I played with the same bet that you did.
उसका उत्तर वैसे ही
था जैसा मैंने सोंचा था |
His answer was same as I expected him to give.
यह वही पेन है जैसा
मेने तुम्हे दिया था |
This is the same pen as I gave you.
यह वही लड़का है जिसने
मेरी जेब काटी थी |
This is the same boy as picked my pocket the other day.
मेरी परेशानी वैसी
ही है जैसी आपकी |
My trouble is the same as yours.
यह किताब बिलकुल वैसी
है जैसी मेरी |
This is the same book as mine.
यह वही जगह है जहाँ
में उससे मिला था |
This is the same place where I met him.
यह वही जगह है जहाँ
में आना चाहता था |
This is the same place where I wanted to come.Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
STRUCTURE 49 - वह बच्चा जो वहाँ रो रहा है कमल का बेटा है
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
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अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
Same, similar, identical The same noun clause. When we use the same with a noun, we can follow it by a clause with that, and less commonly Do the same. She bought her ticket for the folk festival online, and we did the same. Similar and identical. We use similar if two or more things
जैसा तुमने कहा था वैसा हुआ |
It happened just like you said.
इस कमल ने मेरी ज़िंदगी हराम कर दी है |
This Kamal has made my Iife miserabIe.
तो तुमने क्यों कहा ?
Why did you say so ?
तुम भी कुछ कम नहीं हो |
You are also not any less.
मैं तुम्हे कबसे ढूंड रही हूँ |
I've been looking for you since so long!
मेरा क्या वास्ता तुम्हारे परिवार से अब ?
What connection do I have with your family anymore?
मुझे मत बताओ क्या करना है और क्या नहीं |
Don't tell me what to do and what not to!
कमल उर्फ़ भोला |
Kamal alias Bhola.
Notice that using ; same ; with these determiners and the definite article leads to ungrammatical results: the these same ideas those the very same people my the same friend the whose same idea Ben's the same problems a the same idea the no same person
ठीक है | यहाँ कर लो |
Fine! Do it here!
ज्यादा से ज्याद क्या हो सकता है |
What's the worst that can happen?
तू रात भर खांस क्यों रहा था ?
why were you coughing all night?
कुछ नहीं होगा |
Nothing will happen
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बहरे हो क्या ?
Are you deaf?
कितनी बार बोलूं ?
How many times do I say it?
वो मुझे पता है यह है किसकी ?
I know that but whose is it?
उसे यहाँ आने से पहले सीखना चाहिए था |
She should have learnt it before coming here!
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उड़ा दो इसे |
Blow him up.
4 महीने के प्यार के लिए मरने चला था |
Was out to kill himself over a 4-month romance.
अगर दम है तो आ लड़ |
If you have the courage! Then come and fight!
तुम कितना कमाते हो ?
How much do you earn?
N.Z. vi. a A different influence of written language is seen in the use of same as a pronoun equivalent to it, as in aput the tailboard up and secure same with a length of wirea from New Zealand Wally Crump, , a facetious borrowing of lawyeras English which is quite common. N.Y. Law Jrnl. July / a The following sentence in a brief is typical of its misuse as a noun: aWaldbaum
तुम्हारे 5 मिनट नहीं हुए अभी तक ?
Aren't your five minutes up yet?
एक कदम पीछे हटो |
Take one step behind.
क्या मेरा सपना सच होगा ?
will my dream come true ?
किसके लिए काम करते हो ?
who do you work for?
//nbsp;;;A clause is by definition the building block of a sentence. Learn about different types of clauses and how to properly use them in English grammar.
हमारे पास पैसे नहीं है | अगर होते तो आपके पास क्यों आते.
We don't have the money. If we had, we wouldn't have come to you.
अगर आज तू उसे सच बता देता तो शायद वह मर जाती |
If you wouId have toId her the truth today Then she wouId have probabIy died.
तुम्हारी धड़कने कुछ कह रही हैं |
Your heartbeat is saying something.
वह क्या कहेगा ?
What will he say?
This is part of the same rule; the conjunction in question is abuta instead of aand.a To summarize, a semicolon links up two related ideas by narrowing the gap between the ideas of two separate sentences or by replacing a conjunction between two related ideas. That goes for showing contrast, too: just because two ideas are opposed or contradictory, that doesnat mean they arenat related closely enough
जब मैं वापस आऊँ तो मुझे ऐसी है मिलना जैसी अब हो |
when I come back, I want to see you just the way you are now.
क्या आपने कभी प्यार नहीं क्या ?
Ηave you neνer been in love?
अब जो करना है मुझे करना है |
Now I have to do what has to be done.
तूने मेरा चेहरा पहले बार देखा है क्या ?
Have you seen my face for the first time?
adjunct prepositional phrase a in grammar, a phrase that is extra, not required by the subject and predicate to complete the meaning of the clause. For example, The apple is the same weight. complete; The apple is the same weight as the orange. extra or ;adjunct;. equivalent Adj a being nearly equal in a particular aspect part
मुझे पता है तुम मम्मी से बहुत नाराज हो |
l know you're very angry with mummy.
लिख लो इसे भूलना मत |
Write it down, don't forget.
अब मुझे इसकी आदत हो गई है |
lt’s turned into a habit.
हम पहले सी ही बहुत परेशानी में हैं |
we're already facing so many problems.
a. the same, a that or this same: the aforesaid person or thing. Often merely the equivalent of a personal pronoun; he, she, it, they. Now rare in literary use; still common in legal documents; also with reference to things in commercial language where the is sometimes omitted. And here are some of its citations showing this sort of thing:
मैं किराया लेने के लिए आया हूँ |
I have come to take the rent.
मैं तुम्हें बताऊंगा कब और कहाँ पैसे पहुँचाने हैं |
I wiII teII you when and where to deIiver the money
मुझे जाना पड़ेगा नहीं तो कमल घोड़े पे नहीं चढ़ेगा |
I'll have to go. Or else, Kamal won't sit on the horse!
सुना तुमने ? मैं तुझे सॉरी बोलूं ?
Did you hear that? I should say sorry to you?
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तुम मेरे बारे में क्या महसूस करती हो ?
how do you feel about me?
वही तो मैं कर रहा हूँ |
That's what I am doing...
क्या कहा उसने ?
What did he say?
शोर मत मचाओ |
don't make a noise!
//nbsp;;;Though they share the same modifying function, their characters are different. An adverbial is a sentence element or functional category. It is a part of a sentence that performs a certain function. An adverb, on the other hand, is a type of word or part of speech. We can say that an adverb may serve as an adverbial, but an adverbial is not necessarily an adverb M. Strumpf and A. Douglas, The
आप मुझे ताने क्यों मारती रहती हो ?
Why do you keep taunting me?
मैंने सबको बता दिया है कि हम लखनऊ जा रहे हैं |
I've told everyone that we aren't going to Lucknow.
उनका मेरे सिवा कोई नहीं है |
They have no one else but me.
वह इसी बस से सफर कर रहा था |
He was travelling by this bus!
The adverbs in English Grammar a Summary. . The adverbs and the adjectives in English. Adjectives tell us something about a person or a thing. Adjectives can modify nouns here: girl or pronouns here: she. Adverbs tell us in what way someone does something. Adverbs can modify verbs here: drive, adjectives or other adverbs. adjective adverb; Mandy is a careful girl. Mandy drives
सीखो उनसे कुछ |
Learn something from them!
मैंने बहुत कोशिस की पर वह नहीं माना |
I tried so much, but he didn't agree.
तो मैं इस बारे में सोचूँगा |
Then I'll think about it.
मैं तुम्हें पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा | तुम्हारी सारी ज़िंदगी जेल में कटेगी |
l will hand you people over to the cops. All your life will be spent in prison.
ENGLISH GRAMMAR, TENSES Page of Present Continuous Tense I am singing We often use the present continuous tense in English. It is very different from the simple present tense, both in structure and in use. In this lesson we look the structure and use of the present continuous tense, follwed by a quiz to check your understanding:
वह कबसे swimming में intrest लेने लगा ?
Since when has he developed an interest in swimming?
तो तुझे मुझे पहले बताना चाहिए था |
Then you should have told me before.
सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
everything will be alright.
पक्का | तू मुझे साथ में नहीं ले जाना चाहती |
Are you sure? You don't want me to come with you?
ENGLISH GRAMMAR, TENSES Page of Present Continuous Tense I am singing We often use the present continuous tense in English. It is very different from the simple present tense, both in structure and in use. In this lesson we look the structure and use of the present continuous tense, follwed by a quiz to check your understanding:
कहाँ था तू ?
Where were you?
मैं तुम्हारे लिए कुछ बना लेती |
I would've prepared something for you.
तू बोलेगा उन्हें या मैं बोलूं ?
Will you tell them or shall I tell them?
क्या कर रहे हो तुम ? उससे अच्छे से बात करो |
what are you doing? Talk to him nicely.
adjunct prepositional phrase a in grammar, a phrase that is extra, not required by the subject and predicate to complete the meaning of the clause. For example, The apple is the same weight. complete; The apple is the same weight as the orange. extra or ;adjunct;. equivalent Adj a being nearly equal in a particular aspect part
क्या अब तुम उसे बीच मझधार में छोड़ दोगे ?
Will you leave her in the lurch now?
उसका कुछ सामान मेरे पास है |
I had some of his belonging with me.
क्यों नहीं पकड़ोगे ?
Why not?
तुम खोई खोई सी लग रही हो |
You're looking lost.
तुम किसी और आदमी की साथ movie देखने आयी हो और तुम मुझसे पूंछने की हिम्मत कर रही हो कि क्या किया तुमने ?
You've come for a movie with another man and you dare to ask me what you have done?
Actually कमल यहाँ अपने दोस्त की मदद करने आया है |
Actually Kamal has come here to help his friend.
आप बस रुकिय और देखिये मैं आपके बैंक का क्या करता हूँ |
You just wait and see what I do to your bank.
वरना मैं अपनी कलाई तुमसे पहले काट लुंगी |
Otherwise I'll slit my wrist before you do.
Use of Same in English grammar
तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?
What do you give him to eat?
तुम्हे और कमल को कुछ घंटे पति पत्नी होने का नाटक करना पड़ेगा |
You and Kamal will have to be husband and wife for just a couple of hours.
मम्मी पापा को स्टेशन से लाना ना भूलना ?
Don't forget to get mammy and papa from the station.
तुमने सोंचा भी कैसे कि
How could you even think that …
वह आपको क्यों मरना चाहेगा ?
Why would he want to kill you?
माफ़ी मांगो नहीं तो हम तुम्हारी हड्डियाँ तोड़ देंगे |
Apologise, or we'll break your bones.
क्या आपने बुलाया मुझे ?
did you call me?
वह कल तक तो ठीक थी |
She was fine until yesterday.
English Grammar Degree of Comparison Rules. NEXT: Modal Verb Rules. Online Test. Most adjectives have three different forms to show degrees of comparisonathe positive, Note: If you are using adjectives that end in aer in the same list with adjectives that use more, the adjectives that end in aer should be listed before the adjectives that use more. You should also note that there is a specific
मैं तुम्हें बताना भूल गया |
l forgot to tell you.
तुम होश में नहीं हो ?
you are not in your senses!
अगर तू वापस नहीं आया तो ?
What if you don't come back?
कहीं नहीं |
क्या बचपना है ये ?
what childishness is this?
लेकिन आपसे मिलने के बाद ऐसा लगता है कि वो बिलकुल आपके जैसी होंगी |
But after meeting you I feel that she must've been just like you.
वह कुछ नहीं करेगा |
He won't say anything.
दूल्हा दुल्हन को बुलाइए |
Call the bride and the groom, please.
Some - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary
मैं तुमसे बात कर रही हूँ ?
I am talking to you.
क्यों नहीं करने दोगे मुझे ? यह जगह क्या तुम्हारी है ?
Why won't you let me? Do you own this place?
इतने सालों बाद मेरी याद कैसे आ गई |
How come you thought of me after so many years?
आप यहाँ उसके बिना आ गए और वह गुस्सा हो गई |
You came here without her and she got angry.
Modals in English Grammar. . can. Use Examples; ability to do sth. in the present substitute form: to be able to I can speak English. permission to do sth. in the present substitute form: to be allowed to Can I go to the cinema? request: Can you wait a moment, please? offer: I can lend you my car till tomorrow. suggestion: Can we visit Grandma at the weekend? possibility: It can get very hot in
पुरे 10 लाख है चाहो तो गिन लो |
It's tofal 1 million. Count it if you like.
यह नये रिश्ते की शुरुवात है |
It's the beginning of a new relation.
वैसे भी मैंने फेसला कर लिया है कि मैं इस घर में नहीं रहूँगा |
Anyway, I've decided that I won't stay in this house.
अभी भी कुछ नहीं बिगड़ा |
Nothings lost yet.
Grammar explanation. as and like are often confused since they can both be used for comparisons. There are, however, important differences. Making comparisons as adjective as and as much as. We often use the structure as adjective as or as much as to say if something has, or doesn't have, the same amount of that quality as something else.
भूत जैसी कोई चीज नहीं होती |
There is no such thing as ghosts.
अगर कमल का बचपना ऐसा है तो उसकी जवानी कैसी होगी ?
lf this is how Kamal's childhood is how is his adolescence going to be?
तुम क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?
Why are you asking?
भगवान की मर्जी तो दिख रही है |
God’s will is fairly obvious.
The article ;a; will also function in that position for the same purpose. Sometimes we use the word one as an adjective, as in ;I'll have just one scoop of ice-cream,; and we seldom have trouble with that usage. But we also use one as a pronoun, and this is where one becomes surprisingly complex. Sometimes the pronoun one functions as a numerical expression: Those are lovely scarves. I think I'll buy one. One is
मैं बीवी का नाटक नहीं कर सकती |
I can't pretend to be a wife!
उसे दवाई देना मत भूलना |
Don't forget to giver him medicine.
कमल ना कभी गलत हुआ है और ना कभी होगा |
Kamal has never been wrong nor will he ever be.
क्या तुम भूल गए कि उसने तुम्हारे साथ क्या किया ?
Did you forget what all he did with you?
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