Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

when का हिंदी वाक्य में दो अर्थ होते हैं | जब और कब

WHEN जब question word की तरह use होता है तब इसकी हिंदी “कब” होती है |

तुम कब जाओगे ?
When will you go?

तुम कब आते हो ?
When do you come?

तुम कब गए थे ?
When did you leave?

तुम छुट्टी पे कब जा रहे हो ?
When are you going on holiday?

तुम कबसे स्मोकिंग कर रहे हो ?
Since when have you been smoking?

तुम यहाँ कबसे हो ?
Since when have you been here?

WHEN जब question word की तरह use नहीं होता है तब इसकी हिंदी “जब” होती है |

when की हिंदी जब होने पर हम when के बाद helping verb का प्रयोग नहीं करते है |

जब मैंने उसे देखा तब वह ताश खेल रही थी |
When I saw her she was playing cards.

जब तुम आओगे तब में तुम्हे पढ़ाऊंगा |
When you come I will teach you.

जब मैं तुमसे मिलूँगा तब मैं तुमसे इस matter पे बात करूँगा |
When I meet you I will talk to you about this matter.

जब हम मिलेंगे तब हम इस बारे में बात करेंगे |
When we meet we will talk about this.

जब मैं सुबह सो के उठा तब बारिश हो रही थी |
When I woke up this morning it was raining.

When  के use को सीखकर अपनी English improve करने के लिए आप ऊपर दिए sentences को बोलने की खूब practice करिये | सबसे पहले ऊपर दिए sentences को शीशे के सामने 10 बार बोलिए जब आपको इन sentences को बोलने में comfortable महसूस करें तब आप इन sentences को बिना english ट्रांसलेशन देखे बोलने कि कोशिश करें | जब आप इन sentences को बिना देखे बोलने लगेंगे तब आपको इस तरह के sentences को english में बोलने में ज्यादा दिक्कत नहीं होगी |

अब आप इसी तरह के और sentences को बोलने कि प्रैक्टिस करें | अब आपको जब भी इस तरह के sentences बोलने का मौका मिले तो इन्हें english में बोले और इस तरह के sentences को हिंदी में बोलना बंद कर दें |

ऊपर हमने इस lesson का overview दिया है ताकि आपको पता चल जाये कि इस lesson को पढके आप किस तरह के sentences English में बोलना सीख जायेंगे |
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You use the with an uncount noun when you are talking about a particular example of that thing. Count nouns. You can put a number in front of a count noun. You can make a count noun plural. You can put both a/an and the in front of a count noun. You must put an article in front of a singular count noun. You use a plural count noun with no article if you mean all or any of that 

क्या करूँ ?
What to do?
मैं कब तक झूठ बोलूँगा ?
How long will I have to lie?
देखो कौन आया है |
see who's here.
मैं अभी आया |
I'll be right back.

वो मुझे पता है यह है किसकी ?
I know that but whose is it?
लेकिन उसका दुश्मन कौन हो सकता हैं ?
But who could be his enemy?
तुम मेरे बारे में क्या महसूस करती हो ?
how do you feel about me?
क्या तू जानता है कि तू कहाँ खड़ा है और किस्से बात कर रहा है ?
Do you know where you are and who you're talking to?

Using That, Which, and Who as Relative Pronouns . That, which, and who when used as relative pronouns each has a distinct function. In modern speech, which refers only to things.Who or its forms whom and whose refers only to people.That normally refers to things but it may refer to a class or type of person.. Examples: That is a book which I need for the class. These are the books that I need for the 

Sorry,  मुझे पैसे नहीं मांगने चाहिए थे |
Sorry, I shouldn't have asked for money.
कितने पतले हो गए हो तुम |
You have become so thin.
वो भी तुम्हारी तरह हक्लाती है ?
She too stammers like you?
ऐसा ही समझ |
think of it like that.

Use the apostrophe to show possession. To show possession with a singular noun, add an apostrophe plus the letter s. Examples: a woman's hat the boss's wife Mrs. Chang's house. Rule b. Many common nouns end in the letter s lens, cactus, bus, etc.. So do a lot of proper nouns Mr. Jones, Texas, Christmas. There are conflicting policies and theories about how to show possession when writing 

मैं तुम्हे इस केस से हटा रहा हूँ |
I am taking you off this case...
मुझे उससे कोई problem नहीं है |
I've no probIem with that.
कार खराब हो गई है |
The car has broken down.
बाद में कोई problem नहीं होनी चाहिए |
There shouldn't be any problem later.

WOULD . Wish - I would like to see that book. . Refusal - She wouldn't disclose anything. . Determination - He would have his own way. . Past habit - He would walk on the street for hours. . Willingness in the past - She said that she would

मुझे कहाँ जाना है |
Where do I have to go?
अच्छे लोगो के साथ अच्छा होता है |
good things happen to good people.
मैं तुझे जिंदा दफना दूंगा |
I will bury you alive!
मेरा हर वक़्त उसके बारे में सोंचने का मन करता है |
l feel like thinking about her all the time.

तुम ऐसे क्यों चल रहे हो ?
why are you walking like this?
ध्यान से सुनो नहीं तो तुम सब बर्बाद कर दोगे |
Listen carefully or you could ruin everything.
हमने सोंचा चोर घुस गया है | इसलिए हम सिर्फ देख रहे थे |
We thought a thief has entered! So we were just watching!
तुमने सब बैग में रख दिया ?
You put everything into the bag?

As your final salutation, perhaps. As in: aWell, Thatas all for now. Cheers, Peter.a Itas decidedly informal, as you perhaps already know. And it definitely sounds British, or from the British colonial world India, South Africa, Australia, etc..

मैं भी फन मॉल आई थी |
I too had come to the fun mall.
यह बस एक इत्तेफाक था |
This was just coincidence.
क्या पता कब इसके जरुरत पड़ जाये |
Who know when will I need that.
क्या तुम्हें पता है रोज सुबह 5 बजे जॉगिंग करता हूँ ?
do you know I jog every morning at 5?

 rowsnbsp;;;Below are some extracts from Metaphors in Mind which relate to this topic. pp. - ABOUT aWHENa 

मेरा पीछा मत करो |
Don't follow me around.
मुझे लगता है इसे जिंदा छोडकर हम गलती कर रहे हैं |
I think it's a mistake to spare him allve.
मैं उस रात सो न सका |
That night, I couldn't sleep
अगर वह हमें अमीर बनाना चाहता है तो problem क्या है |
If he wants us to become rich then what is the probIem?

 Using Proper Capitalization Always start a sentence with a capital letter. Unless you're an Using End-of-Sentence Punctuation Marks Use a period full stop to end declarative Using Commas Use a comma to indicate a break or pause within a sentence. The comma Using Colons and Semicolons Use a semicolon to separate two related but independent Using Hyphens and Dashes Use a . The purpose of this hyphen is to make the word easier Using Apostrophes Use the apostrophe together with the letter s to indicate possession. The Using Slashes Use the slash to separate and from or, when appropriate. Slashes  ; / ;  in Using Miscellaneous Punctuation Marks Use the double ation mark  ;  to enclose a See full list on wikihow

जो मेरा है वह तुम्हारा है |
What's mine is yours.
तुम दुनिया कि पहली औरत होगी जो अपने पति की शादी attend कर रही है और खुश भी है |
You're the first wife in this world... who is attending her husband's wedding and is happy as well!
वह भी अकेला हो गया हैं |
he has become lonely as well.
जैसी तुम्हारी मर्जी, मेरी राजकुमारी |
As you wish my princess.

WOULD is a modal auxiliary verb. We use WOULD mainly to:  talk about the past  talk about the future in the past  express the conditional mood. We also use WOULD for other functions, such as: expressing desire, polite requests and questions, opinion or hope, wish, regret

तुम्हें और क्या चाहिए ?
What more do you want?
मैंने बहुत इज्जत कमाई है |
I've earned a lot of respect.
मेरी वजह से क्यों ? तुझे भी तो पैसे चाहिए थे |
Why because of me? You needed money too.
जब कमल को पता चलेगा तो बहुत बुरा होगा |
When Dharam will know of this lie, it’ll be very bad.

This use of the is a literary device to bring the reader into the story ;midstream;. It's as if had he opened the book to the middle and started reading. He's ;supposed to; know who and where, but actually, he doesn't. This use of the is for ;natural properties,; but what English speakers consider to be natural properties of things and what speaker of other languages think may be different things.

तुम्हारे बाल बहुत सुंदर दिख रहे है |
your hair looks very pretty,
उसने कभी शिकायत नहीं की |
He never complained.
उसका ख्याल रखने के लिए कोई तो होना चाहिए |
There should be someone to look after her.
कमल लखनऊ से बड़ी उम्मीद लेके आया था |
Kamal had come from Lucknow with high hopes.

//nbsp;;;When the word while refers to time, it is very commonly used with the past continuous. Therefore, while is the best choice in a, b and d. However, the word when is also possible in a and b. Using when sounds a bit awkward in d because it's not immediately clear which tense is intended.

हम इससे कैसे छुटकारा पायें |
How do we get rid of it?
मुझे तुझ पर तरस आता है |
I feel pity on you.
आप बार बार पीछे मुड़कर क्या देख रहे हैं ?
What are you looking back for, all the time?
घर जाओ |
You better go home.

I often use ;; when two things are related directly but only in a series. Example: ;Michel has experience in Marketing, Research  Design, and Business Management Like I said, this most likely isn't correct but it makes sense, seems useful, and if enough people agree then we can change the rules  regulations.  Share. Improve this answer. Follow edited Feb  ' at 

यह सब बोलने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
What was the need to tell all these things?
कमल उठो, उठो 
Kamal ! Wake up. Wake up.  
उनके पास छुपने के लिए कोई जगह नहीं है |
they have no place to hide.
वह मुझे भड़काने की कोशिश कर रहा है, है ना ?
He is trying to provoke me,Right?

WOULD . Wish - I would like to see that book. . Refusal - She wouldn't disclose anything. . Determination - He would have his own way. . Past habit - He would walk on the street for hours. . Willingness in the past - She said that she would

एक आख़िरी घूँट |
One last swig.
हमने डॉक्टर को बुलाया था लेकिन वह इतना सारा खून देखकर बेहोश हो गया |
We called the doctor, but he fainted on seeing so much blood.
जब से हम लखनऊ से आये है, उसने मुझसे बात नहीं की |
Since we've come back from the resort, he hasn't spoken to me.
उससे बात करने का कोई फायदा नहीं |
lt is useless to talk to him.

//nbsp;;;Here is a list of few use cases of static classes. A Math class with all static methods. Static classes are useful and provide an easy way to access its members that does not need to work differently for different objects. Above listed CSharpCorner class. We know the value of CSharpCorner class members such as its founder, launch date, location, and description, will 

कम से कम एक बैग तो दे दो |
At least give me a bag.
वो रास्ते में होंगे |
They might be on their way.
वह बैंक गया होगा |
He must have gone to the bank.
मैं कभी झूठ नहीं बोलता | तुम मेरी बहन जैसी लगती हो इसलिए मैं तुम्हारी सहायता करना चाहता हूँ |
I never Iie. You Iook Iike my sister so I want to heIp.

Even though ;have; and ;has; come from the same verb ;to have,; there are slight differences in the way theyare used. Read about how to use them here.

अब जो करना है मुझे करना है |
Now I have to do what has to be done.
तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing here?
ये लाने की क्या जरुरत थी, बेटा ?
Why did you haνe to bring that, son?
तुम मुझे avoid कर रही हो | तुम मेरा फ़ोन नहीं उठा रही हो |
you are avoiding me. you are not picking up my phone.

Notice the use of the prepositions of place at, in and on in these standard expressions: at in on; at home: in a car: on a bus: at work: in a taxi: on a train: at school: in a helicopter: on a plane: at university: in a boat: on a ship: at college: in a lift elevator on a bicycle, on a motorbike: at the top: in the newspaper: on a horse, on an elephant: at the bottom: in the sky: on the radio, on 

तुम मुझपर जान बूझकर गिरे |
You fell on me intentionally.
वह आपको क्यों मरना चाहेगा ?
Why would he want to kill you?
मुझे याद नहीं | कई सालों पहले लखनऊ में कराई थी |
I don't remember. Many years ago in Lucknow.
इस सब के लिए कमल जिम्मेदार है |
Kamal is responsible for all this!

//nbsp;;;This is a free sample from the e-book  Confusing English Words Explained. It will help clear up your doubts about how to use English words correctly, so that you can speak and write more confidently.

कल से जल्दी उठना, आज हम late हो गये हैं | 
From tomorrow wake up early. Today we are late.
तुम्हारा काम हो जायेगा |
Your work will be done.
बहाने क्यों बना रहे हो ?
Why are you making excuses?
यह मेरी ज़िंदगी का सवाल है |
This is the question of my life.

Wondering when to use good and when to use well?

प्लीज मुझे जाने दो | मैं किसी से नहीं बताउंगी |
Please let me go! I won't tell anyone!
जब हम घर पहुंचे तो हम पूरी तरह भीग गए थे |
When we reached home, we were completely drenched.
ठीक है चलो | तुम्हे क्या लगता है मैं डरता हूँ |
Fine, let's go. You think I'm afraid?
मैं क्या करता ?
What was l to do?

Things in GeneralNamesPlaces, Locations, StreetsSportsAcronymsYou donat need an article when you talk about things in general.The does NOT = all.Use plural count nouns:;Use non-count nouns:NOTE: Count nouns or countable nouns are nouns that have a singular and plural form because you can count them, for example one cat, two cats, three cats. Non-count or uncountable nouns are nouns that do not have a plural form. You cannot count non-count nouns. FoSee more on englishteachermelanie

ये आपके कान में क्या है ?
What's that in your ears?
मैं ऐसा क्यूँ करूँगा ?
Why would I do that?
लेकिन तूने उससे झूठ क्यों बोला |
But why did you Iie to her.
कमल यहाँ मेरी मदद लेने आया है |
Kamal is here seeking my help.

Use to  verb is a regular verb and means something that happened but doesn't happen any more. It uses -ed to show past tense. But since it always means something that happened in the past, it should always use past tense. For example- I used to go to school in Paris. I went to school there before, but now I don't. Or, When Joshua was a child, he used 

अगर वह तुमसे प्यार करता है तो उसने तुमसे शादी क्यों नहीं की ?
If he loves you, then why didn't he marry you?
मुझे कभी I love you मत कहना |
Don't ever say 'l love you' to me.
हमें कुछ करने की जरुरत नहीं |
We don't need to do anything.
चलो यहाँ से भाग चले |
Lets flee from here.

Some learner drivers tend to over-use the handbrake during a driving test, even to the extent that they begin to apply it whilst the car is still moving. This is obviously dangerous and easily fail a driving test, so try to be relaxed about the use of the handbrake. Detailed below is when the handbrake should be used during a driving test.

पुलिस सोचेगी कि वह डूब कर मर गया |
The police will think he drowned to his death.
उसको दर्द हो रहा है |
She is in pain
क्या तुम भी यहीं रहोगे ?
Will you stay here as well?
वह अब बहतर है |
She's better now.

When to Use Of. We use of when we want to show that people or things relate to other things or people. For example, when we want to say that something or someone belongs to or is a part of something or someone else, we can do it like this: Tiffany stared at the floor of her room.

कमल कल कुछ ज्यादा ही प्यार दिखा रहा था |
Kamal was expressing too much love, yesterday.
अन्दर किसने आने दिया तुम्हे ?
Who allowed you to come in?
अपनी speed कम करो |
Reduce your speed.
रोक सको तो रोक लो |
Stop me if you can.

//nbsp;;;Avoid the use of grapefruit products while taking sildenafil. Avoid using any other medicines to treat impotence, such as alprostadil or yohimbine, without first talking to your doctor. Viagra side effects. Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to Viagra: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

नहीं | मैंने उसे कभी नहीं देखा |
No. l have never seen him.
जब वह आएगा मैं उसे दे दूंगा ||
I'll give it to him once he returns.
चलो यहाँ से |
Let's go from here.
यह जानकार अच्छा लग रहा है कि कोई हमारे बारे में भी सोंचता है |
It feels good to know that someone thinks about us as well.

Enumerations are treated as data types, and you can use them to create sets of constants for use with variables and properties. When to Use an Enumeration. Whenever a procedure accepts a limited set of variables, consider using an enumeration. Enumerations make for clearer and more readable code, particularly when meaningful names are used. The benefits of using 

क्या बताया आपने अपना नाम ?
What did you say your name was?
मुझे इसके इरादों पर शक है |
I doubt his intentions.
मुझे नहीं पता आज क्या होने वाला है |
I don't know what's going to happen today...
बड़ो से ऐसे बात मत करो |
Don't talk to your elders like that

कस के बांध |
Tie it tightly.
तो तुम यहाँ क्यों बैठो हो ?
Then why are you sitting here?
तुम कुण्डी क्यों लगा रहे हो ?
Why are you latching the door?
कैसी लग रही हूँ मैं ?
How do I look?

//nbsp;;;Here is a list of few use cases of static classes. A Math class with all static methods. Static classes are useful and provide an easy way to access its members that does not need to work differently for different objects. Above listed CSharpCorner class. We know the value of CSharpCorner class members such as its founder, launch date, location, and description, will 

मैं तो सिर्फ अपनी feelings बता रहा था |
I was only expressing my feelings.
नहीं वो घर पर नहीं है |
No, he is not at home.
हम सब तुम्हारे साथ पुलिस स्टेशन चलेंगे |
We'll all go with you to the police station.
लोग मुझे प्यार से सब्बू बुलाते है |
People call me Sabbu affectionately.

Whenever you use ;he or she; you are using the third person singular so you would have to use has or had in those cases. She has been working for that company for  years. He has been studying English for a year. As for the other examples you could have to use has. She has a wallet. He has a car. When do we use have? When you are referring to a group of people 

क्या बकवास कर रहे हो तुम ?
What nonsense are you taking?
किस तरह का बाप है यह ?
What kind of a father is he?
मुझे सुस्सू लगी है |
I want to urinate.
हमारी गैस अभी खत्म नहीं हुई है |
we haven't run out of gas yet?

Wondering when to use good and when to use well?

वो लड़की यहाँ क्या कर रही है ?
What's that girI doing here?
मुझे उससे क्या ?
What do I have to do with that?
वह बाहर तुम्हारा इंतिजार कर रहा है |
he's waiting outside for you.
मैं सोंचकर डर जाती हूँ 
l am scared to imagine...

//nbsp;;;The appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal of masks are essential to make them as effective as possible. Here are the basics of how to wear a mask: Clean your hands before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time. Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and chin. When you take off a mask, 

शुक्र है मैंने इसे सही time पर रोक दिया नहीं तो यह मर गया होता |
Thankfully I stopped him at the right time. Or he was sure to die.
वे भाग गए हैं |
They have eloped.
देखा मैंने वो कितना ख्याल रखता है तुम्हारा |
I saw how much he cares for you.
मैं उससे मिल चुका हूँ |
l’ve met her.

As, when or while? As. We can use as to introduce two events happening at the same time. After as, we can use a simple or continuous form When. We can use when to introduce a single 

जो कर सकते हो करो लेकिन तुम अपनी किस्मत नहीं बदल सकते |
Do what you can, but you can't change your destiny.
तुम ऑफिस के फ़ोन से कॉल कर सकते थे |
You could have called from office phone...
मेरे पास कुछ पैसे है ये ले लो |
i've some money take this.
जानना चाहती हो क्या किया है इसने ?
Do you want to know what he has done?

//nbsp;;;However, ;when; generally indicates that something happens after, as soon as, upon something else occurring. In other words, it happens just after something else occurs. Notice the use of tenses: Future: What happens when something else occurs in the future. Time clause: present simple Main clause: future. We'll go out to lunch when he comes to visit me.

माफ़ी मांगो नहीं तो हम तुम्हारी हड्डियाँ तोड़ देंगे |
Apologise, or we'll break your bones.
मेरे रास्ते से हटो |
Get out of my way.
किडनैपर्स तुम्हें रोड पर फेंक कर भाग गए |
The kidnappers threw you on the road and fled.
Actually कमल यहाँ अपने दोस्त की मदद करने आया है |
Actually Kamal has come here to help his friend.

WHEN When at the time is a connective preposition ; followed by a clause that relates the timing of a second activity to the activity in the main clause. It may relate a same-time activity an interruption or an immediately after activity a result. The verb is usually nonprogressive.

तुम कहाँ से लाये 1000 रुपये ?
Where did you bring this 1000 rupees from?
यही तो problem है जवान पीढ़ी के साथ |
That's the problem with the younger generation.
मुझे तो कुछ समझ में नहीं आ रहा |
I can't figure out anything.
मुझे उन्हें अन्दर आने ही नहीं देना चाहिए था |
I shouldn't have allowed them inside in the first place.


कितना बदनसीब हूँ मैं |
How unfortunate of me.
तुम गलत पते पर आ गए हो |
you've come to the wrong address.
तुम उसके काम में क्या खुश्फुसा रहे हो ?
what are you whispering in her ears?
feelings, love ये सब सिर्फ बाते हैं |
Feelings, love, that's all just talk.

When to Use Of. We use of when we want to show that people or things relate to other things or people. For example, when we want to say that something or someone belongs to or is a part of something or someone else, we can do it like this: Tiffany stared at the floor of her room.

मुझे कपडे तो बदलने देते |
You could've let me change. 
कमल आया है तुमसे मिलने |
Kamal is here to see you.
तब जैसा मैं कहता हूँ वैसा करो |
Then you better do as I say.
मेरे घर में क्या चल रहा है ?
what is going on in my house?

When to use the sample or population standard deviation. We are normally interested in knowing the population standard deviation because our population contains all the values we are interested in. Therefore, you would normally calculate the population standard deviation if:  you have the entire population or  you have a sample of a larger population, but you are only interested in this sample 

मुझे जाना पड़ेगा नहीं तो कमल घोड़े पे नहीं चढ़ेगा |
I'll have to go. Or else, Kamal won't sit on the horse!
क्या यह भी उसी की गलती है ?
Is this also his fault?
दौ घंटे मैं वापस आता हूँ |
I'll be back in two hours.
हम 2 महीनें में भाई जैसे हो गए थे |
We'd become like brothers in just 2 months.

Don't forget to use in  month or year- In March, In . on  date with the year or without it or day of the week- On April , On March , , On Saturday. at  clock time, midnight, noon- At : p.m., At :, At noon. Remember also in  season- In the summer, In the winter. in  morning, afternoon, evening- In the morning, In the evening. at  night-At night 

अगर तुमने मेरी मदद नहीं की तो रीना के पापा उसकी शादी करवा देंगे |
If you didn't help me, then Reena's father will get her married.
आपको यह idea कैसे आ गया |
How did come up with that idea?
तुझे पता है ?
You know what?
थोडा मुझे भी दो |
Give me some as well.

Use ExecuteScalar when your query returns a single value. If it returns more results, then the end result is the first column of the first row. An example might be SELECT Count * from MyTable Use ExecuteReader for getting result set with multiple rows/columns e.g., SELECT col, col from MyTable.

वह तब से मेरा ड्राइवर है |
He has been my driver since then.
मैं यहा इन लोगो की दोस्ती के लिए आया था |
I came here for the sake of their friendship.
मैं तेरी बकवास नहीं सुनना चाहती |
I don't want to hear your rubbish.
तुम लोगों ने गिरवी क्या रखा है ?
What have you guys mortgaged?

As your final salutation, perhaps. As in: aWell, Thatas all for now. Cheers, Peter.a Itas decidedly informal, as you perhaps already know. And it definitely sounds British, or from the British colonial world India, South Africa, Australia, etc..

अब क्या होगा ?
What will happen now?
तुमको मुझे बताना चाहिए था |
You should've told me.
बताओ उसे क्या होता है जब मुझे गुस्सा आता है |
tell him what happens when l get angry
कितनी सारी तैयारी करनी है |
There are so many preparations to be done.

//nbsp;;;The appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal of masks are essential to make them as effective as possible. Here are the basics of how to wear a mask: Clean your hands before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time. Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and chin. When you take off a mask, 

उसे हॉस्पिटल लेके गए हैं |
She's been taken to a hospital.
कई दिनों से कॉल नहीं किया ?
You haven't called in a while.
किसी पर आँख बंद करके विश्वास करना सही नहीं है |
It's not good to trust someone so blindly!
मुझे जरुरी काम से लखनऊ से बाहर जाना है |
I have to go out of Lucknow for some urgent work.

Use the apostrophe to show possession. To show possession with a singular noun, add an apostrophe plus the letter s. Examples: a woman's hat the boss's wife Mrs. Chang's house. Rule b. Many common nouns end in the letter s lens, cactus, bus, etc.. So do a lot of proper nouns Mr. Jones, Texas, Christmas. There are conflicting policies and theories about how to show 

वे अभी तक नहीं लोटे है |
They haven't returned yet.
यहाँ सर्कस चल रहा है क्या ?
Is there a circus happening here?
अपना बैग चेक कर लो देख लो कुछ गायब तो नहीं है |
Do check your bag, to see if anything's missing.
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सब कुछ जानता हूँ |
I know everything about you.

The proper use of the relative pronouns who, that, and which relate the subject of a sentence to its object, hence the name. The question of which of the three words to use in a given context vexes some writers; hereas an explanation of their relative roles.

अपने दोस्त के पास जाओ |
Go to your friend!
मुझे लगता है तुम्हे कोई और मिल गई है |
I've found someone else.
यहाँ तमाशा मत करो |
Don't create a scene here.
तुम फेसला करने वाले कौन होते हो ?
Who are you to take the decision?

A use case is a written description of how users will perform tasks on your website. It outlines, from a useras point of view, a systemas behavior as it responds to a request. Each use case is represented as a sequence of simple steps, beginning with a user's goal and ending when that goal is fulfilled.

उस कमल ने मेरी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बना दी है |
That Kamal's made my life hell.
लेकिन मम्मी क्या कर सकती है ?
But what can mummy do?
मुझे पता है वह यही कहीं है |
I know he's somewhere around.
तुम्हें deposit और brokerage कल तक मिल जायेगा |
You will get the deposit and brokerage by tomorrow.

Donat use flexbox if you have a lot of traffic from IE and IE. While there are fallbacks linked above, the experience wonat look the same. When to use flexbox. Personally, I like to use flexbox for a few main things: scaling, vertically and horizontally aligning, and re-ordering elements within a container. These are best used on page components within a parent element. There are plenty of other uses for flexbox, 

कौन है ?
Who is it?
तुम्हे इंस्पेक्टर किसने बनाया ?
Who made you an inspector?
मैं तो बस तुझे चिढ़ा रहा था |
l was only testing you.
भाड़ में गई तेरी पसंद |
To hell with your choice.

I use it for an object encapsulating command-line parameters when dealing with pluggable modules. The main program doesn't know what the command-line parameters are for modules that get loaded and doesn't always even know what modules are being loaded. e.g., main loads A, which doesn't need any parameters itself so why it should take an extra pointer / reference 

तुम्हारा हाथ इतना कांप क्यों रहा है |
Why are your hands trembling so much?
वो कैसे हुआ ?
How did that happen?
मैं क्यों जलूँगा ?
Why would I be?
तुम लोग बारी बारी से कोशिश क्यूँ नहीं करते |
Why don't you people take turns in trying?

No need to use it if you are moving at short intervals, but if it looks like youare going to be stationary for a bit, then put the handbrake on. Say when you stop, if no one is still moving after  seconds or so, secure the car with the handbrake. You wont fail if you donat, but if your foot were to slip off the clutch or brake and the car moved, it might result in a fail. If the handbrake 

तुम कॉल कर सकते थे |
You could have called.
किसका फ़ोन बज रहा है ?
Whose phone is ringing?
अगर वह पूछेगा तो हम क्या कहेंगे ?
What will we say if he asks?
वह मुझे कहाँ मिलेगा ?
Where will l find him?

Use a framework which helps to integrate applications in a standardized way using several integration patterns. It reduces efforts a lot. Every developer will easily understand what you did if he 

इस समय कौन आया होगा ?
Who would have come at this hour?
मुझे थोड़ी ठंड भी लग रही है |
I'm feeling a bit cold too!
उसे चैन से सांस तो लेने दो |
Let him atleast breath easy.
मेरी मैगज़ीन वहाँ कैसे पहुंची ?
How did my magazine get here?

To use athata or not to use athata? That is the question. The decision to use or omit athata is not always a simple one. Sometimes it's a judgment call. But don't let your desire to lop off unnecessary words lead you into bad judgment. As a rule of thumb in questionable cases, remember: Using athata is never really wrong, though it may be unnecessary; omitting athata in some cases indeed may be wrong. aThat and 

क्या तुम कुछ बहतर नहीं सोंचे सकते ?
Can’t you think of something better?
इतने सालों बाद मेरी याद कैसे आ गई |
How come you thought of me after so many years?
तुम उनसे खुद ही पूँछ लो ना ?
I suggest you ask them yourself.
इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हे काम पर रखना चाहता हूँ |
This is why I want to hire you.

Use ExecuteScalar when your query returns a single value. If it returns more results, then the end result is the first column of the first row. An example might be SELECT Count * from MyTable Use ExecuteReader for getting result set with multiple rows/columns e.g., SELECT col, col from MyTable.

मैं ठीक हूँ |
I'm fine.
कमल उर्फ़ भोला |
Kamal alias Bhola.
उसने आत्महत्या क्यों की ?
Why did he commit suicide?
वह बात नहीं करना चाहती | जो कहना है मुझे कहो |
She is not willing to talk. Tell me whatever it is.

When to use, not use, and possible try using an MLP, CNN, and RNN on a project. To consider the use of hybrid models and to have a clear idea of your project goals before selecting a model. Kick-start your project with my new book Deep Learning With Python, including step-by-step tutorials and the Python source code files for all examples.

बिलकुल नहीं |
Not at all.
मैंने कमल का हाथ पकड़ा और ट्रेन से ऊतर गया |
That's it! I caught kamal's hand and got off the train!
मैं तुम्हें यह भी सिखाऊंगा |
l'll teach you this as well.
मैं यह बोझ ज़िंदगी भर नहीं उठा सकता |
I can't carry this burden all my life!

WHEN When at the time is a connective preposition ; followed by a clause that relates the timing of a second activity to the activity in the main clause. It may relate a same-time activity an interruption or an immediately after activity a result. The verb is usually nonprogressive.

क्या समझे ?
What did you understand ?
मुझे ज्यादा वक़्त नहीं लगेगा ...
It won't take me too long...
तुम्हे देखाई नहीं देता कि मैं फ़ोन पे बात कर रहा हूँ |
Don't you see I'm speaking over the phone.
क्या हम आगे बढे |
Shall we go ahead.

Even though ;have; and ;has; come from the same verb ;to have,; there are slight differences in the way theyare used. Read about how to use them here.

अगर वह मरना चाहता है तो तुम उसे कैसे बचा सकती हो ?
lf he wants to die, how can you save him?
उसके बाद वो ही इस ऑफिस को संभालेगी |
After that she only will look after this office.
क्या तू मुझे देख कर खुश नहीं है |
Aren't you happy to see me?
कहो उससे कि वह तमीज से बात करे |
Tell him to talk with respect.

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