Structure 1 - शिकार अब फंस चूका है

तुम ख्यालो में क्यूँ खोये हुए हो |
Why are you lost in thought?

मैं टूट चूका हूँ |
I am shattered.

यह खराब टेप है |
It is a worn-out tape.

क्या तुम शर्मिंदा नहीं हो |
Aren't you ashamed?

मुझे ईमानदारी छू गई |
I am touched by honesty.

शिकार अब फंस चूका है |
The prey is trapped now.

Interrogative word + helping word + possessive noun + past participle + object

मेरे धुले हुए कपडे कहाँ हैं?
Where are my washed clothes?

मेरे प्रेस किये कपड़े कहाँ हैं?
Where are my ironed clothes?

तुम्हारी फटी कमीज कहाँ हैं?                
Where is your torn shirt?

तुमने टूटी कुर्सी कहाँ रखी?
Where did you put broken chair?

तुमने सड़ा खाना कहाँ फेंका?
Where did you throw rotten food?

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Basics of English Speaking for beginners using common expressions. Learn what to say and how to say things in daily conversations. Improve your English fluency in a business and office setting. Improve your listening skills with fun questions and answers. Build basic grammar skills pertaining to English speaking.


तुम्हें ऐसा नहीं कहना चाहिए |

You shouldn't say that!

क्या हो रहा है यहाँ ?

What the hell is happening here.

अगर तुम्हे मुझसे प्यार है तो तुम्हे अपने पापा को छोड़ना होगा |

If you love me, you'll have to forsake your father.

क्या तुम बाहर आ सकते हो प्लीज |

can you come out pIease.


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


अगर ऐसा ही चलता रहा तो हम एक दिन भिखारी बन जायेंगे |

If we go on like this, we'll become a beggar one day!

और बदले में उसने मुझे क्या दिया ?

And what did she give me in return?

मुझे बस एक मिनट देना, ठीक ?

Just give me a minute, okay?

कैसा रहा तुम्हारा दिन ? बहुत थके हुए लग रहे हो |

How was your day? You look very tired!


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अगर मैंने यह अपने पापा को बताया तो उन्हें heart attack आ जायेगा |

If I tell it to my father he will have a heart attack.

तुम अकेले आये हो | अपनी बीवी को साथ में क्यों नहीं लाये ?

you've come alone. Why didn't you bring your wife along?

क्या हो जाता इसे ?

What would happen to him?

घर जाओ |

You better go home.


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मैं तुम्हारे लिए एक कप बढ़िया चाय बना के लाती हूँ |

I'll make you a nice cup of tea.

आइन्दा सारा काम घर पर भेज देना |

Henceforth send all the work at home!

तुम्हे और कमल को कुछ घंटे पति पत्नी होने का नाटक करना पड़ेगा |

You and Kamal will have to be husband and wife for just a couple of hours.

यह गलती करता रहा और वह मेरे करीब आती गई |

Ηe kept making mistakes and she kept getting closer to me.


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तुम्हारी और भी जिम्मेदारियाँ हैं | है ना

you have other responsibilities too, don't you'?

मैं कभी झूठ नहीं बोलता | तुम मेरी बहन जैसी लगती हो इसलिए मैं तुम्हारी सहायता करना चाहता हूँ |

I never Iie. You Iook Iike my sister so I want to heIp.

यही कहीं होगा |

Must be somewhere here only.

मैं सिर्फ आपको अपने दिल की सच्चाई बता रहा था |

I was just trying to tell you the truth that's in my heart.


Learning English can often seem difficult and overwhelming but not with Alison's free online English courses. We have training courses focusing on English for hotels, travel and tourism as well as for those in the restaurant industry. More importantly, our basic English classes include important vocabulary and phrases for business and tourism. Whether for personal or


वह बिला वजह मार देगा मुझे |

Ηe'll hit me for no reason.

कोई बात नहीं, जब सहूलियत हो तब दे दियेगा |

That's okay, you can give me whenever it's convenient.

क्या तुम मुझे बदनाम करने आये हो यहाँ ?

Did you come here to slander me?

कुछ भी करने से पहले अच्छे से सोंच लेना |

Think carefully before you do anything.


Basics of English Speaking for beginners using common expressions. Learn what to say and how to say things in daily conversations. Improve your English fluency in a business and office setting. Improve your listening skills with fun questions and answers. Build basic grammar skills pertaining to English speaking.


मेरी बीवी की एक्टिंग करना बंद करो |

Stop acting like my wife.

लेकिन आपकी लड़की जिससे शादी करने जा रही है वह आपका दामाद बनने लायक नहीं है |

But your daughter is going to marry a boy who isn’t worthy of becoming your son-in-law.

तुम ज़िंदगी में क्या बनना चाहते हो ?

What do you want to be in life?

और तुझे पता भी नहीं चलता कि उसने पी लिया |

And you wouldn't have even known that she's consumed it.


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यह क्या सुन रही हूँ मैं ?

what am I hearing'?

मुझे दौ दिन में प्रवेश शुल्क जमा करना है |

l have to pay the entry fees within two days.

क्या तुमने अभी कुछ नहीं कहा ?

didn’t you just say something?

Excuse me, मैं बस अभी आया |

Excuse me. I'll just be back.


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बाकी के कमीनें कहाँ है ?

Where are the rest of the scoundrels?

जाने से पहले एक और बात सुन ले |

Listen to one more thing before you go.

पर किया क्या है इसने ?

But what has he done?

मुझे पहले पानी से बाहर आने दो |

let me come out of the water first.


Basics of English Speaking for beginners using common expressions. Learn what to say and how to say things in daily conversations. Improve your English fluency in a business and office setting. Improve your listening skills with fun questions and answers. Build basic grammar skills pertaining to English speaking.


अगर मेरा दिमाग खराब हो गया तो मैं उसके दांत तोड़ दूंगा |

lf l lost my mind, then l will break his teeth!

प्लीज मेरा कुछ करो |

Please do something to me.

fantastic ! तुम कितने अच्छे लग रहे हो |

Fantastic! You are looking so good!

मैं सुबह से इंतिजार कर रही थी इसका |

I've been waiting since morning for this.


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


क्या मैं तुम्हें बेवकूफ दिखता हूँ ?

Do I look like a fool to you?

मैं market से कुछ लाती हूँ | आज कुछ अच्छा बनायेंगे |

I'll get something from the market. We'll make something good today.

क्या पता कब इसके जरुरत पड़ जाये |

Who know when will I need that.

इतनी जल्दी हम सारे इंतिजाम कैसे करेंगे ?

How can we make all arrangements so soon?


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ये कौन सा तरीका है भीख मांगने का ?

ls this a way to ask for alms?

मुहरत का वक़्त निकला जा रहा है |

The propitious hour is passing by.

मुझे विश्वास है जितना तुम अभी कमाते हो उससे ज्यादा कमाओगे |

I'm sure you'll earn much more than you do now.

दिखाओ मुझे |

show me


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


ऐसा कुछ नहीं होने वाला |

Nothing like that is going to happen.

जल्दी कर, मैं क्लास के लिए late हो रहा हूँ |

Hurry up, I am getting late for class.

मुझे हैंडल करने दो |

let me handle this.

पी लो इसे

Drink it up.


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


यह ठीक घर के सामने खड़ा था |

He was standing right outside the house.

देखते हैं अब कौन जीतता है ? तुम्हारा प्यार या मेरी नफरत |

Let's see who wins now. Your love or my hatred.

ये यहाँ कैसे हो सकती है ?

How can he be here?

मैं पता लगा के रहूँगा |

I must find that out!


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क्या तुम्हे पता है कि रीना कहाँ है ?

Do you know where Reena is?

अपना ख्याल रखना |

Take care of yourself.

रहने दो, पुरानी बाते याद करना छोड़ो और आगे क्या करना है वो सोंचो |

Let it be, stop remembering the past and think what we have to do ahead.

अगर यहाँ काम करना चाहते हो तो जैसा मैं कहता हूँ वैसा करो |

If you want to work here, do as I say.


Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since . For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners. In association with the Learn English Network.


घर पर कोई नहीं है |

there's no one at home.

कट गया |

It's disconnected.

मुझे पिसाब करना है |

I want to urinate.

मुझसे मत पूंछो, मेरा खून खोलता है जब मैं यह सोंचता हूँ |

Don't ask me. Μy blood boils when l think of it.


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कुछ चाहिए तुम्हे ?

You want something?

आपकी टेंशन आ गई है | देखिये उधर |

Your tension has arrived! Look over there!

इसका नाम क्या रखें ?

What should we name him?

I am really sorry मुझे जाना होगा कुछ काम आ गया है |

I'm really sorry, I've have to go, something's come up at work.


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किफायती और भरोसेमंद

Economical and trusted.

मैं जी कर क्या करूँगा |

What will l do by living?

मुझे एक सवाल हर वक़्त परेशान करता रहता था |

One question kept bothering me all the time.

लखनऊ को क्या हो गया है ?

What's wrong with Lucknow?




मुझे अच्छा लगा जिस तरह तुमने मुझसे बात की |

I liked the way you spoke to me!

मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |

I've been thinking about you.

तुम चाहे कुछ भी मानो पर मैं अपने पिता जी का दिला नहीं तोड़ सकता था |

Take it in whichever way... but I couldn't break my father's heart

जाने से पहले क्या हम यह करने की वजह जान सकते हैं ?

Before we leave may we know your reason for doing this  ?


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यह तो मुझे भी नहीं पता |

Even I don't know that.

नहीं | मैं नहीं जाउंगी |

No! I won't go!

ये लोग फंस गए थे, मैं इनकी मदद कर रहा था |

The guys are trapped, I'm helping them out.

क्या बक रहा है यह ?

What is he blabbering?


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मैं सचमुच तुम्हारे लिए खुश हूँ |

l’m really happy for you .

तुम इस साल फिर fail हो जाओगे |

You'll fail again this year.

देखो मैं क्या करता हूँ |

See what l do.

मुझे स्कूल में जाने में बेईज्जती महसूस होती है |

I feel ashamed to enter the school.

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