Examples of Present indefinite tense with Hindi translation
Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
Present indefinite tense affirmative sentences with Plural subjects - translated in Hindi
Present indefinite tense affirmative sentences with Singular subjects - translated in Hindi
Present indefinite tense negative sentences with singular subjects - translated in Hindi
Present indefinite tense negative sentences with Plural subjects - translated in Hindi
Present indefinite tense first type interrogative sentences with Plural subjects - translated in Hindi
Present indefinite tense second type interrogative sentences - translated in Hindi
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//nbsp;;;Present Indefinite Tense Examples in Hindi to English a . a She does not sing. .a You do not go to school. . a He does not live at Patna. .
अब मैं उसे कहीं नहीं जाने दूंगा |Now I will never let him go anywhere,जल्दी क्या है ?What's the hurry?अच्छा idea है, पहले कोशिश में करूँगा |That's a good idea! I'll make the first attempt.अगर गलती से मैंने आपको कुछ गलत बोल दिया हो तो प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर देना |if by mistake, l haνe uttered something wrong. please forgive me.
Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi a Rules Examples Simple Present Tense in Hindi ,,.
पहली बार मुझे team स्प्रिट दिखाई दी है |For the first time, l have seen team spirit.किसी को पता नहीं चलना चाहिय कि हम कहाँ जा रहे हैं |no one should come to know where we are going.उसकी आत्मा को शांति मिले |May his soul rest in peace!मुझे कुछ गड़बड़ लग रही है |There's something fishy here.
//nbsp;;;Simple Present Tense in Hindi Present Indefinite Tense in hindi with Examples . Simple Present Tense in Hindi: , jayashreeclasses.in
पागल खाने से छूटे हो क्या ?Have you escaped from an asylum?फ़ोन का जवाब दो | जरुर तुम्हारी मम्मी का होगा |answer the phone. It must be your mummy's call.मुझे सब पता है |I know it all.तो आखिरकार तुमने अपना रंग दिखा ही दिया |So you've finally shown your true colors.
//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense simple present | present indefinite tense , , , , ,
आपको अन्दर बुलाया गया है |You have been called inside.एक मिनट Just a minute!कमल उसे फ़ोन लगाओ मैं उससे बात करूँगा |Kamal, dial his number. I'll talk to him.रीना की कार में कोई छेड़खानी कर रहा है |Somebody is tampering Reena's car!
//nbsp;;;,Tense in Hindi ; Present tense a Present indefinite tense Present continues tense Present perfect tense Present perfect continues tense; -Present tense
हम पे जोर मत डालो | हम दोड़ रहे हैं वही बहुत है |Don't pressure us. It's enough that we're runningमैं समझ गया | मैं सब कुछ समझ गया |I have understood. I've understood everything.मैं आधे घंटे से बाहर खड़ा भोंक रहा हूँ |I'm barking for half-an-hour standing outside.क्या होता अगर मैं उसके साथ भाग जाती |what if l had eloped with him?
Present indefinite tense rules in hindi with examples/ , , , , ,
लेकिन कसम से, मैं एक आंसू नहीं रोया |But l swear l didn’t shed a single tear.लेकिन तुम्हारी वजह से सबकुछ गड़बड़ हो गया |But.. everything messed up because of you.अगर दम है तो आ लड़ |If you have the courage! Then come and fight!पैसे मिलते ही मैं आपका किराया दे दूंगा |I'll pay the rent as soon as I get the money.
//nbsp;;;. I fly the kite daily on my roof. . They plough the field. . The girls do their homework properly. . We watch film at night daily. Note :- present indefinite tense ;I;plural numberuse|.
मैं मजाक कर रहा था | तुम इतना serious क्यों हो जाते हो |I was just joking! Why do you get so serious?लेकिन अब कुछ गलत नहीं हो सकता |But nothing can go wrong now.तुम्हे कैसे पता |How do you know?नास्ता ठंडा हो जायेगा |The breakfast will get cold.
हमें यह बहुत पहले कर देना चाहिए था |We should've done it long ago.तुम इसे खरीद सकती हो | मैं दूसरा ले लुंगी |You can buy this one. I'll select another one.मैं हमेशा तुझे loser समझता था पर तूने मुझे गलत साबित कर दिया |I always thought you were a loser. But you proved me wrong.किसने भेजा यह ?Who has sent this?
Present indefinite tense examples in Hindi
मेरी कोशिश जारी है |my attempts are on.तुम कमल से डरती हो |You're scared of Kamal.तुम अंदर कैसे आये ?How did you get in?तेरी माँ की कसम !I swear on your mother!
देखो हम कोई कच्चे खिलाडी नहीं हैं |Look, we're not novices.क्या तुम बेल्ट बांधना जानते हो ? या यह भी मुझे सीखाना पड़ेगा ?Do you know how to tie the belt? Or shall I teach you that too?Kamal आया है |Kamal is here. तुम शराबी हो |You are drunkard!
//nbsp;;; uses, structure examples . present indefinite tense ..tenses .
एक दिन वह क्लास में आया मेरा हाथ पकड़ा और कहाँ “क्या तुम मुझसे शादी करोगी” ?One fine day he walked into the library. held my hand and asked me...’Will you marry me?’लेकिन तुम्हें कभी किसी न किसी से तो प्यार हुआ होगा |But you must've fallen in love with someone, sometime.आप कब पहुंचे यहाँ |when did you get here?कार में होगी एक, मैं जाकर लाती हूँ |There might be one in the car, I'll go and get it.
//nbsp;;;Definition of Present Indefinite Tense In English a in which sentence represent any facts, habits, and routine then called a Present Indefinite Tense a Example a Sonu runs, He cooks the food., You do not go to school., Do you like him? etc.., Rule of Translations
लेकिन मुझे वह लड़का पसंद नहीं है | जरा सा भी नहीं |But I don't like that boy. Not one bit.इतने लोग कैसे गलत हो सकते हैं ?How can so many people be wrong?बैठिये प्लीज |please be seated.तुमने उसकी कॉल मुझसे छुपाई |You hid her calls from me.
Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi.Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi present indefinite tensesimple present tense formula example of simple present tense present indefinite
क्या तुम्हारे पास उसका दिल्ली का number है ?Do you have his number in Delhi.तुम्हारे बाल बहुत सुंदर दिख रहे है |your hair looks very pretty,क्या आप सब तैयार हैं ?Are all of you ready?इसमें तुम्हारे सिर्फ 30 सेकंड्स लगते |It would have taken you all of thirty seconds.
Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi - Hindi English Translation | Rules, examples, exercise|. , Present Indefinite Tense | Present Indefinite Tense |
मुझे बहुत शोक था शादी करने का |I was very keen on marriageक्या वह ज़िंदगी जीने लायक है जिसमें प्यार ही ना हो |Is that Life worth living which has no Kick.अपना घूँघट उठाओ |lift your veilतुम यहाँ क्यों आयी ? किसने बुलाया तुम्हें ?Why did you come here? Who called you?
Present indefinite tense examples hindi . present indefinite tense rulestense
ऐसा कुछ नहीं होगा |Nothing of the sort will happen, sir.तो आप कमल को बचपन से जानते हैं ?So, you know Kamal since she was a child, right?मुझे एक वजह बताओ कि मैं तुम्हे अभी भी मरा हुआ क्यों ना समझूँ |Give me one good reason why I shouldn't believe you are still dead.मुझे लगा आप नहीं सुन रहे हैं |I feel you are not listening.
rowsnbsp;;;Present Indefinite Tense Simple Present Tense in Hindi ,
तुमने मेरा बेवकूफ बनाया |You made a fool out of me,वह वापस नहीं आया | लेकिन उसने कॉल किया था |He hasn't come back. But he had called up.ठीक है तुम ही कर लो उससे बात |Okay then, you speak to him...यह पार्किंग क्या तेरे बाप की है ?Does your father own the parking?
//nbsp;;;present indefinite tense examples in hindi to english a Interrogative Negative Sentence why.? Why donat I play?? Why donat you play?? Why donat they play?? Why donat we play?? Wh
मैंने जो कुछ किया जानबुझकर नहीं किया |Whatever i did, i did not do it purposely.मैं आपसे माफ़ी मांगता हूँ |I apologise to you.यह मेरी जाती problem है | और मैं इसे हैंडल करना जानती हूँ |it is my personal problem. And I know how to handle it.क्या तुम उसे अपने पास रख सकते हो ?Can you keep him with you?
//nbsp;;;Simple Present Tense in Hindi Present Indefinite Tense in hindi with Examples . Simple Present Tense in Hindi: , jayashreeclasses.in
मेरे प्यार में क्या कमी रह गई थी ?What was lacking in my love?तो तुम दुबारा बात करने के लायक नहीं रहोगे |Then you won't be able to talk again.हमारी आपसे कोई जाति दुश्मनी नहीं है |We've no personal enmity with you.ऐसा कुछ नहीं है |Nothing like that.
//nbsp;;; Present Indefinite tensePresent Indefinite tense in hindi tense in hindiblog
पापा नहीं शतरंज लेने के लिए कहा था |Papa has asked for a chess set.तुम खुद कुछ क्यों नहीं कर सकते ?Why can't you do anything by yourself?क्या आपका हार दुबारा खो गया ?Did you lose your necklace again?हम नहीं जानते वह कहाँ गया है और वह कब वापस आएगा |We don't know where he went and when he'll return.
//nbsp;;;Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi : present indefinite tense sentence use, rules, structure example english hinditense affirmative, negative, interrogative, negative interrogative sentence chart
बहुत तेज बारिश होने वाली है |It's going to rain heavily.अब उसकी भी शादी हो रही है |now she's getting married as well.उसकी माँ दौ साल से हॉस्पिटल में थी और देखने भी नहीं आया |Her mother was in the hospital for two years. And he didn't even come take a look.वह क्या करती ?What could she do?
Present Indefinite Tense, Use of Present Indefinite Tense In hindi , Present indifinte tense in hindi , tense in hindi, simple present tense in hindi ,simple present tense, Present Tense ka Prayog , Present indifinte tka prayog , present indinfinte tense ka prayog, ka prayog , use , tense , ka prayog , present indifinte tense , Present Indefinite Tense ka prayog, Present Tense in Hindi Grammer,
तुम वैसे ही निकले जैसा मैंने सोंचा था |You are just what I had thought you were!तबसे मैं उसे ढूंड रहा था |Since then i was searching for him.तू उसके पीछे पागल क्यों है ? बता मुझे |Why are you so crazy after her? Tell me.तुम्हे पता नहीं है कि तुमने कितना बड़ा अहसान किया है मुझपे |You have no idea what a big favour you've done on me.
Use of Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi. =,,,,,,. . Present Indefinite Tense I play.I do not play.Do I play ? Why do I play ?
वह यही रहेगा जब तक अपना काम ख़त्म नहीं कर लेता |He'll stay here until he doesn't complete his work.तुमने सिर में तेल क्यों नहीं लगाया ?Why didn't you oil your hair?कमल के पास जाने की क्या जरुरत थी ?What was the need to go to Kamal?मैं सॉरी कहने आया था |I came to say sorry.
अगर किसी को पता चल गया तो हम किसी को मुंह दिखाने के लायक नहीं रहेंगे |If anyone finds out about this. we won't be able to face anyone.अबे कभी किसी पार्टी में गया है क्या ?Have you ever been to a party?मुझे यकीन है कि उसकी बीवी को इस बारे में कुछ नहीं पता |I'm sure his wife has no clue about it.अगली बार जब वह फ़ोन करेगा तो मैं आप को बता दूंगा |next time he calls me I'll let you know.
//nbsp;;;Present Indefinite Tense Examples in Hindi to English a . a She does not sing. .a You do not go to school. . a He does not live at Patna. .
अब मैं उसे कहीं नहीं जाने दूंगा |
Now I will never let him go anywhere,
जल्दी क्या है ?
What's the hurry?
अच्छा idea है, पहले कोशिश में करूँगा |
That's a good idea! I'll make the first attempt.
अगर गलती से मैंने आपको कुछ गलत बोल दिया हो तो प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर देना |
if by mistake, l haνe uttered something wrong. please forgive me.
Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi a Rules Examples Simple Present Tense in Hindi ,,.
पहली बार मुझे team स्प्रिट दिखाई दी है |
For the first time, l have seen team spirit.
किसी को पता नहीं चलना चाहिय कि हम कहाँ जा रहे हैं |
no one should come to know where we are going.
उसकी आत्मा को शांति मिले |
May his soul rest in peace!
मुझे कुछ गड़बड़ लग रही है |
There's something fishy here.
//nbsp;;;Simple Present Tense in Hindi Present Indefinite Tense in hindi with Examples . Simple Present Tense in Hindi: , jayashreeclasses.in
पागल खाने से छूटे हो क्या ?
Have you escaped from an asylum?
फ़ोन का जवाब दो | जरुर तुम्हारी मम्मी का होगा |
answer the phone. It must be your mummy's call.
मुझे सब पता है |
I know it all.
तो आखिरकार तुमने अपना रंग दिखा ही दिया |
So you've finally shown your true colors.
//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense simple present | present indefinite tense , , , , ,
आपको अन्दर बुलाया गया है |
You have been called inside.
एक मिनट
Just a minute!
कमल उसे फ़ोन लगाओ मैं उससे बात करूँगा |
Kamal, dial his number. I'll talk to him.
रीना की कार में कोई छेड़खानी कर रहा है |
Somebody is tampering Reena's car!
//nbsp;;;,Tense in Hindi ; Present tense a Present indefinite tense Present continues tense Present perfect tense Present perfect continues tense; -Present tense
हम पे जोर मत डालो | हम दोड़ रहे हैं वही बहुत है |
Don't pressure us. It's enough that we're running
मैं समझ गया | मैं सब कुछ समझ गया |
I have understood. I've understood everything.
मैं आधे घंटे से बाहर खड़ा भोंक रहा हूँ |
I'm barking for half-an-hour standing outside.
क्या होता अगर मैं उसके साथ भाग जाती |
what if l had eloped with him?
Present indefinite tense rules in hindi with examples/ , , , , ,
लेकिन कसम से, मैं एक आंसू नहीं रोया |
But l swear l didn’t shed a single tear.
लेकिन तुम्हारी वजह से सबकुछ गड़बड़ हो गया |
But.. everything messed up because of you.
अगर दम है तो आ लड़ |
If you have the courage! Then come and fight!
पैसे मिलते ही मैं आपका किराया दे दूंगा |
I'll pay the rent as soon as I get the money.
//nbsp;;;. I fly the kite daily on my roof. . They plough the field. . The girls do their homework properly. . We watch film at night daily. Note :- present indefinite tense ;I;plural numberuse|.
मैं मजाक कर रहा था | तुम इतना serious क्यों हो जाते हो |
I was just joking! Why do you get so serious?
लेकिन अब कुछ गलत नहीं हो सकता |
But nothing can go wrong now.
तुम्हे कैसे पता |
How do you know?
नास्ता ठंडा हो जायेगा |
The breakfast will get cold.
हमें यह बहुत पहले कर देना चाहिए था |
We should've done it long ago.
तुम इसे खरीद सकती हो | मैं दूसरा ले लुंगी |
You can buy this one. I'll select another one.
मैं हमेशा तुझे loser समझता था पर तूने मुझे गलत साबित कर दिया |
I always thought you were a loser. But you proved me wrong.
किसने भेजा यह ?
Who has sent this?
Present indefinite tense examples in Hindi
मेरी कोशिश जारी है |
my attempts are on.
तुम कमल से डरती हो |
You're scared of Kamal.
तुम अंदर कैसे आये ?
How did you get in?
तेरी माँ की कसम !
I swear on your mother!
देखो हम कोई कच्चे खिलाडी नहीं हैं |
Look, we're not novices.
क्या तुम बेल्ट बांधना जानते हो ? या यह भी मुझे सीखाना पड़ेगा ?
Do you know how to tie the belt? Or shall I teach you that too?
Kamal आया है |
Kamal is here.
तुम शराबी हो |
You are drunkard!
//nbsp;;; uses, structure examples . present indefinite tense ..tenses .
एक दिन वह क्लास में आया मेरा हाथ पकड़ा और कहाँ “क्या तुम मुझसे शादी करोगी” ?
One fine day he walked into the library. held my hand and asked me...’Will you marry me?’
लेकिन तुम्हें कभी किसी न किसी से तो प्यार हुआ होगा |
But you must've fallen in love with someone, sometime.
आप कब पहुंचे यहाँ |
when did you get here?
कार में होगी एक, मैं जाकर लाती हूँ |
There might be one in the car, I'll go and get it.
//nbsp;;;Definition of Present Indefinite Tense In English a in which sentence represent any facts, habits, and routine then called a Present Indefinite Tense a Example a Sonu runs, He cooks the food., You do not go to school., Do you like him? etc.., Rule of Translations
लेकिन मुझे वह लड़का पसंद नहीं है | जरा सा भी नहीं |
But I don't like that boy. Not one bit.
इतने लोग कैसे गलत हो सकते हैं ?
How can so many people be wrong?
बैठिये प्लीज |
please be seated.
तुमने उसकी कॉल मुझसे छुपाई |
You hid her calls from me.
Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi.Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi present indefinite tensesimple present tense formula example of simple present tense present indefinite
क्या तुम्हारे पास उसका दिल्ली का number है ?
Do you have his number in Delhi.
तुम्हारे बाल बहुत सुंदर दिख रहे है |
your hair looks very pretty,
क्या आप सब तैयार हैं ?
Are all of you ready?
इसमें तुम्हारे सिर्फ 30 सेकंड्स लगते |
It would have taken you all of thirty seconds.
Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi - Hindi English Translation | Rules, examples, exercise|. , Present Indefinite Tense | Present Indefinite Tense |
मुझे बहुत शोक था शादी करने का |
I was very keen on marriage
क्या वह ज़िंदगी जीने लायक है जिसमें प्यार ही ना हो |
Is that Life worth living which has no Kick.
अपना घूँघट उठाओ |
lift your veil
तुम यहाँ क्यों आयी ? किसने बुलाया तुम्हें ?
Why did you come here? Who called you?
Present indefinite tense examples hindi . present indefinite tense rulestense
ऐसा कुछ नहीं होगा |
Nothing of the sort will happen, sir.
तो आप कमल को बचपन से जानते हैं ?
So, you know Kamal since she was a child, right?
मुझे एक वजह बताओ कि मैं तुम्हे अभी भी मरा हुआ क्यों ना समझूँ |
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't believe you are still dead.
मुझे लगा आप नहीं सुन रहे हैं |
I feel you are not listening.
rowsnbsp;;;Present Indefinite Tense Simple Present Tense in Hindi ,
तुमने मेरा बेवकूफ बनाया |
You made a fool out of me,
वह वापस नहीं आया | लेकिन उसने कॉल किया था |
He hasn't come back. But he had called up.
ठीक है तुम ही कर लो उससे बात |
Okay then, you speak to him...
यह पार्किंग क्या तेरे बाप की है ?
Does your father own the parking?
//nbsp;;;present indefinite tense examples in hindi to english a Interrogative Negative Sentence why.? Why donat I play?? Why donat you play?? Why donat they play?? Why donat we play?? Wh
मैंने जो कुछ किया जानबुझकर नहीं किया |
Whatever i did, i did not do it purposely.
मैं आपसे माफ़ी मांगता हूँ |
I apologise to you.
यह मेरी जाती problem है | और मैं इसे हैंडल करना जानती हूँ |
it is my personal problem. And I know how to handle it.
क्या तुम उसे अपने पास रख सकते हो ?
Can you keep him with you?
//nbsp;;;Simple Present Tense in Hindi Present Indefinite Tense in hindi with Examples . Simple Present Tense in Hindi: , jayashreeclasses.in
मेरे प्यार में क्या कमी रह गई थी ?
What was lacking in my love?
तो तुम दुबारा बात करने के लायक नहीं रहोगे |
Then you won't be able to talk again.
हमारी आपसे कोई जाति दुश्मनी नहीं है |
We've no personal enmity with you.
ऐसा कुछ नहीं है |
Nothing like that.
//nbsp;;; Present Indefinite tensePresent Indefinite tense in hindi tense in hindiblog
पापा नहीं शतरंज लेने के लिए कहा था |
Papa has asked for a chess set.
तुम खुद कुछ क्यों नहीं कर सकते ?
Why can't you do anything by yourself?
क्या आपका हार दुबारा खो गया ?
Did you lose your necklace again?
हम नहीं जानते वह कहाँ गया है और वह कब वापस आएगा |
We don't know where he went and when he'll return.
//nbsp;;;Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi : present indefinite tense sentence use, rules, structure example english hinditense affirmative, negative, interrogative, negative interrogative sentence chart
बहुत तेज बारिश होने वाली है |
It's going to rain heavily.
अब उसकी भी शादी हो रही है |
now she's getting married as well.
उसकी माँ दौ साल से हॉस्पिटल में थी और देखने भी नहीं आया |
Her mother was in the hospital for two years. And he didn't even come take a look.
वह क्या करती ?
What could she do?
Present Indefinite Tense, Use of Present Indefinite Tense In hindi , Present indifinte tense in hindi , tense in hindi, simple present tense in hindi ,simple present tense, Present Tense ka Prayog , Present indifinte tka prayog , present indinfinte tense ka prayog, ka prayog , use , tense , ka prayog , present indifinte tense , Present Indefinite Tense ka prayog, Present Tense in Hindi Grammer,
तुम वैसे ही निकले जैसा मैंने सोंचा था |
You are just what I had thought you were!
तबसे मैं उसे ढूंड रहा था |
Since then i was searching for him.
तू उसके पीछे पागल क्यों है ? बता मुझे |
Why are you so crazy after her? Tell me.
तुम्हे पता नहीं है कि तुमने कितना बड़ा अहसान किया है मुझपे |
You have no idea what a big favour you've done on me.
Use of Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi. =,,,,,,. . Present Indefinite Tense I play.I do not play.Do I play ? Why do I play ?
वह यही रहेगा जब तक अपना काम ख़त्म नहीं कर लेता |
He'll stay here until he doesn't complete his work.
तुमने सिर में तेल क्यों नहीं लगाया ?
Why didn't you oil your hair?
कमल के पास जाने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
What was the need to go to Kamal?
मैं सॉरी कहने आया था |
I came to say sorry.
अगर किसी को पता चल गया तो हम किसी को मुंह दिखाने के लायक नहीं रहेंगे |
If anyone finds out about this. we won't be able to face anyone.
अबे कभी किसी पार्टी में गया है क्या ?
Have you ever been to a party?
मुझे यकीन है कि उसकी बीवी को इस बारे में कुछ नहीं पता |
I'm sure his wife has no clue about it.
अगली बार जब वह फ़ोन करेगा तो मैं आप को बता दूंगा |
next time he calls me I'll let you know.
Very nice content ....
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