Learn Different uses of infinitive in Hindi
क्या करूँ ?
What to do?
क्या खाऊ ?
What to eat?
क्या पियूं ?
What to drink?
कहाँ जाऊं ?
Where to go?
कहाँ सौऊँ ?
Where to sleep?
कहाँ खाऊं ?
Where to eat?
कैसे नाचूं ?
How to dance?
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We have two different types: the simple infinitive hablar and the perfect one haber hablado. This non-personal form always refers to the subject of the main verb Nosotros queremos comer = we want and we eat.
भूल गए कौन हूँ मैं ?Forgotten how I am?क्या तुझे कभी ऐसा लगा की तू मरने वाला है ?Did you ever feel you were gonna die?मैंने कोशिस की थी | उसका फ़ोन off है I tried. His cell phone is off.आपको अन्दर बुलाया गया है |You have been called inside.
Here are some infinitive phrases used as nouns. Like all nouns, an infinitive phrase can function as a subject, an object, or a complement within a sentence. Here are two examples of infinitive phrases as subjects: To have a big dream requires the same effort as having a small dream. Dream big!
तुमने सही किया |You did the right thing!तू अब यहाँ बेठ, में जा रहा हूँ |You sit here now. I'm going.उम्मीद मत हारो |Don't lose hope.अगर हमें भागना होता तो क्या हम आपके पास आते ?if we really had to run, would we come to you?
Infinitive verbs are verbals, which means they can be used as nouns, adjectives or adverbs. Depending on the words they follow, infinitives can function as different parts of a sentence, but not verbs. Examples of Infinitive Verbs as Nouns Infinitives can function as nouns when they follow particular verbs.
मैंने तुझे कितनी बार कहा है रीना से कुछ मत छुपाया कर |I told you so many times not to hide anything from Reena.यह ठीक घर के सामने खड़ा था |He was standing right outside the house.मैं उन्हें क्या बताता ?What could l tell them?इतना बड़ा धोका !such a big betrayal!
An infinitive can constitute the subject of a sentence. For example, in aTo go, even after all that trouble, didnat seem worthwhile anymore,a ato goa is the action that drives the sentence. .
अपने आप को संभालो कमल !Get a grip on yourself, Kamal!मैं तुम्हें कैसे यकीन दिलाऊं, बताओ मुझे ?How I should assure you, tell me?मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?How would i know?तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं ?You didn't tell me?
Gerunds can be used as a subject of a sentence. Take a look at some examples. Walking is good Both gerunds and infinitives can be used as objects of a sentence. You may say: aI enjoy drawing.a Infinitives should be used after many adjectives. Here are three sample sentences that will help to Only infinitives are used after certain verbs followed by nouns or pronouns referring to a person. Only gerunds are used after prepositions with one exception. Consider this sentence: I talked him See full list on fluentu
बताओ मुझे तुमने क्या पीया है ? बताओ मुझे |Tell me what did you drink? Tell me.तुम्हारा काम हो जायेगा |Your work will be done.क्या तुम्हारा उससे मिलने का मन नहीं करता ?Don't you feel like meeting them?एक घंटे से पहले नहीं निकलेगी |Won't be out before an hour.
An infinitive is a verbal that can function as noun, adjective, or adverb. It is formed by using ;to; the verb.
तो किसका पीछा करूँ ?So whom should I chase?मैं कैसी लग रही हूँ ?How am l looking?मैं बोलता हूँ | तुम्हें भी कुछ ऐसा ही करना चाहिय |I am telling you. Even you should do something like this.इसका नाम क्या रखें ?What should we name him?
पुलिस वाले कैसे आ सकते हैं यहाँ ?How can the cops be here?लेकिन उस दिन कुछ अलग हुआ |But that day something different had happened.चार दिन भी नहीं हुए उन्हें अभी शादी किये हुए और कमल ने लड़ाई भी शुरू कर दी |It's not even been 4 days since they're married... and Kamal has already started fighting!चलो चलकर पूंछते हैं | हमें पता चल जायेगा यह सच है या नहीं |Let's go and ask! We will find out whether it's true or not!
When an infinitive is used with the word atoa or to infinitive is called full infinitive. To infinitive = full infinitive. Uses of Full Infinitives: Full infinitives can function as a noun, an adjective or an adverb in a sentence.
मेरी बेटी को क्या हुआ ?What has happened to my daughter?कैसा चल रहा है ?How's everything?यह किस तरह का सवाल है ?what kind of question is this?क्या तुमने कभी मुझसे बोला की तुम मुझसे प्यार करते हो |Ηave you eνer told me that you love me?
Verbs with to-infinitives. We use the to-infinitive after certain verbs verbs followed by to-infinitive, particularly verbs of thinking and feeling: choose decide expect forget: hate hope intend learn: like love mean plan: prefer remember want would like/love : They decided to start a business together. Remember to turn the lights off. and verbs of saying: agree: promise: refuse: threaten: We agreed to meet at the
जब मैं वापस आऊँ तो मुझे ऐसी है मिलना जैसी अब हो |when I come back, I want to see you just the way you are now.तूने बिल जमा नहीं किया |You.. didn't pay the bill.मुझे पता है तेरा stretching से क्या मतलब है |I know what you mean by stretching.मैं तुम्हारी और कमल की जिम्मेदारी लेने के लिए तैयार हूँ |I am ready to take your and Rohan's responsibility!
An infinitive can be a to -infinitive or a bare infinitive without to. There is no difference in meaning between them; some structures require a to -infinitive, while others call for a bare infinitive: I ought to call them. to -infinitive I had better call them. bare infinitive
मैं बैठू या लेटूं तुझे उससे क्या फर्क पड़ता है |Whether l lie down or sit down what difference does it make to you.मैं तुम्हारे सामने खड़ा हूँ |I'm right before you.तुम मेरे साथ आ रहे हो मेरे घर ?You're coming with me, to my home?इस नाटक को चलने दो |let this charade go on.
//nbsp;;;Infinitive, to base verb The infinitive form is the base form of a verb with atoa. It is used after another verb, after an adjective or noun or as the subject or object of a sentence. I want to study.
आओ खाना खा लो | तुमने क्या पकाया है ?Come to eat food. What did you cook?तुम ऐसे क्यों चल रहे हो ?why are you walking like this?तुम मुझसे कहाँ भागते रहते रहे हो ?Where do you keep running away from me?जब तक हमें पैसे नहीं मिल जाते |Until we get the money.
//nbsp;;;The infinitive can be used as a gerundive, or a gerund which both happen to occur in the above passage.
तुमने मेरी हेडलाइट क्यों तोड़ी ?Why did you smash my headlight?तुमने अपनी बहन की शादी करवा दी और तुम मेरी मदद नहीं कर रहे हो | क्यों ?You got your sister married! And you are not helping me! Why?इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हें यहाँ अपना घर दिखने के लिये आया हूँ |That is why I have got you here to show you my home.एक आदमी है जो इसे कर सकता है |There is one man who can do it.
different uses of infinitive
तुम और कितना पेशाब करोगे ? हो गया क्या ?How much more will you pee? Is it done?निकाल इसे कार से बाहर | पीट इसे Pull him out of the car. Beat him up.तुझे जो समझना है समझ |you can understand whatever you want.मैं वो नहीं हूँ |I am not him..
Exactly. But there are some more verbs which can be followed by -ing or the infinitive, but the two options have different meanings, for example remember and stop. I never remember to lock the door, and my mum gets really angry! remember infinitive = remember something and then do it
अच्छी थी |It was nice.किसकी ज़िंदगी में problem नहीं होती ?Who does not have a problem in his life?जो शरीफ ईमानदार और इज्जतदार family से है |Who is decent, honest and belongs to a respectable family.जब मिलेंगे तब बताऊंगा |I'll tell you when we meet.
. Different Forms of Infinitives Verbs. . Infinitive Verbs Examples Rules. What are Gerunds, Definition Examples. . Gerunds Definition. . Gerunds Examples Rules. What are Participles, Definition Examples. Conclusion. Nonfinite Verbs a Infinitives, Participles Gerunds. Letas try to understand the basics of infinitives, participles gerunds.
क्या उसे शर्म नहीं आयी ?Didn't she feel ashamed?मुझे पछतावे का एक मौका देदो |Give me a chance to repent.तुम थके होगे जा के सो जाओ |You must be tired, go to sleep.तुम्हें उससे क्या लेना देना |What do you have to do with that?
There are different types of infinitive in English. The most common is the ato doa form of the verb, as in aI want to study Englisha, which we use after many verbs.
कानून सबके लिया एक सामान होना चाहिए |Law should be the same for everybody!कोई नहीं है |There is no one.कुछ चाहिए तुम्हे ?You want something?घर जाओ |You better go home.
Exam बस एक महीने दूर हैं |The exam is just three months away.आखिरी दम तक Until our last breath.अब तुम कहाँ जा रही हो ?Now where are you off to?आपको मुझे उठाना चाहिए था |You shouId've woken me up.
The most common way to use infinitive verbs is as a direct object or an indirect object. When the subject performs an action, the infinitive can answer the question aWhat?a as the object of that action. Examples of the above infinitives used as direct include: I want to be an astronaut.
मैं क्या गलत कर रहा हूँ ?What am l doing wrong?कोई कहीं नहीं जायेगा, उन्हें भी सच का पता चलना चाहिए | No one is going anywhere. They should know the truth as well.हर time बकवास मारता रहता हैं |Talking rubbish all the time!बहुत तेज बारिश होने वाली है |It's going to rain heavily.
//nbsp;;;Infinitive Phrases Infinitives beginning with ;to; and making up infinitive phrases are separate from prepositional phrases that use ;to; as in ;She drove to Chicago; to describe movement. An infinitive phrase is made up of the particle ;to;, an infinitive, and any accompanying objects, modifiers, or complements. Examples of infinitive phrases:
ऑफिस के अलावा और कहाँ जा सकता हूँ ?Where else can I go except to office?मैंने कुछ गलत नहीं किया |I didn't do anything wrong.कमल ने मेरे लिए बहुत कुछ किया है |Kamal has done a lot for me.तुम गुस्सा हो है ना ?You're angry, aren't you?
It is almost always used in negative sentences and questions. When it is used with an auxiliary or a modal verb, dare can be followed by the infinitive with or without to: I didn't dare to disturb him. Who would dare to accuse him? But when there is no auxiliary or modal, dare is followed by the infinitive without to: Nobody dared disturb him.
सिर्फ तभी हम उसे रंगे हाथो पकड़ा जा सकता है |Only then will he be caught red-handed.पहले fresh हो जाते है | उसके बाद हम यह सब करने की कोशिस करते हैं |Let's freshen up first. After that we can try to do all this. जैसा तुमने कहा था प्लान बिल्कुल वैसा ही चल रहा है |The plan's going just like you said.यह तू अपने दिमाग में डाल ले | मेरी बहन को भूल जा |Bear this in mind! Forget my sister!
//nbsp;;;The infinitive can be used as a noun. As a noun it can be the subject or object of the verb. To find fault is easy. Here the infinitive ato finda is the subject of the verb is.
लगता है तुम प्लेन से पहली बार सफ़र कर रहे हो |Looks like you'r travelling in a plane for the first time.तो और क्या कहता मैं ?So, what eIse couId I have said?क्या तूने रीना को कभी भाभी के बारे में बताया है ?Have I ever spoken about Reena to your sister-in-law?तो क्या करूं मैं ?What do i do then?
चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ झांकेगा भी नहीं |After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.हमारे दादा ने इसे बड़े शौक से बनाया था |My grandfather built it with great zest.तुम अब पोंछा क्यों लगा रही हो ?Why are you mopping now?अगर वह तुमसे प्यार करता है तो उसने तुमसे शादी क्यों नहीं की ?If he loves you, then why didn't he marry you?
//nbsp;;;There are verbs which take both gerund and infinitive, with different meanings: I remember going to the zoo. A memory of a past action I remembered to do my homework.
क्यों सर ? आप तो कल जाने वाले थे |Why, sir? You were supposed to leave tomorrow.गलत तरीके से कमायें पैसे ना उसे चाहिए ना मुझे |Neither he nor I need money obtained by wrong means मैं तेरी बकवास नहीं सुनना चाहती |I don't want to hear your rubbish.मेरे घर में क्या चल रहा है ?what is going on in my house?
We have two different types: the simple infinitive hablar and the perfect one haber hablado. This non-personal form always refers to the subject of the main verb Nosotros queremos comer = we want and we eat.
भूल गए कौन हूँ मैं ?
Forgotten how I am?
क्या तुझे कभी ऐसा लगा की तू मरने वाला है ?
Did you ever feel you were gonna die?
मैंने कोशिस की थी | उसका फ़ोन off है
I tried. His cell phone is off.
आपको अन्दर बुलाया गया है |
You have been called inside.
Here are some infinitive phrases used as nouns. Like all nouns, an infinitive phrase can function as a subject, an object, or a complement within a sentence. Here are two examples of infinitive phrases as subjects: To have a big dream requires the same effort as having a small dream. Dream big!
तुमने सही किया |
You did the right thing!
तू अब यहाँ बेठ, में जा रहा हूँ |
You sit here now. I'm going.
उम्मीद मत हारो |
Don't lose hope.
अगर हमें भागना होता तो क्या हम आपके पास आते ?
if we really had to run, would we come to you?
Infinitive verbs are verbals, which means they can be used as nouns, adjectives or adverbs. Depending on the words they follow, infinitives can function as different parts of a sentence, but not verbs. Examples of Infinitive Verbs as Nouns Infinitives can function as nouns when they follow particular verbs.
मैंने तुझे कितनी बार कहा है रीना से कुछ मत छुपाया कर |
I told you so many times not to hide anything from Reena.
यह ठीक घर के सामने खड़ा था |
He was standing right outside the house.
मैं उन्हें क्या बताता ?
What could l tell them?
इतना बड़ा धोका !
such a big betrayal!
An infinitive can constitute the subject of a sentence. For example, in aTo go, even after all that trouble, didnat seem worthwhile anymore,a ato goa is the action that drives the sentence. .
अपने आप को संभालो कमल !
Get a grip on yourself, Kamal!
मैं तुम्हें कैसे यकीन दिलाऊं, बताओ मुझे ?
How I should assure you, tell me?
मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?
How would i know?
तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं ?
You didn't tell me?
Gerunds can be used as a subject of a sentence. Take a look at some examples. Walking is good Both gerunds and infinitives can be used as objects of a sentence. You may say: aI enjoy drawing.a Infinitives should be used after many adjectives. Here are three sample sentences that will help to Only infinitives are used after certain verbs followed by nouns or pronouns referring to a person. Only gerunds are used after prepositions with one exception. Consider this sentence: I talked him See full list on fluentu
बताओ मुझे तुमने क्या पीया है ? बताओ मुझे |
Tell me what did you drink? Tell me.
तुम्हारा काम हो जायेगा |
Your work will be done.
क्या तुम्हारा उससे मिलने का मन नहीं करता ?
Don't you feel like meeting them?
एक घंटे से पहले नहीं निकलेगी |
Won't be out before an hour.
An infinitive is a verbal that can function as noun, adjective, or adverb. It is formed by using ;to; the verb.
तो किसका पीछा करूँ ?
So whom should I chase?
मैं कैसी लग रही हूँ ?
How am l looking?
मैं बोलता हूँ | तुम्हें भी कुछ ऐसा ही करना चाहिय |
I am telling you. Even you should do something like this.
इसका नाम क्या रखें ?
What should we name him?
पुलिस वाले कैसे आ सकते हैं यहाँ ?
How can the cops be here?
लेकिन उस दिन कुछ अलग हुआ |
But that day something different had happened.
चार दिन भी नहीं हुए उन्हें अभी शादी किये हुए और कमल ने लड़ाई भी शुरू कर दी |
It's not even been 4 days since they're married... and Kamal has already started fighting!
चलो चलकर पूंछते हैं | हमें पता चल जायेगा यह सच है या नहीं |
Let's go and ask! We will find out whether it's true or not!
When an infinitive is used with the word atoa or to infinitive is called full infinitive. To infinitive = full infinitive. Uses of Full Infinitives: Full infinitives can function as a noun, an adjective or an adverb in a sentence.
मेरी बेटी को क्या हुआ ?
What has happened to my daughter?
कैसा चल रहा है ?
How's everything?
यह किस तरह का सवाल है ?
what kind of question is this?
क्या तुमने कभी मुझसे बोला की तुम मुझसे प्यार करते हो |
Ηave you eνer told me that you love me?
Verbs with to-infinitives. We use the to-infinitive after certain verbs verbs followed by to-infinitive, particularly verbs of thinking and feeling: choose decide expect forget: hate hope intend learn: like love mean plan: prefer remember want would like/love : They decided to start a business together. Remember to turn the lights off. and verbs of saying: agree: promise: refuse: threaten: We agreed to meet at the
जब मैं वापस आऊँ तो मुझे ऐसी है मिलना जैसी अब हो |
when I come back, I want to see you just the way you are now.
तूने बिल जमा नहीं किया |
You.. didn't pay the bill.
मुझे पता है तेरा stretching से क्या मतलब है |
I know what you mean by stretching.
मैं तुम्हारी और कमल की जिम्मेदारी लेने के लिए तैयार हूँ |
I am ready to take your and Rohan's responsibility!
An infinitive can be a to -infinitive or a bare infinitive without to. There is no difference in meaning between them; some structures require a to -infinitive, while others call for a bare infinitive: I ought to call them. to -infinitive I had better call them. bare infinitive
मैं बैठू या लेटूं तुझे उससे क्या फर्क पड़ता है |
Whether l lie down or sit down what difference does it make to you.
मैं तुम्हारे सामने खड़ा हूँ |
I'm right before you.
तुम मेरे साथ आ रहे हो मेरे घर ?
You're coming with me, to my home?
इस नाटक को चलने दो |
let this charade go on.
//nbsp;;;Infinitive, to base verb The infinitive form is the base form of a verb with atoa. It is used after another verb, after an adjective or noun or as the subject or object of a sentence. I want to study.
आओ खाना खा लो | तुमने क्या पकाया है ?
Come to eat food. What did you cook?
तुम ऐसे क्यों चल रहे हो ?
why are you walking like this?
तुम मुझसे कहाँ भागते रहते रहे हो ?
Where do you keep running away from me?
जब तक हमें पैसे नहीं मिल जाते |
Until we get the money.
//nbsp;;;The infinitive can be used as a gerundive, or a gerund which both happen to occur in the above passage.
तुमने मेरी हेडलाइट क्यों तोड़ी ?
Why did you smash my headlight?
तुमने अपनी बहन की शादी करवा दी और तुम मेरी मदद नहीं कर रहे हो | क्यों ?
You got your sister married! And you are not helping me! Why?
इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हें यहाँ अपना घर दिखने के लिये आया हूँ |
That is why I have got you here to show you my home.
एक आदमी है जो इसे कर सकता है |
There is one man who can do it.
different uses of infinitive
तुम और कितना पेशाब करोगे ? हो गया क्या ?
How much more will you pee? Is it done?
निकाल इसे कार से बाहर | पीट इसे
Pull him out of the car. Beat him up.
तुझे जो समझना है समझ |
you can understand whatever you want.
मैं वो नहीं हूँ |
I am not him..
Exactly. But there are some more verbs which can be followed by -ing or the infinitive, but the two options have different meanings, for example remember and stop. I never remember to lock the door, and my mum gets really angry! remember infinitive = remember something and then do it
अच्छी थी |
It was nice.
किसकी ज़िंदगी में problem नहीं होती ?
Who does not have a problem in his life?
जो शरीफ ईमानदार और इज्जतदार family से है |
Who is decent, honest and belongs to a respectable family.
जब मिलेंगे तब बताऊंगा |
I'll tell you when we meet.
. Different Forms of Infinitives Verbs. . Infinitive Verbs Examples Rules. What are Gerunds, Definition Examples. . Gerunds Definition. . Gerunds Examples Rules. What are Participles, Definition Examples. Conclusion. Nonfinite Verbs a Infinitives, Participles Gerunds. Letas try to understand the basics of infinitives, participles gerunds.
क्या उसे शर्म नहीं आयी ?
Didn't she feel ashamed?
मुझे पछतावे का एक मौका देदो |
Give me a chance to repent.
तुम थके होगे जा के सो जाओ |
You must be tired, go to sleep.
तुम्हें उससे क्या लेना देना |
What do you have to do with that?
There are different types of infinitive in English. The most common is the ato doa form of the verb, as in aI want to study Englisha, which we use after many verbs.
कानून सबके लिया एक सामान होना चाहिए |
Law should be the same for everybody!
कोई नहीं है |
There is no one.
कुछ चाहिए तुम्हे ?
You want something?
घर जाओ |
You better go home.
Exam बस एक महीने दूर हैं |
The exam is just three months away.
आखिरी दम तक
Until our last breath.
अब तुम कहाँ जा रही हो ?
Now where are you off to?
आपको मुझे उठाना चाहिए था |
You shouId've woken me up.
The most common way to use infinitive verbs is as a direct object or an indirect object. When the subject performs an action, the infinitive can answer the question aWhat?a as the object of that action. Examples of the above infinitives used as direct include: I want to be an astronaut.
मैं क्या गलत कर रहा हूँ ?
What am l doing wrong?
कोई कहीं नहीं जायेगा, उन्हें भी सच का पता चलना चाहिए |
No one is going anywhere. They should know the truth as well.
हर time बकवास मारता रहता हैं |
Talking rubbish all the time!
बहुत तेज बारिश होने वाली है |
It's going to rain heavily.
//nbsp;;;Infinitive Phrases Infinitives beginning with ;to; and making up infinitive phrases are separate from prepositional phrases that use ;to; as in ;She drove to Chicago; to describe movement. An infinitive phrase is made up of the particle ;to;, an infinitive, and any accompanying objects, modifiers, or complements. Examples of infinitive phrases:
ऑफिस के अलावा और कहाँ जा सकता हूँ ?
Where else can I go except to office?
मैंने कुछ गलत नहीं किया |
I didn't do anything wrong.
कमल ने मेरे लिए बहुत कुछ किया है |
Kamal has done a lot for me.
तुम गुस्सा हो है ना ?
You're angry, aren't you?
It is almost always used in negative sentences and questions. When it is used with an auxiliary or a modal verb, dare can be followed by the infinitive with or without to: I didn't dare to disturb him. Who would dare to accuse him? But when there is no auxiliary or modal, dare is followed by the infinitive without to: Nobody dared disturb him.
सिर्फ तभी हम उसे रंगे हाथो पकड़ा जा सकता है |
Only then will he be caught red-handed.
पहले fresh हो जाते है | उसके बाद हम यह सब करने की कोशिस करते हैं |
Let's freshen up first. After that we can try to do all this.
जैसा तुमने कहा था प्लान बिल्कुल वैसा ही चल रहा है |
The plan's going just like you said.
यह तू अपने दिमाग में डाल ले | मेरी बहन को भूल जा |
Bear this in mind! Forget my sister!
//nbsp;;;The infinitive can be used as a noun. As a noun it can be the subject or object of the verb. To find fault is easy. Here the infinitive ato finda is the subject of the verb is.
लगता है तुम प्लेन से पहली बार सफ़र कर रहे हो |
Looks like you'r travelling in a plane for the first time.
तो और क्या कहता मैं ?
So, what eIse couId I have said?
क्या तूने रीना को कभी भाभी के बारे में बताया है ?
Have I ever spoken about Reena to your sister-in-law?
तो क्या करूं मैं ?
What do i do then?
चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ झांकेगा भी नहीं |
After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.
हमारे दादा ने इसे बड़े शौक से बनाया था |
My grandfather built it with great zest.
तुम अब पोंछा क्यों लगा रही हो ?
Why are you mopping now?
अगर वह तुमसे प्यार करता है तो उसने तुमसे शादी क्यों नहीं की ?
If he loves you, then why didn't he marry you?
//nbsp;;;There are verbs which take both gerund and infinitive, with different meanings: I remember going to the zoo. A memory of a past action I remembered to do my homework.
क्यों सर ? आप तो कल जाने वाले थे |
Why, sir? You were supposed to leave tomorrow.
गलत तरीके से कमायें पैसे ना उसे चाहिए ना मुझे |
Neither he nor I need money obtained by wrong means
मैं तेरी बकवास नहीं सुनना चाहती |
I don't want to hear your rubbish.
मेरे घर में क्या चल रहा है ?
what is going on in my house?
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