Gerund structure 24 English speaking course in Hindi
तुम्हारे थोड़ी देर से आने से मुझे कोई अपत्तीं नहीं है |
Subject + helping verb + mind + gerund + object

जब subject कर्ता को object के किसी काम से कोई आपत्ति नहीं होती है तब हम इस structure का प्रयोग करते हैं
Subject + helping verb + mind + possessive noun (your/his/her) + gerund + object

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Here a collection of
videos to help you learn basic English. If you are a beginner English
learner, this is a great course to study English and improve yo
तुम्हे पता नहीं है कि
तुमने कितना बड़ा अहसान किया है मुझपे |
You have no idea what a big favour you've done on me.
कल रात कि घटना की बाद मुझे
अपनी गलती का अहसास हो गया है |
But I've realised my mistake after last night's incident.
क्या तुम्हें वेटर बनके
शर्म नहीं आ रही ?
Aren't you ashamed to be a waiter?
तो वो नीली जैकेट में कौन
था |
So who was that guy in the blue jacket?
Learning English can often seem difficult and overwhelming
but not with Alison's free online English courses. We have training courses
focusing on English for hotels, travel and tourism as well as for those in the restaurant
industry. More importantly, our basic English classes include important
vocabulary and phrases for business and tourism. Whether for personal or
अगर तेरे पास और कोई
रास्ता है तो बता ?
let me know if you have another option.
तुम्हारे साथ कोई काम
नहीं करना चाहता |
No one wants to work with you.
अगर मैं पकाऊंगा तो तुम
क्या करोगी |
If I cook, what will you do?
सॉरी मेरी वजह से आपको और
आपकी family को परेशानी हुई |
Sorry because of me you and your family members have been
Learning English can often seem difficult and overwhelming but
not with Alison's free online English courses. We have training courses
focusing on English for hotels, travel and tourism as well as for those in the
restaurant industry. More importantly, our basic English classes include
important vocabulary and phrases for business and tourism. Whether for personal
स्कूल की छुट्टियाँ जल्दी
शुरू जाएँगी |
The school vacations will begin soon.
मेरा तुझे थप्पड़ मारने का
मन कर रहा है |
I feel like slapping you.
कोई problem ?
Any problem?
आज खाने में नमक नहीं है |
There's no saIt in the food today.
Here a collection of
videos to help you learn basic English. If you are a beginner English
learner, this is a great course to study English and improve yo
मैं भी शादी करने के लिए
बेताब हूँ |
Even I'm impatient to get married.
हमारे पास तुम्हे देने के
लिए कुछ नहीं है |
We have nothing to give you.
साल भर दुसरो की ज़िंदगी
हराम करते हो |
All year around you make life hell for others.
मैं यह बाद में सुनूंगा |
l'll listen to it later.
Here a collection of
videos to help you learn basic English. If you are a beginner English
learner, this is a great course to study English and improve yo
उसने कहा कि वह तुमसे
मिलना चाहती है |
She said that she wants to meet you.
तुम पीछे क्यों देख रहे हो
? आगे देखो |
why are you looking behind? Look ahead
उस दिन मुझसे गलती हुई थी
| प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर दिए |
l committed a mistake the other day. Please forgive me.
बहाने क्यों बना रहे हो ?
Why are you making excuses?
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courses that will help you gain awareness about ethics in journalism while you
speak, inclusive journalism, citizen journalism, and the vocabulary
बाद में कोई problem
नहीं होनी चाहिए |
There shouldn't be any problem later.
मुझे भी देखने दो |
Let me too have a look.
मेरे साथ चलो |
Come with me.
क्या बात है ? दादी आज बहुत खुश लग रही हैं |
What's the matter? Grandma seems to be very happy today.
Online English courses to suit your learning style Whether
you want to improve your English reading and writing skills, learn to speak
English more fluently or simply develop your English vocabulary, we offer a
range of flexible and personalised online courses to suit your unique style of
ताकि लोगो को पता चले कि
So that people come to know that …..
तुम्हें कुछ महीनों पहले
आना चाहिए |
You should’ve come a couple of months back.
दिमाग ख़राब हो गया है
क्या तुम्हारा ?
Have you lost your mind?
अगर वह मरना चाहता है तो
तुम उसे कैसे बचा सकती हो ?
lf he wants to die, how can you save him?
Here a collection of
videos to help you learn basic English. If you are a beginner English
learner, this is a great course to study English and improve yo
मुझे एक जरुरी meeting
attend करनी है. मुझे अभी याद
आया |
We need to attend an urgent meeting, I just remembered.
एक मिनट
Just a minute!
मैं उन्हें नहीं छोडूंगा |
I won't spare them.
हम वहीँ जा रहे हैं |
That's where we're going.
Basics of English Speaking for beginners using common
expressions. Learn what to say and how to say things in daily conversations.
Improve your English fluency in a business and office setting. Improve your
listening skills with fun questions and answers. Build basic grammar skills
pertaining to English speaking.
तुमने यह कहाँ सुना ?
Where did you hear that?
आखिर में तूझे एक जॉब
मिली थी वो भी तूने छोड़ दी |
Finally you found a job, but you quit that as well.
हम नहीं जानते वह कहाँ
गया है और वह कब वापस आएगा |
We don't know where he went and when he'll return.
यह कमल का किरायदार है |
Ηe's Kamal's tenant.
Online English courses to suit your learning style Whether
you want to improve your English reading and writing skills, learn to speak
English more fluently or simply develop your English vocabulary, we offer a
range of flexible and personalised online courses to suit your unique style of
मेरी घडी मुझी को बेच रहा
है |
selling my own watch back to me?
तुम्हे कैसे पता कि मैं actor
बनने आया हूँ |
how come you know that i've come to become actor.
क्या हुआ तुम्हें ?
what happened to you?
प्लीज एक बार मेरी बात का
यकीन कर लो |
for once please believe what I'm saying.
The Best Sites for
Taking Free English Courses Online Alison. This is the one that started it all.
Opened in , Alison is considered by most to be the first MOOC. MOOEC. This
website is just for English learners. As you may have guessed, MOOEC stands for
Massive Open Online English Bonus:
उठो क्या तुम्हे काम पर
भी नहीं जाना ?
Wake up! Don't you have to go to work as well?
मैंने उसे रोकने की बहुत
कोशिस की |
l tried really hard to stop him.
कहते तो यही हैं |
That's what they say.
कौन जीत रहा है ?
Who is winning?
The Best Sites for
Taking Free English Courses Online Alison. This is the one that started it all.
Opened in , Alison is considered by most to be the first MOOC. MOOEC. This
website is just for English learners. As you may have guessed, MOOEC stands for
Massive Open Online English Bonus:
मैं उसे सीधे रास्ते पर
लाने के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |
I can do anything to bring him on the right path.
तुम उन पर नजर रखना वो
किस्से मिलते हैं क्या करते हैं और मुझे बताना |
You watch him, who he meets, what he does, and inform me.
तुम सब पागलों का कोई
भरोसा नहीं |
You all crazy fellows are not trustworthy!
दिमाग खराब हो गया है
क्या ?
Have you lost your mind?
Online English courses to suit your learning style Whether
you want to improve your English reading and writing skills, learn to speak
English more fluently or simply develop your English vocabulary, we offer a
range of flexible and personalised online courses to suit your unique style of
वह बैंक गया होगा |
He must have gone to the bank.
और सब मान गये हैं |
Everyone else has agreed.
सॉरी | मैं तुम्हें इनसे मिलवाना भूल गया |
Sorry! I forgot to introduce you to them!
तुम्हे यह पैसे कहाँ से
मिले ?
From where did you get this money?
Courses Learn English: Intermediate Grammar. University of California,
Irvine. Specialization Courses TESOL
Certificate, Part : Teach English Now! Arizona State University.
Specialization Courses Improve Your
English Communication Skills. Georgia Institute of Technology.
मुझसे कभी किसी ने ऐसे
बात नहीं की |
Nobody has ever spoken to me like this.
दादा पोते में क्या बात
हो रही है ?
What chatting is going on between the grandpa and grandson?
मेरा एक दोस्त भी उसी
कॉलेज में था |
One of my friend was also in the same college.
पहली बार तुमने कुछ सही
किया है |
for the first time you've done something right.
Learning English can often seem difficult and overwhelming
but not with Alison's free online English courses. We have training courses
focusing on English for hotels, travel and tourism as well as for those in the
restaurant industry. More importantly, our basic English classes include
important vocabulary and phrases for business and tourism. Whether for personal
अपने आप सुखा लिए |
Wipe yourself dry,
तुम हमेशा हर बात मज़ाक में
उड़ा देते हो |
You always laugh off every matter.
कितनी बार मैंने overtime
भी किया है |
Do many times I did overtime too.
नमक कम है, है ना ?
Salt is less, isn't it?
Courses Learn English: Intermediate Grammar. University of California, Irvine.
Specialization Courses TESOL
Certificate, Part : Teach English Now! Arizona State University.
Specialization Courses Improve Your English
Communication Skills. Georgia Institute of Technology.
अब तू मुझे बतायेगा कि
मेरा रिश्ता खत्म हो गया |
Now, you will tell me that my relationship is over.
किसी औरत की होगी |
Must be of some lady.
सुना है तेरा जैकपोट लगा
है |
I heard you won the jackpot.
इसलिए मुझे घंटी नहीं
सुनाई दी |
That is why I couldn't hear the bell.
ABA English has a unique approach to English language
learning. Each course is divided into
parts: film, speaking, lessons, vocabulary and assessments. Here comes
the unique part: every unit starts with a short film where actors who are
native English speakers act out everyday situations. Through film, you will
feel a variety of emotions, and identify with the characters.
अब जो भी करेगा यह करेगा |
Now He'll do whatever needs to be done.
मैं उसे पिछले एक साल से
उसे ढूंड रहा हूँ |
I've been looking for him for the past one year.
तुम उसे क्यों मार रहे हो
Why are you beating him!
मैं यह कहानी बचपन से
सुनता आ रहा हूँ |
l have been listening to this story ever since l was a
The Best Sites for
Taking Free English Courses Online Alison. This is the one that started it all.
Opened in , Alison is considered by most to be the first MOOC. MOOEC. This
website is just for English learners. As you may have guessed, MOOEC stands for
Massive Open Online English Bonus:
अब ठीक है |
Now it is fine.
उसका ख्याल रखना और हाथ
मत छोड़ना |
Look after him and don't let go of the hand.
अब मिल गया तुम्हे चैन ?
Are you satisfied now?
क्या तुम्हें कोई तमीज
नहीं है ?
Don't you have any manners?
Courses Learn English: Intermediate Grammar. University of California,
Irvine. Specialization Courses TESOL
Certificate, Part : Teach English Now! Arizona State University. Specialization Courses Improve Your English Communication
Skills. Georgia Institute of Technology.
मैं कुछ कहूँ ?
May I say something?
सौ बार बोला है उसे कि
मुझे साथ में ले जाना |
told him a hundred times that l wanted to come along.
उसके साथ तमीज से पेस आना
Behave respectfully with him.
बोल मरने से पहले तेरी
आखिरी ख्वाहिश क्या है ?
Tell me, what's your last wish before you die?
Learn more about English grammar with this series of free
video lessons. You can study a range of topics, from simple grammar for beginners
to more advanced language points. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online
English archives. Spoken English Lessons. Improve your conversational English
with this series of free online spoken English lessons from Oxford
लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं
कि तुम अपने पति को धोका दो |
but that doesn't mean you will deceive your husband.
क्या आप हमें अकेला छोड़
देंगे ?
Will you please leave us alone?
मेरे पास कोई और option
नहीं था |
I did not have any option.
कहाँ छोड़ दूँ मैं आपको ?
Where can I drop you?
Learn more about English grammar with this series of free
video lessons. You can study a range of topics, from simple grammar for
beginners to more advanced language points. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford
Online English archives. Spoken English Lessons. Improve your conversational
English with this series of free online spoken English lessons from Oxford
तुम कौन हो ? मैं तुम्हें नहीं जानता |
Who are you? I don't know you!
मुद्दे की बात पे आ और
बता करना क्या है ?
come to the point and tell me what to do.
वह रीना की मौत का बदला
लेना चाहता है |
he wants to avenge Reena's death.
क्या होने वाला है ?
What's going to happen?
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