Passive voice in Future indefinite
Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
Learning Hindi through English classes and discussion forums
For rapid learning, classroom coaching are advisable. There are Hindi and
foreign language tutorial classes in many parts of the world. Government of
India also promotes the language by providing correspondence courses and
learning materials at nominal charges.
मैं दिनभर टीवी देखूंगी
तुम्हारी तरह |
I'll watch TV all day. just like you do.
क्या आपने मुझे बताया था
कि आप इस शहर में और इस होटल में आ रहे हैं |
Did you inform me that you were coming to this city and this
तुम मुझे सुबह से बदनाम
कर रहे हो |
You are slandering me since morning.
तुम्हारे पास क्या सबूत
है ?
What evidence do you have?
Learn Hindi Words Through English Ailments and Body
Conditionsvyaadhiyaa shareer ki sthithi
मैं उसे जेब मैं लेके
नहीं घूमता |
I don't roam around with him in my pocket, do I?"
कमल की शादी कब हुई ?
When did Kamal get married?
तुम लोग बारी बारी से
कोशिश क्यूँ नहीं करते |
Why don't you people take turns in trying?
यह कमल की कार है |
लेकिन यह यहाँ क्यों है ?
it's Kamal's car. But why is it here?
//nbsp;;;Learning Hindi through English classes and
discussion forums For rapid learning, classroom coaching are advisable. There
are Hindi and foreign language tutorial classes in many parts of the world.
Government of India also promotes the language by providing correspondence
courses and learning materials at nominal charges.
और क्या करता मैं मेरी
इज्ज़त दांव पे लगी थी |
What was I supposed to do, my honour was at stake.
मैंने कहा ना तुमसे |
तुमने गलत नम्बर मिलाया है |
I told you, you've dialed a wrong number.
मैंने सबकुछ अपनी आँखों
से देखा है | कब से चल रहा है यह सब ?
I have seen everything myself! Since when has all this been
going on?
मुझे तेरी हमदर्दी नहीं
चाहिए |
I don't want your sympathy.
If you speak and understand Hindi, Learnex English through
Hindi lesson would help you become fluent in English faster. Our English
lessons are well-planned understanding the difficulties faced
हम लोगों की वजह से वो भी
मुसीबत में आ गई |
because of us even she got in trouble.
तुमने स्वेटर नहीं पहना
है |
you're not wearing a sweater.
मुझे लगता है तुम्हें
नींद आ रही है |
l think you are feeling sleepy.
लेकिन उसका दुश्मन कौन हो
सकता हैं ?
But who could be his enemy?
और क्या कहूँ | और कहते हुए भी शर्म आती है |
What else can I say? I am ashamed to say any more.
मैं तुझसे पूँछ रहा हूँ |
I'm asking you.
उसे बुरा लगेगा | मैं नहीं आ सकता |
He will feel bad. I cannot come.
रीना को स्कूल में कुछ हो
गया है |
Something happened to Bindiya in school.
learn english though hindi
किसी का मजाक उडाना बुरी
बात है |
lt’s bad to make a mockery of someone.
मुझे पहले पानी से बाहर
आने दो |
let me come out of the water first.
मुझे पता था ऐसा होगा |
I knew this would happen.
क्या मैंने कुछ गलत किया ?
Did I do something wrong?
| English Speaking
Tips for Beginners English is that window through which we can see the whole
सॉरी सर हमसे गलती हो गई |
Sorry, sir. We made a mistake.
मुझे पता है तेरा stretching
से क्या मतलब है |
I know what you mean by stretching.
मुझे पेशाब करने जाना है |
I have to go pee.
लड़का मेरी पसंद का होना
चाहिए, ठीक है ?
the boy should be of my choice, right?
Learn English through Hindi. Basic English Grammar for
beginners, Tense Active-Passive
Converter, Vocabulary,Pronunciation rules, Audio to hear conversations in
English and Hindi.
वह बहुत अच्छी है जिस
किसी के घर जाएगी वह बहुत खुश रहेगा |
She is very nice, whosever house she goes. He will be very
क्या आप student को छूट देते है ?
Do you give discount to students?
मैं आपने साथ सबूत लाया
हूँ |
l have brought the proof with me.
तुम्हे मेरी बात पर शक है
You doubt my words!
//nbsp;;;Learning Hindi through English classes and
discussion forums For rapid learning, classroom coaching are advisable. There
are Hindi and foreign language tutorial classes in many parts of the world.
Government of India also promotes the language by providing correspondence
courses and learning materials at nominal charges.
मुझे माफ़ कर दो, तुम कौन हो, क्या हो जाने बिना,
मैंने तुम्हारा loan reject कर दिया |
I am sorry, who are you, what you are without knowing that,
I rejected your loan application.
किसने बताया तुझे ?
Who told you?
मैं अपने भाई के एडमिशन
के लिए आया हूँ |
I have come for my brother’s
मैं मरने से नहीं डरता |
I'm not afraid of dying
If you speak and understand Hindi, Learnex English through
Hindi lesson would help you become fluent in English faster. Our English
lessons are well-planned understanding the difficulties faced
घर जाओ |
You better go home.
ना मेरी ना उसकी |
बस अपने दिल कि सुनों |
Neither to me nor to her! Just listen to your heart
मुझे लगा कि मैं शादी
नहीं war लड़ रहा हूँ |
I felt that I wasn't getting married but fighting a war!
तुम कम से कम मुझे बता
सकते थे |
You could've at least told me.
हमें आपसे बात करनी है पर
फ़ोन पर नहीं कर सकते |
I want to talk to you. But, can't do it over the phone.
वो तुम्हारे टुकड़े टुकड़े
कर देंगे |
They will cut you to pieces.
तुम बहुत अच्छे वक़्त पर
आयी हो |
You've come at a very good time.
खर्राटे तो नहीं लेते हो
ना ?
You don't snore, do you?
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मैंने नहीं किया इसने
किया |
I didn't do it, it was him.
मैं डर गया था |
l was afraid,
क्या हुआ ? क्या कहा उसने ?
What happened? What did he say?
अपना सामान अपने बैग में
रखो |
Put your stuff in your bag.
| English Speaking
Tips for Beginners English is that window through which we can see the whole
मुझसे इससे ज्यादा की
उम्मीद मत करना |
Don't expect anything more from me.
वह दिल्ली गया है |
He went to Delhi.
यह सब क्या हो रहा है ?
what is all this happening?
शायद ना हो पर जब मैं
उसके साथ होती हूँ तो खुश होती हु जिंदा महसूस करती हूँ |
Perhaps, but when I'm with him I feel happy, feel alive.
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