each others names.
अब मैं क्या कहूँ ?
What do I say now?
तुमने सबकुछ ले लिया है ना ? कुछ भूलना मत |
You have taken everything, right? Don't forget anything.
मैंने तेरी तस्वीर अखबार में देखी |
i saw your picture in news paper.
has v: to own or possess; to get or receive something; to contain or include something; the present rd person singular of 'have'. ; She has many things. ;. ; He has a cold. ;. ; She has no choice. ;. ; The bread has nuts in it.
कुछ नहीं | धन्यवाद | बस पानी |
Nothing, thank you. Just water?
प्यार से कहो | तो मैं मर भी सकता हूँ |
Say it with love, and I can even die.
तुम वापस कब आयी ?
When did you get back?
मुझे तेरी बकवास नहीं सुननी चाहिए |
I don't want to listen to your nonsense!
The main verbs of obligation are; MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD. The past of have to / has to is had. Must is for personal obligations. Have to is for general obligations. Example Sentences; You must stop here. You have to wear a seatbelt when you drive. You must answer at least one question. You should call Mary. I know she misses you a lot. She looks sick. She should go home. I
क्यूँ क्या हुआ ?
Why? What's wrong?
मैं किसी का इंतिजार कर रहा हूँ |
I am waiting for someone.
उसकी आत्मा तड़प रही होगी |
Her soul must be in turmoil.
अगर तुम्हें मेरी वजह से इतनी ही problem है तो बता दो मैं यहाँ नहीं आउंगी |
If you have so much problem because of me, tell me. I'll not come here.
Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are have, had, had and it is used to talk : Things that we own or possessI have a carEvents, actions, experiences and activitiesI had a partyEating foods and mealsI had a coffeeDays of part of daysI had a beautiful dayConversation and InteractionsI need
तुम मुसलमान होके ऐसे अपराधिक काम कैसे कर सकते हो ?
How can you do such criminal deeds being a muslim?
मुझे लगता है तुम्हें नींद आ रही है |
l think you are feeling sleepy.
मैंने कभी शराब नहीं पी या सिगरेट नहीं पी |
l never drank or smoked.
मैंने ऐसा कब कहा ?
When did I say so?
It can also be used for present tense and present perfect tenses sentences. Sometimes you also have to use the verb has for the third person singular. Examples of using the verb has: When using the verb has you will use he, she or it.
तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो |
What are you doing here?
मेरा तेरा बदला लूँगा |
I'll take your revenge.
मैं तुम्हारे साथ कितने सालो से हूँ पर मैंने तुम्हे कभी नहीं समझा |
I've been with you since so many years. But I've never understood you!
मेरी दाई आँख अचानक फडकने लगी है | कुछ बुरा होने वाला है ?
My right eye has started twitching suddenly. Will something go wrong?
The main verbs of obligation are; MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD. The past of have to / has to is had. Must is for personal obligations. Have to is for general obligations. Example Sentences; You must stop here. You have to wear a seatbelt when you drive. You must answer at least one question. You should call Mary. I know she misses you a lot. She looks sick. She should go home. I
तुम मुझे समझते क्या हो ?
What do you think of me?
वे स्कूल चले गए हैं |
They have gone to the school.
मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?
How would I know?
मुझे अकेला छोड़ के कहाँ चला गया था तू ?
where did you go leaving me alone?
Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are have, had, had and it is used to talk : Things that we own or possessI have a carEvents, actions, experiences and activitiesI had a partyEating foods and mealsI had a coffeeDays of part of daysI had a beautiful dayConversation and InteractionsI need
नहीं मैं जैसा हूँ अच्छा हूँ |
No, I'm good as I am.
रोक सको तो रोक लो |
Stop me if you can.
मैं उसे कितना प्यार करता था |
I loved her so much.
यह उसे समझाएगा और साथ में लेकर आएगा |
He'll pacify him and bring him along.
One way have and has combine with other verbs is to describe what could happen but hasnat yet: You have to call me tonight. He has to do his homework before dinner. These actions have not occurred yet. As before, have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it. Indicating completed action
मुझे नहीं पता क्यों पर रीना खुद को उसकी मौत का जिम्मेदार मानती है |
I don't know why, but Reena blames herself for his death.
उसकी आत्मा भटक रही है |
His spirit is roaming.
तुम परेशान क्यों हो रहो हो ?
Why are you getting worried?
आपका रूम रेडी है | आपका रूम number है 208 first फ्लौर पर |
your room's ready. Your room number is 208. On the first floor.
//nbsp;;;Has definition: Has is the third person singular present conjugation of the verb to have. Have is also used as an auxiliary verb. Here are a few example sentences, aDo not share your drink with James; he has a nasty cold,a warned Jamesas mother. aEmma, the cat has your cheeseburger!a exclaimed Petrov.
लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि तुम अपने पति को धोका दो |
but that doesn't mean you will deceive your husband.
बोलो अभी नहीं तो मैं फ़ोन काट दूंगा |
Speak now or I'll disconnect!
यही है | इसने हमारा माल चुराया था |
It's him. He stole our goods.
क्या इसने कुछ निगल लिया ?
Did he swallow something?
Use of Has To in hindi Id a , ,Rule a Subject has to Vst object Important point a Has to rd person | Has To sentences examples
जो शरीफ ईमानदार और इज्जतदार family से है |
Who is decent, honest and belongs to a respectable family.
बस तुम अपना फ़ोन on रखना |
just keep your phone on.
अच्छा अम्मी अब मैं फ़ोन रखता हूँ | बाद में कॉल करूँगा |
Okay, Ammi. I have to hang up now. I'll call later.
अगर इतनी ही जरुरी बात थी तो क्या वह वहीँ नहीं कह सकती थी ?
If it was so important, couldn't she say it right there?
//nbsp;;;Has definition: Has is the third person singular present conjugation of the verb to have. Have is also used as an auxiliary verb. Here are a few example sentences, aDo not share your drink with James; he has a nasty cold,a warned Jamesas mother. aEmma, the cat has your cheeseburger!a exclaimed Petrov.
इस बार में पूरी तैयारी से जाऊंगा |
This time l will go fully prepared.
मेरी गोलियां कहाँ है ?
Where are my pills?
देखना, भगवान तुझे कभी माफ़ नहीं करेगा !
You'll see it, God will never forgive you!
वह खिड़की खुली छोड़ कर चला गया |
He has kept the window open and gone!
The main verbs of obligation are; MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD. The past of have to / has to is had. Must is for personal obligations. Have to is for general obligations. Example Sentences; You must stop here. You have to wear a seatbelt when you drive. You must answer at least one question. You should call Mary. I know she misses you a lot. She looks sick. She should go home. I
तुम सब यहीं इंतिजार करो तबतक मैं देख के आता हूँ |
All of you wait here while I will go and check it out.
वो अब पूरी ज़िंदगी किसी औरत से ऐसे बात नहीं करेगा |
He won't talk to a woman like that for the rest of his life.
ठीक है, मेरा काम थे तुम्हे आगह करना तो मैंने कर दिया |
All right, my job was to warn you and so I did.
मेरा पोता कितने सालों बाद आया है |
My grandson has come after so many years.
Donat have to is used when it is not necessary to do something: You donat have to pay for the tickets in advance. She doesnat have to work at weekends. Certainty. Both must and have to are used to say that you are certain about something. Have to is the usual verb used in North American English and this is becoming more frequent in British English in this meaning: He
नहीं मम्मी मैंने इसे पूंछने के लिए फ़ोन किया था कि काम कैसा चल रहा है |
No mommy I phoned him to ask how work was progressing.
उनमें और तुममे क्या अलग है ?
what's the difference between you and them?
तुम्हें और क्या चाहिए ?
What more do you want?
मैं तुम्हे और दुःख नहीं देना चाहता |
I didn't want to cause you more pain.
वह यहाँ तुम्हारे लिए आया था |
He had come here for you.
feelings, love ये सब सिर्फ बाते हैं |
Feelings, love, that's all just talk.
अच्छा होगा तुम मेरे कपड़ो पे कमेंट ना करो |
You better not comment on my clothes.
और क्या पसंद है तुम्हे ?
What else do you like?
Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are have, had, had and it is used to talk : Things that we own or possessI have a carEvents, actions, experiences and activitiesI had a partyEating foods and mealsI had a coffeeDays of part of daysI had a beautiful dayConversation and InteractionsI need
हम शर्मिंदा है |
We are ashamed
मैं तुम्हे कुछ नहीं दे सकता |
I can't give you anything.
आप वह रूममेट कहाँ से ले आये ?
where did you pick that roommate from?
कमल कहाँ है ?
Where is Kamal?
Use of Has To in hindi Id a , ,Rule a Subject has to Vst object Important point a Has to rd person | Has To sentences examples
क्या तुम मुझसे बहुत नाराज हो ?
are you very angry with me?
देखना मैं पहले मरूँगा |
Just watch, I will die first.
मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे बुरा दिन |
Worst day of my life.
हमने कमल को उसका नाम लेते कभी नहीं सुना |
We never heard Kamal taking her name!
has v: to own or possess; to get or receive something; to contain or include something; the present rd person singular of 'have'. ; She has many things. ;. ; He has a cold. ;. ; She has no choice. ;. ; The bread has nuts in it.
मैंने यह तो नहीं कहा |
I didn't say that.
तुमने पूंछा नहीं ?
You didn’t ask?
तुम पागल हो गई हो |
You've gone crazy.
तुम इस वक्त यहाँ ?
you are here at this hour?
उसे तो बहुत पहले ही घर से बाहर निकाल देना चाहिए था |
We should've thrown him out of the house long back.
कौन था ?
Who was it?
मुझे चोरी के पैसे नहीं चाहिए |
I don't want stolen money!
क्या मैं आपके लिए इतना छोटा सा काम नहीं कर सकता ?
Can't we do such a small thing for you?
Note that we can use the have to expression in all tenses, for example: he has to, he had to, he has had to, he will have to Structure of have to Have to is often grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience, but in fact it is not a modal verb. It is not even an auxiliary verb.
एडमिशन का charge उसी के पास है |
He’s in charge of admissions.
पता नहीं मुझे यह कहना चाहिए या नहीं |
I don’t know if I should say this.
ये यहाँ कैसे ? अब हम क्या करें ?
How come she's here? What should we do now?
बाकी के पैसे कहाँ हैं ?
Where is the rest of the money?
One way have and has combine with other verbs is to describe what could happen but hasnat yet: You have to call me tonight. He has to do his homework before dinner. These actions have not occurred yet. As before, have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it. Indicating completed action
तो तू मुझे क्यों धोंस दे रहा है ?
So why are you bullying me?
ये शादी में मय्यत की सहनाई कौन बजा रहा है ?
Who is that playing this funeral tune at a wedding?
रखो यहाँ और दफा हो जाओ यहाँ से |
Put it here and get lost!
खिड़की बंद करो | ठंड लग जाएगी तुम्हे |
Roll-up the window. You'll catch a cold.
नास्ता ठंडा हो रहा है |
breakfast is getting cold.
अब मेरी लड़की से कौन शादी करेगा |
Who will marry my daughter now?
चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ झांकेगा भी नहीं |
After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.
कम से कम नल तो बंद कर दो |
At least, turn off the tap.
have to, has to in the Simple Present. Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions; I, we, you, they: I have to get up early. I do not have to get up early. Do I have to get up I, he, she, it, we, you, they: I had to get up early. I did not have to get up early. Did I have to get up early? Explanation. have a auxiliary and main verb; have or have got; have got or has
वादा करो | तुम अपनी बीवी को मेरी बीवी से एक बार मिलवाओगे ताकि वो भी उनसे कुछ सीख सके |
you will make your wife meet mine once... so that she also learns something from her!
उसके लिए ऐसी बात मत बोल |
Don't say such things for her.
काश हमारे पास सचमुच की बन्दूक होती |
l wish we had a real gun.
वह बिला वजह मार देगा मुझे |
Ηe'll hit me for no reason.
Note that we can use the have to expression in all tenses, for example: he has to, he had to, he has had to, he will have to Structure of have to Have to is often grouped with modal auxiliary verbs for convenience, but in fact it is not a modal verb. It is not even an auxiliary verb.
जा नहीं तो तेरी वजह से हम सब पीटेंगे |
Go. Or else all of us would get beaten up because of you.
मैंने उनको चोरी से सुना |
I Iisten to them steaIthiIy...
तुम अब जाओ नहीं तो तुम्हारी flight छूट जाएगी |
You must leave. Or you'll miss the flight!
तुम्हे मुझ पे शक है, है ना ? तुम मुझपे दुबारा शक कर रही हो |
You doubt me, isn't it? You are doubting me again!
तुमने ऐसे आदमी के साथ ऐसा क्यों किया ?
Why did You do this with such a man?
तू जरा घर आ, मैं तुझे ठीक करूँगा |
Just you come home, i'll fix you
तुम्हें मुझे याद दिलाना चाहिय था |
You should have reminded me.
मैं क्या कहती ? मैंने कहा कि उसे मेरे माँ बाप से बात करनी चाहिए |
What could I say? I said he must ask my parents.
It can also be used for present tense and present perfect tenses sentences. Sometimes you also have to use the verb has for the third person singular. Examples of using the verb has: When using the verb has you will use he, she or it.
आप बार बार पीछे मुड़कर क्या देख रहे हैं ?
What are you looking back for, all the time?
हमने सारे इन्तिजाम कर लिए है, सर
We've made all the arrangements, Sir.
क्या कहा तुमने ?
What did you say?
यह कौन सी नई बीमारी है ?
What new ailment is this?
//nbsp;;;Has definition: Has is the third person singular present conjugation of the verb to have. Have is also used as an auxiliary verb. Here are a few example sentences, aDo not share your drink with James; he has a nasty cold,a warned Jamesas mother. aEmma, the cat has your cheeseburger!a exclaimed Petrov.
मेरी मेरे पति से लड़ाई हो गई थी इसीलिए मैं यहाँ आयी थी |
I had a fight with my husband. That's why I came here.
रस्ते से हटो |
Get out of the way!
तुम्हें यह पहले सोंचना चाहिए था |
you should've thought about it earlier
सच यह है कि मैं रीना से पया करता हूँ |
the truth is I love Reena!
have to, has to in the Simple Present. Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions; I, we, you, they: I have to get up early. I do not have to get up early. Do I have to get up I, he, she, it, we, you, they: I had to get up early. I did not have to get up early. Did I have to get up early? Explanation. have a auxiliary and main verb; have or have got; have got or has
मेरा इतना तो हक़ बनता है, है ना ?
I have that much right, don't I?
कौन से कॉलेज से हो तुम ?
Which college are you from?
तो तुम हो कमल ?
So you're Kamal?
चुप हो जा | अगर उसे पता चल गया तो मुझे गोली मार देगा |
Shut up. If he finds out, he'll shoot me.
Donat have to is used when it is not necessary to do something: You donat have to pay for the tickets in advance. She doesnat have to work at weekends. Certainty. Both must and have to are used to say that you are certain about something. Have to is the usual verb used in North American English and this is becoming more frequent in British English in this meaning: He
थोडा सा और
little more.
तुम मुझे छोड़ कर कहाँ चले गए थे ?
Where had you been leaving me?
तुम्हे बस बिस्तर से उठना था और बाल्टी रखनी थी |
All you had to do was get out of bed and put the buckets out.
अलीगंज कितनी दूर है ?
How far is Aligunj?
Donat have to is used when it is not necessary to do something: You donat have to pay for the tickets in advance. She doesnat have to work at weekends. Certainty. Both must and have to are used to say that you are certain about something. Have to is the usual verb used in North American English and this is becoming more frequent in British English in this meaning: He
तुमने मुझे मेरी बहन की शादी के वक़्त भी कुछ नहीं कहने दिया था |
You didn't let me speak during my sister's wedding.
Order करने से पहले price देख लो | समझे ?
Look at the price before placing the order. Got it?
मैं तुमको बहुत टेंशन दी है |
l’ve created a lot of tension for you.
वही तो मैं कर रहा हूँ |
That's what I am doing...
has v: to own or possess; to get or receive something; to contain or include something; the present rd person singular of 'have'. ; She has many things. ;. ; He has a cold. ;. ; She has no choice. ;. ; The bread has nuts in it.
वह कैसे मार सकता है उसे जबकि हर वक़्त वह हमारे साथ था ?
How could he have killed her while he has been with us all the time?
कोई शोर नहीं मचाएगा |
no one wiII make any noise
सारा लखनऊ नाच गा रहा था |
The entire lucknow was singing and dancing.
मैं तुझे पीटूंगा अगर तुमने ख़ुदकुशी की बात की |
I will beat you! If you speak of committing suicide!
there are some error in the contents so correct that error..
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DeletePlease tell me the error so that i can correct them.